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workout-tracker's Introduction

A workout tracking web application for personal use (or family, friends), geared towards running and other GPX-based activities

Self-hosted, everything included.

Heavily inspired by FitTrackee ❤️.

Getting started


Run the latest image from GitHub Container Registry (latest and release images are available for amd64 and arm64). The current directory is mounted as the data directory.

# Latest master build
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .:/data

# Tagged release
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .:/data
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .:/data
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .:/data

# Latest release
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .:/data

# Run as non-root user; make sure . is owned by uid 1000
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .:/data -u 1000:1000

Open your browser at http://localhost:8080

To persist data and sessions, run:

docker run -p 8080:8080 \
    -e WT_JWT_ENCRYPTION_KEY=my-secret-key \
    -v $PWD/data:/data \

or use docker compose

# Create directory that stores your data
mkdir -p /opt/workout-tracker
cd /opt/workout-tracker

# Download the compose.yaml
curl --output compose.yaml

# Start the server
docker compose up -d


Download a pre-built binary or build it yourself (see Development below).

Eg. for v0.11.3 on Linux x86_64:

tar xf workout-tracker-v0.11.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz

To persist sessions, run:

export WT_JWT_ENCRYPTION_KEY=my-secret-key

This will create a new database file in the current directory and start the web server at http://localhost:8080.


Login page

Login / registration form

  • new users have to be activated by an admin
  • registration can be disabled


Dashboard view with:

  • personal totals
  • running records
  • a calendar view
  • recent activities (by you and other users)

Overview of workouts

Overview of all your activities, with summaries. The columns are sortable.

Details of a single workout

Details of a workout, with:

  • a zoomable, dragable map of the GPX track with more details per point
  • many summarized statistics
  • a breakdown per kilometer or per mile
  • track color based on elevation of the segment
  • graph of average speed and elevation per minute

Tooltips for even more information

  • green and red circle are start and end points of the track
  • every point on the track has a tooltip with a summary at that moment
  • hover over the breakdown per kilometer to highlight the point

Upload your files

  • Upload one or multiple GPX files.
  • Pick the type (running, cycling, ...) or let the application guess based on average speed
  • The files are parsed when uploaded: statistics and other information are calculated and stored in the database (serialized).

Statistics to follow your progress

  • Graphs showing monthly aggregated statistics.

Basic multi-language support

  • Switch between (supported) languages
  • Use the language configured in the browser (default)
  • Very limited amount of languages supported for now 😄
  • Re-calculate all previously uploaded workouts (useful while developing)

Responsive design

  • Usable on small and medium screens

Light and dark mode

  • Browser decides whether to use light or dark mode, based on your preferences


The web server looks for a file workout-tracker.yaml (or json or toml) in the current directory, or takes it's configuration from environment variables. The most important variable is the JWT encryption key. If you don't provide it, the key is randomly generated every time the server starts, invalidating all current sessions.

Generate a secure key and write it to workout-tracker.yaml:

echo "jwt_encryption_key: $(pwgen -c 32)" > workout-tracker.yaml

or export it as an environment variable:

export WT_JWT_ENCRYPTION_KEY="$(pwgen -c 32)"

See workout-tracker.example.yaml for more options and details.

Other environment variables, with their default values:


After starting the server, you can access it at http://localhost:8080 (the default port). A login form is shown.

If no users are in the database (eg. when starting with an empty database), a default admin user is created with password admin. You should change this password in a production environment.

API usage

The API is documented using swagger. You must enable API access for your user, and copy the API key. You can use the API key as a query parameter (api-key=${API_KEY}) or as a header (Authorization: Bearer ${API_KEY}).

You can configure some tools to automatically upload files to Workout Tracker, using the POST /api/v1/import/$program API endpoint.


Read their documentation before you continue.

The path to POST to is: /api/v1/import/fitotrack?api-key=${API_KEY}


Build and run it yourself

  • install go
  • clone the repository
go build ./

This does not require npm or Tailwind, since the compiled css is included in the repository.

