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pi64's Issues

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I like what you have build and I was wondering if you could merge all the logic related to debian into the installDebian function ? Because I think there is still some logic related to debian in the finish.go file.

I would like to add a function installAlpine that would call with an answer file like described here. Do you think it might work ?

EDIT: Of course the pi64-config and pi64-update packages might not work anymore.

Update from 2017-05-23

I have a "2017-05-23 lite" with my self hosted mail server.
It's work great, so it is possible to install and run pi64-update on this release ?

Don't rely on the first boot to finish installation

On early versions of pi64 (based on Jessie), all packages were getting installed on a chroot containing qemu.

However since the upgrade to Stretch this started to fail as they made systemd not included by default and installing this package was failing with qemu. So I ended up postponing this step to run on the pi itself, on the first boot (essentially it's dpkg --configure -a).

This is not optimal as it makes the first boot last a few minutes, and might corrupt the system if the user makes a hard shutdown during the process.

Ideally that logic would be moved upfront, if it ends up being not possible, the release process should have a second step involving a raspberry pi or a cloud server such as However that'd make it more complicated for users to build pi64 from source...

CPU temp

How can I check the CPU temp in pi64? vcgencmd is not present.

Cross-compiling apps

I'm interested in cross-compiling on my main Linux box. What I need is the appropriate sysroot to use (system-specific headers).

What is the best way to get a set of such headers for cross-compiling?

no sound output

Try 'aplay -l' show the normal result and then run 'aplay xx.wav' but I can't hear any sound.

Please help!

Suspend, standby and hibernate

rtcwake and other suspend/standby/hibernate commands don't work because there are no modes available in /sys/power/state.
I read somewhere that this could be because the kernel wasn't compiled with CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU or SUSPEND_SMP on, but I'm not really sure what I'm talking about here.
Would it be possible to enable this feature?

pi64-config didn't support 802.1x?

It seems that pi64-config only support WPA/WPA2-PSK. But in my university , the WLAN used 802.1x to encrypt. When i try to connect it ,the config only ask me for the password , not the username. I wonder if you can add the supporting of 802.1x

Supporting intf. GPIO, I2C, SPI...?

this 64bit distro is working really fine, fast boot, wlan, eth, installing favourite apps no problem.
But is GPIO already included? Trying to install wiringPi and runs returns the following:

pi@pi64:~/wiringPi$ gpio readall
Oops: Unable to determine board revision from /proc/cpuinfo
 -> No "Hardware" line
 ->  You'd best google the error to find out why.
pi@pi64:~/wiringPi$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor       : 0
BogoMIPS        : 38.40
Features        : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0xd03
CPU revision    : 4

processor       : 1
BogoMIPS        : 38.40
Features        : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0xd03
CPU revision    : 4

processor       : 2
BogoMIPS        : 38.40
Features        : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0xd03
CPU revision    : 4

processor       : 3
BogoMIPS        : 38.40
Features        : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0xd03
CPU revision    : 4

Can I fix it or is that a matter of the Kernel?

Thank you for y effort to realize this project,
best reagards,

Thank you!

Not an issue :)

As a new Rpi3 owner, I just wanted to say "thank you" for this project!

how to enable SSH when first starting

Hi, bamarni

Thanks for the great share. I am using the pi64 desktop version but it seems the ssh is disabled by default.
I just want to know how I can enable SSH when starting the OS. For example, can we modify the /boot/config.txt to achieve this?

Any help is highly appreciated.

kernel headers

Hi Bilal,

Is there an easy way to install the kernel headers?

I'd like to run Wireguard, but it comes with a kernel module, so it requires the presence of headers for the running kernel.

USB does not seem to work after building

Here is the problem I'm experiencing:

  • I am running on Ubuntu 16:04
  • I pull down the project and checkout the latest release tag (2017-05-23)
  • I build the container and begin compiling
  • Compilation completes like a charm
  • I unzip the .zip file on my Mac, and write the resulting .img file using dd to an SD card
  • When inserted into the Pi everything works as expected, but my USB keyboard is completely unresponsive on all four ports.

