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dokuwiki-template-vector's Issues

Problem editing toolbox

Navigation Box not showing all the items for certain folders.
Is there a limit as to how many items can be shown on the navigation panel?
There are a few pages missing and I am able to open them via URL, but they don't show in the Navigation panel.

[Feature Request] User tabs supporting translation plugin

It would be nice if the template would support the translation plugin for user defined tabs.


  1. The text should be translated.
  2. Depending on the chosen language the link to a wiki page should be adapted.

$_vector_tabs_left["tab-addnewpage"]["text"] = "New Page";
$_vector_tabs_left["tab-addnewpage"]["wiki"] = ":wiki:addnewpage";

If "German" is chosen the text should be "Neue Seite" and the link should point to "de:wiki:addnewpage".

show/hide option for sidebar language menu

It would be awesome if there is an option to show/hide sidebar language menu in the configuration management without disabling the plugin features.
I would like to control link to the translate pages in my namespace template but there is no way to hide the sidebar menu. I hide it by hacking vector/conf/boxes.php which I know is not the right solution.

main.php:467 and 468

Please replace DOKU_TPL in main.php:467 and 468 with DOKU_TPLINC.
See the correct code below:

if (file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC."user/print.css")){
echo "<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="".DOKU_TPLINC."user/print.css" />\n";

border around qq-upload-button

Every time coworkers I spoke to and myself are uploading files, we're confused about the button to select files to upload, because I has no border around.
I'd suggest to add a border:

div.qq-upload-button {
    border: 1px solid __border__;

color of disabled elements

Disabled elements use neutrale text color __text_neu__ as defined in style.ini, which is "#000". This value doesn't differ from default text color __text__, which makes it hard / impossible do recognize them as being disabled.

Possible solution: use another color, e.g. #999
work around: customize as shown here (tested with farming and does work. the directory tree has to be created).

In static/css/screen.css the following is given:

div.dokuwiki textarea.edit[disabled],
div.dokuwiki textarea.edit[readonly],
div.dokuwiki input.edit[disabled],
div.dokuwiki input.edit[readonly],
div.dokuwiki input.button[disabled],
div.dokuwiki select.edit[disabled] {
  background-color: __background_neu__!important;
  color: __text_neu__!important;
  font-weight: normal;

lib/tpl/vector/user/screen.css ignored in Ponder Stibbons

I did some changes in layout by using lib/tpl/vector/user/screen.css in Binky. This worked well. Today I upgraded to Ponder Stibbons. After that the configurations in lib/tpl/vector/user/screen.css are ignored. I checked, that the file is in place and unchanged. Any idea, whats wrong?

My screen.css:

/* en: Place for user defined CSS rules (screen media) - this file can safely be
preserved when updating. See README for details.

de: Ort für benutzerdefinierte CSS-Regeln (screen media) - Diese Datei kann
beim Durchführen von Updates ohne Risiko beibehalten werden. Konsultieren Sie
die README für Detailinformationen. */

/* Sidebar breiter machen (15em statt 10em) */
#p-logo a,
#left-navigation {
    margin-left: 15em !important;

I posted this issue already on GitHub Dokuwiki. They wrote, its an issue at vector template.

I also started a diskussion in german forum of dokuwiki. If you can read german, it may be helpfull.

National character (Swedish)

When translating the lang.php to Swedish for the theme all lables that start with a (Swedish) national character are droped.

Try with the following


When the same character exsist later inte the text it doesn't seem to trigger this issue - (UPDATE: unless the translated word is short ie. $lang["vector_read"] = "Läs" )

DW (on a stick) version Anteater.

QR Code link breaks https

When displaying the new QR Code, the image is included from a http:// URL. This breaks pages delivered with https://, leading to a "this pages contains unsecure content" error.

Could you build in a check for https and if true, display the image this way ? I imagine the easiest way to do this would be for the PHP to fetch the image before displaying, because a simple replacement of


returns a certificate error - since does not use the correct certificate:

"You attempted to reach, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as *"

wrong solved urls in css

Some not correct parsed urls:


background: url("images/audio-icon.png") center right no-repeat;

is parsed as [wiki]/lib/tpl/vector/images/audio-icon.png


background: url("../../images/audio-icon.png") center right no-repeat;
  • There are more such urls
  • Does audio-icon.png (and some similar icons) still exist?

More general question: Is this maybe duplicated css code with respect to DokuWiki default media layouting?

Backlinks on image pages seem to be created at random?

Some of my image pages (the ones created by the vector template) seem to have automatically created links back to the articles that use those images (just like Wikipedia has). However, the vast, vast majority of my image pages lack such backlinks. And I have no clue how to create them or what determines their creation. Can someone help me?

Here is an example of an image page on my site with such backlinks:

And here is one without:

feature request: navigation box depending on current namespace

I'd like to be able to build the navigation box depending on the current namespace. If the navigation page is specified relative in vector_navigation_location (page name without a namespace, or .:pagename for example), the navigation page should be searched in the current namespace. If there is no navigation page, search parent namespaces up to root --> inherit. This behaviour is similar to search mechanism.

