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ember-cli-react's Introduction

Experimental Addon

This was built as a prototype to evaluate using React inside of our Ember apps. We are not yet using it in production. PRs and constructive questions and comments via GitHub issues are highly encouraged.


Circle CI code style: prettier

Use clean React component hierarchies inside your Ember app.


Install the addon in your app:

ember install ember-cli-react

If you prefer npm/yarn install (the following is similar with above):

yarn add --dev ember-cli-react

# This triggers addon blueprint to do necessary setup
ember generate ember-cli-react

NOTE: ember-cli-react relies on a custom resolver to discover components. If you have installed ember-cli-react with the standard way then you should be fine. Otherwise, you will need to manually update the first line of app/resolver.js to import Resolver from 'ember-cli-react/resolver';.

Upgrading to 1.0

ember-browserify has been replaced with ember-auto-import. To migrate to 1.0, there are several steps you need to take:

  1. Remove ember-browserify from your project's package.json (if no other addon is using).
  2. Install latest ember-cli-react and make sure blueprint is run ember generate ember-cli-react.
  3. Remove npm: prefix from all import statements.

Then you should be good to go :)


Write your React component as usual:

// app/components/say-hi.jsx
import React from 'react';

const SayHi = props => <span>Hello {}</span>;

export default SayHi;

Then render your component in a handlebars template:

{{say-hi name="Alex"}}

NOTE: Currently, ember-cli-react recognizes React components with .jsx extension only.

Block Form

Your React component can be used in block form to allow composition with existing Ember or React components.

  {{ember-say-hi name="World!"}}

The children of react-panel will be populated to props.children.

Note that if the children contains mutating structure (e.g. {{if}}, {{each}}), you need to wrap them in a stable tag to work around this Glimmer issue.

    {{#if isComing}}
      {{ember-say-hi name="World!"}}
      See ya!

Although this is possible, block form should be used as a tool to migrate Ember to React without the hard requirement to start with leaf components. It is highly recommended to have clean React component tree whenever possible for best performance.

PascalCase File Naming

You can name your React component files using either the Ember convention of kebab-case or the React convention of PascalCase .

{{!-- Both `user-avatar.jsx` and `UserAvatar.jsx` work --}}

Referencing your React components with PascalCase in handlebars is also supported when invoked using react-component.

{{!-- OK! --}}
{{react-component "user-avatar"}}

{{!-- OK! --}}
{{react-component "UserAvatar"}}

{{!-- Single worded components are OK too! --}}
{{react-component "Avatar"}}

React Components are Prioritized

Whenever there is a conflict, component files with React-style convention will be used.


  • When both SameName.jsx and same-name.jsx exist, SameName.jsx will be used
  • When both SameName.jsx and same-name.js (Ember) exist, SameName.jsx will be used

Known issue

If an Ember component and a React component has exactly the same name but different extension (same-name.js and same-name.jsx), the file with .js extension will be overwritten with the output of same-name.jsx. We are still looking at ways to resolve this.

A More Complete Example

A more complete example which demonstrates data binding and how to handle actions from within React components.


  onToggle=(action onToggle)

Completed {{completedTodos.length}} todos


import React from 'react';
import TodoItem from './todo-item';

export default function(props) {
  return (
      { => {
        return <TodoItem key={} todo={todo} onToggle={props.onToggle} />;


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

export default class TodoItem extends React.Component {
  render() {
    let todo = this.props.todo;

    return (

What's Missing

There is no React link-to equivalent for linking to Ember routes inside of your React code. Instead pass action handlers that call transitionTo from an Ember route or component.

In order to create minified production builds of React you must set NODE_ENV=production.

ember-cli-react's People


alexgb avatar benshine avatar ember-tomster avatar levrik avatar pswai avatar zendern avatar


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ember-cli-react's Issues

Consider style enforcement with Prettier

With Prettier we are free from being distracted by code style during code reviews. We can also use ESLint but it still requires some decision making.

If we go with Prettier then it's good if we enforce it with lint-staged and husky as recommended here. This has the advantage of being IDE/editor -agnostic and requiring zero-setup.

