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lua-parser's Introduction


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This is a Lua 5.3 parser written with LPegLabel that generates an AST in a format that is similar to the one specified by Metalua. The parser uses LPegLabel to provide more specific error messages.


    lua >= 5.1
    lpeglabel >= 1.6.0


The package lua-parser has two modules: lua-parser.parser and lua-parser.pp.

The module lua-parser.parser implements the function parser.parse:

  • parser.parse (subject, filename)

    Both subject and filename should be strings. It tries to parse subject and returns the AST in case of success. It returns nil plus an error message in case of error. In case of error, the parser uses the string filename to build an error message.

The module lua-parser.pp implements a pretty printer to the AST and a dump function:

  • pp.tostring (ast)

    It converts the AST to a string and returns this string.

  • pp.print (ast)

    It converts the AST to a string and prints this string.

  • pp.dump (ast[, i])

    It dumps the AST to the screen. The parameter i sets the indentation level.

AST format

block: { stat* }

        `Do{ stat* }
      | `Set{ {lhs+} {expr+} }                    -- lhs1, lhs2... = e1, e2...
      | `While{ expr block }                      -- while e do b end
      | `Repeat{ block expr }                     -- repeat b until e
      | `If{ (expr block)+ block? }               -- if e1 then b1 [elseif e2 then b2] ... [else bn] end
      | `Fornum{ ident expr expr expr? block }    -- for ident = e, e[, e] do b end
      | `Forin{ {ident+} {expr+} block }          -- for i1, i2... in e1, e2... do b end
      | `Local{ {ident+} {expr+}? }               -- local i1, i2... = e1, e2...
      | `Localrec{ ident expr }                   -- only used for 'local function'
      | `Goto{ <string> }                         -- goto str
      | `Label{ <string> }                        -- ::str::
      | `Return{ <expr*> }                        -- return e1, e2...
      | `Break                                    -- break
      | apply

      | `Dots
      | `Boolean{ <boolean> }
      | `Number{ <number> }
      | `String{ <string> }
      | `Function{ { `Id{ <string> }* `Dots? } block }
      | `Table{ ( `Pair{ expr expr } | expr )* }
      | `Op{ opid expr expr? }
      | `Paren{ expr }       -- significant to cut multiple values returns
      | apply
      | lhs

         `Call{ expr expr* }
       | `Invoke{ expr `String{ <string> } expr* }

lhs: `Id{ <string> } | `Index{ expr expr }

opid:  -- includes additional operators from Lua 5.3 and all relational operators
        'add'  | 'sub' | 'mul'  | 'div'
      | 'idiv' | 'mod' | 'pow'  | 'concat'
      | 'band' | 'bor' | 'bxor' | 'shl' | 'shr'
      | 'eq'   | 'ne'  | 'lt'   | 'gt'  | 'le'   | 'ge'
      | 'and'  | 'or'  | 'unm'  | 'len' | 'bnot' | 'not'


Code example for parsing a string:

local parser = require "lua-parser.parser"
local pp = require "lua-parser.pp"

if #arg ~= 1 then
    print("Usage: parse.lua <string>")

local ast, error_msg = parser.parse(arg[1], "example.lua")
if not ast then


Running the above code example using a string without syntax error:

$ lua parse.lua "for i=1, 10 do print(i) end"
{ `Fornum{ `Id "i", `Number "1", `Number "10", { `Call{ `Id "print", `Id "i" } } } }

Running the above code example using a string with syntax error:

$ lua parse.lua "for i=1, 10 do print(i) "
example.lua:1:24: syntax error, expected 'end' to close the for loop

lua-parser's People


andremm avatar e-fir avatar lezgomatt avatar luyuhuang avatar tst2005 avatar


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lua-parser's Issues

"attempt to get length of a number value (local 'sfail')" when parsing wrong syntax


lua5.3: /usr/local/share/lua/5.3/lua-parser/parser.lua:478: attempt to get length of a number value (local 'sfail')
stack traceback:
    /usr/local/share/lua/5.3/lua-parser/parser.lua:478: in function 'lua-parser.parser.parse'
    <my code>
    [C]: in ?

