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swgoh-counters's Introduction

SWGOH Counters

In light of the news that is discontinuing their public API, I'm forced to discontinue support for, as of March 24, 2022.

I started the site in July 2019 as a capstone project for the dev bootcamp I was attending. I threw it up on Reddit and it got way more attention than I was expecting. Back then, I even had a dev from ask if I was going to build an API because they were considering implementing counters into their site.

At the beginning of 2020, my work and the wider playerbase's interest in this project helped me change careers and land my first developer job. I spent months planning and building out a solution to completely move from Google Sheets to a server, which came with more upkeep costs. Adding Google Adsense and a Patreon barely kept the lights on, but it worked all thanks to you.

Last year, I continued improving the site and my user base grew so much that upkeep costs eventually doubled my Adsense and Patreon revenue. I unfortunately had to paywall certain features of the site. But again, thanks to my new Patrons, the project was able to stay afloat.

This year, I created a new Search tool, spent a lot of time working on content and counter strategies, and was ready to roll out my Discord bot to users next week. However, without the API, I'll be unable to verify player guilds and allow guild-level access to features - a core feature of my Patreon tiers. And due to the upkeep costs, the site simply can't survive without Patreon support. I've asked for developer access and even offered to pay for access to the API, but I've been denied due to being a competitor.

So what happens next?

My site will continue to stay up for as long as I'm able to keep it up, so I'm able to show future employers my work. However, I don't plan to update it with new content and I may gradually deprecate parts of the site as I work to reduce or eliminate the upkeep costs.

I've suspended the April billing cycle for Patrons, so you won't be charged next week. For Patrons with annual memberships, give me time to figure things out and I'll provide you all a prorated refund.

I plan to keep the Discord up for another month or so, or at least until I'm finished refunding all Patrons with annual memberships.

As a developer, I could've easily picked up contract gigs over the past 2-3 years and actually profited from my work. Instead, I worked on this project and made the equivalent of less than three weeks' worth of pay over that time period. Even then, I'm very grateful because your support and interest allowed me to work on a project that I deeply care about. I've learned a lot over these past three years and I'm happy I was able to help you all along the way.

What is this app?

A companion app for the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, which provides PvP team counters using React.js on the client side, Node.js on the server side, and Google Sheets as a data store.






image of star wars counters site

Installation Instructions

  • Clone down this repo
  • At the root of the project, run npm install
  • [DEPRECATED] To create your own Google Sheets backend, visit Sheety for instructions on prepping the spreadsheets and getting the URLs, then replace the URLs within the data files within src/helpers/data/
    • note: visit my Google Sheet here if you need help on the format

How to Run

  • In your terminal, type npm start

Note: if you want to make a production build of this project, type npm run build. This will create a folder called build with all the minified code you need.

How to deploy

[DEPRECATED] Github Pages (I've currently moved away from this, but the functionality still works in this build):

  • In your terminal, type npm run deploy
    • this will build what is currently on your branch and post it to your origin gh-pages ref, then delete the build folder


  • In your terminal, type npm run client:deploy
    • this assumes you have installed the Amazon Web Services CLI and have created an S3 bucket
    • you will need to change the name of the bucket in package.json to the name of your bucket (which will normally also be your domain name), like so:
      "client:deploy": "npm run build && aws s3 sync build/ s3://{yourS3bucketname}"
    • this doesn't require a commit - it will build what is currently on your branch and sync it with your S3 bucket
    • if you don't have Versioning enabled on your S3 bucket, you may need to go into your AWS CloudFront Distribution and create an Invalidation to /* so you don't have to wait ~24 hours for CloudFront's CDNs to distribute the changes to your bucket.


