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wololokingdoms's Introduction


A program for converting AOE2HD expansions files (The Forgotten, African Kingdoms and Rise of the Rajas) to the original AOC engine format.

Note: Please download the program or post any issues, pull requests, etc. on the current main repository (

Why ?

People who play AOE2:HD are probably aware of all the issues currently affecting the game : lobbies not starting, desyncs, lag issues etc. The original AOC version with UserPatch doesn't suffer from as many issues, and is overall a way more stable and usable version of the engine. However, people playing on this version of the engine are missing out on great contents provided by the expansions released for AOE2HD. This program is an attempt at providing the best of both worlds, while waiting for an even better game engine (either openage or AoE 2: DE) Usage of the converter should hopefully be intuitive, but there are more detailed instructions below if needed.


To run it, you will need to own HD and its expansions. If you don't own all expansions, civilizations of DLCs that you don't own and civs of any DLCs released later will not be available to you. This means:

  1. If you don't own the Forgotten Empires (FE) DLC, you can't use this mod
  2. If you don't own African Kingdoms (AK), you will only have access to AoC and FE civs (regardless if you own Rise of the Rajas or not)
  3. If you don't own Rise of the Rajas (RotR), you won't have access to RotR civs.

In multiplayer, there will be three different Data Mods available, WololoKingdoms (with all civs), as well as WololoKingdoms FE and WololoKingdoms AK with limited civ pools. You will have to use one of the latter ones if you do not own all DLCs.

It's heavily recommended to get all 3 DLCs though to be able to join all games.

How to use (with Voobly)

Download the latest release, extract the Zip, make sure Steam is running and launch the WololoKingdoms.exe inside (It should find your HD installation automatically, otherwise copy the entire WololoKingdoms folder into your Age2HD folder and try again). You can then use it as a mod in Voobly (To do that, click the "Settings" button next to "Launch", click the "Mod" checkbox, then select "WololoKingdoms". Make sure to select Userpatch 1.5 as the patch. You can then launch as normal).

How to use (without Voobly)

Download the latest release, extract it, make sure Steam is running and launch as usual. Select the "Create an offline installation" checkbox and let the program run. You can launch the game using the "WK.exe" in the "age2_x1/" folder.

How to use (on Linux)

You can install Age of Empires 2 HD on Linux by enabling Steam Play for unsupported games. Open Steam, and in the top left menu select Steam » Settings » Steam Play. There is a checkbox under "Advanced" to enable Steam Play for all titles. Restart Steam and install AoE2:HD. You must also install AoC 1.0c in Wine first. Download the latest WololoKingdoms release, extract it, make sure Steam is running and launch ./WololoKingdoms. It will attempt to find your Wine-based AoC installation.

Linux is not a primary supported platform for WololoKingdoms. The latest releases may not always work.

The Linux version of WololoKingdoms is currently not being tested with Voobly. If you're lucky it may work.


The options in the installer have a "Help" Icon to explain them, but they will also be explained here in more detail:

  • Language: Here you can choose the language you want your game to be in. It's possible that for use without Voobly, there might be some issues with special characters that aren't in the english alphabet.
    • If there is a translation file available, this will also change the language of the installer window. Currently, only Simplified Chinese has been translated. If you want the option available for your native language, you could volunteer to translate them
  • Install Directory: This should automatically detect your installation of the original game, if it exists. If for some reason this doesn't work, or you have multiple installations you want to choose from, you can select the installation directory here.
    • Choose the main folder (so that /age2_x1 is a subfolder), or the installer won't recognize it.
  • Voobly Installation/Offline Installation/Both: You can choose to install this as a Voobly Data Mod, as a seperate WK.exe for use without Voobly ("offline"), or both. During the offline installation, you will get a separate window for creation of the WK.exe.
  • Old Patch/Data Mod: For installation of additional data mods based on WK. Check the point on data mods below for more information
  • Hotkeys: This dropdown is for choosing your hotkey file: You have several options:
    • Keep your current hotkey configuration: If you've installed WololoKingdoms before and want to keep your hotkeys as they are
    • Use current AoC/Voobly hotkeys: Use the hotkey set that's currently in use for regular AoC on Voobly. Note that if you choose this option, you might be missing some new hotkeys for units like Condotierros, Genitours etc. This depends on the version of the hotkey file
    • Use HD hotkeys for this mod only: This copies your hotkey file from your HD installation. Your hotkeys for AoC on Voobly are unaffected however
    • Use HD hotkeys for this mod and AoC: This changes your hotkeys for regular AoC as well to that of the HD edition.
    • Note that if you have an unusual configuration (If you've created/deleted different profiles in-game), the installer might not be able to identify the correct hotkey file. In that case you will have to fix it manually.
    • As a general recommendation for creating new hotkey sets, you can use Make sure to use HD5.0+ for the version.
  • Install Mods with restricted civ pools: People who do not own all DLCs on steam do not have access to the full WololoKingdoms mod. However, they can play separate versions of the mod with restricted civ pools (WololoKingdoms AK for all civs up to and including African Kingdoms, WololoKingdoms FE for all AoC and Forgotten Empires civs).
    • If you want to play with someone who only has such restricted access, you can check this option to install these mods as well. The installer uses symbolic links for those, so this doesn't need more space on your hard drive.
  • Improve tooltip and tech tree descriptions: This replaces the extended tooltips that can be enabled with F1. Also affects the descriptions in the Tech Tree. This offers significantly more information than the default descriptions, including stuff like attack speed, attack bonuses and so on.
  • Copy Real World and Special Maps: If you want to use the Real World or Special Maps included in the expansions. Unlike on HD, you will find these in the "custom" dropdown. Most of these maps will have a "ZR@"-prefix for technical reasons. Maps with rw_ are real world maps, maps with sm_ special maps.
  • Try converting custom HD maps: The installer can try to convert maps in your HD custom maps folder for use with WololoKingdoms. If the map uses no expansion terrains, it can be just copied, but for expansion terrains, it will create a special ZR@ map. Also note that under certain circumstances, an accurate conversion may not be possible.
    • This option takes a long time if you have a lot of custom maps. If you just want to convert a few specific maps, try temporarily moving the other maps while you let the installer run.
  • Adjust garrison flags for new architectures: This is intended for use with this mod: It shifts the position of garrison flags to fit the changed architecture. If you don't use this mod, uncheck this option
  • No Snow/Small Trees/Grid/Regional Monks/Short Walls: These are all graphics mods that can be used with or without Voobly. You can still override these with other Voobly Mods. To remove them, you need to run the installer again with the option unchecked.
    • Regional Monks gives monks of certain regions (Asia/Middle East/Africa,India) a different graphical appearance.
  • If there are any Voobly Graphic or Sound Mods that you want to use offline (or if you want to make some of them permanent to reduce the number of voobly mods in use), you can place the files of the mod in the "mod_override" folder and run the installer. These files will automatically replace regular game files. To undo this, you need to remove the files from the folder and run the installer again.
    • This can e.g. be used for a different grid mod, using some of the architecture mods offline, etc.

Data Mods or old patches

WololoKingdoms has the option to install additional data mods with changed balance. To install any of these, make sure you have the regular version of WK installed, then click the Old Patch/Data Mod Checkbox, select the desired mod from the dropdown and click "Run".

There are two types of data mods:

  • The "Patch/Installer x.x, Koth5 and Titans of Arina" data mods are intended for watching older recorded games played on a different balance. You might have to compare the date of the game with patch dates to find what patch you need to use. Newer recorded files have the game version they were played on saved in resource 198, which rec analyzers could read. You might also potentially have to choose an older version of Userpatch 1.5
  • Other mods offer gameplay changes from regular WololoKingdoms: The King of the Hippo Mod gives the center monument a resource trickle of 1 Wood, Food, Gold and Stone per second. x3 and x9 Tech Mods allow each technology to be researched 3/9 times for some crazy games. Additional Editor Units is for Scenario Designers, showing all units in the editor with improved descriptions.

