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neo4r's Introduction

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Disclaimer: this package is still under active development. Read the to be informed of the last changes.

Read complementary documentation at


The goal of {neo4r} is to provide a modern and flexible Neo4J driver for R.

It’s modern in the sense that the results are returned as tibbles whenever possible, it relies on modern tools, and it is designed to work with pipes. Our goal is to provide a driver that can be easily integrated in a data analysis workflow, especially by providing an API working smoothly with other data analysis ({dplyr} or {purrr}) and graph packages ({igraph}, {ggraph}, {visNetwork}…).

It’s flexible in the sense that it is rather unopinionated regarding the way it returns the results, by trying to stay as close as possible to the way Neo4J returns data. That way, you have the control over the way you will compute the results. At the same time, the result is not too complex, so that the “heavy lifting” of data wrangling is not left to the user.

The connexion object is also an easy to control R6 method, allowing you to update and query information from the API.

Server Connection

Please note that for now, the connection is only possible through http / https.


You can install {neo4r} from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Create a connexion object

Start by creating a new connexion object with neo4j_api$new

con <- neo4j_api$new(url = "http://localhost:7474", 
                     user = "plop", password = "pouetpouet")

This connexion object is designed to interact with the Neo4J API.

It comes with some methods to retrieve information from it :

# Test the endpoint, that will not work :
#> [1] 401

Being an R6 object, con is flexible in the sense that you can change url, user and password at any time:

#> [1] 200

That means you can connect to another url at any time without having to create a new connexion object. (con$reset_url()).

# Get Neo4J Version
#> [1] "3.4.5"
# List constaints (if any)
#>         label       type property_keys
#> 1:       Band UNIQUENESS          name
#> 2:       City UNIQUENESS          name
#> 3:     record UNIQUENESS          name
#> 4:     artist UNIQUENESS          name
#> 5:    Package UNIQUENESS          name
#> 6:     Author UNIQUENESS          name
#> 7: Maintainer UNIQUENESS          name
# Get a vector of labels (if any)
#> # A tibble: 17 x 1
#>    labels     
#>    <chr>      
#>  1 album      
#>  2 GrandPrix  
#>  3 Engine     
#>  4 E          
#>  5 W          
#>  6 Playoff    
#>  7 Author     
#>  8 record     
#>  9 Country    
#> 10 Maintainer 
#> 11 Driver     
#> 12 Band       
#> 13 Constructor
#> 14 City       
#> 15 Team       
#> 16 Package    
#> 17 artist
# Get a vector of relationships (if any)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 1
#>    labels        
#>    <chr>         
#>  1 PLAYED_IN     
#>  2 IS_FROM       
#>  4 WIN           
#>  5 HAS           
#>  7 BELONGS_TO    
#>  8 BELONGED_TO   
#>  9 FINISHED      
#> 10 has_recorded
# Get schema 
#>         label property_keys
#> 1:       Band          name
#> 2:     Author          name
#> 3:     artist          name
#> 4:       City          name
#> 5: Maintainer          name
#> 6:    Package          name
#> 7:     record          name

Using the Connection Pane

{neo4r} comes with a Connection Pane interface for RStudio.

Once installed, you can go to the “Connections”, and use the widget to connect to the Neo4J server:

Call the API

You can either create a separate query or insert it inside the call_neo4j function.

The call_neo4j() function takes several arguments :

  • query : the cypher query
  • con : the connexion object
  • type : “rows” or “graph”: whether to return the results as a list of results in tibble, or as a graph object (with $nodes and $relationships)
  • output : the output format (R or json)
  • include_stats : whether or not to include the stats about the call
  • meta : whether or not to include the meta arguments of the nodes when calling with “rows”

“rows” format

The user chooses whether or not to return a list of tibbles when calling the API. You get as many objects as specified in the RETURN cypher statement.


'MATCH (r:record) -[:WAS_RECORDED] -> (b:Band) where b.formed = 1991 RETURN *;' %>%
#> $b
#> # A tibble: 14 x 2
#>    name     formed
#>    <chr>     <int>
#>  1 Burzum     1991
#>  2 Burzum     1991
#>  3 Burzum     1991
#>  4 Burzum     1991
#>  5 Burzum     1991
#>  6 Burzum     1991
#>  7 Burzum     1991
#>  8 Enslaved   1991
#>  9 Enslaved   1991
#> 10 Enslaved   1991
#> 11 Enslaved   1991
#> 12 Immortal   1991
#> 13 Immortal   1991
#> 14 Immortal   1991
#> $r
#> # A tibble: 14 x 2
#>    release name                         
#>      <int> <chr>                        
#>  1    1992 Hvis lyset tar oss           
#>  2    1993 Filosofem                    
#>  3    1991 Demo I                       
#>  4    1992 Aske                         
#>  5    1992 Det som engang var           
#>  6    1992 Burzum                       
#>  7    1991 Demo II                      
#>  8    1991 Nema                         
#>  9    1992 Yggdrasill                   
#> 10    1992 Hordanes Land                
#> 11    1993 Vikingligr Veldi             
#> 12    1991 Immortal                     
#> 13    1992 Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
#> 14    1993 Pure Holocaust               
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "neo"  "neo"  "list"