Do some development

You need to install Golang and npm.

Because I keep forgetting how to build every component, I created a Makefile.

# Make everything. This is also the default target.
make all # Run tests and build all components

# Install system dependencies
make install-deps

# Testing
make test # Runs all the tests
make test-assets test-go # Run tests for the individual components

# Building
make build # Builds all components
make build-tw # Builds the Tailwind CSS output file
make build-server # Builds the web server
make build-docker # Performs all builds inside Docker containers, creates a Docker image
make build-swagger # Generates swagger docs

# Translating
make generate-messages # Detects all translatable strings and write them to translations/messages.yaml
make generate-translations # Populates the translation files per language

# Running it
make serve # Runs the compiled binary
make dev # Runs a wrapper that watches for changes, then rebuilds and restarts
make watch-tw # Runs the Tailwind CSS watcher (not useful unless you're debugging Tailwind CSS)

# Cleanin' up
make clean # Removes build artifacts

What is this, technically?

A single binary that runs on any platform, with no dependencies.

The binary contains all assets to serve a web interface, through which you can upload your GPX files, visualize your tracks and see their statistics and graphs. The web application is multi-user, with a simple registration and authentication form, session cookies and JWT tokens). New accounts are inactive by default. An admin user can activate (or edit, delete) accounts. The default database storage is a single SQLite file.

What technologies are used

The application uses OpenStreetMap as its map provider and for geocoding a GPS coordinate to a location.


This is a work in progress. If you find any problems, please let us know. The application is tested with GPX files from these sources:

  • Garmin Connect (export to GPX)
  • FitoTrack (automatic export to GPX)
  • Workoutdoors (export to GPX)


  • write tests!!!!!
  • add support for authentication through a reverse proxy
  • make a dev-flag that doesn't embed all files in the binary
  • add support for generic database drivers
    • added support for MySQL, but untested so far
    • added support for Postgres by @icewind1991
  • add support for other types of import files (eg. Garmin fit files)
  • see if htmx is worth using
    • first I need a use case

workout-tracker's People


bbbutch avatar carteakey avatar davidhenrythoreau avatar icewind1991 avatar jovandeginste avatar pixelspark avatar


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workout-tracker's Issues

Disable Registration

Currently on the login page anyone can register an account.

Would it be possible to add a variable to disable registration on the login page please?

Loving the project and your response to my other issue was really appreciated!

Time discrepancy

I have noticed a time discrepancy between the Workouts Sumary page and the timeline on the individual Workout page.

The "an hour ago" is correct. But the displayed time should be 16:18


Detailed Workout page

Timeline is correct

Just for info the Walk started 16:18 and current time as posting is 17:58

Error when enabling API access: constraint failed: UNIQUE constraint failed: (1555)

I tried to enable the API access so I could integrate directly with fitotrack


Browser error: Something went wrong: constraint failed: UNIQUE constraint failed: (1555)

workout_tracker                   | {"time":"2024-05-03T01:04:08.819639955Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"constraint failed: UNIQUE constraint failed: (1555)","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"<snip>","module":"database","error":"constraint failed: UNIQUE constraint failed: (1555)","query":"INSERT INTO `profiles` (`created_at`,`updated_at`,`deleted_at`,`user_id`,`api_active`,`language`,`totals_show`,`timezone`,`auto_import_directory`,`socials_disabled`,`prefer_full_date`,`preferred_units`,`id`) VALUES (\"2024-05-03 01:04:08.818\",\"2024-05-03 01:04:08.818\",NULL,1,true,\"browser\",\"auto\",\"\",\"\",false,false,\"{\"\"speed\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"distance\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"elevation\"\":\"\"\"\"}\",3) RETURNING `id`","duration":1465174,"rows":0,"file":"/app/pkg/database/profile.go:64"}

Version: branch master (5ccfa42)
Environment: Containerised, Debian 12 64b, image from

sqlite> select * from profiles;
1|2024-03-08 12:44:45.089166958+00:00|2024-03-08 12:44:45.089166958+00:00||0|0|browser|running|||||
2|2024-03-08 13:06:39.760551862+00:00|2024-03-08 13:06:39.760551862+00:00||0|0|browser|running|Australia/Brisbane||||

This may be a DB schema issue, since I originally set up the DB on a much earlier version. I am perfectly amenable to deleting the database and re-importing the track files, but I thought the above might be useful.

