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asciidoctor's Introduction


Asciidoctor is a fast, open source, Ruby-based text processor for parsing AsciiDoc® into a document model and converting it to output formats such as HTML 5, DocBook 5, manual pages, PDF, EPUB 3, and other formats.

Asciidoctor also has an ecosystem of extensions, converters, build plugins, and tools to help you author and publish content written in AsciiDoc. You can find the documentation for these projects at

In addition to running on Ruby, Asciidoctor can be executed on a JVM using AsciidoctorJ or in any JavaScript environment using Asciidoctor.js.

This document is also available in the following languages:
简体中文 | Deutsch | Français | 日本語

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AsciiDoc Processing and Built-in Converters

AsciiDoc is the language.
Asciidoctor is the processor.

Asciidoctor reads the AsciiDoc source, as shown in the panel on the left in the image below, and converts it to publishable formats, such as HTML 5, as shown rendered in the panel on the right.

Preview of AsciiDoc source and corresponding rendered HTML

Asciidoctor provides built-in converters for three output formats by default: HTML 5, DocBook 5, and man page (short for manual page). Additional converters, such as PDF and EPUB 3, are provided by separate gems. Asciidoctor also provides an out-of-the-box HTML experience complete with a default stylesheet and built-in integrations like Font Awesome (for icons), highlight.js, Rouge, and Pygments (for source highlighting), and MathJax (for STEM processing).

Asciidoctor Ecosystem

Although Asciidoctor is written in Ruby, it does not mean you need Ruby to use it. Asciidoctor can be executed on a JVM using AsciidoctorJ or in any JavaScript environment (including the browser) using Asciidoctor.js.

Installing an Asciidoctor processor is just the beginning of your publishing experience. Asciidoctor gives you access to a ecosystem of extensions and tools, ranging from add-on converters, to extended syntax, to build plugins, to integrated writing and preview environments:

Asciidoctor is the successor to If you’re using, see Migrate from to learn how to upgrade to Asciidoctor.


Asciidoctor works on Linux, macOS and Windows and requires one of the following implementations of Ruby:

  • CRuby (aka MRI) 2.7 - 3.3

  • JRuby 9.2 - 9.4

  • TruffleRuby (GraalVM)


If you’re using a non-English Windows environment, you may bump into an Encoding::UndefinedConversionError when invoking Asciidoctor. To solve this issue, we recommend overriding the default external and internal character encodings to utf-8. You can do so by setting the RUBYOPT environment variable as follows:

RUBYOPT="-E utf-8:utf-8"

Once you make this change, all your Unicode headaches should be behind you.

If you’re using an IDE like Eclipse, make sure you set the encoding to UTF-8 there as well. Asciidoctor is optimized to work with UTF-8 as the default encoding.


Asciidoctor is packaged and distributed to as a RubyGem (aka gem) named asciidoctor. The asciidoctor gem can be installed on all major operating systems using Ruby packaging tools (gem or bundle). Asciidoctor is also distributed as a Docker image, as a package for numerous Linux distributions, and as a package for macOS (via Homebrew and MacPorts).

Linux package managers

The version of Asciidoctor installed by the package manager may not match the latest release of Asciidoctor. Consult the package repository for your distribution to find out which version is packaged per distribution release.

If you want to use a version of Asciidoctor that’s newer than what is installed by the package manager, see the gem installation instructions.

apk (Alpine Linux)

To install the gem on Alpine Linux, open a terminal and type:

$ sudo apk add asciidoctor

pacman (Arch Linux)

To install the gem on Arch-based distributions, open a terminal and type:

$ sudo pacman -S asciidoctor


On Debian and Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu, use APT to install Asciidoctor. To install the package, open a terminal and type:

$ sudo apt-get install -y asciidoctor


On RPM-based Linux distributions, such as Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL, use the DNF package manager to install Asciidoctor. To install the package, open a terminal and type:

$ sudo dnf install -y asciidoctor



You can use Homebrew, the macOS package manager, to install Asciidoctor. If you don’t have Homebrew on your computer, complete the installation instructions first.

Once Homebrew is installed, you’re ready to install the asciidoctor gem. Open a terminal and type:

$ brew install asciidoctor

Homebrew installs the asciidoctor gem into an exclusive prefix that’s independent of system gems.


You can also use MacPorts, another package manager for macOS, to install Asciidoctor. If you don’t have MacPorts on your computer, complete the installation instructions first.

