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scala-jsonschema's Issues

README examples need more clarification

The documentation on the front page makes it difficult to pick up as a new user:

import json._

val personSchema: json.Schema[Person] = Json.schema[Person]

isn't going to work because Json isn't found. It isn't imported and searching for a Json type within the repo doesn't help. Perhaps a compilable examples module or be more explicit in your readme?

base classes


I'm wondering should it pick the value x inside TBase ?

sealed trait TBase { var x: Long = 0 }
case class Derived(var y: String) extends TBase

val jsonSchema = Json.schema[Derived]
println(JsonFormatter.format(AsValue.schema(jsonSchema, json.schema.Version.Draft04())))

Gives the result:

  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "properties": {
    "y": {
      "type": "string"
  "required": [

Creating Schema for custom types


Any idea how do I define a schema when using cats NonEmptyList.

case class Error(errorCode: String, desc: String)
object Error {
  implicit val schema: json.Schema[Error] = json.Json.schema[Error]

case class Data(errors: Option[NonEmptyList[Error]])

object Data {
  implicit val schema: json.Schema[Data] = json.Json.schema[Data]

I currently get this error-

schema for A is not supported,[Error]

Looking at SchemaMacro.resolve, I see the types defined. There is Iterable and Array. But, I am not able to figure out a way to create a schema where I want to treat NonEmptyList as an Iterable because its not really implementing Iterable.

Thanks for any help.

Add support for custom patternProperties for keys on Schema[Map[String, T]]

I would like to restrict the keyspace of Map[String, _] keys to help guarantee interoperability with other systems (e.g. NoSQL). However, currently the "patternProperties" is fixed with the pattern "^.*$". It would be nice to be able to specify the pattern(s) for keys similarly to how is done with Schema.string.

Request for new use case

Hi, thanks for writing this software.

There is one use case that would be really wonderful if it was supported.

Basically, my project uses Circe to serialize an object of type FiniteDuration as a string. So for serialization, 10.seconds is "10s" and 10.milliseconds is "10ms". For deserialization, the deserializer reads the string and decodes it into FiniteDuration.

I would like it if I could generate JSON schema for my case class that contains FiniteDuration. To do that, I need to be able to write a custom json.Schema[FiniteDuration] which acts as json.Schema[String] with validation. Or, just a way to swap json.Schema[FiniteDuration] with json.Schema[String].

So some way to write custom json.Schema class would be nice, or else just a way to swap json.Schema[FiniteDuration] with json.Schema[String]. Currently, the second option doesn't work due to type checking.

Support for untyped or "metadata" field

I have a case class which is defined similar to the following:

case class Payload(id: String, name: String, metadata: JsObject)

where JsObject refers to the play-json class.

The field isn't have to be a JsObject necessarily but really is just intended to provide a place where a user can specify arbitrary untyped json.

I tried changing this to Object and tried to imagine how I could represent this as a Map[String, T] of some sort but wasn't able to come up with anything.

I read through docs and wandered through the codebase looking for some indication of how I might achieve this. Is this doable today?

Json (capital J) is not included with import json._

I can't figure out how to actually make a schema because the example on the readme seems to be incorrect. import json._ works to import json, which gives me access to the json.Schema type as expected. However, I cannot create a schema with Json.schema because Json is not included in that import at all.

I'm using this version:


Is it possible there's some difference in the exports that is not reflected in the documentation?

Default values in Scala case class should be added as default in json-schema

When I create a json-schema from a case class with default values in Scala like:

case class Brilliant(param1: Boolean = true, param2: String = "MyHotString") extends Model

The properties in json-schema should have these added as "default" like:

    "properties" : {
      "param1" : {
        "type" : "boolean",
        "default": true
      "param2" : {
        "type" : "string",
        "default": "MyHotString"

support of self-referenced case classes

I have an use-case that may be beneficial from this feature. I am wondering what's the plan here? I am willing to help but not familiar with the code base.

