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argparse's Introduction

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Parser for command-line arguments

argparse is a self-contained flexible utility to parse command-line arguments.


Getting started

Here is the simple example showing the usage of argparse utility. It uses the basic approach when all members are considered arguments with the same name as the name of member:

import argparse;

struct Basic
    // Basic data types are supported:
        // '--name' argument
        string name;

        // '--number' argument
        int number;

        // '--boolean' argument
        bool boolean;

    // Argument can have default value if it's not specified in command line
        // '--unused' argument
        string unused = "some default value";

    // Enums are also supported
        enum Enum { unset, foo, boo }
        // '--choice' argument
        Enum choice;

    // Use array to store multiple values
        // '--array' argument
        int[] array;

    // Callback with no args (flag)
        // '--callback' argument
        void callback() {}

    // Callback with single value
        // '--callback1' argument
        void callback1(string value) { assert(value == "cb-value"); }

    // Callback with zero or more values
        // '--callback2' argument
        void callback2(string[] value) { assert(value == ["cb-v1","cb-v2"]); }

// This mixin defines standard main function that parses command line and calls the provided function:
mixin CLI!Basic.main!((args)
    // 'args' has 'Basic' type
    static assert(is(typeof(args) == Basic));

    // do whatever you need
    import std.stdio: writeln;
    return 0;

If you run the program above with -h argument, then you’ll see the following output:

Usage: hello_world [--name NAME] [--number NUMBER] [--boolean] [--unused UNUSED] [--choice {unset,foo,boo}] [--array ARRAY ...] [--callback] [--callback1 CALLBACK1] [--callback2 [CALLBACK2 ...]] [-h]

Optional arguments:
  --name NAME
  --number NUMBER
  --unused UNUSED
  --choice {unset,foo,boo}
  --array ARRAY ...
  --callback1 CALLBACK1
  --callback2 [CALLBACK2 ...]
  -h, --help           Show this help message and exit

For more sophisticated CLI usage, argparse provides few UDAs:

struct Advanced
    // Positional arguments are required by default
    string name;

    // Named arguments can be attributed in bulk (parentheses can be omitted)
        string unused = "some default value";
        int number;
        bool boolean;

    // Named argument can have custom or multiple names
        int apple;

        int banana;

// This mixin defines standard main function that parses command line and calls the provided function:
mixin CLI!Advanced.main!((args, unparsed)
    // 'args' has 'Advanced' type
    static assert(is(typeof(args) == Advanced));

    // unparsed arguments has 'string[]' type
    static assert(is(typeof(unparsed) == string[]));

    // do whatever you need
    import std.stdio: writeln;
    writeln("Unparsed args: ", unparsed);
    return 0;

If you run it with -h argument, then you’ll see the following:

Usage: hello_world [--unused UNUSED] [--number NUMBER] [--boolean] [--apple APPLE] [-b BANANA] [-h] name

Required arguments:

Optional arguments:
  --unused UNUSED
  --number NUMBER
  --apple APPLE, --appl APPLE
  -b BANANA, --banana BANANA, --ban BANANA
  -h, --help         Show this help message and exit

Calling the parser

argparse provides CLI template to call the parser covering different use cases. It has the following signatures:

  • template CLI(Config config, COMMAND) – this is main template that provides multiple API (see below) for all supported use cases.
  • template CLI(Config config, COMMANDS...) – convenience wrapper of the previous template that provides main template mixin only for the simplest use case with subcommands. See corresponding section for details about subcommands.
  • alias CLI(COMMANDS...) = CLI!(Config.init, COMMANDS) – alias provided for convenience that allows using default Config, i.e., config = Config.init.

Wrapper for main function

The recommended and most convenient way to use argparse is through CLI!(...).main(alias newMain) mixin template. It declares the standard main function that parses command-line arguments and calls provided newMain function with an object that contains parsed arguments.

newMain function must satisfy these requirements:

  • It must accept COMMAND type as a first parameter if CLI template is used with one COMMAND.
  • It must accept all COMMANDS types as a first parameter if CLI template is used with multiple COMMANDS.... argparse uses std.sumtype.match for matching. Possible implementation of such newMain function would be a function that is overridden for every command type from COMMANDS. Another example would be a lambda that does compile-time checking of the type of the first parameter (see examples below for details).
  • Optionally newMain function can take a string[] parameter as a second argument. Providing such a function will mean that argparse will parse known arguments only and all unknown ones will be passed as a second parameter to newMain function. If newMain function doesn’t have such parameter, then argparse will error out if there is an unknown argument provided in command line.
  • Optionally newMain can return a result that can be cast to int. In this case, this result will be returned from standard main function.

Usage examples:

struct T
    string a;
    string b;

mixin CLI!T.main!((args)
    // 'args' has 'T' type
    static assert(is(typeof(args) == T));

    // do whatever you need
    import std.stdio: writeln;
    return 0;
struct cmd1
    string a;

struct cmd2
    string b;

mixin CLI!(cmd1, cmd2).main!((args, unparsed)
    // 'args' has either 'cmd1' or 'cmd2' type
    static if(is(typeof(args) == cmd1))
        writeln("cmd1: ", args);
    else static if(is(typeof(args) == cmd2))
        writeln("cmd2: ", args);
        static assert(false); // this would never happen

    // unparsed arguments has 'string[]' type
    static assert(is(typeof(unparsed) == string[]));

    return 0;

Providing a new main function without wrapping standard main

If wrapping of standard main function doesn’t fit your needs (e.g., you need to do some initialization before parsing the command line), then you can use CLI!(...).parseArgs function:

int parseArgs(alias newMain)(string[] args, COMMAND initialValue = COMMAND.init)


  • newMain – function that’s called with object of type COMMAND as a first parameter filled with the data parsed from command line; optionally it can take string[] as a second parameter which will contain unknown arguments (see Wrapper for main function section for details).
  • args – raw command-line arguments (excluding argv[0] – first command-line argument in main function).
  • initialValue – initial value for the object passed to newMain function.

Return value:

If there is an error happened during the parsing, then non-zero value is returned. In case of no error, if newMain function returns a value that can be cast to int, then this value is returned, or 0 otherwise.

Usage example:

struct COMMAND
    string a;
    string b;

int my_main(COMMAND command)
    // Do whatever is needed
    return 0;

int main(string[] args)
    // Do initialization here
    // If needed, termination code can be done as 'scope(exit) { ...code... }' here as well

    return CLI!COMMAND.parseArgs!my_main(args[1..$]);

Providing an object for values of command line arguments

For the cases when providing newMain function is not possible or feasible, parseArgs function can accept a reference to an object that receives the values of command line arguments:

Result parseArgs(ref COMMAND receiver, string[] args)


  • receiver – object that is populated with parsed values.
  • args – raw command-line arguments (excluding argv[0] – first command-line argument in main function).

Return value:

An object that can be cast to bool to check whether the parsing was successful or not. Note that this function will error out if command line contains unknown arguments.

Usage example:

struct COMMAND
    string a;
    string b;

int main(string[] argv)
    COMMAND cmd;

    if(!CLI!COMMAND.parseArgs(cmd, argv[1..$]))
      return 1; // parsing failure

    // Do whatever is needed

    return 0;

Partial argument parsing

Sometimes a program may only parse a few of the command-line arguments, processing the remaining arguments in different way. In these cases, CLI!(...).parseKnownArgs function can be used. It works much like CLI!(...).parseArgs except that it does not produce an error when unknown arguments are present. It has the following signatures:

  • Result parseKnownArgs(ref COMMAND receiver, string[] args, out string[] unrecognizedArgs)


    • receiver – the object that’s populated with parsed values.
    • args – raw command-line arguments (excluding argv[0] – first command-line argument in main function).
    • unrecognizedArgs – raw command-line arguments that were not parsed.