Once MacPorts is installed, you’re ready to install the asciidoctor gem via the Asciidoctor port. Open a terminal and type:

$ sudo port install asciidoctor


To use Asciidoctor with Windows, you have two options.


When you already use chocolatey on your machine, you can use:

choco install ruby


Or you use the Rubyinstaller, download the package for your Windows Version and after the installation go ahead with gem installation instructions.

gem install

Before installing Asciidoctor using gem install, you should set up RVM (or similar) to install Ruby in your home directory (i.e., user space). Then, you can safely use the gem command to install or update the Asciidoctor gem, or any other gem for that matter. When using RVM, gems are installed in a location isolated from the system. (You should never use the gem command to install system-wide gems).

Once you’ve installed Ruby using RVM, and you have activated it using rvm use 3.0, open a terminal and type:

$ gem install asciidoctor

If you want to install a pre-release version (e.g., a release candidate), use:

$ gem install asciidoctor --pre


  1. Create a Gemfile in the root folder of your project (or the current directory)

  2. Add the asciidoctor gem to your Gemfile as follows:

    source ''
    gem 'asciidoctor'
    # or specify the version explicitly
    # gem 'asciidoctor', '2.0.22'
  3. Save the Gemfile

  4. Open a terminal and install the gem using:

    $ bundle

To upgrade the gem, specify the new version in the Gemfile and run bundle again. Using bundle update (without specifying a gem) is not recommended as it will also update other gems, which may not be the desired result.


If you installed Asciidoctor using a package manager, your operating system is probably configured to automatically update packages, in which case you don’t need to update the gem manually.

apk (Alpine Linux)

To upgrade the gem, use:

$ sudo apk add -u asciidoctor


To upgrade the gem, use:

$ sudo apt-get upgrade -y asciidoctor


To upgrade the gem, use:

$ sudo dnf update -y asciidoctor

Homebrew (macOS)

To upgrade the gem, use:

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade asciidoctor

MacPorts (macOS)

To upgrade the gem, use:

$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port upgrade asciidoctor

gem install

If you previously installed Asciidoctor using the gem command, you’ll need to manually upgrade Asciidoctor when a new version is released. You can upgrade the gem by typing:

$ gem install asciidoctor

When you install a new version of the gem using gem install, you end up with multiple versions installed. Use the following command to remove the old versions:

$ gem cleanup asciidoctor


If the Asciidoctor gem installed successfully, the asciidoctor command line interface (CLI) will be available on your PATH. To verify it’s available, run the following in your terminal:

$ asciidoctor --version

You should see information about the Asciidoctor version and your Ruby environment printed in the terminal.

Asciidoctor 2.0.22 []
Runtime Environment (ruby 3.0.1p64 [x86_64-linux]) (lc:UTF-8 fs:UTF-8 in:UTF-8 ex:UTF-8)

Command line interface (CLI)

The asciidoctor command allows you to invoke Asciidoctor from the command line (i.e., a terminal).

The following command converts the file README.adoc to HTML and saves the result to the file README.html in the same directory. The name of the generated HTML file is derived from the source file by changing its file extension to .html.

$ asciidoctor README.adoc

You can control the Asciidoctor processor by adding various flags and switches, which you can learn about using:

$ asciidoctor --help

For instance, to write the file to a different directory, use:

$ asciidoctor -D output README.adoc

The asciidoctor man page provides a complete reference of the command line interface.

Refer to the following resources to learn more about how to use the asciidoctor command.

Ruby API

Asciidoctor also provides an API. The API is intended for integration with other Ruby software, such as Rails, GitHub, and GitLab, as well as other languages, such as Java (via AsciidoctorJ) and JavaScript (via Asciidoctor.js).

To use Asciidoctor in your application, you first need to require the gem:

require 'asciidoctor'

You can then convert an AsciiDoc source file to an HTML file using:

Asciidoctor.convert_file 'README.adoc', to_file: true, safe: :safe
When using Asciidoctor via the API, the default safe mode is :secure. In secure mode, several core features are disabled, including the include directive. If you want to enable these features, you’ll need to explicitly set the safe mode to :server (recommended) or :safe.

You can also convert an AsciiDoc string to embeddable HTML (for inserting in an HTML page) using:

content = '_Zen_ in the art of writing[AsciiDoc].'
Asciidoctor.convert content, safe: :safe

If you want the full HTML document, enable the header_footer option as follows:

content = '_Zen_ in the art of writing[AsciiDoc].'
html = Asciidoctor.convert content, header_footer: true, safe: :safe

If you need access to the parsed document, you can split the conversion into discrete steps:

content = '_Zen_ in the art of writing[AsciiDoc].'
document = Asciidoctor.load content, header_footer: true, safe: :safe
puts document.doctitle
html = document.convert

Keep in mind that if you don’t like the output Asciidoctor produces, you can change it! Asciidoctor supports custom converters that can handle converting from the parsed document to the generated output.

