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bigcommerce-for-wordpress's Issues


Expected behavior

Inventory loads with all variants

Actual behavior

Inventory loads without any variants
only inventory without variations loads as purchaseable
all variable inventory shows as "unsupported" and you cannot put into cart

Steps to reproduce behavior

  1. add plugin
  2. synch with BC and upload inventory

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)


Example product page that works

Example product page that "unsupported" = you cannot view on site due to status

Workaround or possible solution

You would have to remove all variations at this time to get the products to check out which is not an option. Variations need to transfer across with the products

Unavailable products not being respected and not failing elegantly

A product with rules defining the product as unavailable with a certain combination is not respected in WP.

Here's how a product set up like that shows on BC:

screen shot 2018-07-30 at 11 05 03

(for reference, here's a combination of options that does allow purchasing)

screen shot 2018-07-30 at 11 05 10

That same product in WP is displayed like this:

screen shot 2018-07-30 at 11 08 48

And the add to cart button is still available when the "unavailable" combination is selected.

When the add to cart button is clicked, the product is added to the cart but with default option selections:

screen shot 2018-07-30 at 11 09 01

I understand that rules are being phased out, but in the mean time, while a client can still use them in BC, unless a migration from rules to options is being offered (is it??) we need to support them in the plugin. And if we can't support them, we certainly can't be adding incorrect products to the cart instead of failing elegantly.

We have a client waiting to go live that needs this fixing asap.... Thank you!! :) :)

Error on "Add to Cart" button

Expected behavior

"Add To Cart" button adds item to the cart

Actual behavior

Getting Error

Not Found
The requested URL /bigcommerce/cart/42 was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Steps to reproduce behavior

1.Add Plugin
2.Import Product
3. View product
4. Click on add product button

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)

Example Image

Workaround or possible solution

Bulk Pricing Table

When might we expect to be able to show the bulk pricing rules for a product?

We are having to implement a custom solution for a live client (more duplication of data entry) while this is unavailable in the plugin.

Thank you!

@karen-white @topher1kenobe

Proceed to Checkout from the sopping cart page generates 404 error

Expected behavior

Open the checkout page when clicking on the Proceed to Checkout button from the cart page

Actual behavior

Wordpress generates 404 error

Steps to reproduce behavior

  1. Enable Anyone can register option in the WordPress site
  2. Add products to the shopping cart
  3. Create ad new account with Wordpress/BigCommerce Account Profile page or sign-in with existing account
  4. Open the Cart page
  5. Click the Proceed to Checkout button.
    6 you get the 404 error page with the URlL like this:

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)

Example Image

Workaround or possible solution



Is there a roadmap we could have access to that would show us what features are expected to be released when?


Separate components for quick view gallery and single product page gallery

Is there going to be the option to have different html for the gallery that appears in the quick view pop up and the gallery on the single product page?

Currently struggling to squeeze the same components in to bootstrap when parent elements are opened and closed in different component files.

I'm sure we can find a way to make it work but it may be helpful to be able to adapt the code depending on where it is displayed.

(also, any update on the gallery bug?)

Ability for user to add review

Thanks for the latest review functionality.

Am I right in understanding that a client must mark a product as allowing comments to enable reviews on that product?

Would it make more sense to import all products with comments enabled? It's a bit of a task for our clients to go through every imported product and enable comments.

Checkout - Logo Links to BigCommerce Store

At checkout the customer can click on the logo in the header that takes them to the BigCommerce store. Will this be something that needs to be updated in the BigCommerce theme files? It would be great to have a setting that would allow for the logo to link back to the WordPress store. Thanks!

Update product price on option select

On a single product page, the prices do not update when options are selected. Instead, the single product page shows the price as £x - £y and the user only sees the actual price once they get to the cart.

We could really do with this being fixed asap for a client that's waiting to go live.

Thank you!!

(@topher1kenobe @karen-white)

cart icon is not showingnumber of items

I have followed the instructions to integrate the "Bigcommerce for Wordpress" plugin in my site. I have added the API Credentials in wordpress and connected it then improted the products from Bigcommerce store and currently it displaying on tests page
please check this URL

I'm able to add the product item onclick ADD TO CART button and it is redirecting on cart page as well
but mainly I need is to have the add to cart click add item to the cart icon, Currently CART ICON (In the header menu) is not showing the number of items.

