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bothub's Introduction


Build Status Coverage Status Python Version License GPL-3.0

Bothub is an open platform for predicting, training and sharing NLP datasets in multiple languages.


BotHub is an NLP as a service tool that enables users to build, improve or translate datasets that extracts metadata from text.

You can read more about the project's purpose on this blog post.

What's here

This repo is the "master" repo for all Bothub-related projects. It hosts the documentation and other misc. resources for Bothub. Code for other projects, like the WebApp, Engine, NLP Worker, NLP API and NLP On Demand, are hosted in other repositories.


All documentation available on


Instant Server Installation with Docker


Instead of using standard Docker commands, you may want a little more automated management of your deployment. This is where using Docker-compose can be useful.

  • Make sure Docker and Docker-compone are installed and operational.
  • Check if your docker-swarm is enabled, if not, go to the configuration session.
  • Edit image: bothubit/bothub-(project): develop to specify which image you want to use (see the section Images available in Docker)

Add two networks for internal project communication:

docker network create bothub-nlp -d overlay
docker network create postgres -d overlay

Then add docker-compose.yml with docker stack

docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml bothub

after carrying out all the deploy, check if all containers were started with the command:

docker service ls

If it is the first time that you have run the project, you will need to run the migrations to create the tables in the database, for this run the command:

make engine_migration

to populate the database with fakes data, you can use the command:

make engine_fakedata

This docker stack process allows you to upload our services quickly, it automatically downloads our images generated from the Docker Hub itself. With that you have practically moved up our entire stack, you will only be missing the frontend.

To build the bothub-webapp project you need to have the dependencies installed correctly:

# Version
git >= 2.x.x
nodejs >= 12.x.x
yarn >= 1.x.x

To install the project you must clone the project:

make clone_webapp

Then, you can notice that a new folder was created with the project code bothub-webapp, just access the directory with the command:

cd bothub-webapp

and install the project dependencies with the yarn command:

yarn install

after installing the dependencies, just start bothub-webapp's development server with the command:

yarn start

this way you will already be able to use our entire stack, remembering that each project has its environment variables configurable, to change consult the documentation for each specific project.


We are looking for collaboration from the Open Source community! There's so much we want to do, including but not limited to: enhancing existing applications with new features, optimizing the NLP tools and algorithms involved that boost accuracy, and bringing our work closer to the public to leverage their inputs via blog posts and tutorials.

Using the issue tracker

The issues created here will be analysed and validated. They can be submitted to the bothub, bothub-webapp, and/or bothub-nlp repository as well.

The issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports and features requests, but please respect the following restrictions:

  • Please do not use the issue tracker for personal support requests (send an email to [email protected]).

  • Please do not derail or troll issues. Keep the discussion on topic and respect the opinions of others.

Feature requests

Feature requests are welcome. But take a moment to find out whether your idea fits with the scope and aims of the project. It's up to you to make a strong case to convince the project's developers of the merits of this feature. Please provide as much detail and context as possible.

To request a new feature, create a new issue using the label feature request.

bothub's People


dougppaz avatar dyohan9 avatar johncordeiro avatar williamtales avatar


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bothub's Issues

Improvement in bot screen tab names



The tab titles today are a bit confusing, I have a suggestion for improvement (if it makes sense):

Status > Summary
Trainings > Training (singular)
Translated Sentences > Translation status (only the T in upper case)
Analyze Text > Integrations (or Integration)

Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

Autocomplete problem

While I'm trying to send new examples it's hard to autocomplete the intent textfield or even the label textfield, while tapping a suggested word it isn't filled on the textfield above the words list.

Browser: Any
OS: Any
Authenticated: Yes
URL: Any
captura de tela 2018-09-17 as 11 17 52

Flags tooltips


How about we include a tooltip in the flags with the language it represents?

Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

Disable upvote/downvote button

When I vote on a bot I'm still able to change my choice, after my first vote in a bot these buttons should become disabled to avoid such behaviour.

Browser: Any
OS: Any
Authenticated: Yes
URL: Any bot

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Upvote or downvote any bot;
  2. tap the opposite button(up or down vote);
  3. See the vote count changing;

Click-through area of itens of ​​Intents and Labels list is too small


Each item of these lists are big cards with content, but you can only "enter" the item by clicking on a small link on the bottom. The whole card should be clickable, the Show sentences link could be changed to a tooltip (Click to show all sentences) or both, link and number of sentences, could be written like: "Click to see all X sentences".


Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any
URL: any bot's page

Suggestion: Use "Sentences" instead of "Examples".


I do not know if it had a concept in using Examples, but I found it very unnatural.


In fact, I have seen that in some places we are using sentences. I think the ideal was to use one expression only (or are they really different things?)


Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

Add auto-complete on labels field

When you are training examples and creating new labels, it doesn't appear in the auto-complete selection for the upcoming training records.

Browser: Chrome
Authenticated: Yes
URL: https://localhost/

Ghost Intent

Intents that have been deleted continue appearing in autocomplete and status!


If you train a new intent and delete it later, that intent will continue to exist in the autocomplete and Status of your bot repository!

