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benrayfield's Projects

occamserver icon occamserver

Minimalist stateless http server wrapping your func of bytes or map in and out

occamsfuncer icon occamsfuncer

(turing complete testcases work) a kind of lazyEvaled shareable (TODO) 512 bit number, an extremely optimizable and scalable universal lambda function for number crunching, AI research, low lag massively multiplayer games players redesign into new game types in turingComplete ways by hotswap/forkEdit per bit, per function call pair, etc. Similar to Unlambda Iota Jot Urbit Ethereum Ipfs

occamsfuncer_old icon occamsfuncer_old

(very incomplete) pure-funcs, consts no vars, continuations, gpu, lazy-merkle-id, p2p, recursive resource limits. Designed for massively multiplayer programming and game playing and AI research and music tools at low-lag.

occamsfuncer_old_v2 icon occamsfuncer_old_v2

occamsfuncer version 1 and 2 used a different universal lambda function than version 3 (2020-8), which has reached its final form other than the first of 15 parameters is there for possible future expansion and by default is always the universal function (leaf) itself. The newest version is at

occamsfuncer_typecontent icon occamsfuncer_typecontent

minimalist programming language for massively multiplayer collaboration at gaming-low-lag - every object is a funcall pair or type:content leaf, and can be secureHashed as ipfs-compatible id. Planning opencl and music tools optimizations.

occamsgametheory icon occamsgametheory

Markov gametheory. Like a recurrent boltzmann neuralnet except all possible lambda func is node and has 1 weight and 1 bit. Set of all possible sets of lambda functions where forall lambda x in set, forall lambda y in set, forall lambda z in set, (λa.λb.λc.a(λm.λn.n)bc)xyz doesnt halt. Will approx sparse navigate this space using an energy func.

occamsjson icon occamsjson

minimalist (occams razor) json parser/generator, in language C# and (TODO) porting to Java

occamsmanifold icon occamsmanifold

(in progress, very speculative) A kind of calculus. Smooth infinite dimensional turing-complete manifold whose energy is sum of [map of [map of d_dimensional_length_1_vector to scalar] to scalar] dotprod d-sphere surface of densities in those directions, at each point. and at all d-sphere rotations at point for finite d dims in infinity dims.

occamsparallelcomputesandbox icon occamsparallelcomputesandbox

(not working yet) Is a spec of what calculations to do which the prototype will implement using OpenCL. Statelessly eval a forest of OpenCL NDRange kernels at gaming-low-lag in a sandbox comparable to WebCL. Safe (TODO verify) for malicious code to run openCL, which cant allocate more memory or compute cycles than allowed or access the wrong memory. Example: 100 calls per second, 15 kernels each call, 1-10000 gflops depending on your hardware. Independent of OpenCL implementation, or could potentially even work compatibly in CUDA, but prototype uses LWJGL OpenCL.

occamsworkspace icon occamsworkspace

ben rayfield's research workspace, that runs when you doubleclick startInWindows.bat (todo also and can be set up in Eclipse etc, still some projects to merge in, trying to keep things simple (occams razor)

physicsmata icon physicsmata

API for all possible cellular automata that work same at all angles

precogmeter icon precogmeter

Continuously measure your precognitive skill by moving the mouse competing against randomness to raise the wave - feels like trading stocks really fast

quine icon quine

Quines are the ultimate form of self modifying AI. What if jquery was a quine, an html file that self modifies then opens a Save As for the new html built using neuralnets and how you played games in it

