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bootstrap-bundle's Issues

KnpMenuBundle Issue

Hi everyone ! First of all, thanks for the GREAT job !!

I configured your menu template as the default template for the KnpMenuBundle which I am using, but I get this error:

Variable "matcher" does not exist in /mnt/sshfs/code/Harren/Sniper/vendor/braincrafted/bootstrap-bundle/Braincrafted/BootstrapBundle/Resources/views/Menu/menu.html.twig at line 100

I tried removing the lines involving the matcher in an overriden template of menu.html.twig, but the menu breaks up ...

Can you point me at the right direction for resolving this? Thanks a lot !! Is kind of urgent ...

I am using Symfony version 2.2.1
Braincrafted version "1.3.1"
KnpMenuBundle version was instaled via composer from the dev-master branch by some bundle needing it, don't recall which one.
On my composer.json I have "knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle": "dev-master",

Support form_type horizontal and inline also when using new form() function

With symfony 2.3 it is now also possible to simply use {{ form(myForm) }} to render a whole form. Unfortunately the form theme does not yet have specialization for the the according blocks and therefore form_type is not taken into account when actually rendering the

block. Based on the original block, adding

{% block form_start %}
{% spaceless %}
{% set method = method|upper %}
{% if method in ["GET", "POST"] %}
{% set form_method = method %}
{% else %}
{% set form_method = "POST" %}
{% endif %}
{% if form_type is defined %}
{% set attr_form = attr|merge({'class': (attr.class|default('') ~ ' form-' ~ form_type)|trim}) %}
{% else %}
{% set attr_form = attr %}
{% endif %}
<form method="{{ form_method|lower }}" action="{{ action }}"{% for attrname, attrvalue in attr_form %} {{ attrname }}="{{ attrvalue }}"{% endfor %}{% if multipart %} enctype="multipart/form-data"{% endif %}>
{% if form_method != method %}

{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock form_start %}

to form_div_layout.html.twig setups the correct css class based on the form_type.

KnpMenu dependency


I've just installed the bundle and I encounter this fatal error:

FatalErrorException: Error: Interface 'Knp\Menu\Matcher\Voter\VoterInterface' not found in vendor\braincrafted\bootstrap-bundle\Braincrafted\BootstrapBundle\Voter\RequestVoter.php line 20

As I'm not using KnpMenu theme and don't want to, I don't see why this is a mandatory requirement.

KnpMenu should not be required.

Combining help/help_block with append_input causes the help to be output twice

This may be my misinterpretation of the documentation, but when I use attr[help], or attr[help_block] combined with append_input, I get the following output:


{{ form_label(, 'Name') }}
{{ form_widget(, {'form_type': 'horizontal', 'attr': {
    'help_block': 'Used to generate a reference',
    'append_input': '123'}
}) }}

Output HTML:

<label for="..." class="required">Name</label>
<div class="input-append">
    <input type="text" id="..." name="..." required="required" maxlength="5" pattern="[A-Za-z]+" help_block="Used to generate a reference" append_input="">
    <span class="help-block">Used in our stock reference</span>
    <span class="add-on">123</span>
<span class="help-block">Used to generate a reference</span>

The main issue is that help-block inside input-append breaks the display (a gap when using inline, add-on is forced onto a newline when using block).

Additionally, it seems to me that the extra attr's shouldn't be added as attributes on the input. Is this to do with the way Symfony forms are implemented?

I'll attempt to dig into this/make a patch later on - but please let me know if my usage here is wrong :)

Translation-Support for KNPMenu?

To enable the translation within the KNPMenu i was overriding the Braincrafted menu.html.twig file and changed the last line

{% block label %}{% if options.allow_safe_labels and item.getExtra('safe_label', false) %}{{ item.label|raw|parse_icons }}{% else %}{{ item.label|parse_icons }}{% endif %}{% endblock %}


{% block label %}{% if options.allow_safe_labels and item.getExtra('safe_label', false) %}{{ item.label|trans(item.getExtra('translation_params', {}), item.getExtra('translation_domain', 'messages'))|raw|parse_icons }}{% else %}{{ item.label|trans(item.getExtra('translation_params', {}), item.getExtra('translation_domain', 'messages'))|parse_icons }}{% endif %}{% endblock %}

That works. But is there any (more elegant) way instead of overriding the bundle to achieve translation?

No easy way to disable automatic compilation of bootstrap files

I am trying to use this bundle primarily for the templating customizations it provides for forms, menus, etc.

I want to manage which parts of bootstrap I import via import directives in my master less file rather than including the entirety of bootstrap.

The bundle is assuming I want it to compile bootstrap for me from a single file and does this during cache clear and assetic dump which causes errors because I have not told it where to find bootstrap (as it doesnt need to know, I am managing this myself).

