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flake8-mypy's Issues

Cannot override writable attribute with a final one

The below code should pass the check:

class MongoDAOBase(abc.ABC):
    collection_name: str = NotImplemented

    def create_index(cls) -> None:

class PrivacySettingsDAO(MongoDAOBase):
    collection_name: Final = "privacy_settings" # complains

    def create_index(cls) -> None:

However, a T484 Cannot override writable attribute "collection_name" with a final oneis raised. This problem seems to be introduced recently. My local version (which is older) of flake8-mypy and mypy does not complain, but it fails in CI environment (which gets later version). I'm not sure if this is a flake8-mypy problem or mypy problem, so I just ask here first.

issue with round

got this error: T484 Argument 1 to "round" has incompatible type "Union[float, Decimal]"; expected "float"

however that is in fact allowed:

>>> round(Decimal(0.0))

mypy and flake8-mypy are giving different results

I've used strace and from what I can see, flake8 is mostly ignoring any defaults or explicit options saying where to find the mypy configuration.

Specifically the file not being treated properly is also a tests/ not sure if that makes any difference.

See log from gitter below:

David Novakovic @dpnova 20:40
hey all.. I've got an issue with running mypy vs flake8-mymy and getting different results
it's with a file that's "" - i could flake8 could be ignoring something there

Ivan Levkivskyi @ilevkivskyi 20:41
This may be because mypy-flake8 uses some mypy flags on by default

David Novakovic @dpnova 20:41
I have an explicit mypy.ini
so if either one of them is not respecting it that would certainly be an issue

Ivan Levkivskyi @ilevkivskyi 20:41
are you sure mypy-flake8 is using it?

David Novakovic @dpnova 20:42
no.. I'll run with strace to check
tbh I ran flake8 in verbose mode and it didnt seem to mention mypy at all..

Ivan Levkivskyi @ilevkivskyi 20:43
also are you using flake8-mypy or mypy-flake8?

David Novakovic @dpnova 20:43
i didnt know there was another one haha

Ivan Levkivskyi @ilevkivskyi 20:44
@ambv this maybe then a question for you

David Novakovic @dpnova 20:44
from pip freeze
hmm let me check something

Ivan Levkivskyi @ilevkivskyi 20:45
are you using --mypy-config= flag for flake8-mypy?
because you should

David Novakovic @dpnova 20:48
doing that made no difference
and this is working in other files..
just not this test file..
  INSERT  dpn  (e) nibble  ~  workspace  nibble  mypy nibble                                                                                                                       1   master 
nibble/bills/tests/ error: Too few arguments for "Bill"
 INSERT  dpn  (e) nibble  ~  workspace  nibble  flake8 nibble                                                                                                                     1   master 
 INSERT  dpn  (e) nibble  ~  workspace  nibble  flake8 nibble --mypy-config=mypy.ini                                                                                                   master 
 INSERT  dpn  (e) nibble  ~  workspace  nibble  cat mypy.ini                                                                                                                           master 
# Specify the target platform details in config, so your developers are
# free to run mypy on Windows, Linux, or macOS and get consistent
# results.

# flake8-mypy expects the two following for sensible formatting

# do not follow imports (except for ones found in typeshed)

# suppress errors about unsatisfied imports

# allow untyped calls as a consequence of the options above

# allow returning Any as a consequence of the options above

# treat Optional per PEP 484

# ensure all execution paths are returning

# lint-style cleanliness for typing

# The following are off by default.  Flip them on if you feel
# adventurous.

David Novakovic @dpnova 20:56
can confirm that passing the config location to flake8 actually doesn't load the config

Ivan Levkivskyi @ilevkivskyi 21:00
You can also try ... with the .flake8/setup.cfg equivalent being called mypy_config
besides this suggestion my expertise ends, you could wait for @ambv or just file an issue on the tracker

David Novakovic @dpnova 21:05
thanks @ilevkivskyi i actually did just try that to no avail.. thanks for the help!

More fine-grained error codes for specific mypy errors

I plan to support more fine-grained error codes for specific mypy errors in the future.