Please Help Me As Soon As Possible!

Product brands not being assigned

Whilst some products have their brand assigned correctly within WP, most do not.

The brands themselves are pulled through to WP but products are not correctly assigned to them.

For example, we have a brand with 221 products assigned to it in BC. In WP, the brand exists but has 0 products assigned to it. The same goes for many other brands with products associated in BC but not in WP.

Any ideas??


Conflit with Theme Blog Grid layout and BigComm Plugin

Expected behavior

I can see my main pages and other pages of website with plugin enabled.

Actual behavior

When we add a blog grid we get a conflict with plugin that kills most of all pages on the website. If we use the same blog section as list or author or excerpt it works fine. My assumption is the Grid format is conflicting with the Grid format in the new BigComm plugin.

We are using Enfold Them with all plugins up to date. We disabled all plugs and vested each one for the issue.

Error message at the top of the page when Grid view is enabled for blog posts: (cut and paste from view source)

Fatal error: Call to undefined function avia_wc_clear_catalog_ordering_args_filters() in /nas/content/staging/thril/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/postslider/postslider.php on line 828

Steps to reproduce behavior

  1. Add blog display section in page layout and enable Grid view

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)

Example Image

Workaround or possible solution

option missing


I notice product option missing.

Rawi Rai

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS)

Tried to install the plugin and landed on this error.

Warning: getenv() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /home3/projoom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce-for-wordpress-0.7.2/bigcommerce.php on line 53

Warning: getenv() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /home3/projoom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce-for-wordpress-0.7.2/bigcommerce.php on line 53

Warning: getenv() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /home3/projoom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce-for-wordpress-0.7.2/bigcommerce.php on line 53

Warning: getenv() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /home3/projoom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce-for-wordpress-0.7.2/bigcommerce.php on line 53

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /home3/projoom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce-for-wordpress-0.7.2/src/BigCommerce/Schema/Schema.php on line 21`

Product Gallery

Is there a timeframe for when the product gallery may be fixed? Currently the thumbnails are unresponsive when clicking.

Happy to look at fixing this ourselves through our plugin if possible but don't want to spend time on something that will be fixed in the next release.

Thank you! :)

Pricing for Groups not working

Expected behavior

We have store wide discounts for groups. Expect customer to see same price in the store and in wowrdpress

Actual behavior

Show prices without group discount

Steps to reproduce behavior

  1. Create customer in biggcomerce
    2.Assign customer to group
    3.Create discount to the group
    4.Login to Wordpress with the same user id as created n step 1
    5.No discount in wordpress. Shows regular price

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)

Example Image

Workaround or possible solution

Product Reviews

Hello there :)

We have noticed that the number of product reviews on a product is correctly pulled through but not the reviews themselves. How can we pull through the reviews?

Also, when adding a review on the WP side, it doesn't seem to sync with BC. How can we get that to happen please?

Thanks a lot!


Hidden Products are imported

Expected behavior

Products with 'hidden' visibility in the BigCommerce store should not import through the Wordpress plugin.

Actual behavior

All products regardless of visibility are importing.

Steps to reproduce behavior

  1. Hide a product in BigCommerce
  2. Import products in Wordpress.
  3. Note that all products are imported

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)

Workaround or possible solution

All products imported to Wordpress are initially left in an unpublished state.

  • Not a high priority.
  • May be desired functionality of the developer.

These might be helpful :)

We have added a few bits and bobs to the current functionality of the plugin. Most of it I'm sure will be added as dev continues but in the mean time, I thought it might be useful for others to share what we've done.

Just a small, additional plugin to drop in next to the current BC plugin.

The functionality this adds is as follows:

  • Adds a UI for the taxonomies imported from BC (probably intentionally left out due to not having the two way sync yet but we needed to use them)
  • Remove "category" from the product archive page title
  • Adds product options as taxonomies and terms on import/update
  • Adds previous terms of taxonomies to the filters available on front end archive page
  • Fixes the product option swatch issue when using images as swatches (currently hard coded to #999999)
  • Adds a $permalink variable available to the product-card component
  • Option to send import debug info via wp_mail()
  • Adds further settings to BigCommerce settings page for:
    • Whether or not to show sizes and colours
    • Username and password for sites behind Basic Auth (BC wont sync products to sites behind basic auth without this)
    • Specify how many products should be assigned to a term to warrant showing it in the filters
    • Automatically set the permalink structure required for BC plugin to work

You can find it here:


Search by SKU

Currently a user can search for a product by SKU on BC.

