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edgekit's Issues

Bootstrap the IAB Tier 2 Interest audience taxonomy.


Prior to inviting the industry for some well needed debate on audience definition, we would like to bootstrap a simple taxonomy of audience definitions:

  • we will begin with purely interest audiences
  • granularity will be tier 1 + tier 2
  • this equates to 30 unique audiences

The initial version of the definitions will consist of:

  • ttl; a time to live, how long will the user remain in the audience after being matched.
  • a look back window; how far back we should check the users local page view history.
  • an occurrence number; how many times would a user have to viewed a page matching the interest definition.
  • keywords; a set of words which describe this.

A simple example

The below is an audience definition, which is saying a user must have viewed at least 3 pages, within the past 7 days with would contain at least one of the keywords, to be matched into that interest based for the next 7 days.

const audience = {
  id: 719,
  name: 'Interest | Travel',
  ttl: 7,
  lookback: 7,
  occurrence: 3,
  keywords: ['beach', 'mojito', 'palms', 'spain', '...']

IAB Taxonomy Interest

Unique ID Parent ID Name Tier 1 Tier 2
243 206 Interest | Automotive Interest Automotive
258 206 Interest | Books and Literature Interest Books and Literature
268 206 Interest | Business and Finance Interest Business and Finance
338 206 Interest | Careers Interest Careers
344 258 Interest | Education Interest Education
348 206 Interest | Family and Relationships Interest Family and Relationships
359 206 Interest | Fine Art Interest Fine Art
368 206 Interest | Food & Drink Interest Food & Drink
381 206 Interest | Health and Medical Services Interest Health and Medical Services
406 206 Interest | Healthy Living Interest Healthy Living
422 206 Interest | Hobbies & Interests Interest Hobbies & Interests
457 206 Interest | Home & Garden Interest Home & Garden
466 206 Interest | Medical Health Interest Medical Health
467 206 Interest | Movies Interest Movies
481 206 Interest | Music and Audio Interest Music and Audio
522 206 Interest | News and Politics Interest News and Politics
534 206 Interest | Personal Finance Interest Personal Finance
541 206 Interest | Pets Interest Pets
550 206 Interest | Pharmaceuticals, Conditions, and Symptoms Interest Pharmaceuticals, Conditions, and Symptoms
581 206 Interest | Pop Culture Interest Pop Culture
583 206 Interest | Real Estate Interest Real Estate
595 206 Interest | Religion & Spirituality Interest Religion & Spirituality
606 206 Interest | Shopping Interest Shopping
607 206 Interest | Sports Interest Sports
676 206 Interest | Style & Fashion Interest Style & Fashion
687 206 Interest | Technology & Computing Interest Technology & Computing
706 206 Interest | Television Interest Television
719 206 Interest | Travel Interest Travel
733 206 Interest | Video Gaming Interest Video Gaming


Consider audience definition version.


The current logic for audience versions is not complete, we do not "un-match" a user if they do not conform to a bumped audience version.


  • if a user has matched version 1, and the most recent audience version available is 1, we should not run the checking.
  • if a user has matched version 1, and the most recent audience version available is 2, we should run the checking.
    • if they not do not match the new version (2), but had matched 1, we must remove this audience from matched.
    • if they matched v1 and now match on v2, they remain in the audience but with the updated version


There is code to cache audiences in local storage, but our internal implementation does not utilise this mechanism, as we use the browser cache for GET requests, although I could see this feature being useful in future or for other users of the library, I suggest while it is unused we do remove it - as it will be trivial to re-implement.

RFC: Remove pageFeatureGetters API, in favour of direct setting of features.


EdgeKit right now allows the user to pass an Array of pageFeatureGetters which are objects containing a name and func key:

const getHtmlKeywords = {
  name: 'keywords',
  func: () => ( return ['kw1', 'kw2'])

This seems to add a layer of complexity and boilerplate as EdgeKit, then simply executes these functions. For someone wanting to use the project if their function failed it would mean having to try and debug the internals.

