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abstools's Issues

Intermittent build issues (via External Tool Builder) in Eclipse

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 99,
Original Date: 2013-12-02
Original Assignee: Volker Stolz

Hitting "Build all" or launching unit-tests sometimes yields this like:

Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Integrated External Tool Builder' on project 'org.abs-models.abs.compiler'.
Variable references empty selection: ${project_loc}
Variable references empty selection: ${project_loc}

Retrying will eventually resolve this. Ick.

Update documentation for Return statements

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 103,
Original Date: 2014-01-03

Via Nikolaos:

In The ABS Language Specification
For ABS Version 1.2.0
April 22, 2013
Document Version 19890

Page 26:
the grammar rule

ReturnStmt ::= return PureExp ;

means that we can only return Pure Expressions.

Yet ABS.ast states:

ReturnStmt: Stmt ::= RetExp:Exp;

permitting any expression.

Buggy Set implementation in ABS standard library

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 112,
Original Date: 2014-01-20
Original Assignee: Rudolf Schlatte

The size implementation of the Set datastructure in the ABS standard library is wrong.

Consider this code:

Set s = set[4,4,4];
assert (size(s) == 1);


This assertion fails. Where this assertion succeeds:

Set s = set[4,4,4];
assert (size(s) == 3);


The problem lies in abslang.abs .
The size function acts more like a list length function and does not pay respect to duplicate items.

Also, IMO both Set and Map datastructures should better be implemented for efficiency reasons as balanced binary trees,
and not as simple lists (Set) and association lists (Map).


Jenkins polling too eager

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 87,
Original Date: 2013-11-14

Currently Jenkins will start a build of everything if someone only looks funnily at the GIT repo.

Either find out how to limit polling to sub-directories, or switch to post-commit-hooks (probably the latter).

Runtime error in Eclipse

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 85,
Original Date: 2013-11-13
Original Assignee: Volker Stolz

For some variable declarations there's a runtime exception in Eclipse that is usually hidden, resulting in an UnresolvedTypeUse:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Trying to evaluate attribute in subtree not attached to main tree
    at abs.frontend.ast.CompilationUnit.lookupModule(
    at abs.frontend.ast.CompilationUnit.Define_ModuleDecl_lookupModule(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_ModuleDecl_lookupModule(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.lookupModule(
    at abs.frontend.typechecker.TypeCheckerHelper.getImportedNames(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.getImportedNames_compute(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.getImportedNames(
    at abs.frontend.typechecker.TypeCheckerHelper.getVisibleNames(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.getVisibleNames_compute(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.getVisibleNames(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.resolveName(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.lookup_compute(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.TypedVarOrFieldDecl.lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.TypedVarOrFieldDecl.Define_Decl_lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Exp.lookup(
    at abs.frontend.ast.TypeUse.getDecl_compute(
    at abs.frontend.ast.TypeUse.getDecl(
    at abs.frontend.ast.UnresolvedTypeUse.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.collect_contributors_Stmt_getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.collect_contributors_Stmt_getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.collect_contributors_Stmt_getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.getAACs_compute(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.VarDeclStmt.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.ast.List.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.getStmtList(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.getNumStmt(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.hasRewriteBlockAt(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.util.UtilityFunctions.getASTNodeOfOffset(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.evalAST(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.internalNextToken(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.nextToken(
    at org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultDamagerRepairer.createPresentation(

Integrate jabsc into eclipse-plugin

jabsc is the currently being developed ABS to Java compiler using jabs which is implementation of ABS semantics as an API in Java 8. Integrate this compiler into the current eclipse-plugin.

Runtime error in Eclipse

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 86,
Original Date: 2013-11-13
Original Assignee: Volker Stolz

There's another runtime error hidden in the Eclipse plugin. It doesn't seem to have any serious effect, though.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Circular definition of attr: getDecl in class: org.jastadd.ast.AST.SynDecl
    at abs.frontend.ast.VarUse.getDecl(
    at abs.frontend.ast.VarUse.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.collect_contributors_Stmt_getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.collect_contributors_Stmt_getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.collect_contributors_Stmt_getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.collect_contributors_Stmt_getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.collect_contributors_Stmt_getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.getAACs_compute(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.getAACs(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.VarDeclStmt.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.ast.List.getNumChild(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.getStmtList(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.getStmt(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.Define_VarOrFieldDecl_lookupVarOrFieldName(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_VarOrFieldDecl_lookupVarOrFieldName(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_VarOrFieldDecl_lookupVarOrFieldName(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_VarOrFieldDecl_lookupVarOrFieldName(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_VarOrFieldDecl_lookupVarOrFieldName(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.Define_VarOrFieldDecl_lookupVarOrFieldName(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Exp.lookupVarOrFieldName(
    at abs.frontend.ast.VarUse.getDecl_compute(
    at abs.frontend.ast.VarUse.getDecl(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.evalAST(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.internalNextToken(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.nextToken(
    at org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultDamagerRepairer.createPresentation(

Refactor annotation processing

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 95,
Original Date: 2013-11-25
Original Assignee: Volker Stolz


  • abs.frontend.analyser.AnnotationHelper, and
  • abs.common.CompilerUtils.