    Return value:

    An object that can be cast to bool to check whether the parsing was successful or not.

  • Result parseKnownArgs(ref COMMAND receiver, ref string[] args)


    • receiver – the object that’s populated with parsed values.
    • args – raw command-line arguments that are modified to have parsed arguments removed (excluding argv[0] – first command-line argument in main function).

    Return value:

    An object that can be cast to bool to check whether the parsing was successful or not.

Usage example:

struct T
    string a;

auto args = [ "-a", "A", "-c", "C" ];

T result;
assert(CLI!T.parseKnownArgs(result, args));
assert(result == T("A"));
assert(args == ["-c", "C"]);

Shell completion

argparse supports tab completion of last argument for certain shells (see below). However, this support is limited to the names of arguments and subcommands.

Wrappers for main function

If you are using CLI!(...).main(alias newMain) mixin template in your code then you can easily build a completer (program that provides completion) by defining argparse_completion version (-version=argparse_completion option of dmd). Don’t forget to use different file name for completer than your main program (-of option in dmd). No other changes are necessary to generate completer, but you should consider minimizing the set of imported modules when argparse_completion version is defined. For example, you can put all imports into your main function that is passed to CLI!(...).main(alias newMain)newMain parameter is not used in completer.

If you prefer having separate main module for completer, then you can use CLI!(...).mainComplete mixin template:

mixin CLI!(...).mainComplete;

In case if you prefer to have your own main function and would like to call completer by yourself, you can use int CLI!(...).complete(string[] args) function. This function executes the completer by parsing provided args (note that you should remove the first argument from argv passed to main function). The returned value is meant to be returned from main function, having zero value in case of success.

Low level completion

In case if none of the above methods is suitable, argparse provides string[] CLI!(...).completeArgs(string[] args) function. It takes arguments that should be completed and returns all possible completions.

completeArgs function expects to receive all command-line arguments (excluding argv[0] – first command-line argument in main function) in order to provide completions correctly (set of available arguments depends on subcommand). This function supports two workflows:

  • If the last argument in args is empty and it’s not supposed to be a value for a command-line argument, then all available arguments and subcommands (if any) are returned.
  • If the last argument in args is not empty and it’s not supposed to be a value for a command-line argument, then only those arguments and subcommands (if any) are returned that start with the same text as the last argument in args.

For example, if there are --foo, --bar and --baz arguments available, then:

  • Completion for args=[""] will be ["--foo", "--bar", "--baz"].
  • Completion for args=["--b"] will be ["--bar", "--baz"].

Using the completer

Completer that is provided by argparse supports the following shells:

  • bash
  • zsh
  • tcsh
  • fish

Its usage consists of two steps: completion setup and completing of the command line. Both are implemented as subcommands (init and complete accordingly).

Completion setup

Before using completion, completer should be added to the shell. This can be achieved by using init subcommand. It accepts the following arguments (you can get them by running <completer> init --help):

  • --bash: provide completion for bash.
  • --zsh: provide completion for zsh. Note: zsh completion is done through bash completion so you should execute bashcompinit first.
  • --tcsh: provide completion for tcsh.
  • --fish: provide completion for fish.
  • --completerPath <path>: path to completer. By default, the path to itself is used.
  • --commandName <name>: command name that should be completed. By default, the first name of your main command is used.

Either --bash, --zsh, --tcsh or --fish is expected.

As a result, completer prints the script to setup completion for requested shell into standard output (stdout) which should be executed. To make this more streamlined, you can execute the output inside the current shell or to do this during shell initialization (e.g., in .bashrc for bash). To help doing so, completer also prints sourcing recommendation to standard output as a comment.

Example of completer output for <completer> init --bash --commandName mytool --completerPath /path/to/completer arguments:

# Add this source command into .bashrc:
#       source <(/path/to/completer init --bash --commandName mytool)
complete -C 'eval /path/to/completer --bash -- $COMP_LINE ---' mytool

Recommended workflow is to install completer into a system according to your installation policy and update shell initialization/config file to source the output of init command.

Completing of the command line

Argument completion is done by complete subcommand (it’s default one). It accepts the following arguments (you can get them by running <completer> complete --help):

  • --bash: provide completion for bash.
  • --tcsh: provide completion for tcsh.
  • --fish: provide completion for fish.

As a result, completer prints all available completions, one per line, assuming that it’s called according to the output of init command.

Argument declaration

Positional arguments

Positional arguments are expected to be at a specific position within the command line. This argument can be declared using PositionalArgument UDA:

struct Params
    string firstName;

    @PositionalArgument(1, "lastName")
    string arg;

Parameters of PositionalArgument UDA:

# Name Type Optional/
1 position uint required Zero-based unsigned position of the argument.
2 name string optional Name of this argument that is shown in help text.
If not provided, then the name of data member is used.

Named arguments

As an opposite to positional, there can be named arguments (they are also called as flags or options). They can be declared using NamedArgument UDA:

struct Params
    string greeting;

    @NamedArgument(["name", "first-name", "n"])
    string name;

    @NamedArgument("family", "last-name")
    string family;

Parameters of NamedArgument UDA:

# Name Type Optional/
1 name string or string[] optional Name(s) of this argument that can show up in command line.

Named arguments might have multiple names, so they should be specified either as an array of strings or as a list of parameters in NamedArgument UDA. Argument names can be either single-letter (called as short options) or multi-letter (called as long options). Both cases are fully supported with one caveat: if a single-letter argument is used with a double dash (e.g., --n) in command line, then it behaves the same as a multi-letter option. When an argument is used with a single dash, then it is treated as a single-letter argument.

The following usages of the argument in the command line are equivalent: --name John, --name=John, --n John, --n=John, -nJohn, -n John, -n=John. Note that any other character can be used instead of = – see Parser customization for details.

Optional and required arguments

Arguments can be marked as required or optional by adding .Required() or .Optional() to UDA. If required argument is not present, parser will error out. Positional arguments are required by default.

struct T
    @(PositionalArgument(0, "a").Optional())
    string a = "not set";

    int b;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T("not set", 4)); })(["-b", "4"]) == 0);

Limit the allowed values

In some cases an argument can receive one of the limited set of values so AllowedValues can be used here:

struct T
    string fruit;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T("apple")); })(["--fruit", "apple"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["--fruit", "kiwi"]) != 0);    // "kiwi" is not allowed

For the value that is not in the allowed list, this error will be printed:

Error: Invalid value 'kiwi' for argument '--fruit'.
Valid argument values are: apple,pear,banana

Note that if the type of destination variable is enum, then the allowed values are automatically limited to those listed in the enum.

Argument dependencies

Mutually exclusive arguments

Mutually exclusive arguments (i.e., those that can’t be used together) can be declared using MutuallyExclusive() UDA:

struct T
        string a;
        string b;

// Either or no argument is allowed
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})(["-a","a"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})(["-b","b"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})([]) == 0);

// Both arguments are not allowed
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-a","a","-b","b"]) != 0);

Note that parentheses are required in this UDA to work correctly.

Set of mutually exclusive arguments can be marked as required in order to require exactly one of the arguments:

struct T
        string a;
        string b;

// Either argument is allowed
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})(["-a","a"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})(["-b","b"]) == 0);

// Both arguments or no argument is not allowed
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })([]) != 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-a","a","-b","b"]) != 0);

Mutually required arguments

Mutually required arguments (i.e., those that require other arguments) can be declared using RequiredTogether() UDA:

struct T
        string a;
        string b;

// Both or no argument is allowed
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})(["-a","a","-b","b"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})([]) == 0);

// Only one argument is not allowed
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-a","a"]) != 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-b","b"]) != 0);

Note that parentheses are required in this UDA to work correctly.