Steps to reproduce

require 'luarocks.loader'
local parser = require 'lua-parser.parser'

local source = "while true do"
local ast, err = parser.parse(source, "sourcefile.lua")

Seems like this happens with any invalid syntax.


luarocks 3.0.4
lua-parser 1.0.0-1
LPegLabel 1.5.0-1
Lua 5.3.3

Additional info

This issue does not occur with lua-parser 0.1.1-1. The parse function returns normally and error message is sourcefile.lua:1:13: syntax error, unexpected 'EOF', expecting 'end', 'return', '(', 'Name', 'goto', 'break', '::', 'local', 'function', 'repeat', 'for', 'do', 'while', 'if', ';'


I have questions.. and the ast is mind blowing to loop 😂

in string we have this

[09:01 ob ]$ ob
{ Set{ { Id "main" }, { Function{ { }, { Set{ { Id "select" }, { Call{ Index{ Id "gg", String "choice" }, Table{ String "test1", String "test2" } } } }, If{ Op{ "eq", Id "select", Number "1" }, { Call{ Index{ Id "test", String "show" } } } }, If{ Op{ "eq", Id "select", Number "2" }, { Call{ Index{ Id "test", String "show2" } } } } } } } }, Set{ { Id "a" }, { Number "1" } }, Set{ { Id "b" }, { String "3(£+£+£+£+" } }, Set{ { Id "test" }, { Table{ Pair{ String "show", Function{ { }, { Call{ Index{ Id "gg", String "alert" }, String "find me" } } } }, Pair{ String "show2", Function{ { }, { Call{ Index{ Id "gg", String "alert" }, String "yay me" } } } } } } }, Call{ `Id "main" } }

and. i have this as table
{ { { { "main",
pos = 10,
tag = "Id"
} }, { { {}, { { { { "select",
pos = 21,
tag = "Id"
pos = 21,
tag = "VarList"
}, { { { { "gg",
pos = 30,
tag = "Id"
}, { "choice",
pos = 33,
tag = "String"
pos = 30,
tag = "Index"
}, { { "test1",
pos = 51,
tag = "String"
}, { "test2",
pos = 69,
tag = "String"
pos = 40,
tag = "Table"
pos = 30,
tag = "Call"
pos = 30,
tag = "ExpList"
pos = 21,
tag = "Set"
}, { { "eq", { "select",
pos = 91,
tag = "Id"
}, { 1,
pos = 101,
tag = "Number"
pos = 91,
tag = "Op"
}, { { { { "test",
pos = 108,
tag = "Id"
}, { "show",
pos = 113,
tag = "String"
pos = 108,
tag = "Index"
pos = 108,
tag = "Call"
pos = 108,
tag = "Block"
pos = 88,
tag = "If"
}, { { "eq", { "select",
pos = 131,
tag = "Id"
}, { 2,
pos = 141,
tag = "Number"
pos = 131,
tag = "Op"
}, { { { { "test",
pos = 148,
tag = "Id"
}, { "show2",
pos = 153,
tag = "String"
pos = 148,
tag = "Index"
pos = 148,
tag = "Call"
pos = 148,
tag = "Block"
pos = 128,
tag = "If"
pos = 21,
tag = "Block"
pos = 14,
tag = "Function"
} },
pos = 1,
tag = "Set"
}, { { { "a",
pos = 177,
tag = "Id"
pos = 177,
tag = "VarList"
}, { { 1,
pos = 181,
tag = "Number"
pos = 181,
tag = "ExpList"
pos = 177,
tag = "Set"
}, { { { "b",
pos = 187,
tag = "Id"
pos = 187,
tag = "VarList"
}, { { "3(£+£+£+£+",
pos = 191,
tag = "String"
pos = 191,
tag = "ExpList"
pos = 187,
tag = "Set"
}, { { { "test",
pos = 212,
tag = "Id"
pos = 212,
tag = "VarList"
}, { { { { "show",
pos = 229,
tag = "String"
}, { {}, { { { { "gg",
pos = 259,
tag = "Id"
}, { "alert",
pos = 262,
tag = "String"
pos = 259,
tag = "Index"
}, { "find me",
pos = 268,
tag = "String"
pos = 259,
tag = "Call"
pos = 259,
tag = "Block"
pos = 244,
tag = "Function"
pos = 229,
tag = "Pair"
}, { { "show2",
pos = 300,
tag = "String"
}, { {}, { { { { "gg",
pos = 331,
tag = "Id"
}, { "alert",
pos = 334,
tag = "String"
pos = 331,
tag = "Index"
}, { "yay me",
pos = 340,
tag = "String"
pos = 331,
tag = "Call"
pos = 331,
tag = "Block"
pos = 316,
tag = "Function"
pos = 300,
tag = "Pair"
pos = 219,
tag = "Table"
pos = 219,
tag = "ExpList"
pos = 212,
tag = "Set"
}, { { "main",
pos = 372,
tag = "Id"
pos = 372,
tag = "Call"
pos = 1,
tag = "Block"


