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ansible-sudoers's Issues

Semantic versioning


I think to have a better change management, this role should be driven with releases and/or tags using the semantic versioning (ex: 0.1.0) ?

What do you think about that ? If you're agree, can you set the first release/tag please ?


Any plan to publish collection?

Thanks for maintaining this very useful role!
I was wondering if you have any plans to publish it in an Ansible collection?

I use Red Hat Ansible Automation Hub (which is based on Galaxy NG), and support for standalone roles is limited.

Thanks again,

"--check"-mode run fails due to undefined sudoers_includes_separate_specs.stdout


Using --check it fails with following error:

{"msg": "The conditional check 'sudoers_includes_separate_specs.stdout != \"1\"' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (sudoers_includes_separate_specs.stdout != \"1\"): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'

Because shell commands are ignored when --check ing.

It looks like it's possible to use a check_mode: yes:

Force a task to run in check mode, even when the playbook is called without --check. This is called check_mode: yes.
  - name: this task will always run under checkmode and not change the system
    lineinfile: line="important config" dest=/path/to/myconfig.conf state=present
    check_mode: yes

From &

Ansible 2.5 slice filter error

TASK [ansible-sudoers : Ensure the sudoers file is valid and up to date (separate specs)] ********************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleFilterError: The slice filter requires a mapping to operate on, got a <type 'list'>."}

Error 'NoneType' object is not iterable with minimal role parameters

It appears a parameter is missing a default value:

An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: ): 'NoneType' object is not iterable. 'NoneType' object is not iterable
failed: [] (item=/etc/sudoers.d/02_nagios) => changed=false 
  ansible_loop_var: item
    path: /etc/sudoers.d/02_nagios
      commands: /usr/sbin/checkrestart
      hosts: ALL
      tags: NOPASSWD
      users: nagios
  msg: |-
    AnsibleError: Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ ansible_managed | comment }}
Rest of traceback
    {% if item.defaults is defined %}
    # Default specifications
    {% for default in item.defaults %}
    {% if default is mapping %}
    {% for name, values in default.items() %}
    {% if name == 'secure_path' %}
    Defaults    {{ name }} = {% for item in values %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ item }}:{% else %}{{ item }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% else %}
    {% for items in values | list | slice(6) %}
    {% if items %}
    Defaults    {{ name }} {% if not loop.first %}+{% endif %}= "{{ items | list | join(' ') }}"
    {% endif -%}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% elif default | first == ':' %}
    Defaults{{ default }}
    {% else %}
    Defaults    {{ default }}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if item.aliases is defined %}
    # Alias specifications
    {% if item.aliases.cmnd_alias is defined %}
    ## Command Aliases
    {% for ca in item.aliases.cmnd_alias %}
    Cmnd_Alias    {{ }} = {% for cmnd in ca.commands %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ cmnd }}, {% else %}{{ cmnd }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if item.aliases.host_alias is defined %}
    ## Host Aliases
    {% for ha in item.aliases.host_alias %}
    Host_Alias    {{ }} = {% for host in ha.hosts %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ host }}, {% else %}{{ host }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if item.aliases.runas_alias is defined %}
    ## Runas Aliases
    {% for ra in item.aliases.runas_alias %}
    Runas_Alias    {{ }} = {% for user in ra.users %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ user }}, {% else %}{{ user }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if item.aliases.user_alias is defined %}
    ## User Aliases
    {% for ua in item.aliases.user_alias %}
    User_Alias    {{ }} = {% for user in ua.users %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ user }}, {% else %}{{ user }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if item.user_specifications is defined %}
    {% if item.user_specifications | json_query('[?!type]') | flatten | length > 0 %}
    # User specifications
    {% for spec in item.user_specifications %}
    {% if spec.type is undefined %}
    {% for user in spec.users %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ user }}, {% else %}{{ user }}{% endif %}{% endfor %} {% for host in spec.hosts %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ host }}, {% else %}{{ host }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}={% if spec.operators is defined %}({% for op in spec.operators %}{% if not loop.last%}{{ op }}, {% else %}{{ op }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}){% endif %} {% if spec.selinux_type is defined %}TYPE={% for type in spec.selinux_type %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ type }}, {% else %}{{ type }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if spec.selinux_role is defined %}ROLE={% for role in spec.selinux_role %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ role }}, {% else %}{{ role }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if spec.solaris_privs is defined %}PRIVS={% for priv in spec.solaris_privs %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ priv }}, {% else %}{{ priv }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if spec.solaris_limitprivs is defined %}LIMITPRIVS={% for lpriv in spec.solaris_limitprivs %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ lpriv }}, {% else %}{{ lpriv }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if spec.tags is defined %}{% for tag in spec.tags %}{{ tag }}:{% endfor %} {% endif %}{% for cmnd in spec.commands %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ cmnd }}, {% else %}{{ cmnd }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if item.user_specifications | json_query('[*].defaults') | flatten | length > 0 %}
    # Default override specifications
    {% for spec in item.user_specifications %}
    {% if spec.type is defined %}
    {% if spec.type == 'user'%}
    Defaults:{% for user in spec.users %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ user }}, {% else %}{{ user }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% for default in spec.defaults %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ default }}, {% else %}{{ default }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% elif spec.type == 'runas' %}
    Defaults>{% for op in spec.operators %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ op }}, {% else %}{{ op }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% for default in spec.defaults %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ default }}, {% else %}{{ default }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% elif spec.type == 'host' %}
    Defaults@{% for host in spec.hosts %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ host }}, {% else %}{{ host }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% for default in spec.defaults %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ default }}, {% else %}{{ default }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% elif spec.type == 'command' %}
    Defaults!{% for cmnd in spec.commands %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ cmnd }}, {% else %}{{ cmnd }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% for default in spec.defaults %}{% if not loop.last %}{{ default }}, {% else %}{{ default }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if item.include_files is defined or item.include_directories is defined %}
    # Includes
    {% if item.include_files is defined and item.include_files | length > 0 %}
    ## Include files
    {% for file in item.include_files %}
    #include {{ file }}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if item.include_directories is defined and item.include_directories | length > 0 %}
    ## Include directories
    {% for dir in item.include_directories %}
    #includedir {{ dir }}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    ): 'NoneType' object is not iterable. 'NoneType' object is not iterable