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Train a new Intent;
  2. Delete it after;
  3. Check in Status. You will see the GHOST INTENT.

Move "Updates" to Status tab


I know that maybe it's not possible to do right now, but the Updates section is inside Analyze Text tab and it makes no sense, I think it should be on Status tab (especially if we change it's name to Summary)


Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

Intent field not formatted in browser edge

The Intent field not formatted in browser edge.

Browser: Edge
OS: Windows 10
Authenticated: Yes

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. In the navigated Edger, enter a bot.
  2. Go to the Examples tab
  3. You will see the Unformatted Intent field


Sign up button to the wrong tab

When you click on the Sign Up button in the home page, it opens the modal with the Login tab enabled, instead of Create account

Browser: Chrome
Authenticated: No

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Go to the home page;
  2. Click on the Sign Up button;

Edit repository slug

When you have to edit your repository configs, and changes its slug, after saving the changes the screen reloads with the old slug and says that the repository doesn't exist. it's a weird behaviour.

Browser: Any
OS: Any
Authenticated: Yes
URL: Any of your repositories

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Open up one of your repositories.
  2. Tap edit button to start editing your repository.
  3. Change the repository slug and try to save it.

The bothub presents an error that looks like your repository doesn't exist anymore.

Improve the "Repository Trained!" modal



  1. Put close button inside the modal
  2. Remove this title, it's unnecessary since Languages ​​Report is the only thing we have on this modal
  3. Repository Trained! > Repository trained successfully!
  4. Put this caption below the modal title, we need to see the caption before the content
  5. Show only the languages in use on the bot
  6. Correct the spacing
  7. It's nice to put an OK button at the end of the modal

Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

No feedback when trying to create a uppercased/white spaced intents

The user don't receives any feedback from the server telling that he can't create intents with uppercase letters or white spaces.

Browser: Chrome
Authenticated: Yes
URL: Any bot

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Type a new intent with any uppercased letter;
  2. Type a new phrase;
  3. Try to submit the new example;

Improve the "Train Status" modal




I suggest joining these informations in one modal, with the title Training status.

If there are no errors or warnings, show the message "Your bot is ready to be trained!" with the training button (active).

This modal should open by clicking any of the links on the status bar: Warnings, Requirements missed or Train.

Also improve the icons next to the flags, make it more informative.

Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

Tags are not clickable

You cannot click on the tags.

Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any


I think it's not intuitive to be unable to click on tags, it could link to the corresponding filter (back in bot listing).

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Try to click on tags on home or bot's screens.

Any other information you want to share that is relevant to the issue being reported.

Adjustments on the status bar



  • Only warnings and requirements missed appear in different colors, signaling that they are clickable
  • How about we change Requirements missed for Errors? Shorter is better.
  • Review icons
  • Highlight the Train link

Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

500 internal server error

After uploading new examples to my repository I just tried to train it, but I got an 500 internal server error many times.

Browser: Chrome
OS: Any
Authenticated: Yes

Is that a serious issue? Cause it already happened with me a few times, I don't know why this is happening, and how to solve this neither. Please fix this, looks like the system isn't stable.

Add auto-complete to new entities

When you are training examples and creating new entities, it doesn't appear in the auto-complete selection for the upcoming training records.

Browser: Chrome
Authenticated: Yes
URL: https://localhost/

Simplify prediction results

When predicting sentences, remove start and end fields on entities detection. The suggestion is to create a new parameter to get the full result when needed.

Browser: Chrome
Authenticated: Yes
URL: https://localhost/

Bug - Deletion Training

Bug - Deletion Training:
Deleted examples are persisting in training, and this factor is cumulative if you continue testing on Analyze Text.

Browser: Google Chrome
OS: Ubuntu 17.10
Authenticated: Yes

Deleting examples in the Bothub repository, the intent decision confidence persists and accumulates if I repeat the process, increasing the result.

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Enter the example "Eu quero fazer uma simulação" and click the Train button;
  2. Go to Analyze text, enter the same example and click the Analyze button;
    The confidence will return a wrong intention decision:
    Intention: "contato";
    (N)% confidence.
  3. Delete the repository example by clicking the trash icon;
  4. Repeat step 2 and you will see that the confidence is greater than the previous one.

Update button text

When the user taps to edit a repository, a new screen pops up to the user to change the repository settings, before these updates take any effect the user need to tap a button "Edit" but this text should be "Save", "Update" or even "Save edit".

Browser: Any
OS: Any
Authenticated: Yes
captura de tela 2018-10-08 as 09 37 07

Improve English base language

Would be awesome if this base could receive some improvement, small changes on the analyzed such as a simple coma, makes a severe intent change on this language.

For example on the ( if you test "no whats this" we receive "negative (74.7%)", but if you try "no, whats this" you will receive "affirmative (64.5%)".

PS.: Set English as analyzed language.

Browser: browser
OS: operating system
Authenticated: Yes/No

Improvement on UX


  • Add a placeholder to the textfield where the user should type a new phrase;
  • Force lowercased letter on the intent textfield;
  • Disable "Submit example" button while there is any missing field;

Browser: Any
OS: Any
Authenticated: Yes
URL: Any bot

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Type a new intent title;
  2. Keep the phrase field blank;
  3. Try to submit a new example;

The user receives a error, these errors could be simplified if the submit button become disabled.