  • In your terminal, while in your server folder, type eb deploy
    • this assumes you have installed the Elastic Beanstalk CLI and initialized it (eb init) and created an Elastic Beanstalk instance for the server to run on (use eb help for help).
    • this will deploy the latest commit

Deprecation To-do List

  • Refund Annual Patrons (nearly complete)
  • Deactivate DigitalOcean droplet for Discord Bot
  • Replace Patreon endpoints with mock data
  • Replace endpoints with mock data
  • Replace Firebase endpoints with mock data
  • Replace AWS endpoints with mock data
  • Deactivate Patreon
  • Update README on new mock site functionality

if current model doesn't work:

  • Find free or low-cost hosting for site
  • Deactivate AWS services

swgoh-counters's People


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swgoh-counters's Issues

Possible enhancment to the site

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
Hi! I was one of the first to see your site picking up traction on reddit and caught a mistake on the DR/malak and you had accidently put magmacheese as the counter. Since then you've made a lot of progress. I know this is asking a lot but these counters have specific mod thresholds they'll work from. I was wondering if you could put in just one stat to work off of (speed) to better help people use this effectively. There's tons of faction related discords that could help you in creating this and most of the owners would love to help. Thanks for making this for everyone to use!

Research Clones counters

Google Sheets comment Stephen Buescher:

I think the clones are hard and soft counters in a number of places that haven't been listed yet(FO, Scoundrels, Padme, OR, and non-malak DR teams) and there are more counters too them that also aren't shown(jango, Geos, ewoks). They are a newer team with Shaak Ti and I'm sure their viability will change a lot in the near future too.

Research Phoenix as a counter for NS with Nest

Research using Phoenix as a counter for NS with Nest:

from /u/beege2380:

Awesome. They are incredibly valuable on offense in GA when maxed. Make sure you don't put Ezra in the group as he is better suited as a plug and play for either Jedi or Rebels. Chop/Zeb/Kanan means constant health and protection regen. I usually will beat a maxed FO team and have full health and protection for 60 points. It's a great investment. They are also a solid option for Bastilla teams without GMY and decent against NS without Nest

from /u/YoorDaddy:

If you slot in Ezra for Chopper they can be amazing against NS with Nest. Also good against Bossk and Carth.

Yeah, just save Nest for last, you have Zeb's special, flourish, and darksaber strike that all give you an option to knock her out when she doesn't have bonus protection.

Update Rex/Wampa details

Update Rex/Wampa details to include the details from YouTube (MobileGamer or Ahnald) about how you can use Wampa alone, add a Rex lead for harder battles, then add a Hermit Yoda for even harder battles.

Research Jango L vs Asajj

Researching using Jango L vs Asajj


I would add jango to the counter list on assaj. I use Jango, Boba, Embo and Nest to beat any NS composition easily. Jango needs his unique zeta though.

Review Traya vs GG counter

Review counter details for Traya vs. GG.

from /u/BlubberBunsXIV:

Trayas a hard counter for GG? Can someone explain how this works with their TM being removed and ramping up damage infinitely?

CLS is a hard counter to Nightsisters

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
I use CLS as a hard counter for all Nightsister fights, even with Nest. The team is CLS, Raid Han, Chewbacca, and pretty much any two other Rebels (CHS daze helps avoid the TM gains, and Baze for aoe cleanse are common for me). I tend to reserve r2 and C3P0 to use with Resistance. Chewy needs his Zeta that heals on assist.
I use Han's first shot to stun Talzin and keep her from putting Plague on anyone. Focus on whittling down 3 characters, and use Chewys AOE to kill them all at once. CLS can avoid taunt and should focus on Daka, or remove Talzin TM to keep her from moving. Kill Daka as soon as possible, and work down Enfys once Daka is gone.

BH Bossk Lead (w/ Embo) vs. Nest Sisters

User Story

As a developer, I should have a enough info to add a BH Bossk Lead (w/ Embo) as a counter to Nest Sisters.


  • We need:
    • id
    • team name
    • type (defense, offense, both)
    • leader name
    • other toon names
    • substitutions
    • short description of team (i.e. strengths)
    • general counter strategy
    • hard counters/soft counters with specific matchup strategies

from /u/Pale_Rider_SWGoH:

Bossk BH (w/ Embo) will counter Nest Sisters.. probably as a soft counter though.

Jawa strat vs Geo's

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
Jawa Scavenger's ability "Line in the Sand" beats GEO's by itself. Jawa Savenger's mods need to make him tanky and potent. Crit chance is a descent bonus since he will go into stealth mode if he crits.

