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bibviz's Introduction

BibViz Project

A project to visualize negative aspects of the Bible in a way that is not only visually appealing but that makes exploring those aspects of the book quick and intuitive. The main focus of the project is Bible contradictions, but it also highlights biblical scientific and historical inaccuracies, cruelty & violence in the Bible, misogyny in the Bible, and homophobia in the Bible.

Data for the website is generated from various sources, including the Skeptic's Annotated Bible,,, etc. See the scripts directory for how each piece was generated. Note that some information is managed by hand as not everything can be generated from the source pages.

The web directory contains everything required for the website, which is generated by a static site generator called Wintersmith. Several modifications/plugins are used, which can be found in the web/plugins directory.

This project makes use of Node.js, Javascript, Coffeescript, Cheerio (a jQuery-like library), Needle, Async.js, D3.js, Wintersmith, HTML, Stylus, and Nunjucks templates.

Contribution Ideas

The following is a non-exhaustive list of possible contribution ideas. Many require little or even zero programming experience. Feel free to fork and choose one:

  • Translations
  • New data sources for web/contents/data/contra.json
  • Additional visualizations using D3.js
  • Blog entries
  • Meta-analysis of all data sets
  • Tagging contradictions by severity
  • Tagging contradictions by Christian sect beliefs
  • Support for newer Bible versions (e.g. NIV, ESV)
    • Part of this work would be tagging contradictions by version
  • Tagging contradictions with Christian responses
  • Style, script, page, and search optimizations

Running Locally

First make sure you have Node.js installed, then run some setup commands:

cd web
npm install
npm install -g wintersmith
cp ../cache/kjv-full.json.gz contents/data/
gunzip contents/data/kjv-full.json.gz

For a live preview at http://localhost:8080:

wintersmith preview

To build the site into the build directory:

wintersmith build --clean

Wintersmith Modifications

The following extra features are implemented as plugins to Wintersmith:

  • Blog support with Atom.xml feed generation
  • Pass-through JSON data files in the contents/data directory
  • Exposing JSON data files to the page renderer
  • i18n support via a preprocessor template tag {% trans %}some string{% endtrans %}
  • Generation of translated HTML files based on available languages and translate: true metadata
  • Nunjucks templates with Markdown content that can contain Nunjucks tags
  • A generator to create individual contradiction pages
  • Various utilities (book links, getting Bible verses, etc)

Data Format

Various data files are used to generate the BibViz website. The files fall into three broad categories: Bible information, contradiction information, and specific issue information (used to generate issue bar charts). All of the files use JSON as their format.

Bible Information

The format of the Bible information data files (kjv.json and kjv-full.json) is something like the following:

    "version": "kjv",
    "wordCount": 123,
    "charCount": 123,
    "sections": [
            "name": "Old Testament",
            "wordCount": 123,
            "charCount": 123,
            "relativeLength": 0.7,
            "books": [
                    "name": "The first book of Moses, called Genesis",
                    "shortName": "Genesis",
                    "wordCount": 123,
                    "charCount": 123,
                    "relativeLength": 0.1,
                    "chapters": [
                            "name": "Chapter 1",
                            "wordCount": 123,
                            "charCount": 123,
                            "relativeLength": 0.3,
                            "verseCount": 123

The kjv-full.json additionally adds each verse to the file in a verses array alongside verseCount, and is used to generate individual contradiction pages where the verses are displayed on the page. The full version is not loaded dynamically when visitors view a page due to its large size.

Contradiction Information

The format of the contradiction information data file (contra.json) is something like the following:

    "sab": {
        "name": "sab",
        "desc": "Skeptic's Annotated Bible",
        "url": "",
        "contradictions": [
                "desc": "How many men did the chief of David's captains kill?",
                "refs": {
                    "300": [
                        "1 Chronicles 11:11"
                    "800": [
                        "2 Samuel 23:8"
                "url": "300or800.html",
                ... other metadata ...
            ... more contradictions ...
    ... other sources ...

Issue Information

The format of the issue bar chart information data files (science.json, violence.json, misogyny.json, and homosexual.json) is really just a list of books which each contain a list of references:

        "name": "Genesis",
        "refs": [
            ... more refs ...
    ... more books ...


This creative work is licensed under a Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution Unported 3.0 license, and relevant source code in the scripts and web directories are licensed under an MIT-style license. All contributions will be licensed in a similar fashion.

bibviz's People


danielgtaylor avatar dulceximenabo avatar idontusenumbers avatar jgrose avatar realfakekim avatar


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bibviz's Issues

Domain is now a pornography site

At least, remove the url reference since it is really not a good thing to click the site to check the visualization and see something completely different.

Law of Averages?

Would it possible to collect all of the contradictions answers and compile them into a law of averages.