Unable to edit Workout

Just going through my imported Workouts from FitoTrack and noticed one had a top speed of 20km/m near the end.
So I wanted to see if I could trim the walk to remove the last few mins. But I get the following error when I press the edit button:


I'm not sure if a log file records any further information or not as I only have the /data folder exposed on Unraid.
If an error log is created would it be possible to have a copy stored in /data with the database file?

Worker started every secondes

I'm looking at docker logs workout-tracker -f

It's appears a worker starts every secondes, is that normal ?

"time":"2024-05-07T11:12:53.151237364+02:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Worker started...","app":"workout-tracker","version":"v0.14.2"
{"time":"2024-05-07T11:12:53.153765084+02:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Worker finished...","app":"workout-tracker","version":"v0.14.2","s
{"time":"2024-05-07T11:14:53.167323297+02:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Worker started...","app":"workout-tracker","version":"v0.14.2","
{"time":"2024-05-07T11:14:53.16989256+02:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Worker finished...","app":"workout-tracker","version":"v0.14.2",

Error processing .fit file

Hi, thank you for developing this project! I am trying out the project with podman on my local machine, and there seems to be an error processing a .fit file generated using a Wahoo Element Bolt bike computer.

version: v0.13.0
The following error is seen on the page:

The console log follows:

{"time":"2024-04-14T19:25:40.367276288Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"sql: converting argument $5 type: json: unsupported value: NaN","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"1131e68d8a262f85731b2a661f5a6af1897aa8af","module":"database","error":"sql: converting argument $5 type: json: unsupported value: NaN","query":"INSERT INTO `map_data_details` (`created_at`,`updated_at`,`deleted_at`,`map_data_id`,`points`) VALUES (\"2024-04-14 19:25:40.366\",\"2024-04-14 19:25:40.366\",NULL,1,\"\") ON CONFLICT (`id`) DO UPDATE SET `map_data_id`=`excluded`.`map_data_id` RETURNING `id`","duration":117335,"rows":0,"file":"/app/pkg/database/workouts.go:197"}
{"time":"2024-04-14T19:25:40.367474547Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"sql: converting argument $5 type: json: unsupported value: NaN","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"1131e68d8a262f85731b2a661f5a6af1897aa8af","module":"database","error":"sql: converting argument $5 type: json: unsupported value: NaN","query":"INSERT INTO `map_data` (`created_at`,`updated_at`,`deleted_at`,`workout_id`,`creator`,`name`,`center`,`address`,`total_distance`,`total_duration`,`max_speed`,`pause_duration`,`min_elevation`,`max_elevation`,`total_up`,`total_down`,`points`) VALUES (\"2024-04-14 19:25:40.366\",\"2024-04-14 19:25:40.366\",NULL,1,\"Garmin Connect\",\"\",\"{\"\"Lat\"\":47.45598521556553,\"\"Lng\"\":8.797513872274084}\",\"{\"\"FormattedAddress\"\":\"\"Burgstrasse, Rutzen, Rikon, Zell (ZH), Bezirk Winterthur, Zürich, 8486, Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra\"\",\"\"Street\"\":\"\"Burgstrasse\"\",\"\"HouseNumber\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"Suburb\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"Postcode\"\":\"\"8486\"\",\"\"State\"\":\"\"Zürich\"\",\"\"StateCode\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"StateDistrict\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"County\"\":\"\"\"\",\"\"Country\"\":\"\"Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra\"\",\"\"CountryCode\"\":\"\"CH\"\",\"\"City\"\":\"\"Rikon\"\"}\",0,6524000000000,0,776000000776,0,0,355.1200000000007,0,NULL) ON CONFLICT (`id`) DO UPDATE SET `workout_id`=`excluded`.`workout_id` RETURNING `id`","duration":1315417,"rows":1,"file":"/app/pkg/database/workouts.go:197"}
{"time":"2024-04-14T19:25:40.368148467Z","level":"ERROR","msg":"sql: converting argument $5 type: json: unsupported value: NaN; sql: converting argument $5 type: json: unsupported value: NaN","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"1131e68d8a262f85731b2a661f5a6af1897aa8af","module":"database","error":"sql: converting argument $5 type: json: unsupported value: NaN; sql: converting argument $5 type: json: unsupported value: NaN","query":"INSERT INTO `workouts` (`created_at`,`updated_at`,`deleted_at`,`name`,`date`,`user_id`,`dirty`,`notes`,`type`,`data`,`gpx_data`,`filename`) VALUES (\"2024-04-14 19:25:40.364\",\"2024-04-14 19:25:40.364\",NULL,\"\",\"2024-04-12 14:21:29\",1,false,\"\",\"cycling\",NULL,\"\",\"\") RETURNING `id`,`checksum`","duration":5123591,"rows":1,"file":"/app/pkg/database/workouts.go:197"}

