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qlockwork's Introduction

An advanced firmware for a DIY "word-clock".

Qlockwork is an ESP8266 (NodeMCU or WeMos D1 mini) firmware (under GPL license) for a so called "word-clock",
initially implemented by ch570512 (thanks Thorsten) and evolved by bracci.

The clock adjusts the time and date once every hour via NTP with a time server on the Internet.
If an RTC is installed, the time of the ESP is also set from the RTC via the SyncProvider.

At startup the clock performs a short self test.
The sequence of the colors should be: red, green, blue and white. If not, your LED driver setup is wrong.
The clock also shows the local IP address it received via DHCP.
Use this address in a browser to access the clocks web site to set it up.

WiFi manager: If the clock can not connect to any WLAN at startup, it turns on an access point(AP).
Connect a mobile phone or tablet to the AP and enter the WLAN credentials. A white "WiFi" is shown on the clock.
On success there are three short beeps and "WiFi" will be green.
If no WLAN is connected or the timeout has expired, there is a long beep and "WiFi" turns red.
After the WLAN timeout the clock works without NTP but you can still control it via its AP.
Without WLAN the clock uses the optional RTC to set the time or if no RTC is present has to be set manually.
In either ways the clocks IP is shown as a textfeed.

WPS: First press the WPS button on your WLAN router, then press the mode button on the QlockWiFive for more than 
5 seconds. While keeping the menu button pressed, don't get confused about the mode first increments (e.g. seconds),
then after 2s jumps to settings and only after 5 seconds "WPS" is shown in blue color on the clock display. Release
the button and wait. On success "WPS" will turn green. At failure it turns red.

Events can be shown at a certain repetition rate (every 5/15/30/60 minutes) on a particular day of the year as an 
animation (e.g. a firework) followed by a textfeed. Up to 8 events can be configured through the web interface. 
Go to settings (gear icon) -> events (birthday cake icon). You can set a text and color as well as an animation
and the desired repetition rate for every event.

Up to 30 animation files (examples in folder /data) can be stored on the file system to be selected and
played on events. Code snippets and files used from manfred-hofmann (thanks Manfred).

Updates of the firmware could be uploaded via USB, OTA or the clocks webserver.
You will find more help and information on how to configure and compile the firmware in "" in the zip-archive.
You will also find a circuit diagram, a partslist and some pictures in the "/misc" directory.
All sensors, the RTC and the buzzer are optional.
The clock can run even with an ESP8266 module only.

Warning:    Do not power up the clock from USB only.
            This would blow up the ESP or even the USB port because of high power demand of the LED stripe.
            Always use an external 5V powersupply with at least 3A.

Disclaimer: Qlockwork uses lots of third party libraries.
            We can not guarantee the integrity of these libraries.
            You use the Qlockwork firmware at your own risk.

You can find some more information about QLOCKWORK here:

You can download the latest version of the firmware here:

Shop Hardware here:

Visit this forum for comments, suggestions and bug reports: (QlockWiFive) (Qlockwork)

Top features:

Almost no electronics needed. Only an ESP8266 and an LED-stripe.
Optional support for LDR/photo transistor, buzzer, temperature and humidity sensor, IR sensor/remote and buttons.
Support for NeoPixel (RGB and RGBW) LED-stripes.
Support for various horizontal and vertical LED layouts. 5 layouts included.
Webpage to control and configure the clock via WiFi.
WPS functionality for a quick and easy WiFi setup.
Settings via on-screen menu using tactile buttons or IR-remote to control.
Adaptive brightness control when using an LDR or photo transistor.
3 transitions for timechange.
Indoor temperature from RTC, MCP9808 or BME280 or temperature and humidity from DHT or BME280 sensor.
Outdoor temperature and humidity from OpenWeather. You need an APIKey from OpenWeather to use this feature.
Visualisation of moonphase.
Show sunrise and sunset times with animation.
Textfeed and animations for 8 custom events and infos.
Upload up to 30 animation files, usable for events.
Support for 16 frontcovers (original and DIY) in 6 languages.
25 colors.
3 color change modes (incl. mood light -> continuous color change)
99 minute timer.
2 Alarms with weekday selection.
NTP timesync with timezone support.
Automatic adjustment of daylight saving time.
USB and over-the-air firmware updates.
Admin settings page to configure time server, OpenWeather API key & location and the front cover.


