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pagebuilder's Introduction

PageBuilder - HTML assembly aid for ESP8266WebServer

An arduino library to create html string in the sketch for ESP8266WebServer. Build Status

PageBuilder is an Arduino library class dedicated to the ESP8266WebServer for easily generating HTML pages and sending them to client.


  • Ability to completely separate HTML structure and the web page generation logic in the sketch
  • No need for inline coding of URI access handler of ESP8266WebServer class
  • Fixed HTML statement parts like template can be allocated as PROGMEM
  • Its HTML source can be stored SPIFFS and obtain automatically
  • Arbitrary token can be specified inline HTML statement
  • Automatically sent to client for HTML page are generated
Ordinary sketch Sketch by PageBuilder
ordinary_sketch pagebuilder_sketch

Works on

Generic esp8266 module and other representatives works fine. ESP8266 Arduino core 2.3.0 is necessary.


Download this file as a zip, and extract the resulting folder into your Arduino Libraries folder. See Installing Additional Arduino Libraries.
Required Arduino IDE is current upstream at the 1.8 level or later, and also ESP8266 Arduino core 2.3.0.


  • A most simple example. - No URI handler is needed, only the URI path and html coded.
#include "PageBuilder.h"

// root page
PageElement ROOT_PAGE_ELEMENT("<a href=\"/hello\">hello</a>");
// /hello page
PageElement HELLO_PAG_ELEMENT("Hello, world!<p><a href=\"/bye\">bye</a></p>");
PageBuilder HELLO_PAGE("/hello", {HELLO_PAG_ELEMENT});
// /bye page
PageElement BYE_PAGE_ELEMENT("Good bye!");
PageBuilder BYE_PAGE("/bye", {BYE_PAGE_ELEMENT});

ROOT_PAGE.insert(Server);     // Add root page
HELLO_PAGE.insert(Server);    // Add /hello page
BYE_PAGE.insert(Server);      // add /bye page
  • Share multiple elements on different pages.
#include "PageBuilder.h"

static const char _HEAD[] PROGMEM = "<html>" ;
static const char _BODY[] PROGMEM = "<body>This is {{PAGE}}.</body>";
static const char _FOOT[] PROGMEM = "</html>";

String setBody1(PageArgument& args) {
	return String("Page1");

String setBody2(PageArgument& args) {
	return String("Page2");

PageElement header( _HEAD );
PageElement body1( _BODY, { {"PAGE", setBody1} });
PageElement body2( _BODY, { {"PAGE", setBody2} });
PageElement footer( _FOOT );

PageBuilder Page1( "/page1", {header, body1, footer} );
PageBuilder Page2( "/page2", {header, body2, footer} );
  • HTML source stored in SPIFFS.

The following screenshot is an example PageBuilder sketch using HTML source stored in SPIFFS. It scan the nearby signal and connect the ESP8266 to the specified access point.
This case is FSPage.ino example sketch in this repository.

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Data structure of PageBuilder

In order to successfully generate an HTML page using PageBuilder please understand the data structure of PageBuilder.
PageBuilder library consists of three objects that are related to each other as the below. PageBuilder inherits RequestHandler provided from ESP8266WebServer library and is invoked from ESP8266WebServer in response to http requests. PageBuilder owns its URI string and multiple PageElement objects.
Source strings of HTML are owned by PageElement (mold in the figure). Its string contains an identifier called a token. The token appears as {{ }} in the middle of the source HTML string (_token in the figure). The tokens are paired with functions to replace them with actual HTML sentences. When URI access has occurred server from the client, its paired function is invoked by extension of handleClient() method then the token will replace to actual statement to complete the HTML and sends it. PageElement can have multiple tokens (i.e., it can define several tokens in one HTML source element).
To properly generate a web page, you need to code its function that replaces the token with HTML, and its function must return a String.

String AsName(PageArgument& args) {      // User coded function
...    ~~~~~~
  return String("My name");
String AsDaytime(PageArgument& args) {   // User coded function
...    ~~~~~~~~~
  return String("afternoon");

// Source HTML string
const char html[] = "hello <b>{{NAME}}</b>, <br>Good {{DAYTIME}}.";
...                             ^^^^                   ^^^^^^^
...                             token                  token

PageElement header_elem("<html><body>");
PageElement footer_elem("</body></html>");
PageElement body_elem(html, { {"NAME", AsName}, {"DAYTIME", AsDayTime} });
...                             ^^^^   ~~~~~~     ^^^^^^^   ~~~~~~~~~
...                             token  User coded function to replace the token

PageBuilder page("/hello", { header_elem, body_elem, footer_elem });
ESP8266WebServer  webServer;
...  // 'on' method is no needed.

http://your.webserver.address/hello will respond as follows.