I would happily provide you with the file privately via Email if you decide to tackle the issue, since I don't want to reveal my location. Thanks!

Bug: Graphing error on GPX imported via FitoTrack API

Workout-tracker version: [branch master (5ccfa42)]

I set up the Fitotrack (app version 15.4) API to export tracks direct into workout-tracker. It worked great, except there are some oddities in the data after importing.


The splits don't match what is displayed in Fitotrack:


...though the overall distance and time are mostly correct. The graph in workout-tracker is very wonky too, with strange overlapping artefacts for the elevation and average speed. It looks like the data points are being plotted out of order. Two points close together on the X axis are 8 minutes apart in time:


The track as downloaded from workout-tracker:

I deleted the workout in workout tracker and re-imported the exported track. That was corrupt in the same way. I deleted the workout, then I exported the GPX from fitotrack and imported it into workout-tracker via the web interface. It imported perfectly, with proper splits and graphing:


Here's that track:

Download Workout no longer working

Just tried to download a workout so I could edit it. As I need to trim the last section. But I get the following error.


It then just returns you back to the /workouts page

Output from Docker, doesn't really give any details?

{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.409458499+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Incoming request","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"e0a914e06295043ff333727a9780f262715fe778","module":"webserver","request":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.401963934+01:00","method":"GET","host":"IpAddress:8083","path":"/workouts/66/download","query":"","params":{"id":"66"},"route":"/workouts/:id/download","ip":"IpAddress","referer":"IpAddress:8083/workouts/66","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.409449427+01:00","latency":7485492,"status":302,"length":0}}
{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.533190114+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Incoming request","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"e0a914e06295043ff333727a9780f262715fe778","module":"webserver","request":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.412059471+01:00","method":"GET","host":"IpAddress:8083","path":"/workouts","query":"","params":{},"route":"/workouts","ip":"IpAddress","referer":"IpAddress:8083/workouts/66","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.533169064+01:00","latency":121109592,"status":200,"length":0}}
{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.540818913+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Incoming request","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"e0a914e06295043ff333727a9780f262715fe778","module":"webserver","request":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.540362231+01:00","method":"GET","host":"IpAddress:8083","path":"/assets/common.js","query":"","params":{"*":"/common.js"},"route":"/assets*","ip":"IpAddress","referer":"IpAddress:8083/workouts","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.54081133+01:00","latency":449101,"status":200,"length":0}}
{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.542237343+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Incoming request","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"e0a914e06295043ff333727a9780f262715fe778","module":"webserver","request":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.540295663+01:00","method":"GET","host":"IpAddress:8083","path":"/assets/output.css","query":"","params":{"*":"/output.css"},"route":"/assets*","ip":"IpAddress","referer":"IpAddress:8083/workouts","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.542213138+01:00","latency":1917476,"status":200,"length":0}}
{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.542916617+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Incoming request","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"e0a914e06295043ff333727a9780f262715fe778","module":"webserver","request":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.54044599+01:00","method":"GET","host":"IpAddress:8083","path":"/assets/dist/sorttable.js","query":"","params":{"*":"/dist/sorttable.js"},"route":"/assets*","ip":"IpAddress","referer":"IpAddress:8083/workouts","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.542909427+01:00","latency":2463438,"status":200,"length":0}}