Sunrise (needs OpenWeather)
Sunset (needs OpenWeather)
Room temperature (needs RTX or DHT22)
Room humidity (needs DHT22)
Outdoor temperature (needs OpenWeather)
Outdoor humidity (needs OpenWeather)

Auto brightness control
Color change
Daily switch off time
Daily switch on time
Fallback timeout back to time

Needed libraries: (recommended/tested versions in brackets)

Arduino IDE for Windows (1.8.57)
esp8266 by ESP8266 Community (3.1.2)
Arduino_JSON by Arduino (0.1.0)
Adafruit NeoPixel by Adafruit (1.11.0)
Adafruit Unified Sensor by Adafruit (1.1.9)
Adafruit MCP9808 by Adafruit (2.0.0)
Adafruit BME280 by Adafruit (2.4.1)
ArduinoHttpClient by Arduino (0.4.0)
ArduinoOTA by Juraj Andressy (1.0.7)
DHT sensor library by Adafruit (1.4.3)
DS3232RTC by Jack Christensen (2.0.0)
IRremoteESP8266 by Sebastien Warin (2.8.4)
Time by Paul Stoffregen (1.6.1)
WiFiManager by tablatronix/tzapu (0.16.0)
Timezone by Jack Christensen (1.2.4)

Compiler-Options: (recommended/tested)

Board: "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini"
CPU Frequency: "80 MHz"
Flash Size: "4M (3M SPIFFS)"
Debug port: "Disabled"
Debug Level: "None"
IwIP Variant: "v2 Lower Memory"
VTables: "Flash"
Exceptions: "Disabled"
Erase Flash: "Only Sketch"
SSL Support: "All SSL ciphers"


For OTA and web-server updates check out:
Don't forget to install Python 2.7 and to select "Add python.exe to path" while installing.

Call "http://your_clocks_ip/update" to upload a new firmware via webbrowser.
Call "http://your_clocks_ip/reset" to restart the ESP.
Call "http://your_clocks_ip/wifiReset" to forget all WiFi networks and credentials.
Call "http://your_clocks_ip/settingsReset" to forget all settings.
Call "http://your_clocks_ip/factoryReset" to forget all settings, WiFi networks and credentials.
Call "http://your_clocks_ip/admin" to open the admin settings page.
Call "http://your_clocks_ip/fs" to open the file system on the ESP and upload animation files, e.g. stored in the repository in the folder "web".

Operation manual:

Press "on/off" to switch the LEDs on and off.
Press "Settings" to configure the clock via web-site.
Press "Mode" to jump to the next page. Long press enters settings menu. (if enabled by SHOW_MODE_SETTINGS)
Press "Time" to always jump back to the time page.
Press "Plus" to increase LED brightness or to increment value/switch options in settings menu.
Press "Minus" to decrease LED brightness or to decrement value/switch options in settings menu.

*** Modes: *******************************************************************

Time:                               The default mode of the clock. Shows the actual time. :)
Display AM/PM:                      Indicates whether it is AM or PM.
Seconds:                            Shows the seconds.
Weekday:                            Shows the weekday in local language.
Date:                               Shows day and month.
Sunrise:                            Time of sunrise.
Sunset:                             Time of sunset.
Moonphase:                          Shows the moonphase.
Room temperature:                   Display of the measured temperature in the room (only with RTC, MCP9808, BME280 or DHT22).
Room humidity:                      Display of the measured humidity in the room (only with BME280 or DHT22).
Outdoor temperature:                Display the temperature for your location from OpenWeather.
Outdoor humidity:                   Display the humidity for your location from OpenWeather.
Timer:                              Display of the remaining time if a timer is set.
LED-Test:                           Moves a horizontal bar across the display.
Red:                                Set all LEDs to red.
Green:                              Set all LEDs to green.
Blue:                               Set all LEDs to blue.
White:                              Set all LEDs to white.