Son of David (95%)
Son of Joseph (75%)

Exists (70%)


Norwegian translation

{"BibViz Project Blog":"","Archive":"Arkiv","Posted by {{ }}":"Publisert av {{side.metadata.forfatter}}","Books":"Bøker","Bible Contradictions":"Motsigelser i bibelen","BibViz Project":"","Home":"Hjem","Blog":"","Store":"Butikk","New translation":"Ny oversettelse","Website and chart code copyright © 2013 Daniel G. Taylor.":"Webside og kode copyright © 2013 Daniel G. Taylor","Use coupon OMGSSD10 for $10 free!":"Bruk kupong OMFSSD10 for $ i avslag","Donate":"Doner","How many men did the chief of David's captains kill?":"Hvor mange menn drepte sjefen til Davids kapteiner?","Was Abraham justified by faith or works?":"Ble Abraham rettferdiggjort av tro eller av gjerninger?","How many sons did Abraham have?":"Hvor mange sønner hadde Abraham?","Was Abiathar the father or the son of Ahimelech?":"Var Abjatar faren eller til Akimelek, eller var han hans sønn?","Who was Abijam's mother?":"","How were Abijam and Asa related?":"","How long was the ark of the covenant at Abinadab's house?":"","How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?":"","How many sons did Absalom have? How many sons did Absalom have?":"","When did Absalom rebel against David?":"","The two contradictory creation accounts.":"","Who Was Achan's father?":"","How many of Adin's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","How many of Adonikam's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","How should adulterers be punished?":"","Is it wrong to have sex outside of marriage?":"","Was Haman an Agagite?":"","Was Ahaz buried with his fathers?":"","When did Ahaziah begin to reign?":"","How old was Ahaziah when he began to reign?":"","Did the city of Ai exist after Joshua destroyed it?":"","What tribe was Aijalon from?":"","Does God want some to go to hell?":"","Did Jesus tell his disciples everything?":"","Was David alone when asking for the holy bread at Nob?":"","Did Saul and Samuel kill all the Amalekites?":"","Who was Amasa's father?":"","How should the Ammonites be treated?":"","Who was Anah?":"","Who drove the Anakim from Hebron?":"","From what were the animals created?":"","Where did Jesus first appear to the eleven disciples after the resurrection?":"","How many of Arah's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","What was in the Ark of the Covenant?":"","Was Asa perfect?":"","Did Asa remove the high places?":"","How many of Asaph's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","When did Jesus ascend into heaven?":"","Did Peter ask Jesus where he was going?":"","On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?":"","Is the day of the Lord at hand?":"","How many of Azgad's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","When did Baasha die?":"","How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built?":"","How long was the Babylonian Captivity?":"","How many of Bani's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","In whose name is baptism to be performed?":"","Did Jesus baptize anyone?":"","Did Jesus tell his apostles to go barefoot and without a staff?":"","Who was to blame for original sin?":"","Who was Bashemath's father?":"","What was the volume of the molten sea in Solomon's temple?":"","How many of Bebai's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","When did Saul become David's enemy?":"","Who named Beersheba?":"","Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus?":"","Should we believe everything?":"","How many believers were there at the time of the ascension?":"","How old was Benjamin when his clan migrated to Egypt?":"","Who were the sons of Benjamin?":"","Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin?":"","Who asked for the best seats in heaven?":"","When did Jacob rename Luz to Bethel?":"","How many of Bethlehem and Netophah's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","Where did Jesus cure the blind man?":"","How many of Bezai's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","How many of Bigvai's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","Who is the most blessed woman?":"","Who makes people deaf and blind?":"","How many blind men were healed near Jericho?":"","Does the blood of animal sacrifices take away sin?":"","Should we bear each other's burdens?":"","Who buried Jesus?":"","On what day did the temple burn?":"","Did God command the Israelites to make him burnt offerings?":"","Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush?":"","What became of Cain?":"","Was Jesus taken to Caiaphas or Annas first?":"","Will those who call on the Lord be delivered?":"","Can God do anything?":"","How long was the Egyptian Captivity?":"","Does God prefer castrated men?":"","Is casting out devils a sign of a true Christian?":"","Did God kill all the Egyptian cattle in the sixth plague?":"","Is it OK to take a census??":"","Did the Centurion ask Jesus directly to help his slave?":"","What did the Centurion call Jesus when he died?":"","How high was the chapiter?":"","How many men did David kill?":"","Is childbearing sinful?":"","Is it a a good thing to be childish?":"","How did Jesus respond when questioned by the high priest?":"","Is circumcision required?":"","To whom were the cities of Exhtaol and Zoreah given?":"","Did the cock crow before or after Peter's denial?":"","What color was Jesus' robe?":"","Did Jesus forewarn the apostles of his death and resurrection?":"","Is God the author of confusion?":"","Is it OK to covet?":"","Did Jesus say before the cock crow or before the cock crows twice?":"","Did