  • The current API adds boiler
  • Adds a layer without any real utility or abstraction
  • No real error checking / handling


Expose a new method which creates a more familiar set() based API.

Rather then providing a list of functions, which resolve to features, we would allow users to set features directly:

edkt.setPageFeatures('keywords', ['kw1', 'kw2']);

We could also return a pointer to the feature if for example it needed to be updated:

pageFeaturesPointer = edkt.setPageFeatures('dwell', 20);
// some time passes
pageFeaturesPointer.update('dwell', 30)

Uniques are refreshed set for every page view.


This commit, has introduced a bug which means that we set a user as "unique" each page view as we simply overwrite the store rather than use the previous merging strategy.

The expected behaviour is that a user should be a unique only first time they are matched. Following this they are not unique, until the ttl expires at which point if they are matched again - they can once more become a unique.

Remove backward compat code from matchedAudienceStore


There has been a change introduced, which converts matchedAudiences from being stored as an array to an object, this means some extra code has been added to allow for that to not break clients.

This issue removes that code after most clients would have been updated by accessing the new version of the code.

The code has been marked with a TODO and a link to this issue.

Add cosine similarity as a vector distance metric.


This issue extends the query filters by adding a cosine similarity metric which can be calculated between two vectors of equal length.


  • this can re-use the internal dot product calculation.
  • adds another query filter type
  • updates the audience definitions types / docs with this new value.

Improving jest e2e testing.


Our current testing goal is to attack the exposed APIs of the library.

The power of edgekit comes into play where a user builds a page history over time, representing their own local state, we then want to run edkt against this state in different forms and test for the output.

A design question here is how best to simulate the growth of a user's data points in their local state (storage).

Idea 1:

  • create hardcoded states, initialise the test by inserting a new state each time
  • run models at each state and check for the matched audiences
  • note: each check of matched audiences adds a new page view to the state, this could be by passed by passing an error into the pageFeatureGetter.

Add support for local audience caching.


EdgeKit audience definitions can also arrive from the server, this means to lessen the burden on servers we can cache definitions locally, and just let the server know which audience definitions we have stored locally.


  • audience definitions should contain a flag, if they are to be cached locally
  • edgekit would first check local cache, and send along some meta to the server
  • server can reply with any new audience definitions or return an empty response
  • the rest of the evaluation would run as normal.

Add support for vector comparisons in engine.


The current implementation of engine is designed for direct string comparisons: if('sport' === 'sport'). To expand the ways in which we are able to define audiences, we would like to extend the functionality to compare two vectors, using this as a filtering criteria within the users local storage.



Proposed API


Add support for lookback from audience definition.


Audience definitions have a lookback field, which stipulates how far back in a user's local data we can check to find matching page views. Currently engine does not use this field when doing its evaluation and consumes the user's full data.


  • Each audience definition can have its own lookback window which is a values in seconds, we must consider only the values which fit within this window.
  • We should support a value which tells engine to use the full local data (0, -1, Infinity, ... ? )
  • An entry in the /docs folder, we should document these features as part of the issue itself.

Add support for audience versions.


Related to: #22

This issue adds supports for audience definitions versions, which is primarily aimed at dynamic audience definitions which will evolve rapidly. We would send cached audience definition versions to the server, where a call would be made if they should be updated.


  • add a version field to the audience definitions
  • store which audience definition version a user was matched against
  • if audience definition is incremented, the user should be un-matched and checked again against the new version

Double-counting page views on multi-query audience definitions

const filteredPageViews = filter.queries.flatMap((query) =>
pageViews.filter((pageView) => {
const pageFeatures = pageView.features[query.queryProperty];
return queryMatches(query, pageFeatures);

This operation double counts page views on multiple query audience definitions.
It should return a single pageView instance if matched by any of the defined queries.
It should have, ideally, its own testing suite also.

Support audience definitions with multiple target vectors.


Currently we support audience definitions composed of a single vector, this issue extends the engine module to allow for audience definitions which may contain multiple vectors, each with their own threshold value.


