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mysql-docker's Introduction


Dockerfile source for mysql docker image.


This source repo was originally copied from:


This is not an official Google product.


This image contains an installation MySQL.

For more information, see the Official Image Marketplace Page.

Pull command (first install gcloud):

gcloud docker -- pull

Dockerfile for this image can be found here.

Table of Contents

Using Kubernetes

Consult Marketplace container documentation for additional information about setting up your Kubernetes environment.

Running MySQL server

This section describes how to spin up a MySQL service using this image.

Start a MySQL instance

Copy the following content to pod.yaml file, and run kubectl create -f pod.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: some-mysql
    name: some-mysql
    - image:
      name: mysql
        - name: "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"
          value: "example-password"

Run the following to expose the port. Depending on your cluster setup, this might expose your service to the Internet with an external IP address. For more information, consult Kubernetes documentation.

kubectl expose pod some-mysql --name some-mysql-3306 \
  --type LoadBalancer --port 3306 --protocol TCP

For information about how to retain your database across restarts, see Use a persistent data volume.

See Configurations for how to customize your MySQL service instance.

Also see Securely set up the server for how to bootstrap the server with a more secure root password, without exposing it on the command line.

Use a persistent data volume

We can store MySQL data on a persistent volume. This way the database remains intact across restarts.

Copy the following content to pod.yaml file, and run kubectl create -f pod.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: some-mysql
    name: some-mysql
    - image:
      name: mysql
        - name: "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"
          value: "example-password"
        - name: data
          mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
          subPath: data
    - name: data
        claimName: data
# Request a persistent volume from the cluster using a Persistent Volume Claim.
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: data
  annotations: default
  accessModes: [ReadWriteOnce]
      storage: 5Gi

Run the following to expose the port. Depending on your cluster setup, this might expose your service to the Internet with an external IP address. For more information, consult Kubernetes documentation.

kubectl expose pod some-mysql --name some-mysql-3306 \
  --type LoadBalancer --port 3306 --protocol TCP

Note that once the database directory is established, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD will be ignored when the instance restarts.

Securely set up the server

A recommended way to start up your MySQL server is to have the root password generated as a onetime password. You will then log on and change this password. MySQL will not fully function until this onetime password is changed.

Start the container with both environment variables MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD and MYSQL_ONETIME_PASSWORD set to yes.

Copy the following content to pod.yaml file, and run kubectl create -f pod.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: some-mysql
    name: some-mysql
    - image:
      name: mysql
        - name: "MYSQL_ONETIME_PASSWORD"
          value: "yes"
          value: "yes"

Run the following to expose the port. Depending on your cluster setup, this might expose your service to the Internet with an external IP address. For more information, consult Kubernetes documentation.

kubectl expose pod some-mysql --name some-mysql-3306 \
  --type LoadBalancer --port 3306 --protocol TCP

You can then obtain the generated password by viewing the container log and look for the "GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD" line.

Open a shell to the container.

kubectl exec -it some-mysql -- bash

Now log in with the generated onetime password.

mysql -u root -p

Once logged in, you can change the root password.

ALTER USER root IDENTIFIED BY 'new-password';

Also see Environment Variable reference for more information.

Command line MySQL client

This section describes how to use this image as a MySQL client.

Connect to a running MySQL container

You can run a MySQL client directly within the container. Log on using the password for root user.

kubectl exec -it some-mysql -- mysql -uroot -p

Connect command line client to a remote MySQL instance

Assume that we have a MySQL instance running at and we want to log on as some-mysql-user when connecting.

kubectl run \
  some-mysql-client \
  --image \
  --rm --attach --restart=Never \
  -it \
  -- sh -c 'exec mysql -usome-mysql-user -p'

You will have to enter the password for some-mysql-user to log on, even though there might not be a prompt to enter password due to limitation of kubectl run --attach.


There are several ways to configure your MySQL service instance.

Using configuration volume

If /my/custom/path/config-file.cnf is the path and name of your custom configuration file, you can start your MySQL container like this.

Create the following configmap:

kubectl create configmap config \

Copy the following content to pod.yaml file, and run kubectl create -f pod.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: some-mysql
    name: some-mysql
    - image:
      name: mysql
        - name: "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"
          value: "example-password"
        - name: config
          mountPath: /etc/mysql/conf.d
    - name: config
        name: config

Run the following to expose the port. Depending on your cluster setup, this might expose your service to the Internet with an external IP address. For more information, consult Kubernetes documentation.

kubectl expose pod some-mysql --name some-mysql-3306 \
  --type LoadBalancer --port 3306 --protocol TCP

See Volume reference for more details.

Using flags

You can specify option flags directly to mysqld when starting your instance. The following example sets the default encoding and collation for all tables to UTF-8.

Copy the following content to pod.yaml file, and run kubectl create -f pod.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: some-mysql
    name: some-mysql
    - image:
      name: mysql
        - --character-set-server=utf8mb4
        - --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
        - name: "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"
          value: "example-password"

Run the following to expose the port. Depending on your cluster setup, this might expose your service to the Internet with an external IP address. For more information, consult Kubernetes documentation.

kubectl expose pod some-mysql --name some-mysql-3306 \
  --type LoadBalancer --port 3306 --protocol TCP

You can also list all available options (several pages long).

kubectl run \
  some-mysql-client \
  --image \
  --rm --attach --restart=Never \
  -- --verbose --help


Creating database dumps

All databases can be dumped into a /some/path/all-databases.sql file on the host using the following command.

kubectl exec -it some-mysql -- sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /some/path/all-databases.sql

If your container was not started with a MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD value, substitute "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" with the password of the root user. Alternatively, you can use another pair of username as password for -u and -p arguments.