{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.5436673+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Incoming request","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"e0a914e06295043ff333727a9780f262715fe778","module":"webserver","request":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.539075891+01:00","method":"GET","host":"IpAddress:8083","path":"/assets/dist/fontawesome/css/all.min.css","query":"","params":{"*":"/dist/fontawesome/css/all.min.css"},"route":"/assets*","ip":"IpAddress","referer":"IpAddress:8083/workouts","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.543660393+01:00","latency":4584501,"status":200,"length":0}}
{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.669444496+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Incoming request","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"e0a914e06295043ff333727a9780f262715fe778","module":"webserver","request":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.665640176+01:00","method":"GET","host":"IpAddress:8083","path":"/assets/dist/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2","query":"","params":{"*":"/dist/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2"},"route":"/assets*","ip":"IpAddress","referer":"IpAddress:8083/assets/dist/fontawesome/css/all.min.css","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:13.669433112+01:00","latency":3792932,"status":200,"length":0}}
{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:14.645143664+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Incoming request","app":"workout-tracker","version":"master","sha":"e0a914e06295043ff333727a9780f262715fe778","module":"webserver","request":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:14.642138501+01:00","method":"GET","host":"IpAddress:8083","path":"/assets/dist/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2","query":"","params":{"*":"/dist/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2"},"route":"/assets*","ip":"IpAddress","referer":"IpAddress:8083/assets/dist/fontawesome/css/all.min.css","length":0},"response":{"time":"2024-04-13T13:23:14.645131688+01:00","latency":2993186,"status":200,"length":0}}

Strava API Integration

Would be awesome to be able to connect to the Strava API to sync my workouts from there. Other workout apps would be awesome too. Loving the project so far!

Excessive scaling on "Time paused"

Total duration for Walking and Running activities only goes down to whole seconds, but Time paused goes down to millionths of a second.

I don't think that resolution for Time paused is required for either activity.
Perhaps Running or Sprinting will require Total duration to be in 10ths or 100ths of a second?


Total statistics are empty

Hey, thanks for this app!
Works great!

I have an issue with the global statistics above, they are empty althought a track has been uploaded.

By the way, were are stored the uploaded track on the server? I couldn’t find it in workout-tracker directory (but I can download it from the web interface).

Is there a way to choose a data directory (and set it as environment variable?). It would be useful for the package I made for Yunohost. Thanks!

Add equipment

It would be nice to add equipments like bike, shoes, bag

Markdown support in Notes

First of all amazing project it took 5 mins to spin up on Unraid.

Is it possible to support markdown in the notes field? I'm thinking on using it for instructions for hikes etc.

Once again thank you for an amazing project.

Editing workout defaults type to running

When editing a workout the "Type" defaults to running.
So if you don't realise you can change your workout type by mistake.
Would it be possible it reads the current "Type" and shows that as the default, that way when you "Update workout" your not changing the type, but you still have the option to do so if needed.


Wishlist: Automatic gpx import

I sync GPX files from fitotrack to my server. I would love to drop them into a directory and have them automatically import into workout-tracker.

It might be less work overall to write a crontask to curl the GPX files to the workouts endpoint, provided I can get the auth sorted out.

