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multisite-bundle's Issues

Cannot import resource (Unknown property 'paths' on annotation 'Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route'.)

Hi, during a test was thrown this exception:

FileLoaderLoadException: Cannot import resource "C:\xampp\htdocs\---\src\Gp\CoreBundle/Controller/HomeController.php" from "C:\xampp\htdocs\---\src\Gp\CoreBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml". (Unknown property 'paths' on annotation 'Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route'.)

this is my Controller class

namespace Gp\CoreBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;

 * @Route("/")
class HomeController extends Controller
     * @Route(name="gp_core_homepage", paths={
     *   "world_site"={
     *     "en_GB"="/",
     *   },
     *   "russian_site"={
     *     "ru_RU"="/",
     *   },
     * })
     * @Method({"GET"})
     * @Template("GpCoreBundle:Home:index.html.twig")
    public function indexAction()
        return array();

The bundle was configured properly as described in the docs... what's wrong?
I use symfony 2.5.

PS: Does this bundle natively support also subdomains on "host"?

Avoid the generated route in the cache

I try you bundle in my sanbox. But I have this error, with app_dev.php:
No route found for "GET /"

Or I my controller I have:

namespace Sandbox\PageBundle\Controller

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Alex\MultisiteBundle\Annotation\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;

class DefaultController extends Controller
     * @Route("/")
     * @Method({"GET"})
     * @Template()
    public function homepageAction()
        return array();

In my routing.yml, I have this:

    resource: "@SandBoxPageBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /

I think the route are generated in cache, because when I delete the cache directory I don't have error.

So I would like to know if it's possible to avoid removing the cover lorsuqe we add a new route, with app_dev.php

Sf 2.8.6 , multisite-bundle 0.1.1 is breaking the debugtoolbar


It's my first issues , i hope it will help the community.

the error

The profiler template "@WebProfiler/Collector/request.html.twig" for data collector "request" does not exist. 500 Internal Server Error - UnexpectedValueException

From what i see in the xdebug.

WebProfilerBundle/Profiler/TemplateManager.php l : 125 :
The problem is at this line.

$loader = $this->twig->getLoader();

When the framework want to check if the template "@WebProfiler/Collector/request.html.twig" is loaded.

The code is looking in the wrong loader

He should have a look inside the loader "Sf\Bundle\TwigBundle\Loader\FilesystemLoader"

And now he is looking inside "Alex\MultiwebsiteBundle\Twig\MultisteLoader".
which this one have a paths array empty.

I can hart fix it , but it's ugly, tell me.
How can i help you to fixe this issue :)


Symfony2 firewall doesn't hook "check_path" and "logout" routes

For brevity I omitted the parts of not essential code.


    default_branding: world_site
    default_locale:   %locale%
            active: true
            en: { host: %domain_world_site% }
                active: true
            en: { host: %domain_admin_control_panel% }


            pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
            security: false
            provider: administrators
            context: %domain_admin_control_panel%
            host: %domain_admin_control_panel%
            pattern: ^/
            anonymous: ~
                # Login paths:
                login_path: security_admin_login
                check_path: security_admin_login_check
                # Login success options
                always_use_default_target_path: true
                default_target_path: gp_admin_dashboard
                # Login failed options
                failure_path: security_admin_login
                # Login options
                username_parameter: email
                password_parameter: password
                # Remember me disabled on admin!
                remember_me: false
                # Token csrf options
                csrf_provider: form.csrf_provider
                csrf_parameter: _auth_token
                # Logout paths
                path: security_admin_logout
                target: security_admin_login
                # Logout options
                invalidate_session: true # the authenticated session will be unavailable afterwards

        - { host: %domain_admin_control_panel%, path: ^/login, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, methods: [GET] }
        - { host: %domain_admin_control_panel%, path: ^/login_check, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, methods: [POST] }
        - { host: %domain_admin_control_panel%, path: ^/, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }


    resource: "@GpAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"


    resource: "@GpAdminBundle/Controller/DashboardController.php"
    type: annotation

    resource: "@GpAdminBundle/Controller/SecurityController.php"
    type: annotation


use Alex\MultisiteBundle\Annotation\Route;

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface;

class SecurityController extends Controller
     * @Route(name="security_admin_login", paths={
     *   "admin_control_panel"={
     *     "en"="/login",
     *   },
     * })
     * @Method({"GET"})
    public function loginAction(Request $request)
        $session = $request->getSession();
        // errors verify
        if ($request->attributes->has(SecurityContextInterface::AUTHENTICATION_ERROR)) {
            $error = $request->attributes->get(SecurityContextInterface::AUTHENTICATION_ERROR);
        } elseif (null !== $session && $session->has(SecurityContextInterface::AUTHENTICATION_ERROR)) {
            $error = $session->get(SecurityContextInterface::AUTHENTICATION_ERROR);
        } else {
            $error = '';

        if ($error) {
            $error = $error->getMessage();

        $csrfToken = $this->container->get('form.csrf_provider')->generateCsrfToken('authenticate');

        return $this->render('GpAdminBundle:Security:login.html.twig', array(
            'error' => $error,
            'csrf_token' => $csrfToken,