To prevent this suggested behaviour, simply use an absolute page name like :wiki:navigation by checking if first char is a :.

update css for new features/from starter tpl

The latest version of DokuWiki has some diff revisions navigation via dropdowns and forward/backward arrows. (e.g. )

The vector template hasn't yet this css, please have a look at the starter (or 'dokuwiki' tpl when that is your reference) for example styles. (that is about the file lib/tpl/dokuwiki/css/_diff.css)

(Probably the check for updated css is part of your usual update checks, in that case you can ignore this buzz.)

Tables border

I have trouble with correct imagination of tables inside article.

  1. No border in tables
  2. Text alingment ignored

^ Test ^^^
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |


Issues with mobile devices

The default dokuwiki template works great on mobile devices. But the vector template doesn't. Most of the time it isn't possible to edit an article or even view the discussion page. As all of those buttons aren't displayed correctly on mobile devices.

[Bug] Tagcloud in sidebar not show as cloud

i use your vector template with newest dokuwiki and the tagging plugin for tags.
Unfortunately there is an issue with showing the tagcloud.
It is shown, but tags do not differ in size.
First i thought its an issue with the tagging plugin, because it is quite new, but in other templates (e.g. artic) tagcloud is shown correctly.
Any ideas?


translation plugin integration broken

I noticed that the current version of vector doesn't fit togehther with the translation plugin since March 26th. The file structure has changed since then: syntax.php doesn't exist anymore but a directory called syntax including the files trans.php and notrans.php.

It seems that the call of method &plugin_load("syntax", "translation"); in conf/boxes.php doesn't work as before. Result is that the box with the languages is not shown and always the default language navigation.

I opened an issue for translation plugin: splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-translation#56.

edittable + vector + internet explorer = error


I'm trying to implement "edittable" wiki in dokuwiki with "vector" template installed.
every user with internet explorer (only tested version 11 on different computers) is not able to use the edittable plugin. if i use any other browser it seems to work. it also works if i don't use vector template. it doesn't work even if i try it with "Development Snapshot".
for that testing i started a brand new dokuwiki with the microapache that can be builtin within a new download. manually downloaded and installed the vector and edittable plugin.

Debugger of IE warns that there is an error in the /lib/exe/js.php
"if(rowHeaders.length){var TH=this.instance.wtTable.TABLE.querySelector" >> "Object doesn't support property or method 'querySelector'"

As described on the following site, IE with document mode set to "7" gets that problem.

manually switching the document mode in emulation settings, solves the problem.

the following code lines (main.php and mediamanager.php) seem to fix problems with IE but prevent working with ie 11 & edittable

if ($ACT === "edit" &&
header("X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE7");

if ($ACT === "edit" &&
$IE8 = (ereg('MSIE 8',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) ? true : false;
if ($IE8 == 1) {
header("X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE7");
} else {
header("X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge");

so still "edittable + vector + internet explorer 8 = error" but newer versions could do it now.

sitenotice css messed up Linkwizard

When the site notice is included, this is a included rendered page, with class .dokuwiki.

The linkwizard adds itself to the first .dokuwiki in the page, thus using vector that's the sitenotice box.
Now the div of the linkwiz are affected by the css of the sitenotice.

Can you change something on the template to improve this case? or is it better that the Linkwizard will be improved?

lock icon behind each link

I don't exactly know if this is a bug or if I screwed up my conf. but whenever I activate the vector template there is a lock icon behind each link. no matter if it is a site link (e.g. [[test:start|test]] or a system link (e.g. to go to admin dashboard)

Is there any solution to this?

css messes up listings

The css of the Vector template is messing up some listings used in DokuWiki and some plugins.


Why do you mess up your css so difficulty by copy-pasting the whole css of the original Mediawiki template? Every time your template is broken (compared to other templates) and almost not traceable where to fix it in the many many style sheets... How difficult is it to build up new css styles, without just copy-pasting the mediawiki styles?

Change doctype to remove compatibility problems

Some of my pages (especially those using the DISQUS plugin) switch to compatibility mode in IE8 some of the time. I just editted main.php and changed the doctype to:

The page still rendered correctly, and this seemed to fix the compatibility problems. This will also help with plugins designed for HTML5, and remove some cross-browser-compatibility issues.

Page edit broken - edit fails then redirect to 'start' page

*** This is not a problem with Vector Template - apologies

I've posted this issue on the dokuwiki forum:

I have the latest dokuwiki and the latest Vector template installed on my local machine running php 5.3.15. I spent a bit of time getting my site together before pushing it live on a hosted machine that is running php 5.3.26. All is good - wiki and template look great.
However, on the hosted version (php 5.3.26) when I try to edit some pages and click 'save' the page updates are not saved and I am redirected to the wiki 'start' page. I've tried investigating - I even thought it may be bug49642.php so I've tried deleting the style.ini file for Vector but that doesn't seem to work.

I think it is something to do with the CSS failing so the editor just falls over and goes to the start page. It is only on some pages - not all. I don't know where to look. Please help. The fact that it works on a local install but not on my hosted server makes me wonder if it is something to do with the php version - but the hosted server is a more up to date php version.