Set of mutually required arguments can be marked as required in order to require all arguments:

struct T
        string a;
        string b;

// Both arguments are allowed
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})(["-a","a","-b","b"]) == 0);

// Single argument or no argument is not allowed
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-a","a"]) != 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-b","b"]) != 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })([]) != 0);


Sophisticated command-line tools, like git, have many subcommands (e.g., commit, push, etc.), each with its own set of arguments. There are few ways how to use subcommands with argparse.

Enumerating subcommands in CLI mixin

All commands can be listed as template parameters to Main.CLI and provided main function must be able to handle all command types:

struct sum
  int[] numbers;  // --numbers argument

struct min
  int[] numbers;  // --numbers argument

struct max
  int[] numbers;  // --numbers argument

int main_(max cmd)
  import std.algorithm: maxElement;

  writeln("max = ", cmd.numbers.maxElement);

  return 0;

int main_(min cmd)
  import std.algorithm: minElement;

  writeln("min = ", cmd.numbers.minElement);

  return 0;

int main_(sum cmd)
  import std.algorithm: sum;

  writeln("sum = ", cmd.numbers.sum);

  return 0;

// This mixin defines standard main function that parses command line and calls the provided function:
mixin CLI!(sum, min, max).main!main_;

Subcommands with shared common arguments

In some cases command-line tool has arguments that are common across all subcommands. They can be specified as regular arguments in a struct that represents the whole program. In this case subcommands must be listed as regular data member having SubCommand type that is passed with a list of types of all subcommands. The main function should accept a parameter for the program, not for each subcommand:

struct sum {}
struct min {}
struct max {}

struct Program
  int[] numbers;  // --numbers argument

  // name of the command is the same as a name of the type
  SubCommand!(sum, min, max) cmd;

// This mixin defines standard main function that parses command line and calls the provided function:
mixin CLI!Program.main!((prog)
  static assert(is(typeof(prog) == Program));

  int result = prog.cmd.match!(
      import std.algorithm: maxElement;
      return prog.numbers.maxElement;
      import std.algorithm: minElement;
      return prog.numbers.minElement;
      import std.algorithm: sum;
      return prog.numbers.sum;

  writeln("result = ", result);

  return 0;

Subcommand name and aliases

To define a command name that is not the same as the type that represents this command, one should use Command UDA – it accepts a name and list of name aliases. All these names are recognized by the parser and are displayed in the help text. For example:

@(Command("maximum", "max")
.ShortDescription("Print the maximum")
struct MaxCmd
    int[] numbers;

Would result in this help fragment:

  maximum,max    Print the maximum

If Command has no names listed, then the name of the type is used as a command name:

  MaxCmd         Print the maximum

Default subcommand

The default command is a command that is ran when user does not specify any command in the command line. To mark a command as default, use Default template:

SubCommand!(sum, min, Default!max) cmd;

Help generation


Command UDA provides few customizations that affect help text. It can be used for top-level command and subcommands.

  • Program name (i.e., the name of top-level command) and subcommand name can be provided to Command UDA as a parameter. If program name is not provided, then Runtime.args[0] (a.k.a. argv[0] from main function) is used. If subcommand name is not provided (e.g., @(Command.Description(...))), then the name of the type that represents the command is used.
  • Usage – allows custom usage text. By default, the parser calculates the usage message from the arguments it contains but this can be overridden with Usage call. If the custom text contains %(PROG) then it will be replaced by the command/program name.
  • Description – used to provide a description of what the command/program does and how it works. In help messages, the description is displayed between the usage string and the list of the command arguments.
  • ShortDescription – used to provide a brief description of what the subcommand does. It is applicable to subcommands only and is displayed in Available commands section on help screen of the parent command.
  • Epilog – custom text that is printed after the list of the arguments.

Usage, Description, ShortDescription and Epilog modifiers take either string or string function() value – the latter can be used to return a value that is not known at compile time.


There are some customizations supported on argument level for both PositionalArgument and NamedArgument UDAs:

  • Description – provides brief description of the argument. This text is printed next to the argument in the argument-list section of a help message. Description takes either string or string function() value – the latter can be used to return a value that is not known at compile time.
  • HideFromHelp – can be used to indicate that the argument shouldn’t be printed in help message.
  • Placeholder – provides custom text that is used to indicate the value of the argument in help message.

Help text styling

argparse uses Config.styling to determine what style should be applied to different parts of the help text. Please refer to Styling scheme for available settings.


Here is an example of how this customization can be used:

 .Description("custom description")
 .Epilog(() => "custom epilog")
struct T
  @NamedArgument  string s;
  @(NamedArgument.Placeholder("VALUE"))  string p;

  @(NamedArgument.HideFromHelp())  string hidden;

  enum Fruit { apple, pear };
  @(NamedArgument("f","fruit").Required().Description("This is a help text for fruit. Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long text")) Fruit f;

  @(NamedArgument.AllowedValues!([1,4,16,8])) int i;

  @(PositionalArgument(0).Description(() => "This is a help text for param0. Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long text")) string param0;
  @(PositionalArgument(1).AllowedValues!(["q","a"])) string param1;

CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) {})(["-h"]);

This example will print the following help message:

Usage: MYPROG [-s S] [-p VALUE] -f {apple,pear} [-i {1,4,16,8}] [-h] param0 {q,a}

custom description

Required arguments:
  -f {apple,pear}, --fruit {apple,pear}
                   This is a help text for fruit. Very very very very very very
                   very very very very very very very very very very very very
                   very long text
  param0           This is a help text for param0. Very very very very very very
                   very very very very very very very very very very very very
                   very long text

Optional arguments:
  -s S
  -p VALUE
  -i {1,4,16,8}
  -h, --help       Show this help message and exit

custom epilog

Argument groups

By default, parser groups command-line arguments into “required arguments” and “optional arguments” when displaying help message. When there is a better conceptual grouping of arguments than this default one, appropriate groups can be created using ArgumentGroup UDA.

This UDA has some customization for displaying text:

  • Description – provides brief description of the group. This text is printed right after group name. It takes either string or string function() value – the latter can be used to return a value that is not known at compile time.


struct T
    @(ArgumentGroup("group1").Description("group1 description"))
            string a;
            string b;
        @PositionalArgument(0) string p;

    @(ArgumentGroup("group2").Description("group2 description"))
        string c;
        string d;
    @PositionalArgument(1) string q;

When an argument is attributed with a group, the parser treats it just like a normal argument, but displays the argument in a separate group for help messages:

Usage: MYPROG [-a A] [-b B] [-c C] [-d D] [-h] p q

  group1 description

  -a A
  -b B

  group2 description

  -c C
  -d D

Required arguments:

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help    Show this help message and exit

ANSI colors and styles

Using colors in your command’s output does not just look good: contrasting important elements like argument names from the rest of the text reduces the cognitive load on the user. argparse uses ANSI escape sequences to add coloring and styling to help text. In addition, argparse offers public API to apply colors and styles to any text printed to the console (see below).

Default styling

Styles and colors

The argparse.ansi submodule provides supported styles and colors. You can use any combinations of them:

Font styles:

  • bold
  • italic
  • underline

Foreground colors:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • lightGray
  • darkGray
  • lightRed
  • lightGreen
  • lightYellow
  • lightBlue
  • lightMagenta
  • lightCyan
  • white

Background colors:

  • onBlack
  • onRed
  • onGreen
  • onYellow
  • onBlue
  • onMagenta
  • onCyan
  • onLightGray
  • onDarkGray
  • onLightRed
  • onLightGreen
  • onLightYellow
  • onLightBlue
  • onLightMagenta
  • onLightCyan
  • onWhite

There is also a “virtual” style noStyle that means no styling is applied. It’s useful in ternary operations as a fallback for the case when styling is disabled. See below example for details.