*** Settings (on-screen): ***************************************************

Auto brightness control (AB):		Enable (EN) or disable (DA) adaptive brightness control.
                                    Brightness will adjust itself in the range of MIN_BRIGHTNESS and brightness.
Color (CO):							Choose one of 25 colors (0~25) for the LEDs.
Color change (CC):					Change the color in intervals.
                                    Do not change (NO), every 5 minutes (5), every hour (60), every day (24), continuously (MD).
Transition (TR):					Choose between none (NO), matrix (MX), move up (UP) or fade (FD) mode transition.
Purist Mode (PT):					Enable (EN) or disable (DA) purist mode. It will be shown every half and full hour anyway.
Show "GSI" (GS):					Enable (EN) or disable (DA) the term GSI for swiss german.
Time (TI ME):						Set the current time in case no internet connectivity is available. The seconds are set to zero.
Year (YY):							Set the current year in case no internet connectivity is available.
Month (MM):							Set the current month in case no internet connectivity is available.
Day (DD):							Set the current day in case no internet connectivity is available.
Daily switch off time (DO FF):		Set the time at which the clock switches off automatically (e.g. at the evening).
Daily switch on time (D ON):		Set the time at which the clock switches on automatically (e.g. at the morning).
Fallback timeout (FB):				Time in seconds to change mode back to time. (0: disabled, max. 60s)

*** Settings (web): **********************************************************

Alarm 1:                            Enable (on) or disable (off) alarm 1.
                                    Time for alarm 1.
                                    Weekdays on which alarm 1 is active.
Alarm 2:                            Enable (on) or disable (off) alarm 2.
                                    Time for alarm 2.
                                    Weekdays on which alarm 2 is active.
Hourly beep:                        Short beep every full hour.
Timer:                              Sets the minute timer. Set to zero to disable a running timer.
Show temperature:                   Enable (on) or disable (off) showing the temperature in time view.
Auto brightness control:      		Enable (on) or disable (off) adaptive brightness control.
                                    Brightness will adjust itself in the range of MIN_BRIGHTNESS and brightness.
Brightness:                         Brightness of the LEDs in percent. The range is MIN_BRIGHTNESS to MAX_BRIGHTNESS.
                                    If ABC is enabled this is the maximum achievable brightness.
Color:                              Choose one of 25 colors for the LEDs.
Colorchange:                        Change the color in intervals.
                                    Do not change (off), every 5 minutes (five), every hour (hour), every day (day), continuously (mood).
Transition:                         Choose between fast, move or fade mode transition.
Fallback timeout:           		Time in seconds to change mode back to time. (0: disabled, max. 60s)
Daily switch off time:              Set the time the clock turns itself off at night.
Daily switch on time:               Set the time the clock turns itself on at day.
Purist Mode:                       	Enable (on) or disable (off) purist mode. It will be shown every half and full hour anyway.
Show "GSI":							Enable (on) or disable (off) the term GSI for swiss german.
Set date/time:                      Date and time of the clock. The seconds are set to zero if you press save.

*** Admin Settings (web): ****************************************************
Time server:						URL of the preferred time server
OpenWeather API key:				API key provided by Openweather allowing to get weather information through API.
OpenWeather location				Location which the weather information should refer to. Needs to follow the location format of 
									OpenWeather, e.g. "Bern, CH". Check out on and check for your city.
Language/dialect:					Language or dialect of the used front cover.
Light sensor column no.				Column number in which the light sensor is installed.			
Light sensor row no.				Row number in which the light sensor is installed.

Configuration.h - Software settings:

#define PRODUCT_NAME                The name of the clock.
#define WEBSITE_TITLE               Title on top of the clocks webpage.
#define WIFI_SETUP_TIMEOUT          Time in seconds set up the WiFiManager or search for a WLAN.
                                    If no WLAN is connected the clock enters AP mode.
                                    You can control the clock if you connect your phone or tablet to this accesspoint.
                                    On Android you have to tell the phone that it's ok to have no internet.
#define WIFI_AP_PASS                The password for the AP. At least 8 characters. Default is "12345678".
#define OTA_PASS                    Password for "Over the Air" updates. Default is "1234".
#define NTP_SERVER                  NTP server to be queried.
#define NTP_TIMEOUT                 Milliseconds to wait for NTP server to answer.
#define WIFI_BEEPS                  Beep 3 times if WIFI is conneced, if not, beep one time on startup.
#define SHOW_IP                     Show local IP at startup. Use this in the browser to access the clocks menue.
#define NONE_TECHNICAL_ZERO         Displays the zero without the diagonal line.
#define AUTO_MODECHANGE_TIME        Time in seconds to wait between switching from time to temperature.
#define FEED_SPEED                  Feed delay in milliseconds. 120 is a good start.
#define SUNSET_SUNRISE_SPEED        Milliseconds delay between sunrise screen -> sunrise time and sunset screen -> sunset time
#define ALARM_LED_COLOR             Color of the alarm LED. If not defined the display color will be used.
                                    The possible colors are:
                                    WHITE, RED, RED_25, RED_50, ORANGE, YELLOW, YELLOW_25, YELLOW_50, GREENYELLOW,
                                    GREEN, GREEN_25, GREEN_50, MINTGREEN, CYAN, CYAN_25, CYAN_50, LIGHTBLUE, BLUE,
                                    BLUE_25, BLUE_50, VIOLET, MAGENTA, MAGENTA_25, MAGENTA_50, PINK.
#define ABUSE_CORNER_LED_FOR_ALARM  Use the upper right minute LED as alarm LED. Only works if ALARM_LED_COLOR is defined.
                                    If no alarm or timer is set the LED is used as expected.
#define DEDICATION                  Show a text on the clocks webpage.

#define POWERON_SELFTEST            Test LEDs at startup. Colors are: white, red, green, blue. In this order.
#define SHOW_MODE_AMPM              Show AM/PM.
#define SHOW_MODE_SECONDS           Show seconds.
#define SHOW_MODE_WEEKDAY           Show weekday.
#define SHOW_MODE_DATE              Show date.
#define SHOW_MODE_MOONPHASE         Show moonphase.
#define SHOW_MODE_SUNRISE_SUNSET    Show sunrise and sunset times.
#define SHOW_MODE_TEST              Show tests.
#define SHOW_MODE_SETTINGS	        Show on-display settings menu.

#define APIKEY                      Enables OpenWeather features.
#define DEFAULT_LOCATION            Default location for OpenWeather.

#define TIMEZONE_*                  The time zone in which the clock is located. Important for the UTC offset and the
                                    summer/winter time change.
#define LANGUAGE_*					Language of the web interface.

Configuration.h - Hardware settings:

#define ESP_LED                     Displays the function using the LED on the ESP. It flashes once a second.

#define ONOFF_BUTTON                Use a hardware on/off-button.
#define MODE_BUTTON                 Use a hardware mode-button.
#define TIME_BUTTON                 Use a hardware time-button.
#define PLUS_BUTTON					Use a hardware plus-button.
#define MINUS_BUTTON				Use a hardware minus-button.

#define SENSOR_DHT22                Use a DHT22 sensor module (not the plain sensor) for room temperature and humidity.
#define DHT_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET      Sets how many degrees the measured room temperature (+ or -) should be corrected.
#define DHT_HUMIDITY_OFFSET         Sets how many degrees the measured room humidity (+ or -) should be corrected.

#define SENSOR_MCP9808				Use a MCP9808 sensor or sensor module.
#define MCP_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET		Sets how many degrees the measured room temperature (+ or -) should be corrected.

#define SENSOR_BME					Use a BME280 sensor or sensor module.
#define BME_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET		Sets how many degrees the measured room temperature (+ or -) should be corrected.
#define BME_HUMIDITY_OFFSET         Sets how many degrees the measured room humidity (+ or -) should be corrected.

#define RTC_BACKUP                  Use an RTC as backup and room temperature.
#define RTC_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET      Sets how many degrees the measured room temperature (+ or -) should be corrected.