In any case: Love this project! I just imported 401 workouts into my instance in one go. It took a few minutes but worked perfectly. Thanks hugely!

[Feature Request] Accept FitoTrack HTTP POST

FitoTrack has the ability to automatically export a GPX workout at the end of the workout and send it to a server.

Would it be possible to accept these requests?
I have my Workout-Tracker behind a Nginx proxy so I can securely expose Workout-Tracker to the outside world.

I think this would be a cleaner solution than exporting to a folder and then having an additional app running to export it to the server. You wouldn't need something running on the server to except file uploads either.

Graphs for performance data: heart rate, cadence etc stats

I have just tested the app and it looks great!

What I'm still missing are the other performance graphs that are usually visible in services like Garmin Connect and Strava. I mean things like heart rate, cadence, altitude, performance condition, vertical ratio etc.

I don't know if Garmin's FIT files contain all this information, but I assume they do. I quickly checked the GPX and TCX exports from Garmin Connect and they include heart rate, cadence and temperature, but not all the other things that are visible in Garmin Connect.

I can provide sample files if that helps ☺️

Update: I checked a FIT file and it seems to contain all the data just as I assumed.

[Feature Request] Move some Docker Variables to Admin Page

Would it be possible to move the following to the admin page?

This would save having to restart the Docker container.

It might also be worth having an option for each user if WT_SOCIALS_DISABLED is false globally, they can still disable if they wish.

This way the admin can determine if socials are allowed or not at a server level.
If socials are allowed, then a user can still remove the option to do so if they wish.

Error importing FIT file for a swim

Tried to import a swimming file and got the error “ Encountered 1 problems while adding workouts: sql: converting argument $10 type: json: unsupported value: NaN”
Can you please help?

Export GPX files

Loving the app, would it be possible to add functionality to export a gpx file from a workout please?

Import from csv

I'm testing workout-tracker , I love that app which runs fast on Docker image 👍

I'd like to import past workouts from csv file which is formatted like that (I don't have gpx files any more) :

39,3958a0ec-f780-4579-b7a4-28deffdd8fe5,3,14,Mont Mc,,2018-08-13,,2018-08-13,7:30:00,,7:30:00,20,,3169,,,,,,,,,,-Salomon

I've search database.db but it seems to only get stats on gpx source.

Inconsistencies with time

I have imported a bunch of workouts, but the calendar is displaying the timing of one of them wrong. I assume its basing it off UTC and has meant a workout I did during the day is over two days now.

Here is the calendar showing its over two days:

Here is the average speed / elevation graph showing the correct times at the bottom:

Just want to say thanks for making this, amazing project so far!

After upgraded DB workout needs to manually refreshed


I have started my activity with release version 10.5.
I have imported 5800 workouts. Worked fine.

The Next release what I used as an upgrade was 12.1. Start automatically did the upgrade. The application loads perfectly and even lists the workouts and charts. However, If I click on one particular workout for details I got:

{"message":"Internal Server Error"}

In the log I can see:

8:21PM ERR template: workouts_show.html:65:45: executing "workouts_show.html" at <.StatisticsPer>: error calling StatisticsPer: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference app=workout-tracker version=v0.12.3 sha=6a69273150cab3138749ee5979d462bf959e58ee module=webserver request.time="2024-04-13 20:21:34.73549021 +0200 CEST" request.method=GET

If I click on the workout list view I can make a "refresh". It fixes it.
However, I don't want to do it on more than 5000 entries.

Is there a way to trigger a refresh for all workouts? or is it a bug?
Now I tried 12.3 release as well, but it is the same.

Add imperial units

Thanks for the app! Would it be possible to add imperial units like miles instead of kilometers?

Integration with Garmin Connect

First off, awesome work - love what you've done here!

From an architectural perspective when implementing I'd assume other services should also be considered (Strava etc.), but for my own use case I'd like to see an automatic import (on each training session) from Garmin Connect's API (preferably the PUSH approach for instant updates - but also sync/manual import incase of downtime?)