Jesus ask God to save him from crucifixion?":"","Is it OK to curse people?":"","Will God curse the earth?":"","Are those who obey the law cursed?":"","When did the Temple curtain rip?":"","Who carried Jesus' cross?":"","When was the city of Dan named?":"","Generations from David to the Babylonian Captivity":"","How did David kill Goliath?":"","The sons of David born in Hebron":"","Did David sin?":"","Which sons of David were born in Jerusalem?":"","From which of David's sons was Jesus descended?":"","When did the women (or woman) arrive at the sepulchre?":"","Is death final?":"","How many of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","To whom did Peter deny knowing Jesus?":"","Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?":"","Can the devil capture us at will?":"","Is the devil tied up or free to roam?":"","Who can cast out devils in the name of Jesus?":"","Where did the devils ask not to go?":"","Does God desire animal sacrifices?":"","Must everyone die?":"","Should believers discuss their faith with non-believers?":"","Is divorce ever permissible?":"","Does anyone ever do anything good?":"","Who put the robe on Jesus?":"","Did Jesus drink on the cross?":"","When did the earth dry after the flood?":"","Does God dwell in darkness or in light?":"","Will the earth last forever?":"","What kind of animals may we eat?":"","How should the Edomites be treated?":"","May a eunuch enter into the congregation of the Lord?":"","Did Lot's daughters think God had killed every man except Lot?":"","Does the gospel of Luke contain everything that Jesus did?":"","Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth?":"","How many disciples did Jesus appear to in his first post resurrection appearance?":"","Did the eleven disciples believe the two men?":"","Whom did Elhanan kill?":"","Was John the Baptist Elijah?":"","When will the end of the world come?":"","How should we treat our enemies?":"","Has anyone ever ascended into heaven?":"","Did Enoch die?":"","Was Enoch the sixth or the seventh from Adam?":"","Will Ephraim return to Egypt?":"","When was Eve created?":"","Is everyone descended from Adam and Eve?":"","Is God the creator of evil?":"","Do evildoers prosper?":"","Did Moses see God face to face?":"","Is Salvation by faith alone?":"","Were the men with Paul knocked to the ground?":"","Is it possible to fall from grace?":"","How many years of famine?":"","Is it OK to call your father (or anyone else) father?":"","Did Moses fear the king?":"","Should we look for signs in the heavens?":"","Should we fear God?":"","Who bought the potter's field?":"","When did the cursed fig tree die?":"","When did Jesus curse the fig tree?":"","Was Jesus the first to rise from the dead?":"","To whom did Jesus make his first post-resurrection appearance?":"","How long was the ark afloat?":"","How long did the flood last?":"","Did everyone (except for Noah and his family) die in the flood?":"","Will the righteous flourish?":"","Which flying creeping things may we eat?":"","Is it OK to call someone a fool?":"","Is it good to be foolish?":"","Who forces non-believers to disbelieve?":"","How many Philistine foreskins did David buy his first wife with?":"","Does God forgive sins?":"","How many generations from Jesus to Abraham?":"","Can God be found?":"","From what were the fowls created?":"","Do humans have free will?":"","Were the disciples frightened or gladdened when they saw Jesus?":"","Does God ever get furious?":"","Who gave the law to Moses?":"","Did God give Gehazi leprosy?":"","Genealogy of Jesus":"","When was the Holy Ghost given?":"","Does God lie?":"","Does God love everyone?":"","Does God know what is in everyone's heart?":"","How many gods are there?":"","Are we all God's children?":"","Does God work on the Sabbath?":"","How much gold, silver, and clothing did the people give?":"","Who killed Goliath?":"","Is anyone good?":"","Who was the greatest: Jesus, Solomon, or John the Baptist?":"","Is it OK for men to have long hair?":"","Who was Noah's youngest son?":"","Is it good to be happy?":"","Was Mary Magdalen happy or sad when she saw the risen Jesus?":"","Who hardened the Pharaoh's heart?":"","Should we follow our own hearts?":"","When was heaven created?":"","Does Hell exist?":"","Does God help in times of need?":"","Who was Heman's father?":"","Did Herod think Jesus was John the Baptist?":"","Where did Joseph's brothers find the hidden money?":"","How many talents of gold did Hiram send Solomon?":"","Is only God holy?":"","Who sent the Holy Ghost?":"","How should homosexuals be treated?":"","Where did Aaron die?":"","How many horsemen did David take?":"","When (at what time of day) was Jesus crucified?":"","Does God approve of human sacrifice?":"","Were humans created before or after the other animals?":"","If a husband believes, is his wife saved also?":"","Which tribe was Hyram from?":"","Was Zechariah Iddo's son or grandson?":"","Is it OK to make images?":"","Which came first: the calling of Peter and Andrew or the imprisonment of John the Baptist?":"","Is incest forbidden?":"","Are we punished for the sins of others?":"","Did Saul inquire of the Lord?":"","Were the men or angels inside or outside the tomb when the women arrived?":"","Will God destroy those that intermarry?":"","Can God stop iron chariots?":"","How old was Ishmael when he was abandoned by Abraham?":"","When was King Jabin killed?":"","Who bought the sepulcher in Shechem from the sons of Hamor?":"","Where was Jacob buried?":"","How many were in Jacob's family when they came into Egypt?":"","Was