All styles above can be combined using . and even be used in regular output:

// `enableStyle` is a flag indicating that styling should be enabled
void printText(bool enableStyle)
  // style is enabled at runtime when `enableStyle` is true
  auto myStyle = enableStyle ? bold.italic.cyan.onRed : noStyle;

  // "Hello" is always printed in green;
  // "world!" is printed in bold, italic, cyan and on red when `enableStyle` is true, or "as is" otherwise
  writeln(green("Hello "), myStyle("world!"));

This example shows how styling can be used in custom help text (Usage, Description, ShortDescription, Epilog API):

    @(NamedArgument.Description(bold.underline("Colorize the output:")~" make everything "~red("red")))
    bool red;

Styling mode

By default argparse will try to detect whether ANSI styling is supported, and if so, it will apply styling to the help text. In some cases this behavior should be adjusted or overridden. To do so, you can use Config.stylingMode. Argparse provides the following setting to control the styling:

  • If it’s set to Config.StylingMode.on, then styling is always enabled.
  • If it’s set to, then styling is always disabled.
  • If it’s set to Config.StylingMode.autodetect, then heuristics are used to determine whether styling will be applied.

In some cases styling control should be exposed to a user as a command-line argument (similar to --color argument in ls and grep commands). Argparse supports this use case – just add an argument to your command (you can customize it with @NamedArgument UDA):

static auto color = ansiStylingArgument;

This will add the following argument:

  --color [{always,auto,never}]
                          Colorize the output. If value is omitted then 'always'
                          is used.

If you want to determine whether --color argument was specified in command line, you can simply check the value of that data member:

struct Arguments
    static auto color = ansiStylingArgument;

mixin CLI!Arguments.main!((args)
    // 'autodetect' is converted to either 'on' or 'off'
      writeln("Colors are enabled");
      writeln("Colors are disabled");

Heuristics for enabling styling

Below is the exact sequence of steps argparse uses to determine whether or not to emit ANSI escape codes (see detectSupport() function here for details):

  1. If environment variable NO_COLOR != "", then styling is disabled. See here for details.
  2. If environment variable CLICOLOR_FORCE != "0", then styling is enabled. See here for details.
  3. If environment variable CLICOLOR == "0", then styling is disabled. See here for details.
  4. If environment variable ConEmuANSI == "OFF", then styling is disabled. See here for details.
  5. If environment variable ConEmuANSI == "ON", then styling is enabled. See here for details.
  6. If environment variable ANSICON is defined (regardless of its value), then styling is enabled. See here for details.
  7. Windows only (version(Windows)):
    1. If environment variable TERM contains "cygwin" or starts with "xterm", then styling is enabled.
    2. If GetConsoleMode call for STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE returns a mode that has ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING set, then styling is enabled.
    3. If SetConsoleMode call for STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE with ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING mode was successful, then styling is enabled.
  8. Posix only (version(Posix)):
    1. If STDOUT is not redirected, then styling is enabled.
  9. If none of the above applies, then styling is disabled.

Supported types


Boolean types usually represent command-line flags. argparse supports multiple ways of providing flag value including negation (i.e., --no-flag):

struct T
    bool b;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(true)); })(["-b"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(true)); })(["-b=true"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(false)); })(["-b=false"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(false)); })(["--no-b"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-b","true"]) == 1);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-b","false"]) == 1);

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(true)); })(["--boo"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(true)); })(["--boo=true"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(false)); })(["--boo=false"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(false)); })(["--no-boo"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["--boo","true"]) == 1);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["--boo","false"]) == 1);


Numeric arguments are converted using

struct T
    int i;
    uint u;
    double d;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(-5,8,12.345)); })(["-i","-5","-u","8","-d","12.345"]) == 0);


argparse supports string arguments as pass through:

struct T
    string a;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T("foo")); })(["-a","foo"]) == 0);


If an argument is bound to an enum, an enum symbol as a string is expected as a value, or right within the argument separated with an “=” sign:

struct T
    enum Fruit { apple, pear };

    Fruit a;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(; })(["-a","apple"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(T.Fruit.pear)); })(["-a=pear"]) == 0);

In some cases the value for command-line argument might have characters that are not allowed in enum identifiers. There is ArgumentValue UDA that can be used to adjust allowed values:

struct T
    enum Fruit {

    Fruit a;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(; })(["-a","apple"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(T.Fruit.noapple)); })(["-a=no-apple"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(T.Fruit.noapple)); })(["-a","noapple"]) == 0);


Counter argument is the parameter that tracks the number of times the argument occurred on the command line:

struct T
    @(NamedArgument.Counter()) int a;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(3)); })(["-a","-a","-a"]) == 0);


If an argument is bound to 1D array, a new element is appended to this array each time the argument is provided in command line. In case if an argument is bound to 2D array then new elements are grouped in a way as they appear in command line and then each group is appended to this array:

struct T
    int[]   a;
    int[][] b;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t.a == [1,2,3,4,5]); })(["-a","1","2","3","-a","4","5"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t.b == [[1,2,3],[4,5]]); })(["-b","1","2","3","-b","4","5"]) == 0);

Alternatively you can set Config.arraySep to allow multiple elements in one parameter:

struct T
    int[] a;

enum cfg = {
    Config cfg;
    cfg.arraySep = ',';
    return cfg;

assert(CLI!(cfg, T).parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T([1,2,3,4,5])); })(["-a","1,2,3","-a","4","5"]) == 0);

Specifying number of values

In case the argument is bound to static array then the maximum number of values is set to the size of the array. For dynamic array, the number of values is not limited. The minimum number of values is 1 in all cases. This behavior can be customized by calling the following functions:

  • NumberOfValues(ulong min, ulong max) – sets both minimum and maximum number of values.
  • NumberOfValues(ulong num) – sets both minimum and maximum number of values to the same value.
  • MinNumberOfValues(ulong min) – sets minimum number of values.
  • MaxNumberOfValues(ulong max) – sets maximum number of values.
struct T
  int[] a;
  int[] b;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T([1,2,3],[4,5])); })(["-a","1","2","3","-b","4","5"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T([1],[4,5])); })(["-a","1","-b","4","5"]) == 0);

Associative array

If an argument is bound to an associative array, a string of the form “name=value” is expected as the next entry in command line, or right within the option separated with an “=” sign:

struct T
    int[string] a;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(["foo":3,"boo":7])); })(["-a=foo=3","-a","boo=7"]) == 0);

Alternatively you can set Config.arraySep to allow multiple elements in one parameter:

struct T
    int[string] a;

enum cfg = {
    Config cfg;
    cfg.arraySep = ',';
    return cfg;

assert(CLI!(cfg, T).parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(["foo":3,"boo":7])); })(["-a=foo=3,boo=7"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!(cfg, T).parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(["foo":3,"boo":7])); })(["-a","foo=3,boo=7"]) == 0);

In general, the keys and values can be of any parsable types.


An argument can be bound to a function with one of the following signatures (return value, if any, is ignored):

  • ... function()

    In this case, the argument is treated as a flag and the function is called every time when the argument is seen in command line.

  • ... function(string)

    In this case, the argument has exactly one value and the function is called every time when the argument is seen in command line and the value specified in command line is provided into string parameter.

  • ... function(string[])

    In this case, the argument has zero or more values and the function is called every time when the argument is seen in command line and the set of values specified in command line is provided into string[] parameter.

