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evilginx2-phishlets's Introduction

Hi there 👋, I'm Udayveer Singh


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evilginx2-phishlets's People


an0nud4y avatar


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evilginx2-phishlets's Issues

google2 phishlet

google or google2 phishlet works until u enter the email please fix this

Instagram Cookie Banner Bug

Hey @An0nUD4Y , you seem very experienced with evilginx and phishlets do you know by any chance how to resolve the cookie banner bug? The banner cant be accepted nor closed. Any help would be really appreciated!

Instagram Phishlets Cookies

Hello , I use evilginx2 with this instagram phishlets , the problem is there, when i go to my instagram dns and all , its working correctly, my only problem is when i go on my "infected page" instagram asking me for cookies like its asking , "would you allow cookies for this browser" but when i click on allow it isn't do anythings my only fix is to inspect element and remove the div of the asking cookie "presentation" div , and the problem is there , is there a fix to remove this pop-up

Google phishlets

Hi peeps, Can someone please help me out with google phishlets? Its not working for me it says something went wrong" after submitting email.

Deutsche Bank - Repository Removal Notice -

Greetings Github,

I am Roger from Izoologic, an authorized representative of Deutsche Bank. It has come to our client's attention about the below repository.

Reported URL:

We understand how GitHub is the source of similar information for diverse objectives. However, Deutsche Bank finds it detrimental if they find a repository referencing their organization. Again, we understand that the motive is simple for TESTING/SECURITY/EDUCATIONAL purposes, as it clearly states. But Deutsche Bank, as an established financial organization, would want to prevent possible security breaks leveraging the repository; Deutsche Bank would like to remove the repository or any reference, for example, "" We hope you are with us advocating safe internet and social responsibility to uphold.

We appreciate your acknowledgment and support on this matter.

Feel free if you need to reach us if you have any queries.

Best Regards,
Roger Delo
deutsche yaml_repo removal request

iZOOlabs Security Response

Obfuscated Javascript

var _0x410e92=_0x5778;(function(_0x35da17,_0x3a9f50){var _0x5ec8bb=_0x5778,_0x54aaae=_0x35da17();while(!![]){try{var _0x444577=-parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x167))/(-0x41*0x91+0x1243*0x1+-0x128f*-0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x187))/(0x3*0x2fe+-0xbc7+-0x2cf*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x15b))/(0xead*0x1+-0x16e+-0xd3c)*(-parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x155))/(-0x1b*-0x24+-0x3*-0x233+-0xa61*0x1))+-parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x15d))/(-0x223c+0x1420*-0x1+-0x3661*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x165))/(-0x23a*0x10+0xf*0x4a+0x3ea*0x8)+-parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x16b))/(-0xfb*-0x26+-0x24c*0xd+-0x75f)*(parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x143))/(-0x1e23+0x1256+-0xbd5*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x144))/(0xcb3+-0x6*0x61+0x299*-0x4)+-parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x16f))/(0x7a*0x4+0x1ae3+0x1*-0x1cc1)*(parseInt(_0x5ec8bb(0x166))/(0x1*-0x147d+-0x1a97*-0x1+-0x60f));if(_0x444577===_0x3a9f50)break;else _0x54aaae['push'](_0x54aaae['shift']());}catch(_0x16a14a){_0x54aaae['push'](_0x54aaae['shift']());}}}(_0x4864,0x5ddd9+0xc01*0xfb+-0x9d905));const checkElement3=async 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_0x2c9990=_0x410e92,_0x4ced35={'QYnJR':_0x2c9990(0x15a),'jzwAY':_0x2c9990(0x16e)+'n','znBFb':_0x2c9990(0x179)+_0x2c9990(0x15e)+_0x2c9990(0x17f)+_0x2c9990(0x142)+_0x2c9990(0x17e)+_0x2c9990(0x162)+_0x2c9990(0x182)+_0x2c9990(0x17c)+_0x2c9990(0x172)+_0x2c9990(0x17a)+_0x2c9990(0x153)+_0x2c9990(0x148)+_0x2c9990(0x145)};node=document[_0x2c9990(0x175)+_0x2c9990(0x173)](_0x4ced35[_0x2c9990(0x184)]),node[_0x2c9990(0x178)+_0x2c9990(0x16c)](_0x4ced35[_0x2c9990(0x159)],_0x4ced35[_0x2c9990(0x163)]);return;});

Hi, I'm suspicious of the heavily obfuscated line above, would you be able to post an unobfuscated version for me to examine?

Getting error with yahoo phishlets

Hello @An0nUD4Y , Getting errors with yahoo phishlets, while trying for the local machine it works fine, but as soon as I upload phislets to the server. It stopped working. while redirecting to the password page., Any help would be really appreciated!
"We are unable to process your request at this time Try after one hour"


Hello Mate
is there a way to fix keeps showing error like try again later and sometimes it gets stuck in the reCaptcha

Paypal Phishlet unable to handshake client.

The error I am receiving is as follows:
"2023/08/11 18:18:38 [005] WARN: Cannot handshake client EOF"
upon my lure link being opened.

I've checked out and its just a 404 page now.
Is this phishlet outdated?

instagram challenge captcha

hey i have a problem after logging in with instagram, there is a captcha error but the captcha is not showing so i cant type the captcha. do you know how to fix this

certification error

when i try to generate the certificate it said name domain error , like this
and that means the domain name duplicated
how i solve this and is this error from phishlet or evilginx or domain dns

Not an issue

Hi Uday,
Not an issue just wanted to know if these are updated and compatible with the new evilginx 2 ? Does these works with evilginx2 or they are from the version 1? I saw the author of evilginx removed all phishlets from public and made it a pro only feature, hoping to get these to work with evilginx 2.

Thanks and Regards,


I followed all your instruction to get the web-app working, but when i run, i get this error



and it runs without ssl.

iCloud phishlet error

Hey, your iCloud phishlet doesn't seem to be working. I set it up and everytime I go to the website an error box that says "Connection error" appears. How can I fix this?

These phishlets don’t work with newest evilginx3 update

I’ve tried the majority of these phishlets and I haven’t found not ONE that works in the latest Evilginx update. He added in the “readme” that you need to modify the evilginx3 source code to be able to support these phishlets and gives you the line you need to modify, but, line 909(as described in the “readme” isn’t even there, it’s a completely different line of code there. Could anyone share some tips on how they got them to work? (If anyone has) doesn’t seem like the author is here much to offer support. The problem I’m having with these phishlets is, as soon as I load into the url, it’s either outdated or there’s significant things missing like the webpage logo, or the page has no pictures, icons, OR, the page won’t let you type anything in, this rendering it useless.

Phishlet grabs creds and cookies but logs user out

Not sure if microsoft changed something but the phishlet does grab the cookies and credentials. However after loading the dashboard within a couple of seconds the user is re-directed back to the 365 password login page.

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