Nest no longer hard counter to clones w/ Shak lead

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
With the new clone reworks, Nest is no longer a hard counter to Clones. She is at best, a soft counter and can very very easily lose the match due to Rex's new ability or bad RNG (ie Shak mass attack when Next is without her extra protection).

Palp lead vs NS

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
I'd call it a soft counter, probably had the best luck with palp, vader, shoretrooper, tarkin and TFP. Alt with tarkin. Need to keep the stun off palp so he can stun and shock zombie in particular. Team will die without healing or if debuffs don't stick. Save nest for last.

Research Nute L, Dooku, Asajj vs. KRU

Research using Nute L, Dooku, and Asajj vs. KRU


Looks better every time! Shame that Nute isnt on the board though. I use Nute (L), dooku and assajj to hard counter bossk and kylo all the time. I bet those 3 can at least soft counter quite a few comps

BH Bossk Lead vs. MT Nightsisters

User Story

As a developer, I should have a enough info to add BH Boosk Lead as a counter to MT Nightsisters.


  • We need:
    • id
    • team name
    • type (defense, offense, both)
    • leader name
    • other toon names
    • substitutions
    • short description of team (i.e. strengths)
    • general counter strategy
    • hard counters/soft counters with specific matchup strategies

from /u/pertante:

One counter for Night Sisters with MT, zombie and Old Dakka is a Bossk led team with Boba Fett. Not sure about Nest though.

How it works: When zombie is taunting, use any aoe or td to get Old Dakka's health low. With Boba, he often is able to ignore taunts and can help with softening her up. When she is less than 50% health, use his Execute ability. Repeat with MT. Once these 2 are cleared, clear the other 2 non zombie sisters before nailing the zombie.

I know a lot of recommended teams don't have the target priority or other aspects of strategy/tactics.

FYI, also use Dengar, Greedo and Zam. I still have to get Jango geared up and to 7* but he may be a good consideration.

Nute Lead vs. BH Bossk L

User Story

As a developer, I should have a enough info to add a Nute Gunray as a counter to BH Bossk lead.


  • We need:
    • id
    • team name
    • type (defense, offense, both)
    • leader name
    • other toon names
    • substitutions
    • short description of team (i.e. strengths)
    • general counter strategy
    • hard counters/soft counters with specific matchup strategies

from /u/Nobody_Chewacca:

Nute lead with droideka, b2, dooku and ventress (could be replaced with B1) can take on BH with Bossk lead.

A guildmate uses that team quite often. It's a very effective team.

BS counter

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
The bugs are a hard counter. I use the bugs in my alt acct arena, and feast on bast teams 30-40k gp higher. Constant buff dispell, and spy's silent strike kills off the toughest of toons.

Research GK hard counters

from /u/Nirokogaseru:

I noticed GK Lead has no Hard Counters? Is there a team I don’t know about that’s super OP?

Import TW/GA Counters counters details

User Story

As a user, when I click on a counter team, then I should see a block of text under the counter team giving the specific team matchup details, and under the opponent team, I should see the general counter strategy details.


When I click on a counter team
Then I should see the counter team matchup details under the counter team
And I should see the opponent team counter strategy under the opponent team

Dev Notes

  • Import all of the TW/GA Counters Discord specific counters into the Google Sheet
  • in Counters5v5.js move the general counters div under the counter team to a spot right under the opponent details, then create a new div for the specific counters details.

Research Phoenix as a counter to FO

Research using Phoenix as a counter to FO:


Great list. One omission I see that is glaring are Phoenix (Hera, Kannan, Zeb, Sabine, Chop) G12 with zetas against any FO team. They eat FO for breakfast at G12 with all their zetas.

Awesome. They are incredibly valuable on offense in GA when maxed. Make sure you don't put Ezra in the group as he is better suited as a plug and play for either Jedi or Rebels. Chop/Zeb/Kanan means constant health and protection regen. I usually will beat a maxed FO team and have full health and protection for 60 points. It's a great investment. They are also a solid option for Bastilla teams without GMY and decent against NS without Nest

Geos counter FO

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
It gets a little close with Kylo Ren (Masked), but I have 60 bannered Fast, G12 and zetaed FO squads in GA. Spy will wittle him down at the end.

