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leetcode-38's Introduction

Data Structure and Algorithms

Lintcode Solution

Ladder - Algorithm

1 - Defeat the Algorithm Interview

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
627 Longest Palindrome Java Easy HashMap
13 Implement strStr Java Easy String
415 Valid Palindrome Java Medium Character
200 Longest Palindrome Substring Java
Medium DP

2 - Breadth First Search

No. Title Solution Difficulty Notes
433 Number of Islands Java
69 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Java
615 Course Schedule Java
616 Course ScheduleII Java
605 Sequence Reconstruction Python Medium
137 Clone Graph Python Medium
127 Topological Sorting Python Medium
7 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Python Medium
120 Word Ladder Python Hard BFS

3 - Binary Search

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
458 Last Position of Target Python Easy
585 Maximum Number in Mountain Sequence Python Medium
460 Find K Closest Elements Python Medium
447 Search in a Big Sorted Array Python Medium
428 Pow(x, n) Python Medium Recursion
158 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Python Medium
140 FastPower(x, n) Python Medium 🚧
75 Find Peak Element Python Medium
74 First Bad Version Python easy
62 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Python Medium 🚧

4 - Binary Tree

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
900 Closest Binary Search Tree Value Python Easy
596 Minimum Subtree Python Easy
480 Binary Tree Paths Python Easy
453 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Python Easy 🚧
93 Balanced Binary Tree Python Easy
902 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Python Medium inorder
901 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II Python Hard inorder + Binary search
578 Lowest Common Ancestor III Python Medium 🚧
95 Validate Binary Search Tree Python Medium 🚧
86 Binary Search Tree Iterator Python Medium 🚧

5 - Two Pointers

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
228 Middle of Linked List Python Easy LinkedList
607 Two Sum III - Data structure design Python Easy
539 Move Zeroes Python Easy
521 Remove Duplicate Numbers in Array Python Easy
464 Sort Integers II Python Easy mergeSort/quickSort
608 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Python Medium
143 Sort Colors II Python Medium quickSort
57 3Sum Python Medium
31 Partition Array Python Medium
5 Kth Largest Element Python Medium

6 - Implicit Graph DFS

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
680 Split String Python Medium
425 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python Medium
153 Combination Sum Python Medium
135 Combination Sum II Python Medium
33 N-Queens Python Medium
17 Subsets Python Medium
18 SubsetsII Python Medium
15 Permutations Python Medium
829 Word Pattern II Python Hard
121 Word Ladder II Python Hard

7 - Hash & Heap

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
642 Split String Python Easy
494 Implement Stack by Two Queues Python Easy
209 Combination Sum Python Easy
657 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Python Medium
612 K Closest Points Python Medium
554 Top k Largest Numbers Python QuickSelect Medium 🚧 quickselect
40 Implement Queue using Stacks Python Medium
104 Merge k Sorted Lists Python Medium
4 Ugly Number II Python Medium
134 LRU Cache Python Medium

8 - Memoization Search

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
683 Word Break III Python Medium 🚧
109 Triangle Python Medium
107 Word Break Python Medium
582 Word Break II Python Medium 不能看见wordbreak就dp啊 这题求所有解你用dp干嘛... 🚧
192 Wildcard Matching Python Hard
154 Regular Expression Matching Python Hard 难一点的192 🚧

9 - 4 Key Points of DP and Coordinate DP

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
115 Unique Paths II Python Easy
114 Unique Paths Python Easy
111 Climbing Stairs Python Easy
110 Minimum Path Sum Python Easy
603 largest divisible subset Python Medium
76 longest increasing subsequence Python Medium
602 Russian Doll Envelopes Python Hard binary search 🚧 my favorite by far

10 - Additional Level

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
840 Range Sum Query - Mutable Python Medium Segment Tree
486 Merge K Sorted Arrays Python Medium heap
577 Merge K Sorted Interval Lists Python Medium heap
931 Median of K Sorted Arrays Python Hard 二分答案
577 Merge K Sorted Interval Lists Python Medium
654 Sparse Matrix Multiplication Python Medium

Ladder - Advanced Algorithm

2 - Union Find & Trie

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
❗1070 Accounts Merge Python Medium
589 Connecting Graph Python Medium
590 Connecting Graph II Python Medium
591 Connecting Graph III Python Medium
178 Graph Valid Tree Python Medium
442 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Python Medium