Schema not compiling for a value class with Integer value

I try to create a schema for

case class PixelConfiguration(
                               name: String,
                               comments: List[String] = List(),
                               pixel: Option[Pixel] = None,
                               publisherId: Set[PublisherId] = Set(),
                               forwardPercent: Option[Int] = None
                             ) extends Model with Validates[PixelConfiguration]


case class PublisherId(val value: Int) extends AnyVal with IntField with Validates[PublisherId] 


val schemaJson: Json = Json.schema[List[PixelConfiguration]].asCirce(Version.Draft07(id = s"$version.json$timestamp"))

but get a type mismatch:

[error]  found   : json.Schema.integer.type
[error]  required: json.Schema[com.liveintent.dwh.common.fields.PublisherId]
[error]     val schemaJson: Json = Json.schema[List[PixelConfiguration]].asCirce(Version.Draft07(id = s"$version.json$timestamp"))

I have tried to follow the answers you gave in #19 and #22 but can't convince to Json.schema to treat as a list of PublisherId instead of Integers.

How do I force/workaround this?

Getting schema from companion object will return companion object's first apply parameter

If a case class has a companion object, it seems like we are unable to get the case class' parameters if there is an apply method with a parameter defined. The json schema will return a schema with the parameter's schema as the properties. See below.

  case class multiparam(p1: String, p2: Int, p3: Double)

  case class t1(foo: String, bar: String)
  object t1 {
    def apply(): t1 = t1("","")
    def apply(foobar: multiparam): t1 = t1("foo","bar")
    def apply(int: Int): t1 = t1("1","2")

  case class t2(foo: String, bar: String)
  object t2 {
    def apply(): t2 = t2("","")
    def apply(int: Int): t2 = t2("1","2")
    def apply(foobar: multiparam): t2 = t2("foo","bar")

  case class t3(foo: String, bar: String)
  object t3 {
    def apply(): t3 = t3("","")

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    def pprint(obj: json.Schema[_]) = { println(s"\n\n=====================\n${JsonFormatter.format(AsValue.schema(obj))}")}



  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "properties": {
    "foobar": {
      "type": "object",
      "additionalProperties": false,
      "properties": {
        "p1": {
          "type": "string"
        "p2": {
          "type": "integer"
        "p3": {
          "type": "number"
      "required": [
  "required": [

  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "properties": {
    "int": {
      "type": "integer"
  "required": [

  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "properties": {
    "foo": {
      "type": "string"
    "bar": {
      "type": "string"
  "required": [

Is there any way to get the schema of the parameters of the case class (like t3) if there is an apply function with parameters already?

Feature Request: support Map[EnumEntry, V] of enumeratum's EnumEntry

Hi @andyglow,

currently only Map[String, T] is supported, would it be possible to support Map[EnumEntry, V]?

We use enumeratum library to build an enum type.
This type is used as key in a Map. When trying to build a json schema out of this it fails with:

scala.collection.immutable.Map takes 2 type parameters, expected: 1

Mapping EnumEntry to String for json should be easy I think, because every EnumEntry defines def entryName: String

Publish 0.0.9

Could you please publish version 0.0.9 of this library? The additional work on sealed traits was very helpful!

schema.apply is confusing

schema("foo") updates schema with a refName, which might confuse as not always schema which has refName lands into definition section. ref actually is what come to definition.
so api needs to be improved on this regard.

#80 mentions this confusion

can't infer schema for optionable field with default None


case class Boo(a: Int)
case class Foo(n: Int, boo: Option[Boo]=None)

compilation fails with Can't infer a json value for 'boo'.

But without None compiles OK.

case class Boo(a: Int)
case class Foo(n: Int, boo: Option[Boo])

value asInstanceOf is not a member of <notype> when using refined NonEmptyString

I'm seeing this error when trying to generate json schema for case class using refined NonEmptyString type:

value asInstanceOf is not a member of <notype>
Note that <none> extends Any, not AnyRef.
Such types can participate in value classes, but instances
cannot appear in singleton types or in reference comparisons.

