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aave-protocol's Issues

Error while switch tokens

While switching Polygon MATIC tokens, I am getting "There was some error. Please try changing the parameters" for gas estimation calculation.


[thegraph][feature request] fees & lend burn

As side-product of aave beeing utilized, lend is burned. As this is part of the protocol, I guess it should also be part of the aave graph.

What I think would be interesting (and doable by my understanding of what is possible with the graph)

As i get thegraph docs it's not possible to just monitor incoming transactions on a given address(so we cannot just monitor 0x0 for incoming lend)?, but it should be possible to monitor token burns initiated by the protocol and sum them up.

Should be doable by summing up the fees to be collected by borrows() and subtracting the fees payed in repays()

Should be doable by summing up the repayed fees and fees from the flashLoans

Should be doable by totalCollectedFees - fees used to burn lend

[feature request] import { LendingPool } from @aave/contracts

We had an excellent submission coming from the Hack Money hackathon (, however I noticed lots of un-edited files were copy/pasted from this repo. Rather, I would like to be able to do this:

import { LendingPool } from @aave/contracts

We recently added this to the rToken contracts repo (see and its pretty simple to do. Happy to help guide the conversation here as it would be very useful and is becoming standard practice in the community.

Get errors, when I tried to run `npm run codegen-raw`

Why do there files missing? how could I get them?

✖ Failed to load subgraph from subgraph.yaml: Error in subgraph.yaml:

  Path: dataSources > 1 > mapping > abis > 0 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/LendingPoolAddressesProviderRegistry.json

  Path: dataSources > 2 > mapping > abis > 2 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/IExtendedPriceAggregator.json

  Path: dataSources > 3 > mapping > abis > 0 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/ChainlinkUSDETHOracleI.json

  Path: templates > 6 > mapping > abis > 0 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/IExtendedPriceAggregator.json

  Path: templates > 7 > mapping > abis > 0 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/IUniswapExchange.json

[thegraph] yarn codegen-raw: error Command failed with exit code 1

Hello Aave,
Inside the thegraph directory, when I run the following: yarn codegen-raw:

yarn run v1.22.10
$ TYPE=raw npm run prepare && graph codegen --output-dir ./raw/generated
npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /var/folders/nv/ztjvfck52z74nr526shd5kzw0000gn/T/yarn--1610207854304-0.6707123665558101/node but npm is using /usr/local/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.

> [email protected] prepare /Users/riccardoanacar/TheGraph/aave_graph/aave-protocol/thegraph
> mustache ./config/${TYPE:-raw}.json ./config/${NETWORK:-dev}.json | mustache  - subgraph.template.yaml > subgraph.yaml

  Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
  Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3
  Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.3 to 0.0.4
  Skip migration: Bump mapping specVersion from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
✔ Apply migrations
✖ Failed to load subgraph from subgraph.yaml: Error in subgraph.yaml:

  Path: dataSources > 1 > mapping > abis > 0 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/LendingPoolAddressesProviderRegistry.json

Path: dataSources > 2 > mapping > abis > 2 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/IExtendedPriceAggregator.json

  Path: dataSources > 3 > mapping > abis > 0 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/ChainlinkUSDETHOracleI.json

  Path: templates > 6 > mapping > abis > 0 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/IExtendedPriceAggregator.json

  Path: templates > 7 > mapping > abis > 0 > file
  File does not exist: ../build/contracts/IUniswapExchange.json
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Would you be able to give me some directions how to fix this error? are these missing files available? For example:

  • File does not exist: ../build/contracts/IUniswapExchange.json - could IUniswapExchange.json copied in contracts dir?
    Thank you in advance for your help

AAVE Flash Loan Not Working

I'm following this tutorial on how to set up an AAVE flash loan: and I'm on the very last part and running into a revert error when I go to run the flashloan() function. I've compiled the contracts and done the tutorial exactly as it says. I've run everything on the Kovan testnet and used Kovan DAI as well to fund my flash loan. I'm also inputting the asset address 0xFf795577d9AC8bD7D90Ee22b6C1703490b6512FD like it says in the tutorial. It should work but it's not. Any advice? Thanks.

Updating the rebalance feature of V1 to switch the loan to variable

As a safety measure for the liquidity providers against excessive stable rate borrowing, the Aave protocol implements a mechanism called rebalance.
The rebalance allows to rebalance the interest rates up (if there is need for liquidity) or down (if a borrower can obtain a more competitive stable rate).

