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lav_sms's Introduction

Laravel School Management System

LAVSMS is developed for educational institutions like schools and colleges built on Laravel 8


Dashboard dashboard

Login login

Student Marksheet marksheet

System Settings system-settings

Print Marksheet


Print Tabulation Sheet & Marksheet tabulation-sheet

There are 7 types of user accounts. They include:

Administrators (Super Admin & Admin)

  • Librarian
  • Accountant
  • Teacher
  • Student
  • Parent


Check Laravel 8 Requirements


  • Install dependencies (composer install)
  • Set Database Credentials & App Settings in dotenv file (.env)
  • Migrate Database (php artisan migrate)
  • Database seed (php artisan db:seed)

Login Credentials After seeding. Login details as follows:

Account Type Username Email Password
Super Admin cj [email protected] cj
Admin admin [email protected] cj
Teacher teacher [email protected] cj
Parent parent [email protected] cj
Accountant accountant [email protected] cj
Student student [email protected] cj



  • Only Super Admin can delete any record
  • Create any user account

-- Administrators (Super Admin & Admin)

  • Manage students class/sections
  • View marksheet of students
  • Create, Edit and manage all user accounts & profiles
  • Create, Edit and manage Exams & Grades
  • Create, Edit and manage Subjects
  • Manage noticeboard of school
  • Notices are visible in calendar in dashboard
  • Edit system settings
  • Manage Payments & fees


  • Manage Payments & fees
  • Print Payment Receipts


  • Manage Books in the Library


  • Manage Own Class/Section
  • Manage Exam Records for own Subjects
  • Manage Timetable if Assigned as Class Teacher
  • Manage own profile
  • Upload Study Materials


  • View teacher profile
  • View own class subjects
  • View own marks and class timetable
  • View Payments
  • View library and book status
  • View noticeboard and school events in calendar
  • Manage own profile


  • View teacher profile
  • View own child's marksheet (Download/Print PDF)
  • View own child's Timetable
  • View own child's payments
  • View noticeboard and school events in calendar
  • Manage own profile


Your Contributions & suggestions are welcomed. Please use Pull Request

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within LAV_SMS, please send an e-mail to CJ Inspired via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

Please Note that some sections of this project are in the work-in-progress stage and would be updated soon. These include:

  • The Noticeboard/Calendar in the Dashboard Area
  • Librarian/Acountant user pages
  • Library Resources/Study Materials Upload for Students


  • Phone : +2347068149559

lav_sms's People


4jean avatar jamieslome avatar


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lav_sms's Issues

show this massage

Attempt to read property "description" on null (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\lav_sms-master\resources\views\partials\login\header.blade.php)

[Hashids is moving]

hashids/hashids [Hashids is moving]
Hashids is being upgraded & rebranded to Sqids.
Please update the composer requires

mysql file

please how can I get the mysql file for this project

username issue

username changes from what you provide to it during user creation.
For Example: I provided username of Accountant as alihmza , it will change to STAFF/2023/08/1234


Will these features be available?

The Noticeboard/Calendar in the Dashboard Area
Librarian/Acountant user pages
Library Resources/Study Materials Upload for Students

Missing Class

Target class [App\Http\Requests\TimeTable\TTRecordRequest] does not exist
On Timetables

Student delete issue

When a student is deleted, it gets deleted from only users table, remains in students record table, that bring an error in page after deleting a student. I have fixed that issue in my local setup by adding delete line in destroy function.

Styles not loading

I am using an ubuntu20.04 image and i installed all the packages which are need to run. I successfully installed and running it but styles are not applied on application.
Am i missing some packages? if yes please let me know.
Its just plaiin html without css

Not a Issue Its sugestion

Kindly Add student fees table and create student fee table store student id
or student id k against fees store ho or one table for expance create expance jaha per school k expance amount store ho ga is k sath sath reports student fee collection report total expance fee collection se expance minus karn profit report
expance head
teacher selary
inshallallah i will work on it after compelete work i will push the code

Event Calendar

Hi is this working or still in progress .. or is it im the one who still didnt get it to work

Unable to update user, parents or teacher photo

When creating a parent, the image is successfully uploaded but after creating unable to update the photo.
This error comes - 500 Internal Server Error Please Check for Duplicate entry or Contact School Administrator/IT Personnel

Not able to get login page

Thank for your efforts. I installed by following the readme and added key instruction as well because without that an error was coming. Also, it shows the folder contents rather than the index or login page so had to go to /public folder but now getting 404 page not found error.

