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bwt-datatable's Introduction

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News! New stable release 3.0.0

This package was updated to ES6 syntax and now support Polymer 3!

The new version 3.0.0 works only with Polymer 3.0 or above. If you want to use it with Polymer 2.* please use previous version 2.2.0.

You can find new example how to use it in the file example/your-datatable-implementation.js.


We greatly appreciated the work of David Mulder's paper-datatable but since it hasn't been active for a while and we at Blue Water Tracks really wanted to keep pushing the work done so far, we decided to inherit the project and let it evolve but combining the pull requests on the project along with a couple of fixes and features that we came up with. Since many people already use the paper-datatable component, we created this component to make sure that it is compatible with the paper-datatable component. You can easily use this element only changing the path to paper-datatable import element like below. We hope that David takes what we have done withbwt-datatable and merges it into the original paper-datatable.


<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/paper-datatable/paper-datatable.html">


<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/bwt-datatable/bwt-datatable.html">

If you already used selection toolbar in paper-datatable-card you need to add slot property to it like this:

<div slot="toolbar-select-single">
  <paper-icon-button icon="info" on-tap="info"></paper-icon-button>
<div slot="toolbar-select">
  <paper-icon-button icon="delete" on-tap="delete"></paper-icon-button>
  • Original paper-datatable documentation and demos can be found here
  • Our documentation and demos can be found here

datatable full implementation

New changes

  • Column header update dynamically according to paper-datatable pull request #78

  • Truly responsive; ability to use bwt-datatable on mobile devices by easily setting the responseWidth property to the desired breakpoint resolution.

     <paper-datatable data="{{data}}" selectable multi-selection response-width="767px">
     	<paper-datatable-column header="Title" property="title" sortable editable>

bwt-datatable mobile view

  • Table and/or column header can be fixed to the top of the page for better usability when you have very big amount of data in table. More info can be found here

bwt-datatable fixed header

We also tried to add additional functionality and fix some of the bugs in paper-datatable and also merge the following pull requests for paper-datatable

  • Fix issue with null values inside paper-column pull request #113
  • Change es6 to es5 code to support some of the older browsers request #51 and request #106 (Hopefully when Polymer 2 ships with transpiling, we can rewrite the code into proper ES6 code)
  • Use textContent instead of innerHTML inside elements request #108


The element can be installed using bower using

bower install --save bwt-datatable

Important: If you wish to use <bwt-datatable-card> you need the paper elements listed in devDependencies as well. They are not listed as normal dependencies to prevent them from being pulled in on production if you do not need them.


Check out the getting started guide.


@bhargavkonkathi Programming is like playing chess; each line is as important as each step to determine what kind of player or programmer you are. When ever not playing chess, it's Javascript, Java and mongodb.
@maisnamraju Javascript Ninja; saving the world with one line of javascript at a time. ;)
@dhrytsenko What is my opinion about JavaScript, NodeJS, MongoDB and Polymer? Building blocks to the future! Allowing me to help make the world a better place.

Pull Requests are welcome

If you feel that you have something that could improve the component, please feel free to send a PR or create an issue with an explaination.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 of the License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

This project uses a fair share license construction, if you wish to use this project commercially you will likely want to continue reading here. If you wish to donate please contact me personally.

bwt-datatable's People


bhargavkonkathi avatar binbalenci avatar danleyb2 avatar dhrytsenko avatar dmytrothoughtandfunction avatar ichordedionysos avatar maisnamraju avatar


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bwt-datatable's Issues

Using multiple properties in one column

How do I use multiple properties in one column. I want to put a URL link which should be made of values from multiple properties as below:

<datatable-column header "Supplier" property="supplier">
<datatable-column header "Product" property="product">
<datatable-column header "Buy Link">


Range start should not be zero-based

In all examples provided, the range start of the page is zero-base, i.e. if there are 10 rows per page, data-table footer shows "Rows per page: 10 / 0-10 of N"
It should show "Rows per page: 10 / 1-10 of N"

please update iron-flex-layout

iron-shadow-flex-layout is deprecated. Please use iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html, and one of the specific dom-modules instead.
This file is deprecated. Please use iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html, and one of the specific dom-modules instead.