3 - Stack, Deque, Heap

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
575 Decode String Java Python Medium stack StringBuilder, instanceof
363 Trapping Rain Water Java
12 Min Stack Python Medium stack
360 Sliding Window Median Java Hard
364 Trapping Rain Water II Python Hard
510 Maximal Rectangle Python Hard
126 Max Tree Python Hard monotonic stack decreasing
122 Largest Rectangle in Histogram Python Java Hard monotonic stack O(n)
81 Find Median from Data Stream Python Hard maxheap & minheap

4 - Sweep Line + Binary Search

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
141 Sqrt(x) Python easy binary search
919 Meeting Rooms II Python Medium sorted(lis, key=(lambda x: [x[1], x[0]]))
617 Maximum Average Subarray II Python Hard binary search 🚧
586 Sqrt(x) II Python Medium binary search
391 Number of Airplanes in the Sky Python Medium
437 Copy Books Python Medium
438 Copy Books II Python Medium
414 Divide Two Integers Python Medium bit, intMax 🚧
390 Find Peak Element II Python Hard
633 Find the Duplicate Number Python Hard 🚧
362 Sliding Window Maximum Python Hard queue 🚧
183 Wood Cut Python Hard

5 - Dynamic Problem I

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
397 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence Python
110 Minimum Path Sum Python
41 Maximum Subarray. Python
152 Decode Ways Python
436 Maximal Square Python
200 Longest Palindromic Substring Python
395 Coins in a Line II Python
394 Coins in a Line Python
392 House Robber PythonJava Medium
191 Max Product Subarray PythonJava Medium
76 Longest Increasing Subsequence PythonJava Medium
676 Decode Ways II Python
168 BurstBalloons Java Hard
430 Scramble String Python
398 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence II Python

6 - Dynamic Problem II

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
❗593 Stone Game II Python Medium Alice和Bob这一天天的啊 1686/1690
❗476 Stone Game Python Medium
❗ 395 Coins in a Line II Java Medium
❗ 394 Coins in a Line Java Medium
92 Backpack I Python Medium
125 Backpack II Python Medium
440 Backpack III Python Medium
119 Edit Distance Java Medium
29 Interleaving String Java Medium DP / Recursion in class
❗396 Coins in a Line III Python) Hard dfs + 剪枝
❗623 K Edit Distance Python Hard 119 follow-up/Trie
❗89 K Sum Python Hard DP[][][] 🚧

7 - Follow Up

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
22 Flatten List Python Easy instance(object, type)
528 Flatten Nested List Iterator Python Medium followup-22
601 Flatten 2D Vector Python Medium
138 Subarray Sum Python Easy Prefix Sum & Hashmap
139 Subarray Sum Closest Python Medium 138 follow up
402 Continuous Subarray Sum Python Medium Prefix Sum / Sliding window careful with minIdx and left idx
404 Subarray Sum II Python Medium Two Pointers Edge case j == rStart
5 Kth Largest Element Python Medium QuickSelect partition
399 Nuts & Bolts Problem Python Medium QuickSelect comparator
86 Binary Search Tree Iterator Python
Hard inorder

0 - Where it starts 💪💪💪

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
1048 Longest String Chain Python Medium bfs + memoization search
430 Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List Python Medium linkedlist + bfs 🚧 very good question
374 Guess Number Higher or Lower Python Easy Binary Search
375 Guess Number Higher or Lower II Python Medium DP 🚧

Ladder - System Design

1 - Introduction to System Design & News Feed System

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
355 Design Twitter Python Medium

2 - User System - Database & Cache

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
Lintcode 560 Friendship Service Python Easy
Lintcode 538 Memcache Python Medium
Lintcode 502 Mini Cassandra Python Medium

3 - Database Sharding & Consistent Hashing

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
Lintcode 519 Consistent Hashing Python Easy
Lintcode 526 Load Balancer Python Medium
Lintcode 520 Consistent Hashing II Python Medium
Lintcode 505 Web Logger Python Medium
Lintcode 215 Rate Limiter Python Hard

4 - API Design & TinyURL

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
522 Tiny URL II Python Medium
232 Tiny URL Python Medium

5 - Location Based Service

No. Title Solution Difficulty Tags Notes
530 Geohash II Python Medium
529 Geohash Python Medium
525 Mini Uber Python Medium
509 Mini Yelp Python Hard