how can i loop in all of this?
hmm I want to get all
functions name
variable names

the script looks like this

function main() select = gg.choice({ "test1", "test2" }) if select == 1 then end if select == 2 then test.show2() end end a = 1 b = "3(£+£+£+£+" test = { show = function() gg.alert("find me") end, show2 = function() gg.alert("yay me") end } main()

parsing error are not properly reported

Steps to reproduce

  1. create an empty directory in /tmp and cd into it.
  2. pip install hererocks
  3. hererocks . -r^ --lua=5.3
  4. ./bin/luarocks install lua-parser
  5. copy the code example in README as parse.lua:
local parser = require "lua-parser.parser"
local pp = require "lua-parser.pp"

if #arg ~= 1 then
    print("Usage: parse.lua <string>")

local ast, error_msg = parser.parse(arg[1], "example.lua")
if not ast then

  1. ./bin/lua parse.lua "for i=1, 10 do print(i)"

Expected behavior

example.lua:1:24: syntax error, expected 'end' to close the for loop

Actual behavior

./bin/lua: ./share/lua/5.3/lua-parser/parser.lua:478: attempt to get length of a number value (local 'sfail')
stack traceback:
	./share/lua/5.3/lua-parser/parser.lua:478: in function 'lua-parser.parser.parse'
	parse.lua:9: in main chunk
	[C]: in ?

can't parse goto

lp = require 'lua-parser.parser'
lp.parse('::xx::; goto xxx')
parser.lua:75: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)

Problem in pp.dump

The command line below will simply throw an error if without this commit .

$cat parse.lua
local parser = require "lua-parser.parser"
local pp = require "lua-parser.pp"

if #arg ~= 1 then
    print("Usage: parse.lua <string>")

local ast, error_msg = parser.parse(arg[1], "example.lua")
if not ast then


$ lua parse.lua "x=2;local function x() end"
lua: /usr/share/lua/5.1/lua-parser/pp.lua:314: bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'format'
        /usr/share/lua/5.1/lua-parser/pp.lua:314: in function 'dump'
        /usr/share/lua/5.1/lua-parser/pp.lua:319: in function 'dump'
        /usr/share/lua/5.1/lua-parser/pp.lua:319: in function 'dump'
        parse_str.lua:54: in main chunk
        [C]: ?

Expected output after this commit:

  [tag] = Block
  [pos] = 1
  [1] = {
    [tag] = Set
    [pos] = 1
    [1] = {
      [tag] = VarList
      [pos] = 1
      [1] = {
        [tag] = Id
        [pos] = 1
        [1] = x
    [2] = {
      [tag] = ExpList
      [pos] = 3
      [1] = {
        [tag] = Number
        [pos] = 3
        [1] = 2
  [2] = {
    [tag] = Localrec
    [pos] = 11
    [1] = {
      [1] = {
        [tag] = Id
        [pos] = 20
        [1] = x
    [2] = {
      [1] = {
        [tag] = Function
        [pos] = 21
        [1] = {
        [2] = {
          [tag] = Block
          [pos] = 24

I don't know whether this is just a little implementation problem within pp.dump or actually due to the inconsistence of the AST which generated by the parser.

Thanks a lot and all best to you. lua-parser is a pretty cool project 👍

problem with fix_str() in parser.lua

When given the string
The fix_str() function will make this into
Instead of the correct

This is the same for all escaped characters. (\b,\n,\r ect.)

All tests pass, but fail sometimes !


I enjoyed by your lua-parser !
I started to testt it and it fail, because I'm on a quiet old debian with LPeg 0.10.
I decided to check with LuLPeg (LPeg 0.12).
All tests passed with lua5.1, luajit(5.1) and lua5.2 !