Any suggestions on how to debug this?

Is there an equivalent to rc.local?

I'm fairly newbie into linux. I want to run a script upon starting up the pi. On raspbian i know we can use rc.local to achieve that , but I can't find that on this OS. What's the best way to achieve this?
Thank you!

logger does not write?

I am bit confused, I did:

pi@pi64:~$ logger testmessage
pi@pi64:~$ sudo tail -1 /var/log/messages
tail: cannot open '/var/log/messages' for reading: No such file or directory

Is there any action needed before to enable logging systemwide?
Best regards,

make a lite version

Similarly to Raspbian, there should be 2 releases : the lite one should contain a minimalist linux setup with basic networking, the second one would be full-featured (ssh enabled, avahi daemon etc.).

can't connect wifi

I tried to use 'sudo pi64-config' and choose the 'Configure wi-fi' setting. But I got a error as below:
'Couldn't scan for SSIDs'.

And back to the normal GUI intereface, I can see many WIFI connections in my current network.
But I can't connect my known WIFI.

Please help!

pi64 cpu less neon support.

If I install the official 32bit OS, then the cpu feature output from 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' as below:
Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32

And If I install pi64, the output seem much less than above
Features : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid

I just need the neon support. How to achieve this?

Any help is highly appreciated.

pi64 setup pi3b getting on the internwebs

Hey There,

First, Thanks for this.

Just a note for your setup.

There is no nano,vi,or gedit that is installed with the full distribution that is referenced on the

You should mention that leafpad is available for text editing.

That is important because the Wicd Network Manager drops connections in the initial setup.

To solve this, which took all day to figure out, you have to
sudo leafpad /etc/network/interfaces and then follow the code on here.

This will let you input your wifi network id and password to hold the connection.

Unfortunately, until you do this there is no accessing debian package files.

Hope this helps
and thanks again!

TIPC Support

Would you be willing to add TIPC modules to your kernel-config.txt for the next release?


First boot failure: couldn't run cmd dash.preinst

Complete Error:

couldn't run command [/var/lib/dpkg/info/dash.preinst install]:
dpkg-divert: error: parsing file ´/var/lib/dpkg/status´ near line 4663 package libao4:
field name Status* must be followed by colon

Nothing happens, also after a reboot.
I will check another sd-card to exclude a hardware-error. pi works fine with 32bit raspbian.

what can i do?
thank you! missing

I have tried to install the RealVNC Server on pi64, which is pre-installed on most armhf distributions. As you can guess ,the RealVNC didn't provide any arm64 version. So I have to add the architecture armhf manually and install the armhf libc just like the
Later I installed it successfully by gdebi,I even can run vncpasswd. But if I try to execute the vncserver,I get this
# root @ raspberrypi in ~ [0:31:58]
$ vncserver
vncserver: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
How can I solve it? The results of google are for armhf, so none of them can help me.

Docker installation Error :Either your platform is not easily detectable or is not supported by this installer script.

I user official Docker script

curl -fsSL -o

Get Error:

Executing docker install script, commit: 49ee7c1
Either your platform is not easily detectable or is not supported by this
installer script.
Please visit the following URL for more detailed installation instructions:

but I couldn't install Docker. How should I bo ?

pi64 accelerated OpenGL or SDl2

Hi there, great project BTW :)

I used PI64 as my host choice for my Linux Aarch64 compiler backend test hardware for my project.

I do have the port working now and the GUI running using SDL2, but performance is a little slow.

I know that there is hardware accelerated versions of OpenGL and SDl2 on the PI that people use but you have to enable the accelerated GL from the config tool. Is there a chance to add the option to pi64-config or another way to turn it on in PI64.

Best regards


no gateway


Thanks for making this distribution!

The problem I'm still having is that my rpi doesn't get his gateway information (DHCP - default settings). The IP and DNS settings don't seem to have any issues, 'route -n' doesn't show the gateway and executing 'sudo ip route add default via dev eth0' temporarily solves the issue (although I sometimes have to execute it twice to have effect).

