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website filter accepts null but returns no results (sort of)

I was just passing through, and searched for several icons on the website, getting no results on any of them.

Starting to wonder if the problem was on my end (and wanted to see what icons you do have) so I left the filter field "blank" and hit Enter (same as clicking this).

It says 507 results (presumably all the icons) but displays zero of them.

Subscript and Superscript icons

Probably it would be good if you can add subscript and superscript icons as well. Most libraries dont have them. Hence, it would distinguish yours among them.

inconsistencies between browsers and zoom levels

Some icons are inconsistent and broken in different browsers and at different zoom levels.
There's also inconsistencies between viewing them on my 4k screen at 125% DPI scaling or on my 1080p screen at 100% DPI scaling. Since you advertise your icons as both accessible and retina-ready, they should work consistently across all zoom levels and on all DPI scalings.

Here is an imgur album that demonstrates the issue:

✨ Bucketlist

Feature Status Progress
πŸ“Œ Styled Components Finished 100%
πŸ“Œ CSS Modules 0%
πŸ“Œ Angular 0%
πŸ“Œ Vue.js 0%
πŸ“Œ Single File Components 0%
πŸ“Œ Custom tag Working 70%
πŸ“Œ WP Plugin 0%
πŸ“Œ Laravel 0%
πŸ“Œ Typed React Components 50%
πŸ“Œ Figma Plugin 0%
πŸ“Œ Custom SVG Sprite 0%
πŸ“Œ Sanity Plugin 0%

Feature request: alternate searchable icon labels

A very important feature to add to the website would be alternate searchable icon labels.

  • If a user wants to find out if supports an icon they want, they will search for it
  • The search returns exact matches only and is missing icons which are a close match but with a different name

Examples of this issue

  • If someone searches for "person", 0 results show up even though "user", "profile", "boy", and "girl" exist and match what the user is looking for.
  • If someone searches for "user" only icons containing the word "user" show up. "Profile" does not even though it could represent a user.
  • If someone searches for "computer", 0 results show up, but "screen" looks like a computer and should show up.
  • If someone wants a dark mode icon, they may search "dark mode", but the "sun" and "moon" icons which can work as well don't show up. itself uses the "sun" icon and not the "dark-mode" icon for the toggle.

Why this should be implemented

Very often, I will go to and search for an icon and I won't find any results, not because they aren't there, but because they only show up when you get the name exactly right.

Sometimes I need to make 4 or 5 searches to find an icon I'm looking for and many times I give up searching and look elsewhere.

CSS vs SVG for icons

This is just out of curiosity,
What are the pro and cons of using CSS over SVG for icons? And vice-versa.

Anyway, thank you for this useful project!

animations on pseudo elements don't work in safari

a lot of the animations rely on the pseudo elements being animated.
Since this doesn't work in some browsers. I suggest favouring animating the base element:

@keyframes spinneralt {
	0% { transform: rotate(0deg) }
	to { transform: rotate(359deg) }

.gg-spinner-alt {
	transform: scale(var(--ggs,1));
	animation: spinneralt 1s cubic-bezier(.6,0,.4,1) infinite; /*  this line was defined on the before pseudo-element and moving it doesn't change the behaviour but improves browser compatibility */ 

.gg-spinner-alt::before {
	box-sizing: border-box;
	position: relative;
	display: block;
	width: 20px;
	height: 20px

.gg-spinner-alt::before {
	content: "";
	position: absolute;
	border-radius: 100px;
	border: 3px solid transparent;
	border-top-color: currentColor

Angular support?

Hi, I've tried integrating on an angular project. Since this doesn't have SASS files, I added the CSS file in angular.json.

"styles": [

But I'm getting this error

WARNING in ./node_modules/ (./node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular/src/angular-cli-files/plugins/raw-css-loader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??embedded!./node_modules/
Module Warning (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):

(1:80606) Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like `closest-side at 0 0` instead of `0 0, closest-side`.

βœ’ Request tracker

This issue is intended to track new icon request that are possible to be done and their progress and also those that are not due to the limitations on CSS, in order to reduce the number of new issues for the same icons.

Name Status Progress
πŸ“Œ Reddit Impossible
πŸ“Œ Github Impossible
πŸ“Œ Speaker Deck Possible 0%

Any idea to add scss support too?

Just wondering If you have plans to add scss file too in addition to css file. that would come in handy when working with angular/react projects.

Update license

Hello! Great Project!

I really liked the way you handled the pricing for this project but I don't think that an MIT license is suitable here?

I'm looking to build projects with the same pricing structure and I hoped that you found a solution for which license to use 😸

Icon Request: Cinema chair

It would be lovely to see a cinema chair in the collection which could be used to create seat booking pages.