I discovered all tests pass... but sometimes it fail !
Always at the assert of the line 598.

I add some debug print and got different error message, but the most of time it raise the funny message syntax error, unexpected 'do', expecting 'do', ....

I only got failure with lua5.1 (not lua5.2)
EDIT: I also got the same error with luajit(2.0.3 compat 5.1))

The full logs :

tst2005/lua-parser$ while lua5.1 test.lua; do sleep 5;done                                                                                                                               
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
assert(r==e)    r:      string  test.lua:1:1: syntax error, unexpected 'while', expecting 'return', '(', 'Name', 'goto', 'break', '::', 'local', 'function', 'repeat', 'for', 'do', '[', 'if', ';'
        e:      { `While{ `Number "1", { `Break } } }
        string  s:
lua5.1: ERROR: assert fail at line ~598
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        test.lua:645: in main chunk
        [C]: ?
tst2005/lua-parser$ while lua5.1 test.lua; do sleep 5;done
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
assert(r==e)    r:      string  test.lua:1:9: syntax error, unexpected 'do', expecting 'do', 'or', 'and', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '==', '~=', '|', '~', '&', '>>', '<<', '..', '-', '+', '%', '/', '//', '*', '^'
        e:      { `While{ `Number "1", { `Break } } }
        string  s:
lua5.1: ERROR: assert fail at line ~598
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        test.lua:645: in main chunk
        [C]: ?
tst2005/lua-parser$ while lua5.1 test.lua; do sleep 5;done
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
> testing lexer...
> testing parser...
assert(r==e)    r:      string  test.lua:1:9: syntax error, unexpected 'do', expecting 'do', 'or', 'and', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '==', '~=', '|', '~', '&', '>>', '<<', '..', '-', '+', '%', '/', '//', '*', '^'
        e:      { `While{ `Number "1", { `Break } } }
        string  s:
lua5.1: ERROR: assert fail at line ~598
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        test.lua:645: in main chunk
        [C]: ?

<= and >= are scanned as the same token

Your example produces the same syntax tree for two very different code snippets


Bot produce

{ `Set{ { `Id "a" }, { `Op{ "le", `Number "1", `Number "4" } } } }

Optional code context linked with ast node

I've faced a problem in reproducing original lua source code from AST. There is a pos field in AST node but is it possible to add optional code context? For example:
I have the following original code:

if a == 3 and b then end

and corresponding AST for it;

{ { { "and", { "eq", { "a",
          pos = 4,
          tag = "Id"
        }, { 3,
          pos = 9,
          tag = "Number"
        pos = 4,
        tag = "Op"
      }, { "b",
        pos = 15,
        tag = "Id"
      pos = 4,
      tag = "Op"
    }, {
      pos = 22,
      tag = "Block"
    pos = 1,
    tag = "If"
  pos = 1,
  tag = "Block"

I want to restore orig code for if condition body. On one hand I believe that I can do it via Breadth-first search on the AST, but some info can be missing: some binary comparation operators transformed in non-revertable AST such as >= & <=, etc. Lua comments are dropped and so on.

So as the result there is a bunch of questions:

  1. Is it possible to add some tag and parser for comments to reflect them in AST?
  2. Maybe we should preserve original code format in AST. I mean not combining commutative operators in same tags (comparation operators, constructions like not a == b, etc)
  3. Is it feasible to add original code context to AST node?
  4. Maybe optionally save whilespaces in AST? Can be useful for code structure (indentation based) linting / static analysis.

Problem may in lua-parser/parser.lua:binaryOp

Hi Andre, there may be something not right in lua-parser/parser.lua:binaryOp:

local function binaryOp (e1, op, e2)
  if not op then
    return e1

  local node = { tag = "Op", pos = e1.pos, [1] = op, [2] = e1, [3] = e2 }

  if op == "ne" then
    node[1] = "eq"
    node = unaryOp("not", node)
  elseif op == "gt" then
    node[1], node[2], node[3] = "lt", e2, e1     --<-- problem
  elseif op == "ge" then
    node[1], node[2], node[3] = "le", e2, e1     --<-- problem

  return node
$ cat t.lua
gl_f_ct = 0

function f()
    if gl_f_ct <= 0 then
        return 1000
    return -1000

print( f("1st call") > f("2nd call") ) --> in lua-parser's ast: lt f("2nd call") f("1st call")  | wrong
gl_f_ct = 0
print( f("1st call") < f("2nd call") ) --> in lua-parser's ast: lt f("1st call") f("2nd call")  | right