The role parameters are very minimal:

      - path: /etc/sudoers.d/02_nagios
          users: nagios
          hosts: ALL
          tags: NOPASSWD
          commands: /usr/sbin/checkrestart
    sudoers_backup: false

I ran ansible in check mode, but I assume that makes no difference.

Last merged PR erase previous change


The #8 PR has erased at least the #6 feature, perhaps another, but I don't have time today to review all the changes, sorry.

Do you want an another PR to reintegrate the changes ?

Defining roles in different files

Hi! would it be possible, and how, to have different roles configured in different conf files?

I have tried using differnt group vars, or include, but I was not succesfull. The idea is to have one file for each role you want to have, so is more organized for future maintenance (for exambple, having a different definition for DBAs, SysOps, DevOps, etc)

"Ensure the sudoers file is valid and up to date (specs all in one)" fails when using become

When attempting to use this role with ansible's become features, this fails.

task path: /Users/jph/.ansible/roles/wtcross.sudoers/tasks/main.yml:67
fatal: [HOST]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "checksum": "1d99f8306ef375a9efca0fd061d5161fc8f0bd2a", "cmd": "visudo -cf /home/jph/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1519164114.3-191627255996605/source", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "rc": 2}

But when I login and run this as root, it works fine. Any ideas? I had a look and I can't work it out at all.

ownership of local backup directory

in task "Ensure local backup directory exists", line 46, owner is set to "{{ ansible_user }}" which is a remote user, yet the task run locally, it consequently fails when there is no local account with this name

Builds fail in Travis, and we should move the testing to molecule

Some output of the test failure:

     PLAY [test-kitchen] ************************************************************
       TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
       ok: [localhost]
       TASK [ansible-sudoers : Ensure sudo is installed] ******************************
       fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "The conditional check 'sudo_installed is success' failed. The error was: template error while templating string: no test named 'success'. String: {% if sudo_installed is success %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}"}
       	to retry, use: --limit @/tmp/kitchen/default.retry
       PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
       localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1   
>>>>>> ------Exception-------
>>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed
>>>>>> Message: 1 actions failed.
>>>>>>     Converge failed on instance <default-fedora-latest>.  Please see .kitchen/logs/default-fedora-latest.log for more details
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> Please see .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log for more details
>>>>>> Also try running `kitchen diagnose --all` for configuration
The command "bundle exec kitchen test $KITCHEN_REGEXP" exited with 20.
Done. Your build exited with 1.