One easy way to customize the output piecemeal is by using the template converter. The template converter allows you to supply a Tilt-supported template file to handle converting any node in the document.

However you go about it, you can have 100% control over the output. For more information about how to use the API or to customize the output, see:


New contributors are always welcome! If you discover errors or omissions in the source code, documentation, or website content, please don’t hesitate to submit an issue or open a pull request with a fix.

Here are some ways you can contribute:

  • by using prerelease (alpha, beta or preview) versions

  • by reporting bugs

  • by suggesting new features

  • by writing or editing documentation

  • by writing code with tests — No patch is too small.

    • fix typos

    • add comments

    • clean up inconsistent whitespace

    • write tests!

  • by refactoring code

  • by fixing issues

  • by reviewing patches

The Contributing guide provides information on how to create, style, and submit issues, feature requests, code, and documentation to Asciidoctor.

Getting Help

Asciidoctor is developed to help you easily write and publish your content. But we can’t do it without your input. If you need assistance or want to provide feedback, please follow the links to the resources listed on the Get Help page in the docs. Here’s a quick summary:

Project chat (Zulip)

Discussion list (archived)

Social media (Twitter)

Follow @asciidoctor or search the #asciidoctor hashtag

Further information and documentation about Asciidoctor can be found on the project’s website.

Home | News | Docs

The Asciidoctor organization on GitHub hosts the project’s source code, issue tracker, and sub-projects.

Code of Conduct

The core Asciidoctor project is governed by the Code of Conduct for the Asciidoctor community of projects. By participating, you’re agreeing to honor this code. Let’s work together to make this a welcoming, professional, inclusive, and safe environment for everyone.

Versioning and Release Policy

This project adheres to semantic versioning (major.minor.patch). Typically, patch releases are only made for the current minor release. However, exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis to address security vulnerabilities and other high-priority issues.

Copyright © 2012-present Dan Allen, Sarah White, Ryan Waldron, and the individual contributors to Asciidoctor. Use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License.

See the LICENSE for the full license text.


Asciidoctor is led by Dan Allen and Sarah White and has received contributions from many individuals in Asciidoctor’s awesome community. The project was initiated in 2012 by Ryan Waldron based on a prototype written by Nick Hengeveld for the Git website. was started and maintained by Stuart Rackham from 2002 to 2013 and has received contributions from many individuals in the community.


AsciiDoc® and AsciiDoc Language™ are trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.


Refer to the CHANGELOG for a complete list of changes in older releases.

asciidoctor's People


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asciidoctor's Issues

Raise events during parsing

Raise events when parsing the document to open the door for parsing extensions or actions.

Similar to how an XML parser raises events when parsing an XML structure, raise events when parsing the AsciiDoc structure. Examples of events might be:

  • before parsing
  • after parsing
  • begin/end section
  • begin/end block
  • parsing error
  • include file
  • etc.

This would open the door for extensions in an entirely new way. Here are some examples of what you might use an observer for:

  • index the document
  • build a catalog of links, images or references
  • skip a block
  • terminate rendering (or prevent recursion into a structure)
  • validate text or code listings
  • ...and the list goes on

As a reference, see the events that Nokogiri raises when parsing an XML structure.

We may also want to raise events during rendering. If necessary, we can create a separate issue to track that request.

Consider changing name to AsciiDoctor (from Asciidoctor)

Since AsciiDoc has a camel-case name, I think it's appropriate for Asciidoctor to follow suit. Plus, it draws out the "Doctor" part and, in a since, Asciidoctor is both a doctor for AsciiDoc and a remedy for the common "I hate documentation" problem :)

Just a thought.

Add output to PDF to asciidoctor cli and/or API

Although we don't have native pdf generation yet in Asciidoctor, it would still be nice to offer this functionality through the asciidoctor cli and/or API.

For now, it will require having the AsciiDoc distribution available to access the XSL stylesheets and such (or we could pull them from the web and cache them locally).

If we need files from the AsciiDoc distribution, we could require the ASCIIDOC_HOME environment variable to point to the install location so that we can run a2x directly or the resources it uses.

