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laplace's Issues

Add descriptive error message for out-of-memory errors

From #69:

We could consider adding more informative error messages when running out of memory during Hessian allocation / computation. E.g., if initialising the Hessian runs out of memory, we could raise an error saying something like
"Your model is too big for using FullLaplace. It has X parameters, so the Hessian would be YTB large, while your CPU/GPU only has ZGB memory available. To use FullLaplace on your machine, your model can at most have ~V parameters. Instead, consider using a more memory-efficient Laplace variant, such as W."

Subnetwork inference

  • Extend curvature backends to retrieve for subnetwork
  • Add and the corresponding classes (only FullSubnetLaplace possible afaik)

Add tests with larger model architectures

We should add some tests to catch potential issues with larger models. When computing Hessians it's very easy to run out of memory on consumer hardware, so some tests that check that we don't do any unnecessary allocation of memory might be useful.

Some ideas:

  • Have tests that checks that our supposedly memory-efficient Laplace variants (last-layer, subnetwork, KFAC, low-rank) actually scale to large models and don't throw out-of-memory errors
  • Have tests that fail when trying to be bold and e.g. run full Laplace on a big model (this one is kind of trivial)

Are there actually good ways to test these things? I.e. do we know which hardware the tests will be run on (probably on some CPU) and can we artificially limit the memory available (e.g. to emulate behaviour for a standard GPU with, say, 16GB of memory, if the CPU comes with more RAM than that)?

Somewhat relatedly, we could consider adding more informative error messages when running out of memory during Hessian allocation / computation. E.g., if initialising the Hessian runs out of memory, we could raise an error saying something like
"Your model is too big for using FullLaplace. It has X parameters, so the Hessian would be YTB large, while your CPU/GPU only has ZGB memory available. To use FullLaplace on your machine, your model can at most have ~V parameters. Instead, consider using a more memory-efficient Laplace variant, such as W."

Add references to docstrings

Parts of the methods or classes implemented in the library are proposed in different papers. Instead of having a single reference list in the readme, we could therefore add references into the docstrings.

Implement true block-diagonal LA

Kazuki's asdfghjkl implements block-diagonal versions of GGN and EF which could readily be used to construct an alternative posterior approximation. This would require a new LA class and backend integration of asdfghjkl for block-diagonal.

Add methods to save and load Laplace instances

Users might want to avoid computing the Hessian approximation every time they run their code or reuse the same Laplace approximation in different files (e.g. #42). The best interface would probably be .save(filepath) and .load(filepath) methods.

Add support for type hints

A straight forward way to improve the code quality is to enable runtime support for type hints via typing.

Integration of `asdfghjkl-0.1`

Current version can be found here. For example, Kazuki Osawa mentioned that the data_average parameter now defaults to True but we require False for a proper Hessian approximation.

Clarify how the softmax is handled for classification

Currently it's not really clear how the final softmax is dealt with in the classification case, which might lead to confusion / unintentional misuse of the library.

There's two things to clarify:

  1. That the MAP model put into Laplace shouldn't apply a softmax (either via a nn.Sofmax() layer in the model or a F.softmax() call in the overwritten forward pass) but return the logits instead. This could probably most easily be fixed by clarifying it in the documentation/readme and additionally raising a warning if the model outputs on the training set during fit() lie in [0,1] and sum to 1.
  2. That the Laplace model applies the softmax internally when making predictions and that, therefore, the user shouldn't apply another softmax on top. Here we can probably only improve the documentation.

Likelihood/Loss classes

Probably subclass from torch criteria and keep module parameters for specific library functions.
Additionally could subclass from torch distributions for log probabilities and implement the predictive etc.

How to compute and store the Hessian for last layer LA offline and use it for future predictions


Thanks for the amazing library.

I want to first fit the Last Layer Laplace with the training data and then would like to store the essentials (e.g. the Hessian and the mu) and then later use the _glm_predictive_distribution() function with another OOD dataset in a separate python file, without having access to the training data. Could you please me to understand if this decoupling would be possible with the current code? If possible, can you please point me to the metric/variables which I would need to store?

