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he-scheme's Introduction

We implemented in Python a basic homomorphic encryption scheme inspired from [FV12].


The starting point of our implementation is this github gist. The motivation behind our code was for us to understand in detail the two techniques of [FV12] used for ciphertext multiplication, namely relinearization and modulus-switching. This essential operation of ciphertext multiplication was missing in the previous implementation. We thought we might share this understanding through a blog post as well since it may be of interest to anyone using the [FV12] scheme in TenSeal or Seal libraries.


Our toy implementation is not meant to be secure or optimized for efficiency. We did it to better understand the inner workings of the [FV12] scheme, so you can use it as a learning tool.

How to run

The file contains the algorithms of the HE scheme. You can run to play with computing on encrypted data. Have fun! 😄

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he-scheme's Issues

Multiplication doesn't seem to work

I run the I get following result:

[+] Ciphertext ct1([1, 0, 1, 1]):

 ct1_0: [ 8190 16383  8191  8192]
 ct1_1: [10385    66 14077 16311]

[+] Ciphertext ct2([1, 1, 0, 1]):

 ct1_0: [ 8191  8191 16383  8192]
 ct1_1: [10385    65 14077 16311]

[+] Decrypted ct3=(ct1 + [0, 1, 1, 0]): [1 1 0 1]
[+] Decrypted ct4=(ct2 * [0, 1, 0, 0]): [1 1 1 0]
[+] Decrypted ct5=(ct1 + [0, 1, 1, 0] + [0, 1, 0, 0] * ct2): [0 0 1 1]
[+] pt1 + [0, 1, 1, 0] + [0, 1, 0, 0] * pt2): [0 0 1 1]
[+] Decrypted ct6=(ct1 * ct2): [0 0 0 1]
[+] Decrypted ct7=(ct1 * ct2): [0 0 0 1]
[+] pt1 * pt2: [0 0 0 1]

The multiplication ct2 * [0, 1, 0, 0] = [1, 1, 0, 1] * [0, 1, 0, 0] should be [0, 1, 0, 0] . But it computes as [1 1 1 0].
Also, pt1 * pt2 = [1, 0, 1, 1] * [1, 1, 0, 1] should be [1, 0, 0, 1] but it computes as [0 0 0 1].

Can you please elaborate ?

Help with Encrypting and Decrypting "Hello world" Using Homomorphic Encryption


I am trying to use a homomorphic encryption scheme to encrypt and then decrypt the "Hello world" text. I've already implemented the encryption and decryption code following the provided example, but I'm encountering issues with getting the correct decrypted output.

Code Implementation:

I've implemented the homomorphic encryption and decryption code using the provided Python script. The code appears to be functioning, but the decrypted output is not what I expected.

Expected Outcome:

I expect to be able to encrypt the "Hello world" text using the provided encryption functions and then decrypt it successfully to obtain the original text.

Issue Details:

  1. I've used the provided code to generate public and secret keys.
  2. I've attempted to encrypt the "Hello world" text using the public key.
  3. The encryption process seems to work correctly, and I've obtained the ciphertext.
  4. However, when I try to decrypt the ciphertext using the secret key, the output is not the expected "Hello world".


Could you please guide me on how to correctly use the provided code to encrypt and decrypt the "Hello world" text? Specifically, I need assistance in understanding the decryption process and handling the decrypted integers to obtain the original text.

Code Snippets:

Here's the relevant part of the code that I've implemented for encryption and decryption:


Here's an example of the output I'm getting when trying to decrypt the ciphertext:

[+] Ciphertext ct1([1, 0, 1, 1]):

         ct1_0: [9920 4884 9371 3393]
         ct1_1: [6093 6009 1811 9082]

[+] Ciphertext ct2([1, 1, 0, 1]):

         ct1_0: [ 9836 13626 10862  6299]
         ct1_1: [ 7386 10292 15124   603]

[+] Decrypted ct3=(ct1 + [0, 1, 1, 0]): [1 1 0 1]
[+] Decrypted ct4=(ct2 * [0, 1, 0, 0]): [1 1 1 0]
[+] Decrypted ct5=(ct1 + [0, 1, 1, 0] + [0, 1, 0, 0] * ct2): [0 0 1 1]
[+] pt1 + [0, 1, 1, 0] + [0, 1, 0, 0] * pt2): [0 0 1 1]
[+] Decrypted ct6=(ct1 * ct2): [0 0 0 1]
[+] Decrypted ct7=(ct1 * ct2): [0 0 0 1]
[+] pt1 * pt2: [0 0 0 1]
Plaintext: Hello world
Decrypted: ☺☺☺☺

Entire Code:
# This is a sample Python script.

# Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code.
# Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings.

import rlwe_he_scheme_updated as rlwe_updated
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Scheme's parameters
    # polynomial modulus degree
    n = 2 ** 2
    # ciphertext modulus
    q = 2 ** 14
    # plaintext modulus
    t = 2
    # base for relin_v1
    T = int(np.sqrt(q))
    #modulusswitching modulus
    p = q ** 3

    # polynomial modulus
    poly_mod = np.array([1] + [0] * (n - 1) + [1])

    #standard deviation for the error in the encryption
    std1 = 1
    #standard deviation for the error in the evaluateKeyGen_v2
    std2 = 1

    # Keygen
    pk, sk = rlwe_updated.keygen(n, q, poly_mod, std1)

    rlk0_v1, rlk1_v1 = rlwe_updated.evaluate_keygen_v1(sk, n, q, T, poly_mod, std1)

    rlk0_v2, rlk1_v2 = rlwe_updated.evaluate_keygen_v2(sk, n, q, poly_mod, p, std2)

    # Encryption
    pt1, pt2 = [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1]
    cst1, cst2 = [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]

    ct1 = rlwe_updated.encrypt(pk, n, q, t, poly_mod, pt1, std1)
    ct2 = rlwe_updated.encrypt(pk, n, q, t, poly_mod, pt2, std1)

    print("[+] Ciphertext ct1({}):".format(pt1))
    print("\t ct1_0:", ct1[0])
    print("\t ct1_1:", ct1[1])
    print("[+] Ciphertext ct2({}):".format(pt2))
    print("\t ct1_0:", ct2[0])
    print("\t ct1_1:", ct2[1])

    # Evaluation
    ct3 = rlwe_updated.add_plain(ct1, cst1, q, t, poly_mod)
    ct4 = rlwe_updated.mul_plain(ct2, cst2, q, t, poly_mod)
    #ct5 = (ct1 + cst1) + (cst2 * ct2)
    ct5 = rlwe_updated.add_cipher(ct3, ct4, q, poly_mod)
    # ct6 = ct1 * ct2
    ct6 = rlwe_updated.mul_cipher_v1(ct1, ct2, q, t, T, poly_mod, rlk0_v1, rlk1_v1)
    ct7 = rlwe_updated.mul_cipher_v2(ct1, ct2, q, t, p, poly_mod, rlk0_v2, rlk1_v2)
    # Decryption
    decrypted_ct3 = rlwe_updated.decrypt(sk, q, t, poly_mod, ct3)
    decrypted_ct4 = rlwe_updated.decrypt(sk, q, t, poly_mod, ct4)
    decrypted_ct5 = rlwe_updated.decrypt(sk, q, t, poly_mod, ct5)
    decrypted_ct6 = rlwe_updated.decrypt(sk, q, t, poly_mod, ct6)
    decrypted_ct7 = rlwe_updated.decrypt(sk, q, t, poly_mod, ct7)

    print("[+] Decrypted ct3=(ct1 + {}): {}".format(cst1, decrypted_ct3))
    print("[+] Decrypted ct4=(ct2 * {}): {}".format(cst2, decrypted_ct4))
    print("[+] Decrypted ct5=(ct1 + {} + {} * ct2): {}".format(cst1, cst2, decrypted_ct5))
    print("[+] pt1 + {} + {} * pt2): {}".format(cst1, cst2, rlwe_updated.polyadd(
                                                rlwe_updated.polyadd(pt1, cst1, t, poly_mod),
                                                rlwe_updated.polymul(cst2, pt2, t ,poly_mod),
                                                t, poly_mod)))
    print("[+] Decrypted ct6=(ct1 * ct2): {}".format(decrypted_ct6))
    print("[+] Decrypted ct7=(ct1 * ct2): {}".format(decrypted_ct7))
    print("[+] pt1 * pt2: {}".format(rlwe_updated.polymul(pt1, pt2, t, poly_mod)))

    # Given plaintext string
    plaintext = "Hello world"

    # Character-to-integer mapping (using ASCII values)
    integer_values = [ord(char) for char in plaintext]

    # Encryption
    ciphertexts = []
    for value in integer_values:
        ct = rlwe_updated.encrypt(pk, n, q, t, poly_mod, [value], std1)

    # Decryption
    decrypted_integers = []
    for ct in ciphertexts:
        decrypted_value = rlwe_updated.decrypt(sk, q, t, poly_mod, ct)

    # Convert decrypted integers back to characters
    decrypted_text = ''.join(chr(value) for value in decrypted_integers)

    print("Plaintext:", plaintext)
    print("Decrypted:", decrypted_text)
"""A basic homomorphic encryption scheme inspired from [FV12]
The starting point of our Python implementation is this github gist:
Disclaimer: Our toy implementation is not meant to be secure or optimized for efficiency.
We did it to better understand the inner workings of the [FV12] scheme, so you can use it as a learning tool.

