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reflekt's Introduction


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Product analytics is a team sport

Reflekt helps Data, Engineering, and Product teams work together to define, manage, and model events for product analytics. Reflekt integrates with schema registries, cloud data warehouses, and dbt.

  • Define event schemas (aka data contracts) as code using jsonschema. Schemas are version controlled, and stored in a GitHub repo.
  • Configure naming and metadata conventions for events and properties. Lint schemas to test for compliance.
  • Open pull requests (PRs) to propose schema changes, get input, and request reviews.
  • Easily build a CI suite to lint schemas, push them to a schema registry, and build corresponding dbt artifacts.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Reflekt is available on PyPI. Install with pip (or package manager of choice), preferably in a virtual environment:

source /path/to/venv/bin/activate  # Activate virtual environment
❯ pip install reflekt                # Install Reflekt
❯ reflekt --version                  # Confirm installation
Reflekt CLI Version: 0.3.1

Reflekt --help

The --help flag provides an overview of available reflekt commands.

❯ reflekt --help  # Show general --help details

 Usage: reflekt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 Reflekt CLI.

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --version                                                                                                                                                        │
│ --install-completion        [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]  Install completion for the specified shell. [default: None]                                         │
│ --show-completion           [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]  Show completion for the specified shell, to copy it or customize the installation. [default: None]  │
│ --help                                                       Show this message and exit.                                                                         │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ build             Build data artifacts based on schemas.                                                                                                         │
│ debug             Check Reflekt project configuration.                                                                                                           │
│ init              Initialize a Reflekt project.                                                                                                                  │
│ lint              Lint schema(s) to test for naming and metadata conventions.                                                                                    │
│ pull              Pull schema(s) from a schema registry.                                                                                                         │
│ push              Push schema(s) to a schema registry.                                                                                                           │

Each command also has a --help flag providing command details (arguments, options, syntax, etc.).

❯ reflekt lint --help  # Show --help details for `reflekt lint`

 Usage: reflekt lint [OPTIONS]

 Lint schema(s) to test for naming and metadata conventions.

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --select  -s      TEXT  Schema(s) to lint. [default: None] [required]                                                                                         │
│    --help                  Show this message and exit.                                                                                                           │

Creating a project

Create a new directory, initialize a new Git repo, and run reflekt init to create a new Reflekt project.

❯ mkdir ~/Repos/my-reflekt-project  # Create a new directory for the projectcd ~/Repos/my-reflekt-project     # Navigate to the project directory
❯ git init                          # Initialize a new Git repo
❯ reflekt init                      # Initialize a new Reflekt project in the current directory

# Follow the prompts to configure the project

This will create a new Reflekt project with the following structure:

├── .logs/                # Reflekt command logs
├── .reflekt_cache/       # Local cache used by Reflekt
├── artifacts/            # Where Reflekt builds data artifacts (i.e., dbt packages)
├── schemas/              # Where event schemas are defined and stored
├── .gitignore
└── reflekt_project.yml   # Project configuration

Project configuration

Reflekt uses 3 files to configure a project: reflekt_project.yml, reflekt_profiles.yml, and schemas/.reflekt/meta/1-0.json. Under the hood, Reflekt validates these configuration files before running, raising errors if an invalid configuration is detected. Examples of each file with configuration details are found below.


Contains general project settings as well as configuration for schema conventions, schema registry details (if needed), and data artifact generation. Click to expand the example below with details on each setting.

example_reflekt_project.yml(CLICK TO EXPAND)
# Example reflekt_project.yml
# GENERAL CONFIG ----------------------------------------------------------------------
version: 1.0

name: reflekt_demo              # Project name
vendor: com.company_name        # Default vendor for schemas in reflekt project
default_profile: dev_reflekt    # Default profile to use from reflekt_profiles.yml
profiles_path: ~/.reflekt/reflekt_profiles.yml  # Path to reflekt_profiles.yml

# SCHEMAS CONFIG ----------------------------------------------------------------------
schemas:                        # Define schema conventions
      casing: title             # title | snake | camel | pascal | any
      numbers: false            # Allow numbers in event names
      reserved: []              # Reserved event names
      casing: snake             # title | snake | camel | pascal | any
      numbers: false            # Allow numbers in property names
      reserved: []              # Reserved property names
    data_types: [               # Allowed data types
        string, integer, number, boolean, object, array, any, 'null'