Currently I have tricked the bundle into not compiling with the following configuration

        bootstrap_css: ~

but I still have to configure the lessphp filter even though I dont want bootstrap compiled for me

    less_filter: lessphp

Is there an easy way to stop this bundle from trying to compile bootstrap for me or some alternative approach that is recommended in this case?

How to disable LESS?

Actually i'm working on WAMP and haven't foudn a solution to make Less work on windows (i get [Assetic\Exception\FilterException]
An error occurred while running:
"C:\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Users\Alessandro\AppData\Local\Temp\assFA4B.tmp" Input:

  • Bootstrap v2.3.1 [...] ) and LessPhp have problem with mixin file of bootstrap 2.3.1

So i decided to use default css/js bootstrap files cloned in the web/ folder as actually i don't need to compile less files.
The problem is that in dev mode it works and Assetic skip the LESS step... in production, also after cache:clear (env=prod) Assetic try anyway to launch LESS on ".css" files... i'm discouraged and i wouldlike to completely remove Less from my symfony installation. Is there some way to do this?

Ability for a custom Variables.less

Hi All,

I am trying to add a custom variables.less file by doing the following:

            - %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less
            - %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/less/responsive.less
            - %kernel.root_dir%/../src/DABSquared/CurveuBundle/Resources/doc/variables.less

My variables.less file does not seem to be overriding the base bootstrap one. I would prefer not to have to edit the base bootstrap files. Is the correct way of going about this or is their another way I seem to be missing?

Any help would be appreciated Thanks,


Add config options to manage assetic on my own

Today you are using a config extension to add your generated assetic into my project-config. I want do that on my own and don't like to get it in autmatically, can you provide a config-options which disable that ?

Radio list - wrong label in forms

I made a radio list using Symfony 2.1 forms. Choices field with multiple false and expanded true.
I have added 2 options

choices => [ 0 => Yes, 1 => No ]

Everything was rendered fine. But when I add label:

label => Grupa (instead of default name - group)

all radio buttons ended up with wrong label "Grupa" while I should see Yes/No options.
I didn't have time to fix form template. I just used default Symfony template instead one that was provided with bundle.

form_type - horizontal & form_row

For certain reasons I have to use form_row instead of form_widget.

Is there a way to set form_type : horizontal without using form_widget?

assetic:dump creates empty bootstrap*.css files ?

I don't know to what extent this is relevant, but I'm trying to use this bundle on a windows 7 x64 machine.

After some tinkering I got node.js and less working, but at this moment assetic:dump creates empty css files, and I have no idea why.

I followed the instructions at and the strange thing is that the JS files are created fine, so my assumption is that the node.js and less setup is OK...

twitter/bootstrap 2.3.* - no longer exists!

Oh man, I've just returned to Symfony development after a couple of months break and expected to use this bootstrap-bundle like I did before - but Twitter seem to have totally abandoned their 2.3.2 git repo essentially breaking your bundle because you depend on it.

Do you (or anyone) know where we can get a reliable Bootstrap v.2.3.* repo? Then add it to Packagist!

form checkbox doesn't display error-style

I have an issue with a checkbox:

{{ form_row(form.termsAccepted, {'form_type': 'horizontal'}) }}

just shows the normal style

with the error-message and not

Or am i doing something wrong?


Support form_type horizontal for buttons

Please add form_type support for buttons. Currently submit button is supported but changing form_type doesn't make any difference.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it should be done on:

{% block button_widget %}
{% endblock button_widget %}

Only one divider rendered

When adding dividers in between items only the first is rendered.

$item = $menu->addChild('d1', array('attributes' => array('divider' => true)));

File not found


i m new in symfony, i tried to install this bundle to get bootstrap into my project, everything is oki, i installed this bundle and the other knp-menu with composer, addes the line to the autoload of knp-menu this way:

$loader->add('', __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles');
$loader->add('', __DIR__.'/../vendor/knp-menu/src');

i added the thing in the config.yml, everything looks correct, i added the include for css and js in my base twig file

when i try to open a page it opens when i look the source everything is correct but when i click on the css path or the js path i got an 404

i m using symfony 2.1, thank you

Remove Assets from Bundle

I would like to remove the Twitter Bootstrap assets (JavaScript, CSS and images) from the bundle repository.

Currently I can see two possibilities to achieve this:


This is possible (see this StackOverflow answer), but messy. Composer should be used to manage PHP packages, not JavaScript packages.


Bower is a package manager for JavaScript. There is also a Symfony2 bundle called SpBowerBundle. Without the bundle users would have to add the Bower packages required by BootstrapBundle manually to their ´components.json`, with the bundle they only have to add the bundle to the SpBower configuration. However, it would add another bundle as a dependency to BootstrapBundle.