Jairus' daughter alive when Jesus was approached?":"","Did Jeconiah have any sons?":"","Was Jeconiah the son or grandson of Josiah?":"","When did Jehoash become king of Israel?":"","How long did Jehoash reign?":"","How old was Jehoachin when he began to reign?":"","Who succeeded Jehoiakim as king?":"","Did Jehoiakim die in Babylon or near Jerusalem?":"","Did Jehoshaphat remove the high places?":"","Did Abraham know God's name?":"","Was Jehu the son or grandson of Nimshi?":"","When was the blind man (or men) healed?":"","Did Paul go to Jerusalem from Damascus immediately after his conversion?":"","How many sons did Jesse have?":"","When was Jesus born?":"","Was Joseph the father of Jesus?":"","Did Jesus know everything?":"","Did Jesus bear witness of himself?":"","What will happen to Jews when they die?":"","Will there be many Jews?":"","What was Jesus H. Christ's real name?":"","Did God commend or condemn Jehu for the killings at Jezreel?":"","Where was Joash buried?":"","Who brought evil on Job?":"","Who cast Jonah into the sea?":"","Who was Jesus' paternal grandfather?":"","Where did Josiah die?":"","How did King Josiah die?":"","How long did Jotham reign?":"","How did Judas die?":"","Did Judas identify Jesus with a kiss?":"","To judge or not to judge.":"","Does Jesus judge people?":"","Has there ever been a just person?":"","Is anyone justified?":"","Was Keturah Abraham's wife or concubine?":"","To kill or not to kill.":"","Why did God reject Saul as king?":"","Who was the father of Kish?":"","Does God know and see everything?":"","Who was Korah's father?":"","Did God bury alive all of Korah's children?":"","Who was Laban's father?":"","What were the last words of Jesus?":"","Should we obey human or divine law?":"","Is it wrong to lie?":"","What is the human lifespan?":"","How many of Lod, Hadid, and Ono's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","Has the sun ever stood still in the sky for 24 hours?":"","Who is the Lord of this world?":"","Was Lot righteous?":"","Should we love or hate others?":"","Was Mahli the son of Levi?":"","Will everyone see the majesty of God?":"","Was David a man of war before he fought Goliath?":"","Did Elisha receive Elijah's mantle before or after Elijah is taken up into heaven?":"","Is marriage a good thing?":"","Should Christians be concerned with material things?":"","Is it OK to eat meat sacrificed to other gods?":"","Was Moses meek?":"","Is God merciful?":"","How many children did Michal have?":"","Did the Israelites kill every male in Midian?":"","How many did God kill for "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab"?":"","How should the Moabites be treated?":"","Did any Moabite enter the congregation of the Lord?":"","Is money good or bad?":"","Was Moses in good mental and physical health at age 120?":"","Who was Moses' father-in-law?":"","Was Moses a good speaker?":"","Did Jesus preach his first sermon on a mountain or a plain?":"","What is God's name?":"","What's new?":"","What is the correct recipe for the new moon sacrifice?":"","If God likes you, will everyone else like you too?":"","When did Noah enter the ark?":"","How should nonbelievers be treated?":"","Is it OK to take oaths?":"","Are those who believe that Jesus is the Christ "of God"?":"","How many officers did Solomon have?":"","How old was Abraham when he left Haran?":"","Was the tomb opened or closed when the women arrived?":"","Are the laws of the Old Testament still binding?":"","How many overseers did Solomon have?":"","Who owns the earth?":"","How many of Pahathmoab, Jeshua, and Joab's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","How should parents be treated?":"","How many days is unleavened bread to be eaten during the passover?":"","When was Jesus crucified?":"","Did Paul see Jesus on the road to Damascus?":"","Did Paul visit all of the disciples when he went to Jerusalem after his conversion?":"","Is God warlike or peaceful?":"","Is the law of God perfect?":"","Is it OK to use perfume?":"","Who wrote the Pentateuch?":"","How did Peter find out that Jesus was the Messiah?":"","Where did Peter and Andrew live?":"","Were the Pharisees baptized by John?":"","Can women be church leaders?":"","How high were the pillars?":"","Were plants created before or after humans?":"","Should we try to please others?":"","How many children of the porters returned from Babylon?":"","How many men were possessed with devils?":"","What did Jesus do after his baptism?":"","How much power did Jesus have?":"","Do Christians know how to pray?":"","Should you pray for everyone?":"","When David fled to Nob, what was the priest's name?":"","On what day of the month was Jehoiachin released from prison?":"","Should Christians pray in public?":"","Is every word of God pure?":"","Was Rahab saved by faith or works?":"","Who raised Jesus from the dead?":"","Was Jesus a ransom for many or a ransom for all?":"","Can God be found through reason alone?":"","Did Mary Magdalene recognize Jesus when he first appeared to her?":"","Should we rejoice when our enemies suffer?":"","Is it OK for a divorced woman to remarry?":"","Should we rend our clothes?":"","Does God repent?":"","Does God respect anyone?":"","Did both thieves revile Jesus?":"","Is wealth a sign of righteousness or of wickedness?":"","Has there ever been a righteous person?":"","Does righteousness come from following the Law?":"","Is it necessary to keep the Sabbath?":"","How should Sabbath-breakers be punished?":"","Who may offer sacrifices to God?":"","Who was the father of Salah?":"","Did the Samaritans