  • ... function(RawParam)

    In this case, the argument has one or more values and the function is called every time when the argument is seen in command line and the set of values specified in command line is provided into parameter.

struct T
    int a;

    @(NamedArgument("a")) void foo() { a++; }

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(4)); })(["-a","-a","-a","-a"]) == 0);

Custom types

Any arbitrary type can be used to receive command-line-argument values. argparse supports this use case – you just need to provide parsing function:

struct Value
    string a;
struct T
    @(NamedArgument.Parse!((string s) { return Value(s); }))
    Value s;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(Value("foo"))); return 12345; })(["-s","foo"]) == 12345);

Argument parsing customization

Sometime the functionality that is provided out of the box is not enough and needs to be tuned.

Parsing of command-line string values into some typed receiver member consists of following steps:

  • Pre-validation – argument values are validated as raw strings.
  • Parsing – raw argument values are converted to a different type (usually the type of the receiver).
  • Validation – converted value is validated.
  • Action – depending on a type of the receiver, it might be either assignment of converted value to a receiver, appending value if receiver is an array or other operation.

In case if argument does not have any value to parse, then the only one step is involved:

  • Action if no value – similar to Action step above but without converted value.

If any of the steps fails, then the command-line parsing fails as well.

Each of the steps above can be customized with UDA modifiers below. These modifiers take a function that might accept either argument value(s) or Param struct that has the fields below:

  • config- Config object that is passed to parsing function.
  • name – Argument name that is specified in command line.
  • value – Array of argument values that are provided in command line.

There is also an alias, RawParam, where the type of the value field is string[]. This alias represents "raw" values from command line.


PreValidation modifier can be used to customize the validation of raw string values. It accepts a function with one of the following signatures:

  • bool validate(string value)
  • Result validate(string value)
  • bool validate(string[] value)
  • Result validate(string[] value)
  • bool validate(RawParam param)
  • Result validate(RawParam param)

Note that the first function will be called once for every value specified in command line for an argument.


  • value/param values to be parsed.

Return value:

  • true/Result.Success if validation passed or
  • false/Result.Error otherwise.


Parse modifier allows providing custom conversion from raw string to a typed value. It accepts a function with one of the following signatures:

  • ParseType parse(string value)
  • ParseType parse(string[] value)
  • ParseType parse(RawParam param)
  • bool parse(ref ParseType receiver, RawParam param)
  • void parse(ref ParseType receiver, RawParam param)
  • Result parse(ref ParseType receiver, RawParam param)

Note that ParseType is a type that a string value is supposed to be parsed to and it is not required be the same as a target type.


  • value/param values to be parsed.
  • receiver is an output variable for parsed value.

Return value:

  • true/Result.Success if parsing was successful or
  • false/Result.Error otherwise.


Validation modifier can be used to validate parsed value. It accepts a function with one of the following signatures:

  • bool validate(ParseType value)
  • Result validate(ParseType value)
  • bool validate(ParseType[] value)
  • Result validate(ParseType[] value)
  • bool validate(Param!ParseType param)
  • Result validate(Param!ParseType param)


  • value/param contains a value returned from Parse step.

Return value:

  • true/Result.Success if validation passed or
  • false/Result.Error otherwise.


Action modifier allows providing a custom logic of how receiver should be changed when argument has a value in command line. It accepts a function with one of the following signatures:

  • bool action(ref T receiver, ParseType value)
  • void action(ref T receiver, ParseType value)
  • Result action(ref T receiver, ParseType value)
  • bool action(ref T receiver, Param!ParseType param)
  • void action(ref T receiver, Param!ParseType param)
  • Result action(ref T receiver, Param!ParseType param)


  • receiver is a receiver (destination field) which is supposed to be changed based on a value/param.
  • value/param has a value returned from Parse step.

Return value:

  • true/Result.Success if operation was successful or
  • false/Result.Error otherwise.

Arguments with no values

Sometimes arguments are allowed to have no values in command line. Here are two cases that arise in this situation:

  • Argument should get specific default value if there is no value provided in command line. AllowNoValue modifier should be used in this case.

  • Argument must not have any values in command line. In this case RequireNoValue modifier should be used.

Both AllowNoValue and RequireNoValue modifiers accept a value that should be used when no value is provided in command line. The difference between them can be seen in this example:

struct T
    @(NamedArgument.AllowNoValue  !10) int a;
    @(NamedArgument.RequireNoValue!20) int b;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t.a == 10); })(["-a"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t.b == 20); })(["-b"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t.a == 30); })(["-a","30"]) == 0);
assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(false); })(["-b","30"]) != 0);

Usage example

All the above modifiers can be combined in any way:

struct T
     .PreValidation!((string s) { return s.length > 1 && s[0] == '!'; })
     .Parse        !((string s) { return s[1]; })
     .Validation   !((char v) { return v >= '0' && v <= '9'; })
     .Action       !((ref int a, char v) { a = v - '0'; })
    int a;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(4)); })(["-a","!4"]) == 0);

Parser customization

argparse provides decent amount of settings to customize the parser. All customizations can be done by creating Config object with required settings (see below).

Assign character

Config.assignChar – the assignment character used in arguments with value: -a=5, -b=foo.

Default is equal sign =.

Array separator

Config.arraySep – when set to char.init, values to array and associative-array receivers are treated as an individual value. That is, only one argument is appended/inserted per appearance of the argument. If arraySep is set to something else, then each value is first split by the separator, and the individual pieces are treated as values to the same argument.

Default is char.init.

struct T
    string[] a;

assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(["1,2,3","4","5"])); })(["-a","1,2,3","-a","4","5"]) == 0);

enum cfg = {
    Config cfg;
    cfg.arraySep = ',';
    return cfg;

assert(CLI!(cfg, T).parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(["1","2","3","4","5"])); })(["-a","1,2,3","-a","4","5"]) == 0);

Named argument prefix character

Config.namedArgPrefix – the character that named arguments begin with.

Default is dash (-).

End of named arguments

Config.endOfNamedArgs – the string that conventionally marks the end of all named arguments. All arguments that are specified after this one are treated as positional regardless to the value which can start with namedArgPrefix (dash - by default).

Default is double dash (--).

Case sensitivity

Config.caseSensitive – by default argument names are case-sensitive. You can change that behavior by setting this member to false.

Default is true.

Bundling of single-letter arguments

Config.bundling – when it is set to true, single-letter arguments can be bundled together, i.e., -abc is the same as -a -b -c.

Default is false.

Adding help generation

Config.addHelp – when it is set to true, then -h and --help arguments are added to the parser. In case if the command line has one of these arguments, then the corresponding help text is printed and the parsing will be stopped. If CLI!(...).parseArgs(alias newMain) or CLI!(...).main(alias newMain) is used, then provided newMain function will not be called.

Default is true.

Styling mode

Config.stylingMode – styling mode for the text output (error messages and help screen). It has the following type: enum StylingMode { autodetect, on, off }. If it's set to Config.StylingMode.on then styling is always enabled. If it's set to then styling is always disabled.

Default value is Config.StylingMode.autodetect, which means that styling will be enabled when possible.

See ANSI coloring and styling for details.

Styling scheme

Config.styling – contains style for the text output (error messages and help screen). It has the following members:

  • programName: style for the program name. Default is bold.
  • subcommandName: style for the subcommand name. Default is bold.
  • argumentGroupTitle: style for the title of argument group. Default is bold.underline.
  • argumentName: style for the argument name. Default is lightYellow.
  • namedArgumentValue: style for the value of named argument. Default is italic.
  • positionalArgumentValue: style for the value of positional argument. Default is lightYellow.
  • errorMessagePrefix: style for Error: prefix in error messages. Default is red.

See ANSI coloring and styling for details.

