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alimama-video-narrator's Introduction

Synchronized Video Storytelling: Generating Video Narrations with Structured Storyline

Dingyi Yang, Chunru Zhan, Ziheng Wang, Biao Wang, Tiezheng Ge, Bo Zheng, Qin Jin


Video storytelling is engaging multimedia content that utilizes video and its accompanying narration to share a story and attract the audience, where a key challenge is creating narrations for recorded visual scenes. Previous studies on dense video captioning and video story generation have made some progress. However, in practical applications, we typically require synchronized narrations for ongoing visual scenes.

In this work, we introduce a new task of Synchronized Video Storytelling, which aims to generate synchronous and informative narrations for videos. These narrations, associated with each video clip, should relate to the visual content, integrate relevant knowledge, and have an appropriate word count corresponding to the clip's duration. Specifically, a structured storyline is beneficial to guide the generation process, ensuring coherence and integrity. To support the exploration of this task, we introduce a new benchmark dataset E-SyncVidStory with rich annotations. Since existing Multimodal LLMs are not effective in addressing this task in one-shot or few-shot settings, we propose a framework named VideoNarrator that can generate a storyline for input videos and simultaneously generate narrations with the guidance of the generated or predefined storyline. We further introduce a set of evaluation metrics to thoroughly assess the generation. Both automatic and human evaluations validate the effectiveness of our approach.

Comparison of Synchronized Video Storytelling and existing video-to-text generation tasks.

Release 📢

  • 2024/12: Video frame features and models can be accessed via Onedrive.
  • 2024/07: Our code and dataset annotations are released. Video features will be available soon.



  1. Clone this repository
git clone
cd alimama-video-narrator
  1. Install Package
pip install --upgrade pip
conda env create -f environment.yml


  1. File

Our annotations can be found at "/data/all_video_data.json".

  1. Data Process

Due to copyright considerations, we will release the features of the original videos (coming soon).

If you want to extract features from your raw videos, please download all videos and store them in "/data_process/all_videos/". Then, proceed to extract the video features:

cd data_process/

Get the training data:

cd data_process/
# Visual Compression & Memory Consolidation
python ./blip_fea/video_cuts/ ../data/all_video_data.json 
cp training_data.json ../data/split/

cd ../data/split/
python training_data.json ../all_video_data.json
python train.json train_shots.json


We apply the pretraining model firefly-baichuan-7b, with the details shown in:
You can directly use the baichuan-7b model, downloaded from:

Run the following shell script to train your model:



Run the following shell script for inference. Set 'offered_label' to False to generate narrations based on the model-generated storyline; otherwise, set it to True to use the ground truth (user-provided) storyline.



  1. Standard metrics such as BLEU and CIDEr
python $chk_path/output.json
cd metrics/evaluator_for_caption/
python $chk_path/out_tokens.json
  1. Visual Relevance (EMScore & EMScore_ref)
Download Chinese_CLIP model from:
cd metrics/EMScore/
python --inpath $chk_path/output.json

"EMScore(X,V) -> full_F" refers to EMScore;"EMScore(X,V,X*) -> full_F" refers to EMScore_ref 3. Knowledge Relevance

Download chinese-roberta-large model from:
cd metrics/roberta_based/
# info_sim
python ../data/all_video_data.json $chk_path/output.json idf_with_all_ref.json
# info_diverse
python $chk_path/output.json idf_with_all_ref.json 
  1. Fluency (intra-story repetition)
cd metrics/roberta_based/
python chk_path/output.json


If you find our work useful for your research and applications, please cite using this BibTeX:

      title={Synchronized Video Storytelling: Generating Video Narrations with Structured Storyline}, 
      author={Dingyi Yang and Chunru Zhan and Ziheng Wang and Biao Wang and Tiezheng Ge and Bo Zheng and Qin Jin},

alimama-video-narrator's People


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alimama-video-narrator's Issues

BLIP-2 Model used


Thanks for sharing and very cool work! I have a couple of suggestions to improve the codebase:

Update Hardcoded Model Location

In the file, could you change the hardcoded location of the model? The current hardcoded path doesn't specify which model is being used. For example:

- `blip_loc = "/pretrained_models/blip2/"`
+ `blip_loc = "Salesforce/blip2-opt-2.7b"`

Add Directory Creation Code

In the file, the code expects the directory images/video_cuts which does not exist by default. Could you please add the following code to ensure the directory is created if it doesn't exist?

from pathlib import Path

Similarly, in for blip_fea/video_cuts.

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