By default, results are returned as an R list of tibbles. We think this is the more “truthful” way to implement the outputs regarding Neo4J calls.

For example, when you want to return two nodes types, you’ll get two results, in the form of two tibbles (what we’ve seen just before) - the result is a two elements list with each element being labelled the way it has been specified in the Cypher query.

Results can also be returned in JSON:

'MATCH (r:record) -[:WAS_RECORDED] -> (b:Band) where b.formed = 1991 RETURN * LIMIT 1;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, output = "json")
#> [
#>   [
#>     {
#>       "row": [
#>         {
#>           "name": ["Burzum"],
#>           "formed": [1991]
#>         },
#>         {
#>           "release": [1992],
#>           "name": ["Hvis lyset tar oss"]
#>         }
#>       ],
#>       "meta": [
#>         {
#>           "id": [12591],
#>           "type": ["node"],
#>           "deleted": [false]
#>         },
#>         {
#>           "id": [13608],
#>           "type": ["node"],
#>           "deleted": [false]
#>         }
#>       ]
#>     }
#>   ]
#> ]

If you turn the type argument to "graph", you’ll get a graph result:

'MATCH (r:record) -[:WAS_RECORDED] -> (b:Band) where b.formed = 1991 RETURN *;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, type = "graph")
#> $nodes
#> # A tibble: 17 x 3
#>    id    label     properties
#>    <chr> <list>    <list>    
#>  1 13608 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#>  2 12591 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#>  3 13613 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#>  4 13594 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#>  5 13606 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#>  6 13600 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#>  7 13599 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#>  8 13597 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#>  9 12595 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 10 13598 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 11 13604 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 12 13610 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 13 13615 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 14 12598 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 15 13596 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 16 13601 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 17 13621 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "neo"  "list"

The result is returned as one node or relationship by row.

Due to the specific data format of Neo4J, there can be more than one label and property by node and relationship. That’s why the results is returned, by design, as a list-dataframe.

We have designed several functions to unnest the output :

+unnest_nodes(), that can unnest a node dataframe :

res <- 'MATCH (r:record) -[w:WAS_RECORDED] -> (b:Band) where b.formed = 1991 RETURN *;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, type = "graph")
#> # A tibble: 17 x 5
#>    id    label  release name                          formed
#>    <chr> <chr>    <int> <chr>                          <int>
#>  1 13608 record    1992 Hvis lyset tar oss                NA
#>  2 12591 Band        NA Burzum                          1991
#>  3 13613 record    1993 Filosofem                         NA
#>  4 13594 record    1991 Demo I                            NA
#>  5 13606 record    1992 Aske                              NA
#>  6 13600 record    1992 Det som engang var                NA
#>  7 13599 record    1992 Burzum                            NA
#>  8 13597 record    1991 Demo II                           NA
#>  9 12595 Band        NA Enslaved                        1991
#> 10 13598 record    1991 Nema                              NA
#> 11 13604 record    1992 Yggdrasill                        NA
#> 12 13610 record    1992 Hordanes Land                     NA
#> 13 13615 record    1993 Vikingligr Veldi                  NA
#> 14 12598 Band        NA Immortal                        1991
#> 15 13596 record    1991 Immortal                          NA
#> 16 13601 record    1992 Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism     NA
#> 17 13621 record    1993 Pure Holocaust                    NA

Please, note that this function will return NA for the properties that aren’t in a node. For example here, we have no ‘licence’ information for the Maintainer node (that makes sense).

On the long run, and this is not {neo4r} specific but Neo4J related, a good practice is to have a “name” propertie on each node, so this column will be full here.

