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luiextended's Issues

Option to combine buffs and debuffs into single container

Well it seems now days with so many addons having their own unique functions i noticed that my screen real-estate was losing room quick... as i moved components around to create the most efficient area, sneaking things in places and trying to play tetris with most of my addons on screen, i found that it would be awesome if there was some kind of option to combine buffs and debuffs for both target and player... since debuffs have a red outline and buffs have a green one i think it would be possible to differentiate between the two~ of course, if you guys want to that is... If its too much work Im still happy with using the Addon as is~

with much respect~

Icon/Name/Display integration with ZOS Active Effects and Death Recap.

This one I really need help with. I have no idea how the Death Recap or Active Effects window work nor any idea how to hook into them. Also concerned with performance impact from something like this. Considering the possibility of just hiding the Active Effects display for everything but long term buffs as well.

CombatInfo - Alerts Rework - CHECKLIST

-- Localization

  • Localization

-- Options

  • Fix some variable names to be more consistent
  • Display Duration Label Y/N
  • Duration Label Color
  • Display CC Type Color Border Y/N
  • Incoming Alerts - add option to hide alerts if CC type is not (BLOCK, DODGE, FEAR, DISORIENT, STAGGER, SNARE/IMMOBILIZE, or no CC)
  • Play Sound Priority 1/2/3 Y/N
  • Fix "HIDE MITIGATION SUGGESTIONS" option to instead be a "Display Mitigation Suggestions" toggled on by default.

-- Frame

  • Make sure resize when font changes are made
  • Icon used font size as base or add icon size option?

-- Sounds

  • Add more LAM sounds
  • Change the sounds selected for current
  • Make sure default options are alright (sound for all boss alerts, only CC for lower maybe?)
  • Make sure all sound conditionals work correctly

-- Interrupts?

  • Add a handler for when enemies are interrupted/stunned/killed/etc (do as much as I can at least)
  • Use fade func from SCB to popup "INTERRUPTED" that fades out or something
  • Possibly add .5 or 1 sec fade animation to alerts? - but set available = true so new ones can override during the fade animation?

Bank interaction, "bad argument to string.format"

Infinite loop of these, when interacting with a bank. I don't know precisely what the problem is, but I know it must be related to the gamepad UI (or else the gamepad UI is just fast and this is a race condition), because I can't reproduce it otherwise...

Seems to do with putting items in the bank, switching to Withdraw to stack them, then switching back to Deposit and rapidly depositing another item... I really can't figure out exactly WHY it happens.

It might be a good idea to add a logPrefix == nil check to line 3371

2018-01-01T01:13:21.089-05:00 |cff0000Lua Error: bad argument #1 to 'string.format' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'string.format'
user:/AddOns/LuiExtended/modules/ChatAnnouncements.lua:3395: in function 'CA.ResolveItemMessage'
user:/AddOns/LuiExtended/modules/ChatAnnouncements.lua:9517: in function 'CA.PrintQueuedMessages'|r

The big messy list of things to do!


  • After finished processing all Alert/CSA (add any additional XP Bar popups here if present)
  • Show XP on skillbars, autorepair, ETC...

Combat Info:

  • Sometimes the Ultimate Glow texture doesn't show when in Combat and generating ultimate - maybe missing a source of generation to trigger this? Noticed this in a duel.
  • Add Cast Bar Tick Rate Slider

Combat Text:

  • Add alert for stealth broken / stealth suppression.
  • Fix all methods to scroll up properly as well
  • Make scroll speed not require ReloadUI

Unit Frames:

  • Add numeric value onto separate shield bar
  • Add option to remove class/guild/friend/ignore icons off bars
  • Allow execute skull to be moved.

Chat Announcements:

  • CA for Outfits
  • Fix Jewelry Crafting Writ problem (???) fix crafting items from bag error - idk what the first part references, old notes are garbage.
  • Add support for items removed (inventory use)
  • Add support for items removed (quest turn-in for writs)
  • Add support for receiving more than 6 items in the mail (maybe from some NPC mail?)
  • Launder/Sell = Destroy (BUG?) - I'm not even sure what this is, I wrote it down somewhere.
  • Mail giving Inbox Full Error - Also not sure, had it written down somewhere.
  • Messages (Alert) for - when Stealth Suppresion is on - Can't Pickup Scroll - Missing Scrolls -
  • Add Wrothgar Trophy Messages
  • Maybe toggle for "Resuming fight in Progress" from Dungeons too?
  • Make sure Heraldry function actually works.
  • When Used items in Crafting is enabled, if the player has crafting materials in their inventory instead of in the craft bag sometimes the slot is overwritten by the new item, showing the incorrect materials consumed - find a way to correct this.
  • Add Recipe/Style learned hook
  • Look into adding Dyes + Titles to achievement announcements.
  • Many new messages can be added:
    • Porting to Wayshrine
    • No Permissions for Guild Bank modifications
    • LFG Jump Notes
    • Cyrodiil Campaign Queue
    • PVP Guild Keep Claim (Maybe)
    • Purchase Messages from AH (probably not needed)
    • Repair Messages in LUI syntax
    • Bounty Paid/Edict Used
    • Fishing
    • Ress Alert
    • Recipes/Motifs learned? (Motifs show under lorebooks currently)
    • Justice Update CSA

