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alibaba-lingjun-dataset-2023's Introduction

Alibaba GPU Cluster Dataset 2023

We released the dataset we used to study the communication contention among deep learning training (DLT) jobs in GPU clusters. Some of the findings are summarized in the paper,

Jiamin Cao, Yu Guan, Kun Qian, Jiaqi Gao, Wencong Xiao, Jianbo Dong, Binzhang Fu, Dennis Cai, Ennan Zhai, Alibaba Cloud. 2024. Crux: GPU-Efficient Communication Scheduling for Deep Learning Training. In ACM SIGCOMM 2024 Conference (ACM SIGCOMM ’24), August 4–8, 2024, Sydney, NSW, Australia. ACM.

Please cite the paper if you use the dataset :-)

What is included in the dataset?

This dataset described the information on DLT jobs running in one of our production GPU clusters during two weeks in August 2023. This cluster consists of more than 800 hosts interconnected by a three-layer Clos network.

We blinded sensitive information such as user ID, cluster ID, and tenant ID for confidential reasons.

The layout of the dataset:

  1. job.csv: Contains information about each job, including the job name, ID, type (e.g., PyTorch and TensorFlow), model (e.g., ResNet, GPT, and LLama), start time, end time, etc.

  2. worker.csv: Contains information about each worker of each job, including the associated host IP and resource usage (e.g., GPUs and CPUs), etc.

  3. topo.csv: Contains information about the network topology of the cluster. Each row in topo.csv corresponds to a host and specifies its location within the three-layer Clos network, i.e., which ASW (ToR switch), PSW (aggregation switch), and DSW (core switch) it is connected to.

Based on above information, we can identify which jobs (and models) were running on which GPUs of which hosts at any given time, as well as the interconnections among these GPUs. By further assuming computation and communication workloads (since we do not know the specific hyperparameters of the running jobs), we can estimate the overall distribution of computation and communication on the cluster.

alibaba-lingjun-dataset-2023's People


Shawn Chen avatar Yuelin Han avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Ethan avatar  avatar Shengkai Lin avatar Zhiting Zhu avatar Raywa Chan avatar JeremyGuo avatar KokomiCat avatar 鐘天楽 avatar Shu-Ting Wang avatar hexclover avatar  avatar Gordon avatar Lingzheng Kong avatar Ke Liu avatar Qiaolin Ouyang avatar  avatar Junxue Zhang avatar Bin Xu avatar  avatar Jiashuo Lin avatar Long Luo avatar  avatar Chenning Li avatar Kira avatar Yibo Huang avatar desword avatar EnanaAwa avatar Ennan avatar xcwan avatar  avatar  avatar Dicardo Xue avatar wangyue avatar  avatar


Ennan avatar Alibaba OSS avatar

alibaba-lingjun-dataset-2023's Issues



关于 topo.csv 文件有个问题想请教一下,
根据该csv文件,我发现 ASW 与 PSW 之间似乎不是全连接方式,如下图所示,有部分 ASW 北向接口只有1或2,对应到 PSW 的南向接口分别为 48/42/29,似乎有点奇怪,请问下这是我对该csv文件的理解有误吗?

我fork了仓库,加了个 notebook 数据分析,麻烦可以看看是哪里有问题不?


图5 job 数据格式


请问能否公开 图5及图6的 分析脚本呢?

我根据 worker.csv 画了图5,虽然大体趋势跟论文原图相同,但有点差距,如下图。



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