BTW tx for developing this further

Support for polymer 2.0

First of all thanks for working on this great library. Second, is there any play to migrate base code from polymer 1 to polymer 2. I have read polymer 2 specs and it was great but this important library i use seems to doesn't support it. (i have tested it and it doesn't work)


The data-changed event dosent booble from column to card in version 3.0. Wrong methode in column and wrong path definition in table.

Rename _forwardInstanceProp to _notifyInstancePropV2 in column and replace the #x format in path with x (eg: data.#0.value to data.0.value) in datatable.

Allow adding a row

Is adding rows currently supported? If not, would it be hard to implement?


Simple filter not working

I'm trying to implement a simple filter but I can't get it to work. below is my code snippets


    <cuba-query id="data"

    <iron-ajax auto url="data.json" last-response="{{entities}}"></iron-ajax>

    <div >
        Search:  <paper-input value="{{filterString}}" style="display:inline-block;" label="Team name" on-input="applyFilter" ></paper-input>
    <paper-datatable id="datatable" data="[[entities]]" filter="{{tableFilter}}" >

        <paper-datatable-column  header="Home Team" property="description" type="String" sortable>


        is: 'app',
        behaviors: [CubaLocalizeBehavior, CubaEntityListViewBehavior ,CubaAppAwareBehavior],
        properties: {

            filterString: {


        tableFilter: function(item, key, items){
            return item.description = (this.filterString || '');

        applyFilter: function(){

implement localstorage

today i was looking through polymer documentation and i came across an interesting element named app-indexeddb-mirror that seemed perfect to work with datatable solutions. but it couldn't be used with paper-datatable because of the way it handles data is using promises and not plain json data. so i thought maybe implementing it inside datatable might be a better choice. saves last list of objects received to localstorage and so when user is offline and has no access to server it would show last values received from server.
On promise rejection it would be cool if a bar appears above data table that says "you are currently offline" and shows previous data received. I think it would work great with spirit of progressive web apps that should work in offline mode too.

bwt-datatable as vanilla webcomponent

Would it be a considerable expenditure to convert the existing polymer version of bwt-datatable to a vanilla webcomponent for example with Ionic's Stencil?

Migrate to npm/yarn, not all files are pulled

Hi sir, Have you consider to migrate to npm/yarn?
Ahm, new to web development, I have questions about bower, but dont know how to resolve dependencies that are in node_modules ;c
Double install size from bower and npm, I cant handle ;c

Yarn support please ;c

Trouble with editable paper-datatable-column

I'd like to make a column editable if the user has permission.

How can I accomplish this?

I tried setting the attribute like this:

where I use a property to set the editable value, however it's not working.

Can't get checkbox cell color correct in selection bar and table body

The checkbox cell color in the selection bar and table body is inheriting the paper-datatable-card background color in paper-datatable > div > table > thead > tr > th and paper-datatable > div > table > tbody > tr > td.

I am really struggling to get it to be the right color.

I want the checkbox cell color on the side of the selection to match the color for the selection bar, and I want the checkbox cell color on the side of a table row to match the color for the row.

Can you help me figure out the needed CSS for this?

Remove dependency for paper-menu

paper menu has been deprecated in latest versions of polymer in favor of paper-listbox. use newer component as using paper-menu causes force installation of polymer 1.0.

Select/Deselect All checkbox broken

Select All checkbox functionality is currently not working. Does any one experience with this issue? Is there a way to fix this issue?

Sortable not working

I have a problem with sorting in paper-datatable, event in your component are raising but nothing happens on view side. There is my code:

    <paper-datatable id="documentTypesTable" data="{{data.value}}" selectable response-width="767px" cell-tap="handleClick">
      <paper-datatable-column header="[[localize('documents-type-field-name')]]" property="Name" type="String" sortable>
      <paper-datatable-column header="[[localize('documents-type-field-description')]]" property="Comment" type="String">
      <paper-datatable-column header="[[localize('documents-type-field-created-at')]]" property="CreatedAt" type="Date">
      <paper-datatable-column header="[[localize('documents-type-field-created-by')]]" property="CreatedBy" type="String">

selectAll checkbox does not check all checkboxes

I'm having a problem with the selectAll checkbox. If I click on the selectAll checkbox, all the checkboxes below the header are not checked.

