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Tickets Page


In addition to deciding on and integrating a ticketing system, will of course need to build out the page.

Note: This is just a mock up, final design will be based on actual integration + implementation

Some notes:

  • 18+
  • General Admission - Access to the entrance gallery, main hall, and vendors gallery
  • VIP - Includes GA and access to the mezzanine section, green room, 10% off merch coupon code, and complimentary snacks and refreshments.

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Outstanding Items

  1. image assets (though all could be done with CSS) - also dependent on integration
    • plus and minus arrows / buttons
    • next button
  2. waves behind text image (make own issue?) - #78


  1. Implementation TBD
  2. Lighthouse Audit
  3. E2E Testing (nice to have, depending on AnalogStudiosRI#16)

Event Details Component


Will want to create a component for the event details.
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  1. Map Logo (w/dotted line, star, ship)
  2. Content (do not include "Of the summer")
  3. Icons / Locations

Archives Page


I've backed up a version of the website at as a nice matter of historical record and archiving.


Would be nice to have a link somewhere (maybe the footer?) to an Archive page with links to all these pages as they accumulate over time.

FAQ Page


Will want an FAQ Page
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Outstanding Items

Work can get started without these, and @thescientist13 will provide

  1. Finalize copy / content, but what's in the styleguide is good enough to get started
  2. Banner Photograph of IYRS
  3. waves behind text image (make own issue?) - #78


  1. Create ToC
  2. Google Maps Integration
  3. Should try and make this as a markdown page
  4. Lighthouse audit

Could draw some inspiration from the Newport Folk Festival Info page

Landing Page + Content


Will want to compose all the parts together into the final page
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  1. Combine header, sign up, and event details components on to the page (after #8)
  2. Feedback
    • make logos and location text bigger (add Analog Studios location in italics and in accent color)
    • make header a little bit bigger
    • header doesn't seem centered?

Nice to have (new issues?)

Get this text to stretch across breakpoints to like in the designs
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Footer component


Create a response footer component
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  1. Wave repeat (see Header component for reference)
  2. Social Icons / links (see Signup Form)
  3. Copyright
  4. Test Case
  5. Storybook

Navigation component


Will need to create a standalone, mobile friendly navigation component with links to all the pages.

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This implementation can be referenced to also account for SSR -


  1. Will need to be responsive for up to 2 - 8 navigation items
  2. Will need links for the following pages
    • Home - /home/
    • About (Details) - /about/
    • Lineup - /lineup/
    • Tickets - /tickets/
    • FAQ - /faq/
    • Contact - /contact/
  3. Test Case
  4. Storybook

Note: This component will be integrated as pages become available, so just need to create the component for now

Lineup Card component


Will want to create a Card component to be used on the Lineup page
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  1. Responsive across break points (can have a max width at higher breakpoints)
  2. Should be able to re-create the photograph effect with just CSS
  3. Will want to accept props for
    • artist name
    • artist description
    • image
    • image rotation
    • (Optional) Socials - Facebook, website, Spotify, instagram, email
  4. Test Case
  5. Storybook

Lighthouse audit


Will want to conduct a lighthouse audit for the soft launch. For full launch, will conduct the audit as part of each page's delivery.


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Properly Size Images
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Image Dimensions
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Alt Attributes
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Low Contrast Text
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Image Resolution
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tooling and repository scaffolding


Need to get the repo and running and ready for development

  1. GitHub Actions
  2. Branch Protections
  3. Deploy Previews
  4. Issue / PR Templates
  5. Storybook
  6. Tailwind
  7. Testing
  8. Linting
  11. Storybook + GitHub Pages (nice to have)

connect DNS for website launch


When the splash is ready to launch, will need to connect the domain name with our Netlify hosting.


  1. Setup DNS in AWS
  2. Setup DNS in Netlify

Lineup Poster component


Will need a lineup component to show on the home page
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Outstanding Items

Work can get started without these, and @thescientist13 will provide

  1. Get lineup details / content - #60
  2. separator image for between names
  3. background image of IYRS (can use a placeholder for now)


  1. Lineup should be staggered such there are three rows
    • Headliner # 1
    • Headliner # 2
    • All remaining names (will be up to 5-6 names, so should be fluid / responsive)
  2. Will need to be responsive for up to 5 - 6 artist names in for the third row
  3. Test Case
  4. Storybook

Note: This component will be integrated as pages become available, so just need to create the component for now

Lineup Page


Will need to create a Lineup page
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Outstanding Items