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import polynomial as poly

#------Functions for polynomial evaluations mod poly_mod only------
def polymul_wm(x, y, poly_mod):
    """Multiply two polynomials
        x, y: two polynomials to be multiplied.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        A polynomial in Z[X]/(poly_mod).
    return poly.polydiv(poly.polymul(x, y), poly_mod)[1]

def polyadd_wm(x, y, poly_mod):
    """Add two polynomials
            x, y: two polynomials to be added.
            poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
            A polynomial in Z[X]/(poly_mod).
    return poly.polydiv(poly.polyadd(x, y), poly_mod)[1]

# ------Functions for polynomial evaluations both mod poly_mod and mod q-----
def polymul(x, y, modulus, poly_mod):
    """Multiply two polynomials
        x, y: two polynomials to be multiplied.
        modulus: coefficient modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        A polynomial in Z_modulus[X]/(poly_mod).
    return np.int64(
        np.round(poly.polydiv(poly.polymul(x, y) %
                              modulus, poly_mod)[1] % modulus)

def polyadd(x, y, modulus, poly_mod):
    """Add two polynomials
        x, y: two polynoms to be added.
        modulus: coefficient modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        A polynomial in Z_modulus[X]/(poly_mod).
    return np.int64(
        np.round(poly.polydiv(poly.polyadd(x, y) %
                              modulus, poly_mod)[1] % modulus)

# -------Functions for random polynomial generation--------
def gen_binary_poly(size):
    """Generates a polynomial with coeffecients in [0, 1]
        size: number of coeffcients, size-1 being the degree of the
        array of coefficients with the coeff[i] being
        the coeff of x ^ i.
    return np.random.randint(0, 2, size, dtype=np.int64)

def gen_uniform_poly(size, modulus):
    """Generates a polynomial with coeffecients being integers in Z_modulus
        size: number of coeffcients, size-1 being the degree of the
        array of coefficients with the coeff[i] being
        the coeff of x ^ i.
    return np.random.randint(0, modulus, size, dtype=np.int64)

def gen_normal_poly(size, mean, std):
    """Generates a polynomial with coeffecients in a normal distribution
    of mean mean and a standard deviation std, then discretize it.
        size: number of coeffcients, size-1 being the degree of the
        array of coefficients with the coeff[i] being
        the coeff of x ^ i.
    return np.int64(np.random.normal(mean, std, size=size))

# -------- Function for returning n's coefficients in base b ( lsb is on the left) ---
def int2base(n, b):
    """Generates the base decomposition of an integer n.
        n: integer to be decomposed.
        b: base.
        array of coefficients from the base decomposition of n
        with the coeff[i] being the coeff of b ^ i.
    if n < b:
        return [n]
        return [n % b] + int2base(n // b, b)

# ------ Functions for keygen, encryption and decryption ------
def keygen(size, modulus, poly_mod, std1):
    """Generate a public and secret keys
        size: size of the polynoms for the public and secret keys.
        modulus: coefficient modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        std1: standard deviation of the error.
        Public and secret key.
    s = gen_binary_poly(size)
    a = gen_uniform_poly(size, modulus)
    e = gen_normal_poly(size, 0, std1)
    b = polyadd(polymul(-a, s, modulus, poly_mod), -e, modulus, poly_mod)
    return (b, a), s

def evaluate_keygen_v1(sk, size, modulus, T, poly_mod, std2):
    """Generate a relinearization key using version 1.
            sk: secret key.
            size: size of the polynomials.
            modulus: coefficient modulus.
            T: base.
            poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
            std2: standard deviation for the error distribution.
            rlk0, rlk1: relinearization key.
    n = len(poly_mod) - 1
    l = np.int64(np.log(modulus) / np.log(T))
    rlk0 = np.zeros((l + 1, n), dtype=np.int64)
    rlk1 = np.zeros((l + 1, n), dtype=np.int64)
    for i in range(l + 1):
        a = gen_uniform_poly(size, modulus)
        e = gen_normal_poly(size, 0, std2)
        secret_part = T ** i * poly.polymul(sk, sk)
        b = np.int64(polyadd(
        polymul_wm(-a, sk, poly_mod),
        polyadd_wm(-e, secret_part, poly_mod), modulus, poly_mod))