Leetcode Solution

No. Title Solution Difficulty Notes
1 Two Sum Python Easy
2 Add Two Numbers Python Medium
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Python Medium
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Python Hard 🚧
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Python Medium DP
6 ZigZag Conversion Python Medium 🚧
7 Reverse Integer Python Easy
8 String to Integer (atoi) Python Medium
9 Palindrome Number Python Easy
10 Regular Expression Matching Python Hard 9章强化班 dp
11 Container With Most Water Python Medium two pointers
12 Integer to Roman Python Medium
13 Roman to Integer Python Easy
14 Longest Common Prefix Python Easy
15 3Sum Python Medium two pointers
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python Medium dfs
20 Valid Parentheses Python Easy
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Python Easy
28 Implement strStr() Python Easy KMP
29 Divide Two Integers Python Medium bit, intMax 🚧
30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words Python Hard
31 Next Permutation Python Medium
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Python Medium Binary Search, Rotated Array Your weakness
37 Sudoku Solver Python Hard dfs
39 Combination Sum Python Medium dfs
40 Combination Sum II Python Medium dfs
42 Trapping Rain Water Java
46 Permutations Python Medium dfs
47 Permutations II Python Medium dfs
49 Group Anagrams Python Medium
54 Spiral Matrix Python Medium
56 Merge Intervals Python Medium
57 Insert Interval Python Hard 🚧 NlogN as 56
62 Unique Paths Python Medium dp
63 Unique Paths II Python Medium dp
64 Minimum Path Sum Python Medium dp
65 Valid Number Python Hard 啥题啊这是
66 Plus One Python Easy
72 Edit Distance Python Hard DP
78 Subsets Python Medium dfs
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram Python
85 Maximal Rectangle Python Hard Monotonic Stack
88 Merge Sorted Array Python Medium
90 SubsetsII Python Medium dfs
92 Reverse Linked List II Python Medium
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Python Medium Morris Traversal
95 Unique Binary Search Trees II Python Medium DP 🚧
96 Unique Binary Search Trees Python Medium DP 🚧
97 Interleaving String Python Hard dp 双序列 🚧
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Python Medium
99 Recover Binary Search Tree Python Hard Morris 🚧
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Java
Medium BFS
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Python Medium
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Python Easy BFS
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Python Medium 🚧Mar23
115 Distinct Subsequences Python Hard DP
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Python Medium
117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II Python Medium BFS
118 Pascal's Triangle Python Easy
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python Easy
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Python Easy
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Python Hard 🚧
126 Word Ladder II Python Hard BFS
127 Word Ladder Python Medium BFS
133 Clone Graph Python Medium BFS
134 Gas Station Python Medium
136 Single Number Python Easy XOR
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Python Medium
139 Word Break Python Medium DP
140 Word Break II Python Hard DP 🚧
141 Linked List Cycle Python Easy
142 Linked List Cycle II Python Medium
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Python Hard Morris 🚧
147 Insertion Sort List Python Medium LinkedList 🚧
152 Maximum Product Subarray Python Medium DP 🚧
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Python Medium Rotated Array
154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II Python Hard Rotated Array with duplicates
155 Min Stack Python Easy stack
159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters Python Medium Sliding Window
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Python Easy Linked List Overlap
161 One Edit Distance Python Medium
163 Missing Ranges Python Medium G
165 Compare Version Numbers Python Medium
168 Excel Sheet Column Title Python Easy G
189 Rotate Array Python Easy inplace swap
199 Binary Tree Right Side View Solution Python Medium
201 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range Python Medium bit
202 Happy Number Python Easy
206 Reverse Linked List Python Easy recursive
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Python Medium sliding window(每次pop都要update result) follow up 862
214 Shortest Palindrome Python Hard KMP
218 The Skyline Problem Python HARD sweepline
