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aws-waf-sample's Introduction


Examples of sets of rules for the AWS WAF service and scripts to automate the management and configuration of AWS WAF rule sets. These examples include SDK usage, AWS CloudFormation templates and automations using AWS Lambda functions.


This example AWS CloudFormation template contains an AWS WAF web access control list (ACL) and condition types and rules that illustrate various mitigations against application flaws described in the OWASP Top 10. However, note that this template is designed only as a starting point and may not provide sufficient protection to every workload. You should customize the template’s rules for each workload. For more information, please review the Use AWS WAF to Mitigate OWASP's Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities whitepaper.


This examples AWS CloudFormation templates contains basic AWS WAF rule examples.


NOTE: This solution has been integrated into the AWS WAF Security Automations, and is now maintained in that repository: Please refer suggestions for improvement to that repository.

A solution that automatically detects unwanted requests based on request rate, and then updates configurations of AWS WAF (a web application firewall that protects any application deployed on Amazon CloudFront content delivery service) to block subsequent requests from those users. This process is executed by a lambda function that processes application’s access log files in order to identify bad requesters. This function also exposes execution metrics in CloudWatch so you can monitor how many request entries were processed and the number of origins blocked. Finally, the solution also support that you manually add IP ranges that you want to block in advance like well know bot networks.


NOTE: This solution has been integrated into the AWS WAF Security Automations, and is now maintained in that repository: Please refer suggestions for improvement to that repository.

A solution for detecting bad bots and content scrapers and blocking their access. The detector relies on a honeypot URL. This is usually a piece of content that good actors know their not supposed to access, either because it's disallowed by the robots.txt file, or the link to it is hidden from human viewers. An Amazon API Gateway endpoint maps to the honeypot URL and triggers a AWS Lambda function once a request is received. The Lambda function then adds the source IP address of the request to a blacklist implemented using AWS WAF (a web application firewall that protects any application deployed on Amazon CloudFront content delivery service). The AWS Lambda function also issues an Amazon SNS notification on a topic you can subscribe to, and receive notifications anytime IPs are added to the blacklist.


NOTE: This solution has been integrated into the AWS WAF Security Automations, and is now maintained in that repository: Please refer suggestions for improvement to that repository.

A solution that automatically parses CloudFront access logs as they are delivered to Amazon S3 by using Lambda, counts the number of bad requests from unique sources (IP addresses), and updates AWS WAF to block further requests from those IP addresses. A CloudFormation template is included that creates the web access control list (ACL), rule sets, Lambda function, and logging S3 bucket. Full blog post:


NOTE: This solution has been integrated into the AWS WAF Security Automations, and is now maintained in that repository: Please refer suggestions for improvement to that repository.

An AWS CloudFormation template that creates an AWS WAF Web ACL, Rules, and IP Sets, an AWS Lambda function and CloudWatch Scheduled Event. The Lambda function imports multiple IP reputation lists and updates AWS WAF IP Sets in order to deny access from the IP ranges defined in those lists. Amazon CloudWatch Scheduled Events is utilised to execute the function regularly in order to automate the update of the IP Sets as the lists are updated. Full blog post:

Copyright 2016, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0

aws-waf-sample's People


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aws-waf-sample's Issues

Usage Question - Multi S3 Buckets or only 1 for DEV and PROD sites?

I have a question around this solution in terms of separation of endpoints, s3 buckets and WAF rules.

If I have 2 separate domain names and 2 separate clouldfront instance that share the same WAF Name/ rules and s3 bucket, does that mean if someone is hitting hard and it triggers the lambda function to block the IP, would this also affect all domains sharing the same WAF rules and s3 log bucket? Assuming I didn't want this behaviour would I have to create an s3 access log bucket for each domain and separate WAF rules for each or just a separate WAF rule for each domain and attach the different WAF name/rule to each cloudfront instance? --> cloudfront (WAF named WAF1) --> s3 (bucket name: cloudfront-access-logs) --> lambda --> cloudfront (WAF named WAF1) --> s3 (bucket name: cloudfront-access-logs) --> lambda

I noticed that if I configure the same bucket name, that inside the bucket it creates separate folders based on the domain name (which is good), but is the lambda function using teh domain name to determine which endpoint to disable? How does it know which WAF name to update?

Incorrect subnet in generic-match-blacklisted-ips should be to cover the full RFC1918 space

*edit, after trying to edit /16 to /12 in WAF it throws a "Not a valid CIDR format." error so there is a bug in WAF that appears not to allow masks from /9-/15 and /0-/7. The only way to cover is to use individual /16s for 172.16-31.0.0. I created a patch version with this work around and after looking I did notice the "IP match condition" states that "AWS WAF supports /8 or any range from /16 to /32 CIDR blocks for IPv4" so I guess this is expected behavior even so the work around is actually the way.

