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todoapp's Issues

User and Group Management

Description: Implement a user account system and functionalities for creating and managing groups to facilitate collaboration within the ToDo App.


  1. User Accounts:

    • Design and implement user account functionalities:
      • Allow user registration, login, and profile management.
      • Include essential user information like name, email address, and optional profile picture.
      • Consider implementing secure password hashing and storage mechanisms.
  2. Group Creation and Management:

    • Enable users to create and manage groups:
      • Allow defining a group name and optional description.
      • Implement functionalities for inviting other users to join groups using email addresses or usernames.
      • Provide options for users to leave groups or be removed by group administrators.
      • Designate roles within groups (e.g., administrator, member) with appropriate permissions.
  3. Group Collaboration:

    • Facilitate collaboration features within groups:
      • Allow group members to view a shared list of tasks assigned to the group.
      • Implement functionalities for assigning tasks to specific group members.
      • Enable group members to add, edit, or mark tasks complete within the group context.
      • Consider options for group discussions or comments related to tasks for enhanced collaboration.
  4. User Interface and Access Control:

    • Design a user-friendly interface for users to manage their accounts, groups, and group memberships.
    • Implement access control mechanisms to restrict unauthorized access to group information and tasks.
    • Ensure clear visibility for users regarding their group memberships and assigned tasks within groups.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • User accounts with registration, login, and profile management functionalities are implemented.
  • Group creation, management, and invitation functionalities are available.
  • Users can collaborate within groups by viewing, assigning, editing, and completing tasks.
  • A user interface provides clear management of accounts, groups, and task access.
  • Access control mechanisms restrict unauthorized access to group information and tasks.


  • Enables collaborative task management for teams and projects within the app.
  • Improves task organization and delegation by leveraging groups.
  • Enhances user engagement and communication through group collaboration features.
  • Facilitates teamwork and project management within the ToDo App.

User Interface Enhancements - Task Management

Description: Refine the mobile app user interface to provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience for task management.


  1. Task Details Screen:

    • Design a dedicated screen displaying detailed information for each task. This should include:
      • Title and description of the task
      • Due date and priority level (visual representation optional)
      • Completion status with the ability to mark tasks as complete/incomplete
      • Optional assignee information (if applicable within groups)
  2. Task Editing:

    • Implement functionalities to edit existing tasks:
      • Allow users to modify task title, description, due date, and priority from the details screen.
      • Ensure proper validation for user input.
  3. Task Filtering and Sorting:

    • Enhance the task list screen with filtering and sorting functionalities:
      • Allow filtering tasks based on group association, status (pending/completed), or due date range.
      • Enable sorting tasks by various criteria (e.g., due date, priority, creation date).
  4. User Interface Refinements (Optional):

    • Consider additional UI improvements for task management:
      • Implement progress bars or visual indicators for task completion.
      • Add the ability to set reminders for tasks with approaching due dates (potential integration with device notifications).
      • Explore swipe gestures or other intuitive actions for marking tasks complete or editing them.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A dedicated task details screen displays relevant information.
  • Users can mark tasks as complete/incomplete from the details screen.
  • Task editing allows modifying title, description, due date, and priority.
  • Task filtering and sorting functionalities are implemented based on group, status, and due date.
    (Optional) Additional UI enhancements like progress bars, reminders, and swipe gestures are implemented.


  • Improved user experience for managing tasks within the app.
  • Increased clarity and organization of task information.
  • Enhanced task management capabilities through filtering, sorting, and editing.
    (Optional) Additional features like progress bars and reminders provide further visual cues and improve user engagement.

Documentation and API Reference

Description: Develop clear and comprehensive documentation for the backend API, including an API reference for developers.


  1. API Reference:

    • Create a detailed API reference document outlining all functionalities exposed by the backend API.
    • Include for each endpoint:
      • HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
      • URI path
      • Request parameters (if applicable) with data types and descriptions
      • Response format and expected data structure
      • Authentication requirements (if any)
      • Error codes and potential error responses
    • Utilize tools like Swagger or OpenAPI to generate interactive API documentation (optional).
  2. General Documentation:

    • Develop general documentation for the backend API, covering aspects like:
      • Project overview and purpose
      • Installation and setup instructions
      • Environment variable configuration
      • Usage examples and code snippets for interacting with the API
      • Deployment considerations and containerization (referencing Ticket 3)
      • Best practices and security guidelines for API usage
  3. Version Control:

    • Maintain API documentation within the project's version control system (e.g., Git) alongside the codebase.
    • Ensure documentation is updated alongside code changes and new features.


  • Clear and readily available API reference empowers developers to effectively integrate with the backend API.
  • Improved developer experience and reduced onboarding time for new contributors.
  • Consistent and well-documented API usage helps maintain code quality and prevents misuse.
  • Version control ensures documentation reflects the current state of the API.

Open-Ended for Discussion:

  • What format or platform would be most beneficial for hosting the API reference (e.g., dedicated website, markdown files)?
  • Should the documentation include code examples for different programming languages?
  • How can we integrate API documentation updates into the development workflow?

Analytics and Reporting

Description: Develop an analytics dashboard and reporting system to provide users with insights into their task management performance, both individually and within groups (if applicable).


  1. Data Collection and Aggregation:

    • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to task management:
      • Track metrics like number of tasks created, completed, overdue, time spent on tasks, etc.
      • Consider including group-specific KPIs for collaborative task management scenarios (if applicable).
      • Develop mechanisms to collect and aggregate user and task data over time.
  2. Analytics Dashboard Design:

    • Design a user-friendly analytics dashboard to visualize task management data:
      • Utilize charts, graphs, and other visual elements to represent KPIs effectively.
      • Allow users to filter and segment data based on various criteria (time period, task category, group, etc.).
      • Provide clear explanations and key takeaways from the visualized data for actionable insights.
  3. Reporting Functionalities:

    • Implement functionalities for generating reports based on user and task data:
      • Allow users to generate reports for specific time periods, focusing on individual or group performance.
      • Enable exporting reports in different formats (PDF, CSV) for further analysis or sharing.
      • Consider offering customizable report templates based on user preferences.
  4. Data Security and Privacy:

    • Ensure proper data security and privacy practices for user and task data collected for analytics:
      • Implement data anonymization or aggregation techniques where appropriate.
      • Restrict access to sensitive data based on user roles and permissions.
      • Communicate data privacy policies clearly to users regarding data collection and usage for analytics.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A user-friendly analytics dashboard visualizes key task management KPIs.
  • Users can filter and segment data based on various criteria within the dashboard.
  • Functionalities are available to generate reports for user and task data.
  • Reports can be exported in different formats for further analysis.
  • Data security and privacy practices are implemented for collected user and task data.


  • Provides users with valuable insights into their task management effectiveness.
  • Enables users to identify areas for improvement and optimize their workflow.
  • Supports data-driven decision making regarding task prioritization and time allocation.
  • Enhances user engagement by allowing them to track their progress and celebrate achievements.

User Analytics and Reporting

Description: Integrate user analytics and reporting features to gain insights into user behavior and app usage within the ToDo App.


  1. Analytics Service Selection:

    • Choose a suitable user analytics service for the mobile app, considering factors like:
      • Features offered (e.g., user engagement metrics, event tracking, user segmentation)
      • Ease of integration with your mobile development framework
      • Data privacy considerations and compliance with regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
  2. Event Tracking Implementation:

    • Integrate the chosen analytics service's libraries within the mobile app.
    • Define and track key user events throughout the app:
      • User logins and signups
      • Task creation, editing, and completion actions
      • Screen views and user navigation patterns
      • Feature usage and user engagement metrics
  3. Data Reporting and Visualization:

    • Utilize the analytics platform to access and visualize user data reports:
      • Analyze user demographics and app usage patterns.
      • Identify trends in task creation, completion rates, and overall engagement.
      • Gain insights into user behavior to inform future development decisions and feature prioritization.
  4. Data Privacy Considerations:

    • Implement mechanisms to obtain user consent for data collection and analytics tracking.
    • Anonymize or aggregate user data whenever possible to protect user privacy.
    • Clearly communicate your data privacy practices to users within the app and privacy policy.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • User analytics service is integrated into the mobile app.
  • Key user events are tracked and reported within the analytics platform.
  • User data reports and visualizations are accessible for analysis.
  • User consent for data collection is obtained and data privacy practices are adhered to.


  • Gain valuable insights into user behavior and app usage patterns.
  • Data-driven decision making for future development and feature prioritization.
  • Improved user experience based on user needs and preferences.
  • Potential to identify areas for app improvement and user retention strategies.

Implement Actionable Notifications for Improved Task Workflow

Description: Enhance task management efficiency by introducing actionable notifications that allow users to perform basic task actions directly from the notification itself. This reduces the need to switch back and forth between the app and notification center, streamlining the workflow.


  1. Actionable Notification Design:

    • Develop notification messages that include clear action buttons relevant to the task.
    • Consider common actions like "Mark Complete," "Snooze Reminder," or "Assign to Someone Else" based on the task context.
    • Ensure notification buttons are visually distinct and easy to interact with on various devices.
  2. Security and Confirmation (Optional):

    • For critical actions (e.g., marking a task complete), implement optional confirmation steps within the notification to prevent accidental actions.
    • Consider secure authentication methods (e.g., fingerprint scan) for sensitive actions within notifications.
  3. Integration with Task Management System:

    • Upon interacting with an actionable button in the notification, ensure the corresponding action is reflected immediately within the app.
    • Update task status (e.g., marked complete), reschedule reminders, or re-assign tasks seamlessly based on user interaction with the notification.
  4. User Preferences and Customization:

    • Allow users to enable or disable actionable notifications based on their preferences.
    • Provide options for users to customize the available actions displayed within task notifications.
    • Consider offering notification settings to control sound, vibration, or banner display for actionable notifications.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Task notifications include clear and actionable buttons relevant to the task context.
  • User interaction with notification buttons triggers the corresponding action within the app (mark complete, snooze reminder, etc.).
  • Optional security measures are implemented for critical actions within notifications (optional).
  • Users can enable/disable actionable notifications and customize displayed actions based on preferences.