This lack is what prevents me from using this fine lib in my CI pipelines, many not important (for me) types of checks not separated from important ones. I'd greatly appreciate this feature.

Thanks in advance!

mypy_config option should be relative to project root

The mypy_config option should be relative to the project root. For example, I should be able to do the following in my setup.cfg:


That should point mypy to this same setup.cfg. But if you run flake8 from a folder inside the project, setup.cfg gets literally passed in as the config file to mypy, and it can't find it.

This line seems to be the problem. This should be making the path relative to the project root.

UnicodeError on utf-8 encoded files on Windows

I tried running flake8 on black on Windows, and it fails with:

> flake8 .\
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\program files (x86)\python36-32\Lib\", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "c:\program files (x86)\python36-32\Lib\", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:\Users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-TlIYXM7K\Scripts\flake8.exe\", line 9, in <module>
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\flake8\main\", line 16, in main
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\flake8\main\", line 396, in run
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\flake8\main\", line 384, in _run
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\flake8\main\", line 310, in run_checks
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\flake8\", line 321, in run
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\flake8\", line 305, in run_serial
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\flake8\", line 579, in run_checks
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\flake8\", line 493, in run_ast_checks
    for (line_number, offset, text, check) in runner:
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\site-packages\", line 192, in run
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\", line 483, in func_wrapper
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\users\zsolz\.virtualenvs\black-tliyxm7k\lib\encodings\", line 19, in encode
    return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2728' in position 23: character maps to <undefined>

Looks like a7ec00d fixes this but it was never released.

New release?

Any chance of a new release? The latest in PyPI is 17.8.0 and it struggles with Windows (#18).

BTW there's no 17.8.0 tag in this repo.

By default, MyPy will ignore modules without's

As I'm sure you are aware, in Python3, is no longer required for modules.

The only problem is that in MyPy, when the file is missing, it won't find the module and since ignore_missing_imports is set the True, the result is that large portions of the code will be ignored.

The fix for this is to set namespace_packages to True

Python 3.7 support

3.7 has been out builds fail

/home/travis/build/ambv/flake8-mypy/tests/ T499 mypy: error: failed to find a Python executable matching version (3, 6), perhaps try --python-executable, or --no-site-packages?

I also get this same error when running my own tests on travis xenial with 3.7:

 FLAKE8-check(ignoring E402 E305 E501 I201 I101 I100 D204 D101 E722 D401 D413 D300 D106) 
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.7.0 /home/travis/virtualenv/python3.7.0/bin/python
/home/travis/build/jetbridge/backend/jetbridge/ T499 usage: mypy [-h] [-v] [-V] [more options; see below]
/home/travis/build/jetbridge/backend/jetbridge/ T499             [-m MODULE] [-p PACKAGE] [-c PROGRAM_TEXT] [files ...]
/home/travis/build/jetbridge/backend/jetbridge/ T499 mypy: error: failed to find a Python executable matching version (3, 6), perhaps try --python-executable, or --no-site-packages?

Error running flake8-mypy

When I run flake8, I just get a bunch of these errors and nothing else from mypy:

/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages is in the MYPYPATH. Please remove it.
See for more info

Fails to Recognize "coding: utf-8-unix"

Flake8-MyPy fails to recognize Python scripts that use the magic comment containing coding: utf-8-unix as a UTF8 file. This bug has persisted for several versions and I had been fixing it myself ( #12). Although, my fix no longer works in the newest version of flake8-mypy. The fix has already been applied to MyPy itself ( python/mypy#5085 ), but this very helpful Flake8 plugin still lacks the fix.

flake8 --version
3.7.7 (flake8-mypy: 17.8.0, flake8-pyi: 19.3.0, mccabe: 0.6.1, pycodestyle: 2.5.0, pyflakes: 2.1.1, radon: 3.0.1, warn-symbols: 1.1.1) CPython 3.6.7 on Linux

mypy --version
mypy 0.701

Flake8 does not respect mypy.ini

I have a mypy.ini file at project root, with Python version set to 3.7.. Running flake8 on any file in that directory still gives me T499 mypy: error: failed to find a Python executable matching version (3, 6). Running mypy standalone works straight out of the box, with or without mypy.ini, without any additional arguments or configuration.