# REGISTRY CONFIG ---------------------------------------------------------------------
registry:                       # Additional config for schema registry if needed
  avo:                          # Avo specific config
    branches:                   # Provide ID for Avo branches for `reflekt pull` to work
      staging: AbC12dEfG        # Safe to version control (See Avo docs to find branch ID:
      main: main                # 'main' always refers to the main branch

# ARTIFACTS CONFIG -----------------------------------------------------------------------
artifacts:                      # Configure how data artifacts are built
  dbt:                          # dbt package config
      prefix: __src_            # Source files will start with this prefix
      prefix: stg_              # Model files will start with this prefix
      prefix: _stg_             # Docs files will start with this prefix
      in_folder: false          # Docs files in separate folder?
      tests:                    # dbt tests to add based on column name (can be empty dict {})
        id: [unique, not_null]


Contains connection details for schema registries (used to validate event data) and data sources (i.e., data warehouse with raw event data). Click to expand the example below with details on each setting.

example_reflekt_profiles.yml(CLICK TO EXPAND)
# Example reflekt_profiles.yml
version: 1.0

dev_reflekt:                                              # Profile name (multiple profiles can be defined)
  # Define connections to schema registries (multiple allowed)
    - type: segment
      api_token: segment_api_token                        #
    - type: avo
      workspace_id: avo_workspace_id                      #
      service_account_name: avo_service_account_name      #
      service_account_secret: avo_service_account_secret

  # Connections to data sources (data warehouses) where event data is stored.
  # Sources are uniquely identified by their ID and are used in the `--source` arg when running `reflekt build`.
    - id: snowflake             # For simplicity, we use the same ID as the source type.
      type: snowflake           # Snowflake DWH. Credentials follow.
      account: abc12345
      database: raw
      warehouse: transforming
      role: transformer
      user: reflekt_user
      password: reflekt_user_password

    - id: redshift              # For simplicity, we use the same ID as the source type.
      type: redshift            # Redshift DWH. Credentials follow.
      database: analytics
      port: 5439
      user: reflekt_user
      password: reflekt_user_password


A meta-schema used to validate all event schemas in the project. Under the hood, Reflekt uses this meta-schema along with the naming conventions defined in the reflekt_project.yml file to validate all event schemas.

To define required metadata for all event schemas in your project, you can update the metadata object in schemas/.reflekt/meta/1-0.json. See the example below showing how to require both code owner and product owner metadata.

schemas/.reflekt/meta/1-0.json(CLICK TO EXPAND)
    "$schema": "",
    "$id": ".reflekt/meta/1-0.json",
    "description": "Meta-schema for all Reflekt events",
    "self": {
        "vendor": "reflekt",
        "name": "meta",
        "format": "jsonschema",
        "version": "1-0"
    "type": "object",
    "allOf": [
            "$ref": ""
            "properties": {
                "self": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                        "vendor": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "description": "The company, application, team, or system that authored the schema (e.g.,,,"
                        "name": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "description": "The schema name. Describes what the schema is meant to capture (e.g., pageViewed, clickedLink)"
                        "format": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "description": "The format of the schema",
                            "const": "jsonschema"
                        "version": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "description": "The schema version, in MODEL-ADDITION format (e.g., 1-0, 1-1, 2-3, etc.)",
                            "pattern": "^[1-9][0-9]*-(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$"
                        "metadata": {  // EXAMPLE: Defining required metadata (code_owner, product_owner)
                            "type": "object",
                            "description": "Required metadata for all event schemas",
                            "properties": {
                                "code_owner": {"type": "string"},
                                "product_owner": {"type": "string"}
                            "required": ["code_owner", "product_owner"],
                            "additionalProperties": false
                    "required": ["vendor", "name", "format", "version"],
                    "additionalProperties": false
                "properties": {},
                "tests": {},
            "required": ["self", "metadata", "properties"]

Using Reflekt

Defining schemas

Event schemas are defined using jsonschema. Each schema is defined as a separate JSON file, stored in the schemas/ directory of a Reflekt project. An example ProductClicked event schema is shown below.