In perspective of incentivizing the V1 -> V2 migration, as discussed in, the first step is to disable stable rate borrowing.
To also facilitate the conversion of the outstanding debt to variable, the rebalancing function will be replaced with the rate swap. If stable rate borrowers will need to be rebalanced, they will be swapped to the variable mode.

Getting an error inputting asset in FlashLoan.sol

I'm following this tutorial loosely (by loosely I'm not using the Kovan network because I'm having issues with that as well, I'm testing on both the JavaScript VM (London) and Web3 Provider Mainnet Fork with HardHat):

All the files are compiled fine. However, when I go to submit an asset like the Ethereum contract address "0x74b23882a30290451A17c44f4F05243b6b58C76d" in the flashloan() function, I get a "Transaction reverted without a reason string" Error. The address that deployed the contract already has a lot of test ETH in it so I'm not sure what could be the issue.

And just a sidenote why I'm not using Kovan like the tutorial, all the good faucets are down and the one that works only let me get like .0031 KETH for the day which was enough for one deployment and when the contract deployed it failed for some reason and ate all the Kovan ETH along with it. This failure may have been due to the fact that I had to adjust the gas price down just slightly to meet the amount I had, but I doubt it, I'm not really sure why it failed on the Injected Web3 and that worries me for future real deployments. Any insight into any of this would be super appreciated. Thanks!

[thegraph][feature request] totalDepositUsers/totalBorrowUsers

I was wondering how to measure "health" of the protocol.

Not sure if this makes sense, but I think it might be interesting to measure how many users are invested into the lending pools and how many users are using the pools to exchange there assets(borrow sth). Of course this won't give a perfect picture as users could use different addresses, but I guess some information is better than none. Would you be interested in adding sth like this/Does it make sense?

Best regards,

[feature request] compound flash/borrows

It would be nice if the existing:

  reserves {

was extended with lifetime numbers compounding since launch.

  reserves {

I'm currently calculating these numbers manually, but i think this could be a nice addition to the official api.

Running Truffle tests "Unexpected token"

Trying to get Truffle to run tests and continue to get:

SyntaxError: /Users/mike/near/aave-protocol/test/actions/index.ts: Unexpected token (44:2)
  42 |
  43 | const almostEqualOrEqual = function(
> 44 |   this: any,
     |   ^
  45 |   expected: ReserveData | UserReserveData,
  46 |   actual: ReserveData | UserReserveData
  47 | ) {
    at Parser.pp$5.raise (/Users/mike/near/aave-protocol/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:4454:13)
    at Parser.pp.unexpected (/Users/mike/near/aave-protocol/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:1761:8)
    at Parser.pp$2.parseBindingAtom (/Users/mike/near/aave-protocol/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:3090:12)

Updated typescript to:
"typescript": "^4.0.2"

Would be great to get some help running the tests. Cheers
Tried node 12, 11
Truffle 5.1.43

Kovan + LINK + Lending - deposit() | UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: VM execution error

I am trying to use the lending feature of AAVE. I was successful using ETH & aETH.
But I am facing issues with LINK.

Following is the error I am getting:

Attempting to deploy from account  0x3D356DCBAc29e69a7fc237f45F8318E099268a0e
lpAddress found:  0xE0fBa4Fc209b4948668006B2bE61711b7f465bAe
(node:19131) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: VM execution error.
Reverted 0x
    at Object._fireError (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/web3-utils/lib/index.js:50:17)
    at sendTxCallback (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/web3-core-method/lib/index.js:540:30)
    at /home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/web3-core-requestmanager/lib/index.js:300:20
    at /home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/index.js:238:9
    at /home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/node_modules/async/internal/once.js:12:16
    at replenish (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/node_modules/async/internal/eachOfLimit.js:61:25)
    at /home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/node_modules/async/internal/eachOfLimit.js:71:9
    at eachLimit (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/node_modules/async/eachLimit.js:43:36)
    at /home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/node_modules/async/internal/doLimit.js:9:16
    at end (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/index.js:217:5)
    at Request._callback (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/subproviders/rpc.js:70:28)
    at Request.self.callback (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
    at Request.emit (events.js:198:13)
    at Request.<anonymous> (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/request/request.js:1154:10)
    at Request.emit (events.js:198:13)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/pam/aave-testing/node_modules/request/request.js:1076:12)
(node:19131) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:19131) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Deploy script
Full code link

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

[Question] Are there any migration/deployment script ?

