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phint's Introduction


Initializes new PHP project with sane defaults using templates. It scaffolds PHP library &/or project to boost your productivity and save time.

For already existing project, run with --sync flag to add missing stuffs, see phint init.

Once you have files in your src/ or lib/ you can run phint docs to generate API like documentation in .md format and phint test to generate basic test stubs with all the structures already maintained.

It helps you be even more lazier! phint is continuously evolving and the plan is to make it big.

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Installation · Features · Autocompletion · Usage · phint init · phint update · phint docs · phint test · Templating

Phint is powered by adhocore/cli


Requires PHP7.


Download phint.phar from latest release. And use it like so php /path/to/phint.phar [opts] [args]. Hmm not cool. See Command section below.


# get latest version (you need `jq`)
LATEST_PHINT=`curl --silent "" | jq -r .tag_name`

# download latest phint
curl -sSLo ~/phint.phar "$LATEST_PHINT/phint.phar"

# make executable
chmod +x ~/phint.phar
sudo ln -s ~/phint.phar /usr/local/bin/phint

# check
phint --help


  • generate dot files the likes of .gitignore, .travis.yml, . editorconfig etc
  • generate LICENSE,, composer.json
  • generate stub, guide, and
  • generate binaries if any
  • git init
  • interactively ask and install all the dev and prod deps
  • generate phpunit.xml, test bootstrap.php
  • generate test stubs for all classes/methods corresponding to src (phint test)
  • generate docs for all public class/methods
  • export templates to chosen path so it can be customized (phint export)
  • use custom templates from a path specified by user
  • update its own self (phint update)


The phint commands and options can be autocompleted if you use zsh shell with oh-my-zsh.

Setting up auto complete:

mkdir -p ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ahccli && cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ahccli

[ -f ./ahccli.plugin.zsh ] || curl -sSLo ./ahccli.plugin.zsh

echo compdef _ahccli phint >> ./ahccli.plugin.zsh

chmod +x ./ahccli.plugin.zsh && source ./ahccli.plugin.zsh && cd -

Dont forget to add ahccli into plugins=(... ...) list in ~/.zshrc file.


It can be used to quickly spin off new project containing all basic and default stuffs. The quick steps are as follows:

# See options/arguments
phint init --help

# OR (shortcut)
phint i -h

# Below command inits a brand new PHP project in `project-name` folder in current dir
# Missing arguments are interactively collected
phint init project-name

# You can also use config file (with json) to read option values from
phint init project-name --config phint.json


Each of the commands below should be used like so:

cd /path/to/project
phint <command> [--options] [args]


alias i

Create and Scaffold a bare new PHP project.


Dont be intimidated by long list of parameters, you are not required to enter any of them as arguments as they are interactively collected when required.

Also check config on how to create a reusable json config so you can use phint like a pro.

  <project>  The project name without slashes

  [-b, --bin...]            Executable binaries
  [-c, --no-codecov]        Disable codecov
  [-C, --config]            JSON filepath to read config from
  [-d, --descr]             Project description
  [-D, --dev...]            Developer packages
  [-e, --email]             Vendor email
  [-f, --force]             Run even if the project exists
  [-G, --gh-template]       Use `.github/` as template path
                            By default uses `docs/`
  [-h, --help]              Show help
  [-w, --keywords...]       Project Keywords
  [-L, --license]           License (m: MIT, g: GNULGPL, a: Apache2, b: BSDSimple, i: ISC, w: WTFPL)
  [-n, --name]              Vendor full name
  [-N, --namespace]         Root namespace (use `/` separator)
  [-g, --package]           Packagist name (Without vendor handle)
  [-p, --path]              The project path (Auto resolved)
  [-P, --php]               Minimum PHP version
  [-R, --req...]            Required packages
  [-s, --no-scrutinizer]    Disable scrutinizer
  [-l, --no-styleci]        Disable StyleCI
  [-S, --sync]              Only create missing files
                            Use with caution, take backup if needed
  [-t, --no-travis]         Disable travis
  [-T, --type]              Project type
  [-u, --username]          Vendor handle/username
  [-z, --using]             Reference package
  [-y, --year]              License Year

Usage Examples:
  phint init <project> --force --descr "Awesome project" --name "YourName" --email [email protected]
  phint init <project> --using laravel/lumen --namespace Project/Api --type project</comment>
  phint init <project> --php 7.0 --config /path/to/json --dev mockery/mockery --req adhocore/cli

Example config

Parameters sent via command args will have higher precedence than values from config file (-C --config).