my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/ProductClicked/1-0.json(CLICK TO EXPAND)
  "$id": "segment/ecommerce/ProductClicked/1-0.json",    // Unique ID for the schema
  "$schema": "",  // JSON Schema version
  "self": {
      "vendor": "com.company_name",  // Company, application, team, or system that authored the schema
      "name": "ProductClicked",      // Name of the event
      "format": "jsonschema",        // Format of the schema
      "version": "1-0",              // Version of the schema
      "metadata": {                  // Metadata for the event
          "code_owner": "engineering/ecommerce-squad",
          "product_owner": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {                   // Properties of the event
      "product_id": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Database id of the product being viewed"
      "sku": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Sku of the product being viewed"
      "category": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Category of the product being viewed"
      "name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Name of the product being viewed"
      "brand": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Brand of the product being viewed"
      "variant": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Variant of the product being viewed"
      "price": {
          "type": "number",
          "description": "Price of the product ($) being viewed"
      "quantity": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "Quantity of the product being viewed"
      "coupon": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Coupon code associated with a product (for example, MAY_DEALS_3)"
      "position": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "Position in the product list (ex. 3)"
      "url": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "URL of the product being viewed"
      "image_url": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "URL of the product image being viewed"

  "required": [                    // Required properties
  "additionalProperties": false,   // No additional properties allowed

Identifying and selecting schemas

Schemas are uniquely identified by their $id, which is determine by their path relative to the schemas/ directory. For example:

Path to schema Schema $id
my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/CartViewed/1-0.json segment/ecommerce/CartViewed/1-0.json
my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/LinkClicked/2-1.json segment/ecommerce/LinkClicked/2-1.json

These $ids are used to --select schemas when running Reflekt commands. For example:

❯ reflekt lint --select segment/ecommerce/CartViewed/1-0.json      # Lint version 1-0 of the CartViewed schema
❯ reflekt lint --select "segment/ecommerce/Link Clicked/2-1.json"  # $ids with spaces must be surrounded by quotes
❯ reflekt lint --select segment/ecommerce                          # Lint all schemas in the segment/ecommerce directory

Schema versions

As data collection requirements change, event schemas must be updated to reflekt the new schema. Reflekt supports schema evolution by defining a version for each schema, starting at 1-0 and following a MAJOR-MINOR version spec. The definition of MAJOR and MINOR is as follows:

  • MAJOR - Breaking schema changes incompatible with previous data. Examples:
    • Add/remove/rename a required property
    • Change a property from optional to required
    • Change a property's type
  • MINOR - Non-breaking schema changes compatible with previous data. Examples:
    • Add/remove/rename an optional property
    • Change a property from required to optional

When defining a new schema version, create a new file with the incremented version and updated schema definition.

Interacting with schema registries

Schema registries are used to store and serve schemas. Once a schema is in a registry, it can be used to validate event data against the schema to ensure event data quality. Reflekt supports interacting with schema registries to push (publish) and pull (retrieve) schemas. Currently, the following registries are supported:

Registry --push support --pull support Schema --select syntax Schema version support
Segment Protocols --select segment/tracking_plan_name Only supports MAJOR-0 versions.
Avo --select avo/branch_name Schema changes managed in Avo branches - "version": "1-0" (always).
Avo customers pull schemas with reflekt pull and build dbt artifacts with reflekt build.

Pull schemas from a registry

Pulling schemas from a registry is as easy as ...

❯ reflekt pull --select segment/ecommerce
[19:28:32] INFO     Running with reflekt=0.3.1

[19:28:32] INFO     Searching Segment for schemas

[19:28:33] INFO     Found 9 schemas to pull:

[19:28:33] INFO     1 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Identify/1-0.json
[19:28:34] INFO     2 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Group/1-0.json
[19:28:34] INFO     3 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Cart Viewed/1-0.json
[19:28:34] INFO     4 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Started/1-0.json
[19:28:34] INFO     5 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Step Completed/1-0.json
[19:28:34] INFO     6 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Step Viewed/1-0.json
[19:28:34] INFO     7 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Order Completed/1-0.json
[19:28:34] INFO     8 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Page Viewed/1-0.json
[19:28:34] INFO     9 of 9 Writing to /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Product Added/1-0.json