Error handling

Config.errorHandler – this is a handler function for all errors occurred during parsing the command line. It a function that receives string parameter which would be an error message.

The default behavior is to print error message to stderr.

argparse's People


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argparse's Issues

Support ddoc as description for helptexts

I was playing with rust/clap and one feature I really liked there was, that you can use doc-comments as an alternative to annotations to document flags/commands...
Not sure that its possible to get to the doc-comments in dlang though (I found an old issue: dlang/dmd#6872 where one of the usecases was especially commandline help generation).

Support mixed case-sensitivity

I think, apart from being case-sensitive or case-insensitive, there is a third practically useful approach: ignore case in long options but be case-sensitive in short ones. The reason is that it’s fairly common to have one-letter options that differ only in their case. I believe they should not block the ability to match long options case-insensitively.

There is a tricky point, though: how should we process --g? There are three strategies that are all sane on the first glance:

  1. Be case-sensitive, despite the fact it has two dashes.
  2. Be case-insensitive; if there is an ambiguity (i.e., both -g and -G exist), emit an error.
  3. Be case-insensitive; if there is an ambiguity, prefer option that matches exactly.

To understand which one is better, let’s consider this scenario:

  1. There is a program that has a -g flag.
  2. A user writes a script that invokes the program with --G.
  3. A new version of the program is released. It now understands the -G flag.

With strategy 1, the user would face an error right on the second step, thus the problem is prevented before it even appeared.
With strategy 2, when the user upgrades their installation, their script will break. The program simply added a new option, and that turned out to be a backwards-incompatible change.
With strategy 3, when the user upgrades, their script will silently begin doing something different.

I hope the point is clear now.

Inconsistent parsing of `bool`

(string value) // parse
case "": goto case;
case "yes": goto case;
case "y": return true;
case "no": goto case;
case "n": return false;
default: return!T;

yes, y, no, and n are accepted in lower case only, but true and false are matched case-insensitively by Also, when a parsing error occurs, the message only mentions true/false as allowed values.

Is it possible to use an own type (struct) with the Parse annotations?

If I try something like this:

            .Description("Set of ponies to consider +- list of regexes")
            .Parse!((string s) { return 1; })
            .Action!((ref double result, int i) { result = 1.0; })
        double set;

it works as described, but if I replace double with a custom type of mine:

struct MyType {
    double d;
            .Description("Set of ponies to consider +- list of regexes")
            .Parse!((string s) { return 1; })
            .Action!((ref MyType result, int i) { result = MyType(); result.d = 1.0; })
        MyType set;

I get from the compiler:

../../../../../.dub/packages/argparse-master/argparse/source/argparse/internal.d(478,9): Error: static assert:  "Type is not supported: MyType"
../../../../../.dub/packages/argparse-master/argparse/source/argparse/internal.d(493,58):        instantiated from here: `defaultValuesCount!(MyType)`
../../../../../.dub/packages/argparse-master/argparse/source/argparse/internal.d(885,29):        instantiated from here: `setDefaults!(MyType, "set")`
../../../../../.dub/packages/argparse-master/argparse/source/argparse/internal.d(852,21):        instantiated from here: `addArgument!("set")`

Suggestions on help formatting

I’m almost satisfied with the way argparse formats the help message. Just a couple of suggestions:

  1. -h/--help argument should be customizable. For example, one might want to reword its description or omit --help from help (what’s the point of having it there, in the first place?). Disabling it altogether and processing it manually is not an option: -h is special-cased in the parser (no errors are issued if -h is present, and it interacts with subcommands in a complex way). I suppose the approach of ansiStylingArgument can be used here.

  2. This code currently produces the following output:

    import argparse;
    struct Args {
        @(NamedArgument("b", "banana").Description("Description of the banana"))
        int banana;
    mixin CLI!Args.main!((in _) { });
    Usage: myprog [-b BANANA] [-h]
    Optional arguments:
      -b BANANA, --banana BANANA
                    Description of the banana
      -h, --help    Show this help message and exit

    I’d like it to look as follows:

    Usage: myprog [-b BANANA] [-h]
    Optional arguments:
      -b, --banana BANANA
                    Description of the banana
      -h, --help    Show this help message and exit

    I.e., output a placeholder only once per set of alternatives (one BANANA at the end). Saying that several times a line just clutters the output, in my opinion. A field in the config will fit, I think.

  3. You may notice in the example above that columns are separated by 4 spaces. Is it a bug? (I saw a reference to 2 spaces somewhere in the source and would indeed prefer slightly more compact layout.)

  4. If epilog is empty (default), a blank line is emitted before it nevertheless. Therefore, the output of a program ends with \n\n, which feels wrong.

  5. I think it would be handy if a program, when invoked incorrectly (i.e., if parsing failed), printed its one-line usage after the error message. I’d appreciate if I could just enable that behaviour with a flag in the config; however, it would even be possible to implement it outside the library if we had access to computed usage and if errorHandler wasn’t broken.

Bump from d789306 to 2454a72 broke the build

Compilation flags used --mtriple=x86_64-linux-gnu -w --preview=dip1000 --preview=dtorfields --preview=fieldwise -O --release --boundscheck=off (this is a precheck compilation phase).

Example code for argparse options (the code that produces the error):

struct ViewerOptions
        @(NamedArgument("local").Description("Choose a local connection").Optional())
        bool local = true;

        @(NamedArgument("remote").Description("Choose a remote connection").Optional())
        string remoteAddress = null;

    @(NamedArgument("serverPath").Description("Path the server binary").Optional())
    string serverPath = null;

    @(NamedArgument("p", "path").Description("Path of the dumping blobs").Optional())
    string localPath = defaultPath;

    @(NamedArgument("namespace").Description("Namespace to interleave").Optional())
    string namespace = null;

    @(NamedArgument("d", "debug").Description("Enable debugging").Optional())
    bool debugging = false;
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(278): Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in `getMemberArgumentUDA`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"serverPath"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(628):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(278): Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in `getMemberArgumentUDA`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"localPath"` error instantiating
More complete log:
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(77): Error: first argument is not a symbol
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(80):        while evaluating: `static assert(typeUDAs.length <= 1)`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"local"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(626):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(77): Error: first argument is not a symbol
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(80):        while evaluating: `static assert(typeUDAs.length <= 1)`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"remoteAddress"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(626):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(77): Error: first argument is not a symbol
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(80):        while evaluating: `static assert(typeUDAs.length <= 1)`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"serverPath"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(626):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(77): Error: first argument is not a symbol
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(80):        while evaluating: `static assert(typeUDAs.length <= 1)`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"localPath"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(626):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(77): Error: first argument is not a symbol
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(80):        while evaluating: `static assert(typeUDAs.length <= 1)`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"namespace"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(626):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(77): Error: first argument is not a symbol
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/argumentudahelpers.d(80):        while evaluating: `static assert(typeUDAs.length <= 1)`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"debugging"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.on, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(626):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(278): Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in `getMemberArgumentUDA`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"local"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(628):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(278): Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in `getMemberArgumentUDA`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"remoteAddress"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(628):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(278): Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in `getMemberArgumentUDA`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"serverPath"` error instantiating
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(286):        instantiated from here: `staticMap!(getArgumentUDA, "local", "remoteAddress", "serverPath", "localPath", "namespace", "debugging")`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(358):        instantiated from here: `TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(603):        instantiated from here: `createCommand!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/parser.d(628):        ... (2 instantiations, -v to show) ...
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/api/cli.d(192):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")), StylingMode.autodetect, null), ViewerOptions)`
source/wtracer/viewer/main.d(273):        instantiated from here: `CLI!(ViewerOptions)`
/home/runner/work/wtracer/wtracer/3rdparty/argparse/source/argparse/internal/command.d(278): Error: CTFE failed because of previous errors in `getMemberArgumentUDA`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/dc/ldc2-1.30.0/x64/ldc2-1.30.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/meta.d(652): Error: template instance `argparse.internal.command.TypeTraits!(Config('=', '\xff', '-', "--", true, false, true, Style(TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1"), TextStyle("\x1b[1;4"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[3"), TextStyle("\x1b[93"), TextStyle("\x1b[31")),, null), ViewerOptions).fun!"localPath"` error instantiating

One does not simply pass a closure to a `LazyString`

Discovered this when I was trying to deduplicate Complete.InitCmd. A reduced example that should be easier to follow:

struct Description {
    string delegate() dg;

auto createCompleter(string desc) {
    @Description(() => desc) // Seems good so far.
    struct Complete { }

    return Complete.init; // Err... We haven't stored `desc` anywhere, have we?

void main() {
    import std.stdio: writeln;
    import std.traits: getUDAs;

    enum completer = createCompleter("Description.");
    writeln(getUDAs!(typeof(completer), Description)[0].dg()); // Here.