However, If I check all the checkboxes below the header, the selectAll checked is checked.

Does anyone have the same issue like this?

Note: selectable and multi-selection are included inside the paper-datatable

paper-datatable-card not working in polymer 3

setData(idProp) {
if (!idProp) idProp = "_id";
return {
queryForIds: (sort, page, pageSize) => {
return, '_id', this.searchTerm, sort, (page - 1) *
pageSize, page * pageSize, idProp);
getByIds: (ids) => {
return, '*', ids, null, null, null, idProp);
set: (item, property, value) => {
return this.update(item._id, property, value);
length: 0

In above code function getByIds always return undefined. Please find attached console result for the same.

upload today

publish on npm

Seriously please consider publishing custom elements on npm/yarn too to give public more choice for the package managers supported. Many people are done with bower, so it's going to be a big community service on your behalf. Bower is also not recommended by the maintainers themselves. Here's a statement as y'all might know from their homepage.


paper-datatable-card not working

I'm always getting an error while creating a paper-datatable-card with Polymer 2:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined.
This happens in btw-datatable-card.html line 501.

It's a clean installation of the Polymer 2 starter kit. I downloaded the JSON from the online example to keep things simple but this occurs immediately. The "normal" paper-datatable works well.

This is my code:

<paper-datatable-card id="datatableCard" header="Users" data-source="{{dataSource}}" progress id-property="sha1" selected-ids="{{selectedIds}}">
			<div slot="toolbar-main">
			<div slot="toolbar-select">
				<paper-icon-button icon="delete" on-tap="delete"></paper-icon-button>
			<div slot="toolbar-select-single">
				<paper-icon-button icon="info" on-tap="showInfo"></paper-icon-button>
			<paper-datatable id="datatable" selectable multi-selection>
				<paper-datatable-column id="nameColumn" header="Name" property="name" capitalize="[[capitalize]]" style="min-width: 200px;" sortable>
							<img src="[[item.picture.thumbnail]]" style="width:32px;height:32px;border-radius:16px;vertical-align: middle;margin-right:4px;">
							<span style="vertical-align:middle;">[[capitalize(value.title)]]</span>
							<span style="vertical-align:middle;">[[capitalize(value.first)]]</span>
							<span style="vertical-align:middle;">[[capitalize(value.last)]]</span>
				<paper-datatable-column header="E-mail" property="email" style="min-width: 200px;" sortable></paper-datatable-column>
				<paper-datatable-column header="SSN" property="SSN" style="min-width: 130px;" sortable></paper-datatable-column>
				<paper-datatable-column header="Phone" property="phone" style="min-width: 150px;" sortable></paper-datatable-column>
				<paper-datatable-column header="Cell" property="cell" style="min-width: 150px;" sortable></paper-datatable-column>
				<paper-datatable-column header="Address" property="location" capitalize="[[capitalize]]" style="min-width: 200px;" sortable>
						<div><span>[[capitalize(value.state)]]</span> <span>[[capitalize(]]</span></div>

(this is copied from the demo)

and in the element registration:

static get properties() {
	return {
		dataSource: {
			type: Array,
			value: [
				// the data from the url

The pagination info and buttons at the bottom of paper-datatable-card should update when searching

As it stands when you search and filter you data the pagination info (x-y of z) at the bottom of the paper-datatable-card element do not update as you filter the data. Additionally the pagination buttons do not update their state, so you are free to navigate to empty pages after you have filtered your data.

This is of course assuming that I haven't just missed the functionality that would allow me to update things in the docs, if so apologies in advance! :-)

Row keys don't match displayed row data

This fix seems to be the culprit: #40
I'm experiencing an issue where the row keys don't match the actual data displayed in that row. So when a row is selected, the selected data is from a different row. In the below screenshots I just added a <h1> tag to show the rowKey. So as seen below, if you select the second row, it will select data from row 9.

This line always evaluates to false which causes the _internalSort to run (which messes with the row keys).