[19:28:34] INFO     Completed successfully

The reflekt pull command builds the corresponding JSON files in the schemas/ directory. For the example above, the resulting directory structure would be:

├── .reflekt
└── segment
    └── ecommerce
        ├── Cart Viewed
        │   └── 1-0.json
        ├── Checkout Started
        │   └── 1-0.json
        ├── Checkout Step Completed
        │   └── 1-0.json
        ├── Checkout Step Viewed
        │   └── 1-0.json
        ├── Group
        │   └── 1-0.json
        ├── Identify
        │   └── 1-0.json
        ├── Order Completed
        │   └── 1-0.json
        ├── Page Viewed
        │   └── 1-0.json
        └── Product Added
            └── 1-0.json

Push schemas to a registry

Publishing schemas to a registry follows the same pattern ...

❯ reflekt push --select segment/ecommerce
[19:29:06] INFO     Running with reflekt=0.3.1

[19:29:07] INFO     Searching for JSON schemas in: /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce

[19:29:07] INFO     Found 9 schemas to push

[19:29:07] INFO     1 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Identify/1-0.json
[19:29:07] INFO     2 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Cart Viewed/1-0.json
[19:29:07] INFO     3 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Step Viewed/1-0.json
[19:29:07] INFO     4 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Group/1-0.json
[19:29:07] INFO     5 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Order Completed/1-0.json
[19:29:07] INFO     6 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Step Completed/1-0.json
[19:29:07] INFO     7 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Started/1-0.json
[19:29:07] INFO     8 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Page Viewed/1-0.json
[19:29:07] INFO     9 of 9 Pushing /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Product Added/1-0.json

[19:29:08] INFO     Completed successfully

Linting schemas

Schemas can be linted to test if they follow the naming and metadata conventions configured for a Reflekt project.

❯ reflekt lint --select segment/ecommerce
[18:57:45] INFO     Running with reflekt=0.3.1

[18:57:46] INFO     Searching for JSON schemas in: /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce

[18:57:46] INFO     Found 9 schema(s) to lint

[18:57:46] INFO     1 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Identify/1-0.json
[18:57:47] INFO     2 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Cart Viewed/1-0.json
[18:57:48] ERROR    Property 'cartId' in /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Cart Viewed/1-0.json does not match naming convention 'casing: snake' in
[18:57:48] INFO     3 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Step Viewed/1-0.json
[18:57:50] INFO     4 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Group/1-0.json
[18:57:50] INFO     5 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Order Completed/1-0.json
[18:57:54] INFO     6 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Step Completed/1-0.json
[18:57:55] INFO     7 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Checkout Started/1-0.json
[18:57:58] INFO     8 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Page Viewed/1-0.json
[18:58:01] INFO     9 of 9 Linting /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Product Added/1-0.json

[18:58:04] ERROR    Linting failed with 1 error(s):

[18:58:04] ERROR    Property 'cartId' in /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Cart Viewed/1-0.json does not match naming convention 'casing: snake' in

Running reflekt lint in a CI/CD pipeline is a great way to ensure schema consistency and quality before pushing schemas to a schema registry.

dbt artifacts

dbt is a popular data tool to transformation and model data. When modeling data in dbt, it is best practice to:

  • Define sources pointing to the raw data.
  • Define staging models, 1-to-1 for each source, that rename, recast, or usefully reconsider columns into a consistent format. Materialized as views.
  • Document staging models with descriptions for the model and its fields, including relevant tests (e.g., unique and not_null IDs) as required.

While we recommend following this practice, it can be a lot of work to maintain for product analytics, where:

  • There are many events (often 100+) and properties.
  • Events and properties are added or updated regularly as the product and data requirements evolve.
  • The Product and Engineer teams are bigger than the Data team, making it hard to keep up with the changes.

Reflekt can help by building dbt artifacts for you with a single CLI command. Think of this as dbt's codegen package on steroids 💪 💊.

Building private dbt packages

To build a private dbt package with sources, staging models, and docs that perfectly reflekts the schemas in a Reflekt project and the raw data in the warehouse, you can run a command like the example below.