Work can get started without these, and @thescientist13 will provide

  1. Get lineup details / content - #60
  2. waves behind text image (make own issue?) - #78


  1. Integrate #48
  2. Lighthouse Audit

setup preview environment and branching strategy


Will want to get some basic preview environment and branching strategy so we can develop and see and share the work, but without having it go live until we're ready. (Probably through a merge)


My hunch is this an order of operations

  1. Create a v0 branch as the default
  2. Setup Netlify deploy previews on main and v0 branches
  3. Create a domain to link to Netlify v0 branch
  4. Update links in the discussion - #1

When ready to go live, merge v0 in main

apply wavy edges treatment to the lineup component


From the designs, the Lineup component should have more "wavy" edges around it.
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Currently the edges are flat.
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Not sure the best way to do it, but if it could be done with CSS somehow that would be great. Otherwise, if we need any custom assets from the designer we can reach out for those.

Hopefully we can do it in a generic way (e.g. CSS) so that it isn't specific to the image and also works responsively, where having to slice out images could be tricky.

News Page


Should create a page (linked or not) that can be used a link / jumping off point to link to all newsletter mailings)


  1. waves behind text image (make own issue?) - #82


  1. Create top level New page
  2. Create launch newsletter per #70
  3. Add to navigation

bug: home page event details text overflows image on desktop version


When using a web browser on desktop the text from event details overflows the IYRS logo.



The same doesnt happen on small or medium devices.

Fix suggestion

Using flexbox could easily fix this issue, making sure that flex-col is the default class prop (mobile first) and then using md:flex-row to put both containers side by side.

CLS is slightly elevated


Coming out of #112 (comment), noticed that our CLS was slightly elevated.

That high CLS is also in production too, so not sure where that is coming from.
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It doesn't show up in any of the diagnostics as an issue to fix, so not sure what the issue is? ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

About Page


Create an about page for the festival.
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Outstanding Items

Work can get started without these, and @thescientist13 will provide

  1. photos for photo gallery (these images should be added the EventBrite listing)
  2. what is Blissfest image


  1. Add to navigation
  2. Image Carousel

Ticket Info component


On the home page we will want to replace the "sign up form" with an info box about tickets / event details

Ticket info Box-2


  1. Responsive across break points just like the Signup Form component
  2. Get tickets should link to /tickets/ page
  3. Make a nice space for text, assume some heading / bullets
  4. Test Case
  5. Storybook

Header Component


We will want create a component to encapsulate the logo and "tearing" effect seen in the designs.

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  1. Logo (need to get this as a standalone asset from the designer)
  2. Theming
  3. Tearing Effect
  4. Storybook
  5. Spec

shared lineup content and details (lineup service)


Lineup details will be needed in multiple places, two so far. Will likely want to create a shared service that contain all this content and make it easy to interact with. Ideally its something we can continue to update over time.

Outstanding Items

  1. Initial content / details (ideally can just be updated over time)


  1. Put all artists into a data structure and return as a service
  2. Export content with placeholders unavailable as undefined
  3. Provide a filter function (reverse sort based on time)

Would be good to integrate it into

  1. The lineup page
  2. The lineup poster component

refactor header background image inline `style` to use Tailwind classes


The header component currently uses a style attribute for the background image

  class="pb-16 bg-repeat-x bg-bottom"
  style="background-image: url('/assets/images/tear-strip.webp');"


Would be good to get these styles into the class attribute to stay consistent with Tailwind usage. Not sure if this is possible with v2, so should confirm that first. I can help upgrade to v3 if needed.

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Pages


As the website collects personal information from users through the newsletter signup form and the contact page, it would be good for us to create a page that details what we do with this information.

Would we also want to create a Terms of Service (ToS) page too?


So we would want to create this page with the following content

  1. Newsletter policy
  2. Contact Form policy
  3. Include a link to this page in the footer

decorate page headings with wisps / waves treatment


A few pages have headings that per the designs, should have these waves / "wisps" behind the text. The #51 for example.
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Currently it is just the text now


Would be good to figure out the best way to do this (assets are in the zip attached to #15 ) , then would need to apply to the following pages

theme colors accessibility audit


Using this to track accessibility issues that arise out of the current theme, in particular color contrasts.


Mailing List Signup


Event Details




align images with accessibility complaint font color


Note: I think the images for the v6 styleguide now include the corrected (old) colors with update map images, so I think this is doable now using the original color of #ff5c5c. Assets available at #15

As part of tweaking the site's styleguide to ensure text and color contrast are accessible, the styleguide was updated with a new accent color.
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However, this looked out of place as the images use the old non-compliant color, which is quite jarring.
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For the interim solution in #41 , the color #db0000 was used, which is the minimally compliant color I could find while staying as close to the colors used in the site.
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Whatever color is picked, we should make sure all the image assets align with it and are re-cut.