A (shortened) audience definitions currently looks like the following:

  vector: [0.1, 0.1, 0.2],
  threshold: 0.8,
  occurrences: 3

Which is then compared to some page views stored locally:

  {vector: [0.1, 0.1, 0.2]},
  {vector: [0.2, 0.3, 0.2]},
  {vector: [0.4, 0.2, 0.2]},

We compare by calculating a distance metric between the definition vector and the page view vector.

A user matches an audience, when more page views have been above threshold then the occurrences value.

This issue adds support for an audience definition containing multiple target vectors, each with its own threshold:

  targets: [
    {vector, threshold}, 
    {vector, threshold}, 
  occurrences: 3

The occurrences value is now global across the array of targets.


  • this needs thorough testing
  • there are a few areas which can be refactored as part of this issue;


  • a good place to start is to check out the audience definitions in the tests.

On the creation of a comprehensive testing framework.


This issue will outline a proposal for the creation of a comprehensive testing framework.

Here will discuss the ideas behind the testing suite, its structure, coverage goals and technologies.

The main goal is to create a healthy environment, favouring development efficiency and velocity while maintaining robustness, simplicity and reduced onboarding effort.

Ideological basis

Ideally, a test suite should outline the desired behaviour of a program. Think of documentation that can be executed.
It should be legible, significative, and it should cover the broader input/output space as possible.

Some guidelines can be used to assure such qualities:

  • Write tests for behaviours, not for implementation details;
    • it should read as documentation and be clear about what is the expected behaviour it tests for;
    • a test suite should be useful while developing new features, as well as while refactoring and optimizing existing ones;
    • it should not break nor require changes while the behaviours it describes remain unchanged;
  • Use tests as an aid for thinking;
    • writing tests along with implementation helps to outline the desired behaviour of a program while assuring its subjects are well divided and easily testable;
    • writing tests before implementation and seeing it fails helps to keep false negative counts as low as possible;
  • Generate your tests when you can;
    • generative testing helps to give you confidence that the implementation follows the expected behaviour for a broad input/output space;
    • it helps the developers, finding unthought edge-cases;
  • Test as many paths as possible;
    • the unit test suite should be complete, with a unit test for each exposed API at least;
    • the end-to-end test suite should cover at least the 'happy paths' of the application, using mocks to simulate the error scenarios while maintaining execution time low;
  • Maintain test execution time low;
    • if the test suite becomes a burden on development, if it breaks the state of flow, developers will not use it;
    • ideally, a test unit test suite should take no more than 4-5 seconds to run, and it should run every time a file is saved;
    • for end-to-end tests, the time requirements are less restricted as it will run less often;


Ideally, the test suite structure should be unambiguous and consistent.

In my view, things should be aggregated on a module basis.
Each module would be its own test suite, while fixtures, generators and helper methods would be extracted for reuse.
Something like the following (this is just an example):

|  |-index.ts
|  |-moduleFuncs.ts
|  |-moreFuncs.ts
|  |-index.ts

|  |-someMock.json
|  |-someOther.json
|  |-generators
|  |  |-domain.ts
|  |  |-application.ts
|  |-utils
|  |  |-setupNCleaning.ts
|  |  |-mockFactories.ts
|  |-main
|  |  |-index.test.ts
|  |  |-moduleFuncs.test.ts
|  |  |-moreFuncs.test.ts
|  |-someModule
|  |  |-index.test.ts
|  |-utils
|    |-index.test.ts
   |  |-index.test.ts
   |  |-index.test.ts 
   |  |-snap.json

Inside each testing module, suites should be organized at the function/class level.
They should be written in a descriptive/declarative manner, specifying the desired behaviour for testing.
Ideally, the code should explain itself. If there is a need for too many comments, the test item probably can be divided into more than one, more descriptive items.

