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vizzu-lib's Issues

Types for colorPalette seem wrong

The types for color palettes are a little odd.

type Color = `#${number}`

type ColorPalette = Color 
	| `${Color} ${Color}` 
	| `${Color} ${Color} ${Color}`
	| `${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color}`
	| `${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color}`;

This makes sense, but in the docs, and in many CSS hex codes, they aren't just numbers.

In the docs, the examples give #9355e8FF #123456FF #BDAF10FF as a valid option, but this throws a TS error because there are numbers and letters.

Changing the color template string to #1 #11 #1 fixes the TS error, but is not actually valid.

Possible Solution

type Color = `#${number | string}`

This solves my use case, but I'm not sure if there was some logic around needing to be a number?

Enable custom unit prefix on axis labels

v1.: Enable other standard options than SI, (K, M, B, T)
v2.: Enable custom options set by the user

Question: Can the same prefixes be used on tooltips and labels? Instead of writing 3458387205, 3.46B or 3,458M could be used.


Persio, a small startup asked that: do we have next.js module?

Control animation through the promise result of the animate() method

Currently, the chart's animate() method returns a promise. The starting animation can be controlled (pause/play/seek) through the chart's animation property.

let anim = chart.animate();

This two entity should be integrated together. The desired usage would be:

let anim = chart.animate();

Current implementation:

Type definitions: Data.Table1NF type definition doesn't match documentation

The doc says that data can be specified by records, which I believe is referred to as Table1NF in the type definitions (at least based on the keys in that type)

let data = {
  series: [
    { name: 'Genres', type: 'dimension' },
    { name: 'Types', type: 'dimension' },
    { name: 'Popularity', type: 'measure' }
  records: [
    ['Pop', 'Hard', 114],
    ['Rock', 'Hard', 96],
    ['Jazz', 'Hard', 78],
    ['Metal', 'Hard', 52],
    ['Pop', 'Smooth', 56],
    ['Rock', 'Smooth', 36],
    ['Jazz', 'Smooth', 174],
    ['Metal', 'Smooth', 121],
    ['Pop', 'Experimental', 127],
    ['Rock', 'Experimental', 83],
    ['Jazz', 'Experimental', 94],
    ['Metal', 'Experimental', 58],

The type definition however requires that values must be set on the items of the series object. I believe type has been solved in #12 but that still means that values are required where they shouldn't be, according to the docs.

// comments stripped
interface SeriesMetaInfo
	name: string;
	type?: 'dimension'|'measure'; 

// [...]

interface Series extends SeriesMetaInfo {
  values: Values;

// [...]

interface Table1NF extends Filter {
  series?: Series[];
  records?: string[][];

I find the Table1NF naming confusing here, but I assume this is supposed to be a union type of the 'by series' and 'by records' specification of data. I don't think there is an elegant way around registering a separate interface for each of those.

I'll submit a PR soon.

Axis label multiple levels for more dimension

If there are multiple dimensions on axis we should show the labels for all dimensions instead of selecting one with labelLevel parameter

This can be replicated by following the plots in the sorting tutorial notebook.

As you follow along, the second to last plot looks like this:


and the final plot looks like:


Here - I think ideally, the final plot would have multi-tiered x axis labels, as by default it is impossible to know what each of the Genre bars within a Kind represent.

1st README example does not pass TypeScript compiler

In the first example, the series of Foo, Bar and Baz fails to compile for TS.

Here is a screenshot of the error after copy / pasting.

Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 1 00 43 AM

It's complaining that type is required on each entry, but is not present in the example.

I am not sure if the following is correct, but it passes TS

import Vizzu, { AnimTarget } from 'vizzu'

let data: AnimTarget['data'] = {
    series: [
      { name: 'Foo', values: ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Ted'], type: 'dimension' },
      { name: 'Bar', values: [15, 32, 12], type: 'measure' },
      { name: 'Baz', values: [5, 3, 2], type: 'measure' }

let chart = new Vizzu('myVizzu', { data })

If type is not actually required, perhaps make it so in the types. If it is, could you add it to the example?