Only issue that appeared during composer install is the following:
Class App\Http\Controllers\BookController located in C:/wamp64/www/lav-sms/app\Http\Controllers\SupportTeam\BookController.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
Class App\Http\Controllers\BookRequestController located in C:/wamp64/www/lav-sms/app\Http\Controllers\SupportTeam\BookRequestController.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
Class App\Book located in C:/wamp64/www/lav-sms/app\Models\Book.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
Class App\BookRequest located in C:/wamp64/www/lav-sms/app\Models\BookRequest.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.

WAMP64 server
php 8.0.13
mysql 5.7.36
windows machine

Am I missing something important of the installation steps? Please advise.

Update: I ran the composer update again after Key was setup. However everytime I need to add /public/index.php to the URL to access the correct page. It seems that I am still missing some key step.


i need to contribute to this project

Login credentials

Could you please provide login credentials of admin and super admin ??

login credentials

could you plz let you know the valid credentials i am unable to login as user or admin


date_diff() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, bool given (View: /home/u248142947/domains/





    <td><strong>NAME:</strong> {{ strtoupper($sr->user->name) }}</td>

    <td><strong>ADM NO:</strong> {{ $sr->adm_no }}</td>

    <td><strong>HOUSE:</strong> {{ strtoupper($sr->house) }}</td>

    <td><strong>CLASS:</strong> {{ strtoupper($my_class->name) }}</td>



    <td><strong>REPORT SHEET FOR</strong> {!! strtoupper(Mk::getSuffix($ex->term)) !!} TERM </td>

    <td><strong>ACADEMIC YEAR:</strong> {{ $ex->year }}</td>

//Error in this line


AGE: {{ $sr->age ?: ($sr->user->dob ? date_diff(date_create($sr->user->dob), date_create('now'))->y : '-') }}

{{--Exam Table--}}



    <th rowspan="2">SUBJECTS</th>

    <th colspan="3">CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT</th>

    <th rowspan="2">EXAM<br>(60)</th>

    <th rowspan="2">FINAL MARKS <br> (100%)</th>

    <th rowspan="2">GRADE</th>

    <th rowspan="2">SUBJECT <br> POSITION</th>

register error

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'code' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into users (name, email, password, updated_at, created_at) values (Pavan, [email protected], $2y$10$NJUlKDjkp5m5L731Oh84v.CPabN.o81reJ1aUt5SIcPoJvchf5YuC, 2022-03-07 11:55:00, 2022-03-07 11:55:00))

UsersTableSeeder Doesn't Push data in database!

php artisan db:seed

Command Shows Errors in the billow


  SQLSTATE[21S01]: Insert value list does not match column list: 1136 Column count doesn't match value count at row 2 (SQL: insert into `users` (`code`, `email`, `name`, `password`, `photo`, `remember_token`, `user_type`, `username`) values (PASCJOW8TA, [email protected], CJ Inspired, $2y$10$EGe0n7hOkvhW526JsmJEvONVgGQlyYU0XPG4Q5zszs8gv/Fb6YbQ6, http://localhost/global_assets/images/user.png, USDDp41vo1, super_admin, cj), (DGH3RDESV7, [email protected], Admin KORA, $2y$10$WpO5Gm1d6AaatepufxJH2.ZgTBXh6Lf9KeyqgJal3y7QY93XR0nmm, http://localhost/global_assets/images/user.png, qTGKb2x5z2, admin), (IH79J8XGR3, [email protected], Teacher Chike, $2y$10$pbUTFMSCbmqHfFJhVuXFsOsTc7/.U74aWpIcAzc7Ysye3OR95jOe2, http://localhost/global_assets/images/user.png, 0LQ2d3t0MM, teacher), (ATSL5TUDI7, [email protected], Parent Kaba, $2y$10$UYecYsy8EeQ6sEb2anqSrueZ7dHOystkPfIor9nSI6jw0XUgWYgwy, http://localhost/global_assets/images/user.png, jx7OmBOomA, parent))

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:671
    667▕         // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error
    668▕         // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a
    669▕         // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors.
    670▕         catch (Exception $e) {
  ➜ 671▕             throw new QueryException(
    672▕                 $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
    673▕             );
    674▕         }

      +10 vendor frames 
  11  database/seeders/UsersTableSeeder.php:68

  12  database/seeders/UsersTableSeeder.php:23

Soft Deletes

I was just wondering if you would consider using soft deletes, especially for the User Model.