#define LDR                         Use an LDR for adaptive brightness control (ABC).
#define LDR_IS_INVERSE              Combined with #define LDR inverses the value of the LDR.
#define LDR_HYSTERESIS              Brightness control from a deviation in the range from 0 to 1023. Default: 40.
                                    If your display is flickering increase this value.
#define MIN_BRIGHTNESS              Minimum brightness of LEDs ranging from 0 to 255. Default: 20.
#define MAX_BRIGHTNESS              Maximum brightness of LEDs ranging from 0 to 255. Default 255.
                                    Your powersupply has to support this brightness.
#define BRIGHTNESS_SELFTEST         Brightness of the LEDs while in testmode to not overload the powersupply.

#define BUZZER                      Use a buzzer to make noise for alarmtime and timer.
                                    If not defined all alarmfunctions are disabled.
#define BUZZTIME_ALARM_1            Maximum time in seconds for alarm 1 to be active when not turned off manually.
#define BUZZTIME_ALARM_2            Maximum time in seconds for alarm 2 to be active when not turned off manually.
#define BUZZTIME_TIMER              Maximum time in seconds for the timer alarm to be active when not turned off manually.

#define IR_REMOTE                   Use an IR remote control.
#define IR_LETTER_OFF               Turns off the LED behind the IR sensor permanently. This improves IR reception.
#define IR_CODE_*                   Any remote control can be used. 6 keys are supported.
                                    Press a button on the remote control in front of the clock.
                                    Then write the code displayed in the serial console to the file "Configuration.h".
                                    If you see more than one try the code which is changing from button to button.
                                    DEBUG has to be defined to show you the code.

#define NEOPIXEL_RGB                Select if your LEDs are RGB only.
#define NEOPIXEL_RGBW               Select if your LEDs have a distinct white channel (RGBW).

#define NEOPIXEL_TYPE               Specifies the NeoPixel driver. 400kHz, 800kHz, GRB, RGB, GRBW, RGBW...
                                    See \libraries\Adafruit_NeoPixel.h for help.

#define LED_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL_1     Horizontal and corner and alarm LEDs at the end of the strip. (As seen from the front.)

111                    114                    112
   000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
   021 020 019 018 017 016 015 014 013 012 011
   022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032
   043 042 041 040 039 038 037 036 035 034 033
   044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054
   065 064 063 062 061 060 059 058 057 056 055
   066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076
   087 086 085 084 083 082 081 080 079 078 077
   088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098
   109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 099
110                                           113

#define LED_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_1       Vertical and corner and alarm LEDs (almost) within the strip. (As seen from the front.)

000                    114                    102
   001 021 022 041 042 061 062 081 082 101 103
   002 020 023 040 043 060 063 080 083 100 104
   003 019 024 039 044 059 064 079 084 099 105
   004 018 025 038 045 058 065 078 085 098 106
   005 017 026 037 046 057 066 077 086 097 107
   006 016 027 036 047 056 067 076 087 096 108
   007 015 028 035 048 055 068 075 088 095 109
   008 014 029 034 049 054 069 074 089 094 110
   009 013 030 033 050 053 070 073 090 093 111
   010 012 031 032 051 052 071 072 091 092 112
011                                           113

#define LED_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_2       Vertical and corner and alarm LEDs at the end of the strip. (As seen from the front.)

112                    111                    110
   009 010 029 030 049 050 069 070 089 090 109
   008 011 028 031 048 051 068 071 088 091 108
   007 012 027 032 047 052 067 072 087 092 107
   006 013 026 033 046 053 066 073 086 093 106
   005 014 025 034 045 054 065 074 085 094 105
   004 015 024 035 044 055 064 075 084 095 104
   003 016 023 036 043 056 063 076 083 096 103
   002 017 022 037 042 057 062 077 082 097 102
   001 018 021 038 041 058 061 078 081 098 101
   000 019 020 039 040 059 060 079 080 099 100
113                                           114

#define LED_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_3       Vertical and corner and alarm LEDs at the end of the strip. (As seen from the front.)