Feature request - Would love to do this in reverse

It is likely outside the scope, but it would be wonderful to take an existing sudoers file (/etc/sudoers or /etc/sudoers.d/) and convert all the aliases and specs into correctly-formatted vars. This could help remediate existing systems and get them version controlled under Ansible.

Role fails with "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'iteritems'"

Ansible fails with the following error (thats using only one entry in sudoer_specs)

    - sudoer_specs:
        - name: vagrant
          users: vagrant
          comment: Stuff for admins
          hosts: ALL
          operators: ALL
            - NOPASSWD
          commands: ALL

TASK [../../ansible-sudoers : Ensure the sudoers file is valid and up to date (separate specs)] *** fatal: [centos7]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'iteritems'"}

ansible --version ansible config file = configured module search path = Default w/o overrides python version = 3.5.2 (default, Oct 11 2016, 05:05:28) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.38)]

Error while running playbook

With the config below

sudoer_separate_specs: True
sudoer_rewrite_sudoers_file: True
sudoer_remove_unauthorized_specs: False

using sample playbook given, the following errors occur -

TASK [wtcross.sudoers : Ensure the sudoers file is valid and up to date (separate specs)] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /etc/ansible/roles/wtcross.sudoers/tasks/main.yml:44
fatal: [10.x.x.x]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleFilterError: The slice filter requires a mapping to operate on, got a <type 'list'>."}

Role nuked my /etc/sudoers.d, yet doco states it shouldn't have

So, as the title says.

sudoer_separate_specs defaults to true, and the doco states it should not nuke the directory contents, but mine did at the task Remove separate sudoer specs that are not authorized.

I think I'm meant to do something with authorized_sudoer_specs? Needs to be documented better maybe?

"--check"-mode run fails due to undefined existing_sudoer_spec_list

If the playbook is run in "--check"-mode the run will fail due to "existing_sudoer_spec_list" being undefined as shell / command modules are not run in this mode:

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "the field 'args' has an invalid value, which appears to include a variable that is undefined. The error was: 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout_lines'\n\nThe error appears to have been in 'roles/wtcross.sudoers/tasks/main.yml': line 35, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Get a list of all existing separate sudoer specs\n ^ here\n"}

This issue could be fixed in the following ways:

  1. Default to empty list using default([])
  2. Move to Ansible 2.0 and use the idempotent "find" module which supports "--check"-mode instead of using the shell / command modules

Using a module is the right way, but in this case it would require raising the minimum Ansible version from 1.2 to 2.0. If you don't mind raising the version requirement you can check my pull request I'm going to send.

command and user aliases are not created inside sudoers.d

sudoer_separate_specs: True
sudoer_rewrite_sudoers_file: False
sudoer_remove_unauthorized_specs: True


- name: testme
  gather_facts: no

          - name: XAIX_STAFF
            comment: aix users
              - ab
              - alti
              - nj
              - rb
              - rgruber
              - tremch
              - seb
              - walzjo
              - gnowotny

          - name: ROOT
            comment: root stuff
              - '#0'

          - name:  XSU_ROOT
            comment: root stuff
              - /usr/bin/su -, /usr/bin/su - -c *

        - name: XPERM_AIX
          comment: aix permissions
          users: XAIX_STAFF
          hosts: ALL
          operators: ROOT
          tags: NOPASSWD
          commands: ALL
            - '!requiretty'
       - manage_sudoers

result (missing command and user aliases):

root@aixwukit: /etc/sudoers.d # ls -l
total 8
-r--r----- 1 root system 146 Sep 07 14:03 XPERM_AIX
root@aixwukit: /etc/sudoers.d # cat XPERM_AIX
#Ansible managed: Manual interventions are a waste of time.

#aix permissions
Defaults:XAIX_STAFF !requiretty

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