  • Streamlines task management workflow by allowing basic actions directly from notifications.
  • Reduces the number of app interactions required, improving user efficiency.
  • Enhances user experience by providing a more convenient way to manage tasks on the go.
  • Increases task completion rates by making it easier for users to address to-do items.

User Onboarding and In-App Tutorials

Description: Improve user onboarding and engagement by providing clear guidance and in-app tutorials for the ToDo App.


  1. Onboarding Flow:

    • Design a user-friendly onboarding flow that guides new users through the app's core functionalities:
      • Include an initial walkthrough highlighting key features and basic usage steps.
      • Provide clear instructions on creating tasks, assigning them to groups (if applicable), and managing task statuses.
      • Consider offering interactive elements or sample task creation to enhance user understanding.
  2. Contextual In-App Tutorials:

    • Implement contextual in-app tutorials that appear within the app at relevant moments:
      • Utilize tooltips or overlays to explain specific features or functionalities upon first use.
      • Offer optional walkthroughs for complex tasks or advanced features.
      • Allow users to dismiss or skip tutorials if desired.
  3. Best Practices and User Tips:

    • Integrate resources within the app to provide best practices and user tips:
      • Include a dedicated Help section with FAQs, documentation, or video tutorials.
      • Offer suggestions for efficient task management and maximizing app benefits.
      • Consider gamification elements or reward systems to motivate user engagement.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A well-structured onboarding flow guides new users through the app's functionalities.
  • Contextual in-app tutorials provide timely explanations for specific features.
  • A Help section or resources offer best practices and user tips for effective task management.


  • Improved user experience by providing clear guidance and reducing learning curve.
  • Increased user engagement and understanding of the app's capabilities.
  • Reduced support requests through proactive user education.

Containerization with Docker

Description: Package the backend API and MariaDB database into Docker containers for improved deployment and management.


  1. Dockerfile Creation:

    • Define separate Dockerfiles for:
      • FastAPI Server:
        • Specify a base image like python:3.9-slim for a lightweight container.
        • Install required dependencies using RUN pip install commands (e.g., fastapi, uvicorn, database drivers).
        • Copy the application source code (, environment variables, etc.) to the container.
        • Expose the application port (typically 8000) for external access.
        • Define a command to start the FastAPI server upon container execution (e.g., uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000).
      • MariaDB Database:
        • Utilize an official MariaDB Docker image (e.g., mariadb:latest).
        • Set environment variables for database configuration (e.g., MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE).
        • Consider persisting data volumes to avoid losing data on container restarts.
  2. Building Docker Images:

    • Use the docker build command to build Docker images from the defined Dockerfiles:
      docker build -t my_todo_api .  # Replace "." with your API project directory
      docker build -t my_todo_db mariadb  # Replace "mariadb" with a specific MariaDB tag if needed
  3. Running Docker Containers:

    • Run the built Docker images to create container instances:
      docker run -d -p 8000:8000 my_todo_api  # Map container port 8000 to host port 8000
      docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my_password my_todo_db  # Set environment variables

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Dockerfiles are defined for both the FastAPI server and MariaDB database.
  • Docker images are successfully built for each service.
  • The containers can be run independently, allowing for easier deployment and scaling.
  • Environment variables are properly set for database configuration within the MariaDB container.
    (Optional) Persistent data volumes are configured for the MariaDB container to preserve database data.

Household Chore Inspiration & Educational Content

Description: Implement a feature that provides inspirational ideas and educational content related to household chores, promoting a well-rounded approach to household management.


  1. Content Curation and Integration:

    • Partner with credible sources or develop in-house content to provide informative and engaging articles, videos, or tips related to household chores.
    • Consider content categories like cleaning hacks, efficient chore routines, time management for housework, or sustainable cleaning practices.
    • Integrate this content seamlessly within the app, offering suggestions based on user preferences or task context.
  2. Personalized Recommendations:

    • Utilize user data and task management habits to personalize content recommendations.
    • For example, suggest articles on deep cleaning after a user frequently marks deep cleaning tasks as complete.
    • Offer content relevant to upcoming tasks or based on challenges users might face (e.g., stain removal tips before laundry day).
  3. Content Engagement and Feedback:

    • Allow users to rate or comment on the provided content, contributing to its overall quality and value.
    • Consider functionalities for users to share their own cleaning hacks or tips within the app to foster a knowledge-sharing community.
    • Explore options for user-generated content sections where users can contribute their own household management advice.
  4. Data Security and User Privacy:

    • Ensure user data used for content personalization is anonymized and protected.
    • Provide clear communication regarding how user data is used to recommend content.
    • Allow users to opt-out of personalized recommendations if they prefer a general content feed.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The app offers a variety of informative and engaging content related to household chores.
  • Content recommendations are personalized based on user data and task management habits (optional).
  • Users can interact with the content by providing ratings, comments, or sharing their own tips.
  • User data privacy is protected, and users can opt-out of personalized recommendations.


  • Empowers users with knowledge and skills to tackle household chores more effectively.
  • Provides inspiration and motivation for maintaining a clean and organized household.
  • Fosters a community of users who can share knowledge and learn from each other's experiences.
  • Contributes to a well-rounded household management approach that goes beyond just task completion.

Deployment and Scalability Planning

Description: Develop a plan for deploying and potentially scaling the ToDo App to production environments.


  1. Deployment Strategy:

    • Define a strategy for deploying the application (backend API and mobile app) to a production environment.
    • Consider factors like:
      • Choice of hosting platform (cloud providers like AWS, GCP, Azure, or on-premise servers)
      • Containerization using Docker (referencing Ticket 3) for easier deployment and management.
      • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform or Ansible to automate infrastructure provisioning and configuration.
      • Load balancing and autoscaling mechanisms to handle potential traffic surges.
      • Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for automated deployments and testing.
  2. Scalability Considerations:

    • Analyze potential bottlenecks and scaling requirements for the application:
      • Database scalability (vertical scaling with increased resources or horizontal scaling with sharding techniques)
      • API server scalability (horizontal scaling with additional instances behind a load balancer)
      • Mobile app scalability (considerations for different device capabilities and network conditions)
  3. Monitoring and Alerting:

    • Plan for monitoring key metrics of the deployed application:
      • Server health and resource utilization
      • API endpoint performance and response times
      • Database performance and storage usage
      • User activity and application errors
    • Implement alerting mechanisms to notify administrators of potential issues or performance degradation.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A high-level deployment strategy is documented, outlining the chosen platform and tools.
  • Potential bottlenecks and scaling considerations are identified for the backend and mobile app.
  • A plan for monitoring key application metrics and setting up alerts is established.

Open-Ended for Discussion:

  • What specific cloud platform or hosting service would be most suitable for deployment?
  • What level of initial scalability is required based on anticipated user base?
  • How can we integrate automated monitoring and alerting tools into the deployment process?

Future Considerations:

  • As the application evolves, revisit and refine the deployment and scaling plan to accommodate growth and changing requirements.

Allow Multiselection and Batch Actions on Tasks

Description: Enhance task management efficiency by enabling users to select and perform actions on multiple tasks simultaneously. This allows for faster completion of repetitive actions and overall improved workflow.


  1. Multi-Select Functionality:

    • Implement functionalities for users to select multiple tasks within the task list.
    • Utilize checkboxes, long-press selection, or similar interaction methods for easy multi-selection.
    • Clearly indicate which tasks are currently selected for clear user understanding.
  2. Batch Actions for Selected Tasks:

    • Offer a set of batch actions that can be applied to all selected tasks simultaneously.
    • Consider including common actions like "Mark Complete," "Change Due Date," "Assign to Someone," or "Delete."
    • Ensure batch actions are executed efficiently and provide confirmation messages upon completion.
  3. User Interface and Interaction:

    • Design a user interface that facilitates easy multi-selection and clear differentiation between selected and non-selected tasks.
    • Consider offering options for quick selection of all tasks or filtering tasks before applying batch actions.
    • Provide visual cues to indicate the number of tasks currently selected for batch actions.
  4. Error Handling and Edge Cases:

    • Implement robust error handling for batch actions, especially when modifying deadlines or assigning tasks to multiple users.
    • Consider scenarios where actions might not be applicable to all selected tasks (e.g., assigning to one user for multiple tasks).
    • Provide clear error messages or prompts to inform users about potential issues with batch actions.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can select multiple tasks within the task list using intuitive methods.
  • A set of common batch actions is available for efficient management of selected tasks.
  • User interface elements clearly indicate selected tasks and facilitate batch action execution.
  • Error handling mechanisms address potential issues during batch actions and inform users accordingly.


  • Significantly improves task management efficiency by allowing bulk actions on multiple tasks.
  • Saves time and effort by reducing the need to perform repetitive actions on individual tasks.
  • Enhances user experience by providing a convenient way to manage large to-do lists.
  • Promotes faster completion of tasks by streamlining common actions like marking completed chores or modifying deadlines.

User Authentication Enhancements

Ticket 9: User Authentication Enhancements (Medium Priority)

Description: Improve the user authentication process for the ToDo App by implementing additional security features.


