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docs's Issues

Following the instructions in AstroNvim websites does not work.


  • I have searched through the AstroNvim docs
  • I have searched through the existing issues of AstroNvim
  • I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue

Neovim version (nvim -v)


Operating system/version




Describe the bug

Following the instructions in AstroNvim websites does not work.
After cloning the user configuration from . If you then for example try and follow the recipe for the NvChad Telescope Theme .
it will not work. the recipe says to edit your user/init.lua file by adding a highlights = {..
This will not work because there is a highlight directory cloned from the user example configuration which apparently override that setting.

Steps to Reproduce

Just follow the instruction for creating a user config from the AstroNvim website

Expected behavior

The example should change to either show an example adding to the highlight/init.lua or there should be a warning that it will not work while there is a highlight directory.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Migrate AstroVim Wiki

Migrate over the content that is current in the AstroVim Wiki and split the information up into more pages/folders

Clean Up Theming

We should set up a nice theme that reflects the AstroVim aesthetic

  • Overall site look (light and dark mode)
  • Code syntax highlighting

Add doc how to show hidden (dot) files

Is your feature related to a problem?

Yes, I cant find any documentation on how its done. Its been asked several times in git (in now closed issues) but even following those I cannot seem to be able to do this.

As example:
Contains code snippets that does nothing, or Im simply not understanding them.

Describe the new feature

Write clear documentation somewhere on with what file to edit and how to edit it. (with full file example would be best)

Additional context

No response

Small issue in plugin documentation

When trying to disable a couple of built-in plugins, I ran into a small issue.

The Basic Configuration documentation states:

  plugins = {
    init = {
      -- You can disable default plugins as follows:
      -- ["goolord/alpha-nvim"] = { disable = true },

In order to disable the plugins, I had to move the disable code outside of init.

(docs) incorrect filename suggested for adding snippets


  • Using a stable version of Neovim (i.e. not neovim nightly)
  • :AstroUpdate
  • Restarted AstroNvim

Operating system/version

macOS 13.3



AstroNvim Health

astronvim: require("").check()


  • INFO: AstroNvim Version: v3.7.0
  • INFO: Neovim Version: v0.8.3
  • OK: Using stable Neovim >= 0.8.0
  • OK: git is installed: Used for core functionality such as updater and plugin management
  • OK: open is installed: Used for gx mapping for opening files with system opener (Optional)
  • OK: lazygit is installed: Used for mappings to pull up git TUI (Optional)
  • OK: node is installed: Used for mappings to pull up node REPL (Optional)
  • OK: gdu is installed: Used for mappings to pull up disk usage analyzer (Optional)
  • WARNING: btm is not installed: Used for mappings to pull up system monitor (Optional)
  • OK: python is installed: Used for mappings to pull up python REPL (Optional)

Describe the bug

The doc mentions that you have to add the following options to the user/init.lua file but, adding it has no effect. You have to add it to the user/plugins/luasnip.lua file and a modified version of it to work.

return {
  plugins = {
      config = function(plugin, opts)
        require "plugins.configs.luasnip"(plugin, opts) -- include the default astronvim config that calls the setup call
        require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").lazy_load { paths = { "./lua/user/snippets" } } -- load snippets paths

Steps to Reproduce

It's at the top of this page.

Expected behavior

It should've configured the snippets but, I was able to get it working only by adding it to the user/plugins/luasnip.lua file.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Add recipe for adding buffer diagnostics to the `tabline` with Heirline

Is your feature related to a problem?

The bufferline provided ways to configure a UX wherein:

  • The diagnostics of each open buffer would be indicated in that buffer's tabline entry
  • The overall count of each category of diagnostics (errors, warnings and hints) in all open buffers in the workspace can be displayed in a custom area to the far top right corner of the tabline

Describe the new feature

Provide the aforesaid configuration options in AstroNvim (if not in baseline, at least as a custom recipe in the documentation).

Write v4 migration guide

We need to write up a very details migration guide for how to migrate from v3 to v4.

This should also include:

  • mappings from the old user/init.lua tables (or files in a split configuration) to their new locations and methods
  • instructions for using NVIM_APPNAME to do an in-place migration to ease the transition period for users.

Adding links to the repositories of the used plugins

Although there is a list of links to the respective Github repos in the acknowledgements section, I only came across it by accident.

I would find it helpful if the links to the respective repos were included directly in the "Default Plugin Configurations" section. E.g. the respective headline linked.

I would also offer to make this change to the documentation. Is this desired, or should the Acknowledgements section be the only one that contains the links?

