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asbuiltreport.veeam.vb365's Issues

Health Check - Validate VB365 server is not joined to production Active Directory domain.

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 version



Health Check - Validate VB365 server is not joined to production Active Directory domain.

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Health Check - Validate if Self-Service restore portal is implemented

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 version



Health Check - Validate if Self-Service restore portal is implemented

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Add Organization Backup Application support



Additional Context

PS C:\Users\jocolon> Get-VBOBackupApplication -Organization $Org[1] | fl

OrganizationId                   : cfe70e69-8eb4-4014-9ea3-d8e628fba8a2
ApplicationId                    : cdadfee6-f9b6-4ce1-b2cf-3a909a5eadad
DisplayName                      : VB365
ApplicationCertificateThumbprint : A662DCEACE143A7A575815A53788522A284E7941

PS C:\Users\jocolon>

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Add Restore Operator Roles to report


PS C:\Users\jocolon> Get-VBORbacRole

Id             : cce15c11-31be-4d65-825b-845a1df6186c
OrganizationId : cfe70e69-8eb4-4014-9ea3-d8e628fba8a2
Name           : PHARMAXOperatorHelpDesk
Description    : Created by PHARMAX\administrator at 2/24/2024 10:35:11 PM
RoleType       : SpecificObjects
Operators      : {Angel Santos}
SelectedItems  : {}
ExcludedItems  : {}

Id             : 8e4e0ecf-eed9-4d74-9aca-ed52aa858850
OrganizationId : cfe70e69-8eb4-4014-9ea3-d8e628fba8a2
Name           : Pharmax
Description    : Created by PHARMAX\administrator at 2/24/2024 10:33:40 PM
RoleType       : EntireOrganization
Operators      : {Jonathan A.. Colon Feliciano}
SelectedItems  : {}
ExcludedItems  : {}

PS C:\Users\jocolon> 

Additional Context


Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Migrate chart code to separate function


Migrate chart code to separate function.

if ($Options.EnableCharts) {
    try {
        $sampleData = $inObj.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $_.key } }, @{ Name = 'Value'; Expression = { $_.value } } | Sort-Object -Property 'Category'

        $chartFileItem = Get-PieChart -SampleData $sampleData -ChartName 'ComputersObject' -XField 'Name' -YField 'Value' -ChartLegendName 'Category' -ChartTitleName 'ComputersObject' -ChartTitleText 'Computers Count'

    } catch {
        Write-PScriboMessage -IsWarning "$($_.Exception.Message) (Computers Object Count Chart)"
if ($OutObj) {
    Section -ExcludeFromTOC -Style NOTOCHeading3 'Computers' {
        if ($chartFileItem) {
            Image -Text 'Computers Object - Diagram' -Align 'Center' -Percent 100 -Base64 $chartFileItem
        $OutObj | Table @TableParams

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Health Check - Validate if legacy TLS are disabled

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 version



Health Check - Validate if legacy TLS are disabled:

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Error saving Charts functions if script local path is changed

Bug description

C:\Users\jocolon\AsBuiltReport\ -Credential $cred -Format HTML -EnableHealthCheck
Please wait while the Veeam VB365 As Built Report is being generated.
WARNING: [ 09:35:48:923 ] [ Document ] - Please refer to the AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VB365 github website for more detailed information about this project.
WARNING: [ 09:35:48:939 ] [ Document ] - Do not forget to update your report configuration file after each new version release.
WARNING: [ 09:35:48:939 ] [ Document ] - Documentation:
WARNING: [ 09:35:48:939 ] [ Document ] - Issues or bug reporting:
WARNING: [ 09:35:49:064 ] [ Document ] - AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VB365 0.3.0 is currently installed.
WARNING: [ 09:35:58:908 ] [ Document ] - Backup Copy Chart Section: Exception calling "SaveImage" with "2" argument(s): "Could not find file 'C:\Users\jocolon\Documents\BackupJobs.png'."
WARNING: [ 09:35:59:345 ] [ Document ] - Restore Sessions Chart Section: Exception calling "SaveImage" with "2" argument(s): "Could not find file 
Veeam VB365 As Built Report 'Veeam VB365 As Built Report' has been saved to 'C:\Users\jocolon\AsBuiltReport\'.

Command-line input

PS C:\Users\jocolon\Documents> New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VB365 -Target veeam-vbo-01v.pharmax.local -AsBuiltConfigFilePath C:\Users\jocolon\AsBuiltReport\AsBuiltReport.json -OutputFolderPath C:\Users\jocolon\AsBuiltReport\ -Credential $cred -Format HTML -EnableHealthCheck

Steps to reproduce

  1. Change powershell path "cd C:\Users\jocolon\Documents"
  2. Run report

Code section "$chartFileItem = Export-Chart -Chart $exampleChart -Path (Get-Location).Path -Format "PNG" -PassThru" calls (Get-Location).Path instead of saving on $Temp or user profile.

PS C:\Users\jocolon\Documents> (Get-Location).Path
PS C:\Users\jocolon\Documents>

Expected behaviour

Just works!