  1. Password Hashing Best Practices:

    • Review current password hashing practices and consider stronger hashing algorithms (e.g., bcrypt, Argon2) with appropriate salting techniques to protect user credentials.
    • Store only hashed passwords in the database, never the plain text versions.
  2. Secure Password Reset:

    • Implement a secure password reset mechanism:
      • Allow users to initiate password reset by email or username.
      • Generate a time-limited reset token and send it securely to the user's registered email address.
      • Validate the reset token upon password reset request and ensure it hasn't expired.
      • Prompt users to choose a new strong password upon successful token validation.
  3. Two-Factor Authentication (Optional):

    • Explore and potentially integrate two-factor authentication (2FA) for an additional security layer:
      • Allow users to enable 2FA using methods like time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) or SMS verification.
      • During login, require a valid 2FA code in addition to the username and password for enhanced security.
  4. Session Management (Optional):

    • Consider implementing session management on the server-side to manage user login sessions.
      • Issue session tokens with appropriate expiration times upon successful login.
      • Validate session tokens on subsequent API requests to ensure user authentication remains valid.
      • Implement mechanisms for session invalidation (e.g., user logout or session timeout).

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Stronger password hashing algorithms with salting are implemented.
  • A secure password reset mechanism is functional, allowing users to reset forgotten passwords.
    (Optional) Two-factor authentication is integrated as an additional security layer.
    (Optional) Session management is implemented for managing user login sessions.


  • Enhanced security of user credentials through stronger password hashing techniques.
  • Improved user experience with a secure password reset process.
    (Optional) Increased account security with two-factor authentication.
    (Optional) Session management provides a more robust and manageable approach to user authentication.

Group Collaboration Features

Description: Enhance the ToDo App by enabling collaborative task management within groups.


  1. Task Assignment:

    • Implement functionalities for assigning tasks to other users within a group:
      • Allow users to select a specific group member when creating or editing a task.
      • Store assignee information alongside task details in the database.
      • Display assigned tasks differently within the task list for clarity (e.g., highlighting, filtering).
  2. Task Visibility and Permissions:

    • Define granular permissions for group members regarding task visibility and actions:
      • Owners can manage all tasks within the group (create, edit, assign, delete).
      • Members can view all tasks, edit assigned tasks, and potentially create new tasks.
      • Implement access control mechanisms to restrict task visibility and actions based on user roles within the group.
  3. Real-time Updates and Notifications (Optional):

    • Explore options for real-time updates on task changes within groups:
      • Utilize technologies like websockets or server-sent events for real-time communication.
      • Update task lists and information for all group members upon task creation, modification, or completion.
      • Consider implementing real-time notifications for assigned tasks or task mentions.
  4. Group Discussion and Chat (Optional):

    • Explore adding features for group discussions and chat functionalities:
      • Allow group members to discuss tasks, share ideas, and collaborate through chat.
      • Integrate a chat interface within the group view or dedicated chat screens.
      • Consider threaded conversations for organized discussions within tasks or the group itself.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can assign tasks to other group members.
  • Task visibility and actions are controlled based on user roles within the group.
    (Optional) Real-time updates on task changes are implemented for group members.
    (Optional) A chat interface enables group discussions and collaboration.


  • Improved teamwork and collaboration within groups for task management.
  • Increased efficiency and productivity through shared task ownership and visibility.
  • Enhanced user experience by facilitating communication and coordination within groups.
    (Optional) Real-time features provide a more dynamic and interactive collaboration experience.
    (Optional) Group chat fosters communication and knowledge sharing within teams.

Calendar View with Google Calendar Integration

Description: Implement a calendar view within the ToDo App and integrate it with Google Calendar for synchronized task management.


  1. Calendar View Design:

    • Design a user-friendly calendar view within the ToDo App:
      • Allow users to switch between different calendar views (day, week, month).
      • Display tasks with corresponding due dates or scheduled times within the calendar view.
      • Utilize clear visual cues to differentiate task priorities or categories (if applicable).
  2. Google Calendar Integration:

    • Implement functionalities to connect with Google Calendar API:
      • Allow users to authorize the app to access their Google Calendar data.
      • Utilize appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms for secure data access.
      • Synchronize task data between the ToDo App and Google Calendar:
        • Display existing Google Calendar events within the app's calendar view.
        • Create new events or modify existing ones in Google Calendar based on tasks within the app (considering two-way or one-way synchronization options).
  3. Data Synchronization and Conflict Resolution:

    • Develop mechanisms for data synchronization and conflict resolution between the app and Google Calendar:
      • Define how changes made in one platform (app or Google Calendar) are reflected in the other.
      • Implement conflict resolution strategies in case of overlapping events or task modifications occurring simultaneously on both platforms.
      • Consider offering users options to review and manually resolve conflicts if necessary.
  4. User Preferences and Control:

    • Allow users to configure their calendar view preferences:
      • Enable selection of which Google Calendars to synchronize with the app.
      • Provide options to filter displayed tasks based on categories, priorities, or other criteria.
      • Offer control over the level of synchronization (one-way or two-way) for tasks and events.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A user-friendly calendar view is implemented within the ToDo App.
  • Integration with Google Calendar API allows for data synchronization.
  • Tasks and events are displayed from both the app and Google Calendar within the app's calendar view.
  • Mechanisms are in place for data synchronization and conflict resolution.
  • Users can configure their calendar view preferences and control the synchronization process.


  • Provides a unified view of tasks and events, improving overall task management.
  • Leverages the existing functionality and familiarity of Google Calendar for users.
  • Enhances user experience by offering a convenient way to schedule and track tasks within the app.
  • Increases flexibility by allowing users to manage tasks across different platforms.

Quickstart for Household with Pre-populated Tasks and Assignees

Description: Enhance user onboarding and encourage household adoption by offering a quickstart feature that automatically populates common household tasks with pre-assigned users. This provides a starting point for new users and simplifies household chore management setup.


  1. Pre-Populated Task List:

    • Develop a curated list of common household chores categorized by task frequency (daily, weekly, monthly).
    • Consider including tasks like dishes, laundry, sweeping, vacuuming, taking out trash, etc., with customizable options.
    • Ensure the pre-populated list reflects a balanced distribution of chores across various categories.
  2. Default Assignee Suggestions:

    • Based on user profiles or relationship settings within the app, suggest default assignees for each pre-populated task.
    • Allow for customization of suggested assignees by users based on their household dynamics.
  3. Quick Add and Edit Functionalities:

    • Provide functionalities for users to quickly add new tasks or edit the pre-populated list to personalize their household chore management system.
    • Allow users to adjust task frequencies, assign different users, or delete irrelevant tasks from the quickstart list.
  4. Optional Tutorial or Walkthrough:

    • Consider offering a short, optional tutorial or walkthrough that guides users through the quickstart feature and highlights its benefits.
    • This tutorial could explain how to customize the pre-populated tasks and assignees to fit their specific household needs.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The app offers a quickstart feature with a pre-populated list of common household chores.
  • Default assignees are suggested based on user profiles or relationships (optional).
  • Users can easily customize the quickstart list by adding, editing, or deleting tasks and assignees.
  • An optional tutorial or walkthrough is available to explain the quickstart feature (optional).


  • Simplifies initial setup for new households by providing a ready-made chore management system.
  • Reduces the time and effort required to configure task assignments and chore lists.
  • Encourages user adoption by offering a pre-populated list as a starting point for household collaboration.
  • Provides a foundation for further customization based on individual household needs and preferences.

Suggest Common Household Tasks Based on User Context and Preferences

Description: Improve task creation efficiency within the household context by suggesting common household chores based on user preferences and historical data.


  1. Context-Aware Chore Suggestions:

    • Analyze user context through various data points relevant to household chores:
      • Time of day: Suggest chores commonly performed at specific times (e.g., morning cleaning routine, evening dishwashing).
      • Day of the week: Recommend tasks associated with specific weekdays (e.g., laundry on weekends, trash disposal on designated collection days).
      • Location (if enabled): Suggest location-based chores (e.g., vacuuming the living room, cleaning the bathroom).
      • Upcoming holidays or events: Identify patterns and suggest preparatory tasks (e.g., grocery shopping before a family gathering).
  2. User Preferences and Personalization:

    • Allow users to define their preferred chore categories or areas of focus (e.g., kitchen cleaning, bathroom maintenance).
    • Utilize historical data to personalize chore suggestions based on user behavior:
      • Frequently created chores: Recommend chores the user creates often.
      • Completed chore history: Suggest similar chores based on past completions.
      • Integrate with smart home devices (if applicable) to suggest tasks based on sensor data (e.g., suggesting emptying the trash bin after weight sensor detects fullness).
  3. Chore Suggestion Interface:

    • Display a dedicated section within the app interface for suggested chores.
    • Present suggested chores in a clear and concise format, including brief descriptions or icons.
    • Allow users to easily add suggested chores to their household to-do list with a single click.
    • Provide options for users to dismiss or hide irrelevant suggestions.
  4. User Feedback and Improvement:

    • Implement a feedback mechanism for users to rate the relevance of suggested chores.
    • Utilize user feedback to continuously improve the accuracy and personalization of chore suggestions.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The system suggests common household chores based on user context, preferences, and historical data.
  • Users can define preferred chore categories and personalize suggestions based on past behavior.
  • A dedicated interface displays suggested chores with clear descriptions and easy addition options.
  • Users can provide feedback to improve the relevance and personalization of suggestions.


  • Saves users time and effort by suggesting relevant and frequently performed household chores.
  • Enhances household chore management efficiency and streamlines task delegation within the home.
  • Promotes consistent completion of chores by keeping users focused on essential household tasks.
  • Personalizes the user experience by suggesting chores tailored to individual preferences and household routines.