Here's the commands I use to generate PDF from the DocBook output that Asciidoctor generates (for an article doctype)

a2x -k -fpdf -darticle --fop output.xml

Under the covers, here are the commands that a2x executes when the doctype is article (the paths here are obviously invocation specific):

xsltproc --stringparam 0 --stringparam 0 \
--stringparam admon.textlabel 1 --stringparam 0  \
--output "$HOME/projects/asciidoc-samples/" \
"$HOME/opt/asciidoc-8.6.8/docbook-xsl/fo.xsl" \


fop -fo "$HOME/projects/asciidoc-samples/" \
-pdf "$HOME/projects/asciidoc-samples/output.pdf"

We could use Nokogiri to replace the xsltproc call. There isn't yet a replacement for the fop invocation that I know of, but we could wrap it.

Add functional tests to validate end-to-end document output

I tend to prefer unit tests to look for particular structures rather than comparing input vs output as it more clearly indicates intent.

However, we should still have end-to-end (functional) tests to detect regressions that slip between the cracks...or to alert us to where we need more test coverage. I would call this A/B testing because we are establishing a baseline based on the current state of things, not necessarily a perfectly rendered document (at least until we are there). It will also be dependent on whitespace.

powerman's cheatsheets (cloned by jakoch) provide a nice repository of inputs for this type of test.

Import these into the fixtures directory, generate a baseline and add those as well. Then setup a test that validates against the rendered output.

Create an Asciidoctor stylesheet for HTML output

To demonstrate compliance with AsciiDoc, we've been testing the rendered HTML output against the default AsciiDoc stylesheet. However, I'll be the first to admit that the first time I saw that theme, I dismissed AsciiDoc for being stuck in the 90s.

Let's change that perception.

Asciidoctor should provide a professional, modern stylesheet for HTML output out of the box...something we can call our own.

We can draw inspiration from, which recently took a fresh approach to a stylesheet for HTML-based documentation. We could also consider the look and feel of GitHub, Bootstrap, Foundation 3 and others.

Ideally, the stylesheet would coordinate with the Asciidoctor logo, issue #48.

Add support for glossary and appendix sections

Sections that are assigned the glossary and appendix styles get handled differently in the document structure. In particular, they are assigned special section numbers rather than continuing the main section numbering.

Add support for these special section blocks. It may be possible to reuse the existing section template for this purpose.

Note that the glossary style can also be applied to a dlist. For the HTML backend, this does nothing special. It does change the tags used in the dlist_template for the DocBook backend.

There are additional styles that affect the section tag used for DocBook but do not apply to HTML. Here's the complete list:

  • abstract
  • colophon
  • preface
  • appendix
  • glossary
  • bibliography
  • index
  • synopsis

Supporting these may just be a matter of mapping the style to the tag name 1-1 if the tag name is not otherwise recognized (or perhaps check a list using include?)

Can we move to the repo to the asciidoctor organization?

I've setup the asciidoctor organization on GitHub, where I'm currently hosting the (very rough) project site. Can we move the main asciidoctor repository there as well?

In my experience, I've found organizations to be better suited for open source projects which have a development team, plus it encourages more developers to participate.

If we put the main repository under the asciidoctor organization, I can also move my asciidoctor-backends repository there as well.

Support the value comparison functionality of ifeval::[]

In general, the ifeval macro has the potential to be vary dangerous. However, there is one purpose that is serves that is essential to support, attribute value comparison.

AsciiDoc provides the ifdef::[] macro to handle conditional inclusion of content based on the presence of attribute values, such as the backend, toc, icons, etc. However, knowing the attribute is defined often isn't enough. You need to know if it has, or doesn't have, a certain value.

Thus, we can overload the ifeval::[] macro to use it strictly for attribute value comparison.

Here's an example:

ifeval::["{source-highlighter}" == "coderay"]

Despite the name, we will not use Ruby eval to execute the code. Instead, we'll parse out the information we need and do the comparison in a controlled way.

"Jester" tests

Add tests with bad input to make sure that Asciidoctor doesn't fall down when the user supplies a bad document. At worse, Asciidoctor should fail to render the document and spit out an error.

I'd like to avoid paranoid argument checking all over the place because I think that is going to unnecessarily slow down the engine. The way I see it, crap in, crap out. If the user has major syntax errors, then failing to render the document is the right thing to do.

Eventually we will have better diagnostics as to where the error occurred. In the short term, we just want to make sure that it dies gracefully and does not cause the program invoking Asciidoctor to crash.