Do you know when we might expect this functionality within the WP plugin?

We have a client specifically asking for this functionality from WP as their customers tend to search for their products by SKU.

We can probably implement a solution ourselves but would rather not invest time in a feature that will be solved with an imminent release.

Thank you! :)

Product Search

I can see in src/BigCommerce/Post_Types/Product/Query.php that pre_get_posts is being hooked in to to provide the search by SKU functionality. However, the logic is failing somewhere along the way and clients are unable to search by SKU.

Does anyone have this working?

"This product cannot be purchased in my online store"

products marked as "This product cannot be purchased in my online store" in BC are being pulled through to WP with the "default price" field and are available to be purchased. Will the plugin respect this setting and either display the specified message (contact our team for pricing etc) or hide the add to cart button, depending on how it's set up in BC?

shortcode category option syntax or change to catid="x,y,z" ?

I've had a problem using slugs perhaps some example shortcodes for each option would be useful?
I didn't know that catid was valid until I tested it ..

example of my original syntax
[bigcommerce_product category="online_store/1_litre,online_store/20_litre"]

I've found this works ..
[bigcommerce_product catid="24,25,26"]

Thanks in advance - integration with Wordpress for BigCommerce is essential if BC is going to be retained by my agency.

Shortcodes with search are not escaped

Expected behavior

Shortcode using search includes a [/] and returns results properly.

Actual behavior

Shortcode is not being processed properly.

Steps to reproduce behavior

Within the WordPress Admin page:

  1. Press "Add Products" button
  2. Do a search using term [Sample]
  3. Save and publish page
  4. View page

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)

screen shot 2018-07-23 at 4 41 31 pm

Workaround or possible solution

I would imagine escaping the shortcode value, but my attempt at doing that did not succeed and it is possible that your own shortcode escaping might be needed.

Product rules not being respected

The plugin is not currently respecting product rules set up in Big Commerce. At best, it is failing with a confusing cart error message, at worst it is adding entirely different product options to the cart and not informing the user!

Here are two examples:


Product A has two possible options to choose from and is set up in BC with the following rule:

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 13 48 31

So, in theory, if a user chooses "30 Metre" and "OM1", purchasing should be disabled.

On the front end of BC, this happens when selecting those options (the add to basket button is removed, which is correct):

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 13 47 02

On the WordPress front end, this happens when selecting those same options (nothing):

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 13 52 36

When clicking add to cart, it would appear that the product, with those options is successfully added (the message even says so):

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 13 47 20

HOWEVER! If we look more closely at the line item, we can see that the product has been added as 0.5 Metre. This is a show stopper. The customer is very unlikely to notice this, which is obviously really bad. But even if they do, there is no clear direction on how to add the product with the available options (they can't).


Product B has one option and is set up in BC with the following rule:

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 13 59 42

BC front end (woo! Add to cart button removed when selecting 30 metre!):

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 14 00 52

Wordpress Front end (boooo):

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 14 02 27

This time, when clicking add to cart with the option selected that should be disabled, we get this on the cart page:

screen shot 2018-08-08 at 13 46 33

Whilst this is a lot better than adding completely different options, it is not really satisfactory for the customer. The user should not be able to add the product to the cart with the "disable purchasing" rule in place on that option.

We reeeeeeeeally need this fixed asap for a live client. Pleeeeeeease!!!


Product Images

Since the latest (0.10.0) release, the extra thumbnails of an image are no longer in a row and instead overflow vertically down the page.

(I am still having the same issue previously highlighted re clicking the thumbnails.)

screen shot 2018-08-07 at 09 11 06


Hi - am just curious what the license of the plugin is (or will be).


Bulk Pricing rules in checkout

Hello there :)

As we are currently unable to add more than one of a product to the cart (no quantity field on the single product page yet), we are testing bulk pricing in the basket.

It would seem that the event attached to typing in a new quantity works well.

However, using the increment arrows within the quantity field in the basket does not consistently work. It appears that the event attached to the arrows only uses the last assigned bulk price rule, rather than looking up the relevant price for the current quantity.