When changing NonEmptyString to String everything works fine

example code:

import com.github.andyglow.json.JsonFormatter
import com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.AsValue
import com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.RefinedSupport._
import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString
import json.{Json, Schema}

case class MyTest(string: NonEmptyString)

implicit val myTestSchema: Schema[MyTest] = Json.schema[MyTest]

println(JsonFormatter.format(AsValue.schema(myTestSchema, json.schema.Version.Draft04())))

I'm using scala 2.13.3 with scala-jsonschema 0.2.8

I thought NonEmptyString should work even not being mentioned in the ReadMe explicitly but
eu.timepit.refined.boolean.Not and eu.timepit.refined.collection.Empty are supported.

add support for sealed value class families

sealed trait Val extends Any
case class IntVal(value: Int) extends AnyVal with Val
case class BoolVal(value: Boolean) extends AnyVal with Val
case class StrVal(value: String) extends AnyVal with Val

for now such a family will generate a schema of oneof for a set of object having one value field each.. so the generation is done this way regardless the fact that members are actually value classes

this needs to be fixed

scala.js support?

I can help with the cross-compiling but would like to check if it is something you guys are not against.

Scaladoc support is fragile

For example, place a quote in your scaladoc:

/** This is an example to show some "broken" things.
 * @param foo "Quotes" break JSON schema output
 * @param bar Regex backslash break JSON schema output
case class Foobar( foo: String,   bar: String Refined MatchesRegex[W.`"""\\d{3}[- ]\\d{3}[- ]\\d{4}"""`.T])

You'll end up with invalid JSON in your schema output that cannot be parsed because " should have been escaped in the schema JSON output.

The same is true for using regexes with escapes.

For example, the \d must be escaped to feed the string to the regex parser, but using \\d for a digit match will lead to \d being outputted into your JSON schema, which is not valid; the json schema needs the \d to be escaped as well, like \\d.

It seems like the simple solution would be to pass the generated JSON descriptions through an escape function before flushing them to the schema output.

Generic Schema Derivation Framework

There is a number of areas where schema derivation may also be required except json.

  • Apache Avro
  • Google Protobuf
  • Apache Spark StructType
  • Amazon Ion
  • Flatbuffers

Investigate, can the approach used in scala-jsonschema be used in order to derive other types of schemas.

Feature.Pack (Json.Profile ???)

h1. Problem
There are many scala libraries exists that solves parse/format problem for different scala types.
Not all of them follow the same standard, though. For example:

  • ujson libs treat scala.Option as json-array (by default)
  • some other use json.null for scala.None, whereas others just omit the field (when it comes to case class field >> json-object field
  • some libs may have support for scala.Either to json codecs, when the others haven't
  • some libs support recursive types, some others don't
  • discriminator field for sealed traits is treated differently

As of now scala-jsonschema has a single perspective on

  • a feature-set
  • and on how scala type is converted into json.
    Which leads to desynchronization. What derived schema shows basically not always coincides with what codec produces.

h1. Idea
scala-jsonschema should be flexible on this and provide extensible api so lib developer and/or extension developer may instruct it about what features supported, implementation specific of certain features and so on.

case class FeaturePack( // JsonProfile?
  `feature-xxx-enabled`: Boolean,
  `feature-yyy-details`: FeatureYYYDetails,

The existence of instance of this class in implicit scope of macro call should affect the way derivation logic process certain types.

allow arbitrary keys for Maps

MapKeyPattern[T] { def pattern: String } typeclass binds Key Type to pattern that will then be used in patternProperties

[QUESTION] Example of overriding type behavior with implicits?

@andyglow Hi I was wondering if you could give an example of overriding types behavior. For example:

case class AnyThing(value:Any)
and when I do Json.schema[AnyThing].asCirce() it says

Error: schema for Any is not supported, 

I've tried making giving an implicit conversion of Any to a string value but it doesn't seem to work. Should I just try to implicitly convert AnyThing into an object with supported types? Im trying to avoid rewriting very complex objects with valid or omitted attributes.

I get the feeling this can be done because of this Implicit.getOrElse(tpe, genTree) in SchemaMacro.scala. I just can't figure it out or find an example.

Thank you!

Optional field should have additional `null` as type

First of all, thank you for such a great library and hard work!

I am having issue validation json with optional fields with null values. As mentioned in everit-org/json-schema#16 optional values should have "type": "null" as valid value. However, this library does not add null as one of the possible values.