Also, it is possible to unnest either the properties or the labels :

res$nodes %>%
  unnest_nodes(what = "properties")
#> # A tibble: 17 x 5
#>    id    label     release name                          formed
#>    <chr> <list>      <int> <chr>                          <int>
#>  1 13608 <chr [1]>    1992 Hvis lyset tar oss                NA
#>  2 12591 <chr [1]>      NA Burzum                          1991
#>  3 13613 <chr [1]>    1993 Filosofem                         NA
#>  4 13594 <chr [1]>    1991 Demo I                            NA
#>  5 13606 <chr [1]>    1992 Aske                              NA
#>  6 13600 <chr [1]>    1992 Det som engang var                NA
#>  7 13599 <chr [1]>    1992 Burzum                            NA
#>  8 13597 <chr [1]>    1991 Demo II                           NA
#>  9 12595 <chr [1]>      NA Enslaved                        1991
#> 10 13598 <chr [1]>    1991 Nema                              NA
#> 11 13604 <chr [1]>    1992 Yggdrasill                        NA
#> 12 13610 <chr [1]>    1992 Hordanes Land                     NA
#> 13 13615 <chr [1]>    1993 Vikingligr Veldi                  NA
#> 14 12598 <chr [1]>      NA Immortal                        1991
#> 15 13596 <chr [1]>    1991 Immortal                          NA
#> 16 13601 <chr [1]>    1992 Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism     NA
#> 17 13621 <chr [1]>    1993 Pure Holocaust                    NA
res$nodes %>%
  unnest_nodes(what = "label")
#> # A tibble: 17 x 3
#>    id    properties label 
#>    <chr> <list>     <chr> 
#>  1 13608 <list [2]> record
#>  2 12591 <list [2]> Band  
#>  3 13613 <list [2]> record
#>  4 13594 <list [2]> record
#>  5 13606 <list [2]> record
#>  6 13600 <list [2]> record
#>  7 13599 <list [2]> record
#>  8 13597 <list [2]> record
#>  9 12595 <list [2]> Band  
#> 10 13598 <list [2]> record
#> 11 13604 <list [2]> record
#> 12 13610 <list [2]> record
#> 13 13615 <list [2]> record
#> 14 12598 <list [2]> Band  
#> 15 13596 <list [2]> record
#> 16 13601 <list [2]> record
#> 17 13621 <list [2]> record
  • unnest_relationships()

There is only one nested column in the relationship table, thus the function is quite straightforward :

#> # A tibble: 14 x 5
#>    id    type         startNode endNode properties
#>    <chr> <chr>        <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     
#>  1 21824 WAS_RECORDED 13608     12591   <NA>      
#>  2 21825 WAS_RECORDED 13613     12591   <NA>      
#>  3 21819 WAS_RECORDED 13594     12591   <NA>      
#>  4 21823 WAS_RECORDED 13606     12591   <NA>      
#>  5 21822 WAS_RECORDED 13600     12591   <NA>      
#>  6 21821 WAS_RECORDED 13599     12591   <NA>      
#>  7 21820 WAS_RECORDED 13597     12591   <NA>      
#>  8 21832 WAS_RECORDED 13598     12595   <NA>      
#>  9 21833 WAS_RECORDED 13604     12595   <NA>      
#> 10 21834 WAS_RECORDED 13610     12595   <NA>      
#> 11 21835 WAS_RECORDED 13615     12595   <NA>      
#> 12 21829 WAS_RECORDED 13596     12598   <NA>      
#> 13 21830 WAS_RECORDED 13601     12598   <NA>      
#> 14 21831 WAS_RECORDED 13621     12598   <NA>
  • unnest_graph

This function takes a graph results, and does unnest_nodes and unnest_relationships.