Only one download package: combine update and new installation package

  • When doing update here twice the wrong version is selected for performing the update (of course by kind of miscommunication).
  • (because whole stuff is in software revision control system we don't lose anything, but i don't know how usual that is)
  • It is bit contra-intuitive due to other plugins and dokuwiki itself don't work with a dual packages.

Therefore my proposal:

  • Please create only one download package.
  • Rename all the example files in the conf/ folder to something like: conf/boxes.php.dist

In this way:

  • you can update the *.dist files when you like,
  • have users always a clean example
  • there is never the possibility to overwrite user created stuff at update.

Picture alignment on google Chrome

We have an issues with picture alignment on google chrome.
Indeed, when i create an article with picture inside, whatever the alignment i choose, it's always on the left.
When i test it on IE, it's good.

Footer Buttons

The documentation for both the Monobook & Vector templates states that if I rename "user/buttons.php.dist" to "user/buttons.php" then it will take priority over the "conf/buttons.php". However, neither the Monobook or Vector template is giving the "user/buttons.php" priority over the "conf/buttons.php".

Both the Monobook & Vector templates recognized other files from the "user" folder (i.e., "logo.png", "favicon.ico" & "apple-touch-icon.png"), but NOT the "user/buttons.php" file.

At first I thought it was a caching problem... but then verified that it was not. I then thought it might be a version issue... so verified that "Vector" was the same version on GitHub (2014-02-09).

I've verified this issue on multiple installations of DokuWiki version "2014-09-29a" (Hrun). My solution was to edit the "conf/buttons.php" file (which immediately corrected the problem). This appears to be a bug in both the Monobook & Vector templates... or their documentation.

Problem with sidebar boxes in Dokuwiki 2016-06-26a

Hi, This is a crosspost of a thread in the Dokuwiki forum just in case this needs to be registered as a bug in the vector template.

I just upgraded my Dokuwiki installation to 2016-06-26a and this caused a problem with the Navigation box in the left margin. For all users except those designated as Admins, the content of the document is not visible but instead the following string is seen:
Please fill or disable this placeholder (:wiki:navigation_sidebar) ]

For an Admin user everything looks as usual. If the regular user clicks on the link the document opens in the main frame without problems.

I'm aware that this may be a compatibility problem with vector but I also tried monobook and it has the same problem.

Also, I don't know if it is relevant but I'm using the authplain plugin for authentication.


Incompatibilty with popupviewer plugin?

The vector template and popupviewer plugin ( seem to be incompatible. On a long page (when you scroll down), strange things happen to the layout after having opened a popup. This does not happen with other templates (tested: default and dokubook).

For testing purposes: here is a clean dokuwiki install with nothing but vector template and popupviewer plugin added:

This is an example page:


That's what it looks like after scrolling down, but BEFORE clicking on a popup:


After closing the popup and scrolling around for a bit, I get this (double scroll bar on the right and text sliding underneath the control elements on top):


note: the double scroll bar does not always appear; I havnt found a pattern yet. Something additionally, the popup is seemingly displayed outside the screen,....

languages sidebar problem with chrome

names of languages listed in sidebar (translation plugin) are not clickable
only when you put mouse over ISO codes links becomes active

other browsers are working fine

dokuwiki Release 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle"
chrome Version 23.0.1271.64 m
vector template Last updated on 2012-10-17
Translation Plugin Date: 2012-02-06

Media Manager - Upload tab - "Select files" button missing

This issue is common to both the Monobook & Vector templates (using DokuWiki version "2014-09-29a" - "Hrun"). After selecting the "Media Manager" and clicking the "Upload" tab, the "Select files..." option appears as plain text (NOT a button). A mouse-over of the text indicates that it is indeed clickable... and upon clicking the text it does function as expected. The only issue is that one must already know that the text is intended to serve as a button. However, the "Upload" button DOES properly appear (below the "Select files..." text).

can't save config changes

I've installed this template and it looks great, but if I try to change any of the template specific settings, it doesn't apply for some reason.

I think this might be down to permissions, I've set everything to writable under lib/tpl/vector/conf , but can't seem to change any settings.

Can you advise?


different use of .toc in dokuwiki vs mediawiki

The file /lib/tpl/vector/static/3rd/vector/main-ltr.css contains

/* Table of Contents */
.mw-warning {
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    background-color: #f9f9f9;
    padding: 5px;
    font-size: 95%;

For mediawiki this is the border of the table of content.

However dokuwiki uses .toc for the ul items of the listings in the ToC.

In the indexmenu plugin we built an alternative toc list, which interferes with this mediawiki class. Can you eliminate/compensate this class in the template css please?

Sidebar/Main-Content Dynamic Divider

The wider sidebar hack is great for addressing the navigation issue but ultimately really takes away from the cleanliness of the vector design. Is there any way to have an adjustable sidebar which the user can drag to expand the sidebar/main content areas? Something like the splitter between html and css on or the vertical splitter found at I'm sure that people using vector would adopt this feature hole-heartedly as it would greatly improve sidebar-navigation functionality :)

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