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spark-forecast's Introduction

Fairy forecast

This repository aims to implement darts on top of Spark trough Pyspark.


This project uses:

  • Python 3.9.x
  • darts
  • Prophet This is an optional dependency and if needed must be installed using pip. Prophet has its own requirements.
  • Poetry Only needed for installation from git repository. Installing wheels from private PyPI doesn't require it.

Cloning from git repository

    cd spark-forecast
    python -m venv .venv
    poetry install


This project implements several time series preprocessing

Time Series cleansing

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.time_series import SparkTimeSeriesHelper

timeseries_helper = SparkTimeSeriesHelper(
    group_columns=["location_id", "item_id"],

Here target_column is the column of data that refers to the target that we want to clean/forecast, time_column is the time column, group_columns can be a single column (str) or multiples columns (List[str]) that uniquely identify time series in data, and note that it's a very important detail, because some product may have the same code among supermarkets. Finally freq is the frequency of all time series in data and must be a valid pandas offset.

In order the clean all time series in data

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.time_series import SparkTimeSeriesHelper

data_spark_daily = timeseries_helper.fill_and_fix_time_series_spark(
    interpolator={"method": "linear", "limit": 10},
    outliers_detection={"method": "iqr"},

duplicate_strategy referes to the aggregation for the case if two dates are repeated for a single product, and valid values are mean, mode, median, sum. The interpolator is a dictionary passed to the pandas interpolator method and note that some keyword are invalid in this context and ignored therefore (for example passing inplace = True is ignored.). The interpolation is the first action barrier to combat NaNs values and may not fill all those values because it depends on the method, for example interpolator={"method": "linear", "limit": 10} will fill only a maximum number of 10 consecutive NaNs. The interpolator keyword is optional. After the optional interpolation fillna_strategy is a mandatory keyword that ensure us that all NaNs will be filled (if interpolation is passed, it will fill only NaNs the couldn't be filled), and valid options are mean, zero or median. The outliers_detection is a dictionary whose method key referes to one the spark_forecast.outlier_detection.outlier_detection.OUTLIERS_METHODS and the next keys referes keyword arguments for the method, and for the moment outliers are replaced with NaNs and filled after with the interpolator and NaN filler process. The zero_bfill_to is a date string for which all time series will be back extended with zeros, and ignored if the time serie has older records than this date, and also repeat_bfill_to is a date string for which all time series will be backward repeated. Also exists the repeat_ffill_to that do a forward fill with the last value found. Note that zero_bfill_to, repeat_bfill_to and repeat_ffill_to are optional and we don't recommend, but are important in the context of hierarchical forecast, where all time series must have the same time horizont.

Warning If any time series is completely null, fairy-forecast will raise a error, we recommend to drop those series before going into Spark.

Time Series classification

The paper Comparison of statistical and machine learning methods for daily SKU demand forecasting classifies the time series into five categories zero, lumpy, erratic, Intermitent and smooth. We have implemented these categorizations in SparkTimeSeriesHelper.

classifications = time_helpers.naive_time_series_classifier_spark(data = data).cache()

The unique values given by naive_time_series_classifier_spark method are Smooth, Erratic, Zero, Lumpy and Intermitent and classifications may not contain all these classifications.

IMPORTANT Note that these classifications should be done prior data cleansing and can be applied post cleansing to see how classifications changes.

Time Series cleansing based on classifications

Given a group of classifications, for example, as showed above, we can apply a different data cleansing for each classification. We only need another Spark DataFrame containing a classification for each unique time series found in data, that is, a classification per group_columns unique items. Using the above example with classifications, we define a dictionary ARGS_PER_CLASSIFICATION with keys given the values of classifications and the values are dicctionary passed to the inner method of fill_and_fix_time_series_spark for cleansing.

    "Smooth": {
        "fillna_strategy": "mean",
        "duplicate_strategy": "sum",
        "interpolator": {"method": "linear"},
        "outliers_detection": {"method": "iqr"},
    "Zero": {
        "fillna_strategy": "zero",
        "duplicate_strategy": "sum",
    "Erratic": {
        "fillna_strategy": "zero",
        "duplicate_strategy": "sum",

    "Lumpy": {
        "fillna_strategy": "zero",
        "duplicate_strategy": "sum",
    "Intermitent": {
        "fillna_strategy": "zero",
        "duplicate_strategy": "sum",

data_spark_daily = (
        data = data,
        classification_data = classifications,

REMARK Is user responsability ensure that data and classification_data given in the fill_and_fix_time_series_spark_based_on_classification method match in the join operation, this includes ensure that join columns group_columns must be same data type. You can use any classification_data to do this not only the given by the method naive_time_series_classifier_spark.