        b = np.int64(np.concatenate( (b, [0] * (n - len(b)) ) )) # pad b
        a = np.int64(np.concatenate( (a, [0] * (n - len(a)) ) )) # pad a

        rlk0[i] = b
        rlk1[i] = a
    return rlk0, rlk1

def evaluate_keygen_v2(sk, size, modulus, poly_mod, extra_modulus, std2):
    """Generate a relinearization key using version 2.
            sk: secret key.
            size: size of the polynomials.
            modulus: coefficient modulus.
            poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
            extra_modulus: the "p" modulus for modulus switching.
            st2: standard deviation for the error distribution.
            rlk0, rlk1: relinearization key.
    new_modulus = modulus * extra_modulus
    a = gen_uniform_poly(size, new_modulus)
    e = gen_normal_poly(size, 0, std2)
    secret_part = extra_modulus * poly.polymul(sk, sk)

    b = np.int64(polyadd_wm(
        polymul_wm(-a, sk, poly_mod),
        polyadd_wm(-e, secret_part, poly_mod), poly_mod)) % new_modulus
    return b, a

def encrypt(pk, size, q, t, poly_mod, m, std1):
    """Encrypt an integer.
        pk: public-key.
        size: size of polynomials.
        q: ciphertext modulus.
        t: plaintext modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        m: plaintext message, as an integer vector (of length <= size) with entries mod t.
        Tuple representing a ciphertext.
    m = np.array(m + [0] * (size - len(m)), dtype=np.int64) % t
    delta = q // t
    scaled_m = delta * m
    e1 = gen_normal_poly(size, 0, std1)
    e2 = gen_normal_poly(size, 0, std1)
    u = gen_binary_poly(size)
    ct0 = polyadd(
            polymul(pk[0], u, q, poly_mod),
            e1, q, poly_mod),
        scaled_m, q, poly_mod
    ct1 = polyadd(
        polymul(pk[1], u, q, poly_mod),
        e2, q, poly_mod
    return (ct0, ct1)

def decrypt(sk, q, t, poly_mod, ct):
    """Decrypt a ciphertext.
        sk: secret-key.
        size: size of polynomials.
        q: ciphertext modulus.
        t: plaintext modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        ct: ciphertext.
        Integer vector representing the plaintext.
    scaled_pt = polyadd(
        polymul(ct[1], sk, q, poly_mod),
        ct[0], q, poly_mod
    decrypted_poly = np.round(t * scaled_pt / q) % t
    return np.int64(decrypted_poly)

# ------Function for adding and multiplying encrypted values------
def add_plain(ct, pt, q, t, poly_mod):
    """Add a ciphertext and a plaintext.
        ct: ciphertext.
        pt: integer to add.
        q: ciphertext modulus.
        t: plaintext modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        Tuple representing a ciphertext.
    size = len(poly_mod) - 1
    # encode the integer into a plaintext polynomial
    m = np.array(pt + [0] * (size - len(pt)), dtype=np.int64) % t
    delta = q // t
    scaled_m = delta * m
    new_ct0 = polyadd(ct[0], scaled_m, q, poly_mod)
    return (new_ct0, ct[1])

def add_cipher(ct1, ct2, q, poly_mod):
    """Add a ciphertext and a ciphertext.
        ct1, ct2: ciphertexts.
        q: ciphertext modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        Tuple representing a ciphertext.
    new_ct0 = polyadd(ct1[0], ct2[0], q, poly_mod)
    new_ct1 = polyadd(ct1[1], ct2[1], q, poly_mod)
    return (new_ct0, new_ct1)

def mul_plain(ct, pt, q, t, poly_mod):
    """Multiply a ciphertext and a plaintext.
        ct: ciphertext.
        pt: integer polynomial to multiply.
        q: ciphertext modulus.
        t: plaintext modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        Tuple representing a ciphertext.
    size = len(poly_mod) - 1
    # encode the integer polynomial into a plaintext vector of size=size
    m = np.array(pt + [0] * (size - len(pt)), dtype=np.int64) % t
    new_c0 = polymul(ct[0], m, q, poly_mod)
    new_c1 = polymul(ct[1], m, q, poly_mod)
    return (new_c0, new_c1)

def multiplication_coeffs(ct1, ct2, q, t, poly_mod):
    """Multiply two ciphertexts.
            ct1: first ciphertext.
            ct2: second ciphertext
            q: ciphertext modulus.
            t: plaintext modulus.
            poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
            Triplet (c0,c1,c2) encoding the multiplied ciphertexts.