$ which flake8
$ which python
$ python ~/anaconda3/bin/flake8 multipuller/ 
multipuller/ T499 usage: mypy [-h] [-v] [-V] [more options; see below]
multipuller/ T499             [-m MODULE] [-p PACKAGE] [-c PROGRAM_TEXT] [files ...]
multipuller/ T499 mypy: error: failed to find a Python executable matching version (3, 6), perhaps try --python-executable, or --no-site-packages?
$ python --version
Python 3.7.0 
$ mypy multipuller/ 
multipuller/ error: "Dict[str, Any]" has no attribute "entries"
multipuller/ error: "Dict[str, Any]" has no attribute "entries"
multipuller/ error: "Dict[str, Any]" has no attribute "feed_dict"
multipuller/ error: "Dict[str, Any]" has no attribute "feed_dict"
multipuller/ error: "Dict[str, Any]" has no attribute "feed_dict"
multipuller/ error: "Dict[str, Any]" has no attribute "feed_dict"
$ head -2 mypy.ini 

Dead project?

There hasn't been any activity on this repo in quite some time. Is there a new recommended way to integrate mypy with flake8?

mypy.ini picked up implicitly and false defaults not overridden

A mypy.ini in the current directory will be picked up implicitly, even if no config file is specified. This has a bad interaction with how the command line arguments are created, since false values are omitted, so those won't properly override the values in the implicitly picked up mypy.ini

Improperly handling mypy summary from mypy 0.730 update

Mypy 0.730 introduced a change which adds a summary line when checking files which is on by default.

This is picked up as an unmatched line and reported as a T499 error.

Ideally the --no-error-summary flag would just be passed to mypy, but at the very least, no_error_summary=True needs to be added to the mypy_default.ini when the installed mypy version is >=0.730

AssertionError in test suite

I downloaded the latest flake8-mypy tarball on PyPI and tried to run its test suite in a clean Debian unstable image. However, testing fails with an AssertionError. The test log is pasted below:

python3.5 -m pytest tests
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.5.4, pytest-3.2.1, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>, inifile:
collected 7 items

tests/ ...F...

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________________ MypyTestCase.test_invalid_types ________________________

self = <tests.test_mypy.MypyTestCase testMethod=test_invalid_types>

    def test_invalid_types(self) -> None:
        mpc = self.get_mypychecker('')
        errors = list(
                T484(5, 0, vars=('Missing return statement',)),
                        'Incompatible return value type (got "int", expected "str")',
                        'Unsupported operand types for + ("int" and "str")',
>                       "unused 'type: ignore' comment",
E       AssertionError: Lists differ: [(5, [279 chars]er'>)] != [(5, [279 chars]er'>), (13, 0, "T400 note: unused 'type: ignor[43 chars]r'>)]
E       Second list contains 1 additional elements.
E       First extra element 3:
E       (13, 0, "T400 note: unused 'type: ignore' comment", <class 'flake8_mypy.MypyChecker'>)
E         [(5, 0, 'T484 Missing return statement', <class 'flake8_mypy.MypyChecker'>),
E          (10,
E           4,
E           'T484 Incompatible return value type (got "int", expected "str")',
E           <class 'flake8_mypy.MypyChecker'>),
E          (10,
E           11,
E           'T484 Unsupported operand types for + ("int" and "str")',
E       +   <class 'flake8_mypy.MypyChecker'>),
E       +  (13,
E       +   0,
E       +   "T400 note: unused 'type: ignore' comment",
E           <class 'flake8_mypy.MypyChecker'>)]

tests/ AssertionError
====================== 1 failed, 6 passed in 4.64 seconds ======================

Complain if any function arguments are not typed

Assuming we've added a return type to a function (-> AwesomeType:) lets make flake8-mypy complain that you have not typed all the arguments for said function.

# This should cause flake8-mypy to be unhappy
# FIX: def awesome(ambv: bool=False, cooper: int=69) -> bool:
def awesome(ambv=False, cooper=69) -> bool:
    if not ambv and cooper == 69:
        return True
    return False

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