Is this something that's on the roadmap or being considered?

Support Photos

It would be fantastic if we could upload photos that were taken on our hikes and them be displayed on the map. I use another service called RideWithGPS which does this so I've attached a screenshot to show what I mean.


Thanks again for this wonderful project it's amazing that you are so responsive. Do you have a way to donate?

docker image as non-root user

Inside the docker image the app seems to run as root user:

docker exec -it workout-tracker sh
/data # ps -ef|grep workout
    1 root      0:00 /app/workout-tracker
   20 root      0:00 grep workout

Maybe it would be great to create a user with less privileges ?

Raspberry Pi4 support


I tried the docker ony my RPI4 but always get this:
The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested

Is there a simple fix?

The project looks really nice and I would love to use it :)

Thank you!

Add Translations for German

So far there is only english and dutch.
It would be great if there was also a choice of German as a translation.

If you want, I can also do this.

Feature request: Stationary workouts

I would dearly love to be able to import stationary workouts from fitotrack. Primarily treadmill workouts, but elliptical and rowing machine workouts would also be nice.

[Bug] Viewing "Other Users" partially renders your Dashboard & not theirs.

View of my summary Dashboard:

(Still need to trim some walks, especially that 27.31 mph walk 😉 )

If I click on User 2, I get User 2's calendar workouts but it still displays my summary:

View of User 2, from their login:
(Need to correct a number of User 2's workouts, as many come up with 0 miles due to long pauses between walks I think)


Great project!

When I try to set the timezone by clicking my username on top and then selecting timezone and clicking "update profile" I am not sure it "sticks". Next time I go to that same page, "Timezone" is empty. (Same goes for language after I have selected it).

I notice my workout (I only have one so far) is off in time - most likely due to the timezone not being set.

Maybe I am doing something wrong .... ?

Add option to read time from filename

Hey, first of all very nice project! I was excited to try it, exported my activities from Strava, and promptly noticed I had a suspicious number of activities listed today. It seems like it only looks at the file modified (or created?) date, and not at the file titles. I think it might be useful to also look at file names, since exported data will often have incorrect modified dates.

Wishlist: REST API

I like the simplicity of this app, and I would love to see a REST API accessible on this so that I can integrate it into my Home Assistant instance, some ideas could be:

  • Pull workout data
  • Pull / Sync Workout calendars

Thank you, and great work!

Support for ulogger

I am running the ulogger server ATM with the android client. Would be great if workout tracker could fetch the gpx files automatically. Ui is looking great so far! I'll give the app a try asap.

Disable Socials

Would it be possible to disable the share to socials (facebook, whatsapp etc) options underneath the GPX maps.

It would be good if this could be managed through a variable?

Thanks again for the other requests you've actioned.

Other Exercises

I understand this app is geared towards running and similar activities, I was attracted by the name (perhaps a change?), and wonder if you will ever add other activities? You can import loads of exercises from this db, then all a user needs to do is select one and add their record for the exercise.

Issue with GPX exported from Workoutdoors

Great project!

When importing a GPX generated by the Workoutdoors iOS app, I get this error: constraint failed: NOT NULL constraint failed: (1299).

Importing a GPX generated by Strava from the same workout works. The difference appears to be that the Workoutdoors file does not have a <time> element under <metadata> in the GPX, whereas the Strava one has it. The Workoutdoors file does have <time> items under each track point:

<gpx version="1.1" ...>
<metadata><name>Wednesday Evening Run</name></metadata>
<trk><name>Wednesday Evening Run</name><type>running</type>
<trkpt lat="xxx" lon="xxx">

Perhaps the importer could use the earliest date in the file in case a date under metadata is missing.

I can have a go at implementing this myself if such feature would be desirable. If so any guidance on where to start would be appreciated (i.e. which part of the code to look)!

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