With the exception of older patches for rec viewing, you need to own all DLCs to be able to install a data mod.

It's also possible for other data mods based on WK to be added to the installer. Best create an issue with your request on the github page.

Troubleshooting/Known issues/FAQ

I've done my best to make the installer stable, but sometimes it can still have issues. Generally, if you encounter problems: Make sure you run the installer as administrator (right click the exe -> run as administrator). If you get a message about an exception, often just closing the installer and running it again helps

  • Q: Why is my interface is messed up? It looks like this: A: This happens if you reinstalled an older version of the compatibility patch after installing WololoKingdoms. To fix it, you can go into the Age2HD folder and delete the "compatslp" subfolder.

New maps

There is a number of new maps. Many of these have a ZR@ prefix, which replace the graphics of some terrains.

  • ZR@sm_ maps are the special maps from the HD expansions
  • ZR@rw_ maps are the real world maps from the HD expansions
  • ZR@CtR maps are capture the relic maps. When playing these, make sure to select "Relics" as the victory condition
  • SD_ maps are sudden death maps, with only one TC being allowed, and losing that will make you lose the game.
  • NoCut_Black_Forest is a concept map, showing off the possibility to disable regular Onager cutting and enabling mangonel/onager cutting with a seperate imperial age technology.

Regional Monks, Independent Architecture, Custom Mods

The WololoKingdoms supports Independent Architecture like this HD Data Mod: To replace a civ's architecture, download an IA mod for that civ from the steam workshop, find the folder you just downloaded in the steam workshop folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\221380) and copy that folder. You can then paste it into the /mod_override folder you'll find next to the installer. Alternatively you can use a Voobly mod like this one: You can also paste any graphics/sound mod you want to use offline into this folder.

There's also a "new_terrain_override" folder, should you wish to use different terrain slps for the expansion terrains. You can look at "/resources/new terrains" to see the naming convention.

There are also additional monk skins for Middle Eastern/African and Asian Monks. If you don't like these, you can uncheck "Regional monks" in the installer.

Regional Units

The Independent Architecture concept has been expanded to units. The default unit looks are unchanged, but open for modding now. SLP numbers for modding are simple: Take the existing SLP number and add a value depending on the civ group. The values are:

  • (0: Default)
  • 60000: Goths, Teutons, Vikings (Central European)
  • 70000: Byzantines, Slavs (East European/Orthodox)
  • 80000: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (Mediterranean)
  • 90000: Japanese
  • 100000: Chinese, Koreans (East Asian)
  • 110000: Burmese, Vietnamese, Malay, Khmer (Southeast Asian)
  • 120000: Turks, Persians, Saracens, Berbers (Middle Eastern)
  • 130000: Indians
  • 140000: Ethopians, Malians (African)
  • 150000: Incas, Aztecs, Mayans (American)
  • 160000: Huns, Mongols (Steppe)
  • 170000: Magyars


To allow for maps with the new expansion terrains, some changes have been made. These terrains have changed from AoC:

  • DLC_MANGROVESHALLOWS replaces Dirt 2 (Terrain nr. 11). To get the Dirt 2 look, use the Building Residue terrain (Nr. 27)
  • CRACKEDIT (Cracked Earth) replaces Snow Road (Terrain nr. 38). This terrain has a damage multiplier, all buildings placed on it will take 1.2x of the regular damage.
  • Snow Road replaces Snow Dirt (Terrain nr. 33). To get the Snow Dirt look, use the Snow Building Residue terrain (Nr. 36)
  • DLC_MANGROVEFOREST replaces Oak Forest (Terrain nr. 20). Use regular forest (Nr. 10) instead, it looks identical (apart from the name of the trees).
  • BAOBAB replaces Old Grass (Terrain nr. 16). This terrain was only used as the base terrain for cliffs. If you want to change the look of the cliff terrain, you can replace terrain nr. 16 with any other terrain in the rms script.
  • ACACIA_FOREST is now Terrain nr. 41 (previously unused).
  • The three Ice Terrains (Shallow Ice/26, Solid Ice/35 and Ice Beach/37) now use different SLP files. The default appearance is the same, but it allows for terrain mods that distinguish between the terrains, e.g. to make it visible where ships can and can't go. You can see this in use when selecting the "No snow" option
    • Shallow Ice/26 is 15024.slp, Solid Ice/35 is 15020.slp and Ice Beach/37 is 15034.slp

Extra features

WololoKingdoms has some additional unique features:

  • There are new "Resource Workshop" buildings, which have a resource trickle like a feitoria for map makers to use.

    • IDs 1300-1303: Auto-Convertible Food, Wood, Stone Gold Workshops
    • IDs 1304-1307: Regular Food, Wood, Stone Gold Workshops
    • 1308: Auto-Convertible Workshop with all four resource trickles
    • 1309: Regular Workshop with all four resource trickles.
    • All resource trickles are at a rate of 1/s. The speed of the trickle can be adjusted globally (for all such buildings on the map, including regular Feitorias) by changing the amount of resources 205-208 (Food, Wood, Stone, Gold) with effect_amount statements or corresponding triggers.
  • There is an option to disable fire galleys and demo rafts in feudal (with fire ship/demo ship not needing the war galley research) with rms scripting. There is an AOC_Islands.rms map included that demonstrates this. (Disabling Tech 604 disables Fire Galleys, Tech 605 Demo Rafts. Disabling Tech 168 enables Fire Ships in Castle, and disabling Tech 170 enables Demo Ships in Castle

  • There is an option to enable the X-Patch Trade cart change (In short: Trade Carts are twice as effective, but cost 2 pop. This is intended to reduce the number of units in the lategame and lessen lag due to fewer pathfinding calculation). To do so, disable Tech 88.

  • There is an option to move coinage/banking techs:

    • Disable Tech 17 to remove Banking, Tech 23 to remove Coinage. Disable Tech 223 to get Castle Age Coinage, Tech 224 for Imperial Age coinage and tech 225 for Imperial Age Banking.
  • Added XP_Black_Forest.rms to demonstrate this.


Because of the features missing from the original AOC engine, not everything from the expansions can be replicated, this includes :

  • As of now, the aim of this program is multiplayer random maps, converting campaigns etc. isn't planned. (It should be fine to play them on HD)
  • The hotkey menu is hardcoded, but this shouldn't be a big deal, as most of the new units are either unique units, or in the existing unit lines. Use the following hotkeys:
    • Camel hotkey for Battle Elephants
    • All other hotkeys should work as on HD
    • Note that on Userpatch, it is not possible to change the hotkeys for control groups. The hotkey menu might show this option, but it is not functional.
  • Everything else should be working identically to the HD version, but it's possible I've overlooked something.

Keep in mind

The Forgotten team has made a fantastic work with their expansions and, while this is probably not the way they expected their expansions to be played, I hope they can understand that many people are disapointed with the current state of AOE2HD engine. If you want to share this with other people so you can play together, send them this page, everyone needs to generate their files by themselves using this program and the files from their copy of AOE2HD with the expansions. If there are problems with this, report the issue and I will try to fix it.

How to build

The project is made of two parts: a library libwololokingdoms and the installer application. The library creates a libwololokingdoms.dll that contains the conversion logic and is used by the installer application.

You need a C++17 capable compiler because this project uses the new <filesystem> API.

