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collection-of-azure-monitor-or-sentinel-kusto-queries's Introduction

Collection of Azure Monitor or Sentinel Kusto Queries

Austin Lai | April 30th, 2022

A collection of Azure Monitor or Sentinel Kusto Queries for your reference.

Table of Contents


Monitor or Changes in Policy Detected

| where parse_json(Properties).entity contains "policyDefinitions/XXXXX" or parse_json(Properties).entity contains "policyassignments/XXXXX"
| where isnotempty(ActivityStatusValue) and isnotnull(Properties_d) == true and isnotnull(parse_json(Properties_d).requestbody)
| sort by TimeGenerated desc 

Detect Successful SSH Brute Force Attack using watchlist - that extract username list from potention SSH Brute Force Attack

| where ProcessName =~ "sshd" 
| where SyslogMessage contains "Accepted publickey" or SyslogMessage contains "Accepted password"
| extend
    user = extract(@"(?:^Accepted publickey for |^Accepted password for )(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage),
    ip = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))", 1, SyslogMessage),
    port = extract(@".*?port\s(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage)
| where user in ( 
    ( _GetWatchlist('SSH-Brute-Force-user-list')
    | project SSHBruteForceUserList))

Check specific host IP with SSH authentication failure using uid=0

| where HostIP contains "x.x.x.x"
| where SyslogMessage contains "authentication failure" and SyslogMessage contains " uid=0"
| parse SyslogMessage with * "rhost=" ExternalIP

Linux add user to group via groupadd

| where ProcessName == "groupadd" and ( SyslogMessage !contains "syslog" or  SyslogMessage !contains "omsagent" )

Linux add user via useradd

| where ProcessName == "useradd" and ( SyslogMessage !contains "syslog" or  SyslogMessage !contains "omsagent" )

Linux delete user via userdel

| where ProcessName == "userdel"

Linux monitor sudo command

| where ProcessName == "sudo" and SyslogMessage !contains "omsagent" and SyslogMessage !contains "session opened" and SyslogMessage !contains "session closed" and SyslogMessage !contains "waagent"
//| summarize by SyslogMessage
| parse kind=relaxed SyslogMessage with * ""

Linux Password Change for user via passwd

| where ProcessName == "passwd"
| parse kind=relaxed SyslogMessage with * "password changed for " USER

Linux Login with invalid user with IP address extracted

| where SyslogMessage contains "Invalid user" and SyslogMessage !contains "omsagent" 
| extend IP_ADDRESS = extract(@"(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})", 1, SyslogMessage)
| summarize count(IP_ADDRESS) by IP_ADDRESS, SyslogMessage


| where SyslogMessage contains "Invalid user" and SyslogMessage !contains "omsagent" 
| extend IP_ADDRESS = extract(@"(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})", 1, SyslogMessage)
| summarize count(Computer) by IP_ADDRESS, SyslogMessage, Computer

Linux Failed Login with wrong password

| where SyslogMessage startswith "Failed Password"
| extend User = extract("for(?s)(.*)from",1,SyslogMessage)
| extend IPaddr = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))",1,SyslogMessage) 
| project HostName, SyslogMessage, EventTime, IPaddr, User
| summarize Count=count() by IPaddr


| where SyslogMessage contains "Failed password"
| extend IP_ADDRESS = extract(@"(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})", 1, SyslogMessage)
| extend USER_NAME = extract(@"invalid\suser\s(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage)
| summarize count(IP_ADDRESS) by IP_ADDRESS


| where SyslogMessage contains "Failed password"
| extend IP_ADDRESS = extract(@"(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})", 1, SyslogMessage)
| extend USER_NAME = extract(@"invalid\suser\s(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage)
| summarize count(Computer) by IP_ADDRESS, USER_NAME, Computer, SyslogMessage

Linux Root SSH Failed Attempt

| where (SyslogMessage contains "invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "Failed password") 
| where SyslogMessage !contains "Disconnected" and SyslogMessage !contains "Connection closed"
| where ProcessName =~ "sshd"
| extend
    USER = extract(@"(?:^Failed password for invalid user |^Failed password for |^Invalid user )(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage),
    S_IPaddr = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))", 1, SyslogMessage),
    S_Port = extract(@".*?port\s(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage)
| where USER == "root"
| summarize Count = count() by S_IPaddr, USER, Computer,_ResourceId


| where (SyslogMessage contains "invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "Failed password") 
| where SyslogMessage !contains "Disconnected" and SyslogMessage !contains "Connection closed"
| where ProcessName =~ "sshd"
| extend
    USER = extract(@"(?:^Failed password for invalid user |^Failed password for |^Invalid user )(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage),
    S_IPaddr = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))", 1, SyslogMessage),
    S_Port = extract(@".*?port\s(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage)
| project TimeGenerated, EventTime, Computer, USER, S_IPaddr, S_Port, SyslogMessage
| where USER == "root"
| summarize PerHourCount = count() by S_IPaddr, USER, Computer