    c_0 = np.int64(np.round(polymul_wm(ct1[0], ct2[0], poly_mod) * t / q)) % q
    c_1 = np.int64(np.round(polyadd_wm(polymul_wm(ct1[0], ct2[1], poly_mod), polymul_wm(ct1[1], ct2[0], poly_mod), poly_mod) * t / q)) % q
    c_2 = np.int64(np.round(polymul_wm(ct1[1], ct2[1], poly_mod) * t / q)) % q
    return c_0, c_1, c_2

def mul_cipher_v1(ct1, ct2, q, t, T, poly_mod , rlk0, rlk1):
    """Multiply two ciphertexts.
        ct1: first ciphertext.
        ct2: second ciphertext
        q: ciphertext modulus.
        t: plaintext modulus.
        T: base
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        rlk0, rlk1: output of the EvaluateKeygen_v1 function.
        Tuple representing a ciphertext.
    n = len(poly_mod) - 1
    l = np.int64(np.log(q) / np.log(T))  #l = log_T(q)

    c_0, c_1, c_2 = multiplication_coeffs(ct1, ct2, q, t, poly_mod)
    c_2 = np.int64(np.concatenate( (c_2, [0] * (n - len(c_2))) )) #pad

    #Next, we decompose c_2 in base T:
    #more precisely, each coefficient of c_2 is decomposed in base T such that c_2 = sum T**i * c_2(i).
    Reps = np.zeros((n, l + 1), dtype = np.int64)
    for i in range(n):
        rep = int2base(c_2[i], T)
        rep2 = rep + [0] * (l + 1 - len(rep)) #pad with 0
        Reps[i] = np.array(rep2, dtype=np.int64)
    # Each row Reps[i] is the base T representation of the i-th coefficient c_2[i].
    # The polynomials c_2(j) are given by the columns Reps[:,j].

    c_20 = np.zeros(shape=n)
    c_21 = np.zeros(shape=n)
    # Here we compute the sums: rlk[j][0] * c_2(j) and rlk[j][1] * c_2(j)
    for j in range(l + 1):
        c_20 = polyadd_wm(c_20, polymul_wm(rlk0[j], Reps[:,j], poly_mod), poly_mod)
        c_21 = polyadd_wm(c_21, polymul_wm(rlk1[j], Reps[:,j], poly_mod), poly_mod)

    c_20 = np.int64(np.round(c_20)) % q
    c_21 = np.int64(np.round(c_21)) % q

    new_c0 = np.int64(polyadd_wm(c_0, c_20, poly_mod)) % q
    new_c1 = np.int64(polyadd_wm(c_1, c_21, poly_mod)) % q

    return (new_c0, new_c1)

def mul_cipher_v2(ct1, ct2, q, t, p, poly_mod, rlk0, rlk1):
    """Multiply two ciphertexts.
        ct1: first ciphertext.
        ct2: second ciphertext.
        q: ciphertext modulus.
        t: plaintext modulus.
        p: modulus-swithcing modulus.
        poly_mod: polynomial modulus.
        rlk0, rlk1: output of the EvaluateKeygen_v2 function.
        Tuple representing a ciphertext.
    c_0, c_1, c_2 = multiplication_coeffs(ct1, ct2, q, t, poly_mod)

    c_20 = np.int64(np.round(polymul_wm(c_2, rlk0, poly_mod) / p)) % q
    c_21 = np.int64(np.round(polymul_wm(c_2, rlk1, poly_mod) / p)) % q

    new_c0 = np.int64(polyadd_wm(c_0, c_20, poly_mod)) % q
    new_c1 = np.int64(polyadd_wm(c_1, c_21, poly_mod)) % q
    return (new_c0, new_c1)

Expected Output:

I expect the decrypted output to be "Hello world" instead of the strange characters shown above.

Additional Notes:

I'm relatively new to homomorphic encryption, so any explanations or step-by-step guidance on the decryption process would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help!

[Question] Sampling u for encryption

thanks for you Blog post and your code. Its really good, to get an understanding for rlwe. But there is one discrepancy with you Blog Post and your Code, with you encryption, which im not sure about.

In you Blog Post you write:

But in you code, you use the gen_binary_poly function to generate u, instead of gen_normal_poly like you did for the both e. Is that an error in you code or is there a good reason to do this?

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