The compiler blames: delegate test.createCompleter.__lambda3 is a nested function and cannot be accessed from D main. And it is right. Therefore, a delegate can be used with a LazyString only if it does not escape its declaration scope.

UDAs are attached at struct-declaration time, but variables we want to close over are only available at instance-creation time. Unfortunately, I can’t think of a good solution here. One idea comes to my mind: add a third option to LazyString, which should be a struct with no members, to signify even more runtime strings. Then a caller can test for this and invoke cmd.getDescription. That should work in principle, but it requires patching every callsite to account for that, which I’m not happy with. Any better ideas?

Subcommands do not mix well with NamedArguments

import std;
import argparse;

struct command1
    bool c1data;
struct command2
    bool c2data;
struct Program {
    bool numbers;
    SumType!(command1, command2) cmd;

void _main(Program args)
mixin CLI!(Program).main!((arguments) {

This program does not show the subcommand when called with --help:

Usage: argparse-test [--numbers] [-h]

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help    Show this help message and exit

If I remove the @NamedArgument annotation, then its printing the expected output:

Usage: argparse-test [--numbers] [-h] <command> [<args>]

Available commands:

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help    Show this help message and exit

A lone `-` should be treated as a regular positional argument

It is a common idiom to accept a - parameter meaning stdin. E.g., cat - reads its whole stdin and sends it to stdout. However, argparse currently treats it as a named parameter, even though NamedArgument("") is not allowed—so it cannot be accessed in any way.

import argparse;

struct T {
    @NamedArgument bool c;
    @PositionalArgument(0) string fileName;

void main() {
    assert(CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { assert(t == T(true, "-")); })(["-", "-c"]) == 0);

`--` is handled unconventionally

All ---aware programs I’ve encountered understand it the same way: it marks the end of named parameters; all arguments following it are bound to positional ones. To illustrate, these three invocations are equivalent:

cp -f -- a b
cp -f a -- b
cp -f a b

This is necessary in order to support binding an argument that starts with a dash to a positional one:

cp -- a -R # Copy the file named `a` to a file named `-R`.
cp a -- -R # Ditto.

This is important to a program user if the names aren’t known in advance:

cp -- "$from" "$to" # Will work predictably no matter what these variables contain.

If we were implementing cp in D, we’d like to declare it as follows:

struct Args {
    @PositionalArgument(0) string from;
    @PositionalArgument(1) string to;

…and expect everything to work out of the box.

A program should never need to know if it was invoked with -- or without. If it needs to accept a variable number of arguments, it just asks for @(PositionalArgument(0).Optional) string[ ] rest.

Positional arguments are incorrectly name in the error messages

import argparse;

static struct Basic
    int[] array;

mixin CLI!Basic.main!((args)
    return 0;

If I call this program without arguments, I get an error message:

Error: The following argument is required: --array

But there is no argument --array. The help message actually provides the correct name:

Required arguments:
array ...

Case insensitivity breaks `--help`

import argparse;

struct Args {
    bool banana;

mixin CLI!({
    Config cfg = { caseSensitive: false };
    return cfg;
}(), Args).main!((in _) { });
$ ./prog --help
Error: Unrecognized arguments: ["--help"]

Show help as default command


I am making a CLI which only has subcommands, and as such I thought that is should show help when no command is given, how can I do that. I didn't find any way to show the default help outside of the help switch.

No color in Visual Studio Code's Terminal

I have no idea why, but I don't see any colors in the help text in the bash terminal of Visual Studio Code.
I see colors in a separate terminal. And I see the red "Error:" text in error messages from dmd in Visual Studio Code.

In some of my projects I get a cryptic compile error

Happens only with some versions of the compiler e.g dmd-2.100.0.
../../external/argparse/source/argparse/package.d(425,6): Error: typesafe variadic function parametername` of type `string[]` cannot be marked `return`

Inconsistency in Styling API

auto myBold = bold;
assert(is(typeof(myBold("text")) == string));
assert(!is(typeof(bold("text")): string)); // Not even convertible.

(That’s because bold()("text") returns string while bold("text") returns StyledText.)

IMHO, it shouldn’t work like this. Unfortunately, any change in this would be an API change. Is it justified for 2.0?

In case we decide to unify them, we’ll have at least 3 ways:

  1. Make everything return string, remove StyledText altogether.
  2. Make everything return StyledText, which will be implicitly convertible to string.
  3. Make everything return StyledText, which will retain its explicit toString method.

Why do we consider options 2 and 3? Because StyledText can become a lazy range – and it’ll be possible to rule out allocations of temporary strings:

// Allocates a temporary just to concatenate it; then it immediately becomes garbage.
string msg0 = "argument " ~ bold("name") ~ " is bold";

// Proposed alternative:
auto app = appender!string();
app ~= "argument ";
app ~= bold("name"); // No temporaries; writes directly into the buffer.
app ~= " is bold";
string msg1 = app[];

// The same in one line:
string msg2 = chain("argument ".byCodeUnit, bold("name"), " is bold".byCodeUnit).array();

I think StyledText can retain its opBinary!"~" and opBinaryRight!"~" for convenience: they clearly look like something that allocates. So all the snippets above will be compilable.

The question is, whether or not StyledText should implicitly convert to string. To be honest, a lazy range that can implicitly lose its laziness scares me off. I’d prefer option 3.


  1. string msg = bold("text").toString() will continue to work.
  2. app ~= config.programName("text") will continue to work.
  3. writeln(config.programName("text")) will continue to work: writeln invokes toString.
  4. string msg = config.programName("text") ~ " is bold" will continue to work.
  5. string msg = config.programName("text") will break with approach 3: an explicit toString is required, just like in example 1 above.

Allow to customize the exit code

Currently, if a parsing error occurs, the program exits with code 1; this is hard-coded into the library. However, the program may want to use return code 1 itself and leave another code for the CLI framework. If I understood correctly, to do this, we have to invoke the lower-level parseArgs manually, check if it returned 1, and if so, distinguish it from the program’s 1 somehow (e.g., by checking a global variable). It feels really hacky for such simple task.

A blog post explaining why having different error codes is important.

Not providing a program name requires to pass an empty string

If program name is not provided, then Runtime.args[0] (a.k.a. argv[0] from main function) is used.

Here’s how we “not provide” a program name:

import argparse;

@(Command("").Description("A program's description."))
struct Args {
    bool banana;

mixin CLI!Args.main!((in _) { });

Command() should work as well, shouldn’t it? But it doesn’t; it throws an ArrayIndexError.