Linux SSH with publickey

| where SyslogMessage contains "Accepted publickey"
| where ProcessName =~ "sshd"
| parse kind=relaxed SyslogMessage with * "Accepted publickey for " USER " from " S_IPaddr " port" S_Port " ssh2" *

Linux switch user to root via su command

| where ProcessName == "su" and SyslogMessage !contains "omsagent"
| parse kind=relaxed SyslogMessage with * "su for " USER " by " *

Finding MaliciousIP connect to VM

| where MaliciousIp != ""

Monitor Get Secret in Kubernetes Cluster or KubeServices within last 30 minutes

| where TimeGenerated > ago(30m)
| where ResourceType == "MANAGEDCLUSTERS"
| where Category == "kube-audit"
| where log_s contains "secret"
| where log_s contains "get"

Monitor Edit Secret in Kubernetes Cluster or KubeServices within last 30 minutes

| where TimeGenerated > ago(30m)
| where ResourceType == "MANAGEDCLUSTERS"
| where Category == "kube-audit"
| where parse_json(log_s).requestURI == "/api/v1/namespaces/XXX/secrets/XXX?fieldManager=kubectl-edit"

Linux SSH Brute Force attempts

| where (SyslogMessage contains "invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "Failed password") 
| where SyslogMessage !contains "Disconnected" and SyslogMessage !contains "Connection closed"
| where ProcessName =~ "sshd"
| extend
    USER = extract(@"(?:^Failed password for invalid user |^Failed password for |^Invalid user )(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage),
    S_IPaddr = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))", 1, SyslogMessage),
    S_Port = extract(@".*?port\s(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage)
| project TimeGenerated, EventTime, Computer, USER, S_IPaddr, S_Port, SyslogMessage
| summarize EventTimes = make_list(EventTime), PerHourCount = count() by S_IPaddr, USER, Computer
| mvexpand EventTimes
| extend EventTimes = tostring(EventTimes)
| summarize
    StartTimeUtc = min(EventTimes),
    EndTimeUtc = max(EventTimes),
    UserList = tostring(makeset(USER)),
    Count = sum(PerHourCount)
    by S_IPaddr, Computer


| where (SyslogMessage contains "invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "Failed password") 
| where SyslogMessage !contains "Disconnected" and SyslogMessage !contains "Connection closed"
| where ProcessName =~ "sshd"
| extend USER = extract(@"(?:^Failed password for invalid user |^Failed password for |^Invalid user )(\S+)",1,SyslogMessage), S_IPaddr = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))",1,SyslogMessage), S_Port = extract(@".*?port\s(\S+)",1,SyslogMessage)
| project EventTime, Computer, USER, S_IPaddr, S_Port, SyslogMessage
| summarize EventTimes = make_list(EventTime), PerHourCount = count() by S_IPaddr, USER, Computer
| mvexpand EventTimes
| extend EventTimes = tostring(EventTimes)
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(EventTimes), EndTimeUtc = max(EventTimes), UserList = tostring(makeset(USER)), Count = sum(PerHourCount) by  S_IPaddr, Computer
| sort by EndTimeUtc desc


let threshold = 3;
// | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m)
| where (SyslogMessage contains "invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "Failed password") 
| where SyslogMessage !contains "Disconnected" and SyslogMessage !contains "Connection closed"
| where ProcessName =~ "sshd"
| extend USER = extract(@"(?:^Failed password for invalid user |^Failed password for |^Invalid user )(\S+)",1,SyslogMessage), S_IPaddr = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))",1,SyslogMessage), S_Port = extract(@".*?port\s(\S+)",1,SyslogMessage)
| project EventTime, Computer, USER, S_IPaddr, S_Port, SyslogMessage
//| summarize EventTimes = make_list(EventTime), PerHourCount = count() by S_IPaddr, USER, Computer, bin(EventTime, 5m)
| summarize EventTimes = make_list(EventTime), PerHourCount = count() by S_IPaddr, USER, Computer, bin(EventTime, 4h)
| where PerHourCount > threshold
| mvexpand EventTimes
| extend EventTimes = tostring(EventTimes)
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(EventTimes), EndTimeUtc = max(EventTimes), UserList = tostring(makeset(USER)), Count = sum(PerHourCount) by  S_IPaddr, Computer
| sort by StartTimeUtc desc