Examples of tests that might be written:

  • invalid attribute lists (unclosed, syntax errors)
  • bad values for attributes that affect parsing and rendering
    ** for instance, when we assume we'll get an integer and we get something else instead
  • invalid paths to images when data-uri is set
    ** also spaces in paths...make sure this doesn't cause us to resolve root level files
  • a bogus doctype
  • a bogus template directory (for Tilt)
  • widths that are used for division (e.g., table parser)
  • tables with too many or two few cells in a row
  • unclosed delimited blocks

The key here is to be wise, but not paranoid. We want to give the user more leniency when using Asciidoctor in a local build than when running it in a server-side application. In those cases, we can put logic behind the 'safe' attribute (which can only be set through the constructor).

Make tilt a development dependency

Technically, you don't need Tilt to use Asciidoctor. You have the option of sticking to the built-in templates. Therefore, to get us down to 0 dependencies, we should switch Tilt to being a development dependency.

Prefix for block templates should be block_ rather than section_

I think the naming of the block templates is legacy. To be consistent with AsciiDoc, block-level elements (sidebar, example, listing, literal, etc) should be prefixed with block_ rather than section_. The only template that should be named section is the section template itself.

For instance, in the html5.conf file from AsciiDoc:

<div class="sidebarblock{role? {role}}{unbreakable-option? unbreakable}"{id? id="{id}"}>
<div class="content">
<div class="title">{title}</div>

I do prefer putting the context first, as in block_sidebar.

I think this grammar spec from the AsciiDoc manual helps to clarify naming:

Document      ::= (Header?,Preamble?,Section*)
Header        ::= (Title,(AuthorInfo,RevisionInfo?)?)
AuthorInfo    ::= (FirstName,(MiddleName?,LastName)?,EmailAddress?)
RevisionInfo  ::= (RevisionNumber?,RevisionDate,RevisionRemark?)
Preamble      ::= (SectionBody)
Section       ::= (Title,SectionBody?,(Section)*)
SectionBody   ::= ((BlockTitle?,Block)|BlockMacro)+
Block         ::= (Paragraph|DelimitedBlock|List|Table)
List          ::= (BulletedList|NumberedList|LabeledList|CalloutList)
BulletedList  ::= (ListItem)+
NumberedList  ::= (ListItem)+
CalloutList   ::= (ListItem)+
LabeledList   ::= (ListEntry)+
ListEntry     ::= (ListLabel,ListItem)
ListLabel     ::= (ListTerm+)
ListItem      ::= (ItemText,(List|ListParagraph|ListContinuation)*)

Content in sidebars (and possibly others) isn't processed

If you make a sidebar like so:

.Sidebar title
My content here.

My second paragraph.
**************** just spits the content directly into the sidebar container rather than processing it into <p> tags or what not. It should process all other kinds of blocks like normal (except other sidebars, which isn't allowed).

Include a document title when header_footer is suppressed

Although a deviation from AsciiDoc, I think we should include some semblance of a document title (h1 heading) in the embedded template by default. I think this is important because the current behavior of cropping the document title is not parallel with Markdown, and not what the user would expect.

Obviously, we want to leave off the document element (html) and document metadata element (head) because, after all, we are embedding the content. But I think the content of the header div is worthwhile to keep.

I am proposing including the following markup at the top of the embedded template:

<span id="author">Dan Allen</span><br>

If the toc is enabled, then it would grow to:

<span id="author">Dan Allen</span><br>
<div id="toc">
  <div id="toctitle">Table of Contents</div>

I'm not sure if we should wrap the header in the header div and the content in the content div. I'm kind of leaning towards the minimal approach.

Perhaps to be consistent w/ AsciiDoc, we should have an option for this behavior. Perhaps something like:

:embedded_content_header => true

(Of course, this can be overridden by creating a custom template for the embedded view).

Update repository description

I think it's time to update the description on the GitHub repository. I propose the following text:

Asciidoctor is an open source Ruby processor for converting AsciiDoc source files and strings into HTML 5, DocBook 4.5 and other formats.


Honor the GFM fenced code block syntax

Fenced code blocks are a popular syntax, appearing in GitHub-flavored Markdown and other Markdown variants. Although it would be a deviation from AsciiDoc, I think we should offer support for this syntax (and perhaps lobby to get it included in AsciiDoc).