What can you put in config? Anything but we suggest you put only known options (check $ phint init --help)

  "type": "library",
  "namespace": "Ahc",
  "username": "adhocore",
  "name": "Jitendra Adhikari",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "php": "7.0",
  "codecov": false,
  "...": "..."


alias u

Update Phint to lastest version or rollback to earlier locally installed version.


  [-h, --help]         Show help
  [-r, --rollback]     Rollback to earlier version

Usage Examples:
  phint update        Updates to latest version
  phint u             Also updates to latest version
  phint update -r     Rolls back to prev version
  phint u --rollback  Also rolls back to prev version


alias d

Generate docs (.md) for all public classes and methods from their docblocks.

Ideally you would run it on existing project or after you create/update src/ files.


  [-a, --with-abstract]    Create docs for abstract/interface class
  [-h, --help]             Show help
  [-o, --output]           Output file (default For old project you should use something else
                           (OR mark region with <!-- DOCS START --> and <!-- DOCS END --> to inject docs)

Usage Examples:
  phint docs               If there is `<!-- DOCS START -->` and `<!-- DOCS END -->` region
                           Injects new doc in between them otherwise appends to bottom
  phint d -o docs/   Writes to docs/ (Same rule applies regarding inject/append)

Sample docs

PHP code

namespace Abc;

 * This is dummy class.
 * It does nothing as of now.
 * Maybe you could fix it?
class Dummy
     * Alpha beta.
     * Example:
     * <code>
     * $dummy = new Dummy;
     * $dummy->alpha('john', true);
     * // '...'
     * </code>
     * @param string $name
     * @param bool   $flag
     * @return string|null
    public function alpha($name, $flag)

Generated Markdown

## Dummy

use Abc\Dummy;

> This is dummy class.

It does nothing as of now.
Maybe you could fix it?

### alpha()

> Alpha beta.

alpha(string $name, bool $flag): string|null


$dummy = new Dummy;
$dummy->alpha('john', true);
// '...'



use Ahc\Dummy;

This is dummy class.

It does nothing as of now. Maybe you could fix it?


Alpha beta.

alpha(string $name, bool $flag): string|null


$dummy = new Dummy;
$dummy->alpha('john', true);
// '...'


alias t

Generate test files with proper classes and test methods analogous to their source counterparts. If a test class already exists, it is skipped. In future we may append test stubs for new methods.

Ideally you would run it on existing project or after you create/update src/ files.


  [-a, --with-abstract]    Create stub for abstract/interface class
  [-h, --help]             Show help
  [-n, --naming]           Test method naming format
                           (t: testMethod | m: test_method | i: it_tests_)
  [-p, --phpunit]          Base PHPUnit class to extend from
  [-s, --no-setup]         Dont add setup method
  [-t, --no-teardown]      Dont add teardown method

Usage Examples:
  phint test -n i        With `it_` naming
  phint t --no-teardown  Without `tearDown()`
  phint test -a          With stubs for abstract/interface

Sample test

Generated tests/Dummy.php for Abc\Dummy above:


namespace Abc\Test;

use Abc\Dummy;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase as TestCase;

 * Auto generated by `phint test`.
class DummyTest extends TestCase
     * @var Dummy
    protected $dummy;

    public function setUp()

        $this->dummy = new Dummy;

    public function testAlpha()
        $actual = $this->dummy->alpha();

        // $this->assertSame('', $actual);


phint export --to ~/myphint

So you would like to have your own templates and customize phint to your taste!

First you need to create a directory root (of any name, eg: myphint) with structure that looks like:

├── composer.json.twig
├── docs
│   ├── docs.twig
│   ├──
│   └──
├── .editorconfig.twig
├── .env.example.twig
├── .gitignore.twig
├── LICENSE.twig
├── package.json.twig
├── phpunit.xml.dist.twig
├── tests
│   ├── bootstrap.php.twig
│   └── test.twig
└── .travis.yml.twig

Note that you dont need to have all the files there in new directory just pick the ones you would like to customize and start hacking.