Some dependencies are added as git submodules. To get them, do:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Installer Application

The installer application is a Qt app. You can use Qt Creator to build it, or use CMake from the command line.

The installer requires the Steamworks SDK, which it uses to check if and where HD Edition is installed. Get it from Steam.

To build the project on the command line:

cmake -B build
cmake --build build

You can find the compiled application in the build/bin directory. On subsequent builds you can do cmake --build build.


libwololokingdoms is built automatically when building the installer application. To build it standalone, see the libwololokingdoms readme.

Special thanks

  • Tails8521 for the African Kingdoms version of this installer. Without him this would never have happened.
  • Jineapple for reviving this program when Rise of Rajas came out, for all the countless hours he spent programming and fixing bugs for the WK experience to be as good (if not better) as HD.
  • Trirem for taking care of the project after Jineapple stepped down
  • The UserPatch team for making the new bonuses possible to use and all other great improvements that Userpatch brings.
  • The folks at Voobly for the support offered and a great platform to play the mod on.
  • Apre, Tapsa and sandsmark for the genieutils library
  • Tapsa for Advanced Genie Editor
  • Alqualunte and TWest for advices and testing
  • The AI scripters that have made their AIs compatible with this project, among them CheeseOnToast, TheMax and Promiskuitiv
  • Phoenix1vs for converting the interfaces for AK and RotR civilizations.
  • Saint_Michaels for creating the Independent Architecture mod on Steam which served as a template for this function on WololoKingdoms.
  • Shulker for creating an in-game logo for WololoKingdoms
  • The Forgotten Empires team for three great expansions!



wololokingdoms's People


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wololokingdoms's Issues

Further independent civ/unit seperation

For the next update, it would be nice to fully seperate all unit and building graphics for civs. This should just be a matter of adding the civ numbers to the respective vectors.

Excuse me, is the download point broken?

Excuse me, is the download point broken?

The download time is not only about 1 hour, but also about 1 hour.

Half of the download will show a failure, an internet error

Getting a version with number "5.7.4.efdJ1W" instead of "5.7.4" after update

After updating my mod from 5.7.2 to latest version, it stopped working properly. Hosting or joining a game is impossible because the version numbers don't match up, that's even so when I am the host, and the only player in the room (see next image).
I tried reinstalling WololoKingdoms multiple times, also by deleting all files in the Data Mods folder. I have also run Game Diagnostics which could not find the problem either.

The only workaround I found is to edit the version.ini file manually to "5.7.4" (see next picture). Unfortunately that made the game unstable, making almost all of my 1v1 games played with it out of sync at some point.

I'd like to mention that I got a warning during installation, stating, that I'm not on the correct patch on Steam. That's not true as far as I am aware.

I am using Windows 10, and have all expansions bought on Steam. I used the following settings during installation:

What should I do differently? Thanks in advance for your help!

Vertical Resolutions lower than 768 break the UI

I get this UI bug. I typically use 1280x720 resolution, except the problem also happens with 800x600 as well.

Changing the resolution does literally nothing. I'm playing as Khmer in this screenshot. If I go to a resolution above 720, say, 768 or 800, then the UI totally changes to the real one and it works. I don't have this problem in the HD edition though, only Voobly when I use this mod.

I can play with this UI, but realistically it's not easy. I can't really go to a higher resolution mostly because I play windowed. I stream and OBS is a bit dumb sometimes, so windowed is the best way to go for me. IN a larger resolution, the game window is cut off by the taskbar. I could move it, but I'm kinda lazy, and this is also the only game I have this problem with anyways.

Wololo patch 5.8

If i start a Death Match in post Imperial Age some buildings appear to have feudal arhitecture and in the superior UI it says i'm in Feudal Age. Also, will there be an increase in the maximum number of units selected from 40 to 60 like in HD? It feels weird that this mod implements all the changes in HD except this one.

