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unison-fsmonitor's Issues

"No space left on device" error coming from remote monitor

I just upgraded to your 0.3.0 release, and I'm no longer able to have unison working. On the local side, I'm getting this error:

2022-03-11T19:06:28Z DEBUG unison_fsmonitor] event: Input("DONE\n")
Error: Io(Os { code: 28, kind: StorageFull, message: "No space left on device" })
Fatal error: Server: File monitoring helper program not running
[2022-03-11T19:07:06Z DEBUG unison_fsmonitor] event: Input("")
[2022-03-11T19:07:06Z DEBUG unison_fsmonitor] >> ERROR Unrecognized%20cmd%3A%20

I believe that this is being emitted by the unison-fsmonitor on my remote host, which is being built from the current tip of your master branch.

I am not, as far as I can tell, out of space, either locally or remotely.

$ df -i
Filesystem       Inodes    IUsed    IFree IUse% Mounted on
devtmpfs       24200302      542 24199760    1% /dev
tmpfs          24202461        2 24202459    1% /dev/shm
tmpfs          24202461      707 24201754    1% /run
tmpfs          24202461       16 24202445    1% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/nvme0n1p1 31457280 17799544 13657736   57% /
tmpfs          24202461        5 24202456    1% /run/user/272766
tmpfs          24202461        1 24202460    1% /run/user/0
tmpfs          24202461        1 24202460    1% /run/user/221009

$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs         93G     0   93G   0% /dev
tmpfs            93G     0   93G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs            93G  2.1M   93G   1% /run
tmpfs            93G     0   93G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/nvme0n1p1  473G  312G  161G  66% /
tmpfs            19G     0   19G   0% /run/user/272766
tmpfs            19G     0   19G   0% /run/user/0
tmpfs            19G     0   19G   0% /run/user/221009

(all of this is in a directory on the / mount)

I've "worked around" this by switching to a different fsmonitor, which is ... okay, I guess, but yours has been the most consistently stable of the ones I've used so far, and I would prefer to keep using it if I could. I'm not sure how to debug this on the server side, though.

Race condition can leave files out of sync while syncing between local dirs

To reproduce (I'm on macOS 12.3.1):

mkdir /tmp/a /tmp/b
unison /tmp/a /tmp/b -repeat watch -ui text -debug fswatch+

While this is running, try

echo $RANDOM > /tmp/a/x

I see a bunch of output, quoted below. Importantly, there is a delay between "Synchronization complete" being printed and new WAIT commands being sent. If you modify /tmp/a/x again during this interval, a second synchronization does not occur, and so /tmp/a/x and /tmp/b/x stay out of sync (until one of them is changed yet again or Unison is restarted).

I can reproduce this on Unison 2.51.5 as well as the latest master at time of writing. It doesn't occur when using Unison's built-in fsmonitor implementation on Linux.

The cause appears to be the timing of CHANGES responses. This fsmonitor implementation sends CHANGES immediately as soon as changes occur. But the built-in fsmonitor has more of a polling model, where CHANGES responses are sent only in response to WAIT commands; a CHANGE response terminates a wait, and changes that occur while not waiting should be reported at the next wait. In fact, Unison itself seems to ignore the arguments to CHANGES responses; it simply uses CHANGES as a notification that it should terminate the wait and send its own CHANGES command to request filenames of the files that changed. (Nevertheless, the built-in fsmonitor does include the hashes of changed files in its CHANGES response; there can be multiple hashes in a single response.)

Edit: To further clarify: WAIT is like select(), terminated by a CHANGES response, and CHANGES commands are like read(). They affect the same state (list of pending changes). I think.