The syntax is typically three backticks optionally followed by a language name.

require 'asciidoctor'
puts Asciidoctor.render('Hello, World!', :header_footer => true)

The three backticks as a block delimiter would be a normal block extension in AsciiDoc. The trailing language name doesn't follow the AsciiDoc extension model, but we could still support it as a special exception.

Alternatively, we could require the language be set in AsciiDoc style using a block attribute.

require 'asciidoctor'
puts Asciidoctor.render('Hello, World!', :header_footer => true)

Three backticks does not conflict with any existing syntax in AsciiDoc.

Parse inline markup during the parse phase (use recursive descent parser)

Currently, the parsing of inline content happens during rendering. This limits the information you have in the document after parsing. Instead, Asciidoctor should parse all text extents into inline nodes during parsing.

This requires moving the substitutions from the rendering phase to the parsing phase.

It also means that each line in the buffer will become an array of inline nodes that represent the chunked text, toggling between plain text and elements like links and images.

Since this has the potential to slow down a single pass parse/render, we may want to have a flag which controls the phase in which inline text is parsed.

Create a Maven plugin for running Asciidoctor

This is a tracking issue for creating a Maven plugin that invokes Asciidoctor on source files in the documentation directory. This is an important feature for getting the Java community on board with Asciidoctor (and AsciiDoc in general).

include:: macro should read file relative to current document

According to the AsciiDoc documentation:

If the included file name is specified with a relative path then the
path is relative to the location of the referring document.

Currently, the include:: macro in Asciidoctor is looking for a file in the directory in which you launched Asciidoctor.

I raise this as an issue because we don't know the file for the data we are processing since Document accepts an array of lines.

I propose that we add an additional option for specifying the input file. It may be that this merely serves as a point of reference otherwise, but it's important for us to know the working directory.

Here's an example usage of the API I'm proposing:

doc =, :input_file => input,
    :template_dir => "templates")

Then we can add the following logic around the Reader in document.rb.

# change to directory of input file, if specified,
# so includes can be relative to the document
if options.has_key?(:input_file) and File.exist? options[:input_file]
  oldpwd = Dir.pwd
  Dir.chdir File.dirname options[:input_file]

@reader =, &block)

if !oldpwd.nil?
  Dir.chdir oldpwd

We may need this in other places, but this at least gets us off the ground. WDYT?

Make blank-line stripping configurable

Currently, non-semantic blank lines are being removed in the output generated by the built-in templates. While care has been taken to only remove non-semantic endlines, there is still some risk involved in this feature. Once a configuration mechanism is in place, make this post-processing step an optional feature.

Atm, this feature is necessary to make the tests less sensitive to whitespace left behind by ERB.

Use registered resolvers to handle include macro instead of block

Currently, we allow a block to be passed to the Document constructor to resolve include::[] macro references programmatically. This approach is too limiting because it's hard-wired to a single type of macro.

Instead, we should allow resolvers to be registered, which would get invoked for macros that use a path reference such as the include::[] macro. They could also be used for resolving paths for a source::[] macro, and other macros added through extensions.

This design is similar to what Sass offers for handling @import statements. See Importers for reference.

This also keeps the API simpler and cleaner.

Create a man page for asciidoctor

Create a man page for asciidoctor, specifically for the cli command, though it can cover use of the API as well.

Of course, the man page should be written in AsciiDoc (which supports creating man pages from plain text documents).

Error rendering asciidoc userguide

I used the version that exists in the hg repo from version 8.6.8:

`require 'asciidoctor'
lines = File.readlines('userguide.txt')
doc =
html = doc.render``

Here's the output:

RuntimeError: Couldn't find a view in @views for section_oblock
from /home/jporter/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/asciidoctor-0.0.7/lib/asciidoctor/renderer.rb:48:in `render'

Add a block plugin / filter API and functionality

In AsciiDoc, custom block names are the hook for plugins / filters. For example:

fancy ascii diagram here

We should add support for these types of extensions using some sort of register API that sets up a callback into custom code. I'm imagining something like:

Asciidoctor.register(:ditaa, DitaaBlockFilter)

Drawing from Jekyll, Awestruct and Tilt, the plugin / filter API might be something like:

class DitaaBlockFilter
  # Public: Initialize a reusable instance of this block filter
  def initialize(options = {})

  # Public: Parse the custom block and return an instance of Block
  # reader     - A reader holding the lines of a delimited block
  # context    - The context of the delimited block (e.g., :literal, :listing, :open, etc)
  # parent     - The parent of the delimited block region
  # attributes - Block attributes the were captured in the lines above the block
  def parse(reader, context, parent, attributes)
    block =, parent)

We absolutely want to get away from the AsciiDoc way of using shell commands to handle filters. It's up to the filter author if they want to use a shell command inside their filter, but we should be using Ruby APIs to invoke these filters, absolutely.