$ luajit -bl t.lua
-- BYTECODE -- t.lua:3-9
0001    GGET     0   0      ; "gl_f_ct"
0002    KSHORT   1   0
0003    ISGT     0   1
0004    JMP      0 => 0009
0005    KSHORT   0   1
0006    GSET     0   0      ; "gl_f_ct"
0007    KSHORT   0 1000
0008    RET1     0   2
0009 => KSHORT   0 -1000
0010    RET1     0   2

-- BYTECODE -- t.lua:0-15
0001    KSHORT   0   0
0002    GSET     0   0      ; "gl_f_ct"
0003    FNEW     0   1      ; t.lua:3
0004    GSET     0   2      ; "f"
0005    GGET     0   3      ; "print"
0006    GGET     1   2      ; "f"
0007    KSTR     2   4      ; "1st call"   <-- right
0008    CALL     1   2   2
0009    GGET     2   2      ; "f"
0010    KSTR     3   5      ; "2nd call"   <-- right
0011    CALL     2   2   2
0012    ISLT     2   1
0013    JMP      1 => 0016
0014    KPRI     1   1
0015    JMP      2 => 0017
0016 => KPRI     1   2
0017 => CALL     0   1   2
0018    KSHORT   0   0
0019    GSET     0   0      ; "gl_f_ct"
0020    GGET     0   3      ; "print"
0021    GGET     1   2      ; "f"
0022    KSTR     2   4      ; "1st call"  <-- right
0023    CALL     1   2   2
0024    GGET     2   2      ; "f"
0025    KSTR     3   5      ; "2nd call"  <-- right
0026    CALL     2   2   2
0027    ISLT     1   2
0028    JMP      1 => 0031
0029    KPRI     1   1
0030    JMP      2 => 0032
0031 => KPRI     1   2
0032 => CALL     0   1   2
0033    RET0     0   1

$ lua parse_str.lua 'print( f("1st call") > f("2nd call") ) ; print( f("1st call") < f("2nd call") )'
  [tag] = Block
  [pos] = 1
  [1] = {
    [tag] = Call
    [pos] = 1
    [1] = {
      [tag] = Id
      [pos] = 1
      [1] = print
    [2] = {
      [tag] = Op
      [pos] = 8
      [1] = lt
      [2] = {
        [tag] = Call
        [pos] = 24
        [1] = {
          [tag] = Id
          [pos] = 24
          [1] = f
        [2] = {
          [tag] = String
          [pos] = 26
          [1] = 2nd call     <-- wrong
      [3] = {
        [tag] = Call
        [pos] = 8
        [1] = {
          [tag] = Id
          [pos] = 8
          [1] = f
        [2] = {
          [tag] = String
          [pos] = 10
          [1] = 1st calll     <-- wrong
  [2] = {
    [tag] = Call
    [pos] = 42
    [1] = {
      [tag] = Id
      [pos] = 42
      [1] = print
    [2] = {
      [tag] = Op
      [pos] = 49
      [1] = lt
      [2] = {
        [tag] = Call
        [pos] = 49
        [1] = {
          [tag] = Id
          [pos] = 49
          [1] = f
        [2] = {
          [tag] = String
          [pos] = 51
          [1] = 1st calll     <-- right
      [3] = {
        [tag] = Call
        [pos] = 65
        [1] = {
          [tag] = Id
          [pos] = 65
          [1] = f
        [2] = {
          [tag] = String
          [pos] = 67
          [1] = 2nd call    <-- right

I think the AST shouldn't consider too much about the constraints of latter IR phase. And there maybe two possible solutions:

  1. Add 'gt' & 'ge' to the opid (which is used in PR11).

  2. Use the mathematical transformation below to solve it lazily (but which would cause some more unnecessarily complexity):

( f1 > f2  ) == ( not ( f1 <= f2 ) )
( f1 >= f2  ) == ( not ( f1 < f2 ) )

Thanks a lot and all best :)

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