Infrastructure Considerations (For Discussion)

Description: This ticket serves as a discussion point to define the technical stack for the ToDo App's backend, frontend, database, deployment, and other infrastructure aspects.

Discussion Points:

  1. Backend API:

    • Discuss the feasibility and suitability of using FastAPI for the backend REST API server.
    • Consider alternative backend frameworks like Django or Flask based on project requirements and team expertise.
  2. Frontend Development:

    • Evaluate the use of Flutter for cross-platform mobile app development.
    • Explore alternative options like React Native or native development (iOS/Android) based on desired features and performance.
  3. Database Selection:

    • Discuss the suitability of MariaDB as the application's primary database.
    • Consider alternative database solutions like PostgreSQL or MongoDB based on data model complexity and scaling needs.
  4. Deployment and Infrastructure:

    • Evaluate the use of AWS for hosting and deployment of the ToDo App.
    • Explore alternative cloud providers like Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Microsoft Azure based on cost, features, and team experience.
  5. Additional Technologies:

    • Discuss the use of Docker for containerization and its benefits for deployment and scalability.
    • Consider integrating Redis for caching and as a message broker to improve performance.
    • Evaluate the need for Celery for background tasks and as a message queue for asynchronous operations.

Action Items:

  • Conduct further research on alternative technologies for each component based on the discussion.
  • Evaluate trade-offs and considerations for each technology choice.
  • Recommend a final tech stack that aligns with project requirements, scalability needs, and team expertise.

Benefits of Open Discussion:

  • Enables informed decision-making regarding the app's infrastructure.
  • Allows team members to contribute their expertise and experience.
  • Fosters a collaborative approach to choosing the most suitable technologies.

Next Steps:

  • Schedule a dedicated discussion to address the points outlined in this ticket.
  • Research and prepare information on alternative technologies for each component.
  • Collaborate as a team to reach a consensus on the final infrastructure setup.

Unit Testing and Integration Testing

Description: Implement unit and integration tests to ensure code quality, reliability, and maintainability of the backend API.


  1. Unit Testing:

    • Choose a unit testing framework like pytest or unittest.
    • Write unit tests for core functionalities of the backend API, focusing on individual components and functions:
      • User management logic (registration, login, validation)
      • Group management functionalities (creation, retrieval, modification)
      • Task management operations (CRUD operations, authorization checks)
      • Data access layer using SQLAlchemy (interactions with the database)
      • Utility functions and helper methods
  2. Integration Testing:

    • Define integration tests to verify interactions between different components of the backend API:
      • User authentication and authorization flow (login, JWT token usage)
      • Interaction between user management and group/task functionalities
      • Validation of data flow between API endpoints and the database
  3. Test Coverage:

    • Aim for a reasonable level of test coverage for critical functionalities.
    • Utilize code coverage tools (e.g., pytest-cov) to measure the percentage of code covered by tests.
  4. Test Automation:

    • Implement a mechanism to automate test execution (e.g., using a continuous integration pipeline).
    • Ensure tests run consistently before code deployments to catch regressions early.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Unit tests are written for critical functionalities of the backend API.
  • Integration tests verify interactions between different components.
  • A reasonable level of test coverage is achieved.
  • Tests are automated and run regularly to maintain code quality.


  • Unit and integration testing help identify bugs and regressions early in the development process.
  • Improved code quality and reliability through test-driven development practices.
  • Increased confidence in code changes and refactoring efforts.
  • Provides a safety net for future development and feature additions.

User Interface Polish and Accessibility

Description: Refine the overall user interface (UI) of the mobile app to enhance its visual appeal, usability, and accessibility for a wider user base.


  1. UI Consistency and Design Refinements:

    • Ensure consistent use of colors, fonts, and spacing throughout the app to create a visually cohesive and polished experience.
    • Consider user feedback and iterate on the design to improve visual clarity and user interaction.
    • Explore implementing design patterns and best practices for mobile app UIs.
  2. Accessibility Enhancements:

    • Integrate features to improve accessibility for users with disabilities:
      • Implement proper color contrast for text and backgrounds to meet WCAG guidelines.
      • Ensure sufficient text size and appropriate font choices for better readability.
      • Support alternative text descriptions for images and UI elements (important for screen readers).
      • Consider features like voice control or text-to-speech functionalities for broader user accessibility.
  3. Internationalization (Optional):

    • Explore internationalization (i18n) features to support multiple languages within the app:
      • Implement mechanisms for language selection by the user.
      • Translate UI text and content into desired languages.
      • Consider cultural adaptations for layouts, date/time formats, and potential symbol usage.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The UI is visually polished and consistent with a focus on user-friendliness.
  • Accessibility features are implemented to improve usability for users with disabilities.
    (Optional) The app supports multiple languages through proper i18n implementation.


  • A more aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly mobile app experience.
  • Increased accessibility for a wider user base, promoting inclusivity.
    (Optional) Entering new markets and reaching a broader audience with multilingual support.

Allow Task Feedback, Acceptance, and Declination

Description: Empower users with more control over assigned tasks by enabling them to provide feedback, accept, or decline tasks within the household context. This fosters improved communication and collaboration on chores.


  1. Task Feedback Mechanism:

    • Implement a system for users to provide feedback on assigned tasks.
    • Allow users to leave comments, suggestions, or notes related to the task for the assigning user.
    • Consider offering options for rating the clarity or difficulty of the task (optional).
  2. Task Acceptance and Declination:

    • Provide functionalities for users to accept or decline assigned tasks.
    • When declining a task, allow users to explain the reason for declination (optional).
    • Upon declining, the task should automatically revert back to the assigning user or be re-assigned based on pre-defined rules (optional).
  3. Communication and Notification System:

    • Trigger notifications for the assigning user whenever feedback is provided or a task is accepted/declined.
    • Ensure notifications clearly communicate the type of action (feedback, acceptance, or decline) and any additional details provided by the user.
    • Consider offering in-app chat functionalities for further communication related to the task (optional).
  4. Data Tracking and Reporting (Optional):

    • Explore functionalities to track task acceptance/decline rates and analyze reasons for declination (if provided).
    • Generate reports that might highlight potential workload imbalances or areas for improvement in task delegation within the household.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can provide feedback, accept, or decline assigned tasks.
  • Notifications inform assigning users about task-related actions (feedback, acceptance, decline).
  • The system facilitates communication regarding tasks through comments or optional chat functionalities.


  • Improves communication and collaboration within the household by allowing users to provide feedback on tasks.
  • Empowers users with control over their workload by enabling task acceptance or declination with explanations.
  • Ensures clarity and understanding of tasks by fostering communication between users regarding expectations.
  • Promotes fairer task delegation and workload distribution within the household (optional data tracking and reporting).


Description: Implement a notification system to keep users informed about task-related activities within the ToDo App.


  1. Notification Delivery Methods:

    • Define and configure multiple notification delivery methods:
      • Email notifications: Send email alerts for task assignments, due dates, and completions.
      • Push notifications: Utilize push notification services to deliver real-time alerts on mobile devices.
      • In-app alerts: Display pop-up notifications within the app for task updates.
      • Allow users to choose their preferred notification methods (email, push, in-app, or a combination).
  2. Notification Triggers and Customization:

    • Design a system for triggering notifications based on specific events:
      • Task assignment: Notify users when a task is assigned to them within a group or individually.
      • Due date approaching: Send reminders for tasks with upcoming due dates based on user preferences (e.g., one day before, one hour before).
      • Task completion: Notify users when a task assigned to them is marked as complete (optional).
      • Consider additional notification triggers based on user feedback or future needs.
  3. Notification Content and Personalization:

    • Ensure notifications clearly communicate relevant information:
      • Include the task title, due date, and assigning user (if applicable) in notification messages.
      • Provide clear calls to action within notifications, directing users to the relevant task within the app.
      • Explore personalization options for notification content or frequency based on user preferences.
  4. Notification Management:

    • Allow users to manage their notification preferences:
      • Implement settings for users to enable or disable different notification methods (email, push, in-app).
      • Provide options for users to adjust notification frequency or silence notifications for specific periods.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Multiple notification delivery methods (email, push, in-app) are implemented.
  • Notifications are triggered based on defined events (task assignment, due dates, etc.).
  • Notification content clearly communicates relevant task information with calls to action.
  • Users can manage their notification preferences for methods and frequency.


  • Improves user awareness and engagement with tasks within the app.
  • Ensures timely reminders for upcoming deadlines and assigned tasks.
  • Provides flexibility for users to choose their preferred notification methods.
  • Contributes to a more efficient and organized task management experience.

Integration of Popular Productivity Frameworks

Description: Enhance the ToDo App by incorporating functionalities and features aligned with widely used productivity frameworks.