TypeScript types for data.records are too restrictive

Apologies for all the TS issues, please let me know if it's too much.

The records are only allowed to be strings, but I think numbers are valid as well.

interface Table1NF extends Filter {
  /** The list of the data series that make up the data set. */
  series?: Series[];
  /** The array of data records to be appended to the end of the data set. */
  records?: string[][];

Should the records only be strings? I have added a //@ts-ignore and this works with numbers. This [fiddle] also shows with numbers.

Uncaught TypeError: this.tooltip is undefined

Perhaps I am doing something silly, but trying to recreate the tutorial line by line, I get this error when trying to add a tooltip.

import Vizzu from "[email protected]/dist/vizzu.min.js";

let data = {
  series: [
    name: 'Genres',
    type: 'dimension',
    values: [
    'Pop', 'Rock', 'Jazz', 'Metal',
    'Pop', 'Rock', 'Jazz', 'Metal',
    'Pop', 'Rock', 'Jazz', 'Metal'
    name: 'Types',
    type: 'dimension',
    values: [
    'Hard', 'Hard', 'Hard', 'Hard',
    'Smooth', 'Smooth', 'Smooth', 'Smooth',
    'Experimental', 'Experimental', 'Experimental', 'Experimental'
    name: 'Popularity',
    type: 'measure',
    values: [ 114, 96, 78, 52, 56, 36, 174, 121, 127, 83, 94, 58 ]

let chart = new Vizzu('vizzu-tooltip')

chart.animate({ data });

  config: {
    channels: {
      x: { set: ['Genres'] },
      y: { set: ['Popularity'] }


I am on [email protected], using npm live-server.

Legend items ordering, sorting

Task: there should be parameters for legend ordering and sorting.

Legend and Geometry: Area charts work in reverse of each other as shown in the attached image.

Screen Shot 2022-07-13 at 11 26 15 AM

I attempted to remedy this with configurations (reverse, orientation, rotate, etc.), but none seemed to solve with desirable outcome. It would be nice if this directionality was corrected by default, or a configuration to reverse the order in the Y Axis.

Chart type presets

Vizzu implements an abstract, chart type independent data visualization interface.
It would be good to provide explicit chart type presets (bar, pie, ...) for beginner users.

Interface: Vizzu class should have a static preset property, with methods for the different chart types.
these methods should return a chart config object specific for the selected chart type.


chart.animate(['y axis data series 1', ...], ['x axis data series 1', ... ]));

Example output:['a','b'], ['c', 'd' ])
  channels: {
    x: [ 'c', 'd'],
    y: ['a','b'],
    color: null,
    size: null,
    lightness: null,
    noop: null  
  geometry: 'rectangle',
  coordSystem: 'cartesian'

Vizzu class source file:

Implemented Chart type examples:

CSS variable support for styling (via JS API)

use case: easy dark/light mode switch, or themes

const el = document.getElementById("myVizzu");
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(el);
// style: { plot: { marker: { label: { position: "whatever"}}}}

Problems with loading the Web Assembly module when using code bundlers (Vite, Webpack)

I'm playing around in a react project created with create-react-app (which uses webpack for bundling) and between how Vizzu is trying to locate its WASM and how webpack bundles it, I can't figure out an elegant way to get it to work.

I realize this is not an issue with Vizzu per se, but wanted to highlight it, as it will be important for the adoption.

Details as I understand them right now.
The vizzu js module tries to import its own wasm module based on its own import path.

In my case this resolves to http://localhost:3000/node_modules/vizzu/dist/cvizzu.wasm

This file path is not recognized by the local dev server (as it only bundles .js/.ts files by default)
Since the path is not recognized it serves the main webpage I'm trying to develop to test the module.

The wasm parser naturally fails to parse this and I get an empty page.

I know that there is a way to update the webpack config in order to serve the wasm file on this exact path, which is a half-decent solution but I don't (yet) know how to do it. I'll add details here once I have them

Emscripten generated JS file size optimization.