Hello, I'm trying to deploy the aave-protocol from scratch for learning purposes but I'm not able to find any migrations or deployment scripts.

Is there any resource out there where I can check this? This is for a Remix plugin to allow users to deploy aave protocol easily.


missing files for testing

Hi there,
When I tried to run the tests, I noticed a great deal of implied dependencies but no package.json.
I also came across lines like this:

import {getTruffleContractInstance} from '../../utils/truffle/truffle-core-utils';

but none of truffle's libraries in any of their repos have this exported function (as far as I can tell).

This line

import {NIL_ADDRESS, ETHEREUM_ADDRESS} from '../../utils/constants';

looks very Aave specific since the source code contains that dummy ethereum address.

I think there's a toplevel utils folder that hasn't been committed.

[Feature Request] Migrate loans between addresses

Sometimes people wish to move addresses but there's no way to do that on AAVE without first closing your loans and withdrawing which is very inconvenient and expensive.

A simple move address button would be very helpful. I haven't yet gone through all the contracts to see where this exists but it should mostly be as simple as just updating the mapping of address with their deposits and open loans and moving the aTokens to that new address.

[Aave-v3] Mumbai testnet addresses used by the dApp do not match the addresses on the dev doc

The addresses listed in the developper documentation for mumbai here
do not match the addresses that seem to be used by the dApp (also on mumbai). The dApp should either use the addresses of the doc, or the doc be updated to the dApp addresses:

"DAI": "0xc87385b5e62099f92d490750fcd6c901a524bbca",
 "USDC": "0xF61Cffd6071a8DB7cD5E8DF1D3A5450D9903cF1c",
 "WETH": "0x63e537a69b3f5b03f4f46c5765c82861bd874b6e",
 "aWETH": "0xCa003B920F1CEcb4fe0Fe91B657E58a8E1EED04a",
 "aDAI": "0x3D8477D93A0B036Ec3D180fA013848B628c5cb76",
 "aUSDC": "0xc78fd49C2bAd9C8f41ddcE069e34F6a6A627d37f",
 "addressProvider": "0x5343b5bA672Ae99d627A1C87866b8E53F47Db2E6"
 'poolproxy': "0xEce3383269ccE0B2ae66277101996b58c482817B"

also verifiying the deployed contracts would tremendously help debugging!

the aToken balance will never reach zero

Regarding the question about aave aToken:

In the provided code, if you withdraw all of your collateral assets, which is represented by userBalance, the scaled balance used to calculate the liquidity index is NI_t_old. After the reserve.updateState() function is called, the liquidity index is updated to NI_t_new. This means that when burning the aToken, another interest accrual occurs, and the burned scaled amount will always be less than userBalance. As a result, the aToken balance will never reach zero.

  function withdraw(
    address asset,
    uint256 amount,
    address to
  ) external override whenNotPaused returns (uint256) {
    DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve = _reserves[asset];

    address aToken = reserve.aTokenAddress;

    uint256 userBalance = IAToken(aToken).balanceOf(msg.sender);

    uint256 amountToWithdraw = amount;

    if (amount == type(uint256).max) {
      amountToWithdraw = userBalance;



    reserve.updateInterestRates(asset, aToken, 0, amountToWithdraw);

    if (amountToWithdraw == userBalance) {
      _usersConfig[msg.sender].setUsingAsCollateral(, false);
      emit ReserveUsedAsCollateralDisabled(asset, msg.sender);

    IAToken(aToken).burn(msg.sender, to, amountToWithdraw, reserve.liquidityIndex);

    emit Withdraw(asset, msg.sender, to, amountToWithdraw);

    return amountToWithdraw;

Aave V2 Subgraph?

It looks like the subgraph on theGraph's explorer is for version 1 of Aave's protocol. Where can I find the version 2 subgraph?

[general] Use of TypeScript as in return types

Hey guys - i've been poking around the repo & was curious when I saw the high use of TypeScript (which I use professionally).

Was generally wondering why there's such a high use of as when returning values in a few functions - it can definitely result in type errors that typescript won't catch? case in point is the line referenced below.

return protocol as Protocol;

[Feature] Provide a "Pre-Liquidation Liquidator" which can only be called by the investor himself

saving the investors from paying the 5 % liquidation fee when they e.g. have an own watcher running to ensure the health of their LTV ratio ...

I only found the "liquidationCall" function which is used by anyone:

I think it would be fair for investors to give them the chance to trigger the non-costly own pre-liquidation clearing before the liquidation threshold is reached.

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