219 Contains Duplicate II Python Easy
220 Contains Duplicate III Python Medium Bucket Sort
223 Rectangle Area Python Medium
226 Invert Binary Tree Python Easy
229 Majority Element II Python Medium time-O(n) space-O(1)
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Python Medium inorder
236 Lowest Common Ancestor III Python Medium 🚧
239 Sliding Window Maximum Python Hard queue
242 Valid Anagram Python Easy
253 Meeting Rooms II Python Medium sorted(lis, key=(lambda x: [x[1], x[0]]))
254 Factor Combinations Python Medium
267 Palindrome Permutation II Python Medium
269 Alien Dictionary Python Hard fook the edge cases
270 Closest Binary Search Tree Value Python Easy Binary Tree
271 Encode and Decode Strings Python Medium G
272 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II Python Hard inorder + Binary search
273 Integer to English Words Python Hard
274 H-Index Python Medium
276 Paint Fence Python Easy G
285 Inorder Successor in BST Python Medium 510
286 Walls and Gates Python Medium
289 Game of Life Python Medium G
292 Nim Game Python Easy
293 Flip Game Python Easy
294 Flip Game II Python Medium dfs+memoization
296 Best Meeting Point Python Hard G 1. the 2D case as two independent 1D problems. 2. the median must be the optimal meeting point.
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Python Hard BFS
299 Bulls and Cows Python Easy
303 Range Sum Query - Immutable Python Easy 前缀和
304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable Python Medium 2d前缀和
307 Range Sum Query - Mutable Python Medium Segment Tree
309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown Python Medium
310 Minimum Height Trees Python Medium UF 🚧
316 Remove Duplicate Letters Python Hard Stack
320 Generalized Abbreviation Python Medium dfs G
323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph Python Medium UnionFind
333 Largest BST Subtree Python Medium BST Divide&Conquer
334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence Python Medium
337 House Robber III Python Medium DFS Divide&Conquer
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator Python Medium
346 Moving Average from Data Stream Python Easy
347 Top K Frequent Elements Python Medium
348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe Python Medium
349 Intersection of Two Arrays Python Easy
355 Design Twitter Python Medium
358 Design Snake Game Python Medium G
359 Logger Rate Limiter Python Easy
360 Sliding Window Median Java Hard PriorityQueue maxheap/minheap
362 Design Hit Counter Python Medium queue
363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K Python Hard prefixSum + bisect
372 Super Pow Python Medium pow Mod
383 Ransom note Python Easy
387 First Unique Character in a String Solution Python Easy
389 Find the Difference Python Easy
394 Decode String Java
Medium Stack
395 Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters Python
Medium Divide and Conquer 🚧
407 Trapping Rain Water II Python Hard Heap
415 Add Strings Python Easy
422 Valid Word Square Python Easy
425 Word Squares Python Hard DFS + Memorization 🚧
435 Non-overlapping Intervals Python Medium
438 Find All Anagrams in a String Python Medium
443 String Compression Python Easy
444 Sequence Reconstruction Python Medium BFS Topological Sort
445 Add Two Numbers II Python Medium
451 Sort Characters By Frequency Python Medium
459 Repeated Substring Pattern Python Easy String
460 LFU Cache Python Hard
462 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II Python Medium Median Arr
464 Can I Win Python Medium Memoization + dfs 🚧
465 Optimal Account Balancing Python Hard Greedy 🚧 G
468 Validate IP Address Python Medium String
472 Conncatenated Words Python Hard DP 🚧
476 Number Complement Python Easy
482 License Key Formatting Python Easy G
485 Max Consecutive Ones Python Easy G
486 Predict the Winner Python Medium G
489 Robot Room Cleaner Python Hard dfs+backtracking 🚧
503 Next Greater Element II Python Medium
509 Fibonacci Number Python Easy 用dfs+memoization做fibonacci我简直是太拼了
510 Inorder Successor in BST II Python Medium 285
516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence Python Medium dp 会了
518 Coin Change 2 Python Medium
525 Contiguous Array Python Medium
526 Beautiful Arrangement Python Medium
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL Python Medium
543 Diameter of Binary Tree Python Easy Tree 1245
560 Subarray Sum Equals K Python Medium
562 Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix Python Medium G
582 Kill Process Python Medium
583 Delete Operation for Two Strings Python Medium DP longest common subsequence