<html><body>hello <b>My name</b>, <br>Good afternoon.</body></html>

Invoke the HTML assemble

No need in the sketch. It would be invoked from ESP8266WebServer. It is registration necessary to the ESP8266WebServer like as on method.

String func(PageArgument& args);
PageElement element("mold", {{"token", func}})
PageBuilder page("/uri", { element });

ESP8266WebServer server;
page.insert(server);    // This is needed.

server.handleClient();  // Invoke from this.

Arguments of invked user function

Arguments are passed to the function that should be implemented corresponding to tokens. It is the parameter value as GET or POST at the http request occurred like as url?param=value in HTTP GET, and its parameters are stored in PageArgument object and passed to the function as below.

  • HTTP GET with
  • HTTP POST with / HTTP/1.1 Connection:keep-alive param=value
String func(PageArgument& args) {
  if (args.hasArg("param"))
    return args.arg("param");

PageElement element("hello {{NAME}}.", {{"NAME", func}});

An argument can be accessed with the following method of PageArgument class.

String PageArgument::arg(String name)

Returns the value of the parameter specified by name.

String PageArgument::arg(int i)

Returns the value of the parameter indexed i.

String PageArgument::argName(int i)

Retuens parameter name of indexed i.

int PageArgument::args()

Get parameters count of the current http request.

size_t PageArgument::size()

Same as args().

bool PageArgument::hasArg(String name)

Returns whether the name parameter is specified in the current http request.

Declare PageBuilder object and PageElement object

Include directive

#include "PageBuilder.h"

PageBuilder constructor

PageBuilder::PageBuilder(PageElementVT element, HTTPMethod method = HTTP_ANY);
PageBuilder::PageBuilder(const char* uri, PageElementVT element, HTTPMethod method = HTTP_ANY);
  • element : PageElement container wrapper. Normally, use the brackets to specify initializer.
    PageElement elem1();
    PageElement elem2();
    PageBuilder page("/", {elem1, elem2});
  • method : Enum value of HTTP method as HTTP_ANY, HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST that page should respond.
  • uri : A URI string of the page.

PageElement constructor

PageElement::PageElement(const char* mold);
PageElement::PageElement(const char* mold, TokenVT source);
  • mold : A pointer to HTML model string(const char array, PROGMEM available).
  • source : Container of processable token and handler function. A TokenVT type is std::vector to the structure with the pair of token and func. It prepares with an initializer.
    String func1(PageArgument& args);
    String func2(PageArgument& args);
    PageElement elem(html, {{"TOKEN1", func1}, {"TOKEN2", func2}});
    mold can also use external files placed on SPIFFS. Since HTML consists of more strings, the program area may be smaller in sketches using many pages.
    External files can have HTML source specified by mold. That file would be allocated on the SPIFFS file system. This allows you to reduce the sketch size and assign more capacity to the program.
    You can specify the HTML source file name by mold parameter in the following format.
    FILE_NAME is the name of the HTML source file containing /. If prefix file: is specified in mold parameter, the PageElement class reads its file from SPIFFS as HTML source. A sample sketch using this way is an example as FSPage.ino.
    For details for how to write HTML source file to SPIFFS of ESP8266, please refer to Uploading files to file system.


PageBuilder Methods

void PageBuilder::addElement(PageElement& element)

Add a new PageElement object to the container of PageBuilder.

  • element : PageElement object.

void PageBuilder::atNotFound(ESP8266WebServer& server)

Register the not found page to the ESP8266WebServer. It has the same effect as onNotFound method of ESP8266WebServer. The page registered by atNotFound method is response with http code 404.
Note that only the most recently registered PageBuilder object is valid.

  • server : A reference of ESP8266WebServer object to register the page.

String PageBuilder::build(void)

Returns the built html string from const char* mold that processed token by the user function of TokenVT which code as {"token",function_name}. The build method handles all PageElement objects that a PageBuilder contained.

void PageBuilder::cancel(void)

Notify to PageBuilder that the generated HTML string should not be send.
PageBuilder internally sends generated HTML with http 200 when invoked as RequestHandler from handleClient(). If the sketch wants to respond only to http response without generating HTML, you need to stop automatic transmission using the cancel method. The following example responds 302 with keep-alive connection. This response does not contain content. So the Token func will have the following code.

  server.sendHeader("Location", redirect-path, true);
  server.sendHeader("Connection", "keep-alive");
  server.send(302, "text/plain", "");

The sketch sends an http response in the Token func then PageBuilder should be stopped 200 response. The cancel method notifies this situation to the PageBuilder. This example is in SendNakedHttp.

