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networkskins's Issues

Compatibility with Parallel Road Tool seems broken now

Hi there,
I started working again on PRT and released a new public beta.

I'm getting reports that compatibility between our mods has been broken, and I think it's related to some minor changes I did to my code.

Please let me know if you need my help in fixing it back.
My changes to the NetManager detour were quite small, but since you're using the transpiler I guess that even moving an instruction to the next line could break everything.

If there's something I need to do on my end to make this somehow "permanent", just tell me :)

Change shader of segment

Add the ability to change the shader of the segment

Example: If you change the segment from ground to bridge and remove the _n texture (for roads that have it) this problem is solved

Image of Example

Feature Request: Local(Single Map) and (optionally) Global stored parameter clear (i.e. "Factory Reset That Sucker")

I mean, the title pretty much says it all. I would love to see an option to nuke all local data back to defaults on a per-map basis (bonus points for a global reset). I'm sure there is an XML file somewhere storing this information that I could manually delete...but I don't know where that is stored (and I definitely wouldn't recommend a lot of users go digging around deleting XML files).

It was just a thing that occurred to me today (as I've got a lot of colored roads that I want to return to stock on my current city) so I thought I'd throw it out there as a useful feature. :)

Thanks for the killer mod!

Error on upgrading road to same kind with different color

Tool error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.FitChildren (UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x00067>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.FitChildren () <0x00043>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.AutoArrange () <0x016c1>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.ChildInvalidatedLayout () <0x00043>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.ChildInvalidated (ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent,UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x0001c>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.OnPositionChanged () <0x00147>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.set_relativePosition (UnityEngine.Vector3) <0x00566>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIAnchorLayout.PerformLayoutAbsolute (UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x004d7>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIAnchorLayout.PerformLayoutInternal () <0x00179>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIAnchorLayout.PerformLayout () <0x00035>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.PerformLayout () <0x00070>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.OnSizeChanged () <0x00107>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.set_size (UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x00210>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.FitChildren (UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x001be>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.FitChildren () <0x00043>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.AutoArrange () <0x016c1>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.ChildInvalidatedLayout () <0x00043>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.ChildInvalidated (ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent,UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x0001c>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.OnSizeChanged () <0x000bf>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.set_size (UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x00210>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIAnchorLayout.PerformLayoutAbsolute (UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x00446>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIAnchorLayout.PerformLayoutInternal () <0x00179>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIAnchorLayout.PerformLayout () <0x00035>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.PerformLayout () <0x00070>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.OnSizeChanged () <0x00107>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.set_size (UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x00210>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.FitChildren (UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x001be>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.FitChildren () <0x00043>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.AutoArrange () <0x016c1>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.ChildInvalidatedLayout () <0x00043>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.ChildInvalidated (ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent,UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x0001c>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.OnSizeChanged () <0x000bf>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.set_size (UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x00210>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.FitChildrenVertically (single) <0x001e3>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.AutoArrange () <0x01726>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.ChildInvalidatedLayout () <0x00043>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIPanel.ChildInvalidated (ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent,UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x0001c>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.OnSizeChanged () <0x000bf>
at ColossalFramework.UI.UIComponent.set_size (UnityEngine.Vector2) <0x00210>
at NetworkSkins.GUI.Colors.SwatchButton.Build (UnityEngine.Color) <0x0009d>
at NetworkSkins.GUI.Colors.ColorPanel.AddSwatch (UnityEngine.Color32) <0x00093>
at NetworkSkins.GUI.Colors.ColorPanel.RefreshSwatchesPanel () <0x003c2>
at NetworkSkins.GUI.Colors.ColorPanel.OnColorUsed () <0x0001c>
at NetworkSkins.GUI.Colors.ColorPanelController.OnColorUsed (UnityEngine.Color) <0x00218>
at NetworkSkins.GUI.Colors.ColorPanelController.OnSegmentPlaced (NetworkSkins.Skins.NetworkSkin) <0x00135>
at NetworkSkins.GUI.NetworkSkinPanelController.OnSegmentPlaced (NetworkSkins.Skins.NetworkSkin) <0x00031>
at NetworkSkins.Skins.NetworkSkinManager.OnSegmentPlaced (uint16) <0x0086c>
at NetworkSkins.Patches.NetManager.NetManagerCreateSegmentPatch.Postfix (uint16&,NetInfo,bool) <0x0048c>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) NetManager.CreateSegment_Patch1 (NetManager,uint16&,ColossalFramework.Math.Randomizer&,NetInfo,uint16,uint16,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,uint,uint,bool) <0x009ce>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) NetTool.CreateNode_Patch0 (NetInfo,NetTool/ControlPoint,NetTool/ControlPoint,NetTool/ControlPoint,FastList`1<NetTool/NodePosition>,int,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,uint16,uint16&,uint16&,uint16&,int&,int&) <0x0c003>
at NetTool.CreateNode (NetInfo,NetTool/ControlPoint,NetTool/ControlPoint,NetTool/ControlPoint,FastList`1<NetTool/NodePosition>,int,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,uint16,uint16&,uint16&,int&,int&) <0x00144>
at NetTool.CreateNodeImpl (NetInfo,bool,bool,NetTool/ControlPoint,NetTool/ControlPoint,NetTool/ControlPoint) <0x00495>
at NetTool.CreateNodeImpl (bool) <0x00bb9>
at NetTool/<CreateNode>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () <0x00057>
at AsyncTask`1<bool>.Execute () <0x000a5>