593 Valid Square Python Medium G
604 Design Compressed String Iterator Python Easy G
635 Design Log Storage System Python Medium
636 Exclusive Time of Functions Python Medium stack
638 Shopping Offer Python Medium DFS + Pruning
642 Design Search Autocomplete System Python Hard Heap/Queue Edge Case
644 Maximum Average Subarray II Python Hard binary search presum array
662 Maximum Width of Binary Tree Python Medium G
679 24 Game Python Hard DFS
681 Next Closest Time Python Medium G
685 Redundant Connection II Python Hard Union Find 判断valid tree: 只有root的indegere是0, 其他node的indegree一定是1 => 有环出现,root的indegree变成1, 或者某个非根节点indegree变成2 🚧
690 Employee Importance Python Easy G
692 Top K Frequent Words Python Medium heap
695 Max Area of Island Python Medium dfs
703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream Python Easy heap
705 Design HashSet Python Easy hashset G
706 Design HashMap Python Easy hashfunc, open hash G
707 Design Linked List Python Medium
708 Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List Python Medium LinkedList ✅
720 Longest Word in Dictionary Python Easy Trie
721 Accounts Merge Python Medium Union Find
722 Remove Comments Python Medium Kill me
723 Candy Crush Python Medium
724 Find Pivot Index Python Easy
727 Minimum Window Subsequence Python Hard DP G:construction:
729 My Calendar I Python Medium Binary Search Tree 🚧swipeline也可以做,但mutable每次更新都要扫一遍,所以treemap(Binary search tree)可以避免重复
731 My Calendar II Python Medium 这题要把overlap判定和insert分开。如果同时进行会导致已经insert了一部分并且改变了之前的root之后发现overlap,return false同时改变了前面的root => 错了
733 Flood Fill Python Easy BFS G
740 Delete and Earn Python Medium DP 198
743 Network Delay Time Python Medium heap + Dijkstra's Algo 这道题要注意的是每次要把cost都放到heap里面,不能用global cost
745 Prefix and Suffix Search Python Hard
748 Shortest Completing Word Python Easy
752 Open the Lock Python Medium BFS G
753 Cracking the Safe Python Hard DFS G:construction:
766 Toeplitz Matrix Python Easy G
774 Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station Python Hard Binary Search G二分方法
777 Swap Adjacent in LR String Python Medium
787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Python Medium heap + Dijkstra's Algo
792 Number of Matching Subsequences Python Medium bisect
797 All Paths From Source to Target Python Medium
800 Similar RGB Color Python Easy Hexadecimal G
801 Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing Python Hard DP G
802 Find Eventual Safe States Python Medium G
809 Expressive Words Python Medium G
833 Find And Replace in String Python Medium G
835 Image Overlap Python Medium G
841 Keys and Rooms Python Medium
844 Backspace String Compare Python Easy
847 Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes Python Hard dfs + memoization 🚧
850 Rectangle Area II Python Hard Sweep line
853 Car Fleet Python Medium G
859 Buddy Strings Python Easy
862 Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K Python Hard monotonic queue
876 Middle of the Linked List Python Easy
877 Stone Game Python Medium
887 Super Egg Drop Python Hard
889 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal Python Medium Binary Tree Pre/Post order
904 Fruit Into Baskets Python Medium Sliding Window
918 Maximum Sum Circular Subarray Python Medium circular不用double做 用total-minimum
925 Long Pressed Name Python Easy
929 Unique Email Addresses Python Easy String
931 Minimum Falling Path Sum Python Medium DP
935 Knight Dialer Python Medium DP
939 Minimum Area Rectangle Python Medium
940 Distinct Subsequences II Python Hard 🚧
946 Validate Stack Sequences Python Medium Stack
949 Largest Time for Given Digits Python Easy itertools.permutations(arr)
951 Flip Equivalent Binary Trees Python Medium Binary Tree / Divide&Conquer
958 Check Completeness of a Binary Tree Python Medium Divide&Conquer perfect / complete binary tree
973 K Closest Points to Origin Python Medium Kth: Heap / Quick Select list(map(lambda x: x[1], h))
975 Odd Even Jump Python Hard 🚧 G 不会,考了就凉
987 Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree Python Medium BST
992 Subarrays with K Different Integers Python Hard Sliding Window
1007 Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row Python Medium Array
1008 Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal Python Medium bst
1011 Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days Python Medium Binary Search
1014 Best Sightseeing Pair Python Medium 🚧
1022 Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers Python easy
1024 Video Stitching Python Medium 🚧 greedy!!!