[fswatch+] >> CHANGES d03c239c5bae8b7a9a35a6284d8a9512
Looking for changes
[fswatch+] << CHANGES d03c239c5bae8b7a9a35a6284d8a9512
[fswatch+] >> RECURSIVE x
[fswatch+] >> DONE
[fswatch+] << START d03c239c5bae8b7a9a35a6284d8a9512 /private/tmp/a x
[fswatch+] >> OK
[fswatch+] << DONE
[fswatch+] << CHANGES ee6f81089ac5b4e616740c34d688212d
[fswatch+] >> RECURSIVE x
[fswatch+] >> RECURSIVE %2Eunison%2Ex%2Eee6f81089ac5b4e616740c34d688212d%2Eunison%2Etmp
[fswatch+] >> DONE
[fswatch+] << START ee6f81089ac5b4e616740c34d688212d /private/tmp/b x
[fswatch+] >> OK
[fswatch+] << DONE
Reconciling changes
changed  ---->            x  
a            : changed file       modified on 2022-05-09 at 19:05:43  size 6         rw-r--r--
b            : unchanged file     modified on 2022-05-09 at 19:05:39  size 6         rw-r--r--
Propagating updates
Unison 2.51.5 (ocaml 4.12.1) started propagating changes at 19:05:44.67 on 09 May 2022
[BGN] Updating file x from /private/tmp/a to /private/tmp/b
[END] Updating file x
Unison 2.51.5 (ocaml 4.12.1) finished propagating changes at 19:05:44.67 on 09 May 2022, 0.001 s
Saving synchronizer state
Synchronization complete at 19:05:44  (1 item transferred, 0 skipped, 0 failed)
[fswatch+] >> CHANGES ee6f81089ac5b4e616740c34d688212d
[fswatch+] >> CHANGES ee6f81089ac5b4e616740c34d688212d
[fswatch+] >> CHANGES ee6f81089ac5b4e616740c34d688212d
[fswatch+] << WAIT d03c239c5bae8b7a9a35a6284d8a9512
[fswatch+] << WAIT ee6f81089ac5b4e616740c34d688212d

"Invalid argument: unquote" from, line 126, characters 16-23

My unison-script is crashing with the following output:

Looking for changes
Invalid argument: unquote
Raised at Lwt.poll in file "/private/tmp/unison-20211220-29288-1iikm63/unison-2.51.5/src/lwt/", line 126, characters 16-23
Called from in file "/private/tmp/unison-20211220-29288-1iikm63/unison-2.51.5/src/lwt/generic/", line 102, characters 8-23
Called from Uitext.Body.synchronizeOnce in file "/private/tmp/unison-20211220-29288-1iikm63/unison-2.51.5/src/", line 1124, characters 16-56
Called from Uitext.Body.synchronizePathsFromFilesystemWatcher.loop in file "/private/tmp/unison-20211220-29288-1iikm63/unison-2.51.5/src/", line 1183, characters 6-125
Called from Uitext.Body.synchronizeUntilDone in file "/private/tmp/unison-20211220-29288-1iikm63/unison-2.51.5/src/", line 1231, characters 8-47
Called from Uitext.Body.start in file "/private/tmp/unison-20211220-29288-1iikm63/unison-2.51.5/src/", line 1417, characters 21-43

More info and a case of how to reproduce can be found at the unison repo: bcpierce00/unison#338 (comment)

According to the maintainers there:

The '%' character is not percent-encoded and this is what's causing the error.

I misread the source. Unison does encode the percent character.
This is a bug in the external fsmonitor.

I'm not that familiar with Rust ... if you would have time to confirm the issue and fix it, I would really appreciate it!

Permission denied error on unison fsmonitor


I did sudo chown -R $whoami . in both my local machine and remote machine. But still didn't work.

I also did sudo sysctl kern.maxfiles=524288 kern.maxfilesperproc=262144 to increase the limit.


Could you take a look and help me find out what's going on?