"Tree L" causes a crash

When selecting "Tree L" in the scenario editor, the game crashes as soon as the mouse is on the map, so it looks like there's something wrong with the graphic. This is only with the pussywood option selected.

Invisible Units/possible crashes due to corrupted drs file

Some of the older data mods (such as the old version of King of the Hippo) need special adjustments to the data file. Those are SLPs for dark age buildings that have previously been affected by regional building changes. In the datamodlist.txt, the affected mods have the '4' flag set.
For some reason, the editDrs method which handles the copying/editing of the drs file doesn't seem to work anymore. Exact reasons unknown. This results in a corrupted drs file for those mods. This can also affect the base drs file for WK.

For now, if this happens to you, a reinstall of base 5.8.1 should fix the base mod. The data mod itself won't work.

Warning about broken comp patch language files

The language files shipped with the compatibilty patch are broken, which leads to issues with WK as well if used offline. If someone select offline or both installation, it would be good to have some kind of warning and instructions where to get the correct files.


I got a .ini file with turkish language, should be included in the next update

WK installation issues


I am facing some issues with the WK installer. I have the HD content but when attempting to install to "both", the installer just dies and Windows 7 closes it so I just installed to "Offline".

Voobly doesn't recognize the patch this way and when I try running WK54.exe, I get the error "make sure that your video card and driver are compatible with directdraw age of empires".

WK54 is the only thing that doesn't work as age2_x1.exe works fine with 1.5RC and HD works fine too.

I tried doing the "voobly installation" and it did get farther. During "Applying DAT patches", it dies again and Windows 7 just says "WololoKingdoms has stopped working".

Installer not working (visual glitches, run button disabled)


I've tried installing WoloKingdoms with Vooble but I can't seem to make the installer to work. Am I missing something ? I've downloaded it twice and tried copying the folder in Ao2 directory but nothing changed

Here's a screenshot


Thanks in advance for your help

Installation Problem

Just bought a new computer, installed Rise of Rajas on Steam, installed Voobly. When I start WololoKingdoms.exe, this window appears after the Update Check:

What can I do?

Missing strings

I built the project locally but the Qt UI strings are missing:


I'm not familiar with Qt, maybe a file is missing from the repository?

smol wishlist

After #23 is done, I'd like to see/make some more changes to make WololoKingdoms easier to embed in other programs. My current wishlist:

  • Remove the optional visual mods and different patches from libwololokingdoms, instead have some mechanism for specifying them in the app code, so the installer can still ship with them but other users of the library don't have to include them
  • Similarly for the custom AIs and RM scripts that ship with WK
  • Embed the required resources in the library so it's a single dll, and you don't need a resources/ folder (changing my mind on this because the resources folder is kinda large – maybe instead make as much optional as possible)
  • Maybe move the retryInstall() stuff out of the library, into the WK app, so an app can decide what to do / what to show a user if something fails
  • Split up WKConverter into smaller classes, so we can maybe have automated tests and so incremental compile times are faster

Personal (at least for now) Modification

Dear Developers of WololoKingdoms,

I really enjoy your work, playing it on voobly with a few friends of mine.
I hope this is the right way to contact you, but I couldn't find a forum or anything along those lines.
Now I've made a little private modification to yours, namely a triple tech version, and am wondering about how I'll move from now.
First of all - my action wasn't illegal i presume?
Since I haven't released the mod, I shouldn't have infringed upon any copyrights. At least that is the conclusion I came to with my limited understanding nowadays.
Secondly - since I had a few ideas moving forward (different Tech levels (3x, 9x, 256x), multiplication of civ-bonuses or Fun stuff like Feitoria-Effect for everyone) I was thinking it might be a nice Idea to publish this mod on voobly when I'm finished.
I would never do this of course, if anyone related to your project is against my intention.
Unregarding the answer, I would like to thank you for all the work you've put into this.
It's really nice to be able to play the new dlc civs on voobly, especially since my best friend can't run the HD version with more than 8 fps.