Something like:

describe('methodOne surface behaviour', () => {
  beforeAll(() => {
  afterAll(() => {
  it('should not throw errors for valid inputs', () => {
  it('should throw on invalid inputs', () => {
    expect(() => {
    }).toThrow(/invalid input/)
  it('should return valid objects', () => {
    const rep =

describe('methodTwo surface behaviour', () => {


As uncle Bob Martin would say (demand):

Every single line of code that you write should be tested

While not every target can always be achieved, we should still have a target to aim for. Mainly the implementation should be done (when possible) in a way that each method is easily testable, meaning: deterministic and pure. There also must be minimal branching as possible.


I suggest we proceed as follows (in order of importance):

  • organize the suite structure
  • clean current unit tests, extracting shared helpers, mocks and fixtures
  • write/improve tests targeting missing execution environments
  • substitute end-to-end testing framework
  • create a strategy for improving test coverage


Organize the suite structure


POCs and related stuff:

Issues with the current testing setup

Automate build, test & release.


Automate the process of build, test and release as a github action when pushing to master, with the additional constraint that the final git commit message must be of the format: release: X.X.X.

Additionally run the workflow on any new PRs to ensure that tests are passing.

Move IAB audience creation process into a separate repo.


This issue decouples the audiences from the edgekit project, to create better separation of the two concepts are they are not direct dependants.

This also allows the new repository to focus more on the ML process needed to create audience definitions in a transparent manner.



Add support for consent checking via the TCF 2.0 CMP.


We should have native support / integration for checking of consent from a TCF registered CMP.

The CMP, basically provides a way for vendors to check if they have consent for the processing of data under GDPR, i.e a user has given access or not.


There is some setup and checking that needs to be done:

  • is the API available?
  • does GDPR apply?

After this we must provide a way for edgekit to check if consent has been granted, this is done via the following function:

__tcfapi('getTCData', 2, (tcData, success) => {
  if(success) {
    // do something with tcData
  } else {
    // do something else
}, [1,2,3]);

The final array passed in would be vendors for whom we are checking consent. Since this library is available to be used by multiple vendors this part should be configurable on the init stage of edgekit.

Once edgekit has checked if it has consent we need to either execute our logic, or not based on the response.

Nothing should happen before we are certain that we have consent.


Skip computation on previously matched audiences

As now, every run of edgekit's matching engine will check for matching pageView/audienceDefinitions for every passed item.

// :: (PageView[], AudienceDefinition[]) -> MatchedAudiences[]
const pageViews = viewStore.getCopyOfPageViews();
// this iterates over all the pageView/audienceDefinition instances
const matchedAudiences = engine.getMatchingAudiences(

We would want to skip audienceDefinitions that were previously matched and not changed to save computation.
Something in the ways of:

const pageViews = viewStore.getCopyOfPageViews();
const matchedAudiences = matchedAudienceStore.getCopyOfMatchedAudiences();

// this will remove prev matched / not changed audience definitions
const audienceDefinitionCandidates = getAudienceDefinitionCandidates(audienceDefinitions, matchedAudiences)

// this will only iterate over new audienceDefinitions / update old ones with bumped version
const matchedAudiences = engine.getMatchingAudiences(

matchedAudienceStore.appendMatchedAudiences(matchedAudiences);  // append, do not overwrite
matchedAudienceStore.removeOldMatchedAudienceDefinitions();  // we have to clean the old items in some way

Decouple edgekit from the audience definitions.


Right now the audience definitions form an internal component of the library, there is no way to select/de-select audiences, or to completely avoid the pre-created definitions and insert your own custom definitions.


  • decouple audience definitions
  • support tree shaking for consumer builds & bundles (unused audiences should not be in bundle)
  • allow library user to:
    • pull in individual audience definitions
    • pass none of the predefined audiences

Proposed API

Consumer wishes to use the full taxonomy packaged with EdgeKit:

import { edkt, audienceDefinitions } from '@airgrid/edgekit';

const edktConfig = {

Proof-of-concept for implementation of property-based testing using fast-check


This issue proposes the implementation of property-based testing and specification using fast-check.
Property-based testing is a type of generative testing (fuzzing) used to assure properties about the behaviour of the implementation's API.
It differs from example-based testing in the sense that, while example-based testing assures that the implementation can handle certain hand-tailored examples without failing, property-based testing assures that the implementation behaviours as desired for (supposedly) any input it could take.