  1. Framework Research and Selection:

    • Conduct research on popular productivity frameworks:
      • Analyze the core principles and practices of Eisenhower Matrix, Getting Things Done (GTD), Pomodoro Technique, Kanban Boards, Time Blocking, SMART Goal setting, 1-3-5 Rule, and Pareto Principle (80/20 rule).
    • Consider user base and target audience when prioritizing which frameworks to integrate initially.
    • Focus on frameworks that can be effectively implemented within the existing app structure.
  2. Feature Design and Implementation:

    • Design and implement functionalities within the app to support chosen productivity frameworks:
      • Eisenhower Matrix: Allow task categorization based on urgency and importance (Urgent/Important, Urgent/Not Important, Not Urgent/Important, Not Urgent/Not Important).
      • GTD: Integrate features for task capture, clarification, organization (projects, contexts), and review.
      • Pomodoro Technique: Implement a timer functionality with work intervals and breaks based on the Pomodoro Technique.
      • Kanban Boards: Introduce Kanban boards for visualizing task workflow stages (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done).
      • Time Blocking: Allow users to schedule dedicated time blocks within the calendar for specific tasks.
      • SMART Goals: Provide functionalities to define goals following the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).
      • 1-3-5 Rule: Introduce a feature to prioritize tasks using the 1-3-5 rule (identify 1 big goal, 3 medium priorities, and 5 smaller tasks).
      • Pareto Principle: Integrate analytical tools to help users identify tasks contributing to the 80% of results based on historical data (e.g., time spent, completed tasks).
  3. User Education and Guidance:

    • Provide informative resources within the app to educate users about the integrated productivity frameworks:
      • Include brief explanations of each framework's core principles and benefits.
      • Offer tutorials or guided walkthroughs to demonstrate how to utilize these frameworks effectively within the app.
      • Consider showcasing successful use cases and recommendations for applying different frameworks.
  4. Customization and Flexibility:

    • Allow users to personalize their experience by choosing which productivity frameworks they want to utilize.
    • Provide configuration options for some frameworks (e.g., Pomodoro timer duration, Kanban board stage labels).
    • Ensure the app remains user-friendly and avoids overwhelming users with too many features at once.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Chosen productivity frameworks are researched and analyzed.
  • Core functionalities for each framework are designed and implemented within the app.
  • Educational resources are provided to guide users on using the integrated frameworks.
  • Users can personalize their experience with framework selection and configuration options.


  • Empowers users to leverage established productivity methodologies within the ToDo App.
  • Offers a wider range of tools and approaches for users to optimize their task management.
  • Enhances the app's versatility and caters to diverse user preferences and work styles.
  • Potentially increases user engagement and overall productivity through effective task management.

Security Code Review

Description: Conduct a comprehensive security code review for both the backend API and mobile app to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.


  1. Security Code Analysis Tools:

    • Utilize static code analysis tools (SAST) to scan the codebase for common security vulnerabilities:
      • Identify potential injection flaws (SQL injection, XSS), insecure direct object references (IDOR), and other security risks.
      • Leverage security-specific linters to enforce secure coding practices within the development process.
  2. Manual Penetration Testing (Optional):

    • Consider engaging a penetration testing service or security expert to perform manual testing:
      • Simulate real-world attack vectors to identify exploitable vulnerabilities.
      • Focus on areas like authentication, authorization, data validation, and API security.
  3. Security Best Practices:

    • Review and implement security best practices throughout the application:
      • Validate and sanitize all user input to prevent injection attacks.
      • Enforce strong password hashing algorithms with salting for user credentials.
      • Implement proper access control mechanisms to restrict unauthorized access to data and functionalities.
      • Secure data transmission through HTTPS with valid certificates.
      • Regularly update dependencies and libraries to address known vulnerabilities.
  4. Security Patch Management:

    • Establish a process for identifying, prioritizing, and deploying security patches for the application and its dependencies.
    • Stay informed about security vulnerabilities in used libraries and frameworks to address them promptly.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The codebase is scanned for vulnerabilities using SAST tools.
    (Optional) Manual penetration testing is conducted to identify exploitable vulnerabilities.
  • Security best practices are implemented to address common security risks.
  • A security patch management process is established for timely updates.


  • Proactive identification and mitigation of security vulnerabilities.
  • Enhanced protection of user data and application integrity.
  • Increased user trust and confidence in the application's security.

First Ideas

ToDo App Brainstorming


Voice-Enabled Task Management

  • Implement Whisper API for voice-to-text functionality.
  • Use GPT model to summarize, clarify, and potentially split spoken input into actionable tasks.
  • Allow users to add, edit (via voice or text), or discard transcribed tasks.

Implement Support for widley used Productivity Frameworks

  • Eisenhower Matrix
  • Getting Thing Done
  • Pomodoro
  • Kanban
  • Time Blocking
  • SMART Goals
  • 1-3-5 Rule
  • Pareto Principle (Provide analysis tools to help users identify the 20% of tasks that yield 80% of results)

User and Group Management

  • Provide user account functionality.
  • Enable the creation and management of groups.
  • Allow users to invite others, join by invitation, leave, or delete a group.
  • Display lists of groups a user is in, group members, and tasks within a group.
  • Show tasks assigned to a user both within a group and individually.

Task Management

  • Facilitate the creation, editing, and deletion of tasks.
  • Allow assignment of tasks to group members.
  • Include task details such as title, description, due date, priority, status, assigned user, creator, creation date, and completion date.
  • include way more details for power users which want to analyze more in detail like duration (plannend, actual), mood, motivation etc.

Calendar View with Google Calendar Integration

  • Integrate a calendar interface to visualize tasks by date.
  • Include synchronization with Google Calendar for seamless task management across platforms.


  • Enable notifications for task assignments, due dates, and completions via email, push, or in-app alerts.

Analytics and Reporting

  • Develop an analytics dashboard for individual and group performance.
  • Generate reports based on user, group, task, and time period.

Enhanced Gamification with Detailed Reward System

  • Implement a point system where completing tasks earns points.
  • Encourage competition with leaderboards and points ranking within groups.
  • Create a reward system that includes:
    • Monetary rewards or shopping points.
    • Custom rewards, such as choosing a restaurant or exemption from chores.
    • A point shop where points can be exchanged for items or experiences, like vacations or meals.
  • Assign point values to "Quests" which are credited to the completing "Adventurer."


Tech Stack

  • Utilize FastAPI for the backend REST API server.
  • Employ Flutter for cross-platform frontend development.
  • Use MariaDB for the database.
  • Implement Docker for containerization.
  • Integrate Redis for caching and as a message broker.
  • Apply Celery for background tasks and as a message queue.
  • Host and deploy on AWS.
  • Ensure data validation with Pydantic.
  • Secure with JWT for authentication and OAuth2 for third-party auth.
  • Document APIs with OpenAPI.

Automatic Integration of Educational Videos Based on Task Descriptions

Description: Enhance the learning experience within the ToDo App by automatically suggesting relevant educational videos from YouTube based on the task description and title.


  1. YouTube API Integration:

    • Implement secure integration with the YouTube Data API v3 to search for educational content.
    • Define appropriate search parameters based on the task description and title (e.g., keywords, category filters).
    • Ensure proper authentication and authorization mechanisms for secure API calls.
  2. Educational Video Recommendation:

    • Develop algorithms to analyze task descriptions and identify relevant educational concepts.
    • Utilize the YouTube Data API to search for videos matching the extracted concepts or keywords.
    • Consider video metrics like view count, ratings, and channel reputation when recommending videos.
    • Display a curated list of suggested educational videos alongside the task details within the app.
  3. User Preferences and Control:

    • Allow users to enable or disable automatic video suggestions based on their preferences.
    • Provide options for users to refine search parameters or filter suggested videos.
    • Consider offering feedback mechanisms for users to rate the relevance of suggested videos.
  4. Content Moderation and Safety:

    • Implement safeguards to ensure the suggested videos are appropriate and reliable sources of information.
    • Utilize YouTube's content moderation features or partner with trusted educational channels.
    • Allow users to report inappropriate or irrelevant video suggestions.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Secure integration with the YouTube Data API v3 is implemented.
  • The system automatically recommends educational videos based on task descriptions.
  • Users can enable/disable video suggestions, refine search parameters, and provide feedback.
  • Content moderation practices ensure the suggested videos are appropriate and reliable sources of information.


  • Enhances the learning experience within the ToDo App by providing relevant educational resources.
  • Empowers users to acquire new skills and knowledge related to their tasks.
  • Supports self-directed learning and knowledge acquisition for improved task completion.
  • Increases user engagement and promotes the app as a comprehensive task management and learning platform.

Voice-Enabled Task Management with Whisper API

Description: Integrate voice commands for creating, managing, and interacting with tasks within the ToDo App, utilizing the Whisper API for voice-to-text functionality.


  1. Whisper API Integration:

    • Set up an account and obtain an API key from OpenAI for Whisper access.
    • Integrate the Whisper API with your mobile app development framework:
      • Utilize libraries or SDKs provided by OpenAI (if available) or implement API calls directly.
      • Ensure proper authentication and authorization mechanisms for API access.
  2. Voice Capture and Preprocessing:

    • Implement functionalities to capture user voice input within the mobile app:
      • Utilize the device microphone to record user speech commands.
      • Consider offering options for voice recording length limitations or continuous listening modes.
      • Implement basic audio pre-processing techniques (e.g., noise reduction) to improve speech clarity for the API.
  3. Voice-to-Text with Whisper:

    • Send captured voice recordings to the Whisper API for transcription:
      • Leverage Whisper's ability to handle natural language for task creation and management.
      • Utilize appropriate API parameters to specify language and model options (consider accuracy vs. speed trade-offs).
      • Handle API responses, receiving the transcribed text containing potential task details.
  4. Task Management Integration:

    • Process the transcribed text from Whisper and extract relevant information for task creation:
      • Utilize Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques (if necessary) to identify keywords and parse task details (title, due date, etc.).
      • Integrate the extracted task information with the existing task management functionalities within the app.
      • Allow users to review and potentially edit the transcribed task details before confirmation.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Whisper API is integrated with the mobile app for voice-to-text functionality.
  • User voice input is captured and pre-processed for improved transcription accuracy.
  • Whisper successfully transcribes voice commands into text, capturing relevant task details.
  • Extracted task information is integrated with the existing task management system.
  • Users can review and edit transcribed task details before confirmation.


  • Leverages the power of Whisper for accurate and efficient voice-to-text conversion.
  • Offers a convenient hands-free method for creating and managing tasks within the app.
  • Increases accessibility for users who prefer voice interaction.
  • Provides a more natural and intuitive user experience.