Note: I use circe for json + circe-schema(wrapper around everit) to validate schema

  import com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.AsCirce._
  import json.schema.Version._
  import io.circe.syntax._

  case class Example(a: String, b: Option[String])
  implicit val exampleSchema: Schema[Example] = json.Json.schema[Example]
  val validator                               = io.circe.schema.Schema.load(exampleSchema.asCirce(Draft07(id = "example")))

  println(Example("Hello", Some("World")).asJson.noSpaces)
  println(validator.validate(Example("Hello", Some("World")).asJson))
  println(Example("Hello", None).asJson.noSpaces)
  println(validator.validate(Example("Hello", None).asJson))


    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "example",
    "type": "object",
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "properties": {
      "a": {
        "type": "string"
      "b": {
        "type": "string"
    "required": [

  Invalid(NonEmptyList(io.circe.schema.ValidationError$$anon$1: #/b: expected type: String, found: Null))

I did a quick look to source code but could not understand much. I feel like it might be an easy fix so please let me know if I can help somehow.

Thanks in advance!

Need help customizing

Hi, I'm trying to support other types of containers in the most generic way.

To keep the example simple, lets assume we want to get schema for java.util.List[T] in a generic fashion.

I can manage to do this for simple predefs:

case class Test(listString: java.util.List[String])
implicit def javaList[T](implicit p: Predef[T]): Predef[java.util.List[T]] = Predef(`array`[T, java.util.List](p.schema))

will generate something like

    "listString": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string"

However, I don't know how to make it accept any type T. I would like to declare an implicit schema for type T.
For example, this won't compile:

  case class Value(strVal: String)
  case class Test(listValue: java.util.List[Value])

 implicit def javaList[T](implicit p: Predef[T]): Predef[java.util.List[T]] = Predef(`array`[T, java.util.List](p.schema))
 implicit val valueSchema = Json.schema[Value]("Value")

I can manage to get array of Value but it's inlined:

    // needed for listString
    implicit def javaList[T](implicit p: Predef[T]): Predef[java.util.List[T]] = Predef(`array`[T, java.util.List](p.schema))

    // needed for listValue
    implicit def javaListSchema[T](implicit ss: Schema[T]): Predef[java.util.List[T]] = Predef(`array`[T, java.util.List](ss))

    // I would like to have Value in the definitions
    implicit val valueSchema = Json.schema[Value]("Value")


    "listValue": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "additionalProperties": false,
        "properties": {
          "strVal": {
            "type": "string"
        "required": [

Support for recursive types?

The README mentions support for recursive types. But with my simple example below, I get a StackOverflowError at compile time. Am I missing anything?

case class Foo(a: Bar, b: String)
case class Bar(c: Foo, d: String)

val recursiveSchema = Json.schema[Foo].asCirce(Draft04())

Validation not compiling for value class

I have a value class:

case class PartnerBucket(val value: String) extends AnyVal with StringField with Validates[PartnerBucket] {
  def isValid: Boolean = !value.isEmpty && PartnerBucket.valueRegExp.findFirstIn(value).isDefined
object PartnerBucket {
  val valueRegExp: Regex = "^(s3://|gs://)?[a-z-]+$".r

And try to define a json-schema withValidation for this:

  implicit val partnerBucketSchema: json.Schema[PartnerBucket] = Json.schema[PartnerBucket]("partnerBucket") withValidation (
    `pattern` := PartnerBucket.valueRegExp.toString()

But get this error: Implicit not found: ValidationBound[com.liveintent.dwh.common.fields.PartnerBucket, String]. Some of validations doesn't match schema type

If I don't add the implicit schema PartnerBucket works correctly without validation as part of a bigger schema.

How do I declare a ValidationBound? Or how do I implement validations like this?

Add scaladoc as description in the schema

I understand you want to keep the API as strictly by-convention so the same case classes can be used for multiple serializations.

IntelliJ adds popups with the json schema descriptions when work with json validated with a schema.

It would be a helpful and very useful feature if you took the Scaladoc for the class on the objects and @param for the individual fields.