Hoping for a positive reply,


Non-Ascii characters broken in offline version

I thought I had fixed this before, but I recently noticed this again - In the offline version, non-ascii characters (e.g. letters with accents in AI names) can get garbled. Would be nice to have this fixed, though the character encoding of the DLLs is notoriously annoying to handle.

Update Patches/Data Mod for 5.9 correctly

Adding the original version of changed strings to the .ini files of a patch
Updating mods such as x3 that depend on current balance
Keeping the old mods based on 5.8.1 around for viewing recs (The mod list is becoming quite large... Might need to make this an on-demand thing)
Updating version numbers in the modlist txt file

impossible issue

Im tried to install WK from very beginning. It always was superbugged on all versions. Actually i had some problems with voobly too. Problem is that i have different paths. Lets me explain.

  1. I have 3 physical disks and 5 logical. Long time ago my AoE2HD and voobly was installed on first.
  2. After i reinstalled system few times and got 2 more disks. In that time installation of AoE2HD and voobly moved from one folder to another many times (i mean clean installation)
  3. About 1 year ago it was possible to play on voobly only with original version, but WK didnt work. HD version always worked fine.
  4. Now i trying to make fully clean installation but neither voobly nor WK installer cant work properly.

Problem with WK installer is following. Error
"There is no installation of Age2HD detected. It needs to be installed to run this converter." But i have installed AoE2HD. After proceeding to settings window there is "Install Directory" fields. This field is empty and i button with [...] doesnt work at all. Copy of path doesnt make button [Run] appear.
Before on "Install Directory" fields was written old path on my first disk. After i deleted old folder there is no more any path and i cant select any else.
Steam shows me correct installation folder. But neither voobly nor WK can find this path. Maybe something wrong with path itself - "X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Age2HD"?
Please, fix pathfinding in WK.

New version with DE features

Hi. Firstly, thank you for your work. WK with UP 1.5 is still the most stable version of the game without significant bugs and pathfinding issues. I read that they will be a new version of the mod which supports some of the DE QOL features. Is there an estimated release date? And will the new version require owning the Definitive edition?

Uprooting Tech conflict with SO

The uprooting tech for no cut BF can be researched alongside the siege onager tech. If SO gets completed first, when uprooting is completed the SO will revert back to onagers with broken stats (0 attack, bugged armors).
Easiest way to solve it is to disable the uprooting tech for SO civs (who have no point in researching it).

3x (9x) tech mod WK doesnt work properly on linux

Im on Linux Mint. First i used the AoE2ToolsCloud to install WK. Everything is absolutely fine. After first start i got some successful updates. Mods are working just fine. I got "WK", "Realms" and regular "3x tech" mod by default in AoE2Tools.
After some games i wanted to install other mods. As i expected, native Linux Chrome could not install mods for voobly on wine. So i downloaded this WK and used checkbox to install mods. First i installed "3x tech mod WK" and its didnt work. I was crashed in first minutes of multiplayer. I tested in singleplayer and i got only 1 regular tech. After i installed the "9x tech mod WK" and as before i didnt get more techs, just single one.
Also i can join as a spectator and watch first seconds before stop. I believe, when someone starts to upgrade loom im just desync as the spectator.

Any prediction whether this will work for the "Defenetive Edition" expansion

Hello, I was wondering if adding DE civ and balance to WK is planned. I already know that AoE2 DE won't work on Linux for a while (I did not sign an NDA and did not play the beta, but there are sources out there). Both voobly and HD run just fine on Linux. I am just wondering if it will be worth the 5 bucks off to have me jebaited into pre-ordering when it won't even be on voobly and hence unplayable for me.

Run button can be cut off

If a monitor has a small resolution or high scaling, it's possible the installer window becomes too high to fit fully on the screen, cutting of the run button.