quineforge icon quineforge

A quine is a software which outputs its own source code. Quineforge is a very experimental data format for the lossless compression of quines and for translating all possible non-quines (such as pictures of cats, videos, games, GPU matrix multiply algorithms, or nearly anything) into quine form. It uses the (wikipedia page) Chain_rule_for_Kolmogorov_complexity and a 5-way gametree (like a chess or go gametree) to navigate the space of all possible lambda functions. Its security level is planned to be, eventually after the bugs are worked out, enough for the operation of industrial machines and low lag enough to satisfy hardcore gamers. TODO I should copy some of the "fntape" (5 way tree) theory from occamsfuncer readme and various parts of kolmogorov theory. Basically, for example, if we are using sha3_256 (with some pre and post processing of a merkle forest node (or its faster lazy merkle form), then at some few points in a sequence of bits will occur those 256 bits, and the 256 bit ids of other functions, sparsely, and between those are 1 bit at a time opcodes (or 3 or 4 bit opcodes, or something like that), with some opcodes being to say that what follows is a variable size number of 1 bits followed by a 0 bit, then a powOf2 number of bits is a complete binary tree of bits (cbt) which is a lambda function of Lx.Ly.Lz.zxy aka the church encoding of the pair function whose "leafs" are Lx.Ly.x (true) and Lx.L.y.y (false), which goes into the "register" of "fntape" which is basically a lambda datastruct of 2 linkedlists with 5 possible actions from each possible state: move turingtape left (whose cell contents are each a function), move it right, copy register to center of tape, copy center of tape to register, or (heres the only turing complete part) call register on whats at center of turing tape and replace register with what that returns (and using various statistical methods if there is an infinite loop or other nonhalting lambda call it will be given up on quickly before that happens, within some approx specified low lag limits, but compressed forms are expected not to have nonhalters or overly expensive operations etc else they are not shared in the network as often as cheaper faster more useful data structures). So basically theres a bunch of functions, in the space of all possible lambda functions sparsely explored among many computers and people (some of which may be cat memes, minigames, compressed random bitstrings, or whatever) and fntape kind of opcodes aka small bitstrings from one id256 to another id256 such as to say its left child (a few bits of fntape) or its right child etc, or various combinator on eachother, leads to what else. Its a space where, as the name quineforge implies, the distance of bitstring from any function, or from any small set of functions, to any other function, has bigO that is certainly within the distance predicted by kolmogorov complexity theory and which in practice may be able to compete with zip files, 7z files, wavelet sound compression, neuralnet video compression, AIXI compression, andOr any other imaginable kind of compression, and trading compression efficiency for low lag and scalability etc, you might build low lag high voxel count massively multiplayer games with it, or various experiments somewhere within that.

simpleblobtable icon simpleblobtable

simple storage and caching of many byte[] on 1 computer by its concat(sha3_256,int64BitLen) id, in 4096 dirs named as the first 3 hex digits of those ids. Ok for storing a million files but for more you should use a more scaleable nosql software.

smartblob icon smartblob

tiny code, html webcam game or pluggable brain in each players blob, java server

smoothtapenet icon smoothtapenet

wave based neural turing machine with 1 tape per node and 4 edge types - move writeValue writeDecay stdDev - moves and bends like signal processing instead of quantized

statvoxel icon statvoxel

"things far away occur less often but are the same size as things near". The goal of this project is to randomly select from near voxels, by a chosen nonlinear function (such as linear or squared), to display 1 gigavixel per video frame per computer, potentially in a space of many more voxels from distant/multiplayer sources but want to get it working on 1 computer first.

thisminesweeperboardsetuphas2minesforpequalsnpandpnotequalsnp icon thisminesweeperboardsetuphas2minesforpequalsnpandpnotequalsnp

(TODO) a specific minesweeper board setup, with numbers 1-8 or unknown at square, that if you solve it you win a million dollars, and theres only 1 possible solution. Theres 2 specific squares that are unknown, and exactly 1 of them has a mine. The board setup is infinite in both dimensions and contains all possible turing machine states or lambda functions. The board setup will be a function of x y integers to cell state (4 bits). A solution is another function which marks where all the mines are, including the P equals NP mine OR the P not equals NP mine. The million dollar prize is the millenium problem and is not guaranteed to still be available by whoever solves it if someone else solves it first. I am not involved with them and am just trying to translate the P vs NP math problem to minesweeper form. Its already known that minesweeper can represent specific NP problems like a specific set of integers does any subset sum to another specific integer or not. But this is a level above that, constraints on the set of all possible turing complete functions that solve or do not solve every possible NP problem in P time, with a single bit, by constraint, being a triple loop of forall andOr exists, or maybe its a double loop, I'll have to work out those details later. Papers written about P vs NP all seem to lack specific math statements that dont depend on human language. For example, I've never seen a specific lambda call that evals to true or false depending if P equals NP or not. I dont think anyone knows such a lambda, or probably it cant even be written as a lambda as its an infinite size problem and a lambda call that halts is a finite size calculation. This minesweeper board setup, if I or maybe others could help, figure out a function to paint the cell states of the puzzle (a function of 2 integers to cell state), would be the most precise definition of the P vs NP question ever created, as far as I know, and may help many mathematicians look for a solution without needing to deal with Human language or systems limited to what finite calculations can do. Basically take any 1d turing machine that has a halting state, and translate it to 2d form, where 1 dimension is space and 1 dimension is time, and represent that as nsat constraints between adjacent squares with a color at each square and each color can be beside only specific other color in each of 4 2d directions and similar for each of 6 3d directions of stacked colored cubes. The third dimension is only to count in unary, including negatives, how many time steps until, or after, the halting state occurs. If it does not halt then, the constraints are not satisfied. Another group of colors blocks all halting states by constraint. Some colors will allow both halting and nonhalting solutions, as a question of if you require these cells in the 1d turing tape be on and those off, etc, then which other cells must be on or off in what combos, and 1 of those cells is pEqualsNP and another is pNotEqualsNP. Think of it as a 1d turing machine in 2d with an added time dimension and its a heightmap sloping up or down at a 45 degree angle just counting up/down to wherever it halts, or flat and a different color if it never halts, and if you have some high cardinality of infinities of time to try every possible combo of where the mines are and where they are not, and just check each of those against local rules of the 1-8 numbers written in adjacent cells, then only 1 of those will solve it, and that 1 will have either a mine in the P equals NP cell or a mine in the P not equals NP cell. I'll probably have to go deeper into wikibinator105 andOr other lambda research before having a specific minesweeper board setup which does this, but I think I've explained the general strategy of how to build it. This will actually look like minesweeper on screen and you will be able to scroll across it really fast. This minesweeper board has more cells than the entire visible universe has atoms, actually infinity cells, and it contains every possible physics simulation, every possible software, every possible everything, which is necessary to prove the lack of existence of a P equals NP solution, if P actually does not equal NP.