Luckily you dont have to create these templates yourself, just run phint export --to ~/myphint!

Pro Tip You can actually introduce any new template as long as their extension is .twig. Such templates are only used by phint init command. Check Template variables.

After you are done customizing these templates you can use them in each of the phint commands like so

phint init project --template ~/myphint
phint docs --template ~/myphint
phint test --template ~/myphint

The short option name for --template is -x.

Template variables

Here's what parameters these templates would receive when run:


  • The docs and test commands read and use source files metadata.
  • The docs.twig template recieves metadata collection of all classes at once.
  • The test.twig template recieves metadata unit of one class at a time.

Class metadata

Example metadata for Abc\Dummy above:

  'namespace'   => 'Abc',
  'classFqcn'   => 'Abc\\Dummy',
  'classPath'   => '/home/user/projects/src/Dummy.php',
  'name'        => 'Dummy',
  'className'   => 'Dummy',
  'isTrait'     => false,
  'isAbstract'  => false,
  'isInterface' => false,
  'newable'     => true,
  'title'       => 'This is dummy class.',
  'texts'       => [
    'It does nothing as of now.',
    'Maybe you could fix it?',
  'methods' => [
    'alpha' => [
      'name'       => 'alpha',
      'inClass'    => 'Abc\\Dummy',
      'isStatic'   => false,
      'isFinal'    => false,
      'isPublic'   => true,
      'isAbstract' => false,
      'maybeMagic' => false,
      'title'      => 'Alpha beta.',
      'texts'      => [
        '$dummy = new Dummy;',
        '$dummy->alpha(\'john\', true);',
        '// \'...\'',
      'return' => 'string|null',
      'params' => [
        'string $name',
        'bool $flag',
    // more methods ...


Including but not limited to:

  • generator
  • Test files generator
  • Support user templates
  • Test stubs for new methods


© 2017-2020, Jitendra Adhikari | MIT


This library is release managed by please.

phint's People


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phint's Issues

generateTests method in class TwigGenerator behavior is strange


This is a

  • Bug/Issue

Describe the bug/issue

Consider the following code snippets:

        if (!$this->twig) {

        $count = 0;

        foreach ($testMetadata as $metadata) {
            // Skip existing
            if (\is_file($targetFile = $metadata['testPath'])) {

            $content = $this->twig->render('tests/test.twig', $metadata + $parameters);
            $count += (int) $this->pathUtil->writeFile($targetFile, $content);

        return $count;

What happened

If the $targetFile is file then do the next work in for loop.

And the $this->pathUtil->writeFile will pass the directory pah when the $targetFile is the directory.

What is expected

I think the $targetFile should be the file, not directory and I think the condition should be change into:

if (\is_dir($targetFile = $metadata['testPath'])) {

Improve docs generator


This is a

  • Bug/Issue
  • Feature request
  • General stuff

Explain the feature

Docs generator should have index with anchors at the top and a quick jump to top after each class

Collapsible docs


This is a

  • Bug/Issue
  • Feature request
  • General stuff

Explain the feature

Class Method level docs should be collapsible

Example (Click to toggle)
Example section

function a()
    return 'a';

support wtfpl


This is a

  • Bug/Issue
  • Feature request
  • General stuff

Explain the feature

  • add license option WTFPL

Bump phpunit used in templates


This is a

  • Bug/Issue
  • Feature request
  • General stuff

Explain the feature

since phpunit 7.5 and 8.3 are here already

travis badge

no longer

user specified template path


This is a

  • Bug/Issue
  • Feature request
  • General stuff

Explain the feature

support -x --template /path/to/user/tmpl

Update failure message


This is a

  • Bug/Issue
  • Feature request
  • General stuff

Explain the feature

Currently it just says Error getting latest release also show contextual info if any


Make feedback based on verbosity level

has bin?


  "bin": ["...", "..."]

also create those files with #! and chmod +x ;)

Docs based on reflection


This is a

  • Bug/Issue
  • Feature request
  • General stuff

Explain the feature

phint docs only used docblock @param and @return, should also consider typehint via reflection

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