Supporting multi level sealed traits

I've found that the macro works for sealed traits, but if they are layered it fails:

sealed trait Animal {}
sealed trait Mammal extends Animal {}
val s = Json.schema[List[Animal]]

I looked into the code, but couldn't grasp how sealed traits are handled, so I cannot offer a PR for fixing this.

Schema derivation fails for optional complex types with a default in 3.0

I have the following ammonite script:

import $ivy.`com.github.andyglow:scala-jsonschema-play-json_2.13:0.3.0`
import json._
case class Bar(b: Int)
implicit val barSchema = Json.schema[Bar]
case class Foo(bar: Option[Bar])
Json.schema[Foo] // succeeds
case class Foo(bar: Option[Bar] = Some(Bar(1)))
Json.schema[Foo] // fails

It prints out: Can't infer a json value for bar
val res7 = Json.schema[Foo] // fails
Compilation Failed

Moreover if you adjust the imported version to "0.2.1" it succeeds.

I think I've tracked this to changes in the code that prints "can't infer a json value" but I'm not understanding the complexities there quite enough to try to figure out a workaround. It seems like a regression bug to me.

schema for Char is not supported

I try to upgrade from 0.2.2 to test #18 but my code doesn't compile with version 0.2.3+

I get the error schema for Char is not supported

I use it in a case class MyCaseClass(val value: Char) extends AnyVal but even if I do val mySchema: Schema[Char] = Json.schema[Char] I get the same error.

I use the following dependencies and have tried version 0.2.3 to 0.2.7-M1

		libraryDependencies += "com.github.andyglow" %% "scala-jsonschema-core" % "0.2.7-M1",
		libraryDependencies += "com.github.andyglow" %% "scala-jsonschema" % "0.2.7-M1",
		libraryDependencies += ("com.github.andyglow" %% "scala-jsonschema-circe-json" % "0.2.7-M1")

Trying other primitives than Char works eg Byte and Int.

According to the documentation Char is supported out of the box. Is this a bug or removed feature?

ToValue changes in 0.2.2 introduces a regression

Compiling against

		// json-schema generation support
		libraryDependencies += "com.github.andyglow" %% "scala-jsonschema-core" % "0.2.1",
		libraryDependencies += "com.github.andyglow" %% "scala-jsonschema-api" % "0.2.1",
		libraryDependencies += ("com.github.andyglow" %% "scala-jsonschema-circe-json" % "0.2.1")

I can compile a schema

val schemaJson: Json = Json.schema[List[PartnerConfiguration]].asCirce(Version.Draft07(id = s"$version.json$timestamp"))

on a case class like:

case class PartnerConfiguration (
                                              name: String,
                                              status: DeliveryStatus,
                                              primaryKey : EncryptionKey,
                                              extraKeys : List[EncryptionKey] = List(),
                                              pairDeliveries : List[PairDelivery] = List()

But updating the dependencies to 0.2.2 to I get

Can't infer a json value for extraKeys
06:36:00  [error]     val schemaJson: Json = Json.schema[List[PartnerConfiguration]].asCirce(Version.Draft07(id = s"$version.json$timestamp"))

I can declare a custom ToValue like:

  implicit val encryptionKey: ToValue[EncryptionKey] = ToValue mk {
    key => Value.num(key.value.toInt)

And then the compiler moves on to complain about pairDeliveries.

But PairDelivery is much more complex object and I feel it is a regression from 0.2.1 that I need to declare these...

Making the Lists Arrays to match v0.2.1...master#diff-b0136c6356f80a307a3ef4f66f85f837R37 didn't help.

Can you fix this regression in the framework? Or can I implement a ToValue for PairDelivery that simply uses the default ToValue for the sub-objects?