Add SERVER safe mode level (between SAFE and SECURE)

I'd like to introduce an additional safe model level, which I propose naming SERVER.

Some teams using Asciidoctor in a server-side application will want to support relative includes while others will not. Regardless, both will want to share the minimum level of security needed for a server-side deployment.

SERVER mode would be that shared base level. It would prevent the document from controlling how the document is rendered (backend, doctype, source-highlighter, etc) (essentially a lock-down mode). However, it would still allow for use of include::[] for paths within the base directory and embedding assets inside the document.

SECURE mode, which would still be the default, would additionally restrict the document from incorporating other files into the document (which means disabling include::[], data-uri and linkcss!).

By adding this extra safe mode option, I think we prevent crippling Asciidoctor for those wanting to use the include feature. (but it would not be the default, so we aren't changing current agreed upon behavior)

Use icons (or CSS) to create numbered bullets for callouts

When the icons attribute is enabled, callout lists are not using numbered bullet icons (circles) like AsciiDoc. We should either add support for those icons, or do something with CSS that produces a similar look.

Callouts are a major feature of AsciiDoc over other lightweight markup languages, so we should give this feature high priority.

Add macro for inserting code snippets into a document

Add a macro that can extract segments of code from source file and insert it into the document, passing it through the listing block (for source code highlighting and/or escaping).

The source macro should use the standard block macro syntax of AsciiDoc:

source::[language, filename, tag, ...]

There are three pieces of functionality for this macro:

  • locating the source file, which may be within a source directory tree, a source archive or a remote resource (like a gist)
  • isolate and extract the relevant section of code
  • wrap the code in a listing block and insert it into the AST

The most straightforward way to extract code is to look for delimiters in the source file qualified with a tag. This is the approach that both Neo4j and codeextractor take in similar macros for AsciiDoc python. We could also support line number ranges, or other strategies.

For example, assume the source file has the following contents:

pubic class SampleTest {
  // BEGIN: deployment
  public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {
    return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class)
  // END: deployment

We want to extract the code between the BEGIN: deployment and END: deployment. Here's the macro we might use:

source::[java, org/arquillian/example/, tag=deployment, indent=0]

The source directory would likely be set by a document attribute.

Of course, we'll try to trim that macro to allow the minimum information that is needed to track down the snippet. But that's the idea.

Create asciidoctor command (cli)

Create a cli for asciidoctor that works roughly the same as the asciidoc command.

At a minimum, I would expect it to support:

  • input file (argument)
  • output file (-o)
  • attribute flags (-a)
  • suppress header/footer (-s)
  • template directory (-t)
  • doctype (-d)
  • help (-h)
  • verbose mode (-v)

In the future we'll need backend and conf-file, but we don't have any implicit support for those atm, so no need to add them yet.

* There is currently a bin/asciidoctor file in the repository, but it isn't hooked up to any code

Create a logo / icon for Asciidoctor

Every strong project needs a strong visual identity. Create a logo for Asciidoctor that will inspire contributors to write amazing, agile documentation.

Themes to play on are:

  • Ascii (over XML) for doc writing
  • Asciidoctor as a doctor for documentation malaise and XML suffering
  • "AsciiDoc-in-R" where R is for Ruby and/or Rubygems.

Since Asciidoctor has proven to be so fast, "emergency room urgency" could be an inspiration as well.

If possible, please make available as SVG. License should be either MIT or CC-BY-SA.

Also, feel free to recommend a color palette for the project.

Add load API methods

The constructor somewhere between ambiguous and limited since it can accept either a String or String array, but not a file.

I propose that we follow suit with YAML and other Ruby libraries and provide load methods on the Document class object.

