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react-native-largelist's People


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react-native-largelist's Issues



Rows just show after all rows render


I'm implementing largelist and I found that any row will just show if all rows are render. Or maybe I'm just doing something wrong ... Maybe because I'm using native-base to make my views ? I really don't know.

My array have ~240 items.

Here is a video of it:

I think rows should show as they render, not after all are rendered.


import { Content, Text, ListItem } from "native-base";

 renderItemLarge(section, row) {
    let item = this.props.array[row];
    //console.log('render ' + row);
    return (
      <ListItem onPress={() => this._handleClickIndex(row)} style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }}>

 renderLargeList() {
   const { array } = this.props;
    if (!fetched) {
      return (
    } else {
      return (
            numberOfRowsInSection={() => array.length}
            heightForCell={() => 90}


  • react-native: 0.51.0
  • native-base: 2.3.5
  • react-native-largelist: 1.1.0

onRefresh 的功能

onRefresh 是否支持自定义事件、视图?
例如:今日头条,下拉刷新后,滚动到新加载的N条内容结尾,会有一个文字按钮[刚刚看到这里 点击刷新],点击后回到顶部刷新新的数据(下拉加载)

如何去掉边框?border 总有一点灰色的小边框




import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet, Text } from 'react-native';
import { LargeList } from "react-native-largelist";

export default class LogsScreen extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.haha = [{ key: 1, title: 'nice' }, { key: 2, title: 'hello' }, { key: 3, title: 'world' }]
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor:'#fff'}}>
          style={{ flex: 1}}
          numberOfRowsInSection={section => 3}
          heightForCell={(section, row) => row % 2 ? 100 : 100}
          heightForSection={section => section % 2 ? 0 : 0}
  renderItem(section, row) {
    let food = this.haha[row];
    return (<View style={{flex: 1}}>


numColumns support?

The library will be support for numColumns?
I replace FlatList with this lib and is really faster, but I need a grid view, and I can't found how to do it with the lib.


Gray background

There is a gray background in this component which I cannot locate inorder to disable as it recks my design

is this support for dynamic height?

Sometimes we have different height for each components, and it's not good for us to define the height one by one, is this support for dynamic height?

How does onLoadMore work

How do i load more data from an Api when list gets to the bottom. I tried

  onLoadMore={()=> {

it didnt work.

numberOfRowsInSection changes are not getting updated

I have a list with a single section and an array of rows that dynamically changes length. It looks like the list isn't getting updated when the array length changes, even when the list container is getting re-rendered.

behaviour for "keyboardShouldPersistTaps" not working.

Thanks for adding behaviour for "keyboardShouldPersistTaps" to the list.

But this is not working on any platform. I'm passing the prop "keyboardShouldPersistTaps" to the list, and giving "handled"(any type is not working eg. "always", "never", "true", "false") but not working yet.
Am I doing anything wrong?

Steps to reproduce -

  1. render a large list component with the prop "keyboardShouldPersistTaps"
                ref={ref => (this.indexes = ref)}
                style={{ flex: 1 }}
                numberOfSections={() =>}
                numberOfRowsInSection={(section) =>[section].child.length}
                heightForSection={() => 39}
                renderItemSeparator={() => null}
                onLargeListDidUpdate={() => this.setState({ loading: false })}

How to fix this?
RN version - 0.51.0
react-native-largelist version - 1.2.6

Behaviour for "keyboardShouldPersistTaps" in the list.

Kudos to this nice list you made. 👍 👍
Can there be any behavior like "keyboardShouldPersistTaps"? Like that in Flatlist/SectionList given by react native.
Currently when the keyboard is opened and you tap on any list item, first the keyboard is closed and another tap is required to actually select the item.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the keyboard while the list is also opened.
  2. Select the list item.

Again, thanks for making performant lists in react native.

scrollToIndexPath BUG

when I use scrollToIndexPath if animated = false, the screen rendering will broken.


用scrollToIndexPath,animated = false的时候 调用这个函数, list展现会出现bug。


当在 renderHeader 属性 中加入元素的时候 上拉加载不起作用了没有回调,去掉后是正常的

Any possibility to make it reload when pulling from top?

There's onLoadMore call back that is invoked when pull up on the bottom.
But can we extend or add more callback that going to be invoked when pull up on the top?

You may saw that some of ListView shows loading spinner at the header when user try to pull up on the top.