Using Docker

Consult Marketplace container documentation for additional information about setting up your Docker environment.

Running MySQL server

This section describes how to spin up a MySQL service using this image.

Start a MySQL instance

Use the following content for the docker-compose.yml file, then run docker-compose up.

version: '2'
    container_name: some-mysql
      "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "example-password"
      - '3306:3306'

Or you can use docker run directly:

docker run \
  --name some-mysql \
  -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=example-password" \
  -p 3306:3306 \
  -d \

MySQL server is accessible on port 3306.

For information about how to retain your database across restarts, see Use a persistent data volume.

See Configurations for how to customize your MySQL service instance.

Also see Securely set up the server for how to bootstrap the server with a more secure root password, without exposing it on the command line.

Use a persistent data volume

We can store MySQL data on a persistent volume. This way the database remains intact across restarts. Assume that /my/persistent/dir/mysql is the persistent directory on the host.

Use the following content for the docker-compose.yml file, then run docker-compose up.

version: '2'
    container_name: some-mysql
      "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "example-password"
      - '3306:3306'
      - /my/persistent/dir/mysql:/var/lib/mysql

Or you can use docker run directly:

docker run \
  --name some-mysql \
  -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=example-password" \
  -p 3306:3306 \
  -v /my/persistent/dir/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
  -d \

Note that once the database directory is established, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD will be ignored when the instance restarts.

Securely set up the server

A recommended way to start up your MySQL server is to have the root password generated as a onetime password. You will then log on and change this password. MySQL will not fully function until this onetime password is changed.

Start the container with both environment variables MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD and MYSQL_ONETIME_PASSWORD set to yes.

Use the following content for the docker-compose.yml file, then run docker-compose up.

version: '2'
    container_name: some-mysql
      - '3306:3306'

Or you can use docker run directly:

docker run \
  --name some-mysql \
  -p 3306:3306 \
  -d \

You can then obtain the generated password by viewing the container log and look for the "GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD" line.

Open a shell to the container.

docker exec -it some-mysql bash

Now log in with the generated onetime password.

mysql -u root -p

Once logged in, you can change the root password.

ALTER USER root IDENTIFIED BY 'new-password';

Also see Environment Variable reference for more information.

Command line MySQL client

This section describes how to use this image as a MySQL client.

Connect to a running MySQL container

You can run a MySQL client directly within the container. Log on using the password for root user.

docker exec -it some-mysql mysql -uroot -p

Connect command line client to a remote MySQL instance

Assume that we have a MySQL instance running at and we want to log on as some-mysql-user when connecting.

docker run \
  --name some-mysql-client \
  --rm \
  -it \ \
  sh -c 'exec mysql -usome-mysql-user -p'


There are several ways to configure your MySQL service instance.

Using configuration volume

If /my/custom/path/config-file.cnf is the path and name of your custom configuration file, you can start your MySQL container like this.

Use the following content for the docker-compose.yml file, then run docker-compose up.

version: '2'
    container_name: some-mysql
      "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "example-password"
      - '3306:3306'
      - /my/custom/path/config-file.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/config-file.cnf

Or you can use docker run directly:

docker run \
  --name some-mysql \
  -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=example-password" \
  -p 3306:3306 \
  -v /my/custom/path/config-file.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/config-file.cnf \
  -d \

See Volume reference for more details.

Using flags

You can specify option flags directly to mysqld when starting your instance. The following example sets the default encoding and collation for all tables to UTF-8.

Use the following content for the docker-compose.yml file, then run docker-compose up.

version: '2'
    container_name: some-mysql
    image: \
      - --character-set-server=utf8mb4
      - --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
      "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "example-password"
      - '3306:3306'

Or you can use docker run directly:

docker run \
  --name some-mysql \
  -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=example-password" \
  -p 3306:3306 \
  -d \ \
  --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci

You can also list all available options (several pages long).

docker run \
  --name some-mysql-client \
  --rm \ \
  --verbose --help


Creating database dumps

All databases can be dumped into a /some/path/all-databases.sql file on the host using the following command.

docker exec -it some-mysql sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /some/path/all-databases.sql

If your container was not started with a MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD value, substitute "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" with the password of the root user. Alternatively, you can use another pair of username as password for -u and -p arguments.



These are the ports exposed by the container image.

Port Description
TCP 3306 Standard MySQL port.

Environment Variables

These are the environment variables understood by the container image.

Variable Description
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD The password for root superuser. Required.

Instead of the explicit password string, a file path can also be used, in which case the content of the file is the password.
MYSQL_DATABASE Optionally specifies the name of the database to be created at startup.
MYSQL_USER Optionally specifies a new user to be created at startup. Must be used in conjunction with MYSQL_PASSWORD. Note that this user is in addition to the default root superuser.

If MYSQL_DATABASE is also specified, this user will be granted superuser permissions (i.e. GRANT_ALL) for that database.
MYSQL_PASSWORD Used in conjunction with MYSQL_USER to specify the password.
MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD If set to yes, a random initial password for root superuser will be generated. This password will be printed to stdout as GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD: ...
MYSQL_ONETIME_PASSWORD If set to yes, the initial password for root superuser, be it specified via MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD or randomly generated (see MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD), must be changed after startup.


These are the filesystem paths used by the container image.

Path Description
/var/lib/mysql Stores the database files.
/etc/mysql/conf.d Contains custom .cnf configuration files.

MySQL startup configuration is specified in /etc/mysql/my.cnf, which in turn includes any .cnf files found in /etc/mysql/conf.d directory.

mysql-docker's People


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