Nest solo against Shaak Ti L + clones

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
Beware of that counter, I tried it on my last GAC, it was almost done thanks to her counters, I only needed one more AOE, ben then Rex shot her and it was done. OS. It cost me my GAC ....
With the Clones rework, that counter doesn't work anymore ....

Research Phoenix (G12?) vs. KRU

Research using Phoenix (G12?) vs. KRU


Armor shred on the Kylos and the counter attacks do most of the damage. Zeb special stacking damage from all the buffs and debuffs on Zylo crushes him.

Research Droids vs Revan (w/ Malak)

Research using Droids vs. Revan w/ Malak.


88, IPD, BB8, T3 and GG


Turn order: bb8, IPD, IG, T3, GG. Bb casts buff. IPD does the scan, t lock and removing foresight from DR and Dbas. IG aoe, more t lock and debuffs. One t lock should stick on Malak (unless high tenacity, those suck). T3 aoe for debuff fiesta. Then GG skitter in Dbas, everyone takes a turn, someone dies, skitter on Malak. Done. IPD can blow up, but the fun thing is exposing with his basic to amp damage.


You need the zeta, so if Target locked you can't gain buffs... So Malik won't taunt.


I dont have the zeta on IPD. I was running the team before the GG and Magna re-rework, and ran it with 88, IPD, BB8, T3 and GG. Needed the AOE TL from both 88 and IPD to make sure T3 debuffs stick. Now that GG can apply AOE TL that cannot be evaded, you have some flexibility. I have both T3 zetas, but Ferocity lowers defense so the defense pen one is a luxury for the team.

I prefer the Urzatron comp that uses Jawa Engineer for the TM and Chopper for the taunt. It won't outrun the fastest BSF, but it doesn't take BB8, R2, L3 etc away from other teams. I don't want to hobble the rest of my roster in GAC TW if I don't have to

Required Characters

Add a feature to signify which characters in a squad's composition are required for the team to be effective. This is normally done with a lock symbol above the character.

The Google Sheet has been updated with the values, the feature just needs to be fleshed out.

Add notes to Bastila vs. NS

Add these notes to Bastila vs NS:


Gk, jolee, old Ben, yoda. So much healing and taunting they can't get through old Ben or Gk before the revives


HODA, Ezra, JKA, Snips. JKA AOE helps if they are running Acolyte cheese. I prefer to use Snips to dispel Zombie so Ezra has Flourish on a shorter cooldown

I actually split my JKR team and sub in Plo for Bastila

Research Bounty Hunter common squad

Look into updating the Bounty Hunter common squad, as B2 Super Battle Droid is now best used with a General Grievous/Separatist Droid squad.

Research Phoenix (G12?) vs. Maul

Research using Phoenix (G12?) vs Maul


Zeta Sabine and Zeb have attacks that cannot be evaded. Works great as a counter to the Zaul dodge lead.

Padme vs Ewok

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
zzPadme lead, GK, zzC3PO, Anakin, zAshoka. Kill Order, Eldar, Chief, then whomever is easiest. This was an equal 94K vs 94K and it could have been undersized and won easily. Here was my vid.

Nute lead

User Story

As a developer, I should have a enough info to add a Nute Gunray lead to the app.


  • We need:
    • id
    • team name
    • type (defense, offense, both)
    • leader name
    • other toon names
    • substitutions
    • short description of team (i.e. strengths)
    • general counter strategy
    • hard counters/soft counters with specific matchup strategies

from /u/NawatTheCrow

Wrong description FO vs Veers

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
The description of Veers counters to KRU team seems wrong. It mentions having to outspeed Vader and turn meter train, while there is no such thing in a FO team.


## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
Can you add Finn lead resistance? I find them a great counter for Bounty Hunters and be good to see the better counters to beat them

shaak ti nest

## Issue created anonymously for a user ##
with the clones rework, nest is no longer a counter

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