What do you think?

  1. Composer
  2. Pure Bower
  3. Bower with SpBowerBundle

Add icons to the menu

Hello, I'm trying out your bundle. I've created a menu and now I'm wondering how to add icons before menu labels.

Is this possible ?


Were is "_javascripts.html.twig" and "_stylesheets.html.twig" files?

In documentation you wrote:

The Bootstrap for Symfony2 bundle only contains the compiled and not minified versions of the CSS and Javascript files. We recommend using Assetic to minify the files. If you want to compile your own version of Twitter for Bootstrap you can do this. Just look at the content of _javascripts.html.twig and _stylesheets.html.twig, copy the content into your bundle and replace the CSS and JavaScript files with your own.

I can't fined those files in repository.

form error messages not appearing for choice widgets

I'm creating this as a new issue because the scope is much more narrow than it was before.

On a form field that uses a dropdown or checkbox selection, no form errors appear.

Please see if you can reproduce.

Symfony 2.3 support and Bootstrap 3.0 RC

At the frontpage (of the github page) / readme it shows support for symfony 2.2. Symfony 2.3 is out since a little while and bootstrap 3.0 is already at release candidate and hopefully soon will be at a final version. Does the bootstrap-bundle support symfony 2.3 and bootstrap 3.0 rc ?

Twitter bootstrap icons problem

after installing 1.3.1 in my project and applying new configuration - bootstrap icons are missing. 404 (Not Found)

My config:

Assetic Configuration

debug: %kernel.debug%
use_controller: false
bundles: [ StypendiumBundle ]
node: /usr/bin/node
node_paths: [/usr/lib/node_modules]
apply_to: ".less$"
cssrewrite: ~
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/less/responsive.less
- less
- cssrewrite
output: css/bootstrap.css
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-transition.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-alert.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-button.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-carousel.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-collapse.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-dropdown.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-modal.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-tooltip.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-popover.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-tab.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-affix.js
output: js/bootstrap.js
- %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/jquery/jquery/jquery-1.9.1.js
output: js/jquery.js

Collection field

There are a problem with the collection field, the attribut "data-prototype" dont appear on the view.

Automatically configure Assetic problem


I ve an issue with the version 1.4.0. In order to generate the file bootstrap.css, i use lessphp. Can you add lessphp to your assetic configuration ?

            file: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/leafo/lessphp/
            apply_to: "\.less$"

Glyphicons not showing

I have created the sym links as you suggested below:

$ ln -s ../../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png
$ ln -s ../../vendor/twitter/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png

and they are valid, but no icons appear on my app. (I'm in the app_dev.php environment.)

Thanks for any help.

Problem with duplicate error message

For example {{ form(form) }} show if an error occurs two equal error messages, its wrong.
But {{ form(form, {'form_type': 'inline'}) }} doesn't.

That's because:

    {% elseif form_type is defined and form_type == 'horizontal' %}
        {{ block('horizontal_row') }}


    <div class="control-group{% if errors|length %} error{% endif %}{% if validation_state is defined %} {{validation_state}}{% endif %}">
        {{ form_label(form) }}
        <div class="controls">
            {{ form_widget(form) }}

And form_widget(form) renders field and error.

but {{ form(form) }} renders widget (with input and error) and additionally error again.

So it looks like this one:

bildschirmfoto 2013-07-03 um 17 01 00

boostrap-bundle always overrides (prepends) twig form config

The docs say:
BootstrapBundle automatically styles every form in your application with Twitter Bootstrap. If you want to use a different form theme than the one provided by BootstrapBundle, you can change your Twig configuration

            - "AcmeBundle:Form:form_div_layout.html.twig"

However, here

the form config is always prepended to any configuration in app/config.yml. That actually means you cannot override the default boostrap-bundle form via app/config.yml as stated in the docs.

Any suggestion how to override "BcBootstrapBundle:Form:form_div_layout.html.twig" is welcome.

Item "nav_type" for "Array" does not exist in BraincraftedBootstrapBundle:Menu:menu.html.twig at line 111

the error message:

Item "nav_type" for "Array" does not exist in
BraincraftedBootstrapBundle:Menu:menu.html.twig at line 111

my twig line:

{{ knp_menu_render('BattlemamonoMainBundle:Builder:settingSidebarMenu') }}

my menu builder function:

public function settingSidebarMenu(FactoryInterface $factory, array $options)
    $menu = $factory->createItem('settingSidebar');
    $menu->setChildrenAttribute('class', 'sidenav');
    $menu->addChild('What is Battlemamono?', array(
            'uri' => '#whatis',
    $menu->addChild('History', array(
            'uri' => '#history',