Character based SavedVars

Switch between account wide and character specific settings.

Leaving this here for a future version.

Text anchoring on unit frames seems off by a bit - noticeable with small font

Need to look into this anchoring issue, possible problem with a certain font size and below not being supported, should be updated to either limit minimum font size or chance anchoring method.

EDIT: Anchoring has issues when the bars are too small to support the font size. Possibly implement scaling method? Not sure, seems like a minor issue when you could instead simply keep the sizes relevant enough to avoid it. Closing for now.

Font / Color / Format inconsitencies with Chat Announcements + Combat Log

  • Look into adjusting color and formatting to be the same, currently Achievement announce is particular has a rather ugly color.
  • Adjust Combat Log reporting to chat to be more basic and easily readable (its a technicolor rainbow currently). Consider formatting similar to Recount.
  • Timestamps bugged on Group change event?!?! (Possibly fixed by psypanda, need to confirm)

Food/Drink Buff reminder

Display a center screen announcement reminder if your food/drink buff is about to run out.


  • Combat Info

Suggested LAM Options:

  • Enable/disable
    • Only remind if in Dungeons/Trials
    • Only remind if in PvP/Battleground
  • When to remind (x minutes before it runs out)
  • How often to remind (every x minute after reaching the threshold)

Font Library Options too limited

Currently the choice of fonts for bars is too limited, need to expand library options to allow more fonts to be used (check CombatCloud for implementation)

2/1/2017 - Updating to latest version of LAM fixed this issue, now all shared fonts are available.

Swap Bar for Bar Highlight


  • Add swap bar for bar highlighted abilities - abilities show when active above ability bar
  • Optional - Add option to show greyed out icons for any effect that can have a duration

Info Panel update


  • Info Panel

Rework the Info Panel module and add new features and styling


  • Time
  • FPS
  • Ping
  • Zone (Current)
  • Level
  • Bag Space (Used/Total)
  • Soulgems
  • Gold / AP / TV / WV / TransmuteStones
  • Alliance Rank
  • XP (Current/Needed)


  • Race/Class/Name
  • Horse training timer
  • Reasearch timers
  • WW/Vampire bar
  • Armor status (repair Gold value)
  • Bank Space
  • Lockpicks
  • Tamriel time
  • Fence/Launder info
  • Skyshards (Collected/Total)
  • Achievement points

Set-based permanent buffs are not cleared from the prominent buff tracker when switching zones

When you're wearing a set that gives you a permanently active buff which you are tracking in your prominent buff tracker, a copy of that buff keeps getting added to your prominent buff tracker every time you port to a different zone. Seems like it rechecks your permanent buffs every time you enter a new zone, but forgets to remove the previous instance of that buff.

This stacks up, so after porting to 4 different zone youll have 4 buffs stuck in your buff tracker. The 4th can be removed just fine by unslotting the gear set in question, but the other 3 are stuck in the tracker.

For example, this happens with the Major Resolve buff when wearing Mighty Chudan. Obviously you dont need to have permanent buffs in your buff tracker in the first place, but depending on the trial you're running you might want to wear different sets and not be forced to change your prominent buff settings.

Add "Prominent Buffs"

It would be awesome to have a "Prominent Buffs" window kinda like Srendarr does, so you can set a user generated list of specific buffs/debuffs to track.

At the moment I am using Srendarr only because of this feature so I have my prominent buffs in a separate window (see Screenshot)

I think it would be a great addition to LUI

Compact override table into an array of values

Currently there are many different arrays of AbilityId's listed for each purpose. There s a separate table of values for name override, icon override, type override, and the toggle to hide the display. It would be easier in the long run to compact this into one entry for each abilityID similar to Srendarr's implementation.

The followong information is relevant for this purpose.

  • Name, Icon, Type Override (Buff, Debuff, Unbreakable Debuff), Display Override (Show/Hide) Override to Short/Long Display, Cast Time Override, Duration Override), Refresh Yes/No, Tooltip Override. Information can be ommited as neccesary when not needed.

anyway to move this stuff...