Import issue

Hi! Thank you for developing this module! I experienced an error when trying the Laplace module on Google colab. It says " cannot import name 'Laplace' from 'laplace' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/laplace/". Kindly seek your assistance in this issue. Thank you!

Error: Extension saving to kflr does not have an extension for Module <class 'lenet.LeNet5'>

My code:

model = LeNet5(num_classes=10).cuda()

trainset, testset, _ , _ = get_dataset('mnist')
train_loader = DataLoader(trainset, 128, True)
# test_loader = DataLoader(testset, 2000, False)

optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), 0.1, 0.9, weight_decay=5e-4)
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

pbar = tqdm(range(epoch), total=epoch)
for _ in pbar:
    acc, _ = train_once(model, train_loader, optimizer, criterion)
    pbar.set_postfix_str(f'Acc: {acc:.2f}%')
la = Laplace(model, 'classification', 'all', 'kron')

Haven't totally understood the math behind......

Enable Thompson sampling

This has to be treated differently for regression and classification but is very similar to the predictive(..) currently implemented. Basically laplace.thompson_sample(x, n_samples=1) should return n_samples from the posterior on functions f to perform Thompson sampling in active learning/bandits/BO. For regression, this is simply sampling from the Gaussian distribution on f while its unclear what would be desired for classification.

This function is currently implemented as predictive_samples() but is not necessarily correct for the classification case.

Support DataParallel

Support DataParallel for the predictions and Hessian computation (with Kazuki's backend).

Custom likelihood and data_loader

Hi! Is there any way that we can implement custom likelihood instead of 'regression' and 'classification', and data_loader? I'm trying to use laplace for PINN. So, the negative log-likelihood (loss) and data_loader are slightly different.

My PINN network has two inputs. I faced this issue:

`/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/laplace/ in fit(self, train_loader)
120 self.model.eval()
--> 122 X, _ = next(iter(train_loader))
123 with torch.no_grad():
124 self.n_outputs = self.model(X[:1].to(self._device)).shape[-1]

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)`

What would you advise in this case? Thanks!

Kron and KronDecomposed error handling

Currently, these do not support BatchNorm due to the backends but this should not fail silently when all-weights Laplace is used on networks with Batchnorm.

Functional Laplace

Do all computations in kernel space which allows for different approximations.
Interesting for low data and output dimensionality.

Progress bar for Laplace fitting

It would be nice to (have the option to) print a progress bar when fitting the Hessian (e.g. via tqdm).
For small problems this doesn't matter as it's instant anyways, but for larger problems one can wait a considerable time for the fitting and doesn't really know how long it'll take.

Change temperature parameter

Either change name to inv_temperature or implement it as actual temperature.
Currently, increased temperature leads to more concentrated posteriors so its reverse.

More examples

Are you going to add more examples here?
I will try myself same ones (originally tested with BNN, Pymc3/BNN or Julia/Turing/BNN) :

  • Toy (Javier Antoran Cabiscol)
  • Yacht (UCI)
  • Housing (UCI)
  • Half Moons (sklearn)
  • Toy (Turing)

Add option to tune the prior precision by optimising the NLL on a validation set

What do you think about another option for tuning the prior precision that uses (gradient-based) optimization methods to minimise the NLL on a validation set? I think this might nicely complement the existing options (i.e. MLL optimization and CV using validation data).

This is e.g. how the temperature parameter in temperature scaling is typically optimized; see an example implementation using BFGS from scipy here.

Even easier would be to use the same optimization approach as for the MLL (i.e. Adam from PyTorch).

AsdlHessian data and model on separate devices

Hi guys,
I have been playing around with this library(it's really good!).
This is just a small thing but when losses are calculated in the eig_lowrank
in I think the data and the model are not on the same device because a train_loader is passed to the eig_lowrank function. A simple change - .to(device) would make it work.

Keep up the good work! :)

Priors as loss criteria

Would allow to implement other priors than Gaussian where the attribute .delta or .prior_prec simply returns the second derivative wrt. NN parameters and can be passed into the Laplace class.
For example, straightforward to implemnet are Gaussian and t-Student.