receive Jesus?":"","Should the gospel be preached to everyone?":"","When was the last time that Samuel saw Saul?":"","Who was Samuel's firstborn son?":"","Did Sarah have faith that she would conceive?":"","When did Satan enter Judas?":"","How did Saul die?":"","Did all of Saul's family die with him?":"","When did Saul meet David?":"","When did "Is Saul among the prophets?" become a proverb?":"","Who were Saul's sons?":"","What must you do to be saved?":"","Were the Israelites to spare the trees in the countries they invaded?":"","Did Jesus have secret teachings?":"","Was Sisera murdered in his sleep?":"","Is all Scripture inspired by God?":"","Should we let others see our good works?":"","Can God be seen?":"","How many of Senaah's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","Should you serve God alone?":"","What does the earth set upon?":"","How should a man who has sex with a menstruating woman be punished?":"","Do bad things happen to good people?":"","Did Jesus perform many signs and wonders?":"","What did Judas do with the silver?":"","Do Christians sin?":"","Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?":"","How many singing men and women returned from Babylon?":"","Were the men or angels inside the tomb sitting or standing?":"","In Jesus' response to the rich young man, what was the six commandment on his list of "the commandments"?":"","What was Jonathan's first slaughter?":"","Does God sleep?":"","How many valiant men drew the sword in Israel and Judah as counted by Joab?":"","Who brought Joseph into Egypt?":"","Was Solomon David's second or fourth son by Bathsheba?":"","What was Solomon's payment to Hiram?":"","When did Solomon's reign begin?":"","Was Jesus the son of David?":"","How many sons does God have?":"","How many sons did Gideon have?":"","Who were the sons of Heman?":"","Was Jesus silent during his trial before Pilate?":"","How did Jesus cure the blind man?":"","Does God have a body?":"","How many stalls did Solomon have?":"","When were the stars made?":"","Is it wrong to steal?":"","Did Joshua remove the twelve stones from the Jordan River?":"","How should strangers be treated?":"","Were the Philistines subdued all the days of Samuel?":"","Why did God turn the sundial back ten degrees?":"","Is Jesus peaceful?":"","When did Jesus' temple tantrum occur?":"","Where did Jesus tell his disciples to go after his resurrection?":"","Did the women immediately tell the disciples?":"","Did Jesus say, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up"?":"","Can God be tempted?":"","Who tempted David to number Israel?":"","Has God ever tempted anyone?":"","How old was Terah when he died?":"","Is it OK to test (or tempt) God?":"","Can thieves go to heaven?":"","At his baptism, did God address Jesus directly?":"","How much did David pay for the threshing floor?":"","Should you speak in tongues?":"","Was it OK to touch the risen Jesus before his ascension?":"","When did the transfiguration occur?":"","May Adam eat from any tree?":"","What were the twelve (or thirteen) tribes of Israel?":"","How many of each clean animal did Noah take into the ark?":"","Is there an unforgivable sin?":"","Is it OK to marry (or stay married to) unbelievers? Is it OK to touch them or be friends with them?":"","Where did God kill Uzza?":"","What did the soldiers give Jesus to drink?":"","Did Jesus go to heaven after he died but before his ascension?":"","Did the men with Paul hear the voice?":"","Where did Moses get water from a rock?":"","How did Moses get water out of the rock?":"","Does God ever tire?":"","Was Jonah swallowed by a fish or a whale?":"","Who (or what) is the ransom for the righteous?":"","Who created heaven and earth?":"","Who made the ark of the covenant?":"","Who wrote the (second set of) ten commandments?":"","Does God destroy both the righteous and the wicked?":"","Do the wicked live long?":"","Is God's will always done in heaven?":"","Is wisdom a good thing?":"","Does wisdom make people happy?":"","How many men were in the king's presence?":"","Who is for or against Jesus?":"","Who did the women see at the tomb?":"","How many women came to the sepulchre?":"","Where did the women watching the crucifixion stand?":"","Can only God work wonders?":"","How are people judged by God?":"","How many of Zattu's offspring returned from Babylon?":"","Who was Zechariah's father?":"","Did Zedekiah's eyes behold the king of Babylon?":"","Who was Zerubbabel's father?":"","Where does God dwell?":"","Did God call Abraham before or after he moved to Haran?":"","God good to all, or just a few?":"","War or Peace?":"","Who is the father of Joseph?":"","Who was at the Empty Tomb? Is it:":"","Is Jesus equal to or lesser than?":"","Which first--beasts or man?":"","How many stalls and horsemen?":"","Is it folly to be wise or not?":"","Human vs. ghostly impregnation":"","The sins of the father":"","Rabbits do not chew their cud":"","Fowl from waters or ground?":"","Odd genetics":"","The shape of the earth":"","Snakes, while built low, do not eat dirt":"","Earth supported? Heaven supported too":"","The hydrological cycle":"","Order of creation":"","Moses' personality":"","Righteous live?":"","Jesus' first sermon plain or mount?":"","Jesus' last words":"","Years of famine":"","The GENEALOGY OF JESUS?":"","God be seen?":"","CRUEL, UNMERCIFUL, DESTRUCTIVE, and FEROCIOUS or KIND, MERCIFUL, and GOOD:":"","Tempts?":"","Judas died how?":"","Ascend to heaven":"","What was Jesus' prediction regarding Peter's denial?":"","How many times did the cock crow?":"","How many beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount":"","Does every man sin?":"","Who bought potter's field":"","Who prophesied the potter's field?":"","Do you answer a fool?":"","How many children did Michal, the daughter of Saul, have?":"","How old was Jehoiachin when he began to reign?":"","Marriage?":"","Did those with Saul/Paul at his conversion hear a voice?":"","Where was Jesus three days after his baptism?":"","How many apostles were in office between the resurrection and ascension?":"","Judging":"","Good deeds":"","For or against?":"","Whom did they see at the tomb?":"","God change?":"","Destruction of cities (what said was jeremiah was zechariah)":"","Whose sepulchers":"","When second coming?":"","Solomon's overseers":"","The mother of Abijah:":"","What was the color of the robe placed on Jesus during his trial?":"","What did they give him to drink?":"","How long was Jesus in the tomb?":"","Is God satisfied with his works?":"","Does God dwell in temples?":"","Does God dwell in light or darkness?":"","Can God be seen or heard?":"","Does God get tired?":"","Does God see and know all things?":"","Does God know the hearts of men?":"","Is God all powerful?":"","Can God be changed?":"","Is God just and impartial?":"","Is God the author of evil?":"","Does God give freely or withold his blessings?":"","Is God to be found by those who seek him?":"","Is God cruel and destructive or kind and merciful?":"","How long and fierce is God's anger?":"","Does God want burnt offerings and sacrifices?":"","Does God accept or forbid human sacrifices?":"","Does God tempt people?":"","Does God ever lie?":"","Does God destroy man for his wickedness?":"","Can God's attributes be known?":"","Is it okay to rob people?":"","Is it okay to lie?":"","Is it okay to hate the Edomites?":"","Is it okay to kill?":"","Should the blood-shedder be put to death?":"","Is it okay to make images?":"","Is slavery and oppression okay?":"","Is improvidence okay?":"","Is it okay to get angry?":"","Are good works to be seen of men?":"","Is it okay to judge others?":"","Did Jesus teach physical resistence?":"","Should you fear death?":"","Is it okay to pray in public?":"","Is it okay to ask for things while praying?":"","Is it okay to have long hair?":"","Should you get circumcized?":"","Should you follow the Sabbath?":"","Why was the Sabbath instituted?":"","Should you do work on the Sabbath?":"","Should you be baptized?":"","What kind of animals can you eat?":"","Is it okay to take an oath?":"","Is it okay to get married?":"","Can you get divorced?":"","Is adultery okay?":"","Is it okay to you marry your sister?":"","Is it okay to marry your brother's widow?":"","Is it okay to hate your relatives?":"","Is it okay to drink alcohol or get drunk?":"","Should you obey your rulers?":"","Do women have rights?":"","Should you obey both God and your masters?":"","Does an unpardonable sin exist?":"","Was man created before or after the animals?":"","Do seed time and harvest ever cease?":"","Did all the cattle/horses of Egypt die?":"","Did moses fear Pharaoh?":"","How many died of the plague?":"","Was John the Baptist Elias?":"","Who was the father of Mary's husband?":"","How many generation from Abraham to David?":"","How many generations from the Babylonian captivity to Jesus?":"","Was the infant Jesus taken into Egypt??":"","Was Jesus tempted in the wilderness?":"","Where did Jesus preach his first sermon?":"","Was John imprisoned when Jesus went into Galilee?":"","Were Jesus' disciples told to go forth with staff and sandals?":"","Which woman besought Jesus?":"","How many blind men besought Jesus?":"","How many thieves reviled Jesus?":"","When did Satan enter into Judas?":"","Who purchased the potter's field?":"","When did they come to the sepulchre?":"","How many angels were at the sepulchre?":"","How many nights was Jesus in the grave?":"","When was the holy ghost bestowed?":"","Where were the disciples commanded to go immediately after the ressurection?":"","Where did Jesus first appear to the eleven disciples?":"","Where did Jesus ascend?":"","Did Paul's attendants hear a miraculous voice?":"","Where did Abraham depart to?":"","Was Keturah Abraham's wife of concubine?":"","Did Abraham's children require interposition of Providence?":"","Who bought the sepulchre from Hamor?":"","Was Canaan promised and given to Abraham and his seed?":"","Who did Elhanan kill?":"","Did God or Satan tempt David to number the people of Israel?":"","How many men did Israel and Judah have?":"","Did David sin by counting the people?":"","How many years of famine for David's sin?":"","How long should David's throne endure?":"","Are Jesus Christ and God equal?":"","Is Jesus all-powerful?":"","Was the law superceded by the Christian dispensation?":"","Was Jesus' mission peace?":"","Did Jesus receive testimony from men?":"","Is Jesus' witness of himself true?":"","Did Jesus lay down his life for friends or enemies?":"","Was it lawful for the Jews to kill Jesus?":"","Are children punished for the sins of their parents?":"","Is man justified by faith alone?":"","Can you fall from grace?":"","Is anybody without sin?":"","Are the dead resurrected?":"","Are reward and punishment bestowed in this world?":"","Is annihilation or endless misery the portion of manking?":"","Will the Earth ever be destroyed?":"","Does evil happen to the godly?":"","Are good and prosperity or misery and destitution the lot of the godly??":"","Is worldly prosperity a reward or a curse?":"","Is the Christian yoke easy?":"","Is the fruit of God's spirit love and gentleness