Here's a outline of what we need to do to deploy Prettier:

  • Remove .jshintrc
  • Add Prettier as dependency and enforce it with lint-staged
  • Use eslint-plugin-prettier to benefit from editor highlighting
  • Make .editorconfig compatible with Prettier, if needed

@alexgb what do you think?

Several warnings at npm install

npm WARN package.json [email protected] No repository field.
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: react-tools is deprecated. For more information, visit
npm WARN peerDependencies The peer dependency ember-inflector@^1.9.4 included from ember-data will no
npm WARN peerDependencies longer be automatically installed to fulfill the peerDependency 
npm WARN peerDependencies in npm 3+. Your application will need to depend on it explicitly.
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This package has been discontinued in favor of lodash@^4.0.0.
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: graceful-fs version 3 and before will fail on newer node releases. Please update to graceful-fs@^4.0.0 as soon as possible.

YieldWrapper still passed in children when there are no child nodes

If there are no child nodes of the component (i.e. it is not being used as a block), there is still a children array passed to the React.createElement containing a YieldWrapper component. We have a component that throws an error (beyond our control) when passed children.

Would it make sense to only create the children/YieldWrapper when childNodes.length > 0 like below? Happy to send a PR.

    let children = props.children;
    if (!children) {
      const childNodes = get(this, 'element.childNodes');
      if (childNodes.length > 0) {
        children = [
          React.createElement(YieldWrapper, {
            key: get(this, 'elementId'),
            nodes: [...childNodes]

Needs upgrade for Broccoli

My app currently is stuck on ember v3.14. When I upgrade to Ember 3.15 or later, I get the following error when running ember s:

`WARNING: Invalid Broccoli2 node detected, falling back to broccoli-builder. Broccoli error:

ReactFilter: The .read/.rebuild API is no longer supported as of Broccoli 1.0. Plugins must now derive from broccoli-plugin.
used as input node to Analyzer (ember-auto-import-analyzer)
-- created here: --
at new Plugin (/Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-auto-import/node_modules/broccoli-plugin/dist/index.js:47:36)
at new Analyzer (/Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-auto-import/js/analyzer.js:72:9)
at AutoImport.analyze (/Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-auto-import/js/auto-import.js:44:24)
at Object.toTree (/Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-auto-import/js/index.js:31:59)
at /Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:188:26
at Array.forEach ()
at processPlugins (/Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:186:11)
at module.exports.preprocessJs (/Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli-preprocess-registry/preprocessors.js:179:10)
at DefaultPackager.processJavascript (/Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/broccoli/default-packager.js:503:29)
at DefaultPackager.processAppAndDependencies (/Users/jnate/Projects/BFCore/frontend/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/broccoli/default-packager.js:240:35)
-- (end) -----------------

WatcherAdapter's first argument must be an array of SourceNodeWrapper nodes`

It looks like the React addon needs updating, it's still using Broccoli v1. The dependencies of ember-cli-react v1.0.2 are:
broccoli-react "^0.8.0" ember-auto-import "^1.0.1" ember-cli-babel "^6.3.0" react "^15.5.4 || ^16.0.0" react-dom "^15.5.4 || ^16.0.0"
The versions of broccoli-react and ember-auto-import in particular are really old. Perhaps updating them will do the trick?

Broken on Ember 3.6

Referring a comment in #21, looks like Ember CLI has finally dropped support for broccoli 1. It's time to move to broccoli funnel now.