Weekly aggregation

This is a helper that builds weekly data from daily. At this point the data must be with perfect daily time column, otherwise custom errors will be raised, so we recommend use this method after of calling fill_and_fix_time_series_spark or fill_and_fix_time_series_spark_based_on_classification. We need also at least 1 week of observation for all series in order to use it, otherwise error will be raised (note how ridiculous sounds this, but in the raw data sometimes exists series with less than 7 records.)

data_weekly = time_helpers.build_weekly_aggregation_spark(data = data_spark_daily, day = "MON").cache()

The method recives day parameter (default day = MON) and represents the start day in the week. Valid options are MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT and SUN.

WARNING Be sure that all time series in the data can be perfectly aggregated in weeks, that is, given the day parameter the first day and the last day in the time horizont for each time series should be the choosen day, otherwise the last week (and the first) could be aggregated with less days being a problem for the forecasting. You could use repeat_ffill_to, zero_bfill_to, or repeat_bfill_to arguments of the cleansing methods to handle this. This is just a warning, and the method will run anyway.


We have so far univariate and multivariate forecasting.

We have two error handling

  • fairy-forecast will extract the first time series found in the data, and will try to do a single forecast with that serie, and if fails will raise the error. This will discard all dummy errors as bad keywords arguments passed to the models, and also could detect if the data going into the forecast is in a bad format, for example with null values or duplicated dates. Note that this is only done in the first time series, but is very probably that if the first one is in a bad format, the others will be too, so you may check your data and check if you used well the cleansing methods.

  • If the validation on the first series worked, then all errors found in the next series will be ignored and placed in the columns error and type_error of the returning forecast Data Frame. This is because some models could trough errors for some time series (some models doesn't admit zeros) and we don't want a fail after a long runing execution.

Univariate Forecasting

The univariate forecast is the simpliest and the available methods can be found by

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.forecast import univariate_models_info

>>> univariate_models_info()

{'fast_fourier_transform': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': False},
 'exponential_smoothing': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'arima_univariate': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'four_theta': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': False},
 'theta': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': False},
 'croston': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': False},
 'autoarima_univariate': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': False},
 'tbats': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'bats': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True}}

If you want apply the same univariate model for all time series found on data

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.forecast import forecast_spark

forecast = forecast_spark(
    freq = "D",
    group_columns=["location_id", "item_id"],

The method by default predicts so many time in future as steps parameter and the starter point of the predictions depends on each time series, for example suppose a time series found in data has time horizont to "2022-01-01", then the predictions (with steps = 2) will be for "2022-01-02" and "2022-01-03", and if other has time horizont to "2022-01-10", then the predictions will be "2022-01-11" and "2022-01-12". If you need that all time series to have the same forecast horizont you must ensure that all time series in data_spark_daily have the same time horizont, that can be done using repeat_ffill_to of the cleansing methods.

Probabilistic Univariate Forecasting

We do probaiblistic forecast and we return interval of predictions. All probabilistic models have a different way to do this and we recommend to read the documentation. The probabilistic univariate models are listed in univariate_models_info function.

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.forecast import probabilistic_forecast_spark

forecast = probabilistic_forecast_spark(
    freq = "D",
    group_columns=["location_id", "item_id"],
    upper_quantile = 0.75,
    lower_quantile = 0.25,

num_samples is the quantity of forecasting point will be generated (i.e the distribution) and lower_quantileand upper_quantile are the quantiles that we will return of the distribution.

Multivariate Forecasting

Same logic as the univariate forecasting but here we introduce the concept of future_covariates, which are exogeneous variables known in the whole time horizont, i.e for training and for predict. For the moment these covariates are a pandas Data Frame that will work as exogeneous variables for all time series found in the Spark DataFrame. For example

The documentation of the models can be obtained by doing

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.forecast import multivariate_models_info

>>> multivariate_model_info()

{'regressor': {'docs': 'Found on ``spark_forecast.models.regressor`` module',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'regressor_darts': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': False},
 'arima': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'autoarima': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': False},
 'kalman': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'statsforecast_autoarima': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'lgbm': {'docs': 'Not docummented in Darts.', 'probabilistic': True},
 'random_forest': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'prophet': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'rnn': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True},
 'nbeats': {'docs': '',
  'probabilistic': True}}