Not saved in asset editor

This is assuming networks are supposed to be saved while making an intersection in the asset editor

A road (highway ramp in this case) is not saving without streetlamps.

I place some road w/o street lamps, save, and then reload, and the road then contains street lamps.

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range

Been using the mod for ages, this is the first error I've seen. After launching cities.exe, got the error immediately after splash screens when main menu was displayed (output_log.txt):

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[Harmony.ExceptionBlock].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do[ExceptionBlock] (IEnumerable`1 sequence, System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.MethodBodyReader+<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<FinalizeILCodes>b__2 (Harmony.CodeInstruction codeInstruction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do[CodeInstruction] (IEnumerable`1 sequence, System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.MethodBodyReader.FinalizeILCodes (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 transpilers, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 endLabels, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 endBlocks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.MethodCopier.Finalize (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 endLabels, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 endBlocks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.MethodPatcher.CreatePatchedMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, System.String harmonyInstanceID, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 prefixes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 postfixes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 transpilers) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
Rethrow as Exception: Exception from HarmonyInstance "boformer.NetworkSkins" patching NetSegment.RenderInstance(CameraInfo, System.UInt16, System.Int32, NetInfo, Instance&)
  at Harmony.MethodPatcher.CreatePatchedMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, System.String harmonyInstanceID, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 prefixes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 postfixes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 transpilers) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, Harmony.PatchInfo patchInfo, System.String instanceID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.PatchProcessor.Patch () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.<PatchAll>b__11_0 (System.Type type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do[Type] (IEnumerable`1 sequence, System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at NetworkSkins.NetworkSkinsMod.InstallHarmony () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at NetworkSkins.NetworkSkinsMod.OnEnabled () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ColossalFramework.Plugins.PluginManager.AddPlugins (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 plugins) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)

Mods list (asterisk * denotes enabled mod):