Error in CloudFormation stack Creation of waf-reputation-lists

I am getting following error -->

The runtime parameter of nodejs is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (nodejs4.3) while creating or updating functions.

I think,
update to index.js file , changing code in line number 255 to 258 is required
For support of Node.js runtime v4.3

waf-reputation-lists IPSet limit issue

The WAF config resulting from the CF template can't support the number of CIDR ranges sourced from the supplied 3 URLs (which currently stands at ~12k). The template creates two IPSets. Each IPSet can contain up to 1000 CIDR ranges, therefore the WAF config can support only 2k ranges.

What's more, WAF itself is unable to support the number of CIDR ranges brought back by the Lambda script. (WAF max is 10k)

  • One IPSet can contain up to 1000 CIDR ranges.
  • Due to the nature of the match, only one IPSet condition can be used per Rule.
  • One Web ACL can contain up to 10 Rules.
  • Therefore the maximum number of CIDR ranges that can be supported by WAF is 10k.
  • Currently, the number of CIDR ranges sourced from the URLs provided is ~12k.

I can't see a way around this unless:
a) AWS changes the limits for WAF, or
b) AWS changes the way that WAF rules work.
c) We ignore one or more of the source URLs and therefore don't block all 'known' bad IPs.


"example-session-id" Why is this used as a text string for byte matching in the header for auth tokens?

In the file
lines 259 and 257.
Why is "example-session-id" used as the string to match inside the cookie? I am not aware of an attack that uses this string in the cookie. Also, if we are meant to put our own string there shouldn't this be a parameter that we set up? or perhaps this is for something I am unfamiliar with or I am miss-interpreting this rule condition.

Stacknames with hyphens causes Lambda runtime error

If the CloudFormation stack is created with a hyphen in the name, then errors out on Line 364 at runtime due to the fact that the parse of the function name via 'context.invoked_function_arn' on line 363 incorrectly includes the function name. (the 'split' command does not parse the string correctly due to the extra hyphens)

To replicate:
Run CloudFormation with stackname = 'my-waf-ratelimit'

Error in logs:
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DescribeStacks operation: Stack with id my-waf-ratelimit-LambdaWAFBlacklistingFunction does not exist: ClientError Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/", line 443, in lambda_handler raise e ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DescribeStacks operation: Stack with id my-waf-ratelimit-LambdaWAFBlacklistingFunction

Allow whitelisted ips


Is it possible to allow a block of ip addresses access even if they go over the maximum request amount? Kind of like a whitelist?

Change Region


I would want to use your samples with regional ALB's but all CloudFormation templates configure WAF in the CloudFront scope.

Is it possible to do this with your templates ?

Set Region


How can I set create this rule in Region EU (Ireland) by default its creating both rule in global Region


AWS Waf does not work on JSON body for SQLi / XSS


The following request is not blocked by SQLi rule, even SQLMap was not intercepted :

Connection: close
Content-Length: 71
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Content-Type: application/json
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7

{"email":"COUCOU' OR 1=1; --","captcha":null,"password":"coucou"}

We think that it might be due to the fact that the body is embedded in a json.

Thank you in advance,
Sincerely Yours,
Cou Cou

Cloudformation template failed launch Stack

Hi all,
When i launch your Cloudformation template in my account it failed and it is Roll backed,i get below error.It is not recognize my existing S3 bucket name and new S3 bucket name also.
Error: Error occurred while GetObject. S3 Error Code: NoSuchBucket. S3 Error Message: The specified bucket does not exist

briplist cf error

onclick not blocked?

Shouldn't this be blocking the following querystring:


Using this ruleset it allows that through the WAF. It only blocks if you add in <script> tags.

Error occurred while GetObject. S3 Error Code: PermanentRedirect.

While the cloud formation is created the following error occurred and the status changed to Rollback.

I have one bucket in N.Virginia region and pointed that for cloudfront access-logs. It has logs too.

"Error occurred while GetObject. S3 Error Code: PermanentRedirect. S3 Error Message: The bucket is in this region: null. Please use this region to retry the request"

This is the error i am getting.

waf-reputation-lists cloud formation stack fails on create

When importing the waf-reputation-lists template in cloud formation, it fails with the following error:

The runtime parameter of nodejs is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (nodejs4.3) while creating or updating functions.

It seems the specified runtime version on the lambda function is deprecated (nodejs instead of nodejs4.3)

Using with Application ELB

How do I use this set of conditions with app elb and an app that doesn't use cloudfront but uses a third-party CDN instead.

Unrecognized resource types: AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL owasp_10

Template format error: Unrecognized resource types: [AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL, AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet, AWS::WAFRegional::Rule, AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet, AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet, AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet]

Not sure what I am doing wrong. Using the playbook as is.