So we do a multivariate forecasting

import numpy as np
import pandas a pd
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.forecast import multivariate_forecast_spark

time_index = pd.date_range("2021-01-01", "2022-10-03")

dummy_covariates = pd.DataFrame(
        "A": np.random.randint(0,2, size = len(time_index)),
        "B": np.random.randint(0,2, size = len(time_index))
    index = time_index

forecast = multivariate_forecast_spark(
    freq = "D",
    group_columns=["location_id", "item_id"],
    model_kwargs = {"lags": 30, "regressor": RandomForestRegressor(max_depth = 100, n_estimators = 200)},
    future_covariates = dummy_covariates,

All time series found in the Spark Data Frame must satisfy that time horizont plus the forecast horizont must becontained in the future_covariates time index. Note careful that the future_covariates index is an instance of pandas.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex, otherwise errors will be raised.

import numpy as np
import pandas a pd

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.forecast import multivariate_forecast_spark

time_index = pd.date_range("2021-01-01", "2022-10-03")

dummy_covariates = pd.DataFrame(
        "A": np.random.randint(0,2, size = len(time_index)),
        "B": np.random.randint(0,2, size = len(time_index))
    index = time_index

forecast = multivariate_forecast_spark(
    freq = "D",
    group_columns=["location_id", "item_id"],
    future_covariates = dummy_covariates,

An example using prophet, note that in this case model_kwargs can be omited because it has default values for prophet model, but if you want to give diferent than default you may use model_kwargs after read the documentation of the model.

REMARK The multivariate_forecast_spark can be used without future_covariates argument, i.e is optional, because all the multivariate models supports forecast without exogeneous variables.

Probabilistic Multivariate Forecasting

Same as the multivariate forecasting presented above and the probabilistic univariate forecasting.

import numpy as np
import pandas a pd

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.forecast import probabilistic_multivariate_forecast_spark

time_index = pd.date_range("2021-01-01", "2022-10-03")

dummy_covariates = pd.DataFrame(
        "A": np.random.randint(0,2, size = len(time_index)),
        "B": np.random.randint(0,2, size = len(time_index))
    index = time_index

forecast = probabilistic_multivariate_forecast_spark(
    freq = "D",
    group_columns=["location_id", "item_id"],
    future_covariates = dummy_covariates,
    lower_quantile = 0.25,
    upper_quantile = 0.75,
    num_samples = 20,

Forecasting based on classifications

Same as the cleansing based on classification, if we have another Spark Data Frame with classifications for each time series, we can do a different forecast for each classification. We use classifications defined in the Classification Section.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from xgboost import XGBRegressor

from spark_forecast.helpers._pyspark.forecast import (

    "Smooth": {
        "model_name": "regressor",
        "lags": 4,
        "regressor": RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=40),
    "Zero": {"model_name": "exponential_smoothing"},
    "Erratic": {
        "model_name": "regressor",
        "lags": 6,
        "regressor": XGBRegressor(),
    "Lumpy": {"model_name": "exponential_smoothing"},
    "Intermittent": {"model_name": "fast_fourier_transform"},

forecast = forecast_with_classification_spark(
    group_columns=["location_id", "item_id"],

So, here model_classification_dict is a dictionary whose keys are the unique values of Spark classifications passed trough classification_data argument. Each inner dictionary must contain the key model_name specifying a valid model name supported in this project, the rest of the keys are the keywords arguments passed to the model inizialization, and as always, some models have defaults values, and probably mostly model_name will be the only mandatory key.


To create new features and improve the project you must set a development enviroment, because you need to use Spark. There are two needed things to take in mind. First, you will need an enviroment where you can test your code in programming time, and a jupyter notebook is a very nice option. We recommend to use the pyspark-notebook and mount a volume of the code folder spark_forecast inside a container of that image (here spark_forecast is the inner folder where are placed all .py files). The volume will help to update all the fairy forecast files inside the container at programming time.


For testing, we don't need pyspark-notebook, because that is a development tool. We use a minimal Docker image with a Spark environment in order to run the integration test, this image is build with the Dockerfile of the project. The test will run with the Azure Pipeline as part of the CI process. We also recommend to create a local container with a mounted volume in order to run the test local before going into the pipeline. To do that we do the following commands

docker build -t fairy_tester_image --target tester .

This command will create an image that allow us to create containers with fairy-forecast .py files and the tests folder. Next you need to create a continaer with a mounted volume to update the .py files at programming time

docker run -v <FULL_PATH_TO_spark_forecast_PY_FILES_FOLDER>:/spark_forecast/spark_forecast -v <FULL_PATH_TO_spark_forecast_TEST_FOLDER>:/spark_forecast/tests  --name fairy_test_container fairy_tester_image

The command above will create a container called fairy_test_container with a volume between our local .py files and the container.


  • Parameter tunning
  • Darts past_covariates

spark-forecast's People


andresliszt avatar



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