来感谢一下,性能的确比 FlatList 好很多

我的 FlatList 里每个 item 就一张图片,一小段文字,俩按钮(下载和删除)。
不知道为什么 FlatList 就是卡的要死(RN 0.52 + Android)

搞了几天,后来换成 LargeList 问题就好了。

(请随意关闭此 issue)

Build of example isn't working

Seems like there's an error when i tried to run using react-native run-ios
Here's the error log that i get

1 error generated.


The following build commands failed:

	CompileC /Volumes/Workspace/react-native-largelist/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ RCTNetworkTask.m normal x86_64 objective-c
	CompileC /Volumes/Workspace/react-native-largelist/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ RCTSettingsManager.m normal x86_64 objective-c
(2 failures)

Installing build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=2):
Failed to install the requested application
An application bundle was not found at the provided path.
Provide a valid path to the desired application bundle.
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist

Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist

My react native version

react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.50.4
node: 9.1.0
npm: 5.5.1

RN contribution

Why dont you contribute to RN instead of creating new repos?

Warning: Native component for "STTVCellView" does not exist

Warning: Native component for "STTVCellView" does not exist
Warning: Native component for "STTVCellContainerView" does not exist
Warning: Native component for "STTVSectionView" does not exist
Warning: Native component for "STTVTableView" does not exist
Warning: Native component for "STTVHeaderView" does not exist
Warning: Native component for "STTVFooterView" does not exist



enable nativeOptimize for iOS breaks touch events in custom cells

Great work with the larget list, however we are still not satisfied with the performance. So we tried to use native option, rendering works great but the cells don't receive their own touch events for some reason.

Running on latest 1.1.0 release.

It's a TouchableOpacity we've added to the cell and in another cell it's a horizontal scrollview. Only cell selection works.

renderCell not working.

This is how I setting the largelist:

                  style={{ flex: 1 }}
                  onRefresh={() => this.refreshData()}
                  numberOfRowsInSection={section => this.state.listlength}
                  heightForCell={(section, row) => row % 2 ? this.minCellHeight : this.maxCellHeight}
                  heightForSection={section =>section % 2 ? this.minSectionHeight : this.maxSectionHeight}
                 // renderHeader={this.renderHeader.bind(this)}

and this is the renderitem method :

renderItem(section: number, row: number) {
      console.log('large list', section,row);
      let data =;
      const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;

       return (
              <TouchableOpacity onPress={() =>
                navigate('Viewdeal', { data: data[row] })
              <View style={styles.Listitem}>

Problem is the method seem not fired. I not seeing the console log data at all.

Why is this happens?

android 可以下拉刷新嘛

你好 运行例子的确性能很好,没有卡顿问题,可不可以在Android&&ios上实现下拉刷新功能呢?

onLoadMore is not working


I am trying to implement the pagination with largelist , but onLoadMore prop is not working . callBack doesn't print the console message.

                        ref={ref => (this.root = ref)}
                        style={{ flex: 1 }}
                        numberOfRowsInSection={section => list.length}
                        heightForCell={() => 220}
                        renderCell={(section, row) => <Card data={list[row]} navigation=
                        {this.props.navigation} />}
                        renderItemSeparator={() => null}
                        onRefresh={() => this._onRefresh()}
                        onLoadMore={() => {
                            setTimeout(() => {
                                console.log("load more called")
                            }, 1000);
                        heightForLoadMore={() => 220}

RN :0.51.0
react-native-largelist: 1.2.6,

iPhone X 下拉刷新后 无法回到顶部

在iPhone X 下来刷新后 顶部会留下空白, 无法回到顶部, 这个改如何解决呢, 其他机型正常, 大约是一个iPhone X导航栏的高度, 偏移了 88

new data is not rendered after network call in onLoadMore

I have a large list implementation whose data source is an array in my redux state. On scrolling down to the bottom my "onLoadMore" method gets called which contains the network call to fetch the data and append to my data source in redux state. Now, what happens is that I can see more scrolling space but there is no actual data rendered. I can only see the white screen below my initial data or say the blank scrolling space below my initial data.

Maybe this will give you some idea --

onLoadMore={() => {
                           heightForLoadMore={() => 100}
 appendPaginatedData() {
           this.setState({ skip: this.state.skip + this.state.limit });
           this.props.paginatedApi(this.getSearchParams(this.state.limit, this.state.skip));

my this.appendPaginatedData() method contains the actual network call to fetch the data and append to my data source in redux state.
What is going wrong? Why is this not able to render the new data?