Name of Positional Argument is ignored?

mixin CLI!Params.main!((arguments) { });

struct Params
    @PositionalArgument(0, "bar")
    string foo;

shows the help as

Usage: command [-h] foo

Required arguments:

while I would have expected "bar" instead of "foo" from the README.
(Especially in the case that the CLI parameter is a keyword of D.)

A lazy string crashes the compiler

An example from the Readme, reduced:

import argparse;

struct T {
    @(PositionalArgument(0).Description(() => "Argument description"))
    string param0;

void main() {
    CLI!T.parseArgs!((T t) { })(["-h"]); // SIGILL

DMD 2.105.3.

Wasted space in front of description with too long parameters

struct Parameters
    @(NamedArgument.Description("1 x"))
    string x;

    @(NamedArgument.Description("12 ys"))
    string yyyyyyyyyyyy;

gives a help like

Optional arguments:
  -x X                    1 x
  --yyyyyyyyyyyy YYYYYYYYYYYY
                          12 ys
  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit

I would have hoped that the too long parameter is just ignored and the description follows briefly after -h, --help.

( I had a parameter list with nice descriptions, but the introduction of one long parameter causes an ugly wrapping of the descriptions).

Keywords in enum values

I have a program with a debug output option, so it can be called with --format debug. Output options are defined as enum:

enum OutputFormat

Obviously, I cannot define debug as enum member since it is a keyword. My current workaround looks like this:

import argparse;
import std.meta;
import std.traits;
import std.conv;
import std.algorithm;

enum OutputFormat

private enum string allowedOutputFormat(OutputFormat Member) =!string.strip('_');
private enum string[] allowedOutputFormats = [
    staticMap!(allowedOutputFormat, EnumMembers!OutputFormat)

private OutputFormat parseOutputFormat(string input)
    switch (input)
        case "debug":
            return OutputFormat.debug_;
        case "silent":
            return OutputFormat.silent;
            throw new Exception("");

static struct Basic
            .PreValidation!((string x) => true)
            .Validation!((OutputFormat x) => true)
    OutputFormat format;

mixin CLI!Basic.main!((args)
    return 0;

I don't mind writing some logic for such edge cases, but it would be nice if it were a bit easier. Defining PreValidation and Validation for this looks strange, but the parser doesn't work without it.

`errorHandler` is unusable

import argparse;

struct Args {
    bool banana;

mixin CLI!({
    Config cfg;
    cfg.errorHandler = (string) { };
    return cfg;
}(), Args).main!((in _) { });
argparse/config.d(90,9): Error: closures are not yet supported in CTFE

N.B. (string) { } is not a closure; return errorHandlerFunc = (string msg) { func(msg); }; (inside the library) is.

Add the ability to make a required MutuallyExclusive group

MutuallyExclusive groups should support having e.g. both arguments required so I can have at least --foo or --bar but not both.

For example, either:

        bool stdin;
            NamedArgument("files", "f")
            .Description("D source files to scan. You can provide a regex to match multiple files")
        string[] files;


        bool stdin;
            NamedArgument("files", "f")
            .Description("D source files to scan. You can provide a regex to match multiple files")
        string[] files;

Lets say I want to pass files via arguments or pass a file via stdin, but I want at least one of the options?

If this is possible, please let me know :)

Affect usage description for a main program?

For a subcommand, you can affect the description by attributing the command with information.

But I want to just add a description for the whole program. Is that possible to do?

Positional arguments do not ignore executable itself on Windows

It seems, PositionalArgument(0) actually gets the name of the executable itself, at least on Windows. I have struct defined this way:

@(Command.Description("Simple tool that generates a D source module embedding specified resources into it"))
struct Options {
            .Description("Resource manifest to process")
    string manifest;

        NamedArgument("d", "developer")
            .Description("Read resources from filesystem instead of actually embedding them")
    bool developerMode = false;

Argument parsing is called this way:

void main(string[] args) {

And for the test I just output the parsed manifest option:

void typedMain(Options args) {
    info("Provided manifest file: " ~ args.manifest);

Seems to follow examples from docs, if I'm not missing something obvious... Well, results:

> embed-resources
Provided manifest file: embed-resources

> embed-resources manifest.json
Error: Unrecognized arguments: ["manifest.json"]

Subcommands are not correctly parsed, if the subcommand struct does not have members

#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
    name "argparse_subcommand_bug"
    dependency "argparse" version="0.10.0"

import argparse;
import std.stdio: writeln;

struct sum

struct min

struct max

int main_(max cmd)
    import std.algorithm: maxElement;

    writeln("max = ");

    return 0;

int main_(min cmd)
    import std.algorithm: minElement;

    writeln("min = ");

    return 0;

int main_(sum cmd)
    import std.algorithm: sum;

    writeln("sum = ");

    return 0;

// This mixin defines standard main function that parses command line and calls the provided function:
mixin CLI!(sum, min, max).main!main_;

running this program with sum or min as arguments always prints sum.

`-unittest` requires an enormous amount of memory to compile

Having a mere import argparse; in a program and compiling it with -unittest compiles and runs all of the argparse’s tests. Or at least attempts to. If I run dmd -lowmem -unittest -i test.d on a file containing this single line, the compiler devours 2.8 GB of RAM; then I kill it, or else my system freezes. I have no idea how hungry it is in reality.

In my opinion, inspecting some UDAs shouldn’t involve so much work. I’ll have a look at the code and see if I can figure out what is going on there.

`Param`s are non-assignable

struct Param(VALUE_TYPE) contains a const Config* config, which disables the assignment operator for the whole struct. Perhaps you meant const(Config)* config? does not properly describe subcommands

e.g. for me --help does not print the subcommands if I do not Annotate their SumType with @SubCommands.
Also the first subsection reads Subcommands without UDA which indices for me, that there is a way to do subcommands without and with uda ... but its kind of the same, just the subcommands are configured with udas ...

Please print default values for parameters and commands (if they have one)

If there are default values for subcommands or parameters, those should be highlighted in the helptext.

import std.stdio;
import argparse;

struct Cmd1 {}
struct Cmd2 {}
enum Mode {
struct Arguments {
    @(NamedArgument.Description("dsc for text1"))
    string text1 = "abc";
    @(NamedArgument.Description("dsc for text2"))
    string text2;
    @(NamedArgument.Description("mode to use"))
    Mode mode = Mode.WALK;
    SubCommand!(Default!Cmd1, Cmd2) subcommands;
mixin CLI!Arguments.main!(arguments => arguments.writeln);


Usage: argparse-issue [--text1 TEXT1] [--text2 TEXT2] [--mode {WALK,RUN}] [-h] <command> [<args>]

Available commands:

Optional arguments:
  --text1 TEXT1        dsc for text1
  --text2 TEXT2        dsc for text2
  --mode {WALK,RUN}    mode to use
  -h, --help           Show this help message and exit

at the moment when called with --help.
It would be great if something like

Usage: argparse-issue [--text1 TEXT1] [--text2 TEXT2] [--mode {WALK,RUN}] [-h] <command> [<args>]

Available commands:
  Cmd1 (default)

Optional arguments:
  --text1 TEXT1        dsc for text1 (defaults to abc)
  --text2 TEXT2        dsc for text2
  --mode {WALK,RUN}    mode to use (defaults to WALK)
  -h, --help           Show this help message and exit

could be printed.

An argument with `=` bundles incorrectly

import argparse;

struct Args {
    bool b;
    string s;

mixin CLI!({
    Config cfg = { bundling: true };
    return cfg;
}(), Args).main!((in args) {
    import std.stdio;

    writeln(args.b, " <", args.s, '>');
./prog -bs=abc

Expected output: true <abc>.
Current output: true <>.

On the other hand, all of these work correctly:

./prog -bsabc
./prog -b -sabc
./prog -b -s=abc
./prog -b -s abc

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