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nex-ac's Introduction

Nex Anticheat (Nex-AC) - is a comprehensive protection which combines powerful anti-cheat and protection against various attacks (flood, DoS).
Anti-cheat detects popular cheats instantly punishing cheaters.
Anti-DoS combines customizable anti-flood, anti-DoS at the network level and a lot of protection tools against hacking, crashers etc.

##List of basic anti-cheats:

  • Anti-AirBreak (onfoot/in vehicle)
  • Anti-teleport hack (onfoot/into/in/between vehicles)
  • Anti-teleport pickups
  • Anti-FlyHack (onfoot/in vehicle)
  • Anti-SpeedHack (onfoot/in vehicle)
  • Anti-Health hack (onfoot/in vehicle) and armour hack
  • Anti-Weapon hack and (add/infinite) ammo hack
  • Anti-Special actions hack (including jetpack)
  • Anti-GodMode from bullets (onfoot/in vehicle)
  • Anti-Invisible hack
  • Anti-Money hack
  • Anti-Tuning hack
  • Anti-lagcomp-spoof
  • Anti-Parkour mod
  • Anti-Quick turn
  • Anti-Rapid fire
  • Anti-FakeSpawn
  • Anti-FakeKill
  • Anti-Pro Aim
  • Anti-CJ run
  • Anti-CarShot
  • Anti-CarJack
  • Anti-UnFreeze
  • Anti-AFK Ghost
  • Anti-Reconnect
  • Anti-High ping
  • Anti-Fake NPC
  • Anti-Dialog hack
  • Protection from the sandbox
  • Protection against invalid version
  • Anti-flood change seat
  • Flood protection connects to one slot
  • Anti-Rcon hack (brute/brute-forse)
  • Anti-flood callback functions (complete list below)
  • Anti-crashers (complete list below)
  • Anti-NOP's (complete list below)
  • Anti-Dos

#Additional features:

* Setting anti-cheat from file

The settings is located in a separate file (scriptfiles\nex-ac_settings.cfg)

* View Statistics

Ability to view statistics of the anti-cheat while the server working since its launch
Displayed automatically when server turn off. Stored in a server log (server_log.txt)

* Logging the most important actions

Optionally you can enable debug-mode for log all actions

* Multilingual

Ability to set any of the available languages.
It also simplifies the translation of anti-cheat to other languages

##List of publics which are protected by anti-flood:

  • OnDialogResponse
  • OnEnterExitModShop
  • OnPlayerClickMap
  • OnPlayerClickPlayer
  • OnPlayerClickTextDraw
  • OnPlayerCommandText
  • OnPlayerEnterVehicle
  • OnPlayerExitVehicle
  • OnPlayerPickUpPickup
  • OnPlayerRequestClass
  • OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow
  • OnPlayerStateChange
  • OnVehicleMod
  • OnVehiclePaintjob
  • OnVehicleRespray
  • OnVehicleDeath
  • OnPlayerText
  • OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
  • OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint
  • OnPlayerRequestSpawn
  • OnPlayerExitedMenu
  • OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint
  • OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint
  • OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
  • OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate
  • OnPlayerSelectObject


  • SpawnPlayer
  • SetPlayerPos
  • SetVehiclePos
  • SetPlayerAmmo
  • SetPlayerHealth
  • SetPlayerArmour
  • SetVehicleHealth
  • GivePlayerWeapon
  • SetPlayerInterior
  • PutPlayerInVehicle
  • ResetPlayerWeapons
  • SetPlayerArmedWeapon
  • SetPlayerSpecialAction
  • TogglePlayerSpectating
  • RemovePlayerFromVehicle


  • Invalid tuning
  • Invalid vehicle seat
  • Illegal characters in the dialogues (deleting)
  • Invalid attached objects
  • Weapon Crasher


public OnCheatDetected(playerid, ip_address[], type, code)

Called when the tripped one of the anti-cheats

  • playerid - ID of the cheater
  • ip_address[] - IP-address of the cheater
  • type - Type of cheating (when 0 it returns the ID, when 1 - IP)
  • code - Code (ID) of the anti-cheat

EnableAntiCheat(acid, enable)

Use to enable/disable one of the anti-cheats

  • acid - ID of the anti-cheat
  • enable - 1 to enable/0 to disable

EnableAntiCheatForPlayer(playerid, acid, enable)

Use to enable/disable one of the anti-cheats for a particular player

  • playerid - ID of the player who needs enable/disable the anti-cheat
  • acid - ID of the anti-cheat
  • enable - 1 to enable/0 to disable

Added in v1.3:


Use to check for enable/disable one of the anti-cheats

  • acid - ID of the anti-cheat
  • Return 1 (true) if enabled or 0 (false) if disabled

IsAntiCheatEnabledForPlayer(playerid, acid)

Use to check for enable/disable one of the anti-cheats for a particular player

  • playerid - ID of the player who needs for check for enable/disable the anti-cheat
  • acid - ID of the anti-cheat
  • Return 1 (true) if enabled or 0 (false) if disabled

Added in v1.8.8:

AntiCheatGetHealth(playerid, &Float:health)

Use to get the amount of the player's health

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • &Float:health - Variable for storage health, passed by reference

AntiCheatGetArmour(playerid, &Float:armour)

Use to get the amount of the player's armour

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • &Float:armour - Variable for storage armour, passed by reference

AntiCheatGetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, &Float:health)

Use to get the amount of the vehicle health

  • vehicleid - The ID of the vehicle
  • &Float:health - Variable for storage health, passed by reference

AntiCheatGetWeaponData(playerid, slot, &weapons, &ammo)