111                    114                    110
   009 010 029 030 049 050 069 070 089 090 109
   008 011 028 031 048 051 068 071 088 091 108
   007 012 027 032 047 052 067 072 087 092 107
   006 013 026 033 046 053 066 073 086 093 106
   005 014 025 034 045 054 065 074 085 094 105
   004 015 024 035 044 055 064 075 084 095 104
   003 016 023 036 043 056 063 076 083 096 103
   002 017 022 037 042 057 062 077 082 097 102
   001 018 021 038 041 058 061 078 081 098 101
   000 019 020 039 040 059 060 079 080 099 100
112                                           113

#define LED_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_4       Vertical and corner and alarm LEDs at the end of the strip. (As seen from the front.)
#define LED_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_4_XXL	Indentically with LED_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_4 but with 2 LEDs per letter.

011                    114                    113
   010 012 031 032 051 052 071 072 091 092 112
   009 013 030 033 050 053 070 073 090 093 111
   008 014 029 034 049 054 069 074 089 094 110
   007 015 028 035 048 055 068 075 088 095 109
   006 016 027 036 047 056 067 076 087 096 108
   005 017 026 037 046 057 066 077 086 097 107
   004 018 025 038 045 058 065 078 085 098 106
   003 019 024 039 044 059 064 079 084 099 105
   002 020 023 040 043 060 063 080 083 100 104
   001 021 022 041 042 061 062 081 082 101 103
000                                           102

#define LED_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_5       Vertical and corner and alarm LEDs (almost) within the strip. (As seen from the front.)

000                    062                    103
   001 021 022 041 042 061 063 082 083 102 104
   002 020 023 040 043 060 064 081 084 101 105
   003 019 024 039 044 059 065 080 085 100 106
   004 018 025 038 045 058 066 079 086 099 107
   005 017 026 037 046 057 067 078 087 098 108
   006 016 027 036 047 056 068 077 088 097 109
   007 015 028 035 048 055 069 076 089 096 110
   008 014 029 034 049 054 067 075 090 095 111
   009 013 030 033 050 053 071 074 091 094 112
   010 012 031 032 051 052 072 073 092 093 113
011                                           114

Configuration.h - Misc:

#define DEBUG                       Show debug infos in the serial console.
#define DEBUG_WEB                   Show debug infos on the web page.
#define DEBUG_MATRIX                Renders the output of the matrix for the German front in the serial console.
#define DEBUG_FPS                   Show number of loops per second in the serial console.

#define SYSLOGSERVER                Turn logging to a syslogserver on/off.
#define SYSLOGSERVER_SERVER         Address of the syslogserver.
#define SYSLOGSERVER_PORT           Port of the syslogserver.

#define UPDATE_INFO_*               The update info periodically anonymously checks if there is a firmwareupdate
                                    available. No user data is send to the host. Comment if you do not want this info.
#define UPDATE_INFOSERVER           Address of the updateinfo server.
#define UPDATE_INFOFILE             Path and name of the updateinfo file.

#define SERIAL_SPEED                Serial port speed for the console.


a1=0                                Alarm 1 on [1] or off [0]
a1t=hh:mm                           Alarm 1 hour [hh] and minute [mm]
a1w1=2                              Set Sunday
a1w2=4                              Set Monday
a1w3=8                              Set Tuesday
a1w4=16                             Set Wednesday
a1w5=32                             Set Thursday
a1w6=64                             Set Friday
a1w7=128                            Set Saturday
a2=0                                Alarm 2 on [1] or off [0]
a2t=hh:mm                           Alarm 2 hour [hh] and minute [mm]
a2w1=2                              Set Sunday
a2w2=4                              Set Monday
a2w3=8                              Set Tuesday
a2w4=16                             Set Wednesday
a2w5=32                             Set Thursday
a2w6=64                             Set Friday
a2w7=128                            Set Saturday
hb=0                                Hourly beep on [1] or off [0]
ti=0                                Timer in minutes
mc=0                                Modechange on [1] or off [0]
ab=1                                ABC on [1] or off [0]
br=50                               Brightness in percent
co=14                               Number of the LEDs color. See Colors.h
cc=0                                Number of colorchange. See Colors.h
tr=1                                Number of transition. See Modes.h
to=15                               Timeout in seconds
no=hh:mm                            Night off hour [hh] and minute [mm]
do=hh:mm                            Day on hour [hh] and minute [mm]
ii=1                                Purist mode on [1] or off [0]
gs=0								Enable [1] or disable [0] the term GSI for swiss german
st=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm                 Set time and date