let threshold = 5;
| where (SyslogMessage contains "Failed password for invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "Failed password") 
| where ProcessName =~ "sshd" 
//| parse kind=relaxed SyslogMessage with * "invalid user" user " from " ip " port" port " ssh2"
| extend
    user = extract(@"(?:^Failed password for invalid user |^Failed password for |^Invalid user )(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage),
    ip = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))", 1, SyslogMessage),
    port = extract(@".*?port\s(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage)
| project user, ip, port, SyslogMessage, EventTime, Computer
| summarize EventTimes = make_list(EventTime), PerHourCount = count() by ip, bin(EventTime, 4h), user, Computer
| where PerHourCount > threshold
| mvexpand EventTimes
| extend EventTimes = tostring(EventTimes) 
| summarize
    StartTimeUtc = min(EventTimes),
    EndTimeUtc = max(EventTimes),
    UserList = makeset(user),
    by IPAddress = ip, Computer
| extend UserList = tostring(UserList) 
| extend
    timestamp = StartTimeUtc,
    IPCustomEntity = IPAddress,
    AccountCustomEntity = UserList


let threshold = 5;
| where (SyslogMessage contains "Failed password for invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "invalid user" or SyslogMessage contains "Failed password") 
| where ProcessName =~ "sshd" 
//| parse kind=relaxed SyslogMessage with * "invalid user" user " from " ip " port" port " ssh2"
| extend
    user = extract(@"(?:^Failed password for invalid user |^Failed password for |^Invalid user )(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage),
    ip = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))", 1, SyslogMessage),
    port = extract(@".*?port\s(\S+)", 1, SyslogMessage)
| project user, ip, port, SyslogMessage, EventTime, Computer
| summarize EventTimes = make_list(EventTime), PerHourCount = count() by ip, bin(EventTime, 4h), user, Computer
| where PerHourCount > threshold
| mvexpand EventTimes
| extend EventTimes = tostring(EventTimes) 
| summarize
    StartTimeUtc = min(EventTimes),
    EndTimeUtc = max(EventTimes),
    UserList = makeset(user),
    by IPAddress = ip, Computer
| extend UserList = tostring(UserList) 
| extend
    timestamp = StartTimeUtc,
    IPCustomEntity = IPAddress,
    AccountCustomEntity = UserList

Monitor OPENVPN with MFA used Google Authenticator

If you have OpenVPN VM and services setup in Azure, you will be able to monitor OpenVPN activities.

//Accepted google_authenticator for user
//Invalid verification code for user
//Did not receive verification code from user
//Failed to read "/etc/openvpn/google-authenticator/user" for "user"

| where ProcessName == "openvpn(pam_google_authenticator"

Monitor Azure DB for MySQL within specific resource group

| where ResourceGroup contains "XXX"
| where Category contains "MySqlAuditLogs"

Monitor Azure Blob Storage

You can refer to this link for more information ->

| where OperationName == "PutBlob" or
  OperationName == "PutBlock" or
  OperationName == "PutBlockList" or
  OperationName == "AppendBlock" or
  OperationName == "SnapshotBlob" or
  OperationName == "CopyBlob" or
  OperationName == "SetBlobTier"
| extend ContainerName = split(parse_url(Uri).Path, "/")[1]
| summarize WriteSize = sum(RequestBodySize), WriteCount = count() by tostring(ContainerName)

Monitor Kubernetes Services available in Azure

| summarize by SelectorLabels

Check Azure Log Analytics Agent for Windows and Linux Heatbeat within last 5 minutes

| summarize LastCall = max(TimeGenerated) by Computer
| where LastCall < ago(5m) | count

Linux audit log with Username and IP address extracted

| where (Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'sshd:auth' and SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure') or (Facility == 'auth' and ((SyslogMessage has 'Failed' and SyslogMessage has 'invalid user' and SyslogMessage has 'ssh2') or SyslogMessage has 'error: PAM: Authentication failure'))
| extend User = extract("for(?s)(.*)from",1,SyslogMessage)
| extend IPaddr = extract("(([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.(([0-9]{1,3})))",1,SyslogMessage) 
| where EventTime < ago(60m)
| summarize Count=count() by Computer

Search Kubernetes Logs in Azure with Azure Category

| where Category contains "kube"
| summarize by Category

Search container log in Azure

| summarize by LogEntry

You may look into Azure table listed below for further log search:

  • ContainerImageInventory
  • ContainerInventory

Or looking into container registry from Azure Table below:

  • ContainerRegistryRepositoryEvents
  • ContainerRegistryLoginEvents

Do let me know any command or step can be improve or you have any question you can contact me via THM message or write down comment below or via FB

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