  • Whisper API usage costs may apply based on chosen model and usage patterns.
  • Explore alternative NLP techniques if Whisper's transcription alone is insufficient for accurate task detail extraction.
  • Ensure proper user education on the capabilities and limitations of voice-enabled task management.

Implement Rewards System for Task Completion and Goal Achievement

Description: Introduce a motivational element by implementing a reward system that acknowledges task completion and goal achievement within the household. This can incentivize consistent chore completion and promote a sense of accomplishment.


  1. Reward System Design:

    • Define a system for awarding rewards based on task completion and goal achievement.
    • Consider options like points, badges, virtual trophies, or integration with external reward platforms (optional).
    • Allow for customization of the reward system by household admins, enabling them to set point values for different tasks or difficulty levels.
  2. Goal Setting and Tracking:

    • Facilitate goal setting within the app, allowing users to define personal or household goals related to chores or task completion rates.
    • Integrate goal progress tracking with the reward system, awarding points or recognition upon achieving set goals.
    • Consider offering pre-defined goal templates to guide users in setting achievable and motivating goals.
  3. Reward Redemption and Recognition:

    • Provide options for users to redeem earned rewards within the app or integrate with external reward platforms (optional).
    • Consider offering virtual or tangible rewards based on user preferences and customization by household admins.
    • Implement a recognition system that acknowledges task completion streaks, goal achievements, or top performers within the household.
  4. Data Security and User Privacy:

    • Ensure all reward system data is securely stored and protected within the app.
    • Provide clear communication and transparency regarding how reward data is used and managed.
    • Allow users to opt-out of the reward system or specific reward features if they prefer not to participate.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A reward system is implemented with options for points, badges, or potential external integrations (optional).
  • Users can set personal or household goals related to chores and track progress towards earning rewards.
  • Earned rewards can be redeemed within the app or through external platforms (optional).
  • User data privacy is protected, and users can opt-out of the reward system if desired.


  • Increases motivation for task completion by introducing a fun and engaging reward system.
  • Promotes a sense of accomplishment and recognition for users who consistently complete chores.
  • Encourages healthy competition and collaboration within the household towards achieving shared goals.
  • Offers flexibility and customization to cater to different user preferences and reward styles.

Push Notifications for Task Reminders

Description: Implement push notifications to remind users about upcoming deadlines and tasks within the ToDo App.


  1. Push Notification Integration:

    • Choose a push notification service compatible with your mobile development framework (e.g., Firebase Cloud Messaging for Android and iOS).
    • Integrate the push notification service libraries within the mobile app.
    • Configure notification channels on the server-side to define notification categories and behavior (e.g., sound, vibration).
  2. Scheduling Notifications:

    • Develop functionalities to schedule push notifications for tasks with approaching deadlines:
      • Allow users to set custom reminders for tasks (e.g., one day before, one hour before).
      • Alternatively, implement pre-defined notification schedules based on task urgency.
      • Upon notification scheduling, send a request to the server containing user ID, task details, and desired notification time.
  3. Server-Side Notification Logic:

    • Implement logic on the backend server to handle push notification requests:
      • Utilize the chosen push notification service API to send notifications to user devices.
      • Retrieve relevant user information (device tokens) and task details based on the received request.
      • Craft notification messages with clear information about the upcoming task and deadline.
  4. Notification Handling on Mobile App:

    • Implement functionality within the mobile app to receive and handle push notifications:
      • Register the app with the push notification service to receive device tokens.
      • Listen for incoming push notifications in the background or foreground state.
      • Parse the notification data to display relevant task information and potentially navigate the user to the task details screen.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Push notifications are sent for tasks with user-defined or pre-defined schedules.
  • The server-side logic successfully sends notifications through the chosen push notification service.
  • The mobile app receives and displays push notifications with relevant task information.
  • Users can potentially interact with the notification (e.g., navigate to the task details screen).


  • Improved user engagement and task completion rates through timely reminders.
  • Enhanced user experience by keeping users informed about upcoming tasks.
  • Increased app stickiness by providing valuable functionality.

Performance Optimization

Description: Analyze and optimize the performance of both the backend API and mobile app to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience.


  1. Performance Profiling:

    • Utilize profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks in the backend API:
      • Analyze database query times and optimize queries if necessary.
      • Profile API endpoint execution times and identify potential code inefficiencies.
      • Consider caching mechanisms for frequently accessed data to reduce database load.
  2. Mobile App Optimization:

    • Analyze the mobile app's performance using profiling tools:
      • Identify areas for code optimization to improve rendering speed and responsiveness.
      • Optimize image loading and resource usage to minimize data consumption and improve load times.
      • Consider techniques like lazy loading and code splitting for efficient app loading.
  3. Network Optimization:

    • Implement strategies to optimize data transfer between the mobile app and the backend API:
      • Utilize data compression techniques (e.g., gzip) to reduce payload sizes.
      • Implement caching mechanisms within the mobile app to store frequently accessed data locally.
      • Consider batching API requests to minimize network roundtrips.
  4. User Interface (UI) Optimization:

    • Analyze and optimize UI elements and animations for smooth performance:
      • Pre-render or cache UI components whenever possible to reduce rendering overhead.
      • Use efficient animation libraries and avoid excessive animations that impact performance.
      • Optimize layout rendering and consider using virtualized lists for large datasets.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Performance bottlenecks in the backend API and mobile app are identified.
  • Code optimizations and caching mechanisms improve overall application performance.
  • Data transfer is optimized through compression and efficient API calls.
  • UI elements and animations are optimized for smooth user experience.


  • Improved responsiveness and faster loading times for a more enjoyable user experience.
  • Reduced data consumption for users on limited bandwidth connections.
  • Increased user engagement and satisfaction through a performant app.

Implement Basic Task Functionality

Description: Enhance the core functionality of the ToDo App by implementing basic task management features on the backend API.


  1. Task Model and CRUD Operations:

    • Define a Pydantic model for tasks, including relevant fields like:
      • id (integer, primary key)
      • title (string, required)
      • description (string, optional)
      • due_date (datetime, optional)
      • priority (string, optional, e.g., "high", "medium", "low")
      • status (string, optional, e.g., "pending", "completed")
      • created_at (datetime, read-only, default to current timestamp)
      • completed_at (datetime, optional)
      • user_id (integer, foreign key referencing users table)
      • group_id (integer, foreign key referencing groups table)
    • Extend the backend API with functionalities for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on tasks:
      • Create Task (POST /tasks): Allow users to create new tasks within a specific group. Include task details in the request body.
      • Read Tasks (GET /tasks): Enable users to retrieve a list of their tasks, potentially filtered by group, status, or due date.
      • Update Task (PUT /tasks/{task_id}): Allow modifying existing task details (e.g., title, description, due date, priority, or status).
      • Delete Task (DELETE /tasks/{task_id}): Enable deletion of tasks with proper authorization checks.
  2. Authorization for Task Management:

    • Implement authorization mechanisms to ensure users can only:
      • Create tasks within groups they belong to.
      • View, update, or delete tasks they created or assigned to within their groups.
  3. API Endpoint Enhancements (Optional):

    • Consider adding additional API endpoints for specific functionalities:
      • Mark Task as Complete (PATCH /tasks/{task_id}/complete): Allow users to mark existing tasks as completed.
      • Get Specific Task Details (GET /tasks/{task_id}): Enable retrieving detailed information for a single task.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Pydantic model for tasks is defined with all necessary fields.
  • Backend API implements CRUD operations for creating, reading, updating, and deleting tasks.
  • Proper authorization checks are in place for task management based on user and group association.
  • Users can create new tasks within their groups.
  • Users can view a list of their tasks, potentially filtered by group or status.
  • Users can update existing task details (excluding user/group association).
  • Users can delete tasks they created or assigned to within their groups.
    (Optional) Additional API endpoints for marking tasks as complete or retrieving specific task details are implemented.

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Description: Establish a comprehensive data backup and disaster recovery (DR) plan to ensure business continuity and data protection for the ToDo App.


  1. Data Backup Strategy:

    • Define a data backup strategy for both the backend database and user-generated content:
      • Choose a backup frequency (e.g., daily, hourly) based on data criticality and acceptable recovery time objective (RTO).
      • Select a backup solution (e.g., cloud storage, local backups) considering security and redundancy requirements.
      • Implement automated backup processes to ensure consistent data capture.
  2. Disaster Recovery Plan:

    • Develop a disaster recovery plan outlining steps to restore application functionality in case of outages or incidents:
      • Define roles and responsibilities for disaster recovery procedures.
      • Establish procedures for restoring data from backups and bringing the application back online.
      • Consider testing the DR plan regularly to ensure its effectiveness.
  3. Disaster Recovery Testing:

    • Conduct periodic disaster recovery testing to validate the DR plan and identify potential issues:
      • Simulate disaster scenarios (e.g., server failure, data loss) and practice recovery procedures.
      • Evaluate the time it takes to restore data and application functionality (RTO).
      • Refine the DR plan based on testing results to improve recovery efficiency.
  4. High Availability Considerations (Optional):

    • Explore options for high availability (HA) to minimize downtime in case of hardware failures:
      • Consider implementing redundant servers or cloud-based HA solutions.
      • Utilize load balancing techniques to distribute traffic across multiple servers.
      • Ensure data replication across servers for real-time data consistency.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A data backup strategy is defined with automated backup processes.
  • A disaster recovery plan outlines procedures for restoring application functionality.
  • Disaster recovery testing is conducted periodically to validate the DR plan.
    (Optional) High availability architecture is implemented to minimize downtime.