Cannot subclass nn.Module

It looks like I am getting an error when I pass in a model that is a subsclass of nn.Module.

I am using the following model:

class FeedForward(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_dim, hiddens, out_dim, dropout=0.0):
        super(FeedForward, self).__init__()
        dims = [in_dim] + hiddens + [out_dim]
        layers = []
        for i in range(len(hiddens)):
            start = dims[i]
            end = dims[i+1]
            p = dropout if i < len(dims) - 2 else 0.0
            layer = nn.Linear(start, end)
            if p != 0:
                layers.append(nn.Sequential(layer, nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=p)))
                layers.append(nn.Sequential(layer, nn.ReLU()))
        layers.append(nn.Linear(hiddens[-1], out_dim))
        self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers)

Then I train it:

model = FeedForward(1, [100, 100], 1, dropout=0.0)
lr = 1e-3
optim = torch.optim.Adam([{'params': model.parameters(), 'weight_decay': 1e-4}],

Then I get the following error:

la = Laplace(model, 'regression')

Truncated Traceback (Use C-c C-$ to view full TB):
/anaconda3/envs/pytorch_hunter/lib/python3.9/site-packages/backpack/extensions/ in __get_module_extension(self, module)
     97             if self._fail_mode is FAIL_ERROR:
     98                 # PyTorch converts this Error into a RuntimeError for torch<1.7.0
---> 99                 raise NotImplementedError(
    100                     f"Extension saving to {self.savefield} "
    101                     "does not have an extension for "

NotImplementedError: Extension saving to kflr does not have an extension for Module <class 'funcprior.models.FeedForward'>

Allow fitting Laplace repeatedly

There is no reason to prefent the .fit() method to be called repeatedly, for example after changing hyperparameters or on a different data set. Currently, this raises a ValueError here. Maybe raise a warning instead of simply reset the state to enable safe iterative fits.

Usage for Object Detection


Love the work you're doing.

A Question: are the algorithms in this repo agnostic to the downstream task or the type of input?
For example, if I have an object recognition model for LIDAR data or classification of Audio inputs, can I still use the package?

How do you avoid negative determinant of hessian?

Hi, I have a question about how do you avoid negative determinants of Hessian for logdetermiant.

Hessian matrices are not always positive semi-definite, so generally, they have both positive and negative eigenvalues. In other words, determinants can sometimes be negative, i.e., logdet of Hessians cannot be obtained. As long as I ran some simple experiments with your code, I didn't encounter such an issue, but I'd like to know how do you avoid this problem.

Thank you!

Decouple predictive from the Laplace class?

Useful for: Users who want to implement custom predictive approximations.

Issue: Currently, the predictive approximation is tightly coupled with the Laplace class. So, if the user wanted to implement a new predictive approximation, they have to dig deep into this class, and it might break something not to mention that it can be confusing.


  • 2-steps predictive interface (function output and link predictives)
class FunctionPredictive:

    def __init__(self, ...):

    def __call__(self, x):
        ''' Return 2 arrays for means and vars '''
        raise NotImplementedError()

class LinearizedPredictive(FunctionPredictive):

    def __init__(self, laplace_net, ...):
        self.laplace_net = laplace_net

    def __call__(self, x):
        J = compute_jacobian(laplace_net, x)
        return laplace_net.map_prediction(x), J.T @ laplace_net.covmat @ J

class LinkPredictive:

    def __init__(self, ...):

    def __call__(self, f_mean, f_var):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class ProbitPredictive(LinkPredictive):

    def __init__(self, ...):

    def __call__(self, f_mean, f_var):
        return torch.sigmoid(f_mean / torch.sqrt(1 + pi/8 * f_var))
  • Usage
linearized_pred = LinearizedPred()
probit_pred = ProbitPred()  # Set it to `None` if one does regression
laplace_net = Laplace(..., function_predictive=linearized_pred, link_predictive=probit_pred)
laplace_net(x)  # Prediction using the specified predictives

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