Broken on ember 3.2

Seems that ember-views/compat/attrs got removed or moved somewhere else on 3.2 (earlier 3.x perhaps too), loading breaks in ember-cli-react/addon/utils/get-mutable-attributes.js

if (isGlimmer) {
  const { MUTABLE_CELL } = Ember.__loader.require('ember-views/compat/attrs');


loader.js:12 Uncaught Error: Could not find module ember-views/compat/attrs
    at missingModule (loader.js:12)
    at internalRequire (loader.js:34)
    at Object.requireModule [as require] (loader.js:88)
    at Module.callback (get-mutable-attributes.js:16)
    at Module.exports (loader.js:106)
    at Module._reify (loader.js:143)
    at Module.reify (loader.js:130)
    at Module.exports (loader.js:104)
    at Module._reify (loader.js:143)
    at Module.reify (loader.js:130)

A possible solution for the routing issue

I'm just scoping the field, I'm somewhat of an Ember newbie, not using this project (yet), but I noticed that you say that to-link doesn't work, and it reminded me of this approach for generic links:

  • put a click handler around the whole app
  • on click, see if a link was clicked (here's some example code)
  • if the link was one for this website, pass it to the routing mechanism

So in other words, the React component would just have to generate regular <a href="..."/> and it would be injected into Ember.

Cleanup redundant files

There are some files that are probably not in use anymore. We can consider removing them to streamline this repo.

Some that I notice:

  • .gitkeep
  • .travis.yml (or circle.yml depending on which one to keep)
  • .jshintrc
  • .eslintrc.js if we go for Prettier #13

Can't use class-properties plugin on fresh install

I'm doing the following:

ember new myapp
ember install ember-cli-react

creating a new app/components/foo-bar/component.jsx:

import React from 'react';

export default class SomeExample extends React.Component {
  state = {
    value: null,

But ember chokes on a Build Error (ReactFilter) when it gets to the class property definition in the component.

I'm on ember 3.10:

"devDependencies": {
    "@ember/jquery": "^0.6.0",
    "@ember/optional-features": "^0.7.0",
    "broccoli-asset-rev": "^3.0.0",
    "ember-ajax": "^5.0.0",
    "ember-auto-import": "^1.5.2",
    "ember-cli": "~3.10.0",
    "ember-cli-app-version": "^3.2.0",
    "ember-cli-babel": "^7.7.3",
    "ember-cli-dependency-checker": "^3.1.0",
    "ember-cli-eslint": "^5.1.0",
    "ember-cli-htmlbars": "^3.0.1",
    "ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile": "^2.1.0",
    "ember-cli-inject-live-reload": "^1.8.2",
    "ember-cli-react": "^1.0.2",
    "ember-cli-sri": "^2.1.1",
    "ember-cli-template-lint": "^1.0.0-beta.1",
    "ember-cli-uglify": "^2.1.0",
    "ember-data": "~3.10.0",
    "ember-export-application-global": "^2.0.0",
    "ember-load-initializers": "^2.0.0",
    "ember-maybe-import-regenerator": "^0.1.6",
    "ember-qunit": "^4.4.1",
    "ember-resolver": "^5.0.1",
    "ember-source": "~3.10.0",
    "ember-welcome-page": "^4.0.0",
    "eslint-plugin-ember": "^6.2.0",
    "eslint-plugin-node": "^8.0.1",
    "loader.js": "^4.7.0",
    "qunit-dom": "^0.8.4",
    "react": "^16.8.6",
    "react-dom": "^16.8.6"

The linter also raises an error in that component.jsx file. I've tried explicitly loading that plugin in the babel config in ember-cli-build.js, but to no avail.

Support of React 18


I was able to create a fork of the project and make the library work with React 18.
The thing is I don't know how to run the tests/build in order to check that it passes it.

Let me know of further docs, or lets setup a meeting so I can open a PR that solves it

Use webpack for building => hot loading + imports

I'm thinking that it would be possible to build the react component(s) with webpack, and have webpack include all the dependencies.

This way, the dependencies for React are tree-shaken and work like normally in the React ecosystem, and any shared dependencies can be marked as external globals in the webpack configuration. Furthermore, it can use the hot reload capabilities of webpack and react-hot-loader.

Disadvantage would be having to run 2 processes to develop.

Does that sound reasonable or am I missing something?

Broken in Ember 2.8

PR #26 seems to have broken tests in Ember 2.8. This is because Ember 2.8 inserts an html comment inside an empty component, which means that our test that expects no child nodes actually has a single child of type comment.

I think the solution here would be to ensure that we only pass children to the react component if there are more than 0 non comment child nodes.

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