     * @Route(name="security_admin_login_check", paths={
     *   "admin_control_panel"={
     *     "en"="/login_check",
     *   },
     * })
     * @Method({"POST"})
    public function checkAction()
        throw new \RuntimeException('Something wrong with firewall LOGIN_CHECK configuration.');

     * @Route(name="security_admin_logout", paths={
     *   "admin_control_panel"={
     *     "en"="/logout",
     *   },
     * })
     * @Method({"GET"})
    public function logoutAction()
        throw new \RuntimeException('Something wrong with firewall LOGOUT configuration.');

php app/console router:debug:

_i18n__admin_control_panel_en__security_admin_login    ANY    ANY    admin.youintent.local /login
_i18n__admin_control_panel_en__security_admin_login_check    ANY    ANY admin.youintent.local /login_check
_i18n__admin_control_panel_en__security_admin_logout    ANY    ANY admin.youintent.local /logout
_i18n__admin_control_panel_en__gp_admin_dashboard   ANY    ANY    admin.youintent.local /

Well, with this configuration the firewall behavior is like I wrote in the title and throws the controller exception.
If I use routes without annotations like this:

    resource: "@GpAdminBundle/Controller/DashboardController.php"
    type: annotation

    resource: "@GpAdminBundle/Controller/AccountController.php"
    type: annotation

#    resource: "@GpAdminBundle/Controller/SecurityController.php"
#    type: annotation

    path: /login
    host: admin.youintent.local
    defaults: { _controller: GpAdminBundle:Security:login }

    path: /login_check
    host: admin.youintent.local

    path: /logout
    host: admin.youintent.local

php app/console router:debug change in:

security_admin_login    ANY    ANY    admin.youintent.local /login
security_admin_login_check    ANY    ANY admin.youintent.local /login_check
security_admin_logout    ANY    ANY admin.youintent.local /logout
_i18n__admin_control_panel_en__gp_admin_dashboard   ANY    ANY    admin.youintent.local /

the login process is ok and user is correctly authenticated but on redirect is thrown:

Unable to generate a URL for the named route "gp_admin_dashboard" as such route does not exist

from logs:

INFO - Matched route "security_admin_login_check" (parameters: "_route": "security_admin_login_check")
INFO - User "[email protected]" has been authenticated successfully
CRITICAL - Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: "Unable to generate a URL for the named route "gp_admin_dashboard" as such route does not exist." at C:\xampp\htdocs\youintent\app\cache\dev\appDevUrlGenerator.php line 54 
Context: {"exception":"Object(Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException)"}

How can I resolve this issue premising that I would want localize and internationalize the login, logout and login_check routes, specially on my front-end subdomains?
It's possible to get it work with the annotations?
Any help will be really appreciate.

Symfony 3 Compatibility issue.

I would like to make this bundle working with Symfony 3 and trying on a fresh installation in locale (obviously I've updated the composer.json on my new branch 3.0 to allow Symfony 3) at the first attempt I got:

Attempted to call an undefined method named "setSiteContext"
of class "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router".
Did you mean to call "setContext"?

The problem comes from the compiler pass Alex\MultisiteBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\InjectSiteContextPass
it appens during the execution of
$container->findDefinition('router.default')->addMethodCall('setSiteContext', array(new Reference('site_context')));

On another fresh installation with Symfony 2.8.6 this problem not appear but after passed some time reading all the docs about Routing, Compiler Pass, DI, etc (from Symfony 2.8.6. to 3.0.6) I haven't noticed difference related to this, but maybe I've missed something.

There is someone can point me in the right direction to resolve the problem?

Using Twig_Loader_String and AlexMultisiteBundle, return a prefixed string


I add the Twig_Loader_String for my project, and I have a problem.

When I do this :

$twig = $this->get('twig'); // twig service
$string = $twig->render('lorem ipsum');

My string contain : _[branding_name]_[locale]/lorem ipsum.
(replace [...] by your seetings)

Have you an idea how I can fix this problem ?

Thanks in advance.

Wrong findTemplates declaration in Alex\MultisiteBundle\Twig\MultisiteLoader

Hello everyone,

When using twig version 2.x, the following error is raised.

Warning: Declaration of Alex\MultisiteBundle\Twig\MultisiteLoader::findTemplate($name) should be compatible with Twig_Loader_Filesystem::findTemplate($name, $throw = true)

You just need to update the function and set it to Alex\MultisiteBundle\Twig\MultisiteLoader::findTemplate($name, $throw = true)


override a template using @Template

This is my test controller:

namespace Gp\CoreBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;

use Alex\MultisiteBundle\Annotation\Route;

class TestController extends Controller
     * @Route(name="gp_core_test", paths={
     *   "world_site"={
     *     "en"="/test",
     *   },
     *   "italian_site"={
     *     "it_IT"="/prova",
     *   },
     *   "russian_site"={
     *     "ru_RU"="/проба",
     *   },
     * })
     * @Template()
    public function indexAction()
        return array();

and my base template is: @Template("GpCoreBundle:Test:index.html.twig")
As showed in the docs I would like to define different twig template based on branding + locale, but the forward slash used as separator in the docs is not allowed (for instance on file names like: _world_site_en/index.html).
After many attempts I realised that I need help once again :-(