    $menu->addChild('Mamono', array(
            'uri' => '#mamono',

    $menu['Mamono']->addChild('Evolution', array(
            'uri' => "#evolution",

    $menu->addChild('Humans', array(
            'uri' => '#humans',
    $menu->addChild('Loci Beast', array(
            'uri' => '#loci',
    $menu->addChild('Essence', array(
            'uri' => '#essence',
    $menu->addChild('Life', array(
            'uri' => '#life',
    $menu->addChild('The World', array(
            'uri' => '#whatis',
    $menu->addChild('Appendix', array(
            'uri' => '#appendix',

    return $menu;

if i add {'nav_type': 'stacked_tabs'} to the

{{ knp_menu_render('BattlemamonoMainBundle:Builder:settingSidebarMenu') }}


{{ knp_menu_render('BattlemamonoMainBundle:Builder:settingSidebarMenu', {'nav_type': 'stacked_tabs'}) }}

it works.

please help with this.

Symfony dependancy in composer.json

Would be awesome if the composer.json had appropriate dependencies on symfony versions so the appropriate errors would pop up during a composer update.

If you have a list of symfony versions compatible with each tag I'd be happy to make the contribution.

form error messages not appearing in horizontal layout

Below is my form code. When I do this messages don't appear on the individual fields. If I take out horizontal formatting, they appear. They will also appear with error bubbling but not inline.

I'm running latest symfony 2.3.2.

<form class="form-horizontal" action="{{ path('organizationuser_update', { 'organization_user_id':, 'organization_id': }) }}" method="post" {{ form_enctype(edit_form) }}>
        <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" />
        {{ form_widget(edit_form, {'form_type': 'horizontal'}) }}
            <button class="btn" type="submit">Save</button>

here is the form builder for permissions.

->add('permissions', null, array(
                                            'constraints' => array(
                                                new Count(array(

                                                                  'min' => 2,
                                            'required'      => false,
                                            'multiple'      => true,
                                            'expanded'      => true,


Here is a screenshot. Stuff turns red but no messages.

screen shot 2013-07-20 at 11 01 33 am

Bootsrap-bundle doesn't work with knplabs/knp-menu-bundle v1.1.x-dev

I've been working with symfony 2.1 and 2.2. The point is at the beginning I was using knplabs/knp-menu-bundle dev-master as v1.1.0, then bootstrapmenubundle was working fine. The problem began when I ran composer.phar update due to I added a new bundle, composer asked me for the new dev version of knplabs/knp-menu-bundle, then when I check my environment I watched the following error: Variable "matcher" does not exist in /BraincraftedBootstrapBundle/views/Menu/menu.html.twig at line 100.

Add class attribute for pagination

Allow to add class attributes like this : {{ knp_pagination_render(pagination, null, {}, {'attr':{'class':'myClass' }}) }}

Thanks a lot.

Error after install

I have this error after fresh install bundle:
Cannot import resource "." from "/var/www/ghtest/app/cache/dev/assetic/routing.yml".

class not found

When using composer to include this bundle, Symfony returns:
( ! ) Fatal error: Class 'Braincrafted\BootstrapBundle\BraincraftedBootstrapBundle' not found in /*path_to_my_symfony_app/app/AppKernel.php on line 23

I added
new Braincrafted\BootstrapBundle\BraincraftedBootstrapBundle()

to AppKernel and tried adding the path to the autoloader:

$loader->add('', __DIR__.'/../vendor/braincrafted/bootstrap-bundle/Braincrafted/BootstrapBundle');

Then tried to update via composer and clear the cache multiple times. I don't see what I'm doing wrong here :(

Assetic compiler error when using lessphp

When using lessphp I get the following error when running assetic:dump
There is no "less" filter.

I found a workaround to solve this issue modifying Bc\Bundle\BootstrapBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration::buildConfigTree

the line

app_dev.php not prepended when using assetic

I'm having a problem with

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/bootstrap.css') }}">

I need to use

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('app_dev.php/css/bootstrap.css') }}">

to get things to work okay. Is there something wrong with my configuration?

symfony in alias directory

i try the bundle, but when I used with symfony install in alias directory, files bootstrap no found (404)


GET http://localhost/bundles/braincraftedbootstrap/js/bootstrap.js 404 (Not Found) WorlZZZ:24
GET http://localhost/bundles/braincraftedbootstrap/css/bootstrap.css 404 (Not Found) WorlZZZ:6
GET http://localhost/bundles/braincraftedbootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css 404 (Not Found)

Can I add my_directory_demo/ to url?
Sorry my poor english. Thanks

My template using

{% include 'BraincraftedBootstrapBundle::_stylesheets.html.twig' %}


{% include 'BraincraftedBootstrapBundle::_javascripts.html.twig' %}

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