This is strange, because ev.preventDefault() is definitely being called, but the defaultPrevented property of the event isn't changing to true. I've verified this though debugging and even checking the event object straight after ev.preventDefault() is called.

_handleSort: function(ev){
if(this.dataSource) {
this._sortProperty =;
this._sortDirection = ev.detail.sort.direction;

Also I can't understand why ev.preventDefault() is needed at all since it's a custom event? Maybe somone can explain this to me. Thanks!

Confusing Names In Demo Example

Hi, Great work! I was just checking the examples given in demo section of the guid and I noticed they are not using bwt-datatable-card and instead are using paper-datatable-card , etc ... It would be helpful to change the elements to use bwt... Also noticed; when trying to use datatable-paper ; weakCache.js is loaded twice; judging by netweork in chrome dev tools. Cheers

You really need better examples for datasource

I think you should provide examples on how to use datasource inside a custom element.
Right now the only examples are using template is=bind , i'm having a hard time finding out how to setup a datasource inside a custom app.
Also it is not clear when certain functions are called (queryForIds,getByIds,get,set)

Dynamically set editable

It would have been interesting to type the property editable in string and not in boolean. This would have allowed to code editable = "false | true". Because only the presence of the editable attribute puts the field editable! So editable="[[_isEditable]] does not works (Polymer design).

paper-datatable-card not working

I have the code in the attached text file. The paper-datatable-card seem not to be working. The data is display the same way when I have only the paper-datatable. What am I doing wrong? I have enabled the paper elements listed in devDependencies by adding them to Dependencies but still no change. My data source has more than 100 items so I expect to see pagination on the table.


Sortable not working

Hi @dhrytsenko ,
I have the same problem of @etanuvar .
Mi env is:
polymer 3. (version 3.4.1)
bwt-datatable 3.0.0.
nodejs v.12.16.3
express v.4.17.1
I have seen your example but I don't need a paper-datatable-card.
I use a simple table that I have to sort on a column.
for example, I only have two lines that I want to order.
Following the code to the function _internalSort
on line 1088: this.set("_rowKeys", this._rowKeys);
value of this._rowKeys are correctly sorted ascending or descending.
["#0", "#1"] or ["#1", "#0"]
but the table is not updated.
In the previous version the update worked.
I have attached a piece of html code as an example.


Originally posted by @gaxolio in #46 (comment)

DOMException on simple app

I'm getting "DOMException: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node" after adding the datatable to a simple app.
Steps to reproduce:
polymer init (choose polymer-2-starter-kit option)
bower install --save bluewatertracks/bwt-datatable
vi src/my-view1.html
add import for paper-datatable.html
add component just after card div
After polymer serve command check the app on browser.

JSON input

Does the bwt-datatable accept JSON data object as the data source?

Sorting won't work in without a paper-datatable-card


sorting won't work without a paper-datatable-card like this:

<paper-datatable data="[[videos]]" selectable>
	<paper-datatable-column header="ID" property="jwId" type="String" sortable></paper-datatable-column>
	<paper-datatable-column header="Title" property="title" type="String" sortable></paper-datatable-column>
	<paper-datatable-column header="Classes" property="classes" type="Array" sortable></paper-datatable-column>
	<paper-datatable-column header="Tags" property="tags" type="Array" sortable></paper-datatable-column>
	<paper-datatable-column header="Description" property="description" type="String"></paper-datatable-column>

I investigated it and found a fix to this problem.
I'll open a pull request.

How to transpose/pivot

I have data in dataset like this:

Item supplier price

Item_1 Supplier_X 5.00
Item_1 Supplier_Y 5.50
Item_1 Supplier_Z 6.00
Item_2 Supplier_X 3.50
Item_2 Supplier_Y 3.00
Item_2 Supplier_Z 4.00

I want to display it like below using bwt-datatable.

Item Supplier_X Supplier_Y Supplier_Z

Item_1 5.00 5.50 6.00
Item_2 3.50 3.00 4.00

Is it possible to do this with datatable or the data has to be transformed while still at backend?

WeakCache and CollectionHelper

It's been said on release page that v2.1 solves these two not being available when building but in my case it still is an issue and i have to copy weackcache.js and collectionhelper.js manually every time i do a build. Can you please advice?

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