S3 bucket not found

LambdaWAFBlacklistingFunction | Error occurred while GetObject. S3 Error Code: NoSuchBucket. S3 Error Message: The specified bucket does not exist

Please help
"LambdaWAFBlacklistingFunction": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function", "DependsOn": "LambdaRole", "Properties": { "Description": { "Fn::Join": [":", [{ "Ref": "RequestThreshold" }, { "Ref": "WAFBlockPeriod" }, { "Ref": "WAFQuarantinePeriod" }]] }, "Handler": "parser.lambda_handler", "Role": { "Fn::GetAtt": ["LambdaRole", "Arn"] }, "Code": { "S3Bucket": "mybucketthatcontains-the-file", "S3Key": "" },

Does update_waf_ip_set() in the rate limiting Lambda always remove the currently blocked IPs even when the time limit has not passed?

def update_waf_ip_set(outstanding_requesters, ip_set_id, ip_set_already_blocked):
print "[update_waf_ip_set] Start"

counter = 0
    if ip_set_id == None:
        print "[update_waf_ip_set] Ignore process when ip_set_id is None"

    updates_list = []
    waf = boto3.client('waf')

    print "[update_waf_ip_set] \tTruncate [if necessary] list to respect WAF limit"
    top_outstanding_requesters = {}
    for key, value in sorted(outstanding_requesters.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]['max_req_per_min'], reverse=True):
            if not is_already_blocked(key, ip_set_already_blocked):
                top_outstanding_requesters[key] = value
                counter += 1

    print "[update_waf_ip_set] \tRemove IPs that are not in current outstanding requesters list"
    response = waf_get_ip_set(ip_set_id)
    if response != None:
        for k in response['IPSet']['IPSetDescriptors']:
            ip_value = k['Value'].split('/')[0]
            if ip_value not in top_outstanding_requesters.keys():
                    'Action': 'DELETE',
                    'IPSetDescriptor': {
                        'Type': 'IPV4',
                        'Value': k['Value']
                # Dont block an already blocked IP
                top_outstanding_requesters.pop(ip_value, None)

    print "[update_waf_ip_set] \tBlock remaining outstanding requesters"
    for k in top_outstanding_requesters.keys():
            'Action': 'INSERT',
            'IPSetDescriptor': {
                'Type': 'IPV4',
                'Value': "%s/32"%k

    print "[update_waf_ip_set] \tCommit changes in WAF IP set"
    response = waf_update_ip_set(ip_set_id, updates_list)

except Exception, e:
    print "[update_waf_ip_set] Error to update waf ip set"
    print e

print "[update_waf_ip_set] End"
return counter

This code appears to take the list of IPS that we determined that we needed to block / keep blocked and make a new list of IPs that are not already blocked.

               if not is_already_blocked(key, ip_set_already_blocked):
                top_outstanding_requesters[key] = value
                counter += 1

Using that list it appears as if we delete from the ip set anything that is not in this new list, which would include any ips that should still be blocked.

                if ip_value not in top_outstanding_requesters.keys():
                    'Action': 'DELETE',
                    'IPSetDescriptor': {
                        'Type': 'IPV4',
                        'Value': k['Value']

Wouldn't everything in the top list not be in the ip set and since we only add to it if its not already blocked. We then immediately remove everything thats not in the top list from the ip set so we are really clearing the ip set every time.

Am I reading this right?

is waf block style word?

I use waf in my site

and when I trying to submit post contain <style=" "> I got 403 forbidden.

is that because of waf? and is there any way to unblock that word?

waf-block-bad-behaving doens't remove IP from Auto Block Set

Hello, I did install waf-block-bad-behaving, but it occured that blocked IP were never removed from Auto Block Set. After checking, I couldn't find in the code where they were removed from this set, and I did fix this issue by replacing:

if total_diff_min > (BLACKLIST_BLOCK_PERIOD):
print "[merge_current_blocked_requesters] \t\tExpired BLOCK %s rule"%k
outstanding_requesters['block'][k] = v

With :

if total_diff_min > (BLACKLIST_BLOCK_PERIOD):
print "[merge_current_blocked_requesters] \t\tExpired BLOCK %s rule"%k
print "[merge_current_blocked_requesters] \t\tKeeping data of BLOCK %s rule"%k
outstanding_requesters['block'][k] = v


Error while creating cloudformation stack : waf-reactive-blacklist . Lambda function creation is failing as it is unable to find key in bucket "heitorc".

Following code is creating problem in waf-reactive-blacklist:
"Code": {
"S3Bucket": {"Fn::Join": [".", [{ "Ref" : "AWS::Region" },"heitorc"]]},
"S3Key": "waf-reactive-blacklist/"
The above code in cloudformation results in BucketNotFound error while I tested with python api and was able to fetch file.

import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object('heitorc','waf-reactive-blacklist/')

So the bucket name formed is somehow wrong in cloudformation and needs to be updated correctly.

IP Address Blocked

Is it possible to get the actual IP that is blocked/unblocked and/or the actual injection where it pertains?

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