    (local)      Alaskan
    (local)      Alaskan2
    (local)      AutoRepair 1.0
    (local)      FPS Booster 0.1
  * (local)      TM:PE LABS 11.0-alpha10
  * 1562650024   Rebalanced Industries
  * 591137516    Redcomet's Municipal Sound Pack
  * 618536610    AST: KRA Sound Pack
  * 498386331    CrossTheLine
  * 533958715    Real London Sound Pack
  * 625608461    Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
    793176674    Sharp Textures
  * 818641631    Ambient Sounds Tuner
  * 833784103    British Rail Class 43 Effect Definitions Pack
  * 815103125    Extra Vehicle Effects
  * 898480258    Camera Positions Utility
  * 954067599    PropRotating Params
  * 940299505    AnimUV Params
    569879360    WG Realistic Solar v1.3
  * 1192250578   Emergency Lights Manager
  * 1349895184   Tree LOD Fix
  * 1388613752   Tree Movement Control
    1412844620   Realistic Walking Speed
  * 1546357276   Industries Vehicle Converter
  * 1548831935   Advanced Vehicle Options 1.8.5
    1552053911   Trailer Variation Loader
  * 689937287    Surface Painter
  * 502750307    Extra Landscaping Tools
    1568910950   ZONE Radio 
  * 1348627392   Tides
  * 949504539    SingleTrainTrackAI
  * 883332136    Any Road Outside Connections
  * 793346248    Decal Hover Area
  * 791221322    Prop Precision 1.0.1
  * 787611845    Prop Snapping
  * 780720853    Vehicle Effects 1.8.1a
  * 654707599    WG Citizen Lifecycle Rebalance v2.6
  * 651322972    Fine Road Tool 1.3.7
  * 593588108    Prop & Tree Anarchy
  * 586012417    Ploppable RICO
  * 538019888    Spawn/Unspawn Positions Swapper
  * 515489008    Extra Train Station Tracks
  * 497033453    UnlimitedOutsideConnections
  * 426163185    WG Realistic Population v8.4.0
  * 1433003062   Rotors FlipXZ
    1393820309   Ticket Price Customizer
  * 1393452031   Parkify r1.0.3
  * 1372431101   Painter
  * 1274199764   Network Tiling
  * 928103306    Ship Converter
  * 922939393    Transparency LOD Fix + Cloud Assets Enabler
  * 903347963    Transparent Selectors
  * 899063611    UKSoundPack
  * 837734529    Find It! 1.5.4
  * 820157360    Spawn Points Fix
  * 802066100    Fine Road Anarchy 1.3.5
  * 767233815    Decal Prop Fix
  * 650436109    Quay Anarchy
  * 608517757    Sub-Buildings Tabs
  * 530771650    Prefab Hook
  * 512314255    More Network Stuff
  * 510677558    The Metropolitan Sound Pack
  * 465127441    Airport Roads 1.3.7
  * 881291183    Ploppable Asphalt
  * 1386697922   Garbage Bin Controller
  * 476141470    Craft_Inc's Synthwave & 80s-Retro-Music pack
    1289991722   Music pack: Vault Archives Music Pack
  * 422934383    CSL Music Mod
  * 629850626    Workshop RICO Settings
  * 1661072176   Empty It!
  * 707497031    Tram Station Track
  * 1591584836   HDRI 2K Cubempap Pack
  * 1585691173   HDRI Haven Cubemap Pack
  * 1183931915   Cubemap Replacer
  * 1680642819   Ultimate Level Of Detail
  * 1556715327   Show It!
  * 552309905    No Abandonment
  * 576327847    81 Tiles (Fixed for C:S 1.2+)
  * 1435741602   Snooper
  * 1394468624   Advanced Stop Selection
  * 795514116    Train Converter
  * 1764637396   Toggle It!
  * 1768810491   Measure It!
  * 1776052533   Stops and Stations
  * 1530376523   Railway Replacer
  * 659877005    First-person Auto-walking 1.3.1
  * 724382534    One-Way Train Tracks
  * 1801953480   Natural Disasters Overhaul
    643364914    Softer Shadows
  * 762520291    ShadowStrengthAdjuster
    632951976    Improved Mod Upload Panel
  * 1721492498   Optimised Outside Connections
  * 1869561285   Prop Painter
  * 1567569285   Achieve It!
  * 1591417160   Hide It!
  * 1619685021   Move It 2.6.0
  * 924884948    Plop Growables
  * 1656549865   Rebuild It!
  * 1806759255   Customize It! Extended
  * 1643902284   Watch It!
  * 877950833    Vanilla Trees Remover
    870291141    Random Train Trailers 2.1.2
  * 1794015399   Render It!
  * 1658679290   Forest Brush
  * 530871278    Daylight Classic
  * 814498849    Improved Content Manager
  * 1899640536   Theme Mixer 2
  * 833779378    Loading Screen Mod [Test]
    611254368    Environment Changer
  * 1758376843   Network Skins 2 Beta
  * 1420955187   Real Time
  * 1938493221   Mini FPS Booster 1.0
    1410003347   Additive Shader
  * 812713438    Dynamic Resolution

Incompatibility with Catenary Replacer Updated

If you could modify: from:

  private static readonly string[] DoubleCatenaryNames = new[]
            "774449380.Catenary Type NL2A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type NL2B_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type DE2A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type PRR2A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type PRR2B_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type JP2A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type EXPO2A_Data",

        private static readonly string[] SingleCatenaryNames = new[]
            "RailwayPowerline Singular",
            "774449380.Catenary Type NL1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type NL1B_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type DE1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type PRR 1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type PRR 1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type JP1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type EXPO1A_Data",


   private static readonly string[] DoubleCatenaryNames = new[]
            "774449380.Catenary Type NL2A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type NL2B_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type DE2A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type PRR2A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type PRR2B_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type JP2A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type EXPO2A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type NL2A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type NL2B_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type DE2A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type PRR2A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type PRR2B_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type JP2A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type EXPO2A_Data",

        private static readonly string[] SingleCatenaryNames = new[]
            "RailwayPowerline Singular",
            "774449380.Catenary Type NL1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type NL1B_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type DE1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type PRR 1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type PRR 1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type JP1A_Data",
            "774449380.Catenary Type EXPO1A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type NL1A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type NL1B_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type DE1A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type PRR 1A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type PRR 1A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type JP1A_Data",
            "2444511901.Catenary Type EXPO1A_Data",

This will restore compatibility.

Pipette Tool NullReferenceException

Ok so randomly the pipette tool stops working for me and will not work until.... well I don't know, sometimes the next day I load my save it works again. So it happens very randomly. I didn't know which caused this but here is the full log:

On line 60474 you can see that the pipette tool throws a NullReferenceException. Here is it:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at NetworkSkins.Tool.PipetteTool.Awake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
LoadingWrapper:DMD<DMD<OnLevelLoaded_Patch2>?-1979670400::OnLevelLoaded_Patch2>(LoadingWrapper, UpdateMode)


Add ability to control distance between pillars

I think it would be useful to have a slider that controls the distance between pillars in a precise manner instead of it being dictated by the segment length.

The min value of the slider could be "Auto" which would behave as normal, and after setting the slider to any other value the pillar distance would be enforced.

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