Can't be change current branding or locale

Hi evry one,

I have this configuration

    default_branding: sandbox_france
    default_locale:   fr_FR
        register: true
        en: { host: sandbox_fr.localhost, prefix: /en }
        fr_FR: { host: sandbox_fr.localhost }
        en_BE: { host: sandbox_be.localhost, prefix: /en }
        fr_BE: { host: sandbox_be.localhost }
        en_CA: { host: sandbox_ca.localhost, prefix: /en }
        fr_CA: { host: sandbox_ca.localhost }

Here is the result of the php app / console router command: debug

[router] Current routes
 Name                                          Method   Scheme Host                 Path                                               
 _wdt                                          ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_wdt/{token}                                      
 _profiler_home                                ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/                                        
 _profiler_search                              ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/search                                  
 _profiler_search_bar                          ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/search_bar                              
 _profiler_purge                               ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/purge                                   
 _profiler_info                                ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/info/{about}                            
 _profiler_import                              ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/import                                  
 _profiler_export                              ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/export/{token}.txt                      
 _profiler_phpinfo                             ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/phpinfo                                 
 _profiler_search_results                      ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/{token}/search/results                  
 _profiler                                     ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/{token}                                 
 _profiler_router                              ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/{token}/router                          
 _profiler_exception                           ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/{token}/exception                       
 _profiler_exception_css                       ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_profiler/{token}/exception.css                   
 _configurator_home                            ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_configurator/                                    
 _configurator_step                            ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_configurator/step/{index}                        
 _configurator_final                           ANY      ANY    ANY                  /_configurator/final                               
 fos_user_security_login                       ANY      ANY    ANY                  /login                                             
 fos_user_security_check                       POST     ANY    ANY                  /login_check                                       
 fos_user_security_logout                      ANY      ANY    ANY                  /logout                                            
 fos_user_profile_show                         GET      ANY    ANY                  /profile/                                          
 fos_user_profile_edit                         ANY      ANY    ANY                  /profile/edit                                      
 fos_user_registration_register                ANY      ANY    ANY                  /register/                                         
 fos_user_registration_check_email             GET      ANY    ANY                  /register/check-email                              
 fos_user_registration_confirm                 GET      ANY    ANY                  /register/confirm/{token}                          
 fos_user_registration_confirmed               GET      ANY    ANY                  /register/confirmed                                
 fos_user_resetting_request                    GET      ANY    ANY                  /resetting/request                                 
 fos_user_resetting_send_email                 POST     ANY    ANY                  /resetting/send-email                              
 fos_user_resetting_check_email                GET      ANY    ANY                  /resetting/check-email                             
 fos_user_resetting_reset                      GET|POST ANY    ANY                  /resetting/reset/{token}                           
 fos_user_change_password                      GET|POST ANY    ANY                  /change-password/change-password                   
 fos_user_group_list                           GET      ANY    ANY                  /group/list                                        
 fos_user_group_new                            ANY      ANY    ANY                  /group/new                                         
 fos_user_group_show                           GET      ANY    ANY                  /group/{groupname}                                 
 fos_user_group_edit                           ANY      ANY    ANY                  /group/{groupname}/edit
 _i18n__sandbox_france_fr_FR__news_list         ANY      ANY    sandbox3_fr.localhost /news/actualite                                    
 _i18n__sandbox_france_fr_FR__sandbox_news_show  ANY      ANY    sandbox3_fr.localhost /news/actualite/{slug}                             
 _i18n__sandbox_france_en__news_list            ANY      ANY    sandbox3_fr.localhost /news/en/news                                      
 _i18n__sandbox_france_en__sandbox_news_show     ANY      ANY    sandbox3_fr.localhost /news/en/news/{slug}                               
 _i18n__sandbox_canada_fr_CA__news_list         ANY      ANY    sandbox3_ca.localhost /news/actualite                                    
 _i18n__sandbox_canada_fr_CA__sandbox_news_show  ANY      ANY    sandbox3_ca.localhost /news/actualite/{slug}                             
 _i18n__sandbox_canada_en_CA__news_list         ANY      ANY    sandbox3_ca.localhost /news/en/news                                      
 _i18n__sandbox_canada_en_CA__sandbox_news_show  ANY      ANY    sandbox3_ca.localhost /news/en/news/{slug}                               
 _i18n__sandbox_belgium_fr_BE__news_list        ANY      ANY    sandbox3_be.localhost /news/actualite                                    
 _i18n__sandbox_belgium_fr_BE__sandbox_news_show ANY      ANY    sandbox3_be.localhost /news/actualite/{slug}                             
 _i18n__sandbox_belgium_en_BE__news_list        ANY      ANY    sandbox3_be.localhost /news/en/news                                      
 _i18n__sandbox_belgium_en_BE__sandbox_news_show ANY      ANY    sandbox3_be.localhost /news/en/news/{slug}                               

My problem is that when I want to view the domain 'sandbox_canada' is my local household communications that defines the file configurationconfig.yml, namely fr_FR.

Have you any idea?

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