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ALP: Adaptive Lossless Floating-Point Compression

Lossless floating-point compression algorithm for double/float data type. ALP significantly improves previous floating-point encodings in both speed and compression ratio (figure below; each dot represents a dataset). We created ALP after carefully studying floating-point data found in real databases.

ALP Benchmarks

ALP high speeds stem from our implementation in scalar code that auto-vectorizes thanks to FastLanes, and an efficient two-stage compression algorithm that first samples row-groups and then vectors to adapt to the data.

To rigurously benchmark ALP with your own data we mainly recommend using the ALP primitives. To quickly test ALP we recommend following our examples in the Quickstart guide or using it on DuckDB (note that ALP inside DuckDB is slower than using our primitives).

ALP details can be found in the publication.


ALP in a Nutshell

ALP has two compression schemes: ALP for doubles/floats which were once decimals, and ALP_RD for true double/floats (e.g. the ones which stem from many calculations).

ALP transforms doubles/floats to integer values with two multiplications to FOR+BitPack them into only the necessary bits. This is an strongly enhanced version of PseudoDecimals.

ALP_RD splits the doubles/floats bitwise representations into two parts (left and right). The left part is encoded with a Dictionary compression and the right part is Bitpacked to just the necessary bits.

Both encodings operate in vectors of 1024 values at a time (fit vectorized execution) and leverage in-vector commonalities to achieve higher compression ratios than other methods (Chimp128, Elf, PseudoDecimals, Zstd, Patas).


Usage examples are available under the examples directory. In here, we use a simple [de]compression API to store/read ALP data in/from memory.

  • Simple compress: An example to compress a buffer of random doubles with limited decimal precision.
  • RD Compress: An example to directly compress using ALP_RD scheme if the data are true doubles.
  • Adaptive Compress: An example in which half of the data is of limited decimal precision and half of the data are true doubles.

***Note that the [de]compression API used by these examples is only a wrapper of the real ALP core: the primitives. As such, it may contain bugs or unoptimized statements.

Building and Running


  1. Clang++
  2. CMake 3.20 or higher

Building and running the simple compress example:

cmake .
cd examples && ./simple_compress

This will also generate the ALP Primitives.

ALP Primitives

You can make your own [de]compression API by using ALP primitives. An example of the usage of these can be found in our simple compression API. The decoding primitives of ALP are auto-vectorized thanks to FastLanes. For benchmarking purposes, we recommend you to use these primitives.

You can use these by including our library in your code: #include "alp/alp.hpp"



init(double* data_column, 
    size_t column_offset, 
    size_t tuples_count, 
    double* sample_arr, 
    alp::state& stt)

Initializes the algorithm by performing the first-level sampling on the data_column buffer and deciding the adequate scheme to use (by default ALP). The sampling is performed from the column_offset index until column_offset + ALP_ROUWGROUP_SIZE.


encode( double* input_vector,
        double* exceptions,
        uint16_t* exceptions_positions,
        uint16_t* exceptions_count,
        int64_t* encoded_integers,
        alp::state& stt)

Uses ALP to encode the values in input_vector into integers using the state (stt) factor and exponent. Encoded values are stored in encoded_integers alongside their exceptions, their exceptions_positions and the exceptions_count. Input vector is assumed to point to ALP_VECTOR_SIZE (1024) elements. On here, the second-level sampling is performed if neccessary.


ffor(int64_t* in, 
    int64_t* out, 
    uint8_t bit_width, 
    int64_t* ffor_base)

Encode in using FFOR (FOR + BP) and writing to out. in is assumed to point to ALP_VECTOR_SIZE (1024) elements. The target bit_width and the frame of reference (ffor_base) must be given. alp::analyze_ffor() primitive can be used to obtain both from an array of integers.


analyze_ffor(int64_t* input_vector, 
            uint8_t& bit_width, 
            int64_t* ffor_base)

Reads values in input_vector and set the proper bit_width and frame of reference (ffor_base) to compress the array.


decode(uint64_t* encoded_integers, 
        uint8_t fac_idx, 
        uint8_t exp_idx, 
        double* output)

Uses ALP to decode the values in encoded_integers into output using factor and exponent for the decoding multiplication. The size of the encoded integers array and the output buffer are assumed to be ALP_VECTOR_SIZE (1024).


unffor(int64_t* in, 
        int64_t* out, 
        uint8_t bit_width, 
        int64_t* ffor_base)

Decode in by reversing the FFOR (FOR + BP) and writing to out. in is assumed to point to ALP_VECTOR_SIZE (1024) elements. The target bit_width and the frame of reference (ffor_base) must be given.


falp(uint64_t* in,
    double* out,
    uint8_t bit_width,
    uint64_t* ffor_base,
    uint8_t factor,
    uint8_t exponent)