I guess one of them can simply be merged into the other.

Plus, those static helper are often called as m(s.getAnnotations(),…), so a bit more OO could probably applied as well.

Align Expression statement documentation and implementation

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 130,
Original Date: 2014-02-12

The language spec and the AST state:

  ExpStmt ::= Exp ;

Yet ABS.parser only allows effect expressions:

Stmt stmt_without_annotations =
|  eff_exp.e    {: return new ExpressionStmt(new List(), e) ; :}

The reason for this seems to be a Reduce-Reduce conflict if turning it into an exp:

      [beaver] Error: grammar has conflicts
      [beaver] ABSParser.beaver: Error: reduce-reduce conflict: 
      [beaver]  reduce  case_exp = case_prefix.caseterm RBRACE.RBRACE ``` 1583
      [beaver]  or  case_stmt = case_prefix.caseterm RBRACE.RBRACE ``` 2031
      [beaver]  on MINUS - equal precedence

Deadlock checker crashes on some examples

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 120,
Original Date: 2014-01-28
Original Assignee: Michael Lienhardt

According to, it crashes on some models like:

java.lang.AssertionError: Couldn't find class Comparator
    at abs.frontend.ast.Call.typeInference(
    at abs.frontend.ast.VarDecl.typeInference(
    at abs.frontend.ast.VarDeclStmt.typeInference(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.typeInference(
    at abs.frontend.ast.MethodImpl.typeInference(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ClassDecl.typeInference(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ModuleDecl.typeInference(
    at abs.frontend.ast.CompilationUnit.typeInference(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Model.typeInference(
    at deadlock.analyser.Analyser.deadlockAnalysis(
    at deadlock.DeadlockCheckerTests.parse(
    at abs.frontend.parser.ParseSamplesTest.test(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source)

(Not all failures on Jenkins are relevant, though, sometimes the model is buggy)

Missing documentation about the ADT record syntax

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 111,
Original Date: 2014-01-20
Original Assignee: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis

In ABS language specification:

April 22, 2013
Document Version 19890

I think there is no documentation for support of the record syntax in ADTs,
where you can name fields of the data constructors, as in the example:

data Either<A,B> = Left(A left) | Right(B right);

here left and right are the names of the fields.

I assign it to myself to add this to the documentation.

Conflicting names in abslang.abs

Author Name: Vlad Serbanescu (Vlad Serbanescu)
Original Redmine Issue: 113,
Original Date: 2014-01-20

There are some definitions of data in the abslang.abs that can be a bit confusing to a new user of ABS:

data Pair<A, B> = Pair(A fst, B snd);

data Triple<A, B, C> = Triple(A fstT, B sndT, C trd);

data Time = Time(Rat timeValue);
data Duration = Duration(Rat durationValue) | InfDuration;

I feel it might be a bit easier to differentiate between the data name and its possible values/predicates.

Grammar error on LET

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 134,
Original Date: 2014-02-27

Affected code:

module Testing;

interface Interf1 {
  Unit m1();

class Cls1 implements Interf1 {
  Unit m1() {


  Interf1 o1 = new local Cls1();
  Unit z = (let (Bool b) = True in o1).m1();

The raised syntactic errors are:

Syntactic errors: 3
Test.abs:15:39:Syntactic error: unexpected token DOT
  Unit z = (let (Bool b) = True in o1).m1();
Test.abs:15:44:Syntactic error: unexpected token SEMICOLON
  Unit z = (let (Bool b) = True in o1).m1();
Test.abs:15:40:Missing ((String)method.value) call.
  Unit z = (let (Bool b) = True in o1).m1();

The problem is the surrounding of LET exp with parentheses.
The code compiles without them.

Bug in Java Backend when type casting

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 133,
Original Date: 2014-02-27
Original Assignee: Radu Muschevici

The compilation error is:

An error occurred during compilation: There seems to be a bug in the ABS Java backend. The generated code contains errors:
1. ERROR in /home/bezirg/workspace/Test/gen/Testing/ (at line 45) z = ( ? y : y.get();
Cannot cast from boolean to ABSUnit
2. ERROR in /home/bezirg/workspace/Test/gen/Testing/ (at line 45) z = ( ? y : y.get();
Type mismatch: cannot convert from ABSUnit to boolean

The code where the error occurs:

module Testing;

interface Interf1 {
  Unit m1();

class Cls1 implements Interf1 {
  Unit m1() {


  Interf1 o1 = new local Cls1();
  Unit x = (if True then o1 else o1).m1();
  Fut<Unit> y = o1 ! m1 ();
  await y?;
  Unit z = (if True then y else y).get;

White-list expected failures in tool checks

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 123,
Original Date: 2014-01-29
Original Assignee: Volker Stolz

Right now, we run e.g. the deadlock checker on models where it doesn't actually make sense, like an open system or one without main block.