Updater can't find my games

I've downloaded the latest update but everytime I start it, it says that it can't find my AoE games. I have placed the Wololokingdoms folder in my AoE 2 HD folder but it still can't find it. I've read through the readme file but can't find a solution.
What should I do? Any ideas?

Not extracting all resources.

After downloading the latest release. I could not get the installer to work. It was deleting files out of the resources folder. I know it is deleting SetupAoc.exe, and there are others, but I didn't catch what they were. It happens around 75% completion.

error message: boost::filesystem::copy_file: The system cannot find the file specified: "resources\SetupAoc.exe", "C:\Program Files\microsoft games\age of empires ii\SetupAoc.exe"

Windows defender saw SetupAoc.exe as a virus. So it removed it without telling me or permission? I turned off windows defender and everything worked fine.

updater is not working

for myself as well as many others (f1re / miguel / riut / goku reported same issue), the installer just stops and crashes when run. it says "downloading..." then says "installing..." then crashes.

i am running win7, idk about the others. i doubt it's just us.

my steam version of aoe is fully updated.

Include Immobile Unit AI

I've heard that on UP, "None" is effectively the same as Immobile Units, but I'm not sure if that's true. If not, the immobile units AI could be included by default.

Inconsistent Ballista Elephant damage

Due to the combination of blast damage with the pass-through effect (probably? Not 100% sure on the exact cause yet)s, the damage done by Ballista Elephants is very inconsistent - it can vary from 0-100%. Removing the blast radius solves the problem, but then trees are only felled, not removed completely.

This effect happens on HD as well but seems to be less pronounced there. In case this isn't fixed by the next HD patch, there should be a solution for WK. Needs some testing to see what works.

downloadlinks are invalid

Against release 5.8.1: the downloadlinks.txt contents point to downloads that are behind authentication. These cannot be downloaded correctly and it keeps causing the WololoKingdoms Updater to crash.

Graphics Bug - No Military Units

I am having issues with the WololoKingdoms mod,

While running Aoe2 through voobly without WololoKingdoms the game works fine,
However when I use the WololoKingdoms Mod the graphics start to bug out,
While villagers and my buildings seem to render correctly, military units and enemy buildings are invisible and unable to be selected.
Additionally the UI bar at the bottom of the screen fills the screen solitaire style on occasion.

Any tips or fixes? I can't seem to find the issue anywhere,

Build details?

I tried to build this project on Win7.
Unfortunately, I am stuck with iconv.
Although one can use genieutils.dll from the release and genieutils.dll.a from the source, one needs iconv.h for /include/genie/lang/LangFile.h.
Without it I get "undefined reference" errors in QT Creator:

undefined reference to `genie::LangFile::setString(unsigned int, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator >)'

It would be really nice if you could provide information on the version of inconv and/or upload the bin, include and lib folders of the version used for your genieutils to some filehoster.
Thank you!

Resolution 1024x600 Error Interface Wk

Hello, I have a resolution of 1024x600 as the title says and when trying to play the game I have interfaults errors with the civilizations of the Rise of Rajas I have the game in full steam help me to solve that error?

Improved tips when game is not found

Related to #32

If the HD installation is not found through the registry, the installer checks the folder it's placed in, so running the installer from the Age2HD directory can solve this issue. This is not properly explained in the error message however.

Similarly, if the AoC installation is not found, users can manually select the installation path. This could be explained more explicitely as well.

Feature Request: Pull data patches directly from github instead of release

This one is probably a bit of work, so it's questionable whether it's worth the effort.
Right now, if someone wants to create a data mod based on WK, the files for that need to be included manually in a release, so that's effort for Trirem/the maintainer and possibly also a bit of a restriction on mod creation.

It would be nice to have the resources/patches directory hosted on github. Then, if someone wants to create a new mod, they would simply make a pull request with it. The converter would automatically download the required files from github (instead of them being included in a release).
Afaik, this needs some work on the github repo because git itself doesn't allow for direct download of a folder.

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