Fused implementation of decode and unffor. Decode in with ALP, reverse the FFOR (FOR + BP) and write to out. in is assumed to point to ALP_VECTOR_SIZE (1024) elements. The target bit_width, the frame of reference (ffor_base), and the encoding factor and exponent indexes must be given.


patch_exceptions(double* output, 
                double* exceptions, 
                uint16_t* exceptions_positions, 
                uint16_t* exceptions_count)

Patch the exceptions in output using their positions and respective count.



rd_init(double* data_column, 
        size_t column_offset, 
        size_t tuples_count, 
        double* sample_arr, 
        alp::state& stt)

Initializes the algorithm by performing the first-level sampling on the data_column buffer. The sampling is performed from the column_offset index until column_offset + ALP_ROUWGROUP_SIZE. Afterwards, the best position to cut the floating-point values is found and the dictionary to encode the left parts is built and stored in stt.left_parts_dict.


rd_encode(const double* input_vector,
        uint16_t*     exceptions,
        uint16_t*     exception_positions,
        uint16_t*     exceptions_count,
        uint64_t*     right_parts,
        uint16_t*     left_parts,
        alp::state&   stt)

Uses ALPRD to encode the values in input_vector into their left and right parts alongside their exceptions, their exceptions_positions and the exceptions_count. Input vector is assumed to point to ALP_VECTOR_SIZE (1024) elements. On here, the second-level sampling is performed if neccessary.


rd_decode(double* a_out, 
            uint64_t* unffor_right_arr,  
            uint16_t* unffor_left_arr, 
            uint16_t* exceptions, 
            uint16_t* exceptions_positions, 
            uint16_t* exceptions_count,
            state& stt)

Uses ALP_RD to decode the values in unffor_right_arr and unffor_left_arr by glueing them. The size of the encoded integers array and the output buffer are assumed to be ALP_VECTOR_SIZE (1024). Exception patching is fused in this function.

Using the Primitives

Rowgroup Primitives

Both init and rd_init are primitives that should be called per rowgroup. They set the neccessary state that other primitives need. All other primitives should be called per vector.

ALP Encoding

Encoding is comprised of the encode, analyze_ffor, and ffor primitives.

ALP Decoding

Fused decoding is comprised of the falp and the patch_exceptions primitives. Unfused decoding is comprised of the unffor, decode and patch_exceptions primitives.

ALP RD Encoding

Encoding is comprised of rd_encode and two calls to ffor (for both the left and right parts).

ALP RD Decoding

Decoding is comprised of two calls to unffor (for both the left and right parts) and the rd_decode primitives.

Last Vector Encoding (vector_size != ALP_VECTOR_SIZE)

ALP primitives operate on blocks of 1024 values. Using 1024 as a constant value in loops enables the optimizer to easily auto-vectorize code. This means that for the majority of datasets the last vector may be incomplete. A few strategies can be implemented to encode an incomplete vector:

  • Fill the missing values of the vector with the first value. Pros: Easy to implement and efficient. Cons: Value may be an exception, which will lead to a bunch of exceptions being encoded.
  • Fill the missing values with 0.0. Pros: Easy to implement and efficient. Cons: Could negatively affect the bit width of the vector after FFOR (or the exceptions number in ALP_RD).
  • Fill the vector with the first non-exception value after encoding (implemented in our example Compression API). Pros: Will yield the best compression ratio for the last vector. Cons: The vector must be encoded twice.

ALP in DuckDB

There is an implementation of ALP written inside DuckDB (using DuckDB compression API). Inside DuckDB, ALP is x2-4 times faster than Patas (at decompression) achieving twice as high compression ratios (sometimes even much more). DuckDB can be used to quickly test ALP on custom data, however we advise against doing so if your purpose is to rigurously benchmark ALP against other algorithms.

Here you can find a basic example on how to load data in DuckDB forcing ALP to be used as compression method. These statements can be called using the Python API.

Please note: In this implementation we adhere to DuckDB compression API which restricted us from doing certain optimizations. That being said, for scientific purposes we do NOT recommend to benchmark ALP inside DuckDB: i) It is slower than using our primitives presented here, and ii) compression ratios can be slighly worse due to the metadata needed to skip vectors and DuckDB storage layout.

To benchmark ALP against other algorithms we recommend mainly using the ALP primitives by taking a look at our simple compression API.

Replicating Paper Experiments

Here we estate how to replicate the experiments presented in our publication. To test ALP with your own data we recommend either following the examples or implementing the ALP primitives in your own compression API.


mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../alp_toolchains/example.cmake ..

Downloading Data

Inside data/datasets_transformer.ipynb you can find a Jupyter Notebook script to download the datasets we present in the publication and convert them to a binary format (64 bits doubles). Note that some of these require a heavy pre-processing phase.

Environment Variables

If needed, set the environment variables DATASETS_COMPLETE_PATH, DATASETS_1024_SAMPLES_PATH, ALP_RESULT_DIR_PATH; either on your env, or manually on the dataset.hpp file. These variables configure where to find the datasets relative to where the test executable is located.