I'm sure this will be fixed when the quantity field is added to the single product page but just wanted to flag as we're really needing this to work at the moment! :)

Thanks a lot! :)

Option to remove login_url redirect

We have updated our drop in plugin to include a setting to remove the BC login_url redirect. Reason for this is we want to be able to control whether this is in place or not. Particularly in theme development, forcing admins to log in via the login front end page can be a pain at least and prevent us from logging in at worst (depending on where we are at with the theme dev).


Currency symbol is misleading and dangerous

Expected behavior

Change currency symbol from "$" to "€" and instead of $25.00, €21.38 would display.

Actual behavior

Instead of $25.00, €25.00 displays.

Steps to reproduce behavior

  1. Change Currency Symbol

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)


Workaround or possible solution

My opinion, but changing currency symbol will be misleading to some users expecting the currencies to actually be converted. Especially true since this is how BigCommerce currently operates.

Wordpress account passwords out of sync

Expected behavior

A user should be able to log in to WordPress store account after the user resets a password with WordPress

Actual behavior

The user cannot log in unless the BigCommerce store is manually updated with the same password as WordPress store

Steps to reproduce behavior

A User has an existing account with BigCommerce store
User comes visits Wordpress store
User select products and adds to shopping cart
User click login
Creates an account with the same email that is attached to BigCommerce Account
The user selects a new password
Saves the account
Wordpress brings the existing account from BigCommerce to show.
User logs out
User tries to log in to WordPress store with the new WordPress password
Password error
The User resets password
The user still cannot log in
Admin logs to the big commerce store and manually updates password to match with the WordPress password.
The user can log in now.

Screenshot/Video (if applicable)

Example Image

Workaround or possible solution

Product Sync

When the product sync gets stuck and does not make any progress for a considerable amount of time, what is the recommended action to take?

For example, on one client, the message "Import in progress. Status: Importing products. 292 remaining." has been the same for quite a while now.

Is there a log somewhere that we've missed that may help us pin point the problem?

how to use shortcodes


how to use shortcodes to display featured, sale, recent, category

category - A comma delimited list of Product Category slugs

brand - A comma delimited list of Brand slugs

featured - Set to 1 to limit the query to featured products

sale - Set to 1 to limit the query to sale products

recent - Set to 1 to limit the query to products imported in the last 2 days (filter the duration with the bigcommerce/query/recent_days filter)

search - A search string to match against product titles, BigCommerce product IDs, or SKUs

Bugs in cart

  • Products not being removed (visually).

  • Cart link still shows previous number of items in cart once items are deleted.

Please see video below

(This video also highlights the overflowing images bug ( #26 ) I mentioned 9 days ago....)

release notes?

Would it be possible to get some release notes for 0.10.0 please?

We can see reviews have been done but we are unsure (without trawling through the code) what to tell our clients has been updated.

Thanks very much!

Single product quantity

When might we expect to see the ability to change the quantity of a product added to the cart? Just a input next to the add to cart button on single product pages would be good.

Only asking as we'll build it ourselves if it's a while off (need to have this functionality asap) but won't waste our time if it's coming in the next sprint.

Any timeframes?

Thank you!


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function

Expected behavior

Open website and access backend.

Actual behavior

Installed plug in and added API information and got error message.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function BigCommerce\Import\Runner\wp_unschedule_hook() in /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce/src/BigCommerce/Import/Runner/Cron_Scheduler.php:21 Stack trace: #0 /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce/src/BigCommerce/Import/Runner/Cron_Monitor.php(43): BigCommerce\Import\Runner\Cron_Scheduler->schedule_next_import() #1 /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce/src/BigCommerce/Container/Import.php(51): BigCommerce\Import\Runner\Cron_Monitor->check_for_scheduled_crons() #2 /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(296): BigCommerce\Container\Import->BigCommerce\Container{closure}() #3 /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(323): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #4 /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #5 /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-settings.php(448): do_action('init') #6 /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-config.php(92): in /home/bannerworld/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bigcommerce/src/BigCommerce/Import/Runner/Cron_Scheduler.php on line 21

Steps to reproduce behavior


Screenshot/Video (if applicable)

Example Image

Workaround or possible solution

Product Modifiers

We are currently writing a workaround to be able to support products with modifiers. However, before we spend too long on it, we just wanted to check whether or not this is a feature likely to be released in the next sprint? (and if so, when this sprint is likely to be released?)

Thanks a lot!

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