ev0t=Happy+Birthday					Feed text (max. 30 characters) for event no.0
ev0ani=0							Animation name [0~29] for event no.0
ev0d=YYYY-MM-DD						Date for event no.0
ev0c=0								Color [0~24] for event no.0
ev0rep=4							Repetition rate [0~4] for event no.0
ev0t=Happy+Birthday					Feed text (max. 30 characters) for event no.7
ev0ani=0							Animation name [0~29] for event no.7
ev0d=YYYY-MM-DD						Date for event no.7
ev0c=0								Color [0~24] for event no.7
ev7rep=4							Repetition rate [0~4] for event no.7

http://your_clocks_ip/commitAdminSettings?                   URL of preferred time server
adwk=123...                         API key used for OpenWeather
adwl=bern, ch						Openweather location
adfc=0								Front cover [0~13]

buzzer=1                            Number of times the buzzer will beep before showing the text (optional)
color=0                             Color of the textfeed, 0 to 24 (optional)
text=text                           Set text of feed, max. 80 characters

mode=0                              Set clock to mode=0 (time), mode=1 (am/pm), ...
                                    mode=17 (off, if all other modes are enabled) -- see modes.h and count.

Reverted special cases for HW v1.2. Made a separate branch (V1_2wButtons) for HW v1.2 which uses buttons.

Added pin definitions for button and buzzer on HW v1.2.

Introduced layout and board for QlockWiFive Mini v1.1.
Fixed bug in SWISS GERMAN ZH dialect.

Introduced settingsReset and factoryReset. 

Introduced settings for LDR position.
Fixed bug in dialect "Swiss German GR".
Added missing conditions and added web debug content for BME280.

Introduced dialect of Sardinia.

Introduced BME280 sensor to measure and display temperature and humidity.

New swiss german dialect: Aargau (AG) & Graubuenden (GR). Available in the admin area.
Force WiFi not to go to any sleep mode.

New swiss german dialect: Zurich (ZH). Available in the admin area.

Fixed bug: color range of random color change.

Optimized configuration. Little bug fixing.

Watchdog optimization.

Improoved stability and robustness against watchdog attacks. Some cosmetics to the web interface.

GSI optional for swiss german. Renamed "IT IS" to purist mpde.

Optimized and stabilized WiFi connectivity. WPS functionality. Brightness setting visualization.

Admin settings accesible by calling "http://your_clocks_ip/admin". Here you can find settings which should not change open or
even never throughout the lifetime of the clock.

Introduced on-screen settings menu, plus/minus buttons, file storage and events 
using animations (thanks Manfred), enhanced IR control (especially for QlockWiFive IR control), 
transition demo (IR), matrix transition, mood color mode, MCP9808 temperature sensor, bug fixing.  


Fixed the issue that adaptive brightness control (ABC) can not be disabled in settings.

Moved the web-site from "" to ""
The UPDATE_INFOSERVER also moved there. Please update your Configuration.h

Fixed a bug causing the project not to compile in a certain configuration.
<Qlockwork.ino:1504:33: error: 'save_color_sunrise_sunset' was not declared in this scope>

Clocks brightness from LDR is now transitioning smoothly between values.
Sunrise and sunset now uses global timeout to switch back to time.
Fixed a bug causing the RTC not to work.
Added option to select RBG or RGBW for LedDriver.
Using transition "Move up" in menus. "Fade" was not working too well.

Fixed a bug preventing compilation using esp8266 by ESP8266 Community (3.0.2).
IDE change from VisualMicro to free Visual Studio Code.

Mode sunrise and sunset (Thanks to GenosseFlosse).

Reduced the watchdog resets (Thanks to espuno).

Fixed openweather bug for more than one weathercondition (Thanks to Manfred).
Setting RTC vom Web should be LT - not UTC (Thanks to Manfred).
Clear all LEDs before exiting test pattern (Thanks to espuno).
Calculate white channel for NEO_WRGB (Thanks to Manfred).
New LED_LAYOUT_VERTICAL_3 (Like vertical 2 but alarm LED = 114).