How to get in touch regarding a security concern

Hey there!

I belong to an open source security research community, and a member (@nightfury99) has found an issue, but doesn’t know the best way to disclose it.

If not a hassle, might you kindly add a file with an email, or another contact method? GitHub recommends this best practice to ensure security issues are responsibly disclosed, and it would serve as a simple instruction for security researchers in the future.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you!

(cc @huntr-helper)

/timetables route error

This causes/timetables route error when the application is running. Because there are some syntax errors in using models in the TimeTableRepo.php file. the first character of the model should be capital.

App\models\TimeSlot --> App\Models\TimeSlot
App\models\TimeTable --> App\Models\TimeTable
App\models\TimeTableRecord --> App\Models\TimeTableRecord.

Noticeboard & pin

Notices are visible in the calendar on the dashboard - Not working
and how to manage pin

User username

Hi just want a help in modify little in this coding .. whenever i save a new user especially for accounant,teacher and parents username .. its not displaying the original username i enterd .. unless its showing like qs/staff/1970/5708 .. may i know how to change it ......
and why there is no account for create librarian and student


Can I add more permissions?

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-2022-2023' for key 'exams_term_year_unique'

Hello sir, can sameone help me please .

i need to create exam i add exam with name and term, first try accepte the exam and when i want to add another exam they show me this issue

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '1-2022-2023' for key 'exams_term_year_unique' (SQL: insert into exams (name, term, year, updated_at, created_at) values (sport, 1, 2022-2023, 2022-11-25 10:22:52, 2022-11-25 10:22:52))

how can i solve this ? im going to migration and i see nothing is unique on table , i think i should increment the id

Thank you sir

Setup Issue with linux

I don't see any requirements doc for this package. I tried installing this on windows with node v16.14, and nvm v7.17. Worked fine. I tried the same thing on ubuntu 20.04. It failed. Tried various versions of npm ranging from 7.0 to 8.7. It didn't work. This is the error I am getting. Any ideas to fix it?


Create/Update Student error

500 Internal Server Error Please Check for Duplicate entry or Contact School Administrator/IT Personnel

I always get the above error any time I update a student or create a new one

No license

Nice work.
Could you please try to specify a license for the repository.


Composer Audit

just sharing what i find in hopes that it will assist

Found 5 security vulnerability advisories affecting 1 package:
| Package           | dompdf/dompdf                                                                    |
| CVE               | CVE-2023-23924                                                                   |
| Title             | Dompdf vulnerable to URI validation failure on SVG parsing                       |
| URL               |                                |
| Affected versions | <2.0.2                                                                           |
| Reported at       | 2023-02-01T01:37:56+00:00                                                        |
| Package           | dompdf/dompdf                                                                    |
| CVE               | CVE-2022-41343                                                                   |
| Title             | Remote file inclusion                                                            |
| URL               |                                |
| Affected versions | <2.0.1                                                                           |
| Reported at       | 2022-09-22T13:54:00+00:00                                                        |
| Package           | dompdf/dompdf                                                                    |
| CVE               | CVE-2022-2400                                                                    |
| Title             | Dompdf before v2.0.0 vulnerable to chroot check bypass                           |
| URL               |                                |
| Affected versions | <2.0.0                                                                           |
| Reported at       | 2022-07-19T00:00:26+00:00                                                        |
| Package           | dompdf/dompdf                                                                    |
| CVE               | CVE-2022-0085                                                                    |
| Title             | Server-Side Request Forgery in dompdf/dompdf                                     |
| URL               |                                |
| Affected versions | <2.0.0                                                                           |
| Reported at       | 2022-06-23T13:55:00+00:00                                                        |
| Package           | dompdf/dompdf                                                                    |
| CVE               | CVE-2022-28368                                                                   |
| Title             | Remote code injection via remote fonts                                           |
| URL               |                                |
| Affected versions | <1.2.1                                                                           |
| Reported at       | 2022-03-24T13:59:00+00:00                                                        |


i did alll but still showing php artisan queue:restart after running php artisan key:generate
No application encryption key has been specified.

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