1026 Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor Python Medium Divide&Conquer
1028 Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal Python Hard Divide&Conquer
1029 Two City Scheduling Python Easy heap
1043 Partition Array for Maximum Sum Python Medium DP return dp[n-1]
1046 Last Stone Weight Python Easy
1048 Longest String Chain Python Medium dfs+memoization 这题真会了
1049 Last Stone Weight II Python Medium knapsack 🚧 0/1背包 就本来没有那么难吧 discuss里非秀操作写的贼跳 看了二年都看不懂 为什么不能写的朴实一点
1055 Shortest Way to Form String Python Medium greedy 🚧
1056 Confusing Number Python Easy
1057 Campus Bikes Python Medium heap
1060 Missing Element in Sorted Array Python Medium Binary Search
1062 Longest Repeating Substring Python Medium dp 🚧G
1074 Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target Python Hard 363 🚧G
1081 Smallest Subsequence of Distinct Characters Python Hard Stack 🚧
1086 High Five Python Easy heap
1087 Brace Expansion Python Medium dfs
1088 Confusing Number II Python Hard dfs & backtracking 🚧
1091 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix Python Medium BST
1092 Shortest Common Supersequence Python Hard LCS 🚧
1094 Car Pooling Python Medium
1102 Path With Maximum Minimum Value Python Medium bfs+heap Dijkstr
1110 Delete Nodes And Return Forest Python Medium BFS
1131 Maximum of Absolute Value Expression Python Medium 121, 1013 🚧
1134 Armstrong Number Python Easy
1140 Stone Game II Python Medium DP
1145 Binary Tree Coloring Game Python Medium
1146 Snapshot Array Python Medium bisect
1153 String Transforms Into Another String Python Hard It's a brain teaser
1161 Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree Python Medium BSF
1176 Diet Plan Performance Python Easy
1192 Critical Connections in a Network Python Hard Graph Bridges tutorial
1215 Stepping Numbers Python Medium dfs
1219 Path with Maximum Gold Python Medium Search
1223 Dice Roll Simulation Python Medium DP 🚧 太难了,最难的medium
1229 Meeting Scheduler Python Medium swipe line
1230 Toss Strange Coins Python Medium DP 🚧
1231 Divide Chocolate Python Hard 二分答案 dfs+pruning=>TLE,二分方法=>AC
1245 Tree Diameter Python Medium graph
1248 Count Number of Nice Subarrays Python Medium Sliding window 992
1256 Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse Python Medium
1257 Smallest Common Region Python Medium Unionfind
1262 Greatest Sum Divisible by Three Python Medium DP
1273 Delete Tree Nodes Python Medium
1277 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones Python Medium DP
1292 Maximum Side Length of a Square with Sum Less than or Equal to Threshold Python Medium G
1296 Divide Array in Sets of K Consecutive Numbers Python Medium G
1300 Sum of Mutated Array Closest to Target Python Medium Binary Search
1320 Minimum Distance to Type a Word Using Two Fingers Python Hard DP 🚧 G
1325 Delete Leaves With a Given Value Python Medium G
1331 Rank Transform of an Array Python Easy
1332 Remove Palindromic Subsequences Python Easy
1339 Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree Python Medium
1342 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero Python Easy bit
1352 Product of the Last K Numbers Python Medium
1361 Validate Binary Tree Nodes Python Medium UnionFind
1365 How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number Python Easy bisect
1366 Rank Teams by Votes Python Medium heap
1367 Linked List in Binary Tree Python Medium BFS
1372 Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree Python Medium Divide and Couquer
1376 Time Needed to Inform All Employees Python Medium BFS
1389 Create Target Array in the Given Order Python Easy
1390 Four Divisors Python Medium
1391 Check if There is a Valid Path in a Grid Python Medium BFS with condition
1392 Longest Happy Prefix Python Hard KMP
1394 Find Lucky Integer in an Array Python Easy
1395 Count Number of Teams Python Medium
1396 Design Underground System Python Medium
1397 Find All Good Strings Python Hard KMP + DFS
1399 Count Largest Group Python Easy
1400 Construct K Palindrome Strings Python Medium
1401 Circle and Rectangle Overlapping Python Medium
1402 Reducing Dishes Python Hard
1404 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number in Binary Representation to One Python Medium
1405 Longest Happy String Python Medium
1406 Stone Game III Python Hard DP 🚧 Alice and Bob bothering me again
1448 Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree Python Medium
1460 Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arrays Python Easy

leetcode-38's People


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