#> $nodes
#> # A tibble: 17 x 5
#>    id    label  release name                          formed
#>    <chr> <chr>    <int> <chr>                          <int>
#>  1 13608 record    1992 Hvis lyset tar oss                NA
#>  2 12591 Band        NA Burzum                          1991
#>  3 13613 record    1993 Filosofem                         NA
#>  4 13594 record    1991 Demo I                            NA
#>  5 13606 record    1992 Aske                              NA
#>  6 13600 record    1992 Det som engang var                NA
#>  7 13599 record    1992 Burzum                            NA
#>  8 13597 record    1991 Demo II                           NA
#>  9 12595 Band        NA Enslaved                        1991
#> 10 13598 record    1991 Nema                              NA
#> 11 13604 record    1992 Yggdrasill                        NA
#> 12 13610 record    1992 Hordanes Land                     NA
#> 13 13615 record    1993 Vikingligr Veldi                  NA
#> 14 12598 Band        NA Immortal                        1991
#> 15 13596 record    1991 Immortal                          NA
#> 16 13601 record    1992 Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism     NA
#> 17 13621 record    1993 Pure Holocaust                    NA
#> $relationships
#> # A tibble: 14 x 5
#>    id    type         startNode endNode properties
#>    <chr> <chr>        <chr>     <chr>   <chr>     
#>  1 21824 WAS_RECORDED 13608     12591   <NA>      
#>  2 21825 WAS_RECORDED 13613     12591   <NA>      
#>  3 21819 WAS_RECORDED 13594     12591   <NA>      
#>  4 21823 WAS_RECORDED 13606     12591   <NA>      
#>  5 21822 WAS_RECORDED 13600     12591   <NA>      
#>  6 21821 WAS_RECORDED 13599     12591   <NA>      
#>  7 21820 WAS_RECORDED 13597     12591   <NA>      
#>  8 21832 WAS_RECORDED 13598     12595   <NA>      
#>  9 21833 WAS_RECORDED 13604     12595   <NA>      
#> 10 21834 WAS_RECORDED 13610     12595   <NA>      
#> 11 21835 WAS_RECORDED 13615     12595   <NA>      
#> 12 21829 WAS_RECORDED 13596     12598   <NA>      
#> 13 21830 WAS_RECORDED 13601     12598   <NA>      
#> 14 21831 WAS_RECORDED 13621     12598   <NA>      
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "neo"  "list"


There are two convenient functions to extract nodes and relationships:

'MATCH p=()-[r:WAS_RECORDED]->() RETURN p LIMIT 5;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, type = "graph") %>% 
#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#>   id    label     properties
#>   <chr> <list>    <list>    
#> 1 13608 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 2 12591 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 3 13613 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 4 13594 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 5 13606 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
#> 6 13600 <chr [1]> <list [2]>
'MATCH p=()-[w:WAS_RECORDED]->() RETURN p LIMIT 5;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, type = "graph") %>% 
#> # A tibble: 5 x 5
#>   id    type         startNode endNode properties
#>   <chr> <chr>        <chr>     <chr>   <list>    
#> 1 21824 WAS_RECORDED 13608     12591   <list [0]>
#> 2 21825 WAS_RECORDED 13613     12591   <list [0]>
#> 3 21819 WAS_RECORDED 13594     12591   <list [0]>
#> 4 21823 WAS_RECORDED 13606     12591   <list [0]>
#> 5 21822 WAS_RECORDED 13600     12591   <list [0]>

Convert for common graph packages


In order to be converted into a graph object:

  • nodes need an id, and a name. By default, node name is assumed to be found in the “name” property returned by the graph, specifying any other column is allowed. The “label” column from Neo4J is renamed “group”.

  • relationships need a start and an end, i.e. startNode and endNode in the Neo4J results.

'MATCH p=()-[r:WAS_RECORDED]->() RETURN p LIMIT 5;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, type = "graph") %>%
#> IGRAPH dab6b48 DN-- 6 5 -- 
#> + attr: name (v/c), label (v/c), release (v/n), formed (v/n), type
#> | (e/c), id (e/c), properties (e/x)
#> + edges from dab6b48 (vertex names):
#> [1] Hvis lyset tar oss->Burzum Filosofem         ->Burzum
#> [3] Demo I            ->Burzum Aske              ->Burzum
#> [5] Det som engang var->Burzum

Which means that you can :

'MATCH p=()-[r:WAS_RECORDED]->() RETURN p LIMIT 5;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, type = "graph") %>% 
  convert_to("igraph") %>%

This can also be used with {ggraph} :

#> Loading required package: ggplot2
'MATCH p=()-[r:WAS_RECORDED]->() RETURN p LIMIT 5;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, type = "graph") %>% 
  convert_to("igraph") %>%
  ggraph() + 
  geom_node_label(aes(label = name)) +
  geom_edge_link() + 
#> Using `nicely` as default layout


network <- 'MATCH p=()-[r:WAS_RECORDED]->() RETURN p LIMIT 5;' %>%
  call_neo4j(con, type = "graph") %>% 
visNetwork::visNetwork(network$nodes, network$relationships)

Sending data to the API

You can simply send queries has we have just seen, by writing the cypher query and call the api.