Can we capture these preconditions in the unit tests somehow, so that they do not show up as failed? I guess it will come up more frequently.

So either we return to individual tests, or we somehow add this to the parametrised test runner...

ABS frontend cannot build with latest Apache Ant version

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 81,
Original Date: 2013-11-08

System: Archlinux 64bit
Java: Tested both on Java 6 and Java 7
Ant version: Test both on 1.9.2 and 1.9.0

Running ant under frontend/ fails with:

Buildfile: /home/bezirg/Dropbox/Repos/abs/frontend/build.xml



[echo] Running jflex

/home/bezirg/Dropbox/Repos/abs/frontend/build.xml:235: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java_cup.runtime.lr_parser.getSymbolFactory()Ljava_cup/runtime/SymbolFactory;
at JFlex.CUP$LexParse$actions.CUP$LexParse$do_action(
at JFlex.LexParse.do_action(
at java_cup.runtime.lr_parser.parse(
at JFlex.Main.generate(
at JFlex.anttask.JFlexTask.execute(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Total time: 0 seconds

The build is though successful with Ant 1.8.4.

[eclipse-plugin] PDE fails to load ABS perspective because of `org.abs-models.sdedit`

I am quite sure that I am missing something, but debugging the eclipse-plugin fails to load ABS perspective:

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
!SESSION 2015-07-30 21:01:40.087 -----------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86_64, WS=gtk, NL=en_US
Framework arguments:  -product org.eclipse.platform.ide
Command-line arguments:  -product org.eclipse.platform.ide -data /nobeh/dev/workspaces/crisp/ws-abstools/../runtime-EclipseApplication -dev file:/nobeh/dev/workspaces/crisp/ws-abstools/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/Eclipse Application/ -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 -consoleLog

!ENTRY org.abs-models.abs.plugin 4 0 2015-07-30 21:01:42.345
!MESSAGE FrameworkEvent ERROR
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.abs-models.abs.plugin [531]
  Unresolved requirement: Require-Bundle: org.abs-models.sdedit; bundle-version="0.0.0"

    at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.start(
    at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.incStartLevel(
    at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.incStartLevel(
    at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.doContainerStartLevel(
    at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.dispatchEvent(
    at org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer$ContainerStartLevel.dispatchEvent(
    at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(
    at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$

My environment:

  • Java 1.8.0_60
  • Eclipse PDE Mars Release

Request for a few Jenkins plugins

Author Name: Behrooz Nobakht (Behrooz Nobakht)
Original Redmine Issue: 128,
Original Date: 2014-02-06
Original Assignee: Volker Stolz

Related to #126 and #127, please install the following plugins for Jenkins instance:

Eclipse runtime error

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 116,
Original Date: 2014-01-24

This happened when the editor tripped over a case e:{..} stmt (note the :).
Again, the question is whether the editor should run rewrite rules or not (#85,#86) -- probably especially not on models that don't parse!

Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: Should never happen for a well-typed model:UnknownType/<UNKNOWN>
    at abs.frontend.typechecker.Type.toUse(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.rewriteRule0(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Stmt.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ExpressionStmt.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.ast.List.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.getStmtList(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.getNumStmt(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.hasRewriteBlockAt(
    at abs.frontend.ast.Block.rewriteTo(
    at abs.frontend.ast.ASTNode.getChild(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at abs.frontend.parser.SourcePosition.findPosition(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.util.UtilityFunctions.getASTNodeOfOffset(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.evalAST(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.internalNextToken(
    at org.absmodels.abs.plugin.editor.ABSCodeScanner.nextToken(
    at org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultDamagerRepairer.createPresentation(

COGs as first-class citizens of the language

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 104,
Original Date: 2014-01-06

I would like to discuss about adding the following to the ABS standard library:

data COG; // as an abstract data type, the implementation is hidden

def COG whereis(A obj) = builtin;

I see 2 reasons why this can be a benefit for the user:

  1. The user can check at run-time if an incoming object belongs to the same cog
    and figure out if she wants to make a synchronous call (same-COG object) or asynchronous call (other-COG object) as in the example:

class Class2 {
Unit method2(Class1 obj1) {
COG location1 = whereis(obj1);
COG my_location = whereis(this);
if (my_location == location) {
// safe to make synchronous call
else {
obj1 ! method();

  1. The user can check if she is running in the main top COG.
    That would also require
    def COG thisCOG() = builtin;
    builtin procedure.