每一个section拥有的cellrow 数量不一样 要怎么使用 numberOfRowsInSection没找到正确的使用方法!求指导

Sometimes section not render

thanks for this component.
I have a problem with section: sometimes the section is rendered.

I'm using:

  • "native-base": "^2.3.3"
  • "react-native": "0.52.0"
  • "react-native-largelist": "^1.2.6"

My code:

               <Header hasSubtitle>
                  <Body style={{ flex: 3 }}>
                  style={{ flex: 1 }}
                  numberOfRowsInSection={section => this.state.momentList[section].data.length}
                  numberOfSections={()=> this.state.momentList.length}
                  heightForCell={(section, row) =>{ return 50 }}

                  renderCell={(section) => {

                     return (
                              flex: 1,
                              backgroundColor: "blue",
                              justifyContent: "center",
                              alignItems: "center"


                  heightForSection={section => { return 100 }}
                  renderSection={section => {

                     return (
                              flex: 1,
                              backgroundColor: "yellow",
                              justifyContent: "center",
                              alignItems: "center"
                              I am section {section}

The problem:
ezgif com-video-to-gif

How can I fix? Thanks

Sometimes it renders blank rows


i'm trying to use this library because i have a large list so.. at first glance i was perfect and really fast, but when i scroll at the bottom of the list i see some blank rows.

this is my code:

  style={{ flex: 1 }}
  numberOfRowsInSection={section => this.sectionsInSections[section].info.length}
  numberOfSections={() => Object.keys(this.sectionsInSections).length}
  heightForCell={() => this.ITEM_HEIGHT}
  heightForSection={() => this.ITEM_HEIGHT}
  renderItemSeparator={() => <ListSeparator />}

renderItem2 and renderSectionHeader2 only returns a and this.ITEM_HEIGHT is 40.

Don't know if this is important but LargeList is wrapped inside this component

Thank you

Reload Data question

i have a problem reloading data in my large list.
My large list shows a list of status [accepted/not accepted] and a button to toggle that status.
When i click the button i toggle the status of that row updating my list but the row doesn't re-render and the status always remain the previous status also if the data list changed.
I've tried using reloadData(), and in fact i see the section header blink so the list is reloading, but the row remain unchanged.
Can you help me?

Sudden drop in performance between 1.2.3 and 1.2.4

Up to version 1.2.3 this module works well, the time it takes to first render is rather short. However upon updating to version 1.2.4 (haven't tried 1.2.5 yet) I noticed a HUGE drop in performance that I can't explain (on device and emulator, debug and prod): The list takes a long time to render, and what's more, the whole navigation is affected (going to a route is noticeably slower if it contains a largelist)
I am using react-navigation for routing, I'm not sure if it's related to the problem.

So far v1.2.3 is working well for me and I don't intend to update anytime soon. Just wanted to let you know.



Animated createAnimatedComponent(LargleList) bind with onScroll Animated.event

Created LargeList Component through

const AnimatedFeedScrollView = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(LargeList);

and used it with

onScroll = {Animated.event(
      nativeEvent: {
        contentOffset: { y: this.myScrollYVar }, // not works
    useNativeDriver: true, // maybe problem with this?
    listener: event => {
      console.log(event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y); // it works
      if (event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y <= 0) {
       // code

but I cannot make it work,
any suggestions.

Drop-in replacement for FlatList and SectionList

After going through the API, it seems like it's really possible to make this lib a drop-in replacement for FlatList. What do you think? Thanks.

Maybe the only missing feature is multi-column?

LargeList does not scroll

My list shows but does not scroll unless put in scrollview.
My render code.This does not scroll

  render() {
    return (
      <View  style={{ flex: 1 }}>
   {this.props.Homedata.postsloading&&     <ActivityIndicator size='large' animating  />}
  style={{ flex: 1 }}
  numberOfRowsInSection={section => this.itemsdata[section].data.length}
  heightForCell={() => 350}
  heightForSection={section => 70}
  heightForLoadMore={()=> 100}
  onLoadMore={()=> {
    console.log('load more')
   // if(this.props.Homedata.floading) return;
  renderSection={section => {
    return (
        <TouchableOpacity delayPressIn={70} activeOpacity={0.8} style={{ padding: 20, height: 70 }} >
<Text style={{fontSize: 18, fontWeight: 'bold'}}  >  {this.capitalizeFirstLetter(this.itemsdata[section].title)} </Text>

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