or fury and vengeance?":"","Are poverty or riches a blessing?":"","Is wisdom a source of enjoyment or grief?":"","Is a good name a blessing or curse?":"","Is it okay to laugh?":"","Is there a remedy for foolishness?":"","Should a fool be answered according to his folly?":"","Is temptation desired?":"","Is prophecy a sure thing?":"","How many years will men live?":"","Is every animal afraid of man?":"","Are miracles proof of divine mission?":"","Was Moses meek or cruel?":"","Did anybody ascend into heaven?":"","Is scripture inspired?":"","BibViz Project - Bible Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence, Inaccuracies interactively visualized":"","A beautiful and interactive resource to explore Bible contradictions, cruelty and other negative aspects of the Bible":"","The Holy Bible":"","Source:":"","Book:":"","All":"","Type:":"","Colors:":"","Crimson":"","Rainbow":"","See full list":"","Scientific Absurdities & Historical Inaccuracies":"","And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.":"","Revelation 12:3":"","And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.":"","Genesis 5:26-27":"","Cruelty & Violence":"","And everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.":"","2 Chronicles 15:13":"","Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.":"","Exodus 31:15":"","Misogyny, Violence & Discrimination Against Women":"","And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.":"","Leviticus 21:9":"","But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel. Then... the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die.":"","Deuteronomy 22:20-21":"","Discrimination Against Homosexuals":"","If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.":"","Leviticus 20:13":"","Men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.":"","Romans 1:27":"","Interesting Poll Data":"","Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.":"","Gallup (2012)":"","Americans with postgraduate education are... least likely to say God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years.":"","The large majority of Americans -- 77% of the adult population -- identify with a Christian religion... Mormons are by far the most religious of any group.":"","Sixty-nine percent of American adults are very or moderately religious, based on self-reports of the importance of religion in their daily lives and attendance at religious services.":"","Interesting Reading Material":"","Interesting Videos":"","List of Bible Contradictions Depicted Above (Click for more info)":"","This website aspires to be a beautiful and interactive resource for skeptics and believers alike to explore some of the more negative aspects of holy books, such as Bible contradictions.
It was heavily inspired by the <a href="\">Reason Project's poster of biblical contradictions, which in turn was inspired by <a href="\">Chris Harrison's Bible Visualizations.":"","Many of the contradictions above stem from a literal interpretation of the stories in the Bible. Some verses may be mistranslations, allegories, exaggerations, etc and can be interpreted in the context of the society in which they were written, rewritten, or otherwise modified over time. Considering that 46% of Americans believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis (and probably other portions of the Bible) and the fact that many sects disagree on which parts to take literally, it seems reasonable to include these contradictions based on literal interpretation.":"","This website and domain cost money, so please <a href="\">consider making a donation. Your donations keep this website running for everyone to enjoy, and prevent annoying non-relevant ads.":"","Data for the charts were collected from copyrighted material by the <a href="\">Skeptic's Annotated Bible.":"","This website is free and open source. <a href="\" itemprop="codeRepository">View and contribute to the project on <i class="icon-github-alt"> Github!":"","Quotes taken from the Authorized King James Version from 1769, which is a public domain work.":"","Please consider a donation to <a href="\">The Secular Coalition for America, <a href="\">Amnesty International, <a href="\">Doctors Without Borders, or <a href="\">UNICEF.":"","Hover over a line or bar to show more info about a contradiction, chapter or book.":"","Check out these filters to modify the chart!":"","Click a line for more info!":"","How many did God kill for "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab"?":"","Are those who believe that Jesus is the Christ "of God"?":"","When did "Is Saul among the prophets?" become a proverb?":"","In Jesus' response to the rich young man, what was the six commandment on his list of "the commandments"?":"","Did Jesus say, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up"?":"","BibViz Project - Bible Contradictions, Misogyny, Violence, Inaccuracies":"","A beautiful and interactive resource to explore negative aspects of the Bible.":"","Contradictions":"","List of Contradictions Depicted Above":"","Translate - BibViz Project":"","Bible Contradiction Search":"","Instantly search for Bible contradictions from multiple sources":"","Bible Contradictions Posters":"","Bible contradictions posters are now available in the store!":""," Data Set":"","BibViz now supports the contradictions data set!":"","Multiple Source Data Sets":"","BibViz now supports displaying data from multiple sources!":"","BibViz Week One":"","The first week of BibViz! About the project, news coverage and stats.":"","Abiathar's FatherAbiathar's Father":"","How