Broken pipe [write()]

I'm trying to setup unison to sync a folder between local linux and remote macOS. I installed your utility on macOS, and get this error when running unison from linux with repeat = watch:

Fatal error: Server: Error in sending command to filesystem watcher:
Broken pipe [write()]

Do you know what is causing this?

unison: 2.51.2
macOS: 10.12.6

unison crash after first sync with No file monitoring helper program found

unison -version                                   
unison version 2.51.2 (ocaml 4.08.1)

unison config

root = /Volumes/DevDesktop
root = ssh://[email protected]//workplace/mbazzan
ignore = Name .FBCIndex
ignore = Name .FBCLockFolder
ignore = Name .fseventsd
ignore = Name {.Trash*,.VolumeIcon.icns,.HSicon,TemporaryItems,.Temporary*,TheFindByContentFolder}
ignore = Name .DocumentRevisions-*
ignore = Name {TheVolumeSettingsFolder,.Metadata,.filler,.idsff,.Spotlight,.DS_Store,.CFUserTextEncoding}
ignore = Name */src/*/eclipse-bin
ignore = Name */AAA/*
ignore = Name */.project
ignore = Name */.settings
ignore = Name */.classpath
ignore = Name *.swp
ignore = Name */env
ignore = Name */RemoteSystemsTempFiles
ignore = Name */.idea
ignore = Name */src/*/*.iml
ignore = Name export
ignore = Path moonfish
ignore    = Path */build/*/*/*/*/build/{,.}?*
ignorenot = Path */build/*/*/*/*/build/unit-tests
ignore = Regex .*/runtime/perl/lib/perl...-dist/[pP]od
repeat = 5
maxbackups = 0
retry = 1
auto = true
batch = true
confirmbigdeletes = true
times = true
prefer = newer
terse = true
contactquietly = true
log = true
logfile = /Users/mbazzan/.unison/unison.log
ignorecase = false
fastcheck = true
sshargs = -C

RUST_LOG=debug unison -repeat watch


DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:12:55Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: Input("VERSION 1\n")
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:12:55Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> VERSION 1
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:12:55Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: Input("START 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132 /Volumes/DevDesktop \n")
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:12:55Z: unison_fsmonitor: replicas: {"2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132": Replica { root: "/Volumes/DevDesktop", paths: {"/Volumes/DevDesktop"}, pending_changes: {} }}
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:12:55Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> OK
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:12:55Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: Input("DIR \n")
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:12:55Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> OK
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> CHANGES 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132
[END] Copying BluTraceBuilderTools/build
[END] Copying BluTraceBuilderTools/logs
[END] Updating file BluTraceBuilderTools/packageInfo
[END] Copying BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/.coverage
[END] Copying BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/.pytest_cache
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: FSEvent(RawEvent { path: Some("/Volumes/DevDesktop/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/doc/.unison._apidoc.2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132.unison.tmp"), op: Ok(CHMOD | CREATE | RENAME), cookie: Some(89893770) })
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> CHANGES 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: FSEvent(RawEvent { path: Some("/Volumes/DevDesktop/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/doc/_apidoc"), op: Ok(RENAME), cookie: Some(89893770) })
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> CHANGES 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: FSEvent(RawEvent { path: Some("/Volumes/DevDesktop/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/blu_trace_builder_tools/"), op: Ok(CHMOD | CREATE | RENAME | WRITE), cookie: None })
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> CHANGES 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: FSEvent(RawEvent { path: Some("/Volumes/DevDesktop/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/blu_trace_builder_tools/"), op: Ok(RENAME), cookie: None })
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> CHANGES 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: FSEvent(RawEvent { path: Some("/Volumes/DevDesktop/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/test_profile/fsts/development/fst_data/Video_BrowseVideoIntent/"), op: Ok(CHMOD | CREATE | RENAME | WRITE), cookie: Some(89893779) })
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> CHANGES 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: FSEvent(RawEvent { path: Some("/Volumes/DevDesktop/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/test_profile/fsts/development/fst_data/Video_BrowseVideoIntent/.build.manifest"), op: Ok(RENAME), cookie: Some(89893779) })
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:25Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> CHANGES 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132
[END] Copying BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/doc/_apidoc
[END] Updating file BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/src/blu_trace_builder_tools/
[END] Copying BluTraceBuilderTools/src/BluTraceBuilderTools/test_profile/fsts/development/fst_data/Video_BrowseVideoIntent/.build.manifest
Synchronization complete at 11:13:26  (12 items transferred, 0 skipped, 0 failed)
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:27Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: Input("WAIT 2fa3d0d616137cebf6df2910a9a50132\n")
Fatal error: Server: No file monitoring helper program found
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:27Z: unison_fsmonitor: event: Input("")
DEBUG 2020-06-24T09:13:27Z: unison_fsmonitor: >> ERROR Unrecognized cmd:

and it exits

Stale cargo / brew packages

There have been two pretty important bug fixes in the past two weeks[0][1]. This package wasn't usable for me before these fixes and I presume for lots of other people. I was able to build locally and it worked great. Any chance of having new packages published as a new patch version?

Thank you for the great contribution!

0: f37c270
1: 485b6e6

Apple Silicone

Hello! We're successfully using unison in fairly high volume with a macOS M1 binary we've compiled. This is a request to see if you can compile your rust project on an M1 and perhaps update the homebrew release.

If you don't want to, it would be nice to get a copy of the entire rust project so we can give it a go.

Big thanks :)

Add documentation: Unix.EBADF with unison / unison-fsmonitor - change /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances

especially when running Unison, I quite often experienced the following error:

Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EBADF, "set_nonblock", "")

Running "strace unison-fsmonitor" yielded:

fcntl(0, F_GETFL)                       = 0x802 (flags O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)
fcntl(0, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)    = 0
fcntl(1, F_GETFL)                       = 0x802 (flags O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)
fcntl(1, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)    = 0
inotify_init()                          = -1 EMFILE (Too many open files)
fcntl(-1, F_GETFL)                      = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
write(2, "Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix"..., 71Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EBADF, "set_nonblock", "")) = 71
exit_group(2)                           = ?
+++ exited with 2 +++

I have fiddled around with 'ulimit -n', without lasting success.

The real solution was to change the following:

sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=256 >> /etc/sysctl.d/unison.conf

The original OS vendor setting (OpenSuSE) was at 128. And with Nextcloud and another sync tool running besides Unison my system seemed to have to many inotify resources used.

I would appreciate if you could add a hint to your documentation somewhere, that inotify limits may have to be increased if the before mentioned error is encountered. The issue may be related to #8 .

invalid attribute for formula 'autozimu/formulas/unison-fsmonitor': version (nil)

brew update
brew upgrade
brew doctor <- all good
brew install autozimu/homebrew-formulas/unison-fsmonitor

I got:

Updating Homebrew...
==> Tapping autozimu/formulas
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/autozimu/homebrew-formulas'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 16 (delta 1), reused 8 (delta 1), pack-reused 8
Unpacking objects: 100% (16/16), done.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/autozimu/homebrew-formulas/Formula/unison-fsmonitor.rb
invalid attribute for formula 'autozimu/formulas/unison-fsmonitor': version (nil)
Error: Cannot tap autozimu/formulas: invalid syntax in tap!

Can't sync to my server due to Filesystem watcher error


I'm seeing following error

Fatal error: Server: Filesystem watcher error: cannot add a watcher: system limit reached
The watcher can be disabled by setting preference 'watch' to false

Any suggestion please? Thank you.

Support for Homebrew on Linux (amd64 and aarch64)

Similar to #12

When adding the formula and installing the package, the system receives the MacOS binary that of course cannot be executed.

$ file /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/unison-fsmonitor/0.3.0/bin/unison-fsmonitor
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/unison-fsmonitor/0.3.0/bin/unison-fsmonitor: Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable, flags:<NOUNDEFS|DYLDLINK|TWOLEVEL|PIE|HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS>

Do you have any plan to support different platforms/architecture?


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