  • --select segment/ecommerce selects all the schemas in the schemas/segment/ecommerce/ directory.
  • --source snowflake.raw.ecomm_demo specifies to connect to a data source with ID snowflake, database raw, and schema ecomm_demo as defined in reflekt_profiles.yml.
  • --sdk segment specifies the event data was collected via the Segment SDK. Reflekt knows how Segment loads data into data warehouses and writes SQL models accordingly.

If an event schema has multiple versions, Reflekt builds a staging model for both versions, allowing the Data team to easily consolidate schema changes as needed.

❯ reflekt build dbt --select segment/ecommerce --source snowflake.raw.ecomm_demo --sdk segment
[09:45:23] INFO     Running with reflekt=0.3.1

[09:45:24] INFO     Searching for JSON schemas in: /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce

[09:45:24] INFO     Found 10 schemas to build

[09:45:24] INFO     Building dbt package:
                        name: reflekt_demo
                        dir: /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/artifacts/dbt/reflekt_demo
                        --select: segment/ecommerce
                        --sdk_arg: segment
                        --source: snowflake.raw.ecomm_demo

[09:45:24] INFO     Building dbt source 'ecomm_demo'
[09:45:24] INFO     Building dbt artifacts for schema: /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Identify/1-0.json
[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt table 'identifies' in source 'ecomm_demo'
[09:45:26] INFO     Building staging model 'stg_ecomm_demo__identifies.sql'
[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt documentation '_stg_ecomm_demo__identifies.yml'

[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt artifacts for schema: Segment 'users' table
[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt table 'users' in source 'ecomm_demo'
[09:45:26] INFO     Building staging model 'stg_ecomm_demo__users.sql'
[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt documentation '_stg_ecomm_demo__users.yml'

[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt artifacts for schema: /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Cart Viewed/2-0.json
[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt table 'cart_viewed' in source 'ecomm_demo'
[09:45:26] INFO     Building staging model 'stg_ecomm_demo__cart_viewed__v2_0.sql'
[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt documentation '_stg_ecomm_demo__cart_viewed__v2_0.yml'

[09:45:26] INFO     Building dbt artifacts for schema: /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/schemas/segment/ecommerce/Cart Viewed/1-0.json
[09:45:27] INFO     Building staging model 'stg_ecomm_demo__cart_viewed.sql'
[09:45:27] INFO     Building dbt documentation '_stg_ecomm_demo__cart_viewed.yml'

...  # Full output omitted for brevity

[09:45:29] INFO     Building dbt artifacts for schema: Segment 'tracks' table
[09:45:29] INFO     Building dbt table 'tracks' in source 'ecomm_demo'
[09:45:29] INFO     Building staging model 'stg_ecomm_demo__tracks.sql'
[09:45:29] INFO     Building dbt documentation '_stg_ecomm_demo__tracks.yml'

[09:45:29] INFO     Copying dbt package from temporary path /Users/myuser/Repos/my-reflekt-project/.reflekt_cache/artifacts/dbt/reflekt_demo to

[09:45:29] INFO     Successfully built dbt package

Using private dbt packages

To use a Reflekt dbt package in a downstream dbt project, add it to the dbt project's packages.yml.


# packages.yml
  - git: "<your_user_or_org>/<your_repo>"  # Reflekt project Github repo URL
    subdirectory: "dbt-packages/<reflekt_dbt_package_name>"
    revision: v0.1.0__reflekt_demo  # Branch, tag, or commit (40-character hash). For latest, use 'main' branch.


# packages.yml
  - git: ""https://{{env_var('DBT_ENV_SECRET_GITHUB_PAT')}}<your_user_or_org>/<your_repo>.git""  # Reflekt project Github repo URL with GitHub PAT
    subdirectory: "dbt-packages/<reflekt_dbt_package_name>"
    revision: v0.1.0__reflekt_demo  # Branch, tag, or commit (40-character hash). For latest, use 'main' branch.

To use with dbt-cloud, you will need to create a Github personal access token (e.g., DBT_ENV_SECRET_GITHUB_PAT) and configure it as an environment variable in your dbt-cloud account.

For local dbt development, set the environment variable on your local machine.

# Add the following line to your .zshrc, .bash_profile, etc.

Supported data warehouses

Reflekt currently supports the following data warehouses:

  • Snowflake
  • Redshift
  • 🚧 BigQuery support coming soon! 🚧

reflekt's People


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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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