Very abrupt transition between tabs

The loading when switching between tabs on bot's screen is too abrupt.

Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: No


Is it really necessary to reload the entire page? Is it possible to reload only the inside of the tab?

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Click on any bot in bot's listing
  2. Switch between tabs.

Hidden sentences

Scrolling and clicking the button "more", the sentences disappear.

Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows 10
Authenticated: Yes

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Access a bot with many sentences
  2. Click the more button several times until the end of opening all the sentences.
  3. Scroll up and down.


Blocked feature message

Short and descriptive example bug report title

Browser: Chrome
Authenticated: No

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Try to upvote/downvote any bot.
  2. You will receive a message "Authentication credentials were not provided."

This message could be improved, maybe a friendly message asking to the user to log in before up/down voting any bot.

Strange behavior on code tabs


This is happening at the Analyze Text tab, haha!


Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Click on any bot
  2. Go to Analyze Text tab
  3. Switch between the code tabs

Can't analyze Phases like..."ia muito top"

Short and descriptive example bug report title

Browser: Chrome
OS: Any
Authenticated: Yes

After traning the repository I tried to analyze a few phrases, when I tried running the phrase "ia muito top" I got the error message:

captura de tela 2018-09-10 as 15 18 15

After the error I tested other different phrases, and this worked well, but after that I tried phrases like:

  • "ia muito topper"
  • "ia muito topzera"

captura de tela 2018-09-10 as 15 22 58

Updating settings and remove sentences, training keeps enabled

After updating settings and remove all the sentences from a language, Train button keeps enabled.

Browser: Chrome
Authenticated: Yes

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Update the settings to "Use competing intents" for example;
  2. Remove all the sentences from a language translation;
  3. Train the bot;

screen shot 2018-10-24 at 6 24 38 pm

It should not work, because the requirements are not attended.

Differ 'sign in' from 'sign up'

Short and descriptive example bug report title

Browser: Any
OS: Any
Authenticated: No

There is only a single button to the user login on the platform, when the user taps on sign in appears a white box to sign in or sign up, it would be better if the user could choose between login in ou signing up before tapping sign in.

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Try to access any feature that needs authenticated access.
  2. See that appears a sign in button on the top right corner.

The user should choose between login or registration.

Bug - Intent decision

Bug: "vai tomar no **"
When inserting the text " vai tomar no ** " to Analyze Text, the intent decision return a wrong value: Intent: "informacao" with "100%" of confidence.

Browser: Google Chrome
OS: Ubuntu 17.10
Authenticated: Yes

Steps to reproduce the error:

1 - Open the Analyze Text;
2 - Choose the language "Brazilian Portuguese";
3 - Enter the text "Vai tomar no **" and click on "Analyze".

Another Information:
This Bothub repository doesn't have a training with the text "Vai tomar no **".

"api" or "docs" user

api or docs user

Question: What happens if I create a user called api or docs?
Answer: You never will access your bots! 😄

Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: any

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Just create a user with the name "api"

Edit bot not working

Edit bot not working

Browser: Edge
OS: Windows 10
Authenticated: No

I can not edit the information for a bot.
Clicking on edit button in the created bot will loop load.

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Enter in your bot
  2. Click on edit button

Wrong sentences counting in intents list

In the intents list, it shows the number of sentences related to it, but when you remove sentences they still are considered for the counting.

Browser: Chrome
Authenticated: Yes

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Add a sentence with the Intent "positive";
  2. In the "Trainings" tab you see the list of Intents with 1 sentence inside;

screen shot 2018-10-24 at 6 05 11 pm

  1. You remove the sentence related to it;
  2. You add a new sentence to the same intent "positive" and now you see 2 sentences instead of just one;

screen shot 2018-10-24 at 6 05 30 pm

  1. When you click in the Intent you see just one.

screen shot 2018-10-24 at 6 05 35 pm

Bots aren't loading when logged

Bot details screen is not loading when I'm logged, not even if the bot is mine.

Browser: Mozilla Firefox
OS: any
Authenticated: Yes

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Log in
  2. Click on any bot

Estrange behavior of tooltip


In the Trainings screen, a tooltip is behaving strangely, it's on the label Intent:


Browser: any
OS: any
Authenticated: Yes
URL: any bot you have access

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Click on any bot you have access to
  2. Enter the Trainings tab
  3. Click on the tooltip on the label Intent

Training with no sentences

When you add a sentence in an empty bot and remove it afterward, even keeping the bot empty you can train it.

Browser: Chrome
OS: Mac oS
Authenticated: Yes

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Train a new sentence;
  2. Delete the sentence;
  3. Click on Train button;

Automatic training in browser Edge

In the Edge browser, when you assign an entity and click the OK button, the Submit Example action is executed.

Browser: Edge
OS: Windows 10
Authenticated: Yes

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. In the navigated Edger, enter a bot.
  2. Go to the Examples tab
  3. Write a sentence and select a word
  4. Add the name to an entity and click ok

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