The quest log and the status bar are where I'd normally put a mini-map. I can't see a way to move (or just hide) them at all... can this be added?

I should add - I really like what you've done! Great UI. Just hoping to make it a bit more flexible for my personal taste :) - I was using AUI but it was throwing errors and not being updated. So really glad you guys are picking up the reigns!

Group and Raid Frames display issue - Default frames appearing

To emulate issue:
Default Groups Frames = Set to On
Addon Group Frames = Set to Off
Addon Raid Frames = Set to On

Issue: Join raid with above settings, default party frame also shows.

  • Implement check for player in raid when determining whether or not to display group frames.

Simplify language files

Since the number of strings in the language files is increasing rapidly we should take a closer look on redundant lines not necessary for translation.


SI_LUIE_SKILL_GENERIC_BLEED_0_2_SEC_TP = "Afflicted with Bleeding Damage every |cFFFFFF0.2|r seconds for |cFFFFFF<<1>>|r <<1[second/seconds]>>.",
SI_LUIE_SKILL_GENERIC_BLEED_0_5_SEC_TP = "Afflicted with Bleeding Damage every |cFFFFFF0.5|r seconds for |cFFFFFF<<1>>|r <<1[second/seconds]>>.",


  • en.lua
  • ru.lua
  • Settings_en.lua
  • Settings_ru.lua
  • Skills_en.lua
  • Skills_ru.lua

This will make future translation to other languages (fr de jp) much easier.
Also some strings use \"something\" and some use 'something'. We'd probably change those to use single quotes so no escape chars are needed.

Next Release Update Preparation


  • Add color configuration option to timestamps (default still matches pChat default)
  • Add PrintToChat to chat tabs of player choice into base menu options
  • Fix hook for Skill Windows (to not throw errors with Skills Advisor) + add custom icon/name support to Skills Advisor.
  • Switch any localized player name (raw, formatted, unformatted) into namespace for LUIE instead of in individual components.
  • Add Window Popup with ChangeLog on initial load when version number is updated.
  • Add Keybinds support for some basic slash commands that require no additional input (assistants, /home, /ready, /regroup)

Info Panel:

  • Fix issue where frame appears over other UI elements due to not being added to Scene.
  • Fix fields being cutoff.

Unit Frames:

  • Changing Player Frame method (from Stacked, Pyramid, or Default Style) also resets Group/Raid/Boss frames. Add a menu flag to stop this from happening.
  • Add % slider for low resource warnings - Independent for each type possibly?
  • Add option to change opacity of Shield Bar
  • Add priority option to choose whether player Title or player AVA Rank Name takes precedence.
  • Add separate option for the display of AVA Rank Number & Icon.

Combat Info:

  • Add sound option + choices for Ability procs.
  • Add font/size/position customization options for Ultimate % tracking label
  • Fix order of operations for Ultimate Tracking Label being removed when bar highlight for an Ultimate ability is enabled - currently the label fades after the new one appears causing momentary overlap.
  • Add option to toggle bar highlight on/off for secondary effects triggered by instant cast abilities (Major Savagery from Biting Jabs, Mana restore from Honor the Dead, etc...)

Combat Text:

  • Add option to abbreviate numbers to k
  • Add opacity option
  • Add toggle option for aura detection based Alert events to differentiate ID's commonly used in overworld vs dungeons (or check for group status as a lazy solution to stop as much spam from going off).

Buffs and Debuffs:

  • Fix Roar of Alkosh set - Remove name change for linebreaker (Possibly add new icon? Maybe not needed)
  • Cleanup the "NoRefresh" conditional nonsense in OnCombatEventIn and OnCombatEventOut, should no longer be needed. <- Might need to check a few abilities like stagger, etc - could add those result types in to allow them to pass through the filters.
  • Add option to Display Extra buff icons for effects like Dragon Blood, Restoring Focus, etc...
  • Add option to consolidate major/minor buffs from certain effects like Dragon Blood, Restoring Focus, etc...
  • Add manual blacklist by ID or name input field.

Chat Announcements:

  • Crafting Messages - Add support for upgrading equipped items (new base game feature)
  • Update icon + default color for Outfit Change tokens (since new icon was added)
  • Fix Fighter's Guild throttled rep printer not displaying reputation earned.
  • Look into hooking Guild Heraldry function to resolve correct gold value for initial Heraldry cost/change cost. Currently set to a flat value of 1000.
  • Buy horse from Stable - any way to generate a collectible link here instead of a normal string. Maybe add a check/table to look for Horse names to replace with collectibleId link.
  • Collectible Messages (PTS) - Find a way to hook into the new callback function to restore functionality here.