Transform elements to cypher queries

  • vec_to_cypher() creates a list :
vec_to_cypher(iris[1, 1:3], "Species")
#> [1] "(:`Species` {`Sepal.Length`: '5.1', `Sepal.Width`: '3.5', `Petal.Length`: '1.4'})"
  • and vec_to_cypher_with_var() creates a cypher call starting with a variable :
vec_to_cypher_with_var(iris[1, 1:3], "Species", a)
#> [1] "(a:`Species` {`Sepal.Length`: '5.1', `Sepal.Width`: '3.5', `Petal.Length`: '1.4'})"

This can be combined inside a cypher call:

paste("MERGE", vec_to_cypher(iris[1, 1:3], "Species"))
#> [1] "MERGE (:`Species` {`Sepal.Length`: '5.1', `Sepal.Width`: '3.5', `Petal.Length`: '1.4'})"

Reading and sending a cypher file :

  • read_cypher reads a cypher file and returns a tibble of all the calls:
#> # A tibble: 4 x 1
#>   cypher                                                                   
#>   <chr>                                                                    
#> 1 CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (b:Band) ASSERT IS UNIQUE;                   
#> 2 CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:City) ASSERT IS UNIQUE;                   
#> 3 CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (r:record) ASSERT IS UNIQUE;                 
#> 4 CREATE (ancient:Band {name: 'Ancient', formed: 1992}), (acturus:Band {na…
  • send_cypher reads a cypher file, and send it the the API. By default, the stats are returned.
send_cypher("data-raw/constraints.cypher", con)

Sending csv dataframe to Neo4J

The load_csv sends an csv from an url to the Neo4J browser.

The args are :

  • on_load : the code to execute on load
  • con : the connexion object
  • url : the url of the csv to send
  • header : whether or not the csv has a header
  • periodic_commit : the volume for PERIODIC COMMIT
  • as : the AS argument for LOAD CSV
  • format : the format of the result
  • include_stats : whether or not to include the stats
  • meta : whether or not to return the meta information
# Create the constraints
call_neo4j("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (a:artist) ASSERT IS UNIQUE;", con)
call_neo4j("CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (al:album) ASSERT IS UNIQUE;", con)
# List constaints (if any)
#>         label       type property_keys
#> 1:       Band UNIQUENESS          name
#> 2:       City UNIQUENESS          name
#> 3:     record UNIQUENESS          name
#> 4:     artist UNIQUENESS          name
#> 5:    Package UNIQUENESS          name
#> 6:     Author UNIQUENESS          name
#> 7: Maintainer UNIQUENESS          name
# Create the query that will create the nodes and relationships
on_load_query <- 'MERGE (a:artist { name: csvLine.artist})
MERGE (al:album {name: csvLine.album_name})
MERGE (a) -[:has_recorded] -> (al)  
RETURN a AS artists, al AS albums;'
# Send the csv 
load_csv(url = "", 
         con = con, header = TRUE, periodic_commit = 50, 
         as = "csvLine", on_load = on_load_query)
#> $artists
#> # A tibble: 2,367 x 1
#>    name           
#>    <chr>          
#>  1 Eminem         
#>  2 Eurythmics     
#>  3 Queen          
#>  4 The Police     
#>  5 A$AP Rocky     
#>  6 Tears For Fears
#>  7 Foals          
#>  8 Bag Raiders    
#>  9 Bright Eyes    
#> 10 Bob Dylan      
#> # ... with 2,357 more rows
#> $albums
#> # A tibble: 2,367 x 1
#>    name                           
#>    <chr>                          
#>  1 Curtain Call (Deluxe)          
#>  2 Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
#>  3 The Game (2011 Remaster)       
#>  4 Synchronicity (Remastered)     
#>  5 LONG.LIVE.A$AP (Deluxe Version)
#>  6 Songs From The Big Chair       
#>  7 Holy Fire                      
#>  8 Bag Raiders (Deluxe)           
#>  9 I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning   
#> 10 Highway 61 Revisited           
#> # ... with 2,357 more rows
#> $stats
#> # A tibble: 12 x 2
#>    type                  value
#>    <chr>                 <dbl>
#>  1 contains_updates          0
#>  2 nodes_created             0
#>  3 nodes_deleted             0
#>  4 properties_set            0
#>  5 relationships_created     0
#>  6 relationship_deleted      0
#>  7 labels_added              0
#>  8 labels_removed            0
#>  9 indexes_added             0
#> 10 indexes_removed           0
#> 11 constraints_added         0
#> 12 constraints_removed       0
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "neo"  "list"

Sandboxing in Docker

You can get an RStudio / Neo4J sandbox with Docker :

docker pull colinfay/neo4r-docker
docker run -e PASSWORD=plop -e ROOT=TRUE -d -p 8787:8787 neo4r


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

neo4r's People


colinfay avatar statnmap avatar dianebeldame avatar garrettmooney avatar


James Cloos avatar

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