  • Ensures business continuity and minimizes data loss in case of unforeseen events.
  • Provides a structured approach to data recovery and application restoration.
  • Increases user confidence and trust in the app's reliability.
    (Optional) High availability architecture significantly reduces downtime and improves application uptime.

Enhanced Gamification with Detailed Reward System

Description: Implement a comprehensive gamification system with a detailed reward structure to motivate users and increase engagement with the ToDo App.


  1. Point System and Leaderboards:

    • Design and implement a point system that incentivizes task completion:
      • Assign point values to different tasks based on complexity, priority, or estimated time commitment.
      • Develop leaderboards to display user rankings based on accumulated points, fostering healthy competition.
      • Consider introducing different leaderboards for individual users and potentially group leaderboards (if applicable).
  2. Reward Structure:

    • Define a multifaceted reward system to cater to various user preferences:
      • Monetary rewards or shopping points (integrate with loyalty programs if feasible).
      • Custom rewards chosen by users, like choosing a restaurant or exemption from chores.
      • A point shop where users can exchange points for virtual items or experiences (e.g., themes, avatars).
      • "Quests" with assigned point values, rewarding users who complete specific task sets (optional).
      • Consider offering tiered rewards based on achievement levels or point thresholds.
  3. Reward Delivery and User Feedback:

    • Implement mechanisms for delivering and managing user rewards:
      • Clearly communicate how users can redeem their points or claim earned rewards.
      • Ensure a secure and reliable system for processing and delivering rewards (e.g., virtual items, vouchers).
      • Gather user feedback to refine the reward system and cater to evolving user preferences.
  4. Balance and Gamification Design:

    • Maintain a balance between gamification elements and core task management functionalities:
      • Ensure the gamification system does not overshadow the core purpose of the app (task management).
      • Provide options for users who prefer to focus solely on task management without gamification elements.
      • Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the gamification system and iterate based on user feedback.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A point system with various point values for task completion is implemented.
  • Leaderboards display user rankings based on accumulated points.
  • A multifaceted reward system offers diverse options for users to redeem points.
  • Mechanisms are in place for delivering and managing user rewards.
  • The gamification system is implemented in a balanced way, complementing core task management features.


  • Increases user engagement and motivation through gamification elements.
  • Encourages healthy competition and goal achievement through leaderboards and rewards.
  • Provides users with a sense of accomplishment and fosters positive reinforcement for completing tasks.
  • Enhances user experience by offering a more fun and interactive approach to task management.


  • Implementing a complex reward system might require integration with external services (e.g., loyalty programs).
  • User feedback is crucial for refining the reward structure and ensuring its effectiveness.
  • Maintaining a balance between gamification and core functionalities is essential for user satisfaction.

Allow Multiple Assignees and Order Tasks for Recurrent Tasks

Description: Enhance task management for recurrent chores by allowing assignment to multiple users and facilitating a rotational order for completion. This promotes shared responsibility and fairer distribution of chores within the household.


  1. Multiple Assignee Functionality:

    • Extend task assignment capabilities to allow assigning the same recurrent chore to multiple users within the household.
    • Provide options for selecting specific users or user groups to be responsible for the chore.
  2. Rotational Order for Recurrent Tasks:

    • Implement a system for defining a rotational order among assignees for recurrent chores.
    • Allow users to specify the order in which household members are responsible for completing the chore (e.g., weekly rotation).
    • The system automatically assigns the chore to the next user in the rotation for each recurrence.
  3. Task Completion Tracking and Visibility:

    • Clearly indicate within the task details which user is currently responsible for completing the chore in the rotation.
    • Maintain a history of past completions, showcasing which user completed the chore in previous cycles.
    • Consider offering functionalities to mark tasks as completed by any assigned user, updating the completion status for all.
  4. User Interface and Notifications:

    • Design a user interface element that clearly displays the assigned users and their order within the recurrent task.
    • Implement notification systems to remind users when their turn arrives to complete the assigned chore.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can assign recurrent chores to multiple users within the household.
  • A rotational order can be defined for assigning responsibility among users for each recurrence.
  • The interface clearly displays assigned users and their order within the recurrent task.
  • Users receive notifications reminding them when it's their turn to complete the chore.
  • The system tracks completion history for recurrent tasks with multiple assignees (optional).


  • Promotes fairer distribution of chores by ensuring everyone takes turns completing recurrent tasks.
  • Enhances household collaboration and shared responsibility for maintaining a clean and organized home.
  • Improves task clarity by showcasing which user is currently responsible for the chore.
  • Reduces reliance on manual reminders by automatically notifying users of their turn in the rotation.

Backend API with FastAPI and MariaDB (High Priority)

Description: Develop the core backend functionalities using FastAPI and MariaDB, laying the foundation for our ToDo App.


  1. FastAPI Server Setup:

    • Install essential dependencies with pip: fastapi, uvicorn, and potentially aiohttp for asynchronous operations.
    • Define the main application file ( as the entry point for your FastAPI application.
    • Configure server settings within
      • Error Handling: Implement mechanisms to manage and log potential errors during API requests (consider libraries like sentry).
      • Logging: Configure logging to capture server activity and API interactions for debugging and monitoring purposes (libraries like logging or python-json-logger can be used).
      • CORS (Optional): If your frontend resides on a different domain, implement CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow cross-origin requests (consider fastapi-cors).
  2. API Endpoints:

    • User Management:
      • User Registration (POST /users):
        • Design an endpoint accepting user registration data via POST requests:
          • Username (string, required)
          • Password (string, required) - Securely hashed before storage (libraries like passlib or argon2).
          • Optional fields (e.g., email: string)
        • Implement registration logic:
          • Validate username uniqueness against existing usernames in the database.
          • Hash the user's password securely using a one-way hashing algorithm.
          • Store validated user data in the database using SQLAlchemy's ORM functionalities.
      • User Login (POST /login):
        • Develop an endpoint accepting login credentials via POST requests:
          • Username (string, required)
          • Password (string, required)
        • Implement login logic:
          • Retrieve the user record from the database based on the provided username.
          • Verify the user's password by comparing the hashed password in the database with the provided password using the chosen hashing algorithm.
          • If login is successful, generate a JWT (JSON Web Token) containing user information and an expiration time.
          • Return the JWT token in the response body for subsequent API requests.
    • Group Management:
      • Group Creation (POST /groups):
        • Define an endpoint for group creation requests via POST:
          • Group Name (string, required)
          • Optional Description (string)
        • Implement group creation logic:
          • Validate the chosen group name for uniqueness.
          • Create a new group record in the database, storing the group name, optional description, and associating it with the currently logged-in user (creator).
      • Group Management Endpoints (GET /groups, PUT /groups/{group_id}, DELETE /groups/{group_id}):
        • Develop endpoints for managing existing groups:
          • GET /groups: Retrieve a list of all groups the user belongs to.
          • PUT /groups/{group_id}: Allow modifying group details (e.g., name, description) with proper authorization checks.
          • DELETE /groups/{group_id}: Enable deletion of groups (potentially with restrictions on creator or admin privileges).
        • Implement authorization checks for managing groups. Users can only modify or delete groups they belong to.
  3. Database Integration:

    • Define database schema using SQLAlchemy for tables representing users, groups, and tasks.
    • Establish connection to the MariaDB database using SQLAlchemy.
    • Implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for user, group, and task data using SQLAlchemy's ORM functionalities.
  4. Authentication and Authorization:

    • Implement JWT (JSON Web Token) based authentication for user login.
    • Generate JWT tokens upon successful login containing user information and expiration time.
    • Include JWT tokens in subsequent API requests for authorization.
    • Develop middleware to validate JWT tokens and ensure user access is restricted based on their roles and permissions.
  5. Data Validation:

    • Define Pydantic models for user and task objects, including data types and validation rules.
    • Use Pydantic models for data parsing and validation on both API request and response bodies.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • FastAPI server is functional and running.
  • All defined API endpoints are operational and accessible.
  • User registration, login, and authentication with JWT tokens work seamlessly.
  • Users can create, manage, and view groups through the API.
  • Basic CRUD operations for tasks are functional with proper authorization checks.
  • Data validation with Pydantic ensures only valid information is stored in the database

Implement Subtasks with Approvable Checklists for Task Breakdown

Description: Enhance task management by enabling users to break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks with approvable checklists for improved organization and collaboration.


  1. Subtask Creation and Management:

    • Allow users to define subtasks within a parent task, creating a hierarchical structure.
    • Provide functionalities to edit, delete, and reorder subtasks as needed.
    • Include options for setting deadlines or assigning specific subtasks to other users within the household (if applicable).
  2. Approvable Checklists for Subtasks:

    • Implement checklists within each subtask, allowing users to define specific action items.
    • Enable users to mark checklist items as complete, tracking progress within the subtask.
    • Consider introducing an approval system for subtasks, where completion requires approval from designated users (optional).
    • Provide clear visual cues to differentiate between completed and incomplete subtasks and checklist items.
  3. Improved Task Visibility and Collaboration:

    • Enhance the user interface to clearly display the parent task and its associated subtasks with checklists.
    • Facilitate communication and collaboration on subtasks through comments or mentions within the app (if applicable).
    • Consider offering options for group discussions or updates specific to subtasks.
  4. Data Integration and Reporting:

    • Ensure subtask data (completion status, deadlines) is integrated with the overall parent task for comprehensive tracking.
    • Explore functionalities for reporting on subtask completion rates and identifying areas for improvement in task breakdown strategies.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can create, manage, and edit subtasks within parent tasks.
  • Approvable checklists with clear completion tracking are implemented for each subtask (optional).
  • The user interface effectively displays the task hierarchy and subtask progress.
  • Subtask data is integrated with parent tasks for comprehensive reporting (optional).