Mobile Treatment and Responsiveness


We will want make sure we come up with a good way to present the content of the splash page for mobile browsers.
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  1. Determine Designs (need to get this from the designer)
  2. Wrap signup form to be below event details
  3. Correctly size event details image + text ( see #7 )

refactor double usage of `<img>` tags for event details component


Coming out of #32 , two <img> tags where used to enable the feature of having the RI map achieve different outcomes for smaller vs larger breakpoints, with usage of positioning since the dotted arrows will go in two different directions based on breakpoint.

<!-- sm -->
<img src="/assets/images/ri-map.webp" class="hidden sm:block max-w-sm md:max-w-sm lg:max-w-md xl:max-w-md" style="position:absolute; z-index:-1">


<!-- xs -->
<img src="/assets/images/ri-map-mobile.webp" class="block sm:hidden pt-2" style="width: 350px"/>


  1. In theory this could / should be refactored down into one <img> tag, likely using a secret
  2. Ideally all the styling should leverage Tailwind classes (instead of inline style attributes)

Newsletter Signup Component


Create standalone component for submitting contact information to the website.
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  1. Bottle graphic (need to get this as a standalone asset from the designer)
  2. Content + Form
  3. Social Icons
  4. Storybook
  5. Spec

Form submission will be handled in #14

SEO and Metadata


Will want to make sure the appropriate metadata and SEO content is ready for when the site launches.


  1. Favicon (need to get from designer)
  2. <meta> tags
  3. OG image and tags (need to get image from designer)

use CSS transform to rotate footer background image


As part of #91, in order to achieve the "tear" effect for the footer, I simply took the image from the header and flipped it in image editing software and saved it as a new image.
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Ideally, it would be better if we could share the same image between header and footer instead of having to load two images. Then, for the footer, just use a CSS transform or rotate instead. However, this is gets a little trickier since we are using background images here, so we can't just rotate the element or else the text will get flipped too. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  class="bg-[url('/assets/images/tear-strip-upside-down.webp')] pt-16 pb-4 bg-repeat-x bg-top text-center"

Refresh website content and navigation in preparation for Blissfest 2024


To close out the previous year and start transitioning to 2024 we should clean up the home page and navigation to be more of a clean slate.


  1. Navigation (keep)
    • Home
    • About
    • News
    • Contact
  2. Home Page
    • remove logo and date and ticketing information
    • remove sponsors
    • add blurb about next year coming soon
  3. About Page
    • refresh content to speak in past tense

Home Page


The home page will need to be refreshed to accommodate some of the new components being made.


  1. Integrate #50 (in place of the signup form)
  2. Integrate #47
  3. Move Newsletter signup to below Lineup component
  4. Lighthouse Audit

Contact Page


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Outstanding Items

Work can get started without these, and @thescientist13 will provide

  1. Confirm contact details - no need for contact details


  1. Create new form with Netlify name contact (see Signup Form for reference)
  2. For mobile, everything should just stack instead?
  3. Lighthouse audit

setup common pages templates and layout structure


In order to build out all pages, we'll want to setup the repo for the need templates and pages structure to support all the common components needed at the page level, distinct from the pages themselves


  1. Create an app template (for header, navigation, footer, etc)
  2. Breakout home page content from app template
  3. interpolation for custom page <title>s?

improve cumulative layout shift (CLS) score


I think it might be in the navigation because after adding in the #59 to the nav, our performance score dropped again, due to CLS

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I suspect the nav, but admittedly from the report, its not exactly clear what the cause is. Do we need some sort of min-height somewhere? It's hard to extrapolate what cause is, to help address it with a solution. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
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home page content is overflowing on mobile breakpoints


On my iPhone 12, it looks like the content of the home page is overflowing slightly as I can "move" the page around with my fingers and reveal some space on the right hand side that appears like empty content in portrait mode.
Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 10 13 48

In landscape mode it looks like there is extra space / overflow as well.


For example, if you go to another page like Tickets, there content fits the width of the device perfectly and there is no overflow.

decorate lineup page time boxes with wavy outline


Similar to #82 , the boxes around the lineup time should have wavy edges
Screen Shot 2023-06-14 at 8 54 35 AM

This is how it looks currently.
Screen Shot 2023-06-14 at 8 54 14 AM


Will want to review if this can be done with CSS or if I need to reach back out to the designer.

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