  String tokenFunc(PageArgument& args);

  ESP8266WebServer	server;
  PageElement elm("{{RES}}", { {"RES", tokenFunc} });
  PageBuilder page("/", { elm });

  String tokenFunc(PageArgument& args) {
    server.sendHeader("Location", redirect-path, true);
    server.sendHeader("Connection", "keep-alive");
    server.send(302, "text/plain", "");
    return "";

void PageBuilder::clearElement(void)

Clear enrolled PageElement objects in the PageBuilder.

void PageBuilder::exitCanHandle(PrepareFuncT prepareFunc)

  • prepareFunc : User function instead of canHandle. This user function would be invoked at all request received.
    bool prepareFunc(HTTPMethod method, String uri);

    • method : Same as parameter of PageBuilder constructor, HTTP_ANY, HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST.
    • uri : A URI string at this time.
    • Return : True if this URI request is processed by this PageBuilder, False if it is ignored.

    Important notes. The prepareFunc specified by eixtCanHandled is called twice at one http request. See Application hints for details.

void PageBuilder::insert(ESP8266WebServer& server)

Register the page and starts handling. It has the same effect as on method of ESP8266WebServer.

  • server : A reference of ESP8266WebServer object to register the page.

void PageBuilder::setUri(const char* uri)

Set URI of this page.

  • uri : A pointer of URI string.

const char* PageBuilder::uri()

Get URI of this page.

PageElement methods

const char* PageElement::mold()

Get mold string in the PageElement.

String PageElement::build()

Returns the HTML element string from const char* mold that processed token by the user function of TokenVT.

void PageElement::setMold(const char* mold)

Sets the source HTML element string.

void PageElement::addToken(String token, HandleFuncT handler)

Add the source HTML element string.

Application hints

A usual way, the sketch needs to statically prepare the PageElement object for each element of the web page, so assigning the web contents constructed by multi-page with static const char* (including PROGMEM) strangles the heap area.
However, if the sketch can dynamically create a corresponding page at the time of receiving an http request, you can reduce the number of PageBuilder instances and PageElement instances. By using setMold and addToken method of the PegeElement class, the sketch can construct the multiple pages of web content with just one PageBuilder object and a PageElement object.

Which is first called at the URL requested by ESP8266WebServer class?

In the first place, the request handler described in the ESP8266WerbServer::on method would be registered as the RequestHandler class. The RequestHandler has the canHandle method which purpose is to determine if the handler corresponds to the requested URI. ESP8266WebServer::handleClient method uses the canHandle method of the RequestHandler class for each URI request to determine the handler which should be invoked in all registered handlers. Which means that the canHandle method is the first called, and the PageBuilder has the hook way for the this.

Handling by a single PageBuilder object for all URI requests.

Using that hook way the sketch can aggregate all URI requests into a single PageBuilder object. The exitCanHandle method of PageBuilder specifies the user function to be called which is instead of the canHandle method. That user function overrides the canHandle method.

The function by exitCanHandle.

Declaration of the function.

bool func(HTTPMethod method, String uri);
  • method : Same as parameter of PageBuilder constructor, HTTP_ANY, HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST.
  • uri : A URI string at this time.
  • Return : True if this URI request is processed by this PageBuilder, False if it is ignored.

Generally, the logic of the function to implementation is the follows.

a. Analysis of URI and generation of PageElement object for that page.
b. Setting the HTML mold of that page by setMold method.
c. Registering the token function included in the mold by addToken method.
d. Action to ignore if the same URI of an already generated page is requested.

The function would be called twice at one http request. The cause is the internal logic of ESP8266WebServer (Relating to URI handler detection and URL parameter parsing), so the function specified by exitCanHandle needs to ignore the second call.

An example using this way.


Change log

[1.0.1] 2018-03-19

  • Fix WebELD example, no library change.

[1.0.0] 2018-02-17

  • Supports cancel method in PageBuilder class.
  • Supports setMold method in PageElement class.
  • Supports addToken method in PageElement class.

[0.93] 2017-12-19

  • Supports external file on SPIFFS for PageElement as HTML source data.

[0.92] 2017-12-07

  • A minor fixes.

[0.91] 2017-12-01

  • Supports atNotFound method in PageBuilder class.

[0.9] 2017-11-29

  • Release candidate.


The PseudoPWM class is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2018 [email protected]

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