JDTLS example is not quite right


  • I have searched through the AstroNvim docs
  • I have searched through the existing issues of AstroNvim
  • I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue

Neovim version (nvim -v)


Operating system/version

NixOs 23



Describe the bug

In the example given in a new folder is created every time neovim is executed. And it concatenates the cwd so a new folder will be created by the name of the cwd even if it's not a java project.

local project_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ":p:h:t")
local workspace_dir = vim.fn.stdpath "data" .. "/site/java/workspace-root/" .. project_name

os.execute("mkdir " .. workspace_dir)


Additionally, os.execute does not work when the shell is nushell. Error of that actually visible for 200ms. I had to record and go frame by frame to read the error message. vim.fn.mkdir() probably a good alternative.


Steps to Reproduce


Expected behavior



No response

Additional Context

No response

docs: Getting Started - incorrect link to AstroNvim user example

The AstroNvim Getting Started page contains a user_example link to a non-existent path on GitHub


  1. Open
  2. Scroll to bottom of page to the Configuration section
  3. Click the link called user_example

A new page opens at and shows a 404 - page not found message


The link should point to

Using the nvchad telescope recipe, there is a display issue.


  • Using a stable version of Neovim (i.e. not neovim nightly)
  • :AstroUpdate
  • Restarted AstroNvim

Operating system/version

macos 13.3.1



AstroNvim Health

AstroNvim ~

  • AstroNvim Version: v3.37.12
  • Neovim Version: v0.10.0-dev-bf70a33
  • WARNING Neovim nightly is not officially supported and may have breaking changes
  • OK git is installed: Used for core functionality such as updater and plugin management
  • OK open is installed: Used for gx mapping for opening files with system opener (Optional)
  • OK lazygit is installed: Used for mappings to pull up git TUI (Optional)
  • OK node is installed: Used for mappings to pull up node REPL (Optional)
  • OK gdu is installed: Used for mappings to pull up disk usage analyzer (Optional)
  • OK btm is installed: Used for mappings to pull up system monitor (Optional)
  • OK python is installed: Used for mappings to pull up python REPL (Optional)

Describe the bug

The display position is abnormal.

telescope is normal.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. config link:

Expected behavior

display normal.


No response

Additional Context

No response

Add details on adding completion for core plugin configuration

When configuring core plugins (AstroCore, AstroUI, AstorLSP), we have full Lua Language Server integration which allows documentation and auto completion while working on user configurations. This requires specifying the opts type like this:

  ---@type AstroCoreOpts
  opts = {

Similar for AstroUIOpts and AstroLSPOpts. We should add this detail to the documentation to make it easier for users to use this feature.

Update old documentation pages

Migrate all previous documentation pages to the new configuration mechanisms of AstroNvim v4.

Sanity Checks

  • remove all mention of user/init.lua and the user/ folder
  • convert all snippets to lazy.nvim plugin specifications


  • Configuration
  • Recipes

Make basic configuration page

Right now the Configuration section of the site only has advanced configuration stuff, we should change it to start off with a "Basic Configuration" section to ease people into it. Probably using some of the configuration information in the README

AstroCommunity Promotion

We should have a page that describes/introduces AstroCommunity and directs users to it. We should also figure out how to promote this as much as possible throughout the documentation to help guide users to it (also pushing for community contributions and to get involved with submitting PRs).

I don't manage to overwrite the configuration of neo-tree

I've now tried several variations I've seen here in some closed issues, but no matter how I try, I can't manage to override neo-tree's configuration.

This is what my user/init.lua currently looks like, however the files are still hidden.

return {
  plugins = {
    ["neo-tree"] = {
      filesystem = {
        filtered_items = {
          visible = true,
          hide_gitignored = false,
          hide_dotfiles = false,

I'm fairly new to neovim and AstroNvim, so I'm running out of ideas.

Provide more details on the Custom Plugins page

We shoudl add more details on how to define custom plugins. We touch on it a bit, but maybe adding more concrete details and making sure that the page provides a user friendly approach to adding new plugins, customizing core plugins, and disabling core plugins

Error on installing `mason-registry` when running `nvim` docker image provided on website


  • I have searched through the AstroNvim docs
  • I have searched through the existing issues of AstroNvim
  • I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue

Neovim version (nvim -v)

0.9.5 MinSizeRel

Operating system/version

docker image



Describe the bug

Running the docker command from the website fails with screenshot below. Neovim starts but still there is that error on mson whcih does not allow me to run :LspInstall pyright etc.