Emscripten generates a JavaScript interface for the compiled wasm code /weblib/cvizzu.js with a lot of unnecessary checks:

"... was not exported. add it to EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the FAQ)"

Empscripten should be configured to not emit these checks, or if it not possible, the checks should be discarded in an additional build step.

Empscripten configuration:
Building the project:

reveal.js plugin

Create reveal.js plugin, where animations are triggered by reveal.js events.

TypeScript types not configured correctly

In the distributed package.json, the key for TS types is missing, thus leading to TS complaining it cannot find them.

// package.json
  "name": "vizzu",
  "types": "dist/vizzu.d.ts",

They are being included, but not referenced. Doing the above in my node_modules directory solved the issue

could not allocate memory, after many components using Vizzu have been loaded/reloaded

vizzu.min.js:19 Uncaught RangeError: WebAssembly.Memory(): could not allocate memory
at eval (vizzu.min.js:19:1)
at new Vizzu (vizzu.min.js:19:1)
at eval (ShareOfChart.js:158:1)
at invokePassiveEffectCreate (react-dom.development.js:23487:1)
at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:3945:1)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:3994:1)
at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:4056:1)
at flushPassiveEffectsImpl (react-dom.development.js:23574:1)
at unstable_runWithPriority (scheduler.development.js:468:1)
at runWithPriority$1 (react-dom.development.js:11276:1)

Connectiontype over missing line/area elements

We need a new channel parameter: connectiontype
If the user filters from the data series on the X-axis (parallel to the line or area), then:
1.) connect on - we connect the lines and the area.
2.) connect off - we "cut" the lines and the area, they are not connected, and they end at the height of the remaining values that were not filtered out.

So I am very much sure my data does not end with low values right now.
But every day, the graph still ends as it seems to require finishing down its drawing to zero.

It is possible that's within Vizzu's engine that it drops to low values near the end like that?


  • last days of data should reflect actual data


  • drops to zero every day


add computedStyle() should return only the user-set styles, and there should be another function computedStyle() which returns all the styles regardless of being set or not by the user.

Most basic interaction example

Is there an example of user interaction, i.e. I click a button, chart gets updated (for example with a different filter value)? I assume this could be achieved by registering a handler via chart.on() but the tutorial does not seem to have an example of this.

Vizzu breaks when used with Terser drop_console

If Vizzu is deployed to production with console.log statements dropped, via Terser, the chart is not rendered and an exception is thrown.

If Terser is disabled, the chart library works fine.

Vizzu overwrites config object

This is a strange one, I'm not even sure it's a bug or just unexpected for me.

In my WIP application, I'm keeping track of the config object I'm passing to Vizzu because I use it to render pieces of the UI.
This state object extends the AppState interface from the below definition:

import { Data, Config } from "vizzu/dist/vizzu";
type FullConfig = NoOptional<Config.Chart>;
interface AppState {
  chartConfig: FullConfig;
  dataset: Data.TableBySeries;

in my app I pass this to Vizzu every single time it gets modified by my app

// whenever state.chartConfig is changed by the app
  config: state.chartConfig,

in another place I attempt to render UI elements based on the state object, and so I loop through the key-value pairs of state.chartConfig.channels. a simplified snippet for this would be e.g.:

const colorSeries = state.chartConfig.channels.color => // render the ui)  

However, after the first UI change, I get the following error:

TypeError: is not a function

Looking at my state object, it's because the channels no longer hold string arrays, they have been replaced by objects

I believe this is done because JavaScript passes objects by reference and not by value, so this line in the lib mutates my original object, instead of creating a copy for its own internal use.

This can be solved in two places in my view.

  1. Either the lib takes a deep copy of the config object before mutating it
  2. I pass a deep copy to the animate method instead of the actual object

I think option 1 would give the better developer experience.

Chart event unregistering

Events seem to fail to unregister while using the off method on a chart while multiple instances of the same handler is registered.

Array of record objects as data

Although it's easy enough to transform the data, it'd be nice if Vizzu accepts data as an array of objects e.g.

{ Genre: 'Pop', Type: 'Hard', Popularity: 114 },
{ Genre: 'Rock', Type: 'Hard', Popularity: 96 },

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