Setup Data

Inside include/datasets.hpp you can find an array containing information regarding the datasets used to benchmark ALP. Datasets information include a path to a sample of one vector (1024 values) in CSV format (inside /data/1024_data_samples/), and a path to the entire file in binary format. The binary file is used to benchmark ALP compression ratios, while the CSV sample is used to benchmark ALP speed. To ensure the correctness of the speed tests we also keep extra variables from each dataset, which include the number of exceptions and the bitwidth resulting after compression (unless the algorithm change, these should remain consistent), and the factor/exponent indexes used to encode/decode the doubles into integers.

To setup the data you want to run the test on, add or remove entries in the array found in datasets.hpp and make again. The data needed for each entry is detailed in dataset.hpp. To replicate the compression ratio tests you only need to set the dataset id, name, and binary_file_path.

Compression Ratios Experiment

After building and setting up the data, run the following:

cd alp_benchmarks/speed/test/ && ./test_alp_vectorized

This will execute the tests found in the test_alp.cpp file, which will compress an entire binary file and write the resulting (estimated) compression ratio results (in bits/value) from the datasets in datasets.hpp, on the alp_pub directory. One CSV file will be created for the datasets which use the ALP scheme and another one for the ones which uses the ALP_RD scheme. Note that this is a dry compression (compressed data is not stored).

Speed Tests

All of these tests read the CSV sample files locations from the dataset array. Therefore, to test with your own data, add your dataset to this array. Note that these experiments are performed on 1024 values. Why? Check Section 4 of the publication.

ALP Encoding Speed Test

Encoding is comprised of the encode, analyze_ffor, and ffor primitives. Benchmarked by running: ./alp_benchmarks/speed/bench/bench_alp_encode. Results are located on alp_pub/results/.

ALP Decoding Speed Test

Fused decoding is comprised of the falp and the patch_exceptions primitives. Unfused decoding is comprised of the unffor, decode and patch_exceptions primitives. Benchmark both fused and unfused at the same time on different implementations and Architectures/ISAs by running the commands below. Results are located on alp_pub/results/.

Implementation Command
Scalar ./alp_generated/fallback/scalar_nav_uf1/fallback_scalar_nav_1024_uf1_falp_bench
SIMD ./alp_generated/{Arch}/{Arch}_{extension}_intrinsic_uf1/{Arch}_{extension}_intrinsic_1024_uf1_falp_bench
Auto-Vectorized ./alp_generated/fallback/scalar_aav_uf1/fallback_scalar_aav_1024_uf1_falp_bench

While the correctness can be tested by running:

Implementation Command
Scalar ./alp_generated/fallback/scalar_nav_uf1/fallback_scalar_nav_1024_uf1_falp_test
SIMD ./alp_generated/{Arch}/{Arch}_{extension}_intrinsic_uf1/{Arch}_{extension}_intrinsic_1024_uf1_falp_test
Auto-Vectorized ./alp_generated/fallback/scalar_aav_uf1/fallback_scalar_aav_1024_uf1_falp_test

The source file of the falp primitive (FUSED ALP+FOR+Bitpack generated by FastLanes) for each different implementation are at:

Implementation Source File
Scalar alp_generated/fallback/scalar_nav_uf1/fallback_scalar_nav_1024_uf1_falp_src.cpp
SIMD alp_generated/{Arch}/{Arch}_{extension}_intrinsic_uf1/{Arch}_{extension}_intrinsic_1024_uf1_falp_src.cpp
Auto-Vectorized alp_generated/fallback/scalar_aav_uf1/fallback_scalar_aav_1024_uf1_falp_src.cpp

Architectures and ISAs:

Architecture {Arch} ISA {extension}
arm64v8 neon
arm64v8 sve
wasm simd128
x86_64 sse
x86_64 avx2
x86_64 avx512bw

ALP RD Encoding Speed Test

Encoding is comprised of rd_encode and two calls to ffor (for both the left and right parts). Benchmarked by running: ./alp_benchmarks/speed/bench/bench_alp_cutter_encode. Results are located on alp_pub/results/.

ALP RD Decoding Speed Test

Decoding is comprised of two calls to unffor (for both the left and right parts) and the rd_decode primitives. Benchmarked by running: ./alp_benchmarks/speed/bench/bench_alp_cutter_decode. Results are located on alp_pub/results/.

Chimp, Chimp128, Gorillas, Patas, Zstd Speed Test

Benchmarked both decoding and encoding by running ./alp_benchmarks/speed/bench/bench_{algorithm}, in which algorithm can be: chimp|chimp128|gorillas|patas|zstd. Results are located on alp_pub/results/i4i.

PseudoDecimals Speed Test

We benchmarked PseudoDecimals within BtrBlocks. Results are located on alp_pub/results/i4i.

ELF Speed Test

We benchmarked Elf using their Java implementation.

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