No response

Operating System

Windows 10

PowerShell Version

PS C:\Users\jocolon\Documents> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.19041.3803
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.19041.3803
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

PS C:\Users\jocolon\Documents>

PowerShell Modules

PS C:\Users\jocolon\Documents> Get-Module -ListAvailable @("AsBuiltReport.Core";"AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VB365";"PScribo") | Select Name, Version

Name                      Version
----                      -------
AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VB365 0.3.0
AsBuiltReport.Core        1.3.0
PScribo                   0.10.0

PS C:\Users\jocolon\Documents>

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

Add Restore session information


Add Restore session information to the report


Additional Context

PS C:\Users\jocolon> Get-VBORestoreSession

Id               : 8baa99f6-3392-4d35-b4e2-62d657cae7e9
Name             : Exchange restore (Entire organization - 3/23/2023 2:16:40 PM)
StartTime        : 3/23/2023 2:17:04 PM
EndTime          : 3/23/2023 2:17:15 PM
Status           : Stopped
Result           : Success
Type             : Exchange
InitiatedBy      : PHARMAX\Administrator
ProcessedObjects : 1

PS C:\Users\jocolon>

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Error when generating a report in Word format

Bug description


Getting the following error when using format = word.
Running the PS with admin privileges.

New-AsBuiltReport : The variable '$Images' cannot be retrieved because it has not been set.
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VB365 -Target ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-AsBuiltReport


Command-line input

New-AsBuiltReport -Report Veeam.VB365 -Target -Format Word -OutputFolderPath 'C:\temp' -EnableHealthCheck

Steps to reproduce

ran the command

Expected behaviour

Word format report


No response

Operating System

Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

PowerShell Version

PS C:\Users\administrator.PLATTANOLABS> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.14393.5582
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.14393.5582
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

PowerShell Modules

Name                      Version
----                      -------
AsBuiltReport.Core        1.3.0
AsBuiltReport.Veeam.VB365 0.1.1
PScribo                   0.10.0

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

Health Check - Validate expiration date for certificates

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 version



Restore Portal
Operator Auth
Tenant Auth (only if installed on server with Cloud Connect)

For the Restore Portal and API Server, consider using trusted certificates as these are services accessed by end users

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Add Email Notifications is not configured HealthCheck

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 version



Without setting up an email and server in the email notifications users will not get notified when there are issues

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Health Check - Validate if object lock is implemented on the Backup copy object storage repository

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 version



Health Check - Validate if object lock is implemented on the Backup copy object storage repository

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Health Check - Validate the use of Full Modern Authentication for Organizations

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 version



Health Check - Validate the use of Full Modern Authentication for Organizations

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Add Restore point information


Add Restore point information to the report


Additional Context

PS C:\Users\jocolon> Get-VBORestorePoint

BackupTime             OrganizationId               JobId                        RepositoryId                 IsExchange IsSharePoint IsOneDrive IsTeams IsCopy  IsLongTermCopy IsRetrieved
----------             --------------               -----                        ------------                 ---------- ------------ ---------- ------- ------  -------------- ----------- 
3/23/2023 6:01:42 PM   5458c8e3-1c75-4954-a573-8... 00a1c2f2-8e34-46ea-a028-e... b7c60830-3473-4a78-93fe-4... True       False        False      False   False   False          False      
3/23/2023 6:01:42 PM   5458c8e3-1c75-4954-a573-8... e5df99c4-950e-4752-ae5e-3... b14698fb-9e08-42fe-b5be-7... True       False        False      False   True    False          False       
3/23/2023 6:01:37 PM   5458c8e3-1c75-4954-a573-8... e6b97534-e06f-4bac-8566-a... b00a03cb-c49c-464a-bd56-5... True       False        False      False   False   False          False       
3/23/2023 2:21:51 PM   5458c8e3-1c75-4954-a573-8... 00a1c2f2-8e34-46ea-a028-e... b7c60830-3473-4a78-93fe-4... True       False        False      False   False   False          False      
3/23/2023 2:21:51 PM   5458c8e3-1c75-4954-a573-8... e5df99c4-950e-4752-ae5e-3... b14698fb-9e08-42fe-b5be-7... True       False        False      False   True    False          False       
3/23/2023 2:16:40 PM   5458c8e3-1c75-4954-a573-8... e6b97534-e06f-4bac-8566-a... b00a03cb-c49c-464a-bd56-5... True       False        False      False   False   False          False       

PS C:\Users\jocolon> 

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Health Check - Validate if S3 repositories use encryption

Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 version



Health Check - Validate if S3 repositories use encryption

Additional Context

No response

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

Add Session History Retention


Add Session History Retention


Additional Context

PS C:\Users\jocolon> Get-VBOHistorySettings

SessionHistoryRetention : Keep all sessions

PS C:\Users\jocolon>

Before submitting

  • I have read the documentation, and referred to the known issues before submitting this change request.
  • I have checked for previously opened & closed issues before submitting this change request.

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