Any ideas what could be wrong and how to fix it?

Switching to ondemand cpufreq governor

I would suggest either patching kernel config to use ondemand by default (powersave is the default and not the best choice), adding cpufrequtils package by default or adding this to /etc/rc.local:

echo ondemand >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

With the settings you use now the CPU cores are limited to 600 MHz. While I use a custom Armbian build on RPi 3 now where this isn't a problem the users of your distro should be able to benefit from twice the performance too.

With the above changes the stupid sysbench pseudo benchmark finishes in 3 seconds compared to 48 seconds as usual. With powersave it's 6.2 seconds. Just try it out yourself:

sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=10000 run --num-threads=$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo)

Maybe it's also worth executing dpkg --add-architecture armhf and adding the following to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspbian.list:

deb [arch=armhf] stretch main contrib non-free
deb-src [arch=armhf] stretch main contrib non-free

(requires adding apt-transport-https though). Me still searching for the right packages containing vcgencmd command to talk to the mythical firmware having control over the ARM cores.

Initial setup wifi issue

Hey There,

First, Thanks for this.

Just a note for your setup.

There is no nano,vi,or gedit that is installed with the full distribution that is referenced on the

You should mention that leafpad is available for text editing.

That is important because the Wicd Network Manager drops connections in the initial setup.

To solve this, which took all day to figure out, you have to
sudo leafpad /etc/network/interfaces and then follow the code on here.
I highly recommend saving the original file as interfaces.bak before changing anything.

This will let you input your wifi network id and password to hold the connection.

Unfortunately, until you do this there is no accessing debian package files.

Hope this helps
and thanks again!

raspberry pi 3b can't connect wifi (wpa2 psk) ,but change conf can work

using wicd Network Manger can't connect to my wifi hotpoint , it's wpa2 psk .

#sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
Cell 04 - Address: 34:36:3B:CA:07:8C
Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
Quality=70/70 Signal level=-32 dBm
Encryption key:on
Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 11 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s
24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
Bit Rates:6 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 48 Mb/s
Extra: Last beacon: 5ms ago
IE: Unknown: 000833362D312D363031
IE: Unknown: 010882848B962430486C
IE: Unknown: 03010B
IE: Unknown: 050402030000
IE: Unknown: 2A0100
IE: Unknown: 32040C121860
IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1
Group Cipher : CCMP
Pairwise Ciphers (1) : CCMP
Authentication Suites (1) : PSK
IE: Unknown: 2D1AAD4917FFFFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
IE: Unknown: 3D160B000400000000000000000000000000000000000000
IE: Unknown: 7F080400000000000040
IE: Unknown: DD1B0017F20900010E4D6163426F6F6B50726F31312C31010103010000
IE: Unknown: DD180050F2020101800003A4000027A4000042435E0062322F00
in gui connecting , show on state bar , connecting, dhcp , all ok , but the last step done connecting failed .

then i found a method to solve the problem:
#sudo leafpad /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

save it may work or reboot work for me.

Thanks for the project

I needed a way to run aarch64 docker images on my raspberry pi and was lost till I found this project. It works like a charm. I simply install docker from the prebuilt static binaries, install iptables, add a docker user and write a systemd unit for dockerd and I'm good to go!

Thanks for the great work.

pi64-update progress bar

pi64-update downloads a ~50mb tarball, this can take some time so there should be a progress bar showing up.

Juniper VPN setup in RaspberryPi 3 with pi64 OS

Hello friends. I have tried to setup a Juniper VPN in a RaspberryPi 3 using pi64 as operating system, because the necessity of execute Juniper binaries that are not available for ARM architecture with the official Raspbian image. Following some tutorials like this: I tried first to do it with the icedtea-plugin to get the .jar files and searching a way with the offical Oracle Java Plugin, but only through icedtea is the option available for RaspberryPi and always fail during the Java API execution. After this, I tried with this great page of Arch Wiki following the content "Manual installation of msjnc": but not success. Finally and currently I am trying these steps of a workmate:

  1. Install the next packages as root:

aptitude install stoken libc6:i386 zlib1g:i386 libgtk2-perl libwww-perl qemu libstdc++6:i386 libxext6:i386 libxrender1:i386 libxtst6:i386 libxi6:i386 build-essential cmake pcap-dev linux-headers-[latest]

  1. Import the .sdtid file of our VPN with stoken as pi user:
    $ stoken import --file file_name.sdtid

  2. Create the Juniper network_connect directory as pi user:
    $ mkdir -p ~/.juniper_networks/network_connect

  3. Enter with Iceweasel to the URL of our customer login resource to obtain the ncLinuxApp.jar and download it.

  4. Move ncLinuxApp.jar file to ~/.juniper_networks/network_connect as pi user:
    $ mv /home/pi/Downloads/ncLinuxApp.jar /home/pi/.juniper_networks/network_connect

  5. Unzip the ncLinuxApp.jar file as pi user:
    $ unzip ncLinuxApp.jar

  6. Set the necessary privileges as root in the next files inside /home/pi/.juniper_networks/network_connect:

chown root:root ncsvc

chmod 6711 ncsvc

chmod 744 ncdiag

chmod +x

  1. Obtain the customer VPN certificate as pi user:
    $ ./ file_name.cert

  2. Execute the next command as root:

echo 0 | tee /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/router_solicitations

  1. And finally execute the connection to the VPN as pi user:
    $ stoken --pin pin_number
    $ ./ncsvc -h -u user_name -p 84535943(token_code) -r BlackBerry -f ./file_name.cert -U ''

And when the execution finish, the next message appear in the shell prompt:
Connecting to : 443
Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0x400454ca

In the /home/pi/.juniper_networks/network_connect/ncsvc.log file I obtain the next output:

20170620100817.757984 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] New ncsvc log level set to 3 (nccommon.cpp:75)
20170620100817.788892 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] restoring DNS settings... (sysdeps.cpp:759)
20170620100817.791375 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] sysdeps.error rename /etc/jnpr-nc-resolv.conf => /etc/resolv.conf failed wirh error 2 (sysdeps.cpp:762)
20170620100817.793437 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] sysdeps.error rename /etc/jnpr-nc-hosts.bak => /etc/hosts failed wirh error 2 (sysdeps.cpp:766)
20170620100817.818755 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] Connecting to (ncsvc.cpp:494)
20170620100818.174685 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] state: kStateSignin (dsclient.cpp:256)
20170620100818.175954 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] --> GET /dana-na/auth/url_9/login.cgi (authenticate.cpp:179)
20170620100818.204497 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] <-- 302 (authenticate.cpp:211)
20170620100818.205773 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] state: kStateWelcome (dsclient.cpp:264)
20170620100818.208268 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] --> GET /dana-na/auth/url_9/welcome.cgi?p=failed (authenticate.cpp:179)
20170620100818.357804 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] <-- 200 (authenticate.cpp:211)
20170620100818.361547 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] state: kStateLogin (dsclient.cpp:296)
20170620100818.363715 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] --> POST /dana-na/auth/url_9/login.cgi (authenticate.cpp:179)
20170620100822.657145 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] <-- 302 (authenticate.cpp:211)
20170620100822.659096 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] --> GET /dana/home/starter0.cgi?check=yes (authenticate.cpp:179)
20170620100822.862424 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] <-- 200 (authenticate.cpp:211)
20170620100822.866624 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] starter0.cgi has asked for tz_offset parameter (authenticate.cpp:372)
20170620100822.871651 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] starter0.cgi has asked for clienttime parameter (authenticate.cpp:379)
20170620100822.875161 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] --> POST /dana/home/starter0.cgi?check=yes (authenticate.cpp:179)
20170620100823.50360 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] <-- 302 /dana/home/starter.cgi (authenticate.cpp:211)
20170620100823.51729 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] --> GET /dana/home/starter.cgi (authenticate.cpp:179)
20170620100823.233175 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] <-- 200 (authenticate.cpp:211)
20170620100823.236412 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] state: kStateAuthenticated (dsclient.cpp:376)
20170620100823.246444 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] listening for IPC connections on port 4242 (ncipc.cpp:83)
20170620100823.266499 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] unregistering the IPC acceptor IO handler (ncipc.cpp:125)
20170620100823.273019 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] client opening connection to service (ncipc.cpp:319)
20170620100823.273788 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] disconnectAll called (session.cpp:1648)
20170620100823.275666 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] New tunnel being created (tunnel.cpp:52)
20170620100823.289637 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] received onOpen (ncsvc.cpp:546)
20170620100823.295016 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] ive_host = (session.cpp:195)
20170620100823.299163 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] Will not use a proxy to connect to the IVE (session.cpp:237)
20170620100823.318372 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] got system route gw metric 202 via 0x081C0F70 (routemon.cpp:714)
20170620100823.320132 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] got system route gw metric 202 via 0x457A5556 (routemon.cpp:714)
20170620100823.321366 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] Collecting latest routes from the system (routemon.cpp:1452)
20170620100823.324434 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] best route to is via 0x081C0F70 metric: 202 (routemon.cpp:1473)
20170620100823.326063 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] best route to gateway: gw via 0x457A5556 metric 202 (routemon.cpp:1976)
20170620100823.326835 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] attempting to add route to next hop gateway (routemon.cpp:1980)
20170620100823.328271 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] adding route to with gw, metric 1, if_id 1165645142 (routemon.cpp:872)
20170620100823.331367 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] adding server route to the IVE: dest =, gw =, if_id = 136056688, dev = eth0 (routemon.cpp:1547)
20170620100823.334352 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] connecting to ive (session.cpp:362)
20170620100823.342682 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] ncp.error ncpEstablish for IVE with context 0x81c0c60 (ncp.cpp:428)
20170620100823.376230 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] Setting DSSSL to use Default ciphers (ncp.cpp:1680)
20170620100823.453247 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] Setting NCP certificate hash for DSSSL certificate verification (ncp.cpp:1689)
20170620100823.458097 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] Using DSSSL to connect to IVE (ncp.cpp:1750)
20170620100823.460329 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] creating a new HTTP connection... (ncp_dsssl.cpp:176)
20170620100823.907512 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] compression is enabled (ncp_dsssl.cpp:400)
20170620100823.909396 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] IVE ncp_version = 2 (ncp_dsssl.cpp:410)
20170620100823.923601 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] cleanup 0 (ncp.cpp:1418)
20170620100823.925116 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] ncp.error NCP_ESTABLISH_DONE for IVE (ncp.cpp:1793)
20170620100823.928867 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] establish done (ncphandler.cpp:279)
20170620100823.931022 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] connect to raspberrypi:443 svc 4 (ncp.cpp:779)
20170620100823.932099 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] creating a new HTTP connection... (ncp_dsssl.cpp:176)
20170620100824.37056 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] compression is enabled (ncp_dsssl.cpp:400)
20170620100824.38277 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] IVE ncp_version = 2 (ncp_dsssl.cpp:410)
20170620100824.41790 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] connect.error deflateInit2 returned 0 (ncp_dsssl.cpp:486)
20170620100824.83063 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] connect done (ncphandler.cpp:284)
20170620100824.84153 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] Connected to ive (session.cpp:426)
20170620100824.85278 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] adapter.error Can not TUNSETIFF 38 (adapter.cpp:309)
20170620100824.85813 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] onConnected calling disconnect for ive (session.cpp:431)
20170620100824.86336 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] disconnecting from ive with reason 6 (session.cpp:506)
20170620100824.86686 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] closing tun adapter FFFFFFFF (adapter.cpp:747)
20170620100824.88829 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] restoring DNS settings... (sysdeps.cpp:759)
20170620100824.89360 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] sysdeps.error rename /etc/jnpr-nc-resolv.conf => /etc/resolv.conf failed wirh error 2 (sysdeps.cpp:762)
20170620100824.89770 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] sysdeps.error rename /etc/jnpr-nc-hosts.bak => /etc/hosts failed wirh error 2 (sysdeps.cpp:766)
20170620100824.96534 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] disconnecting from ive with reason 6 (session.cpp:506)
20170620100824.96963 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] closing tun adapter FFFFFFFF (adapter.cpp:747)
20170620100824.97274 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] restoring DNS settings... (sysdeps.cpp:759)
20170620100824.97554 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] sysdeps.error rename /etc/jnpr-nc-resolv.conf => /etc/resolv.conf failed wirh error 2 (sysdeps.cpp:762)
20170620100824.97812 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] sysdeps.error rename /etc/jnpr-nc-hosts.bak => /etc/hosts failed wirh error 2 (sysdeps.cpp:766)
20170620100824.98358 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] ncphandler.error NCP disconnect failed, error 107 (ncphandler.cpp:131)
20170620100824.98958 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] ncp.error ncpTearDown for IVE (ncp.cpp:497)
20170620100824.99602 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] worker.error NCP worker has been requested to stop (ncp_dsssl.cpp:649)
20170620100824.100750 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] disconnect done - tearing down (ncphandler.cpp:322)
20170620100824.104126 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] cleanup 0 (ncp.cpp:1418)
20170620100824.104877 ncsvc[p2503.t2505] writer.error thread exit (ncp.cpp:1848)
20170620100824.104945 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] teardown done (ncphandler.cpp:340)
20170620100824.110486 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] ncp.error ncpCleanup for IVE (ncp.cpp:618)
20170620100824.130999 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] disconnected from ive with reason 6 (session.cpp:569)
20170620100824.192462 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] received onDisconnect with reason = 6 (ncsvc.cpp:628)
20170620100824.213766 ncsvc[p2503.t2503] IpcConn.error recv failed with errno 16 (ncipc.cpp:273)