Steps to Reproduce

docker run -w /root -it --rm alpine:edge sh -uelic '
  apk add bash git lua nodejs npm lazygit bottom python3 go neovim ripgrep alpine-sdk --update
  # Replace with your own configuration repository to load a user configuration
  git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/nvim

Expected behavior

No errors



Additional Context

No response


-- save as repro.lua
-- run with nvim -u repro.lua
-- DO NOT change the paths
local root = vim.fn.fnamemodify("./.repro", ":p")

-- set stdpaths to use .repro
for _, name in ipairs({ "config", "data", "state", "runtime", "cache" }) do
  vim.env[("XDG_%s_HOME"):format(name:upper())] = root .. "/" .. name

-- bootstrap lazy
local lazypath = root .. "/plugins/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
  -- stylua: ignore
  vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "", "--branch=stable", lazypath })
vim.opt.rtp:prepend(vim.env.LAZY or lazypath)

-- install plugins
local plugins = {
  { "AstroNvim/AstroNvim", branch = "v4", import = "astronvim.plugins" },

  -- add any other plugins/customizations here
require("lazy").setup(plugins, {
  root = root .. "/plugins",

-- add anything else here (autocommands, vim.filetype, etc.)

feat(docs): add faq

Adding a FAQ to the documentation would reduce the time spent on helping with redundant questions.

If you have an idea but don't feel like writing an answer right now feel free to drop it here and someone else might already do it in the meantime.

Add overview to each documentation page

Is your feature related to a problem?

It's good to have a short introduction for each page to summarize what that page entails. Starlight has built in support for this to make it easy to add this type of information. Currently every page has an "Overview" section in the Table of Contents that is simply empty.

Describe the new feature

Add a short introductory paragraph to each page as described in the Starlight documentation for Structuring Page Content.

Additional context

It would be good to also add a desc to the header of each page as well.

Feature Request: Recent Changes

It would be awesome if the site provided a "Recent Changes" or "Recent Updates" link to show what's recently been changed in the documentation itself.

Rebrand to AstroNvim

the GitHub username Astrovim was taken, but AstroNvim was available so as we move to the organization it would make sense to rebrand the original package to AstroNvim (this also clears up any ambiguity of this being a Neovim configuration and not Vim)


Makes sense for us to probably have a logo at some point to add on the site

Add more details on customizing LSP options in the Advanced LSP Setup page

We describe a lot of great things in the Advanced LSP Setup page, but one thing we don't touch on at all is configuring language servers with the config table in AstroLSP. We should add details on this and describe how the tables in the config options are used to configure the require("lspconfig")[<server_name>].setup call. This should also describe that language servers installed with mason are automatically set up (using these configuration options on top of their defaults)

Add new v4 features/additions into the docs

We need to go through the v4 changes with a fine tooth comb and make sure if we have added anything new into it that it is also added into the documentation: mappings, autocmd events, etc.

Docs: Home page links


  • I have searched through the AstroNvim docs
  • I have searched through the existing issues of AstroNvim
  • I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue

Neovim version (nvim -v)


Operating system/version




Describe the bug

  • Links are not rendered in the 2nd info section
  • Link to terminal emulators is stale

Steps to Reproduce

Expected behavior

Links should render, and terminal emulator link should go to the right place



Additional Context

No response

Add instructions how to "uninstall" astronvim

Is your feature related to a problem?

I followed the instructions to install astronvim, backing up the .config/nvim and .local/share/nvim subdirectories. After playing around with it I wanted to go back to my old nvim configuration. I moved the backed up subdirectories back to their original names. Now whenever I open nvim I get a long list of errors like

line   35:
E117: Unknown function: plug#begin
line   37:
E492: Not an editor command: Plug 'jpalardy/vim-slime'
line   39:
E492: Not an editor command: Plug 'ap/vim-buftabline'
line   41:
E492: Not an editor command: Plug 'itchyny/calendar.vim'
line   43:

and all my plugins are broken.

Describe the new feature

Document how to completely undo the astronvim installation and recover the previous nvim configuration.

Additional context

No response

Update Getting Started page

hey there,

I was wondering if it makes sense to update the getting started page.

Currently we have the following:

Terminal with true color support (for the default theme, otherwise it is dependent on the theme you are using)

and I totally missed that, spent a couple of hours trying to figure out why I was getting green screen when starting nvim with AstroVim until I found out that MacOS default terminal doesn't support TrueColor.

Some changes to the test like
Terminal with true color support (MacOS Terminal does not have true color support, hence the default theme might not work, otherwise it is dependent on the theme you are using)


Docs inconsistent with default config for treesitter textobjects


  • Using a stable version of Neovim (i.e. not neovim nightly)
  • :AstroUpdate
  • Restarted AstroNvim

Operating system/version




AstroNvim Health


Describe the bug

The documentation for the default config of treesitter textobjects, says it includes an object for classes:

goto_next_start = {
    ["]k"] = { query = "@block.outer", desc = "Next block start" },
    ["]c"] = { query = "@class.outer", desc = "Next class start" },
    ["]f"] = { query = "@function.outer", desc = "Next function start" },
    ["]a"] = { query = "@parameter.outer", desc = "Next parameter start" },

However, this appears to be missing from the actual config:

          goto_next_start = {
            ["]k"] = { query = "@block.outer", desc = "Next block start" },
            ["]f"] = { query = "@function.outer", desc = "Next function start" },
            ["]a"] = { query = "@parameter.inner", desc = "Next argument start" },

Either the docs or the code need to be updated.