Schema is not supported for sealed trait defined inside object

Please find the below snippet, where I faced the issue. Schema conversion failed for this:

sealed trait TemplateLayoutType {

  def asString: String 

  override def toString: String = asString


object TemplateLayoutType {

  case object XLayout extends TemplateLayoutType {

    override val asString = "X_LAYOUT"


  case object YLayout extends TemplateLayoutType {

    override val asString = "Y_LAYOUT"


  case object PVLayout extends TemplateLayoutType {

    override val asString = "PV_LAYOUT"

  sealed trait TemplateLayoutType1 extends TemplateLayoutType {

    def asString: String

    override def toString: String = asString


  object TemplateLayoutType1 {

    case object XLayout1 extends TemplateLayoutType1 {

      override val asString = "X_LAYOUT1"


    case object YLayout1 extends TemplateLayoutType1 {

      override val asString = "Y_LAYOUT1"


    case object PVLayout1 extends TemplateLayoutType1 {

      override val asString = "PV_LAYOUT1"




Please let me know if there is any solution for this.

SchemaMacro doesn't work on Windows with CRLF

We recently updated to scala-jsonschema v. 0.2.7-M2 using the following libraries: (scala-jsonschema, scala-jsonschema-core, scala-jsonschema-macros, scala-jsonschema-circe-json). With this update, Windows users with CRLF set as line separator in IntelliJ (and otherwise in code) experienced the following error:

[error] C:\Users\chris\IdeaProjects\dwh\dwh-input\src\main\scala\com\liveintent\dwh\common\fields\PartnerBucket.scala:40:77: exception during macro expansion: [error] java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -49 [error] at java.lang.String.<init>( [error] at com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.SchemaMacro$Implicit$2$.isSelfRef(SchemaMacro.scala:392) [error] at com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.SchemaMacro$Implicit$2$.lookupSchema$1(SchemaMacro.scala:424) [error] at com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.SchemaMacro$Implicit$2$.getOrElse(SchemaMacro.scala:429) [error] at com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.SchemaMacro$.com$github$andyglow$jsonschema$SchemaMacro$$resolve$1(SchemaMacro.scala:455) [error] at com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.SchemaMacro$.impl(SchemaMacro.scala:458) [error] implicit val partnerBucketSchema: json.Schema[PartnerBucket] = Json.schema[PartnerBucket]("partnerBucket") withValidation (

This is solved by switching to LF in the code/IntelliJ, but is an unfortunate side effect of the M2 hotfix.

Custom name/definition only evaluates the first one

Firstly - thanks for writing this excellent library.

I'm seeing some slightly odd behavior when providing a custom name in order to "force" a definition within the parent schema, it seems that only the first schema definition is evaluated into a definition. Is this behavior expected?

This code:

import com.github.andyglow.json.{JsonFormatter, Value}
import com.github.andyglow.jsonschema.AsValue
import json.schema.Version.{Draft04, Draft07}
import json._

case class UserId(value: Int) extends AnyVal
case class UserName(value: String) extends AnyVal
case class User(id: UserId, name: UserName)

object Foo {
  implicit val uidSchema: json.Schema[UserId] = Json.schema[UserId]("user_id")
  implicit val uNameSchema: json.Schema[UserName] = Json.schema[UserName]("user_name")
  implicit val userSchema: json.Schema[User] = Json.schema[User]
  val draft04Schema: Value.obj = AsValue.schema(userSchema, Draft04())
  val draft07Schema: Value.obj = AsValue.schema(userSchema, Draft07(id = "the_user_schema"))
  def formatter(s: Value.obj): String = JsonFormatter.format(s)


  "$schema": "",
  "$id": "the_user_schema",
  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "$ref": "#user_id"
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
  "required": [
  "definitions": {
    "user_id": {
      "$id": "#user_id",
      "type": "integer"

Whereas if the order of the sub-schemas is reversed >

  implicit val uNameSchema: json.Schema[UserName] = Json.schema[UserName]("user_name")
  implicit val uidSchema: json.Schema[UserId] = Json.schema[UserId]("user_id")

I get:

  "$schema": "",
  "$id": "the_user_schema",
  "type": "object",
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "type": "integer"
    "name": {
      "$ref": "#user_name"
  "required": [
  "definitions": {
    "user_name": {
      "$id": "#user_name",
      "type": "string"

I would expect both of these sub-schemas to be referenced as definitions - or am I doing something wrong?

Running scala-jsonschema 0.5.0 and scala 2.13.2

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