I already went ahead and implemented those in my experimental Haskell backend. I assume these are implementable in the Erlang backend and perhaps also in the Java backend.

I saw some reflection stuff inside the abslang.abs standard library but I am not sure if they support the same thing.

This idea can be possibly be extended for DeploymentComponents?

Provide Maven 3+ on Jenkins

Author Name: Behrooz Nobakht (Behrooz Nobakht)
Original Redmine Issue: 127,
Original Date: 2014-02-05
Original Assignee: Volker Stolz

If a project based on Maven needs to built on Jenkins server, it needs to select a Maven as part of job configuration. This seems to be not available in this moment.

Please provide an installation of Maven on the CI server to be used preferably Maven 3+.

Eclipse autocompletion needs improvement

Author Name: Volker Stolz (Volker Stolz)
Original Redmine Issue: 131,
Original Date: 2014-02-14

Due to the way the parser handles incomplete input, you will not get useful autocompletion at (*) for the fragment

Bool b() { Int i = 0; return True; this. (*) }

However, for this.(*);, autocompletion will correctly find members. I think there is some basic functionality in the plugin that tries to "inject" the terminator, but for some reason it doesn't seem to "stick".

Parser fail with init block

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 100,
Original Date: 2013-12-09

The parser cannot accept a class init block declaration that comes after a method:

class Class1 implements Interf2 {
Int method1(Int n) {
return 0;



fails to parse with:

Syntactic errors: 2
Test.abs:18:3:Syntactic error: unexpected token LBRACE
Test.abs:24:1:Syntactic error: unexpected token RBRACE

The parser only accepts init blocks to be the declared first.

This literal in Documentation

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 135,
Original Date: 2014-02-27
Original Assignee: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis

The latest specification manual does not list 'this' as a literal of the ABS language.

At section 2.5 , page 7.

Is 'this' a literal of the language?

If so, I will fix the documentation

almost duplicate methods getAnnotationsOfType and getAnnotationValue in different classes

Author Name: Rudolf Schlatte (Rudolf Schlatte)
Original Redmine Issue: 98,
Original Date: 2013-11-29
Original Assignee: Rudolf Schlatte

Overlap between abs.frontend.analyser.AnnotationHelper and abs.common.CompilerHelper

Also, one of them uses the qualified name and one the unqualified name. When fixing this, take care that the qualified annotation name doesn't get resolved completely - in case of type synonyms (type Deadline = Duration) we want to end with ABS.StdLib.Deadline, not ABS.StdLib.Duration.

Typechecking error with ADT record-syntax

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 109,
Original Date: 2014-01-17

This data definition successfully typechecks (didn't try to run it though):

data AorB<A,B> = A(A) | B(B);

However, when using the record syntax it breaks:

data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);

The typecheck errors are:

Test.abs:7:20:Data constructor A cannot be resolved.
data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);
Test.abs:7:20:Name res cannot be resolved.
data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);
Test.abs:7:20:Case branches with incomparable types, and .
data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);
Test.abs:7:20:Cannot assign to type A.
data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);
Test.abs:7:32:Data constructor B cannot be resolved.
data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);
Test.abs:7:32:Name res cannot be resolved.
data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);
Test.abs:7:32:Case branches with incomparable types, and .
data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);
Test.abs:7:32:Cannot assign to type B.
data AorB<A,B> = A(A getA) | B(B getB);

Polymorphic type-synonyms

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 108,
Original Date: 2014-01-17

I just found out that the ABS language lacks support (both in syntax and code generation)
for polymorphic type synonyms, such as:

type Option = Maybe;

Is this omission intentional? Because, I am planning to support this in my Haskell backend (and the translation is straight-forward).

Please let me know any reasons of why I should not do that.

Provide an installation of Java 8 on Jenkins server

Author Name: Behrooz Nobakht (Behrooz Nobakht)
Original Redmine Issue: 126,
Original Date: 2014-02-05
Original Assignee: Volker Stolz

We're planning to publish ABS API in Java 8 and we're interested to take advantage of the CI server that is available.

Please provide an installation of Java 8 in Jenkins server to be used. A last version can be obtained from:

Redundant argument name declarations in Interfaces

Author Name: Nikolaos Bezirgiannis (Nikolaos Bezirgiannis)
Original Redmine Issue: 110,
Original Date: 2014-01-18

An example of an Interface:

interface Interf1 {
Int method1(Int n, Int m);

Why declare n and m there? There is no point since they don't add anything to the type signature.

The type signature in C would be (int) (int, int) and in Haskell method1 :: (Int, Int) -> Int

Is it because it makes it easier to the user?
Could the argument names in Interface be instead optional in the ABS syntax? So, possibly the next definition will also be accepted:

interface Interf1 {
Int method1(Int, Int);

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