Steps to Reproduce

Click the links in description to see

Expected behavior

Docs should match the code


No response

Additional Context

No response

Make a page dedicated to AstroNvim core plugins

Describe all of the AstroNvim official plugins: AstroCore, AstroUI, AstroLSP. Explain their basic goal and functionality provided, what configuration would go there, and links to their documentation with some basic information.

NvChad replicate heirline don't display some icons


  • Using a stable version of Neovim (i.e. not neovim nightly)
  • :AstroUpdate
  • Restarted AstroNvim

Operating system/version

macOS 13.1



AstroNvim Health

astronvim: require("").check()


  • INFO: AstroNvim Version: v3.1.0
  • INFO: Neovim Version: v0.8.3
  • OK: Using stable Neovim >= 0.8.0
  • OK: git is installed: Used for core functionality such as updater and plugin management
  • OK: open is installed: Used for gx mapping for opening files with system opener (Optional)
  • OK: lazygit is installed: Used for mappings to pull up git TUI (Optional)
  • OK: node is installed: Used for mappings to pull up node REPL (Optional)
  • OK: gdu is installed: Used for mappings to pull up disk usage analyzer (Optional)
  • WARNING: btm is not installed: Used for mappings to pull up system monitor (Optional)
  • OK: python3 is installed: Used for mappings to pull up python REPL (Optional)

Describe the bug

After updating to 3.0.x version, special characters don't show on the bottom heirline:


I'm using the docs preset to user/init.lua, and I double checked that I had updated everything according to it.

I'm using JetBrains Mono Nerd Font. But I've tried it with a bunch of different fonts like Hasklig, Iosevka, Fira Code but all yield the same result. Tried running on iterm2 but it was the same

Steps to Reproduce

  1. With a fresh install of AstroNvim
  2. Follow this section of the docs:
  3. See error.

Expected behavior

I expect this behavior:

  • NVIM logo on the left, with other icons showing properly


No response

Additional Context

No response

Search doesn't seem to be working.


  • I have searched through the AstroNvim docs
  • I have searched through the existing issues of AstroNvim
  • I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue

Neovim version (nvim -v)

N/A. Docs site issue.

Operating system/version

N/A. Docs site issue.


N/A. Docs site issue.

Describe the bug

The search service in doesn't seem to be working, or at least not particulalrly well. For example, if I searched for notifications I'd expect to be lead to somewhere like /reference/default_plugins/ which mentions the nvim-notify plugin:

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 11 44 42

However, I'm actually directed to pages containing the word modifications:

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 11-41-41 Default Plugins

There's likely more cases of this happening. I'm assuming this is because the search service, Algolia, is only looking at headers, and not the actual content of each page.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Click the search bar.
  3. Enter notifications.
  4. See that no pages containing the word notifications are suggested by the search box.

Expected behavior

The search service should return pages containing the string that the user is searching for.


No response

Additional Context

Obviously, the fact that Algolia gives open-source projects free search is great! But if that search doesn't work, it might be better exploring other options? There are several available through Docusaurus, which I'm assuming is the static-site generator used for this site.

Add "How to use this documentation" page

Add a page describing "how to use this documentation" that talks about how all of the provided code snippets are lazy.nvim plugin(s) specifications that would be inside of the user's plugin configuration. Basically all configuration lives there.

Also if we want to make a section in AstroCommunity for having community entries for each documentation snippet it could have a way to find that given a page in the documentation? (this would take some discussion and design)

Docs: Clarify Extending Core Plugin Config Functions

Is your feature related to a problem?

The existing documentation is not clear on which plugins have a require("plugins.configs.X"). One might assume that all plugins inside astronvim have them but they don't. Which means the plugins that don't have this configuration must be set in a different way.


If you want to set telescope you can follow the example in the official doc but if you want to setup null-ls sources the user_example configuration suggests a different approach

It is not clear to me what happens with the config object returned in the example and how is that related to the code that sets null-ls in astronvim.

In general terms there are really two different ways to extend core plugins and they are not clearly documented.

Describe the new feature

  • A list (or link) pointing to the plugins that have a plugins.configs defined and should follow the require pattern
  • An additional examples for plugins that don't have their own plugin.configs and should follow the opts function pattern.

I understand that you point to the lazy.nvim documentation but the link is to a general readme file and it is hard to know how much of the work is done by lazy.nvim and how much by astronvim code which ends up on multiple trial and error to see what works.

Additional context

Thanks for such a nice work in Astronvim!

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