From fast-check documentation:

A property can be summarized by: for any (a, b, ...) such as precondition(a, b, ...) holds, property(a, b, ...) is true.
Property-based testing frameworks try to discover inputs (a, b, ...) causing property(a, b, ...) to be false. If they find such, they have to reduce the counterexample to a minimal counterexample.


Generative testing has several advantages over manual test writing, e.g.:

  • It reduces the runtime errors occurrences drastically, as it provides a wider path coverage by testing against possible inputs not thought by the developers;
  • It favours and stimulates code reusability (where the generators are usually composed by smaller ones and shared);
  • It increases development velocity, as thinking about properties is faster than trying to think about enough relevant test inputs;
  • It obliges the maintenance of the test suite up-to-date (as it has much better case coverage and will show errors easily on implementations out of spec);
  • It serves as a good base for implementation optimization and refactoring of code. If you know you have some code functioning as it should, you can compare implementations throughout the input space assuring the outputs matches;
  • It shifts the mentality of the developer from 'trying to come up with cases where the implementation breaks' to 'specifying the desired behaviour of the API';

Here is what It looks like testing one of our methods:

import * as fc from 'fast-check';
import { evaluateCondition } from '../../src/engine/evaluate';
import {
} from '../../types';

// Implementation of the generators mimicking
// the type definitions.
// This generators would be shared throughout
// the test suite. Write once; use everywhere.

// NumberArray
const vectorGen = fc.array(fc.float(), 128, 128)

// VectorQueryValue
const queryValueGen = fc.record({
  vector: vectorGen,
  threshold: fc.float()

// AudienceQueryDefinition
const queryArrayGen = fc.array(
    featureVersion: fc.integer(),
    queryProperty: fc.constant('topicDist'),
    queryValue: queryValueGen

// EngineCondition<AudienceDefinitionFilter>
const cosineSimilarityConditionGen  =
  filter: fc.record({
    any: fc.boolean(),
    queries: queryArrayGen,
  rules: fc.array(
      reducer: fc.record({
        name: fc.constant('count')
      matcher: fc.record({
        name: fc.constant('ge'),
        args: fc.constant(1),

// PageView[]
const pageViewsGen = fc.array(
    ts: fc.integer(),
    features: fc.record({
      topicDist: fc.record({
        version: fc.integer(),
        value: vectorGen,

describe('Engine evaluateCondition method behaviour', () => {
      ) => {

        const result = evaluateCondition(
          condition as EngineCondition<CosineSimilarityFilter>,
          pageViews as PageView[]

        // should always returns a boolean value and not throw errors
        expect(typeof result).toBe('boolean')

        // the below should pass, but in the actual implementation
        // using rules.every, whenever the rule
        // array is empty, the evaluateCondition
        // will return true
        // this is a good case for demonstrating the
        // runner's shrinking capabilities anyways.

        // if there is no pageViews to match, don't match at all
        if (pageViews.length === 0) {

        // if there is no queries, don't match at all
        if (condition.filter.queries.length === 0) {

        // TODO specify remaining desired behaviours

The implementation of the specs should not interfere with the current testing suite, and it can be gradually adopted.
However, it would, at some point, renders the manual case checking nearly useless, at which point it could be discarded.

If the presented generator syntax does not please, JSON syntax can also be used with the help of json-schema-fast-check.


  • Incurs a shift in thinking pattern and can be problematic for new developers to grok, at first.


Remove multi-package setup, moving to a mono-package.


The current project is setup using lerna to manage multiple packages which are pulled into a core package designed for consumers to utilise, the idea here was to:

  • create clear boundaries between various modules
  • allow code re-use in other repositories

However it seems this does add a unnecessary development overhead in the following areas:

  • publishing
  • testing
  • tooling setup
  • refactor

We have therefore decided to switch back to a mono-package to increase development speed in the early stages of the project and make it more accessible for other JS/TS devs to contribute.

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