Effects Table Changes

Current Issues:

  • Add a Dungeon Deserter Debuff timer/tracker?
  • Add Murkmire Furniture Book to ability spreadsheet
  • Eventually Hook Skills Window & Skills Advisor on Gamepad Mode
  • Possibly update icons for Poisons that apply Major/Minor debuffs to just use those icons (Maybe just when you're seeing them from another source - Looks confusing in raids seeing other peoples poison debuffs).
  • Check Generic NPC events from Wrothgar mobs
  • EFFECTS - Hide DeathAchievementCheck auras for Vet dungeons (will show as a buff if a player zones in midway through the dungeon). Not sure if only one ID is present for these or multiple, hide them all.
  • Disguises: Monk Disguise - Icon + Aura (is it hidden with disguise auras set to off - or do we even want to do that?)


  • Glass Motif/Ambrosia Recipe Creation - check to see if stun has default SCT alert
  • Check to see if LFG Weapon + Spell Power buffs exist
  • Get ID's - Golden Disguise, MQ Emp, Vosh Rakh Disguise - have relevant chat messages for CA component when these effects toggle on/off (Sea Viper + Dunmer Cultural Garb have no icons in game files)
  • Wrothgar - Centurion Drop + WW Function need icons, make sure names/display is consistent with Guardian Drop in Vvardenfell
  • Vvardenfell - Public dungeon boss Fire Runes - does this have an alert?
  • Vvardenfell - Barbas - Check refire on Combat Cloud Alert for Lunge
  • Wrothgar - Quest synergy events - replace icons
  • Wrothgar - Niklovara - How do summons behave here? (Durzog variant of Call Ally)

Compact function for fake auras and modifying aura display.

Currently there are too many functions being used to create or override buff duration/display. There is an old method that uses a string table to override information, and my newer function for displaying fake auras. This should be consolidated into one function that determines the relevant information via a series of statements.

"In combat only" doesnt work

User ryh reported on esoui:

"In combat only" ON/OFF (Combat Text Module) - doesn't work.

In is alway ON even if choose to OFF (texts of healing not floating outside combat).

Figure out why refresh toggle option on buffs/debuffs doesn't function.

Currently the buff/debuff component has a boolean setting when updating the frames to refresh. Toggling it off doesn't work. Need to examine how this works to get the functionality working, as we want certain buffs and debuffs that need to be added through a fake aura to not refresh on each tick. Prominent example is the lightning staff heavy attack. It triggers at event on cast and on every tick of damage. We only want this to post once with the full channel duration and drop off if the cast is ended early. Currently it refires with the full duration on every tick. Disabling refresh is the simplest possible way to implement it without adding too much overhead.

Experience Announcements can't be disabled.

Seems like it's impossible to disable announcements of XP in the chat. I have tried a number of variations but something seems broken with this feature. Even when set to off a string is shown telling me current xp and gain towards the next level.

Other than this, frikkin' awesome addon! I can't live without it! Keep up the great work!

I am using Beta v4.99.

Buff sorting and container orientation - future notes

Currently no way to reorganize sorting direction of buffs for individual containers. Possibly nice to add later.

  • More concerning issue: Due to this issue, can't flip JUST vertical or just horizontal buffs.
  • Currently if the player wants to keep the buffs centered under player/target frame, they can't have long term effects present in horizontal container oriented to the left/right. Need to find a way to override the setting for this for just the middle container.
  • Examine relative code again, possibly can consolidate a function or two for simplicity.

Current Effects Worktable



  • Grand Healing Timer Not Working
  • Add Edge Keep Id's/notes to Spreadsheet
  • WW/Vamp - Do a pass on Quests, Icons, TP's, etc
  • Fix set TP's w/ ground label to use TP's that have no duration
  • Check and update any TP's without spacing / check for duration timers
  • NB Ambush might not be showing debuff highlight correctly? - Checked - works
  • Implement new Hard Dismount ID + override for Miat's
  • Check/update names/auras for Reveal/Marking Poison
  • Add Hidden Paired Auras to Active Effects list hide
  • Check keep warp stones Cast Bar work + Recall Penalty TP alright

Add option for old style PrintToChat with all tab printing

NOTE: These options will be removed in the future if I ever get the chance to update pChat:

  • Add Dropdown menu to select print to all tabs or use individual printing.
  • Add toggle option to enable passthrough to pChat for saving chat to restore.
  • Clean up menu and add header.