  • Improves task organization by breaking down complex tasks into manageable sub-steps.
  • Enhances collaboration by assigning specific subtasks and facilitating communication within the household.
  • Increases task clarity and accountability through checklists and approval systems (optional).
  • Provides a better understanding of task progress through visual hierarchy and completion tracking.

Frontend Development with Flutter (High Priority)

Description: Develop the core user interface using Flutter for a beautiful and functional mobile app, the user's window into our ToDo App.


  1. Project Setup: Laying the Foundation

    • Flutter Project Creation: Use the Flutter command-line tool (flutter create my_todo_app) to generate a new Flutter project for your mobile app. Replace my_todo_app with your desired project name.
    • Essential Dependencies: Within the pubspec.yaml file, define dependencies for necessary Flutter libraries to build the user interface and connect to the backend API. Here are some key libraries to consider:
      • http: For making HTTP requests to the backend API endpoints.
      • flutter_bloc or provider: For implementing state management within the app.
      • jwt_decoder: If using JWT tokens for user authentication.
      • Optional Libraries: Depending on your desired UI complexity, you might consider libraries like flutter_svg for vector graphics or shimmer for loading animations.
  2. Crafting the User Experience: Building Appealing Screens

    • Design Mockups (Optional): Consider creating visual mockups (using tools like Figma or Adobe XD) to define the layout and visual style of your app's screens before coding.
    • Essential Screens: Develop the core user interfaces for the following functionalities:
      • User Registration Screen: Design a screen with input fields for username, password, and optional information like email. Ensure secure password input handling (e.g., using password obscurity).
      • User Login Screen: Create a screen with username and password input fields for user login. Consider implementing features like "Remember Me" for storing login credentials locally (securely) on the device.
      • Group Management Screens: Develop screens for:
        • Group Creation: Allow users to create new groups by providing a name and optional description.
        • Group List: Display a list of all groups the user belongs to, potentially with details like group name and number of tasks.
      • Task Management Screens: Design screens for:
        • Task Creation: Enable users to create new tasks within a chosen group. Include fields for title, description, due date, and priority (e.g., high, medium, low).
        • Task List: Display a list of tasks belonging to the currently selected group, potentially showing details like title, due date, and completion status.
  3. Bringing it to Life: Interactivity and Functionality

    • User Management: Implement functionalities for user registration and login:
      • Registration:
        • Upon user registration form submission, utilize the http library to send a POST request to the backend API's /users endpoint (#5 ).
        • Capture and send user-provided data (username, password, and optional information) within the request body.
        • Handle the response from the backend, displaying success messages or error notifications based on the API's response code and content.
      • Login:
        • Upon user login form submission, send a POST request to the backend's /login endpoint with the user's username and password in the request body.
        • Process the login response, checking for successful authentication.
        • If login is successful, store the received JWT token securely on the device (e.g., using a secure storage library like flutter_secure_storage).
    • Group Management: Develop functionalities for interacting with groups:
      • Group Creation: Upon submitting the group creation form, send a POST request to the backend's /groups endpoint (refer to #5 ).
      • Include the chosen group name and optional description within the request body.
      • Handle the response from the backend, displaying success messages or error notifications based on the API's response.
      • Group List: Fetch a list of groups the user belongs to by sending a GET request to the backend's /groups endpoint when the screen loads.
      • Display the retrieved group information (name, potentially description) within the UI.
    • Task Management: Implement functionalities for creating and managing tasks:
      • Task Creation: Upon submitting the task creation form, send a POST request to the backend's task creation endpoint (refer to #5 , likely /tasks).
      • Include task details (title, description, due date, priority, and group ID) within the request body.
      • Ensure the JWT token is included in the request header for authorization.
      • Handle the response from the backend, displaying success messages or error notifications based on

Enhanced Task Management for Power Users

Description: Expand the existing task management functionalities to cater to the needs of power users who require more detailed task tracking and analysis capabilities.


  1. Advanced Task Details:

    • Extend the existing task model to include additional data fields for power users:
      • Duration: Estimated and actual duration spent on the task (can be entered manually or tracked using a timer functionality).
      • Focus Level: Ability to capture the user's focus level (e.g., highly focused, distracted) while working on the task (optional).
      • Energy Level: Allow users to record their energy level when tackling the task (e.g., high energy, low energy) (optional).
      • Additional user-defined fields: Consider allowing users to create custom fields to capture specific data points relevant to their workflows.
  2. Advanced Task Analytics:

    • Provide functionalities to analyze and visualize the newly captured task data:
      • Develop reports or dashboards that display trends in task duration, focus level, energy level, or custom field data over time.
      • Allow users to filter and group tasks based on these additional details for deeper analysis.
      • Integrate charts or graphs to represent task data visually and identify patterns or correlations.
      • Consider offering options to export analyzed data for further external analysis.
  3. Task Insights and Recommendations:

    • Based on the analyzed data, explore functionalities to offer insights and recommendations to power users:
      • Identify tasks with consistently low focus or energy levels and suggest potential strategies for improvement (e.g., time management techniques, breaks).
      • Analyze user performance patterns and recommend personalized work schedules or task prioritization strategies based on their energy levels.
      • Offer suggestions for optimizing workflow based on insights derived from task data.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The task model is extended to include additional data fields for power users (duration, focus level, energy level, custom fields).
  • Functionalities are implemented to analyze and visualize the extended task data through reports, dashboards, and charts.
  • Users can filter and group tasks based on the new details for in-depth analysis.
  • Advanced users receive task-related insights and recommendations based on analyzed data (optional).


  • Empowers power users with the ability to capture and analyze comprehensive task data for deeper insights.
  • Provides insights into user productivity patterns, focus levels, and energy expenditure during tasks.
  • Enables users to refine their workflow strategies based on data-driven insights for improved performance.
  • Offers personalized recommendations for task management and work optimization based on user data.

Make Tasks Schedulable

Description: Enhance task management by allowing users to schedule tasks for specific dates and times, promoting better time management and organization within the household.


  1. Task Scheduling Functionalities:

    • Integrate a calendar view or scheduling interface within the app for task scheduling.
    • Allow users to assign a specific date and time (including optional start and end times) to each task.
    • Consider offering options for recurring tasks (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) with customizable frequencies.
    • Enable users to set reminders for scheduled tasks beforehand (e.g., pop-up notifications, email alerts).
  2. Integration with Calendar Apps (Optional):

    • Explore the possibility of integrating with existing calendar applications to avoid duplicate entries.
    • Define mechanisms for two-way data synchronization between the ToDo App and external calendars (if applicable).
  3. Task Prioritization and Scheduling Conflicts:

    • Provide visual cues within the calendar view to indicate task deadlines and scheduled times.
    • Implement functionalities to identify potential scheduling conflicts when assigning dates and times to tasks.
    • Allow users to adjust task schedules or set priorities to resolve scheduling conflicts.
  4. User Interface and Task Visualization:

    • Design a user-friendly interface for scheduling tasks, including calendar views or timelines.
    • Clearly display scheduled tasks within the calendar view, including task details, deadlines, and reminders.
    • Consider color-coding or visual differentiation for task categories or priorities within the schedule.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can schedule tasks with specific dates, times, and optional recurrence settings.
  • Reminder notifications are triggered for scheduled tasks based on user preferences.
  • The system identifies and helps resolve potential scheduling conflicts.
  • A user-friendly calendar interface provides clear visualization of scheduled tasks.


  • Improves time management within the household by allowing users to plan and schedule tasks effectively.
  • Reduces the risk of missed deadlines and forgotten chores by setting reminders for scheduled tasks.
  • Enhances task organization and prioritization by visualizing tasks within a calendar view.
  • Provides a holistic view of household activities and helps users plan their days efficiently (optional integration with existing calendars).

Allow Reminding on Tasks

Description: Enhance task management by implementing a robust reminder system to ensure users don't miss important chores or deadlines within the household.


  1. Flexible Reminder Options:

    • Implement functionalities for users to set reminders for individual tasks.
    • Allow users to choose the reminder method (e.g., pop-up notifications, email alerts, SMS) based on preferences.
    • Provide options for customizing the reminder timing (e.g., before the deadline, at a specific time on the due date).
    • Consider offering recurring reminders for tasks that need repeated attention (e.g., take out the trash every Wednesday).
  2. Snooze Functionality:

    • Allow users to snooze reminders for a set period (e.g., 5 minutes, 1 hour) if they need to postpone addressing the task temporarily.
    • Ensure snoozed reminders are rescheduled and retriggered after the chosen snooze duration.
  3. Integration with Notification Center:

    • Integrate task reminders seamlessly with the device's notification center to ensure visibility.
    • Design clear and informative notification messages that specify the task title, deadline, and reminder type.
  4. User Interface and Customization:

    • Display upcoming reminders within the app interface for easy access and management.
    • Allow users to customize notification sounds or visual cues for task reminders based on preferences.
    • Consider offering options for filtering or prioritizing reminders based on urgency or importance.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can set reminders for individual tasks with customizable timing and notification methods.
  • Snooze functionality allows temporary postponement of reminders with rescheduling.
  • Reminders are integrated with the device's notification center for improved visibility.
  • The app interface displays upcoming reminders and allows customization of notification preferences.


  • Significantly reduces the risk of missed chores or deadlines by providing timely reminders.
  • Enhances task completion rates by prompting users to address their to-do list.
  • Offers flexibility in reminder preferences to cater to individual user needs and preferences.
  • Improves user experience by displaying upcoming reminders within the app and notification center.

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