Use to get weapons and ammo in a certain slot of the player

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • slot - The slot in which need get the weapons and ammo
  • &weapons - Variable for storage weapon ID, passed by reference
  • &ammo - Variable for storage amount of ammo, passed by reference

AntiCheatGetSpawnWeapon(playerid, &weapon1, &weapon1_ammo, &weapon2, &weapon2_ammo, &weapon3, &weapon3_ammo)

Use to get spawn weapons and ammo of the player

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • &weapon1 - Variable for storage the weapon 1, passed by reference
  • &weapon1_ammo - The variable for storage the amount of ammo for the weapon 1, passed by reference
  • &weapon2 - Variable for storage the weapon 2, passed by reference
  • &weapon2_ammo - The variable for storage the amount of ammo for the weapon 2, passed by reference
  • &weapon3 - Variable for storage the weapon 3, passed by reference
  • &weapon3_ammo - The variable for storage the amount of ammo for the weapon 3, passed by reference

AntiCheatGetPos(playerid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z)

Use to get the player's position

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • &Float:x - The variable for storage the x coordinate, passed by reference
  • &Float:y - The variable for storage the y coordinate, passed by reference
  • &Float:z - The variable for storage the z coordinate, passed by reference

AntiCheatGetSpeed(playerid, &Float:speed)

Use to get the player's speed

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • &Float:speed - Variable for storage the speed, passed by reference

AntiCheatGetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z)

Use to get the vehicle speed

  • vehicleid - The ID of the vehicle
  • &Float:x - The variable for storage the x speed, passed by reference
  • &Float:y - The variable for storage the y speed, passed by reference
  • &Float:z - The variable for storage the z speed, passed by reference


Use to get the index (ID) of the player's current animation

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of the animation or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the ID of the opened dialog of the player

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of the dialog or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the amount of the player money

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the amount of money or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get ID of the class of the player

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the class ID or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the ID of the vehicle, which player try to enter

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of the vehicle or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the ID of the vehicle, in which the player sits

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of the vehicle or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the player's current weapon ID

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of weapon or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the seat in the vehicle, on which the player sits

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the number of the seat or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the ID of the special action of the player

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of the special action or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the ID of the previous special action of the player

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of the previous special action or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the ID of the last weapon from which the player shot

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of the last weapon or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the ID of the last pickup, which player pick

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the ID of the last picked up pickup or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the player's last update timestamp

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the timestamp of the last update or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the player's last (weapon) reload timestamp

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the timestamp of the last reload or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the player's last entering vehicle attempt timestamp

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns timestamp of the last entering attempt or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the player's last shot timestamp

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns the timestamp of the last shot or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to get the player's last spawn timestamp

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns timestamp of the last spawn or 0 if the player is not connected


Use to check for enable/disable enter/exit markers in interiors for the player

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns 1 (true) if enabled or 0 (false) if disabled


Use to check for enable/disable stunt bonus for player

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns 1 (true) if enabled or 0 (false) if disabled


Use to check: whether the player is in ModShop or not

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns 1 (true) if it is or 0 (false) if it is not


Use to check: whether the player is frozen or not

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns 1 (true) if frozen or 0 (false) if not frozen


Use to check: whether the player is dead or not

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns 1 (true) if dead or 0 (false) if not dead


Use to check: whether the player is on a server or not

  • playerid - The ID of the player
  • Returns 1 (true) if it is or 0 (false) if it is not

#Multilingual: The script can be configured at any of the available languages. To do it, just download the link of desired localization, save it in a directory with the main include ( and recompile your script.

#####It is also recommended to check on use any other anti-cheats in order to avoid conflicts with them.


  1. Download version of the anticheat which compatible with the version of your server
  2. Download the language file (.lang) on your preferred language
  3. Copy both files to the folder "/pawno/include" which is located in the folder with the server
  4. In gamemode and all filterscripts after #include "a_samp" write the following: #include "nex-ac"
    Warning! If you are using a Streamer Plugin by Incognito, foreach or y_hooks, include it before nex-ac!
    Also keep in mind that filterscript must have "#define FILTERSCRIPT" before including anticheat
  5. Compile the modified scripts

Do you get an error when you compiling this anticheat with YSI? Check out some tips

#Bugs: Currently they were not detected. If you find a bug, please let me know about it.


  • Magic_York, Roberto_York, TheHero, Nike_33, Vitalik_Gonsor, Mix_Rargard, Unisheld - testing
  • ZiGGi, Urukhay, Yashas, theYiin, RaefaldhiAmartya, PatchwerkQWER, kvann - advices on the code
  • Carper - German translation
  • Jstylezzz - Dutch translation
  • J4Rr3x - Italian translation
  • Alex Westbrook, JustBored - Spanish translation
  • lashona - Georgian translation
  • wampiros6 - Polish translation
  • DeitY, Dragony92 - Serbian translation
  • NicK_ - PT/BR translation
  • KyleSmith - Improve English translation
  • M4D - Persian (Farsi) Translation
  • Valera_Kovshikov - Ukrainian translation
  • RaefaldhiAmartya - Indonesian translation
  • vannesenn - Croatian translation
  • j3rry, vic1997 - French translation
  • zaibaslr2 - Lithuanian translation
  • UnforgiveNNN - Romanian translation
  • Pedro. - Hungarian translation
  • Ben_Lovejoy - Finnish translation
  • Rengar - Latvian translation
  • bgedition - Bulgarian translation
  • Jensenn - Turkish translation
  • Sanady - Slovak translation

This script also contains materials of third-party projects with open source.

P.s. I develop this anticheat about a year and spent on it a lot of effort and time. I hope very much that it will be useful to you.


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