Misc Bullshit 2, Electric Boogaloo

Random easy crap to do when I'm not at work:


  • Check that BOUND AEGIS code still works
  • Cyrodiil Buffs - Streamline - have a single function handling both player/reticleover called when relevant
  • SCB Stealth Buff - Streamline, have 1 func for handling disguise state that accepts both player/reticleover input called from relevant categories.
  • SCB Disguise Buff - Streamline, 1 func for determining disguise, use handlers for basic code only so as to eliminate redundant code
  • SCB Collectible Buff - Streamline, check how AVA Status returns in BG and put better return statement when in AVA
  • Resolve any leftover localization TODOs, for example in SCB.AddToCustomList()


  • GetKillingAttackerInfo = function(index) --> Add an addPlayer option to change the source for some player effects that shouldn't show as self sourced (Lava, Water in Maelstrom Arena 5, etc)

Check/Fix Death Recap Sources

  • Lava Id's
  • Fire Trap
  • Slaughterfish
  • VMA Water
  • DSA Hazards (if any)

5.9.0 Fix Checklist

  • LMP or LibStub related error
  • Assistant Buff function error in SCB Collectibles

[Feature Suggestion] Change Boss Bars Hight/Width

Like the Title says, maybe you could add a option to change the hight/width of the Boss Bars.

And a few more suggestions that came up when i was playing/using Lui:

  • Option to make Custom health/magicka and Stamina Bar Backgrounds
  • Option to set the Colour of the Health Bars to Class Colours (if such thing even exists)
  • Option to decrease the Magicka/Stamina Bar Hight lower than 20

Thx :)

Update Vicecanon of Venom and a few sets + player ability check

Vicecanon of Venom set need a fake aura for the healing ticks effect from it in addition to needing to mention to healing from the damage ticks on the TP

  • Fake Aura
  • TP for old effect

Cheat Death sets self stun need to check whether they are set as buff/debuff, whether they are updated/hidden on CMX

  • Eternal Warrior
  • Immortal Warrior
  • Phoenix


  • Check "Draw Essence" 32789 is hidden on CMX
  • Check "Shadowy Disguise" 25381 is hidden on CMX
  • Permafrost Stack Counter? (Some easy way to do it?)
  • Easy way to add Minor Ward/Resolve for Bound Aegis?
  • Check all Inhale morphs have proper bar highlight overrides

5.9.1 Related Issues

  • SCB Werewolf component throws UI errors when you die.
  • Double check if LibStub needs to be DependsOn since it's now embedded into LMP. Behavior might vary if a copy of LibStub in the users addon folder somewhere has a manifest.

Unit Frames are off-center

I've reinstalled the addon (ensured folder was deleted) three times trying to resolve this. On the last try I even disabled all other addons in an attempt to troubleshoot. The odd part is this only affect the unit frames, not any of the others.



Hide UI Fails in Player Homes

Describe the bug
When I go to take screenshots in my player homes, I'll have various parts of the UI that do not hide like the info on the upper right and group frames.

Other installed AddOns
The only add ons I could think might cause an issue is essential housing tools.

Add localization support

It would be nice to have a proper localization of LUI somehow.

The esoui wiki provides a good read on that:

We should also move from string.format() to zo_strformat() wherever localization is needed

Unique list of all ZOS strings: (Warning: This is huge)



  • LuiExtended.lua
  • LuiExtendedMenu.lua
    • Info Panel Options
    • Combat Info Options
    • Buffs and Debuffs Options
    • Chat Announcements Options
    • UnitFrames Options
  • LuiExtendedUI.lua


  • ChatAnnouncements.lua
  • CombatInfo.lua
  • InfoPanel.lua
  • SpellCastBuffs.lua
  • UnitFrames.lua


  • Effects.lua
  • AbilityTables.lua

Minor Update preparation (Possibly part of Murkmire API bump or next update)

  • Create a temporary workaround for Mounted Buff & Mount Stamina Bar not toggling off when dismounting via crouch or hard dismount until EVENT_MOUNTED_STATUS_CHANGED is fixed.
  • Fix Group/Raid frames not coloring correctly if no role is detected (in the case of being in a BG or as a fallback)
  • Fix "looted" message sometimes reverting to "received" when rapidly looting items. Need to use a throttle function with a longer reset then standard 50ms buffer printer delay.
  • Fix functionality of - "If custom group frames are unused, then this raid frame will also be used for small groups."
  • Disable normal Attribute Bars & Frames as the default setting if possible.
  • Add option to color Target bar by Class (should take priority over Reaction based color when both are enabled)
  • Hide info panel during UI menus + dialogues
  • Add group member death notification to Combat Text.

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