timelesscellularautomatapuzzlegame icon timelesscellularautomatapuzzlegame

(UPDATE: v0.2 does neural paint with mouse, todo restart program after it gets too stuck) 2d cellular automata that guarantees convergence even with random rules, if the boltzmann neuralnet weights are big enough, and some sets of weights (which are each on all pairs of pixels at the same distance, or can also vary by angles is more interesting patterns) are turing-complete similar to rule110 in 2d. Purpose is interesting puzzle games.

tradewithyourfutureself icon tradewithyourfutureself

Trade height of a dot on screen with your future self like money, by choosing the speed and direction with 1 click, and choosing faster up the harder you're working and downward when taking breaks.

ufnode icon ufnode

For gaming low lag number crunching in blockchains and sidechains. Executable binary forest data structure where every node has a global (100 times faster than sha256) secureHashed int128 name (TODO fork more secure hash algorithms) of a double, float, 0-8 byte string, 15 bytes of a sha256, pair of those, etc.

unitarymerkle icon unitarymerkle

Each node is adjacent to exactly 4 other nodes, in an infinite size undirected-graph. A topology with surprisingly many automorphisms compared to any other topology as far as I know, and each of them uniquely and bigO(1)-addressable by merkle/hash id

visualintfactor icon visualintfactor

Puzzle game demonstrating whats so hard about binary integer factoring

wavetree icon wavetree

Minimalist alternative to byte arrays with log time for substring, concat, count 0/1 bits in subrange, and index of Nth 0/1 bit, or more generally an API for such immutable (or TODO option for some parts mutable) data wrappers. Uses excessive memory and looking for help to solve that.

wikibinator101 icon wikibinator101

A decentralized wiki style interactive math book, based on a combinator (that is both a universal lambda function and a pattern calculus function of 6 parameters) in which it is extremely easier to say true things than to say false things, based on a logic similar to godel-number where one must commit to statements about lambda called on lambda returns lambda before one can verify which lambdas they are, and in theory scaleable enough for graphics, musical instruments, GPU number crunching, etc, but lets start simple, so everyone can understand and fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

wikibinator104 icon wikibinator104

(TODO) Scalable gaming-low-lag p2p wiki of 1 editable universal function, thats a universal lambda and pattern calculus function of 7 params, with vararg, GPU optimizable, turing-complete-challenge-response, godel-quality-self-reference (wiki can call itself recursively, emulate itself, etc), safely sandboxed across millions of untrusted computers.

wikibinator105 icon wikibinator105

(TODO) A deterministic way for millions of people and AIs to build and play together in p2p, safely sandboxed but not dumbed-down, a very simple kind of self-aware living number, where 2 numbers combine to create or find another number, and so on, and a number can be anything such a word, video, game, simulation, publicKey, GPU optimization, music tools, way to use multiple clouds together, etc.

wikibinator106 icon wikibinator106

(TODO) A deterministic way for millions of people and AIs to build and play together in p2p, safely sandboxed but not dumbed-down, a very simple kind of self-aware living number, where 2 numbers combine to create or find another number, and so on, and a number can be anything such a word, video, game, simulation, publicKey, GPU optimization, music tools, way to use multiple clouds together, etc.

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