Gradient has outdated syntax

The new syntax is like closest-side at 0 0 instead of 0 0, closest-side.

This will show up in users' terminals if they're using postcss-loader or any other package that does evaluation.

Icon request : Hide icon

Would it be possible to you to create a hide icon ? By that, I mean to take the eye icon which already exists, and cross it out.
If you create it, it would go complete the eye icon if someone want to use icons for a password input to reveal or hide the text, for instance.
Thanks in advance !

SVG icons do not scale

The svg icons downloaded from the site do not scale with css properties height or width.
Please set the height and width properties inside the svg to 100% so it scales properly.
Affected platforms: anything which can display an svg

SCSS placeholders version

Hi there!
Thanks for building such a great tool :)

I was wondering if it were possible to have a SCSS version using placeholders instead of CSS classes. It would allow to @extend the icons instead of including all of them in our CSS. It would be a really great improvement for us as we could be able to include any of your awesome icons anytime without overcharging our final CSS with loads of unused selectors.

It shouldn't be that hard to do as the script would only have to replace .gg- by %gg-.
The few keyframes would still be output in the CSS by SASS. The only way to clean them might be to use a postcss script like postcss-discard-unused because SASS does not allow to put keyframes in a placeholder. This tip could be added in the documentation.

What do you think?

Apple watch crown


First of all thanks for your effort and for this awesome icons lib.

Is it just me or the apple watch crown looks weird as the crown has no round corners?
LE: As I see you've designed around the actual look and feel of an apple watch 5th series. As I'm looking down at my wriest the watch has no round corners and everything looks like having a smooth transition, even the crown.


Icon Request: Speaker Deck

Hi. Awesome work, thanks!

I hope an issue is an acceptable form for an icon request. I couldn't find any info on requesting additional icons in the README.

I would appreciate an icon for the logo, a service for hosting slide decks.


bootstrap button with icon not in one line

When I do this:

<button class="btn btn-primary btn-block">
        A button <span class="gg-sort-az"></span>

the icon is moved to a new line. Like this:

|                         A button                              |
|  [icon]                                                       |

I am expecting this:

|                   A button   [icon]                           |

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Icon Request: IndieHackers

Hey Astrit. I am a huge fan of IndieHackers and would like to have an icon of it for a future web portfolio for myself. I've searched all I could and there is no other icon kit with a IH icon.

That would be great if you could add an IndieHackers icon to your kit.

Testing with Jest

Hello guys,

We started using on our React/React Native Design System and it worked perfectly. On the other hand, when we tried to test it using Jest and React Testing Library all the components using this lib broke.


We don't have CSS files on our project, because we use styled-components for styling, so we don't have a CSS rule on our webpack.


import * as React from 'react';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react-native';

import Button from '../index';

describe('Button Test', () => {
  it('should render the button', () => {
    const { toJSON } = render(<Button />);



import React from 'react';
import { ButtonProps } from './types';
import { ButtonComponent, TextComponent, Wrapper } from './styles';
import { SVG } from '';

const Button = ({ onPress, variant, text, iconName, iconMessage }: ButtonProps) => (
  <ButtonComponent variant={variant} onPress={onPress} activeOpacity={1}>
    {text && !iconName && (
      <Wrapper iconName={iconName}>
    {iconName && !text && (
        <div className="tooltip">
          <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
            <use xlinkHref={SVG + `#gg-${iconName}`} />
          <span className="tooltiptext">{iconMessage}</span>
    {iconName && text && (
        <Wrapper iconName={iconName}>
        <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
          <use xlinkHref={SVG + `#gg-${iconName}`} />

export default Button;

Any clues? Thank you :)


Edit: we are using react-native-web to organize what is native and what is web. We have an alias mapped to react-native to call react-native-web instead.

βœ’ Request tracker

This issue is intended to track new icon request that are possible to be done and their progress and also those that are not due to the limitations on CSS, in order to reduce the number of new issues for the same icons.

Nr. Name Status Progress
#36 Reddit n/a --
#35 Github n/a --
#34 Speaker Deck Possible 0%
#28 Subscript Possible 0%
#28 Superscript Possible 0%
#30 Vercel Possible 80%
#44 Fingerprint Possible 0%

Icons in React

Good morning, sir,
I just started a new project and I'm starting to use
I use React and styled-component.
I've made a codesandbox to show how, maybe, we could import these Icons into React.
I know there are already component style based Icons but they should, however, be more customizable.
It's just an approach that I think needs to be improved.
I also noticed that there are no title tags in the svg.
Thanks for the work.
Good continuation.

here is the codesandbox :

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