Can someone explain me what is happening or help me to setup in a correct way this Juniper VPN in RaspberryPi please?

About aarch64 binary compiling

I have a raspberry pi3 model b and set that device with 64bit os.
the output of command 'uname -a' is like this.
Linux raspberrypi 4.9.58-v8+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Oct 29 16:25:42 JST 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux
I have a question about compilation at aarch64 kernel.

I want to make 64bit executable file with aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-6.4.0
so when I try aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-6.4.0 test.c , the output of that command is
fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory

I google it and I knew that I should install the needed lib like g++-multilib for arm64 version and for this, the arm64 version of apt repo should be set.

so I tried to add the debian arm64 apt repo. but I can not still install the suitable libraries for solving that compilation issues.
please help me for solving that problem!

pi64-config : add a command to upgrade kernel

Ideally, the kernel and its modules should be available as an archive for each release. So that one doesn't have to reinstall a new pi64 version from scratch each time in order to get kernel updates / fixes.

There could be a new command for that in pi64-config, that would download the latest archive from github releases.

pi64 thermal regulation

Hereafter a small script for thermal regulation (usable with this electronic scheme :
if [ ! -f "/sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value" ];then
chmod a+w /sys/class/gpio/export;
echo "18" > /sys/class/gpio/export;
chmod a+w /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/direction;
chmod a+w /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value;
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio18/direction;
TEMP="cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
if [ $TEMP -ge $VALUE ]
then echo "1" >/sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value
elif [ $TEMP -le $VALUE ]
then echo "0" >/sys/class/gpio/gpio18/value

Then using sudo crontab (with the entry * * * * * /usr/bin/ ) it starts (or stops) the fans depending on the threshold (here 45°C).

As I got some problems with privileges, I had some chmod's : not really nice, but work.
Do you know why ?

You should add the package zram (from ubuntu to your distribution)...

Your distribution works so nicely !

Can pi64-update use local package?

Hello , I live in China , because some Chinese government's policy , the pi64-update can't download successful. Usually I use shadowsocksr proxy on my PC,but it doesn't work on pi yet. So the only way for me to update the kernel is download the package on PC, and then update manually.
I wonder if the pi64-update

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