WLAN RSSI on WEB page in Debug.
// -30 dBm Ausgezeichnet Dies ist die maximal erreichbare und für jedes Einsatzszenario geeignete Signalstärke.
// -50 dBm Ausgezeichnet Dieser ausgezeichnete Signalpegel ist für alle Netzwerkanwendungen geeignet.
// -65 dBm Sehr gut Empfohlen für die Unterstützung von Smartphones und Tablets.
// -67 dBm Sehr gut Diese Signalstärke reicht für Voice-over-IP und Video-Streaming aus.
// -70 dBm Akzeptabel Diese Stufe ist die minimale Signalstärke um eine zuverlässige Paket-Zustellung zu gewährleisten.
// -80 dBm Schlecht Ermöglicht grundlegende Konnektivität, die Paket-Zustellung ist jedoch unzuverlässig.
// -90 dBm Sehr schlecht Meistens Rauschen, das die meisten Funktionen behindert.
//-100 dBm Am schlechtesten Nur Rauschen.

Outdoor pressure on WEB page.
Replaced WEB page title HOSTNAME with WEBSITE_TITLE in configuration (Thanks to GenosseFlosse).

Turn off timer when it is running.
Some localization in settings and weather.
Fixed alarm running 4 times longer than configured.
Set Hostname (Thanks to toto79).
Fixes to Buttons for esp8266 2.7.x (Thanks to toto79).
Fixes to WiFiManager for esp8266 2.7.x (Thanks to toto79).

WEB API for Clock On/Off.


Outdoor weather from OpenWeatherMap.
New LED driver with LED array mapping.
Reworked Configuration.h
Switched to lean Arduino_Json.h

Some housekeeping.

#define WIFI_BEEPS
Fixed rare flickering in fade transition.

Maior update of "Readme.txt"

Removed Yahoo weather.

Bugfix negative outdoorTemperature.
Bugfix outdoorCode not available.

No hourly beep if clock is off.
Some small improvements.

Settings set to defaults!
Hourly beep.
Set color of textfeed from URL.
Set color of events[0].text from URL.
Code cleanup and some minor bugfixes.

Show textfeed from URL.

Set events[0] from URL.
Name is back to Qlockwork (from Qlockwork2).

Use esp8266 by ESP8266 Community Version 2.4.2
Updated included libraries.
Removed legacy support for LPD8806RGBW.
Hardwareflags in debuginfo on webpage.
If NTP-request fails, try again every minute - don't wait for an hour.
More housekeeping.

Cleaned up libraries.

Transition "Move up"
Rewrote some code.
Removed FastLED.

Hardware mode-, on/off- and timebutton.
Moved PIN_IR_RECEIVER from D3 to D0.
Tooltips for webbuttons.
Added description of the Web-API in Readme.txt
Cleanup and bugfixes.


Set weekdays for alarms on web-page.
Set alarm to "on" if alarmtime is changed.
Set time, timeout, "Night off", "Day on" on web-page.
Removed settings from clock-menu which are present on web-page.
AP mode if no WLAN is connected.
"#define DEBUG" and "#define DEBUG_WEB" are back.
Switched from RestClient.h to ArduinoHttpClient.h
Moved setting of frontcover to configuration.h "#define FRONTCOVER_*"
Removed "#define LANGUAGE_*". Now set from "#define FRONTCOVER_*"
Removed experimantal DUAL-support.
Settings set to defaults.

20171111 (stable):
Cleanup and bugfixes.
New syslog format.

Changing automode.
Bugfix for Firefox.

Settings of alarms, colorchange, automode and show "It is" on Web-Page.
RTC is now on UTC.

Color humidity indicator.
Faster Web-GUI.
Better offline behavior.
Reset via URL.

Adaptive Brightness Control (ABC).
New syslog logging.
Code cleanup and bugfixes.

Inital release.

qlockwork's People


biketec-bracher avatar ch570512 avatar


MW avatar C64Emulator avatar  avatar  avatar Manfred Hofmann avatar


C64Emulator avatar  avatar

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