many sons did Absalom have?":"","The children of Adin":"","The children of Adonikam":"","Is is wrong to have sex outside of marriage?":"","Was Haman an Agagite??":"","To whom were the cities of Aijalon and Gathrimmon given?":"","How long does God's anger last?":"","How did Antiochus die?":"","What were the names of the apostles?":"","Where did Jesus first appear after the resurrection?":"","The children of Arah":"","The children of Asaph":"","The children of Azgad":"","The children of Bani":"","What was the volume of the molten sea?":"","The children of Bebai":"","How old was Ben when his clan migrated to Egypt?":"","Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin??":"","The children of Bethlehem":"","The children of Bezai":"","The children of Bigvai":"","Who makes people deaf or blind?":"","Does God prefer castrated me?":"","Is it OK to take a census?":"","Centurion's Story":"","Is it a good thing to be childish?":"","Is circumcison required?":"","David's sons":"","The children of Delaiah":"","Does anyone do good?":"","May a eunuch enter the congregation of the Lord?":"","Is is OK to call your father (or anyone else) father?":"","Did everyone die in the flood?":"","How many generations from Abraham to Jesus?":"","Were the disciples frightened or gladened when they saw Jesus?":"","Genealogy of Jesus (Mt.1 vs 1 Chr)":"","Does God know what is everyone's heart?":"","Gold, silver, and garments":"","Did Herod think Jesus was John the Babptist?":"","When (at what time of day) was Jesus Crucified?":"","Which came first: the calling of Peter and Andrew or the imprisonment of\nJohn the Baptist?":"","How old was Ishmael?":"","Who bought the sepulchre in Sechem from the sons of Hamor?":"","Was Jehu the son or grandson of Numshi?":"","Did Jesus bear witness?":"","Did God commend or condemn Jehu?":"","Who was Jesus' grandfather on his father's side?":"","Is it OK to kill?":"","Who was Korah?":"","Did God burn to death all of Korah's children?":"","Is it OK to lie?":"","The children of Lod":"","How many soldiers did Lysias have?":"","How many of Lysias' footmen were killed by the Jews?":"","Did Elisha receive Elijah's mantle before or after Elijah is taken up\ninto heaven?":"","Was The Mary (the mother of Jesus) blessed?":"","Recipe for the new moon sacrifice":"","How many were killed in Nicanor's army?":"","How many soldiers were in Nicanor's army?":"","Are those who believe Jesus is the Christ of God?":"","The children of Pahathmoab":"","How many days is unleaved bread to be eaten?":"","Where was the home of Peter and Andrew?":"","Were the Pharisees baptised by John?":"","The children of the porters":"","Ransom for many or ransom for all?":"","Is it necessary to keep the sabbath?":"","Should the gospel be preached to the Gentiles and Samaritans?":"","The children of Senaah":"","What did the sign over Jesus' head say?":"","The singers":"","Were the men or angels sitting or standing?":"","How many valiant men drew the sword for Israel and Judah as counted by Joab?":"","Is it OK to steal?":"","Can God be tempted?Can God be tempted?":"","How old was terah when he died?":"","Did God address Jesus directly at his baptism?":"","Is it OK to marry unbelievers?":"","Who wrote the ten commandments?":"","Whom did the women see at the tomb?":"","The children of Zattu":"","This website aspires to be a beautiful and interactive resource for skeptics and believers alike to explore some of the more negative aspects of holy books, such as Bible contradictions, biblical inerrancy and the Bible as a source of morality.
It was heavily inspired by the <a href="\">Reason Project's poster of biblical contradictions, which in turn was inspired by <a href="\">Chris Harrison's Bible Visualizations.":"","Many of the contradictions above stem from a literal interpretation of the stories in the Bible (biblical inerrancy). Some verses may be mistranslations, allegories, exaggerations, etc and can be interpreted in the context of the society in which they were written, rewritten, or otherwise modified over time, while others are very clear contradictions. Considering that 46% of Americans believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis (and probably other portions of the Bible) and the fact that many sects disagree on which parts to take literally, it seems reasonable to include these contradictions based on literal interpretation.":"","I hope to show that while the Bible may have much to offer us, biblical inerrancy and morality are not what it offers. Without inerrancy it's simple to see that we just do not know which parts are the word or will of God. Basing our morality on vile, disgusting stories from a long-forgotten era of humanity in a part of the world many have never even seen seems silly to me. What the Bible does offer us is an amazing look into humanity, our past, our desires and our fears.":"","Buy the Poster":"","BibViz Merchandise":"","Buy Now":""}

Is this project dead ?

I'd like to help by doing a french translation but it seems that other translations were not merged and the spanish translation option isn't available in langSelect

Site needs TLS (SSL)

TLS is important for SEO and also users' privacy. I'm happy to get nginx/lets-encrypt setup to start serving traffic over HTTPS, and certbot will keep the cert renewed for free.

Opening as an issue tho because I want to make sure this will be accepted before putting my time into it (assuming good code of course).

Regardless thanks for the site. It's a great resource!

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