Here's my proposal:

# Public: Load an AsciiDoc string as an Asciidoctor::Document
# Load the AsciiDoc document contained in +data+, which can either be a
# String or an Array of String lines. Returns the structure described in the
# document as a Ruby Asciidoctor:Document.
# data - The String or Array of String lines holding the AsciiDoc source document
# options - A Hash of options to control processing of the document
# block - A block that can be used to retrieve external AsciiDoc
#         data to include in this document (using the include macro)
def self.load(data, options = {}), options)

# Public: Load an AsciiDoc file as an Asciidoctor::Document
# Load the AsciiDoc document contained in +filename+. Returns the
# structure described in the document as a Ruby Asciidoctor:Document.
# filename - The filename holding the AsciiDoc source document
# options - A Hash of options to control processing of the document
# block - A block that can be used to retrieve external AsciiDoc
#         data to include in this document (using the include macro)
def self.load_file(filename, options = {}, &block)
  data = File.readlines(filename)
  launch_dir = Dir.getwd
  doc =, options, &block)

This makes the experience for newcomers really nice:

puts Document.load_file('doc.asciidoc').render

To complement the load_file method, I suppose we could add render_to_file, render_file and render_file_to_output_file. For example:

puts Document.render_file('doc.asciidoc')


Document.render_file_to_output_file('doc.asciidoc', 'doc.html')


Notice in the load_file method, I am switching to the directory of the file. This allows Asciidoctor to be compliant w/ the behavior of AsciiDoc, which is to change to the directory of the file being processed (and similarly for include files). To handle this more generally, I'm considering adding an 'input_file' option that will allow you to specify the source even if you don't pass in the file directly.

Attribute references should not be case sensitive

When an attribute reference is resolved in the document, the lookup should not be case sensitive. Attribute keys are lowercased before they are stored in the hash. Therefore, the attribute reference should also be lowercased before looking up the value.




Should produce a link to the AsciiDoc hompage.

Implement inline passthroughs

Implement inline passthroughs by replacing content with temporary placeholders and then restoring that content once the substitutions are performed.

...or if you have a better idea :)

Parse header information and assign to corresponding attributes

Parse the header information, which immediately follows the level 0 heading, and stuff the data into document attributes.

The information to focus on are as follows:

  • first line: firstname[ [middlename ]lastname][ ]]
  • line two: revision #, date, remark

The attributes that should be set (if found) are:

  • author
  • firstname
  • middlename
  • lastname
  • authorinitials
  • email
  • revnumber
  • revdate
  • revremark

It might be nice to support multiple authors, but we can leave that for another issue. We'll also want to eventually have a docinfo include, but again, could be for another issue.

Add option to use Font Awesome for admonition icons

Icons really make the output look sharp, but they are a pain to manage. Asciidoctor should offer the option to "draw" the icons using Font Awesome, keeping the assets inside the page and avoiding the need for external resources.

I recommend the following mappings:

  • tip - icon-pushpin (or icon-star or icon-plus)
  • note - icon-info-sign
  • warning - icon-warning-sign
  • important - icon-exclamation-sign
  • caution - icon-bolt (or icon-minus)

This feature would be something that perhaps we could make the default when using the built-in Asciidoctor stylesheet (#76).

Support the include1 macro

According the AsciiDoc user guide, include1 macro differ from the include macro in that:

...files are not subject to tab expansion or system macro processing nor are attribute or lower priority substitutions performed. (Its) intended use is to include verbatim embedded CSS or scripts into configuration file headers.

Eliminate the first step reading lines before parsing to blocks

Reading the lines for the section before parsing the section into blocks requires that we apply all the rules for parsing twice. The reason is that you have to apply the rules in order to know which lines to grab. The context (which block am I currently in?) affects how to interpret the line and it's relationship to adjacent lines.

This change should have no external impact on how the parser works...and will actually improve the accuracy of the parsing. While at first glace it may seem like reading the lines simplifies parsing, in reality it makes it more complex and fragile.

Granted, it will take a bit of effort to make this change, but we have plenty of tests in order to make sure the refactoring goes smoothly and we don't have any regressions.

The two methods to change, in particular, are next_section and next_list_item. This also applies to the processing done by the Reader (when it scans for attributes and include blocks), but I'd like to tackle that in a separate issue unless decided otherwise.

Release 0.1.0

I'd like to request that we cut a 0.1.0 release so that we can enable integration and packaging to get underway.

Before cutting the release, I'd like to use this issue to discuss anything we think needs to be completed before we call it 0.1.0 (which shouldn't sound like too much of a risk).

I think we should be clear that the APIs are still subject to change. There are still some important refactoring that need to occur that might get squeezed if we are stuck with the current API.

The focus of this release is to get the code into the hands of alpha testers and early adopters so we can get some more feedback (and in turn write more tests!).


Add support for AsciiDoc tables

Tables have not yet been implemented in Asciidoctor. This issue will track the feature to add support for AsciiDoc tables.

For reference, see Tables in the AsciiDoc user guide for information.

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